♦ ♦ OFFICIAL I’Al'Elt Ob* KLAMATH (X)L'NJY. ♦ ♦ KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, JULY 8, 1909 VOL. XIV. GUANI» JITtY MARKS III POUT. At t |> tn Huturduy the KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. Grund 1*0 I- STAIII.lHH ACTO HI.KVK 'E IO I.AKEVIEU AT ON< k. I The Inauguration of the uulorno- Jury «ame Iron» It. headquarter. »• I bl|( ,„rU,.r b..,w..v„ ,h|, city an«l NAFTZÜER QUITS LOCAL CORPORATIONS th«- Library building »»nd filed Into |,uk«-vl«-w I. about to become a fact th«» <<>uitrootn for the two fold j>ur Eoi the pust year it has been repeat lio.«- of reporting two indictment» edly slated that such a servici would und uenklug Instructions from th«« i !«■ begun, but It was not until /ester day that uuy tangible evidence of ft court. The nume of the person or 1 was forthcoming. persons Indicted w< re not made pub Corey of lily, who. It has been re Disposes of His Interests in the Hot Springs, Klam- lie for the reason that no arrest» have ported toi »«mie time, was going to sturi un automobile service from been inudc, and no Information wax ath Development and Weed Lumber forth«tuning us to what was lb« of- . that plate to laikevi« w. received yes companies tense for' which the Indictment wax terday a mammoth Studebaker ma t hine which will be used for the ser- ! found. The poi ut on which th« jury vice George Hankins and Hau Mal ■ *» lose one *ur attention. It will »r-Uiiind Klamath fail« »ought eiiligbteument was whether | loy «if Lakeview arrived here Fri t h» •Inc !«• ati«l lusting r< g «if Itx b«-st fri« nd .. .4 certainly th«« of ’.he day for the purpose of taking the ma the duties of city officiala wer« co-ex 1';. From tie tin ■ be en- tensive with tboi.« of the «<>unty of < hln>- to Illy und preparing It for its man wl«ohu»d«>Pi < .<>!«■ tim: mi.« one •or f! «• i. ; <1 of the 1 ll : A» I th inis when It « ulne to the i nfoi« <■ lliltlnl run Cross A Co who control 1 Individual > » K. i- r . ».!' r; deg'« .,. ,oi.! ■ astern nut 11 the day incut of the laws. This question liu< II.« stag« line le-tweeu this city au«l . of prog««- i.• .i ' ut U I»..- been a mooted on«-, and whan Juda«- Bly, have announced that they placiti good fort » • e f Hu < ' to day. A ! o ht du iolieii to fils l,o;t ! f««*mds r • hlx connec- h© ba» luboretl «arn«-"ily anJ con Nolan«! In»triicle<| the Inst Grand an order for a big Mitcbeil «ar and II Naftzger la Jury to the «feet that it »«« an much that it will b<* placed on the run be-' th«* duty of city officials to mah«- ar iwe«*n this city and lily, at which 1 rests for violations of the State law point It will inak«- connections with us for county officiai* to do so, h< th«- <'«>rey car. It is realized that next fall will se< 1 was criticised In »omc <|uurt«-r» on the ground that he wax lnt< rfiring an Immense p«ss«-ng<u traffi« Into with « ity affairs. Like instructions lackeview, on account of the comple were given to this Grand Jury, but tion of the land deal at that place.; there seems to ha»« existed some and It Is the Intention of the g« nt le doubt In th«- mind* of th«- member» 1 ni- n who are operating the line be- 1 as to just how fur the ette officers twei n this city uud l.akevn w to get at leant their share of the traffi« In i xhould go When the* matter was again pre View of the fact that Gir Southern nmtod to Judge Noland, he made u l*a«in< runs direct to this city and | reply that was both dear und con i will not hate to turn pa»x«-ngvr* over vlnclng. It was to the effect that it to another company , ax would be the is the duty of the city offhers to make «a»«- If passengers went in by the Al arrests whenever they see or Dud any turas route, tt is pri*sum«<! that the violations of the State law While , larger per «-ent of thus« going into It la true that the county officers ar«-1 Lakeview will b« rout -d through this supposed to look after this matttrr. | gat« way by the agents «if the South It would be ridiculous to presum« ern I’aclfli Company, whatever such that such an assumption would ex pn«A<ng«rs a-oiu«» into contact with empt city officers frutn doing a like th«- representative» of th«- company | Just when th«- auto servic« from , a«t It would m«au th«- mulntenaii«.« of a torco of county officers as ex-| this city to Bly will begin cannot I»« tensive^is those employ««! by cities definitely rtnt«-d. for Cross A Co In carrying out the law of the mu huv - not been adv I m d as to j«i»t w h< n nicipality, and sueh a construction tiulr Mitchell rar will arrivi Mr*«i» Hanklnr and Mallo* »... d could In no i* nsa |>< place«! ou th« law. It Is likewise tru» that county I t fl « misfortune to me« t with a break- * officials should inak« uir< < - for th« down n«ar Dairy on their way to tl«ts violation of city lav- turning th«- of «Ity alt«-r th«- Corey «at tree« »'Itnling - th*- hiring of a t««am to compiute tbelr fender oil i to tin city author II It- Th went out Saturday It Is difficult to gm ss just what l'io joiirii'- the lujuretl ma« bln« Grami tu. trying tu p-t at ' Ttl<- iiKirnlti- and had t in trim to t>< gin th*- re- - <tu< iloti «usi i. i.i I It Ih«* Giand Ju hn«i Go authority to Instruct th«- « Uy 'urn Jo : ■•« Sunday morning offiii n • ¡¡«'tv- t<> th« • -ifor< rr>«-bt « ' Ktate law» II I- however, th«' Grand t ' I \TY KM II IMO s Jury cat:-’--« «1* Whether ah effort , Is to b. it ..di- to Indict officer» for 'Merrill Record » the non p forinun««’ of their duties W II Hadley has purchased a Mc or th«- num ufoi«« ini-nt of the State | Cormick binder from Murtin Bros | law. Is merely a gu< ss Certain It Is 1 that aonu vigorous ail Ion Is contem- I with which to harvest bl» crop three | A H Aafrzger. «Im hnx M-v«-r««J hi* >• nm-etiori u i II H varioii» ««,r|>oia- plated Mayor Hand« rson was sub- - mil«-» north weet *»f town tioriv that have d->r«<- »<> nm« !> f ■ *!.»■ upl «i'hí-iig of Klamath county. Wm A Barrows, th«« contractor, p«-tiaii| to appear before the Grand Jury und he accompanied them when | »ays he ha» been busy the last ten tlon with the Hot Spring* Company si.-'.i ntly for th« growth un-l prosper they went I m fore Judge Noland H«-1 days, Hi- has built a barn for Henry and th« Klamath Dcv«-I<»pm«.nt Com ity of this count.« as a whole. His asked several questions of the oourt Turner got the Kuttenhorn residence pany. an«l will c«;.ri to be th«- bead .--.-«i-y effort was always posse.:;-* i of well under way and b««en sick In as to just how far city officers might ot tb«sc «xvrporations as sooa as his th, broadest scope, and u< thing he go. and whether the State law could bed three days. A pleasant llttl«- surprise party oc attccevsor Is selected. This is a move has ever undertaken was ever be us<-d to fill in any discrepancies In curred last evening at the residence that he has had in contemplation fori to«,« 1 <-«i with narrowness nor bias. the city's ordinances a long time, and the announcement I He has been Instrumental in bring It would seem that this Grund Jury Of rM and Mrs J H Hobbs \he oc will not come a* a surprise to his! ing more money into Klamath Falls casion being Mrs Hobbs' birthday. A is determined to sift to the bottom al! dose t-er»<»nuj fri< nds. who have Ilian all the other forces combined, violations of the local option law. number of th«« lady's friends "droppod known of Mr. Naftxger's d««sir<- to get aud he has secured for this city and with that end in view It will In quite unexpectedly, and a merry consideration from the away from tlie business «ares that j «-.-.-«dal leave no stone unturned that will de tim«* wav had until u late hour, when, Southern Pacific Railroad that few have held him in barneys fol nearly : velop th«- slightest evidence that will with many kind words to their thirty year». When asked,, for a >:i< n could hav> siice-eeded in getting. lead to the finding of Indictments! charming hosteas. the uninvited but statcm«-nt as to the reason for the' Not that he had any specially plen welcome guests departed against violators of the local option step h« has taken. Mr. Naftxger said: j ary powers, but because that corpora law Having soil my entire Interest tion recognized in him a man big Anothei matter that lx claiming V I.Al NCHING HKK. in tin W«'id Lumber Compefay. Klam enough aud broad enough to grasp the attention of the Grand Jure lx <h- ath !>evelopment Comjiany and Hot ti ->«e tilings Unit prove best for the \ bus load of ladh-x and gentle- I selling of liquor to Indians Thl» Springs Company. I shall retire from material interests of tbe community matter has l«««-n ii thorn In th«- cl«!“ men. under th«- protecting wing of i the pr> si'len«-« of the Klamath Devel wherein he may reside or become in Colonel WilkliiH went to the lipper of both count« and national offle opment Company amt Hot Springs terested. A complete history of Mr Lak<* W« dnosday for th«- purpose | for xotiH time Ro proficient !’•»« Company and sever* all «-onnectlonsi Nafzger's activities since coming the vi'irde-- of firewater been tha. it I of witnessing the launching ot Col 1 therewith as soon as my sncccs> >r is1 here would Include everything that Is practlcallv Impossible to detect Allen s new launeli. Mr. Allen is the chosen, which will undoubtedh ’>«• hud tended to build a greater city. who recently them It b under.'o'd that nm of Medford gentleman Not alone do the people regret his before the end of the month. pur« lias« <1 from Judge Harris a piece th«* chief offenders along thlM line ■ * decision to retiie from active busi For th«* first time In many years | aides In or near Bonnnzn. and a of ground on the Upper Lake and is I shall be out of active business, niri , ness because of the material loss it strong effort is beblng made to find j titling It out as a summer home. He expect, early in September, with Mrs. I will be to this community, but also nriffii-lent evidence not only to indict Is one of the enterprising gentlemen Naftxger, to sail from New York for j be«cauae it will mean th«« severing of but also to convict, him of the of from the Hogue Hiver valley who an Indefinite stay abroad ties of warm friendships and p«'rsonal conies to Klamath county to help fense esteem, it is because of this feeling, My reason for selling was that the After the conference with th«« boost It and at the same time par price was satisfactory, and not any more than any other consideration, court the Grand Jury returned to its take of Its many beautiful advan want of fnith In the future « f this that the people of Klamatn Fulls will labors It will not adjourn finally this tages. The Colonel has the cordial r glon. I still hav«> tone private refuse to accept as final Mr. Nafta- week, and from Indications next w«*ek good wishes of his many friends holdings in Klamnth Falls, from ger's decision. The people of Klam will not see an end to Its work. \ here which I expect satisfactory returns in ath county are willing to grant to Mr. number of witnesses have been sub- ' dm- tim«'. I hav«i great confidence la N'uftzger the vacation that he has so Si’ll is DISMISSED penned to appear before it th»« first the future of Klamath Fall-t, und well earned, ftut they want him to of next week, when th«i Investigations Papers were file«! Tuesday by F. shall watch Its progress with much return when the vacation is ended. that are to be suspended until after If he does, he will find awaiting him II Mills and A L. Leavitt against Interest.’’ the Fourth will be resumed. With the retirement of Mr. Naftx- a ctirdlal welcome and an earn«-st de- the Southern Pacific Kailroad Com pany asking that an injuction issue ger there is left a vacancy In ihe sire to co-operate will« him in any restraining them from widening the ranks of the forces that have been enterprise that he may undertake. HENRIKTTzY LINK ENIIAt'll. The date of Mr. Naftxger’s d««part- Adams cut. Th«' reason for this s'ep working for the upbuilding of Klam Henrietta Unkenbach died In this was th«» objection of the petitioner« ath Falls, and Klamath county that ure has not been definitely a«'t. and city Sunday, July 4th, death wcur to tho enlargement of the cut, claim will long await an occupant. These will not be until hfs successor Is se Tin» probabilities are this ring at lhe Klamath Hospital. She Ing that it injured their property forces have lost a leader that will be lected. •wan the daughter of Mr. and Mrs The matter was adjusted, howevci, hard to replace, in the ordinaryrun of will not occur until the latter part of LMkenbach and was sixteen years of ! by the railroad company going two human affairs th«« passing of a man Is this month. Ko.v Naftxger will remain hero and age. Th«« funeral was held at the block.« farther southland cutting the generally merely an event worth/ of horn«* of the purentH Tuesday a! channel there. In view ot this, the but brief notice, but with th« depurt-j continue Identified with the many In 2.80 o'clock, interment being in the petitioners asked that the suit be ure of Mr, Naftxger will occur some-1 terests that have been acquire«! since thing tha will demand more than coming to Klamath Falls. Klamath Falls cemetery. ¡dismissed. WILL SPE^ A YEAtt TRAVELLING IN EUROPE BIG CIUH'H AKHl'KED. ♦ • leading r.um of HOl THLKN ORI GO.X. ♦ ♦ NO. 15 HHORTHIGHTEHNEKM BUM KS CRATER LAKK HIGHWAY. if any one thing was needed to ab solutely insure a bumper crop this Mo Mayo Judge Neott- the l‘rogr» *«dv« Head of Marion County. fall it was the rain of Sunday night aud Monday While it was not needed A special from Hai««m to the Port very ba.d>>, it did a great deal of good, eapecialiy to among the dry land Journal says: Only shortslght- ranches, which »<>:n«d to be partic «•dneim on the part of some taxpayers ularly favored. The following re in th«- Htate of Oregon has made them ports hav> I m « u received by this of object to the construction of a wagon fice from the various sections of tbe and automobile road to Crater Ijikn. according to John H Scott, formerly county; Bonanza The rainfall here was t’ounty Judge of Marlon county, and very heavy, ar,d while not nwesaary ;>re«<idcnt of the t>ood Roads Associ*- to a su«< v ftil crop, insures a greater tlon. Judge(S«-ott Is emphatic in hl* yield than tbe most optimistic had' hoped for There will be no neces -tatement that. Oregon has been slow sity for G- shipping in of wheat or* to show her unHurpa.-isable wonders flour to this section this fall and win-; to clamoring tourists, and says that ter. W»- will be exporting It. The bed Call'ornla or Washington po»- crops throughout the valleys are look- * M-xw-d a < rater latke millions of dol ir>g fine and everyone is looking for-! ls r: would have been spent before ward to the biggest harvest in the this in th«- eSort to make It acces sible to visitors. He thinks also that history of this section Dairy Dairy and Yonna valley another road from north to south were ble* »ed with a splendid rainfall should be add«»l to the present plans. "The construction of this road to Sunday night It was just what wax needed to make a «Top that will be a Crater Lake will be of Inestin.aK.le record breaker. It will demonstrate value to the State at large,” says Mr. the great richness of Yonna valley ■ Scott "That improvement, with an roil and be a forerunner of what may j other thoroughfare from the north be expected of this section when wa to tbe south connecting with similar ly well constructed highways in ter can be had. Merrill ’’’he rain here <fid a Washington and California, would great deal of good, especially t the bri“g millions of dollars from auto- potato crop. The yield from tl 's. i ' It traffic alone. •■There would not be a great deal source will be very great. All cf '• • of m> ie> Hju-nt by tourists at hotels «•rops ar« looking well, espe a.!y those that escaped some of the nils- and xjmuier resorts, but a great laps that visited this section tbir man« of the tourists would become int» rested in the development of our spring ources and would buy timber and Fort Klamatb The ban».. _______ farm lands and would assist in tbe were turned back a few months Sun day night and we were plunged into great work of development, such as 'be depths of winter for a few hours. lies in the water power now dormant Those who were early risers Monday- in this State. "If the State of California or- morning found a couple of inches of Washington were to have a Crater snow on the ground. It did not last long after tbe run got in its work. I-ake such as ours, they would, with The rain and snow did a great deal of out delay, have spent millions of dol good and the results will be the big- lars in its development that would g»rt crops in tbe history of this sec soon be returned to them manifold by tourists tion "The States of California and Washington are now constructing HK.t.LST F‘SH OF TIIE SEASON. highway» fiorn the north to th» south Dr. Maiirix of San Francisco Knock» and it Is incumbent on Oregon to construct a similar road if it is de the Spot* Off Pendleton*» loti«- sired to reap the great harvest that Rec« »rd. would otherwise stop at the State S H Pendleton of Santa Ana. line. Cal., ha J hardly finished preening "Such a road would, furthermore, I Is feathers and congratulating him cause large hotels to be built at ail self on being the champion fisher the principal towns through which man of the Dpper I-ako so far tbij the road would pass, and also would year when he was rudely jarred by cause better accommodations to be Mr. Calkins of the launch Curlew, rntde at or close to our sea coast and who was tapping on his elbow with mountain resorts. on«- baud and with the other hand "Yes. it certainly would be a great ing him a package that staggered State developer to construct a road the «listingulvlej California fisher running from east to west through man. The package contained an the State of Oregon via Crater Latke, lS-pound trout, being four pounds and I consider it a mistake for any heavier than anything that fell a vic taxpayer in the State of Oregon to tim to the rod and reel of Mr. Pen object to expending $100,000 in the dleton. With ihe fish came a let construction of a pnblic thor*r«gh- ter—really a declaration of cham fare to a point that has the possibili pionship. It was hard to believe that ties that Crater I^Ee has. such a monster escaped the skill of Furthermore, the expenditure of Mr. Pendleton, and it was 6ome mo that $100.000 v* ill cause to be ex ments before he sufficiently recov pended another $100,000 by the ered from hie surprise to admit that counties of Jackson and Klamath, the laurels he so proudly wore hence forth belonged to Dr. B. A Madris and several hundreds of thousands of dollars by the government.” of San Francisco. Both men had fished together at Odessa, and there was a great deal of good-natured rivalry between them. The champion fish was caught on < Monday, July 5th, at 6 p. tn , the doctor using a six-ounce rod and a No. 5 Wilson spoon. It was landed by drowning, and without net or gaff. It required about forty min utes to accomplish the task It is a! splendid specimen of the monster rainbow trout found in the waters I of northern Klamath. It has be«>n some time since this ■ record has been equalled or sur passed. the last occasion being when Engineer Lippincott captured a 24- poundef at Pelican Bay. That wax three years ago. RMOKKHOVSE8 CONDEMNED. All Within City Umits Must Be Bi moved at Once. Vri'KR LAKE NOTES. Frank .McCornack has pumped the- water out of the big dyked marsh lying adjacent to bis house. Drying up the land has caused this vast field of tules to turn yellow, looking for al! the world like a ripe grain field when seen freni a distance. Willard J Willett and Arthur Hil liard have sole charge of the steamer Hornet at present writing, they hav ing bought Mr. Huffman's interest in the boat. About all the piling for tbe new box factory are driven, and the build ing will be rushed tocompletion as rapidly as material can be bad. Hamilton, the Crusoe gardener of Buck island, has a little of every thing growing and will supply much garden sass” to those desiring it If there's times on lon«*some Stin days that you do not feel like stay ing at hom«' all day, but would rather take your lunch basket and go out for a small picnic, retuember St. Cloud on Buena Vista Heights is the place where you can look around a circle of three hundred miles—look, over forty square miles of blue wa ters. green moorland, hazy hills and far-off snow crown of Crater Lake. It will cost you nothing for the use of our present limited appointments, and we will get acquaint'd free of charge. The attention of the Mayor bus been called by the fire insurance companies to the fact that there are within the fire limits of the city sev eral smokehouses and that these are a menace to the surrounding proper ty. It was intimated that if the city did not take steps to condemn and abolish them that the insurance rate would, have to be raised. Followt:i,: this suggestion, the Mayor and sever al members of the Council made a tour of Inspection Wednesday, with th«« result that all smokehouses with in the city limits have been con- Cashier Holgate was in tbe cirj demn«i«i and ordered removed forth- . Tuesday from Bonanza. with.