Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1909)
BRIEF MK NTH) N I also to consult with local physicians. Miss I.ln Auger of Ban Francisco is visiting Mrs. J. Scott Taylor. Mrs. Lloyd Farrar of Woodland, Cal., Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. R. DeLap. 11. K. Dunlap has Just sold to Ab ner Weed 500 head of cattle for his Wood river ranch. Tho County Clerk's office Is supplied with a moderu correspond ence filing case a long-felt need. Have K. W. Muller add an attach ment to your phonograph so you may anjoy ths new 4-niluute Amberol rec ords. hit Packard piano, as good as new, for sale cheap for cash. Mrs. Ray Hubbard, Oak street, between •nd Sth. How Is the title to your land? you don't know, get nu abstract from tho Klamath County Abstract 4-Stf Co., oppcMte Court House. We continue abstracts, as well as Bert Davis was up from Merrill yesterday. N Ed Slade of Olene wag iu the city yesterday on business. F. It. Olds has moved luto tho store lormerly occupied by Gillette. The Klamath County Bank Is hav- mg awnings placed over Its big wlu- lows. Bro. Jameson was married to Mrs. Murcia Mitchell .Mouday by tho li. ! Stucker. A marriage license was issued terday to L. J. Reinhart and Nora Roberts. Dr. Truax, Mrs. L. Truax and Mrs d. B. Hunt of Botianxa ruu over In ehe Doctor's Reo. W. E. Shute and wife of San Die go. Cal., are visiting this city with a view to locating here. F. A. Drake. Charles Glos und dev. Pratt left Monday morning (or a visit to Crater Lake. make new onee. Lot us complete M. M. Obeucl.uin of Oakland ar >ours. Klamath County Abstract rived In this city Sunday ad ie Co., opposite Court House. 4-8tf visiting ills brother. Silas. Mr. and Mrs. Spaulding of Sun Prof J. T. Butcher return«»«! Mon Jose, Cal., returned from Spinks' re day from Seattle, where he has sort on Spring Creek Monday night. iteen attending the exposition. They leave In the morning for San .Mr. and Mrs. L. Kohler and daugh Jose. ter of Sacramento returned Tuesday Silas Kilgore was In tho city Fti- : from a tlshlng trip on the Upper <lny on business. Silas Is «xpectlng to , Uike. cut in the neighborhood of 650 tons Ä4» 4* 4*4* 4* 4*4* 4? 4* 4* 4*4? 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4’4’4’4» 4* 4’4’Ä Thad Mcllattan returned yesterday of hay on hla two ranches thia sea aftrnoon from a trip to Merrill son. and Bonanza, where he has agencies A fine Ashland home to trade fot located. Klamath county farm under ditch ► Mrs. W. 8. Moore I* visiting with Inquire at H. Boivin's plumbing es Heating Stoves, Household Utensils, Guns j her daughter. Mrs. R. I. Hanimond. tablishment, Main st., Klamath Falls, having arrived from Portland Mun- Oregon. and Ammunition, Cutlery—in fact every- 8-24. 7-8. I day night. 8. W. McClure and wife of Pendle ♦ thing in Good Hardware—No shoddy or .Mr. and Mrs. R. Trewlck and fam ton, Ore., and BenJ. S. Moore of Ban shelf-worn goods. ily of San Francisco returned on the Jose. Cal., loft Thursday morning Cui lew Tuesday frem points on the for a fishing trip to Spinks' resort on Agents celebrated Ell wood Fences | Upper Iuike. ► Spring creek. and everything the farmer needs. 8. F. Gosa and wife of Pueblo, .Mrs. J. B. Elliott and Mlsa A. El- ► ' Jolt of Santa Rosa, friends of J. Colo., arrived here Friday, lie ► . Scott Taylor, left Monday for a visit expects to remain for a while, with ► the possibility of becoming a perma ' to Crater latke. ► D. V. Kuykendall, prosecuting at- nent resident. For Bale or Trade— Residence and a 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* X I torney. returned Sunday from Bo nanza. He reports H. L. Holgate ouslnesa property In the beet town m the Willamette valley. i very much Improved. BERT E. WITHROW, Keerstary Inquire at the Boston Store Leslie Rogers, assistant cashier of {the Klamath County Bank, and his T-ltf DON J. ZUMWALT, E. M. BUBB. J. E. Danaher of Detroit. Mich., father, James Rogers, left yesterday C. K. Vice President and representing tho extensive lumber on a trip to Crater 1-ake. President Treasurer Stephen Griffith and J. T. Roberts Interests in this section of John Maps. Plans, Blur Prints, Etc. of Poe valley arrived In the city Blodgett of Grand Rapids, Mich., and Monday morning, They report that Frank Miller of Sacramento are reg crops in Poe valley never looked bet istered at tho Lakeside. Charles L. Turner, connected with ter. To the skeptical who don't think the University of California at Berke Surveying and Irrigation Engineering we can grow cherries in thia commun ley, and wife returned from Fort ity, go down to E. B. Ilamsby's place Klamath Monday, whore they have KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON and see a cherry tree which Is broken been visiting relatives. They left this morning for Berkeley. down from an overload of fruit. A team uttached to a hay wagon J. H. Melos is up from Montague. Hank still has to continue bls part without a brake, and driven by Wil nership with a pair of crutches, but lie Hooper, a thlrteen-ycar-old Klam if he continues to improve will be ath county boy, got frightened at the Many TI ioumik I* Will Itr Dlui|»- able to discard them in a short time. top of Third street Friday and jM>lnt<-<l—-Ruh'S Governing tlir Mtarted on a run down the hill. The Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wallace of Ala little fellow showed his good West Drawing*. meda, Cal., who are touring this sec training and pluck and stuck to era tion In'theh auto, arrived in the city In the hope of securing a home on his ribbons, stopping the team near Tuesday, and are registered at the the corner of Third street and Klatn- United States lands In the Spokane, I Lakeside. They will continue their atb ■ vcnue without harm except that Coeur d'Alene and Flathead reser DR. J. M. ELLSWORTH tour through I-ake county. Ore., and It "bumped his shins a little." vations, mon and women, from the Modoc county, Cai. VETERINARY SURGEON Mason A Slough of this city, in eligible age up to grandparents, ar« ANO DENTIST Alex Martin Sr. left this morn- filing a trust deed given by Nichols- Hocking Into this district from al l>n«e CrlMler-ailiu Hulldlu« I’bon« TÏ» l Ing for his home In Oakland, Cal., Chisolm Lumber company, H. C. most every part of the United States where he will meet his son. George, Clarke and wife, T. H. Shevlin and Klamath county will furnish between and family, who sailed from Bremen vlfo to Mlnn«ai>olls Trust company, thirty-five and forty applicants for In the Coeur d’Alene and Spokane on the 13th. George Martin Is con- Minneapolis, Minn., covering a large those lands, a portion of whom arc r«»scrvatlona have not yet born made, i sldered one of the leading dentists la area of timber lands In Minnesota, already on the ground and others to but in the Flathead they range from I Berlin, where he makers his home. >1 25 to 17.50 per acre. One-fifth Klamath and I<ako counties, Ore., In follow. Government Engineer B. F. Heidel, volving >1,500,000, broke the record The prevalent belief In tho Eastern of the appraised price of lands must 1 who has been assigned to the work of as to the amount of filing fees paid to and Middle Western States that there be [mid down when entry Is made. I locating the Crater I-ake highway. Is the county for recording the forego aro still great areas of unclaimed On thither claims the balance may be expected to arrive here Friday. He ing Inatrument, namely, >8,000. The land In the West and I’acldc North paid in four annual Installments, J will investigate conditions on this above Instrument covers 109 pag<tt west Is the only reason that the mul Ove years being required to acquire side of the mountain with a view to » typewritten matter, or over 40,- titude of htMimesoekors is not great full title to this clans of property. selecting the most feasible route to Roo words. er. Yet even as It la, there Is hardly Fourteen months are required on the follow. one chance In a thousand for a |>er- agricultural lands, and the balance P. Rltner, president of the Ash must be paid at the end of that WIDE DEMAND EXISTS FOR ORE son to draw a lucky number, and land Commercial College, Is In the period. A person's rights do not re with such a percentage to face, It GON APPLES. city looking after the interests of hfs would appear that the money put In strict them to make entry applica institution. This college Is one of PORTLAND, Ore., July 20.—That this venture could be used nt home tion In any certain one reservation. the best in the State, and should apple growers of Oregon have noth to much better advantage and with They are permitted to register for [ have the careful consideration of ing to fear from the danger of over almost a certainty of ben<-dclal re lands In all, and should they draw ! thow contemplating a business production is the statement of Wil sults. numbers entitling them to land In j course. For registering land in the Spo more than one they can take their bur K. Newell, president of the State Senator R. A. Booth and John Kel- Board of Horticulture, .who has re kane reservation applicants must go < Ip dee between th« reservation* In | ly of Eugene, Ore., arrived In this cently returned from the East. He to Spokane; for lands In the Flat- which they have such choice. : city Sunday and registered at the lays the industry is not likely to b< head country, to Missoula, Mont., Those receiving noto-a tn mukt [ Lakeside. They left this morning in overdone and that the demand for and for lands In Coeur d'Alene reser «•¡dry for lands in the Flathead dis i company with Jas. E. Danaher of Oregon fruit now exceeds the supply vation, to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho trict must present »heir applications Detroit, Mich., to inspect their hold in many quarters. While away he Registering should be done befori to Kallaixll for homos in tho Kulls- ings in the neighborhood of Yatnaay visited many apple-growing districts notaries public. who have authority ><•:! elstrlct, and In Mhiotilti for mountain, where they have approxl- of the East. He found Oregon ap to take applications, as no one but lend« In the‘Missoula district. j mately 75,000 acres. Per« ns holding numbers from I ples well established In eastern mar- soldiers are allowed to register E. B. Ramsby, Mrs. S E. Martin. ketg, and said the price paid for through an agent. In mnlllng appll- to ',0 Inclusive, mm», present I heir Lillie Irvin of Aurora, Ore., and J. II. fruit from this Stato exceeds that Htlons for land drawing», after reg applicetlons for making entry at tho > Ixtach of Tonopah, Nev., returned given, for the eastern product. istering before an authorized notary land i ID co of the rt-Ao'-vailu.i.« in Tuesday evening from Crater Lake. public, at any time up to August 5th, «Jiii-h they are nilón- • I io make en- I Mr. Leach was the first of the season nothing can appear on th«» envelope 11y between the hours it !> a in. r.ud to go down to the waters of the lake. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. but the name of James W. Witton I P in., April I, 11'10. Those Mr. Ramsby reports tho loss of a val- bolding numbers 51 to ICO, Inclti- and the stamp and the name of ros Notice is hereby given that the i uable sorrel horse at Ft. Klamath on slvti. must present them during the in which you desire to draw. ervatlon his return trip, from colic, and that undersigned has disposed of his In Foreign-born residents who have eori«-spending houn, of the follow Ing two other animals died from the rnme terests In the Klamath Falls Cream declared their Intention of becoming day nml mo on, until the lamin arc ory to C. Ashley. All accounts will {cause there recently. citizens will be eligible for registra exlintisled. The Klamath Falls Land and be collected and debts paid by Asb- tion for the drawing; likewise, wo A I-Ip from thin county Io my of 1 Transportation company recently loy and Holcomb, hfs successors. the above placet, I tel ri ng o\p< titea, men who will bo 21 years of age by C. F. GOODRICH. ' filed with the County Clerk a plat of the time for making entry, April 1, etc, mn hardly be inn Io short of First addition to the Buena Vista 1910. No one who has used their 111 0 eyen nt tho low reduced nites NOTICE. I tract, comprising ninety-one 10-foot homestead right Is eligible for regis "'«•> possible by the Aliiskn-Yuk"n I water front lota on the Upper Lake, Parties wishing sagebrush land tration In these drawings, unless expofltlon, and wo rcl I erat.» Unit this , which property has heretofore been clearer, call on or write, they have taken less than 160 acres nui.mnt could und > tinul/ bo plitced I reserved by the company. Boat own W. W. MABTON, of land for a claim heretofore. In to much bettor advantage hero at ers and prospective ones can now ll-ltf Klamath Fails, Ora that event they will be permitted to bon i than by placing It on a 1 'Jun own their landings, which doubtless register, and when drawing Is made to-1 shot. will give quite an impetus to the Agree with people more. It I m a they will be allowed to draw enough boat business on fhe Upper shores. good way to get rid of an argument. more from the reservation to make Oet your abstracts from the Kla- J. T. Maguire of Mt. Hebron was Besides, the people you agree with up 160 acres. math County Abstract Co., opposite I nthe city this week on business and will always like you better. The appraised prices of the lands Court House. 4-8tf BALDWIN HARDWARE CO Dependable Hardware WHY not sell us your POULTRY? WHY WHY not sell us your EGOS? NOTTRADE WITH YOUR FRIENDS ? We wish to sell you the < IIOII KST GROCERIES, and we also V KOK- GEO. R. HURN,lhe Hardware Man + Abstracting N. II.—We not only w to supply Grocer I«-* to the Carniera, but also to ship their produce at the grinte«. I prolit to tliem. Klamath County Abstract Go., Inc. WHY MONARCH WHY MERCANTILE not sell us your VEGETABLES? not sell us your COMPANY T mo °5N i Klamath Falls PRODUCE? Vï p Pretty and Useful Things in Jewelry < { { { ; { < ► {{ {[ < > There are lots of things in our store besides Watches and Diamonds—lots of small, inexpensive articles that come ex- ceedingly handy every day, either as gifts for another or for your own use. Lockets and Charms in great variety, and Chains and Rings at all prices. Hat Pins, 8tfck Pins, Brace- lets and Sterling Silver Toilet Articles. We are receiving interesting Novelties nearly every day. Come in and see them. <» NOW IN NEW QUARTERS WINTERS Building SATISFACTION The feeling I want to exist between you and me. I am trying to make my name and satisfaction synonymous. You can help me. Don’t holler and cuss if I have worked for you and it’s not been satisfactory, but bring it back and give me a chance .to make my word of guarantee good. One receives a certain amout of satisfaction in buying goods and feeling they have their dollar’s worth. Those are the very kind of goods I carry and are all made by the most reliable firms. I would like to have your business. I have been told that I am on the WRONG side of the street nevertheless you are not treating your self RIGHT unless you see my stock before you buy. MCHATTAN <