BRIGHT (HOP I'ROHUF« TH I.lli < EI.KBRATION EASTERN OREGON AT FORT KLAMATH.' ABOUND BONANZA., WANTS TO HEUFDK. WOUIJ» BRING TOURISTS. William M< Murray’s Testimony fer« Judge («ullowuy. Re­ William McMurray, general passen­ ger agent of the <) II. and N. Hall­ way, testified before Judge Galloway a« follows, In the ('inter Lake road Injunction proceedings: "it Is the exporiuneo of all trans­ portation companies that no one thing will do more to bring a State or region to the favorable notice of the world than a great scenic wonder. Take, for example, Yosemite Valley in California thousands of people ylalt that valley annually who are at­ tracted there originally ami primarily by the Yoaetnlie, who otherwise would not go, and the class of peo­ ple at tract cd there are those who have means of travel, and they spend tholr money freely and their pilgrim- ago lew «»meg a source of prosperity to the Hiatus In which ami through which th< y travel , ''But the prime consideration tin dor ull clrcumxtances Is accessibility, and It Is becoming more and more so all over th< world In proportion to the degree of easy transportation Many wonderful i< <-n<-w difficult of access are simply stricken from the list of forbidding hardship«. When a fine turnpike was built Into th« Yo­ semite travel thereby was multiplied i thousand fold Now that s rail ■ road has been constructed to Its very threshold. Il is difficult at tltilrs to .iffoid accommudatlon for the crowd* that apply ----------------------------- i Northern Neighbors Preparing for Getting Tln-vl >1 Iking Taxed For Hie lout W «wk's Rain Gave (he Farmers , l.dt What II.. y N m A «1. Bciietlt of the Western Pill. Natal l»ay. _____ I Ashland Commercial College Ashland, Oregon H C. Graves of the Bull««tlc was in ' LAKEVIEW, Oro.. Jure 24 WHAT WILL YOU NEED FOR FUTURE LIFE’ Commercial, i'liorn la a -rowing sentiment in East- tbe city Friday, having com« down • Shorthand and English are taught here tn such a manner that ern Oregon in lavor of secisllng tr >>n for th«' purpose of taking back with our student* win success. tbe western portion of tho Htate and hint tbe n< w press he han purchased Modern furnishings, thorough course of training, practi­ forming a new State The seed was for bls paper. On account of unfore­ cal Instructors, Individual Instruction, and healthful loc/xtLon, sown some time ago and well sprout­ seen delays In tbe arrival of a press give our students a decided advantage. ed. It 1s being Industriously culti­ erector« be will not bo able to got the OUR GRADUATEH 8UCCAH8 IS OUR SUCCESS. Addi­ In vated In this and other portions of machine until after July 5tb. tional Information may be had for the asking. r the dissatisfied portions of the Htate. speaking about condition* In his sec­ Tho cause ot tbe discontent I* tbe tion, be said: “Providence has srnihxl upon the bailing that beyond the collection of taxes, there Is too little Interest tak­ people residing around Bonanxa, and en by the better d«-veloped half In , as a result every one is happy. Tbe the other section It Is a frequently . rain of last week was Just wbat we roponti-d remark that Portland, the, wanted, and it came In Just the man­ big city of the Htate, tak««s too little I ner most n’ieded. Thin nu-an» that interest In Eastern Oregon, and gives1 - very farmer of the Upper Country Is ' No Its attention chl«fiy to txxrstlng sec- j going to have a bumper crop. (Ions that are alriady well vivanod i section of the county is more pro­ Ttier«« is an extensive development ductive than I* our*, the only draw­ now going *>u In Lake county, and It' back being tho lack of moisture Thia Is extending to the country north. we got tbi* y«exr In the way of plenty IT 41.1 IN n LEAVE McCMH'i» Next year we hope to have There are t> sources enough, and the of rain MRS. M. McMUZAN, Prop’r. ! I territory Is ample to make a great, it out. of Uncle Sam's Irrigating $ M'-CLOl'Ii. June 25. Roughly es­ land progressive common wealth It t dltcbe*. Then wè will show the peo­ « . ____ .. . - - ___ _ _ .. __ « timated, (wo hundred cabins of tho .is expected thi» « ■ .slon movement ple of tbo State whether we are on Modern improvements. 73 rooms and suites. ’ Italian strikers liave been appraised I will be taken up In earnest within, tbe map or not We will hold tbe rec­ J by the < ommltteo of three The aver­ 11he next few years Sample Rooms, Bar Rsjom, Parlors, Two Club ( ord, and hold It permanently. age valuation of the cabins Is 536. “Bonanza is hxiking for a big dele­ J Rooms, Etc., Etc. i In ««th«-' words, then, the McCloud HT1CDNG OHORN IN gation fiom this city for the Fourth River Lumber Company ha* paid > SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS > J cot NTY CLERK'* OFFICE.. of July < «-1« bration Those who come J about »7.000 io get rid of the Italiani will have the time of their lives. — 4/W strikers Ib-lsxp IXss. No< Relish PrevUioo* of, There are many people here who The work of appraisement has not j bave never se«-n our section of the Bounty laxw. b<-«-n concluded There are about too county, and they ought to take ad« A new railway bridge bav just been I NOTICE OF FIUVATE HALE OF more cabins upon which values must RKAL ESTATE. Whew! Don't nay that when you vantage of this opportunity to pay us completed by th>- HpokVie-Portland be fixed go into the office of County Clerk' u visit. If they do they will come Railroad Company whiz h spans the la the County Court of the State of Three litiudrod Italians arc still i Imlaip lie Is sensitive about this lit­ back with their eyes opened We DOI NUN AT TIIK Oregon for tbe County of Klam­ working for tbo company Those are tle expression, and something is Ila-. have the goods, and are not afraid Willamette River juaf- below Port­ A.-Y.-l*. KIN/HITION ath. land. The total lenrgth of this new Ike hlgh-prli-od mon who were re­ ble to happen if you forget yourself or ashamed to show them." In tbe matter of the Estate of ceiving more than »1.75 a day. and use it Th«« cause of all the trou ­ bridge from opposP.e bank abutments SEATTLE June 25 Haturdaj, Thomas Hodge, deceased. Four hundred and flfty Italian* ble Is a little law that was passed by * 1* ,762 feet. T?je total cost of the lune 26. will be Sprague and Dav­ NEARLY HAD HIN Under an order granted by th« have left the camp since the strike j the last Legislature which provides1 enport day and Coal Miners' day at »600.006. and County Court of the County of Klam­ HEAD BLOWN OFF structure exv«eded ended tbat the scalps of the various ani ­ the Alaska Yukon -Pacific exposition, Two hundred Greeks have come In mals on which bounty is paid must be A Bly Negro Investigated Blaet a more than v year was required in ath, Htate of Oregon, dated tbe 26th while the Monday following will see which to Vomplete the work. The day of June, 1909, I, the undersigned to take the places of the low-waged brought to the County Clerk and by the Northweslorn Elka on band and i.ilth- Too Noon. superstructure, composed of struc­ administrator, will sell at private sal« Italians. him kept until tbe regular mooting ebn berjunlog of Hkagllt Valley week. tural str«|, rests on five massive re­ the following described property, to- Ail departments of the McCloud of the County Court. When that body The blacksmith shop at Bly was The at tendance from tbe very be­ River Lumber Company are running! inforced concrete piers faced with wlt: An undivided one-half interest meets he is to bring the said and nearly tn«.- scene of a fatal accident ginning of the exposition has boon The strike is over and ■ aforesaid scalps and submit them to Thursday afternoon, when a colored granP.e The draw span of this new in Lots 1 and 2 of Block 34 Original remarkable, attaining a dally av- full-handed the inspection ot tho Court If he man engaged in digging a well nar­ bridge la 521 fe«?t long from center Town of Klamath Palls, Oregon; and >rag<> of over 23.000 The secret of almost forgotten does this, there will be fun This law rowly escaped having his bead blown to center of the end pins, and engl- an undivided one-half interest in Lots this wonderful attendance seems to 1. >, 3, 4 and 5 in Block 78 of KUm- be in the fact that a special program TO TRANSFER STIGAMKR KLAM­ was passed when tbe weather was off. Known only by the name of iFeers claim that it is tbe longest ath Addition to said Town, now City 'draw span in the world. The ship ­ cold and no one thought of what ATH. "Smoky,'' he has been a man of all ted special feature* are prepared for | would happen If a lot of skins were work >n tho neighborhood, and wax. ping of Portland is very extensive, of Klamath Falls, and an undivldsd the entertainment of (he visitors i I'lann ar« being made by the Klam- brought in during the summer Well, engaged to dig a well for the use 'of and an immense drawbridge is re­ one-half Interest in tbe certain par­ from each locality as (bey visit the* cel of land In said City described as nth lake Nuvlgattor Company to it baa happened to De Lap. as It has the shop fair from time tn time He had dug down about quired to accommodate the many ves­ follows: Beginning at the moot niov.- th«« »1« am« r Klimm'h •«> the happened to all the County Clerks i The exposition grounds are b««oti> i thr« ■ L t *h -n it became necuroiary sels » northerly corner of said Lot 1 in said Upper Lak« ■••«illy part I ch have lu th«« Stat«- The skins decay, and ‘MXUtlful aiol nt t fiO'tlv« j do »««me bloating, and he d-eclded mt mor Block 78, thence northerly 38 de­ I'•«••ti h«'rr f r»»ni 1 •< >i ■ 'sn«l to ugurr on with (bis proc«** comes an aroma' to ii < t »¡Ofc I« M Uftl black i - wder for the p urpose. •acii dn' nd (hi- f. For Bale or Trade—Residence and grees 56 minutes east 60 feet, thence < h. < '>ntr*< ’ t ( “ ’ »villi tile boat. that is anything but pleasant. Clerk , After putlinit in tho charge found cuslness property in the best tows cl-mt to acr«'iint t • »! tbo tbroait’ southerly 51 degrees 4 minutes east U I il h< pluit ♦ o th« navtgniiot. ItuLap die lari « that If he is uot fur-' udfh I «i» n<- that h<- bad no fuse, so i’uiprovlsed ta tbe Willamette valley. «14« d 100 feet, thence southerly 38 degrees v< i'lliy maturwd, uished with a refrigerating plant that 1 'he ait io !. rolling sornr -powder in ’ company hi T’ . pl« •• did u«i« ,i*4 thv inquire at tbe BosLon Store 56 minutes west 60 feet, thence hit ’ , th Klamath «till it is « <* !UOV t*iie«« ." .th n Ktaa« ’ bog in i t o mov« ’ ’ n .» day or two. Ini irne *>f tb i.,i>nd.«1 « cbibiin. MÌÌ go it it >uld go ' / nd looked down ty, 8tate of Oregon. to makf ihi Ahu»)< .* Vukon- l'uri hr till! tn ttu 11k»* hi Huti.e point on lb« no ‘untino*, hr «lu't’ful. and don't : into the well to sev bow things were The sale will be made on or after Ci v Ma) Cr< wk. IE ikhig i«*utv *i«i * ’ w how» '«poult Ion one of th uioHt dvnirubh* • -till ■ aloni; le Found out inatanter, the 7th day ot August. 1909, and Ml 1 l-ietl who âihort a » pò# • .!)!••. «pots to be found on (bo ioast (o lor .i he rite« -t over the blast went bids will be received at the office of visit, and people by (be thousanda are has charge oi the ftansp e’.itlm mat FARMER UIINON TO Kill ICE off Smokey’’ got the full effect Thomas Drake, corner of Fourth and t'*rs. stalos I' i tli> plan >1 hi-' taking advantage of the opportunity of th- dirt an«/ stones thrown up by Main streets. City ot Klamath Falls, Special programs and attractions company to «.« ablisa a crvlcc which; -i.-niar) of Agriculture Will Quit the ¿hot. and as a result he la laid Oregon. will enable iMssorigors to arrive a! i xr«« arranged for -arh and every day ofiice at th«" End <>f I'cve-nt up lor repair s. Both eyes are swol- The terms of the sale: For cash, of tbe fair to suit the visitors in at- Crater Isikc tw»L ■ h-iuis sHer ih-v i -ii hut, bf.t it i* the opinion of the Year. gold coin of the United States leave thia city. tendance physician In charge that he will not Dated this 26th day of June. 1909. Roundings have rec« nl *, been t.ik- --------------------------- It Is t utuor«*d that James Wilson j los< his / yeaight, although this will JOHN FREDERICK WILSON. A strawlwrry plant bearing 800! <-u on the U di < c <* latke and rtporLi of Iowa, Secretary of Agriculture not b«- 'definitely known for a day Administrator of tbe Estate of Thom­ aro that It has m*««n f«>tinq feasible to *<1 time and again by doubtful ; Klamath latke Navigation Companj I made. It is understood that the name I undersigned has disposed of his in­ persons The plant is supported on- I will be perfected In the near future' of Chari«** E. Scott of Kansas is re-1 Ed Brown, the woolgrower, was in GASOLINE ENGINE tlroly by one root, and spreads over I mid a<>m<- definite action will then be. i ivlng oriou < onsideration. Scott) town last Saturday from hi* sheep terests tn the Klamath Falls Cream­ lTiuipd Water, Buns ir Ian;" area It has grown with no, taken. 1. lie r , r .-.-ntutive from the Second camps, and stated that ho would wtnd Milker, SejMirator, ery to C. Ashley. All accounts will unusual cultivation district of Kan-n, and is serving up his spring shearing to-day (Thurs­ Chops Feed, Etc. be collected and debts paid by Ash­ Mir Hattie Wilson and two chll-1 his fifth term In tbe house. day I. Mr. Brown seemed very en­ Saves Wages ley and Holcomb, his successors. A fine Ashland homo to trade for Iron. Nina and Ryb«>rn, will start I C. F GOODRICH. State your needs. thusiastic over the results of the Klamath county fnrtn under ditch next Friday morning to «Ashland, Mention papor How Is the till- to your landT If, pre.x-nt clipping and said that tho av- Inquire nt II. Boivin's plumbing es­ their old horn««, on a visit and to at­ you don't know, get an abstract from I Kollo Hoyt of Delta. Ohio, arrived erage was nine pounds of wool to the tablishment, Main t., Klamath Falls,; tend 8. <>. Chautauqua, which begins tho Klamath County Ahoitmct for twenty-one cents per pound.— ÌVST1NK VXIRRA x J m SOAI.KA. WTNnMII.tJ« hehre Monday evening, where he ex­ Sv-amo*. KoV-r*. 0uoUi• Xscta«*. *«*•» P*. «r» Oregon. 6-21.7-5. Ihore the 7tb of July. Co , opposite Court House 4-8tf .Merrill Record. pects to make his home permanently. All <^n«l lu MaX ill rOKTlJlNI». OH»«a>« Fort Klamath Is planning a grand celebration during the weak of July 1th. Many parties from this city have already expressed a desire to go there. Captain Totten of the Wlno ma hus nnnounrod that during the entire wonk, beginning July 4th and ending on the lOth. tho boat will make tbe round trip to tho Agency Landing dally. The fare for the round trip will be |l, with the privi- leg* of going on to Fort Klamath and stopping over for a few days. The rate to Fort Klamath now Is 12 36 one way. or |l 50 for the round trip Tho reduction announce«! by Captain Totten will make the round trip far«- only 13.50. There will I m « many Indian foaturvs at tho celebration which will apfu-al strongly to all newcomers P. RITNER, A- M., President Lakeside Inn, | FAIRBANKS, MORSE ft CO The Talk of the Town is the lUV •••••••••••••• The Boston Store When we talk (1othl«|t, we arv tlM-rc with the |p><>di. Our taitkw Mil racks are packed with the beat product* of wholcaale tailors. Besides, we are in a position to give better satisfaction than any other house—we have our own tailor shop and every suit lmtvc* our store only in perfect condition, no matter how severe the alterations are, it don’t coat us any more. THE M OFF SALE WILL LAST ONLY FOB A FEW PAYS MORE. WK KKKl* YOUR SLIT PBE8SKD FllKE OF CHARGK. KLAMATH’S LEADING STORE town. OSTON STORE Tlio biggest stock of Boys' Sults from S to 10 years In - nOiimiiiniwraW'': ¡JAMRADE3 THE -