1 “Include all of our tract north Hot Springs addition. We are to street, or what I« of Malu ... have all of the water rates collected known as the Fort Road, ex­ and paid over to us until we are cept some hill country In sec­ fully reimbursed for the money ad- E. J. MURRAY, Editor. tions 27 and 28,” vanced. If we are admitted iuto the It is my understanding from our city, and the city should acquire the various Interviews, both with your- water plant, we should, of course, expect to be Immediately reimbursed aelf and with Masers. Htllte and or the city assume the existing obli- 1 obenchaln, that It Is quit« desirable TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE gat ion ot the light and water com* to include portions of section 3». R pany. We should also expect the. la probable that we could reach a city to assume the further existing satisfactory understanding upou thia All communications submitted for publication In the oolumns of this paper will be inserted only over the name of the writer. No non de plume obligations to extend the water sys­ point. In a general way, our letter of De articles will be published. tem through our tract as may be re­ quired for use of residents in the comber 14th still represents our views, but wo are prepared to con­ should not be lined with summer tract. INVKMKiATES WOOD 1UVFR. sider any modifications that ma) Second S •were. bungalows. We assume that the cost of the seem equitable in the end«'avor to Mr. Schubert left for Portland “From the government standpoint «ewer system to the city of Klamath reach a satisfactory understanding everything is founded on commerce Wednesday morning. where he will Awaiting your further advices on Falls would be assessed equitably when it comes to the improvements prepare his report for submission to the subject, we are. very truly your», against the property benefited, as of rivers and harbors. It makes Bl­ his superiors. A. II NAFTZUKR. provided for in section 135 of the ue difference to it whether a stream ipeclal laws Incorporating the city of At the meeting held Thursday, is large or small, as a small stream PI.ANS COMPÌ.KTKI» FOR •¿lamath Falls, and If so assessed In and previous meetings. It has been might be just as valuable to » com­ < ITT EXTENSION. >ther portions of the city, we should, tacitly agreed that the limits will I”' munity as a large one to anothet sec­ if course, expect It to be ao done In extended south of the Fort Klamath A long step has been taken tion.” Thus, in a nutshell, docs En­ he Hot Springs addition, except, of road ao as to Include all of the Hot gineer Schubert sum up the condi­ towards enlarging the city's boundar­ •ourse, the outfall, or final dispost- Springs property, as well as contin­ ies. and unless some unforeseen ob ­ tions surrounding the improvement ion of the sewage, which we assume uing to the foothills, thus bringing of Wood river. If it can be shown to stacle arises. It will not be long until would be a general charge upon the In the Mills additions. the government that the amount of Klamath Falls includes withiu her ity. In other words, the cost of the The whole matter will have to be limits all of the two Hot Springs ad ­ traffic to be carried on Wood river laterals of the sewer system would submitted to a vote of the people will be sufficient to justify the ex­ ditions and the two Mills additions. be a charge against the property par­ who reside In these additions, as pense, if it will serve a large number V meeting of the Council was held ticularly benefited, and the main ar­ well as to the voters of the city prop­ i ’ hursday night at the offices of Hot of people, if it will make accessible to tery, or outfall, to be a general er. and If a majority of both favor It the outside world a large territory, Springs company, when many details charge against the city. the extension will be made and if it will result in the marketing >f the promised extension were gone Now. If In conformity with our In submitting the proposition to nto. Mr. Naftiger is disposed to go of the products of that particular sec­ agreement with purchasers in the the Council. Mr Naftsger stated that tion in a quick and economical man .tore than half way in all matters Hot Springs addition, we should con­ unless a>me unforeseen obstacles ner, then there will be no doubt but ¡nder consideration. Matters have struct a sewer system, we should ex­ arose, there was no reason why his progressed to the point where the will be so improved that the river pect the same course to be pursued company would not approve of the that it will accommodate small ■Ity attorney has been Instructed to as in other portions of the city, program decided upon. Iraw up the papers and arrange the launches or boats of medium draft. namely: If the laterals be a charge Mr. Schubert would not, of course I tails for the holding of a s;>ecial against the property benefited, we indicate what the nature of his report ■lection, the question to be voted HEAL. NNTATK TBAN'HFKHM. should expect no reimbursement; if tpon being, shall the boundaries of was going to be, and it will not be­ the outfall be a charge on the city, come public property until it has been he city be extended. Horatio Orem et ux to B. 8. Grigs­ Last December, Mr. Naftiger, we should expect to be reimbursed by, part lota 1 and 3 blk 51, Nichols submitted to the Secretary of War. for our expenditures on the outfall. who must finally pass judgment os hrough his attorneys. Benson A Or what might simplify the situation add to K. F.. »300. the matter. It is a safe prediction, Stone, submitted the following for It. II. Dunbar et ux lo C. D. Chorp- would be for the city to make at however, to state that the report will he consideration of the Council: Ington, lot 3 blk 41. First add tu least a branch of Its outfall contig ­ December 14. 1908. be such that it will be favorably re­ uous to the eastern boundary of the K. F„ 310. ceived by the government. This con­ Benson A Stone, Klamath Falls. Ore. KINDS OF FRESH. Ski Klamath Canal Co. to Ed Jacob* present city, say that it should come clusion can be reached from the state­ Gentlemen: With reference to the CCanal add to K. I son. lot 20 blk 4, up through Canal addition, or on the I ment of Mr. Schubert that "there ar. -ontemplated amendment of the city AND SHOULD NEATS easterly line of Canal addition to | F., >300. no great obstacles to be overcome in ¿tarter of Klamath Falls, and there­ M Veneta Bunt Hlil to Laura A. Eleventh street or beyond, and have «AUftAOCS OF ALL KINDI making Wood river navigable.” He by extending the city limits, about this outfall large enough to carry the Ing. WH of 8WH of N E14 sec 3 5 stated, however, that it was his belie! vhtx-h 1 have had some conference tp 40 s, r 10 e, »1. sewage from Hot Springs addition, that the navigation of the stream with Mr. Stone, I have to say with C. F. Stone et ux to F. T. Higgins, and permit us to connect our laterals would have to be confined to boats of reference to the Hot Springs addi­ with it. In this way there would be lot 4 tec 18, tp 38 s. r 10 «. »500. light draft, thus making it possible tion. that upon certain conditions Harvey Wilson to C. F. Stone, lota no outlay upon our part tor the out- ‘ Purdy, part lot 3 blk 4 4. Nichols add by tho order for publication ecea>bor II, 1HI, The party, consisting of Engineer selves in the attitude of obstruction­ O. 8. Carter et ux to A. 8. Moor­ tion of sidewalks, curbing, etc., made and that tho HE H of tkctlos 1». St. Geo. Bishop, R. H. Schubert, B. ists. On the contrary, for purely by the city of Klamath Falls, or Its land, lot 15 blk 12. Hot Springs add. HTRAl'ED OR NTOLKM. Township 31 South, ilange 11 Cut. Dunbar, Judge Henry L. Benson, «elfish reasons if for no other, we are order, would, as it should be, be a »10. Willamette meridian, KlamalkCsm Judge George T. Baldwin, E. B. Hall anxious to see the city of Klamath Melissa H. Hubbard et vir to A I*. charge upon the abutting property, Team, brown mare and light bay ty, Oregon, hold under tttachMth and Mr. Maddox, returned to this city Falls develop and progress in every as provided for In article 8 of the ' Hutchina, 11 acres in sec 22, tp 38 a, horse, IS or II hands high; mare thia action, bo sold to satisfy tUnx Tuesday. direction. We want nothing and special laws above referred to. If | r 9 e. 31,250. They left this city on Mr. Bishop's shall seek nothing for our company Winnie M. Courtade et vir to W branded TC on left ahouldor. Ten sum of »183 50 and interest tb«r«a this were the course and policy pur-1 launch Barbara last Sunday after­ or tract that would not be absolutely dollars reward for recovery of team from tho 18th dsy of Recasts. sued, we should, of course, not ex- , P. Devereux, HE H of HE H sec 33, noon, arriving in Fort Klamath at 11 fair and equitable to any other party or Information leading to same will 1908. and the plaintiff's costs u4 to pect any reimbursements for such tp 37 a, r 9 a, 110. p. m. The party took the launch as in our position, or that would work be paid by Hyn<-k Halin at Hubs'» bursementa of thia action G. W. White et ux to O. H. Merry- improvements made In the Hot Thin summons Is published la tto far as Weed's bridge, and on Mon­ a hardship to any other individual or Springs addition. ranch seven miles south of town, or man. part lot 6 blk 38, K. F„ lb) Klamath Republican, a weakly sm day some of the Fort Klamath people property interest. address or leave word at City Hot Sprlnga Co. to B. W. Mason, As before suggested, we prefer to paper printed and published at Kias- accompanied Mr. Schubert around the We want exactly what is fair and work harmoniously with the city aud lot 2 blk 4 7. Hot Springs add to K Bakery, Klamath Falla ath Falls, OdfOA« ^stri valley during the forenoon. just, without preference or preju­ its administration, and we ask no F, »600. In speaking of the valley, Mr. Schu­ dice, except that we may be willing June 11, 1909, made by lbs Ho» favoritism to be shown us, but, on | C. E. Worden • t al to W. I* Har­ bert was most enthusiastic, both as to go a little further than this in the George .Noland, Judge of tbs »bon lan, lots 34 and 35 blk 1, Shipping-' the other hand, we must object to Whilst visiting the Pacific North­ entitled court, requiring »umtnoMto to its possibilities and the beautiful matter of the existing indebtedness extending the city limits to Include ton add to K. F., ,10. west thia season. don't fall to mountain scenery surrounding it. “It of the city of Klamath Falls. In be published for six ronsscstiw Paul Breitenstein et ux to W. D. a large tract of wholly unimproved Include In your Itinerary the is a beautiful country of wonderful equity, no part of this indebtedness weeks, beginning on the 24th day a< Harlan, lot 9 blk 5, lakeside add to property to be burdened with taxa­ resources,” Mr. Schubert said, “and could in any way be made a charge Jun«, 1909, and ending on tbs M K. F„ »125. tion, with no corresponding bene-' I fully believe, as a whole, the valley against our property not now in­ day of August. 1909, that belsg it» Marcia Mitchell to C. A. Mitchell,' fits, and thereby prevent the devel­ is bound to be very productive, and cluded in the city limits, because our time within which the defendut b opment of the property, and we must I part lot 5 blk 46, Nlchola add to K. when subdivided will be a series of property has not in any manner been object also to required to appear and answer. F.. 3200. including our sub- garden spots.” Another feature that benefited thereby; but we should division within F. H. MILLA Alvin Tyrrell to C. J. Anderson,; of Oregon—The Land the city limits unless attracted bis attention were the ar­ probably not object to accepting the we can know- « 24. ! S Attorney for Fl* to til lot 8 blk 37 First add to K F , »350. that if our property tesian wells in this vicinity, and it existing status with reference to the bears the cost Where Things Grow K. F. L. and T. Co. to R. A. Hans of its own improve- was his opinion, from the character city's indebtedness if we could know and for Investments there see ments in the way of water mains, bury, lot 5 bllf 5 Buena Vista add to of the country and rock formation, that from now on burdens and bene­ sewers and streets, that the other K. F., »10. that artesian wells would be found all fits of taxation would be equally dis­ M. L. ALLISON G W. White et ux to Floua V. Car portions of the city a-e charged with over the valley, making possible all tributed. ter, lot 8 blk 47, First add to K. F.. their like improvements. Formerly of Grand Junction. Col. his predictions for the future devel­ It is our understanding that in the Tell U a What In suggesting these points as a »500. U. H. Reclamation Service now opment. proposed amendment of the charter basis for future action, I am merely A. W. Gerard et ux to H. W. Ket­ You Want expending four and a halt million After looking over the valley in of the city of Klamath Fails certain stating what I think would be the tering, one-half interest In W H of dollars hero reclaiming 250,000 the forenoon the party were taken improvements are contemplated, attitude of our company, acting 8K%, 8EH of 8W|4 sec 8, tp 41 s, W'r will pian, estimate sad «* acres of finest farm land in ths tract for gay Iron, Stone, Brlefc. 0* down Wood river in a launch from such, for instance, as the construc- r 15 e, »10. through its board of directors, but world. Climatic conditions just Fort Klamath to Weed’s bridge, tak­ tion of a sewer system, the acquiring what I • rete or Frame Building for cjm W Peter Conklin et ux to W P Dev- am here saying would be right; 11 billion feet of yellow ing soundings at various places and of the water and electric light sys- subject lion in H«»uthrrn Oregon. We «•* to their approval, modlfica- | «reaux, NEK of 8W% sec 33, tp 37 and sugar pine adjacent to 90 anice Economy, Efficiency and «sto some photographs, arriving at Weed's terns, and perhaps other improve- tion or I s, r 9 e, »10. rejection entirely, Nor do I miles navigable rivers and lakes; bridge at 3 p. m. It being then too ments. As you are aware, we have pretend Arnold Clausen to Weyerhr.usci faction. to voice the views of any of hot springs galore; fishing and late to start for this city, the party obligated ourselves in the sale of the residents or property owners In I Land Co., EH of WH sec 1«, tp 30 CALDWKLL Ht ILDINO 00^ hunting unexcelled; unlimited embarked in Mr. Bishop's launch and lots in Hot Springs addition to in­ Is, r 15 e, »10. the Hot Springs tract. water power, as well as all other Kelaey Block Opp. Ar..ricaaW" proceeded to Crystal Creek, where stall a sewer system, water mains, Martin Haagenson to Weyerhaus«r If, In the course of preliminaries good things and very little, If any, they were entertained by Mr. Bishop and to make street improvements. or negotiations in the matter of Land Co., lot 4 sec 1, lots 1 and 2 of the bad From Enterprise, in his houseboat Monday night, re­ We have already expended many amending the charter or extending sec 2, tp 34 s, r 14 e, »10. Montrose, Colo. June 29th. turning to this city Tuesday. thousands of dollars in street work, Mollie Ivory to Weyerhauser luind the limits of the city, you find that The next step to be taken is the considerable in the construction of P. H.--I am carrying name ad Fruit and Ornamental Trvea- *** any action upon our part is neces­ Co., 8W% sec 23, tp 35 a, r 25 «, »10. I gathering of such statistics as will cement sidewalks, and over »2,000 Gladys McDonald et vir to Weyer- in county papers at Grand Junc­ is the time to place your <**•• ** sary or desirable, kindly communi­ prove to the government the neces­ in water mains. tion and Delta, Colo., throe coun­ cate with us on the subject. Mean­ hauser Land Co., NW% of HE'4, sity for the improvements asked for. As above suggested, if we could time. we shall look to you to fully 'NE *4 of HWU sec 34, tp 34 a, r 14 ties that In ninny respects are Fall Delivery. Ovr stock is c These should be forwarded to Wash­ be sure of entirely equitable treat­ similar to our Klamath county. and your needs can beet be guard our Interests In the premises. le, »10. ington to Oregon's delegation in Con­ ment we should probably not oppose R. W. Ball et ux to Weyerhauser It Is there that the highest Meantime, we are, very truly gress and every pressure brought to the extension of the city limits to yours, Land Co., BEU sec 33, tp 37 a, r 13 prices are obtained for lands. this time. Drop bear on them to push through the ap­ include the Hot Springs addition and e, »10. Wnnt to bring some of the fellows I will rail. A. H. NAFTZGER. propriation. The gathering of these Second Hot Springs addition to Fred D. Skinner et ux to Weyer- who sell there to this country. A. ft. nftNMMO®1' statistics is an important matter. If Klamath Fails. This would take all On the 3d of this month he ad­ hauser Land Co., EH of 8W%, lot Rcpreaentia« Oregon ffaraerj O> Engineer Schubert’s report is a favor­ W‘/4 of SW14 of section 28; the dressed the following letter to the 4 sec 30, lot 1 sec 31, M. L. ALLISON tp 34 a, r 24 able one, it will be the best argument NE'4 of the 8W*4 of section 2 8; Council: Oregon. e, »10. that can be brought to bear, espec­ the NH of the 8E% of 8WH of Klamath Falls, July 3, 1909. C. E. Hoyt et ux et al to Geo, F. 81'MMONft. ially when it can be shown that the section 2 8; all of NW% of section Hon. F. T. Manderson, Mayor Klam­ Vose, lot 2 blk 3 Hoyt's add to K. F., In the Circuit Court of the State of traffic will be sufficient to warrant 28; the E^ of NEH of section 29, ath Falls, Ore. •1- Oregon for the County of Klamath. and the NH of SEH of section 29, the outlay. Dear Sir: Referring to our vari­ Wilber White et ux to Einmltt Action at law to recover money. Another matter that greatly im- all in township 38 south, range 9 ous Interviews on the subject of the Beeson, part blk 82, Klamath add to J. M. Batchelder, plaintiff, va. D. pressed Mr. Schubert, and something east. This would, in fact, include extension of the city limits, and sup­ K. F., »10. A. McLeod, defendant. that will have some weight when It all our tract north of Main street, or plemental to our letter of December E. E. Kirkendall et ux to Emmltt comes to making his report, was the what is known as the “Fort Road,” 14th, 1908, addressed to Messrs. Beeson. 8W'4 ofNEH, NWtf of I To D. A. McLeod, the above named defendant: beauties of Northern Klamath. He except some hill country in sections Benson & Stone, copy of which has 8EU sec 23, tp 39 s, r 9 e, »10. In the name of the State of Ore­ readily recognized that the time is 27 and 28. been before the honorable City Coun­ Geo, E, Luttrell et ux to Sovlah gon, you are hereby required to ap­ not far distant when it will be the Equity, we think, would suggest cil, I beg to say that we would be H., part lots 3 and 4 blk 5 K. F„ pear and answer the complaint filed objective point of thousands of tour­ the following conditions: disposed at this time to modify some »1,600. against you In the above entitled no­ First—Water. ists, and that the passenger traffic up of the suggestions of our letter re­ B. E. Withrow et ux to W. H.| tion on or before the Ith day of Av­ Wood river will be very heavy. He By agreement with the Klamath ferred to, particularly that clause Clark, one-third interest In lots 1 to 1 gust, 190»,, thfit being the data of stated that he saw no reason why, Falls Light and Water Company we which indicates the portion of our 12, inclusive, blk 64, Bowne add to the last publication of thia summons with the matchless summer climate have advanced between >2,000 and tract that we should be willing to Bonanza, »10. and tho time within which tho de­ to be found here, the Upper Lake 113,000 to lay water mains in the have Included. Our letter says— Nell Campbell et ux et al to O. s. fendant Io required to answer ao ***^ KLAMATH REPUBLICAN LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON City Meat Market MEISS A ARMAND PROPRIETOR» Klamath Falls Section Building-'Constnictioii ORDER NOW