effe < i k e methods cinch" oti the prize fishing outfit RICHARDSON R M which we give for the largest trout Sends Out Letter and Picture Prov­ caught with our goods. U orl. <>( thè Klumalh < uuiity Mvlniol United States Commissioner < lilldn ii I» I qual tu lìmi «>( Any 1 nm enclosing a leader Just for a Will M»«> <>| m - ii Another Drug Sture ing Klamath's Su|ieriorlt> as the The County Superlntend«*nt has <>f State'» I imi li ut Imi» Just completed his annual report to leader- and wish you good luck on TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD Home of Big Trout Here—Nel» I’ kcv lìmi Other the Stute Superintendent and the your next trip. PROOF TAKEN I.lues Should Follow various Items gleaned from this re­ What is perhaps the most unique "Oh, wlint l|H«< of Yours very truly, port shows a healthy condition of and at the same time effective meth­ Office, Third and Main, opposite City going to the of GEORGE It ASSET. tho schools of the county and an. od of advertising was originated in Library. Telephon«* .'101. The filing of articles of Incorpora ­ sending that It increase over last year tn every item Klamath Falls. Colonel Allison is but expenditures. The schools last tion with the Secretary of Statu by won't do no good," w as tho < mpiiut !i-, year In order to maintain tho length the father of the scheme, the object the Slur Drug company of Klamath if ungrammatical, remark made In a DENSON Ä. STONE of school that was thought neces-1 thereof being to bring Io the alien- ll**o tilling liter Seen tnry of the Falls Is the first step taken towards ccrU’ln more or leas pi eminent rI ‘vary encroached on this year s ap­ ATTORNEYS AT LAW the estiililhhmont lu this city of a hnt i f Klamath Fulls when <*. uu portionment in several instanci* tlon of devotees of the rod ami rvol Interior Ballinger to Get Him There has been an honest attempt to the greatness of Klamath county as j ./ ni rrienn Zinnie whole* ale drug store. The papers months ago he was shown the school to \ Kit <'rater latke keep down expenses this year and a fishing resort. and Trunt tilt/g. wore tiled on the 27th of this mouth, exhibit that wus prepared for the Se­ hold them within the apportionment,' Fastened to the top of the follow­ the incorporators being Dr. F. M attle l-'alr. lie wus not alone in this KLAMATH falls • OREGON but it was impossible in all cases. While Klamath Falls Is quietly White, Clarence C. Currin and Wini­ feeling, for II could be delected In Several districts have resorted to ing letter is a picture of the string of special taxes and several have gone j trout that inspired the inauguration sleeping and letting opportunities fred White. Rix years ago tho pres­ many sections, particularly where In­ short of the amounts needed and of the scheme. Twenty-four of these slip through Its lingers, Medford Is ent management of the Star drug C. C. BROWER terval wan not wedded to the county have come but in debt. There is a letters have been sent out. the first up and doing, and as a result It Is at­ •store started business lu this city, lust It ut Ions by the attendance of feeling in several parts of the county ATTORNEY AND that the county fund should be some­ one having been returned yesterday. tracting the attention of the country. land its growth hus been such ns to members of th«* family. How gross COUNSELOR AT LAW In newspapers throughout tho East warrant the step now taken, lu ad­ what increased so that all the prop­ KLAMATH FAILS, OREGON Klamath Falls. Ore.. April 5, 1909 will be found telegrams telling of the dition to the present store, a second ly mistaken these people are Is shown erty of (he county would stand be­ by the experience Judge Huldwln had hind all of the schools of the county. Mr. John M. Scott. A. G. P. A.. South­ effort that is being made to bl lug will be opened In another section of when In Seattle lust week lie met ROOMSTAB. MURDOCK BLDG. There are now large areas In the ern Pacific Co., Portland. Ore. President Taft to Crater lake. These the city, In both tho wholesale de- the Indy who ha < charge of th«- edu county that are not in any school dis­ I>ear Sir and Friend At 7 o'clock i Items are dated “Medford. Or* " N > par intent and the two stores will b«> trict. WILL A. LEONARD cational exhibit. The story is best | The total number of children be­ a. m March 25. 190». R. F. Marquis one will deny Medford's right to this carried a full line of drugs und sun- told In his own words: tween the ages of four and twenty of Omaha, Neb., B. O. Snufer, for­ valuable piece of advertising, for I' 11 DENTIST dry supplies, together with a com­ "I wan Inspect Ing the work of the years reported this year is 1828— merly of Tillamook. Ore . but now of the only city In the State with hustle piste stock of all kinds of stationery 881 boys and 94 7 girls. Last year by Klamath county schools, which, Wlthrow-Melhaae Huilding the number was 1,752. The total en­ ' Klamath Falls and Dr. R. it. Hamil­ enough to grab at and hold onto and office supplies. It is certain that the way. In right up with any of the rollment in the schools of the county ton of Klamath Falls started from everything that will promote Its wel­ the success that has followed the In- Institutions in the State ami fur this year was 1,244 as against 1,089 the Lakeside Inti, situated on the fare. stltutlon since its Inception will be ahead of most of them, when the DR. C. P. MASON last year. The average number of bank of the Klamath river at Klam­ The Commercial Club of Medford continued. days taught in each school this year matron in charg«* happened along DENTIST was 136.7 as against 150 last year. ath Falls, Oregon, and whipped said has been pounding the Oregon sens The growth and rapid development When she Ivurned that I was from The total number of days’ attendance river for a distance of three-quarters tors In Washington to use their in­ of all sections of < I dice in American Hank A Trust Com- Southeastern Ore Klamath county she told me of a man this year was 142.432; last year 118,- of a mile, with ordinary fishing fluence with the President to v’alt the l>aiiy*« Building gon wurrants the opening of not only who hud stood over the Klamath 511. The percentage of attendance PHONt 014 this year was 94.3 per cent. The num­ tackle, with result as shown by at- Ink - ai.d the work la b<>g*nnln-- to a wholesale drug store, but also In­ county exhibit for a long time, appar­ ber of teachers employed this year 11ached photo. bear fruit. While In Orelpm Preri- stitutions of a similar character HLAMATH FALLS OREGON was 66; last year 56. The number Weight of string. 103 pounds; dent Taft will be the guest of Senator along other lines. It would seem ently intent ui>on finding some par­ ticular thing She asked if he were of eighth grade diplomas issued this largest trout. St» pounds. Botirne. and It Is a safe guest t<> that a wholesale grocery would meet year was 74; las« year 40. The total Said above party returning to the make that the Senator will get I In. with instant success and command n looking up some particular exhibit or < I < receipts for school purposes this year subject and he replied that lu* was were $40,005.18; last year $45.- Inn at exactly 12 M. same day, mak­ to consent to visit the lake, To date patronage from the start that would not. the purpose of his investigations 948.44. The total disbursements this ing five hours' angling. there has been no perp made In make it a paying investment. Klam­ being to learn the facts about Klam­ year were $37,644.45; last year $45.- Kindly send this letter to your Klamath Falls to help along the met ath Falls Is dost I tu-d to be a large 002.76. There is a cash balance this ath county, lie staled that ho placed year of $2,360.73. Part of this is best sport-loving friend, with a re­ ter, and the Indications are tliai none distributing point, and the flrnu that far more reliance on tho stories told < > money received from the sale of quest that he likewise send it to his will be me Jo until Medford has tl-e enter the field first will be the oih - m Veterinary Surgeon by the school children than ho did bonds and now being used for build­ best sport-loving friend, with what- matter clnchc.1 to command the business when it upon tho»«* contained In the literature and Dentist ing; a part is special tax money. If ever comment he deems fit; and pass Secretarv I'.iliinger has been im­ grows to proportions great enough to nnd letters -w*nt out by tho commer­ all the outstanding warrants were de­ ducted the school funds would show it along, each giving date, name and portuned b; the Medford orgmlta- call for competition. cial bodies and real estate men He a deficit, in spite of the fact that address. t-«n to visit Crater lake and th-n found that school children. In tholr Klamath Falls there has been a less number of days I would be thankful to the party lone his influence In the effort to g«-’ honest, unsophisticated way, got school taught this year than last. filling in last space for names to ro­ I.\KI Oregon ;; Taft to follow it. his footsteps. The Another fact that shows care on the right down to tho actual facts and PHOM; 941 I ri babilltiei arc that Mr. Balling* :* Big Orange l*cc| Dredger part of the directors is the large com­ turn it to the writer. O In that a close observer would have no o parative amount paid to teachers this Thanking you in advance, I am will do so, mid if he does no will < » < I difficulty In getting a thorough In­ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Construction of Earthen year. This year the teachers of Klam­ sincerely yours. jointheranks of Crater lake boosters. sight Into the conditions of a coin­ timi of Hie Ham ath county received $25,510.52; last M. L. ALLISON. year $20,571.79, although the total ! munlty by examining the product <>f disbursements were more than $7,-! Box 15. Klamath Faile, Oregon. IOWA XFUSPAPEH MAX Work on the Clear lutke dam is the schools 000 greater last year than this year, j SOLE OBJECT: Xo\V \ ISITIXG THE < ITV progressing so nicely that this year I "Perhaps there are few people w ho The average salary of male teach­ "That the nimrod may know follow such a course of Investigation, ers was $68.40; female, $56.25. The will see Its completion unless unfor**- Where the BIG TROUT grow." average salary in one-room schools W. T. Buchanan, wife and son ar­ scen obstacles arise to upset tho pro­ but It will bo patent to the casual ob­ was $60; average salary of princi­ rived in the city Sunday night and is gram. The work has just been In­ server that the man’s logic Is sound pals, $95; of assistant teachers in On the back of the letter were the buildings of more than one room. following names and addresses, and registered at the Lakeside Inn. Mr. spected by Project Engineer W. W, If the exhibit at Seattle will result In SURVEYING Buchanan Is managing editor of the Patch, who returned from there Mon­ bringing here this gentlomnn, the la­ $61.15. The County s»|>erintendent 1 visited 30 of the 32 districts of the it will be seen that it has traveled Des Moines Daily Capital, and is rec­ day. He expresses himself as being bor will have served its purpose, for county and traveled approximately > twice across the entire continent and ognized as one of the brightest news­ marshall 1,400 miles in discharging his official no doubt has been scanned by a great paper men In the Middle West. He Ing well pleased with the progres', I such men have friends who are wlll- PHONE 433 HOUSE <*u£.i5>s' . , . many more people than the twenty- Is touring the Coast on his vacation thut Ifl being made aud believes that ' Ing to trust In their judgment. I was There is a good outlook for the , 7 the work will continue to run j proud of Ore showing made by the schools for the coming year. One four persons whose names were on and Incidentally gathering Informa­ smoothly to completion. ¡county schools, and every resident of new schoolhouse is in the process of it when returned. tion for his paper. One of the prin­ : Klamath would feel the same pride If The face of the great wall that Is erection and four other rural districts are planning to build before the year William Hiram Foulkes, April 12, cipal subjects receiving his attention to dam the canyon Is being faced on he could see what I saw is the effect Interurban lines have on the down-stream aide with the rock closes. Another district has bought "I hope that an agricultural ex-I 3454 Alder st., Portland. a building and is remodeling It for Increasing the value of Inside prop­ that is being removed from the i Dibit can be collected and forwarded school purposes, and another is over­ Robt. F. Wendling. April 13, 705 erty as well as their relntlon to the wasteway, which Is 700 feet long, 2*1 ' there by tho first part ol September. hauling the present building, repair­ Oregonian bldg., Portland. growth of communities. He will ra­ feet wide and 10 feet deep. Two 16-, . Every one expects that the homescek- ing and painting it. Charles E. Stolle, April 13, 704 Ore- main here for a week or two for the At the County School Superinten- foot trestles have been erected across vra will flock in there during that I dents’ convention and the State I gonian bldg., Portland. purpose of getting thoroughly ac- the dam and the rock is dumped from month and an exhibit will do a world • We have sonic dcsirahle land Teachers’ association resolutions Burr Struble, April 15, 510 Common­ quainted with this part of Oregon. No these. Twenty per cent of this work of p*od for the county. While the were passed in line with i the sugges- wealth bldg., Portland. to cs< linage for improved priqe tions of Superintendent Ackerman . — R. W. Price, April 15, 331 Ankeny, section of the Coast Is receiving more Is now completed and by the end of Chamber of Commerce Is working erty In Klamath Fall»—-land attention than Klamath county, and that three things be especially em­ the week one fill will I m * entirely done hard towards this end. It must neces­ Portland. phasized this year: better work in in order to give the readers of his pa­ and the other half constructed. An­ sarily rest with the people themselves that will I m - Irrigated,, but for spelling, better ventilation and san­ L. E. Bufton, April 15, 418 Mohawk per reliable Information he has come wliich water is no yet ready. other trestle will then be built char j whether they want Klamath county itation. and more thoroughness. The bldg., Portland. Klamath county schools will un­ B. Assmann, April 20, 805 Board of here to investigate for himself. across the dam site, thus affording to make as good a showing agricul­ Home choice Isingell Valley doubtedly fall in line with these sug­ a quick and economical method of turally as It has educationally, If It Trade bldg., Portland. land to exchange for land under gestions. docs this, there will be no doubt as The spoeta) commission appointed completing the work. The annual teachers’ institute will W. Bennett, April 20. 803 Board of Irrigation near Klamath Falla. to tho result." Work on tho earthen jrortlou will by the Canadian government to pre ­ be held during the first week of No­ Trade bldg., Portland. vember unless circumstances should W. T. Joplin, April 20, 775 Clacka­ pare plans for a new Quebec bridge be started in the near future. Be­ change the plans. The visiting in­ is having made an extensive series of fore the fill l.< started all* of the sod. The “Rear" and "Bvavar'' will be HAVE YOU NOTH'EI» TIIK mas st., Portland. structors expected will be Superin­ roots and vegetable matter will be re ­ tests of the strength of riveted joints the names of the two now boats now tendent Ackerman, President Ress­ E. M. Fouch, April 21, 213 Sixth st.. NEW IIOMKH GOING IF IN in nickel-steel plate. The tests, moved by th«* big orange peel dr* dg** being constructed for tho Han Fran­ ler and Prof. L. R. Aiderman of the Portland. University of Oregon. In addition, Sam B. Archer, April 23, 146 North which are to be made at the en­ that Is being operated by the der­ cisco and Portland Steamship com­ Mil.IM AUDITION T plans are being matured for having gineering experiment station of the rick. pany at Newport News. Tho names Twenty-second st., Portland. some demonstration work done by Mr. Patch stated that he hail re­ were submitted by F. K. Must er«. I the teachers of the primary depart­ E. T. Hart , April 30, Montagne City, University of Illinois, require the ment of the Klamath Falls schools. testing to failure of about one hun­ ceived no word from Portland, where and ho has been awarded the prize Mass. Superintendent Swan has discov­ dred joints, in which any movement the conference between Secretary offered by the company. The mimes and <>. ('. APPLEGATE, C. Pierce, May 3, Malden, ered a lack of uniformity in the re­ Josephine 1 of the joints will be measured to Ballinger and tho supervising engi­ are typically Oregon, and will be a Fifth Htns-i, near .Main. Mass. ports of the district clerks In regard neers is in progress. good advertisement of the Htntc. to outstanding warrants. Some have Frank C. Brown, May 5, Belmont, one ten-thousandth of an inch. reported the outstanding warrants as Mass. disbursements, others have not re­ Andrew D. Pierce, May 5, Malden, ported them. He is preparing a let­ Mass. ’ ter to tue clerks in which he will In­ struct them not to report anything I Karl C. Currier, May 5, Newbury­ but the actual cash disbursements. port, Mass. If there are outstanding warrants they are not to be included in the I Fred B. Pierce, May 8, Boston, Mass. disbursements for the year. He will John L. Grant, May 11, Utica, N. Y. also call attention to the evident John Gills, June 28, Portland, Oro. practice of some clerks of paying out Mark W. Gill, June 28, Portland, « money without a warrant drawn on Ore. them. They do this at their own risk, and are liable for the amount Wm. Richards, July 5, 51 Wall st.. unless they have the paid warrants New York, N. Y. as vouchers to show for the pay­ Northam Wright, July 5, Essex, ment. When the directors examine Conn. and approve the clerk’s books they should check them from these vouch­ ' Irving C. Treat, July 22, Hartford, ers and no payment should be ap­ Conn. proved without the voucher or a George Barrett, July 23, New Haven, reasonable excuse for its absence. Conn. The practice of paying without war­ rants has resulted in several cases of mistake? In the reports. New Haven, Conn., was the last Teachers’ examination will begin place visited, and on its home jour- in the High School building August 11th. The next eighth grade exam­ ney it was accompanied by the fol­ ination will occur September 2d and lowing letter: 3d. Nl I’ERIXTEXIH XT SU IX'S KEI*OKT OF FOI XIV SCHOOI.S I Geo. Constable, I). V. S PAUL E. SCHAUER BUY LOTS NOW FRANK IRA WHITE Experiments were recently made In France on various preservatives of wood, including carbonileum Aven­ arius, carbonlleum Lyon, gas tar. microsol, lysol, antimony, antlger- mine, and hydrofluoric acid. It was found that for spruce, beech, poplar, oak and Aleppo pine, exposed to the atmosphere, the best preservatives are certainly the carbonileums, gas tar and microsol. The other sub­ stances examined produced absolute­ ly no effect. These same preserva­ tives (carbonllqum, gas tar and mi­ crosol) are also most efficacious for the preservation of wood In the con­ fined hot air of mines. Antimony and hydrofluoric acid are less effective. New Haven, Conn., July 23. Mr. M. L. Allison, Box 15, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Dear Sir: The picture looka all right, but Irving Treat and I have our doubts about those trout being caught with a fly, and the only way yon can convince us will be to get your friend, the general passenger, agent, to send us free transportation and show us where that kind of trout grows. Then we will come back East and advertise the'place among the fishermen here, and you will both make your everlasting fortunes. Ono thing to bo regretted is that vott did not use our tackle In catch­ ing that eight-pound trout, or other­ wise you would have I ad a "leadplpe AS your boy or girl got a bank account with the First Trust and Sav ings Bank? If not The Republican will start one for nothing