coriiìiioi Hh: notes there ha» been no difficulty In e*tur- Ing all th«« Intoxicating liquor a per son waul«, provided they have the right password, and the bust evidence of this fact Is the number of drunkeu men to be »ecu on the street, es pecially during the sessions of the Jury Under the present conditions Il must be admitted that there ia a great big bole in local option big enough to apparently let all violator* through, unless it was the poor, un fortunate Indian who got the jail •»#■ tence It aewtua »0 mo what strange that where there Is ao much of the stuff aold that the chief culprits •♦»■ cape There la only one outcome to such a thlug the return of the coun- ty to the wet column The Grand Jury will take up Ita work again to morrow No body of men has met before In this county whose labor* are watched with the sain«* amount of Interest manifest'd in the doings of th«* Grand Jury Whether it la going to show th«* poo pie that it» time and th«« exp«n»« In- eurred hav«* not tM*eu wasted romain» to I m * seen. Certain It U that some- thing more than lias been done must allow up before (to people will be sat- Isfi««! «Ith th« resulta. THIN CITY IN Ul’ TO HATE I L Mamuel, general manager of the Friday. Oregon Life Insurance Company who It was a lively place around the has been In the city for th« pa», ten old “pyls" of board» since yester days, has developed Into an <*nth*j"-' day. due to the fact that there was a lettic booster for Klamath Falls. A 1 real, live trial ou deck The court representative of this paper called ' room was crowded, and if Judge No on him at the Hotel Livermore this land bad not kept • good amount of morning and found him tn a <om- fresh air pouring lu all the windows nvt.Icatlve mood Mr. Sitn'ie) is a*t there would have been some wilted observant, wldwly-traveled. successful «»liars In the jury boz As It was, builnesa man. and bls opinion Is Messrs Kirschner aud Gowan ran • worth something In reply to an In pretty close race trying to fool th* terrogation as to what he thought of public Into the belief that they were Kismatb Falls. Its present and its •e “cool as cucumbers " future, be said • • • “I believe that the great majority , llualo«*»« Is picking up In »he mar* ■ >f your citizens have so gradually be-! riag« llcenxi Hue. and If It continues come us««d to it that they tca'csly as good for th«« rest of the month as realize that Klamath Fall» .tai a |«e- it has been for the first two days I I « ullarly superior summer cl'niate I thereof there will be a »mashing and bear remarks here about it belnj crashing of r<*corda Th>< first license warm, but I never fall to toll my In I <>f th« month was toaurd yslerday to formant that h<* bus undoubtedly for Albro M lamlson and Marcia Mitch gotten just bow warm It Is In other «11 License number two was Issued ■ plaees, and how gloriously cool your thin morning to S II Hubbard and evenings ami nights are Here I am Maggie I ,<<nk<- This couple retired In this health giving sunshine, bare-' to the private <«ffl« <> of County Judge headed, and I am enjoying it In»-' Griffith and hud th«- uuptlul ku«t tied I m«*n»«-b' It feels like partaking of I by hi» honor Ihirlnl the month of of the ponce «1« Leon's fabled fountal i of Jun« there w« r«* only tw<» licenses Is youth In almost any oth«*r country sued. so that this record has alr*-»d' city ititi i *: kh but this it would mean sunstroke, j been <-<|uall<*d for th«* first two «lay» Thlx climate of yours, aided by your ' of the month . Black »addI** boras, 9-y«-ar old. • • • «-nchanting ««••n«,ry and opport unit'»«« for »al«* Frank Ira White and for st«ort, will in th« very n«ar futur«* The papers In the *4«- of Calc <>l- ' E E. Fitch, ihr Merrill real «’state I mak** this place and surroundings « 1 Iver vs. fh<* Klamath Lak«* Navigation man, was In th«* city Tuesday great plavground the Mecca for the Company arrived last evening Mr F««r <al<- cheap, otn* Daln hay buck.' s««k«<r after happin«*»s Happln*-*/» i Oliver won In ibis case and the Nav good a» n«*w C A Bunting. Merrill. always goes hand In-band with health igation Company will therefore hate Oregon 2t nnd sunahlne. b«*«-ause there can be to meet th«* costs of the action. » hl< It District Attorney Kuykendall left no true happiness without perfect amount to nearly *I7o W«*<1n«*»day for Eugene. wh»r<* he health and ther«« Is n«j perfect health • • • will vt»lt frfnnd» nnd relative* for without sunshin«- Clay Cann was arraign* d thl. aft th«* next couple of weeks “Your natural r««sources. when de- ernoon Io plead to the Indictment re Mtsae* t-ena an<1 Mlnnh* Barnum vf*l<*p««d. as they certainly will b^,1 turned by th« present Grand Jury, Tuesday from Spring will mak« this a paradise for many Kt* pleaded not guilty and the court r<turn«*«J announced that it would aet the date Creek, wh«*r« they hav» be«*n enjoy thousand» of Adam» and Eves ing life for the past two weeks "When you ar« truly and surely on I f«tr the trial of th«* <a»«* to-morrow Earl Ritchie ia suffering from a the map < by that I mean when you The Grand* Jur* U still busy, but •overs wound caused by falling from j ar«* on th** main line of travel, and returning no report to th«* court the root of the C.ty Bakery onto th- you certainly will be within eighteen The injury, while | month», so that people can com«* here Th«»re I» a h**n on, however, and It point of a «tick painful, I* not dangerous direct without «lelay of any kind). would scorn that soon- of th** guilty .«ynea are «uwklng Immunity from pun If you live near Midland, that la Klamath Falls will grow greater than ishment by .turning State'» evidence th«* place to get new. fresh wad first- what you even dr**am of I am forc If thl» I» true ttoere I» going to be cla.«M groceries at Galloway'» I’rice» ibly reminded of this by condition» You have th»* something .big happen In the next r«'«<u>nubli* nnd satlsfa« tlon au.ured.I as 1 find them here Particulars see «lay or two Anxielty I» getting 3t foundation for a real city The loca keyed to the highest pjtch. and un County Superintendent J Q Swan, tion is practically unsurpas»«*d. in' less something is don** pretty quick accompanied by his wife, r<*turn«»d th** midst of where the greatest de- there will I m * a break somewhere from Albany Tuesday evening While velopmenta will take place; your peo-1 ther«* the Albany College conferred pl«* are Intelligent —away above the I average; they dress better, occupy h on Mr Swan the d*-gr«* of M. A. Busin« - Mr anti Mrs (’ 11 Daggett left better houi**s than people in the ma-' « ««»urthoti-*** 'l^iu relay inoruing for Lo» An- J«»rlty of place* of this size; your I tho <'Irr uh gel«.*», where they will r* mam for store» display a better grad« of goods, Judx Nffla a fi w week** .Mr Daggett ala«« uz- nnd all of th* tn appear to be busy Tuowdav r** I am told that a eta t<> visit I: is 1 lat«*r, who r sldes nnd prosperous na atari'll plan** d-alcr sold eighteen pianos In Yuma, Arts. 14 keen tu r» her«* within th«* I 1st fourteen days, W A Do! b««»' Any settler who was ac Fort Klamath, Oregon. Also the WH If the person who borrowed the ¡31. 1909 hi» favor If prices ranging from «31)0 to 11,100 I ' morning for Port tually and in good faith claiming any of NW% of SEK, the 8H of 9EM stallion blanket from me at the O. itidlcaiiol« of ilia *-ach Iler« Is refinement for you. Ev. r *tt. <*x|M*clli>g*tu l«e Short auction will return it. I will of said lands for agricultural pur of NWH. the NW# of SEK ot indicative of i hi Y«»ur people ow** a particular debt weeks. During his alts d J H SHORT poses prior to January 1, 1906, and NWH, the 3% of Lot 1 (or the 8% (i »<>n ai < >«< t <1 the M«f gratitude to the management of pose* to do sum has not abandoned same, has a pref of NWÜ of NWH), the NWH ot >e<eni<-d ihut «til this hotel. I say it without fear of I Klamath county erence right to make a homestead en- Lot 1 Lot 2 (or the SW14 of NWH). »iiccessful contradiction, that outside g 10.000.00 Mr and Ml» John Ellis ar«* down of Portland there Is nowhere In Ore ! try for the lands actually occupied. the NE 14 of SW*4, Section 18, Town Lap was stripped to the Mr. El 11« Is as gon a hotel more cleanly kept than City of Klamath Falls Sewer I tonti» Said lands were listed upon the appli ship 28 South, Range 8 East, 166.41 ras busier linn n nailer from Fort Klamath Sealed proposals will be received cations ot the persons mentioned be acres, application of George F. Vose enthusiastic us ever about northern thia one, nor where the food is better tithing nnd hunting II« *- believe» that thor« will j Klatnath. and has to com«* down to cooked or served by cleaner l«>oklng by the undersigned. Police Judge low, who have a preference right of Fort Klamath, Oregon. Also the I am particularly of the City of Klamath Falls.Oregon, 'subject to the prior right of any such EH of SEH of NWH, the EH of th p«'ot«l<* left in town to- th«* county scat occasionally to see ! people than here until the 26th day of July, 1909, settler, provided such settler or ap EH of SWH. Section 14, the EH ' if tho people h«re have yet awakened I Mondnv to put <>ut a appreciative of this condition, and so at the hour of 1:30 o'clock p. m. for plicant is qualified to make home- of NEH of NWH. Section 23. Town to It* pusulbllltles Id otle get on tire ' Is every other traveler. When 1 last Mr. und Mr». (' R ohs Anderson and viaiti'd here, about five years ago, tho the purchase of 84O.UOO.00 six per ' stead entry and the preference right ship 23 South, Range 9 East, 80 cent coupon sewer bonds,or any part 'is exercised prior to July 31, 1909, acres, application of Jesse Strotts of Ih'put> Shi'rífT G uthrldgc I» tbe i < >u. Hugh, arriv'd here last Satur hotel net omiii<*datlous were accommodations ao proud i>«>»*i <wor of i» Kood-aixod char- day * Veiling from Roseville They ex j wretched that I became fairly sick, thereof, to be issued in pursuance on which date the lands will be sub- Rosland, Oregon. FRED DENNETT, ry orchard . nnd U bu»y telling his j pect to remain permanently. They i Ono of your big-hearted citizens of .«n ordinance adopted by the : Ject to settlement and entry by any friend» timi his t reca nr«* loaded l ave many Iriends who will be forced tin to accept the hospitality of Common Council of said city on the qualified person. The lands are as Commissioner of the General Land The NH of SEK of NW Office. When plea **■<! to hoar of their determina ; bi* own home in order to stop my 32d day ot June, 1909. and under 'follows down with this lu»«-. Ion* fruit an act of the Legislative Assembly I ’ i. the SWH of SEK of NW%, the Approved May 14, 1909. it was »ugg ested to him that an Invi- ■ tion to again make Klatnath Fall« »ufferings for the rest of my stay, of 1905, filed in the office of the Sec !NH of SEK of SEH ot NWH. the FRANK PIERCE. extend* d to th«* boys In their home. tall««* i iv turning, 1 would have been com retary of State, February 13. 1905, NH of NWH Of NEK of SWH. the First Assistant Secretary of the In low 11 to S| H*nd t ' * * Fourth h«*lplug Ai tl' Council an*« ting Tu«*sday pelled to atop ov*f night at i’okeg. entitled an “Act to incorporate the EH of NWH of SWH. the EH of terior. 6-19, 7-t thcin.«*-lv >■ * to th*- I rult, he Mild that tuning p*-rn.l.*<*ion was given ror at .«. but things generally were so WH of NWH of SWH - the NEK of any on« p*i ttlrg »in li a thing In the th«* use <»f th*- str«***«» in transferring llltl.y II ere that I was comptdled to City of Klamath Falls.” Said bonds will be payable 20 NWH of SWH of SWH, the SH of papel had better 1 iv. 4•>* " '1 ■ n the dr* dge. to the l pper Lake The litre a special locomotive to take me years from date of issue, interest to NWH of SWH of SWH. the SWH Thul 1» th** only coupl*' ot ’seek» route to l>*> followed will b<* atmi'ar down to the main line. These little the 1st of SWH of SWH. the EH of SWH reason w liy such « i invitation *1 to that taken by the steam shovel, , exp**ri«*n< * * help tae to remember tlie be paid semi-annually on day of of each of SWH. Section 4, Township 24, October and April not appear In piar* > or this cxplsna-. which was transferred from the low thing.-* a* tiny w* re. and as they are by Charles Somerville, the I and interest year ; principal i South, Range 10 East, Willamette Hon er to (liu upper lake some time ago. now N.i other on«* thing so helps a celebrated newspaper criminal • • payable in lawful money of the meridian. 107 H acres, listed upon Conrad Madison, engineer of the city a» a good hotel. Hotel Portland reporter, is only one of the Th«* wart n w cat In •r of ilo* pa d two j county road roller, was brought to helped to give Portland its first real United States at the office of the the application of William Shaffer of Treasurer, Klamath Falls. Rosland. Oregon. Also the NEK of big features that make the <luy» ta» had th«* ■ ■ffect ot driving • th.* city Saturday, suffering from boost A good hot i*l is a preventative City NEK of NWH. the NH of SE% of overj ont* who hani nothing els** to I paralysis No other disease is so Oregon. July E verybody ’ s very much The Indications, are that for gruu< h Said bonds will be issued in de- NEK of NWH. Section 35, Town I «>1 »had«* of th«- i do to seek the < he is suffering from stmie peculiar Infi.'Ctluua or so deadly. Tho patient worth while. ship 34 South, Range 6 East. 15 I*!v«r* scut 1» fi!!e«l ! spinal affliction, his condition b«*lng can’t ** ■' the bright sunshine; every nominations as follows, to-wit: «MUrthons« park of denomination 20 bonds the of acre», application of C. O. Brown of to overflowing, and »wittered over the the same as Miss llays and her sister, thing h ■ looks at is befogged and There arc five other live gras» are many who And It much Mr* Lute, the latter of whom died ¡smoky, and everything appears to be «1000.00 articles, and SIX STORIES 30 bonds of the denomination of more comfortable to indulge in such Tin* paralysis extends from th«* waist ■ going to the dcninltion bowwows that you can't afford to miss. «500.00. a luxury than to dig worm» or climb dow u ( Nothing so helps to bring on the the denomination of 50 bonds of hills after game Get the grouch as poor hotel accommoda FIRMT AUTOMOBILKTO tions The finest investment, with «100.00. JULY EVERYBODY'S Turaday. Each proiioaal to purchase must be GET TO CRATKIt LAKE. th«* most magnificent future, shown When court convened this morn to a grouchy person looks like a sure accompanied by a certified check for For Sale By ing Judge Noland looked as If hi* was Successfully Makes tile Trip Between dumping ground That's why a good, 5 per cent of amount bid. a a little tired ot the way things have Said bonds to be sold for cash Thin City ami .M«*dford. £ £ ANKENY hotel helps to mak<* a city. SURVEYING i ■iragged along and. summoning the naid down at time of delivery and You needn't worry on«* particle AMERICAN CONFECTIONERY Messrs William.'«-and Hill of San jurors before him, Informed them about the future of Klamath Falls.) for not lees than their par value. that they were excused subject to tho Francisco arrived In Medford Thurs MARSHALL The right is reserved by th«» Coun Just a» sure as to-morrow is the PHONE 433 HOUSE call ot tho court It was supposed day evening by way of Klamath Fall* cil to reject any and all bids. Fourth of July, just so surely will that there would be something doing and Crater Lake, thereby breaking you have a city of 25.000 within ten Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, to warrant tho sorvicoti of the jurors, all records for traveling over that June 24th. 1909 years " but the way the Grand Jury haa done road in a machine so early in the sea A. L. LEAVITT. business has resulted In a practical ion. Th«> car was not driven clear to PlTI'NlilTtG UNFURLS Police Judge of the City of the lake, but the party walked to the Klamath Falls, Oregon. tie-up. THE HIGHEST FLAG. John Prarie, otherwise known as brim and viewed the wonder of Ore Mucklux, was sentenced to serve 20 gon. PITTSBURG, July 5. By far the RESTORATION TO ENTRY OF LANDS IN NATIONAL FOREST. Never before has a car been driven largest flag In the world was hoisted ■lays in jail and pay a flne o>|200 McCALL PATTERNS U>ts a-37, -SH, -U7 and -1OO. for selling whiskey in violation of tho over that road in June. The travelers to the breeze yesterday between the Celebrated tor style, perfect fit. simplicity ~c«* reliability nearly 40 ye rs. Sold in ne c I f NOTICE is hereby given that the report heavy snow yet In th«* passes Alleyheny county courthouse steeple local option law. every city and town in lite United States .*: I Veterinary Surgeon Canada, or by mail direct. More sold tl » It Is 180 lands described below, embracing “Pouff!" That tells the story of tho and many logs across the road They and the Flick building any other make. Send for free catalog' . and Dentist doing« of the Grand Jury. Woeks succeeded In getting through, how feet long, 90 feet wide and Is sus 369.95 acres, witbin the Deschutes, MCCALL’S MAGAZINE More subscribers than any other fasht >n pended from a two-inch steel cable, Crater and Umpqua National Forests, have been spent in summoning wit ever. ■Etgaaine—million a month. Invaluable. I nesses and hearing ovldence and the The party are on their way to Seat one end of which is fastened around Oregon, will be subject to settlement est styles, patternk, dressmaking, millin' , plain aewiny, fancy needlework, hairdressing, Klamath Falls only thing the Grand Jury haa to tle and are enjoying all of the side the courthouse steeple and the other and entry under the provisions of the etiquette, rood stories, etc. Only SO cent . a year (wortn double), including a tree pat' homestead laws of the United States «how for It Is the sentence that was trips along the way. They have won passing through the massive Frick Oregon ; Sub »tribe today, or send tor sampia ^cr»;*y. When unfurled the flag and the act of June 11, 1906 (S4 imposed on "Mucklux." That la a derful stories to tell of the marvel building. PHONE 94a to Agents. Postal brings pre mi tun cstalo; ous beauty of the lake.—Medford reaches within two storlea of the Stat, 11«), at the Ualted Staten land record that it may feel proud ot. and wewr*ah pHtrdbrx A<Mr*v office at Lakeview, Oregon. on July Tribune it 1» quite generally known that ground H9494 99 M 4 MH 4 H9HH»» DAEkLMllih. t -t 4MU Stop and Figure! MIDLAND Is in the Center Irrigation Project Sure to be the principal ship ping and receiving point for Klamath, Langell, Poe and Yonna Valley Buy Lots now while they are being Sold at 10 per cent of their value D. B. CAMPBELL How Thieves Live PAUL E. SCHAUER Geo. Constable, D.V.S 9