HH ERI FF"H KILK. thu laud above described, before the Siuo Reward, $100. are the prtuclpal beneficiaries. There IU»ARD MAY SELECT NEW St IKHH, SHE ‘«unity Clerk of K In umili County, nt H im rviwh'ii t>( itola |Mi|‘<’r ’will !>« Io is no word in tho Constitution that Wlioroaa. Judgment was roudonsl vlauiath Fallu, Oregon, on the IMth (warn limi Itowrw »« al k *•< un« «I iimm M «I iwsmi prohibits the State from constructing Will t arry Crater laik<‘ Rood < •»• (hat ariano ha« l «uu «tola lo our* in all ilo a road of this character, which ia re­ Suine Idio al>- the Advisability of and outurod on the Xtitli day of April, day of July, I 999. and ihal ifl colarrh llall'a ( alarria to Highest Court in the Ki editi g I w<> H'tiool Build- 1999 in an action lu thu Justice Claliuaul umiliò M witiK'suiM; gard's! as an internal improvement llura la Iba only immüi I v « cura now known ui State. in«». Court for the Precinct of Linkvllle. Horman Sclnuor of Dairy, On-gon. ilia namlltoal traiwrniiy. Vaiarrto tMUug anua« and Intended to serve two large sec­ Klamath Oouuty, Statu of Oregon, Chat lea C. Chitwood ot of Klamath alllüiloual «tiNMMh roquiro« a uoiutiiiiinuital tions 1 The belief u gradually guiuiug before A 1». Miller. Justice of thu Fallu. Oregon, Fred Cullman of irvainioiil. Hall*« < aiarrh t'uro la lakuu m> Medford has the spirit that should "The clause in the Constitution to ivruallv. acting <1 irretì y u | m « m th» b h mm ! an* na Heights out on it. The following from tho la.»-» and • I. u • of it, there will be no special election lid judgment aud prudltigs had Auiortoau Bank aud Trust Oonipuiiy, called, lint tho members will then go Tribune ought to either a corporation, plaintiff, vs E it Medford actor as to attract ’ouri.f.- «rout all before said ju.itii'o of the pisvco. iti Hurwi'll, defendant. city or make it hang ¡K>'ts of the counu-' to »i--!t it. o«s - .ahead and make a selection. Tho said .vus-, has been Alisi lu the office wake up this 1 wisdom of such a course is bust prov­ To K. B Hurwoll, the above tiuiiivd its head in shame: ossartly causing them to traverse of the County Clerk of Klamath At an enthusiastic meeting of the larg-. portions of the State and ob­ en by the fallacy ot the acliou taken County, Oregon, and which said defendant in the Name of the Statu of Or« Medford Commercial Club Tuesday serve its climate. ri*sourcee. and tho at the last election, when block 9 was Judgment was duly docketed in the night thirty members signed the bond fertility of its soil. etc., all of» which .chosen, thus. If the law had to be tol- judgment docket <»f the Circuit gon. you are her<'by requii.-d to ap­ for costs of the appeal to the Su­ will have the effect to bring our State lowed, forcing the board to purchase Court of the State of Oregon for the pear and answer th« complaint l>lv«t \t e liaie *<»'o«' v - • and iuent of people, The State has a new building on uno of those sites, or. cuit Court <>f <> State of Oregon manded In >wiiil complaint as some have suggested place ft H4VE Vt»l riiit YOTHED the possibility of a re-, s. : Snid suit Is brought to foreclose u right io p. jsorve Crater Lake and building on each of th. sites. Th«- for the Count- < Klamath, on said Supreme Court. He stat«--l ti - Jud- nake it accessible to the people at «■ertaiu inortxage ••» ■euied by Perl E NEU IHtMKN GOING 1 r in Judgment, «on i mil ng m< I«« AM I is- i W. D. F> nton and oth- r p : ent at large in the State as well as out of latter course Lns many good points iy «aid judgin'- . intercut and < oats i Carroll to this Melhaae, said mort­ tum» M»i»rii< >N ? Portland attorneys had ; ;r«x 1 to ap­ it. And in proportion to the amount about it. it is a recognixed fact out of the pel h al proiwrty of said | gage iH'Ing asMuini-d by you and as- pear before the Supren: • Court aad ■ xjtended will be returned a hundred that the time is not very far distant J E. Suiti vuu .1 d I fur want I turoof, signed by th" -«aid liui Molha.ce to the aid in the compilation of a brief. fold in genera! increase of business when there will be another school then out of th- real i I property lielollg- ! plaintiff. nn the opinion and to do this at the public expense, could be added to as occasion de­ Sullivuti, in sahl «-entity, out of which This summons la published In th«- of a majority that the act is consti ind declining to extend the same gen- manded. A greater section of tho to satisfy suid udgment or any part Klamath Falls Republican.” a week­ R M. RICHARDSON city would bo accommodated, and It tutional. ■irosity to other counties instead of I would settle for all time any question th« rt«of I have levied u|«on the fol ly newspap-'r printed and pubtlaliwd W. B. Wells of the Southern Pa- requiring, as the law does, that the lowing dutM-rib'-d real prupurty of at Klamath Falla. Oregon by order United States Commissioner eific publicity bureau made a brief people of each county shall lay out of sectional lines. of Honorable Georg" Noland. Judg«' Should the one-school plan bo fol­ I the defendant .1, E Sullivan, to wit of Mid Court, and dated June 3d. talk to the club, stating that the and construct their own roads at TIMBER ANI» HOMESTEAD Si*. 1* of HE >4 of flection 21. NW Southern Pacific was introducing their own expense, would be imposing lowed. the must feasible site for the ¡14 of NW 14 ot Section 2 7 K 1% of 1909. the first publication to be made PROOF TAKEN great improvements in its commun­ burdens on one county or counties to new building would be the one of­ NK H of Section 2H. Township 37, on the 3d day of June, Office, Third and Main. oppuMt« C*ty ity publicity plan, and that Medford, bui!d the roads to another, and would fered by the Moores, for the reason South Bango IJ East of Willamette lost publication to b«< Library. Telephone .Bl. the originator of the ¡-amphlet id. a be in the face of the Constitution as that it would .iccommodate tho great­ vth day of July. 1 909 It would equally divide nieridian. in Ox-gon for towns, would have the first well as unjus! and discriminatory. er number. BENSON A STONE Notice is t buret oru lu I rub> given BENSON 6. STONE chance at the n«v offer, which be To prevent results of this kind was tho city, and at tho same »line fur­ 6-3, 7-R Attorney» for Plaintiff that by virtue of -uUd I execution I would be in shape to r ak - within a the object of the constitutional pro­ nish a site that would be .ae of the ATTORNEYS AT LAW will, on Saturday, the 17th day of few weeks. He advised curtailment hibition. and nut to prevent the build­ most beautiful is the city. There is N»HI< K Ftut 1*1 lil.K'.Vl 1<»\. I9u9, nt the hour of 2 o'clock July. . {nit-ricun Hank in the distribution of pamphlets, as ing of any kind of internal improve­ no real necessity for the city hld‘ng (Not Coal land.) in th- aftnriuion ot said day. al thu unii Trmt Jihig more than half of those issued have ment in which all j>eopie are inter­ its attractions and good school build- F S land Otnee at Lakeview, front of the courthouse door in ins-. are about as good an attraction KLAMATH FALLS • OREGON been already distributed. He pre­ ested, and whi< h would bestow its Oregon, May 2 4. 1909. is a community can have. Txicated Klamath Falls. Oregon. i«dl at public sented the club with the compliments benefits on all of them. NOTICE is h«-r< by given that Wit»- I auction to the highest bidder tor of Wm. McMurray, a bound copy of , "This road must b- <-<«.sar> to satisfy «mid judg- Ifotii'-it -ad Applit allon No. 3705, ATTORNEY AND i 'ion that would be lasting the Harriman system." Is'-rlal Nr COUNSELOR AT LAW •r 08998, for NK14 Hec- of the mountains an<1 Klamath on the imeat in favor of II W KuetuM* aud The confidence with which many other, in connection with the rail-! The plan, however, that would KLAMATH FA L1J4, OREGON : against J. E. Sullivnu. together with 11Ion 20, To*n hlp 39 South, Range 6 believe that the Supreme Court will roads and highways that diverge ini .seem to best serve the future Inter­ in<-ridlan, has filed I East Willamette ROOMS 7 A 8. MURDOCH BLOG, I all costa and disbursements that have overrule Judge Galloway’s opinion In all directions and reach vast areas of jests of the "tty would be to erect two Intention to mak«t Final notice of or may accrue. the matter of the injunction proceed­ this State, making them accessible ¡buildings, using J10.000 for each. Dated at Klamath Falls, (»r.-uon Five-Year Proof to establish claim to I and so arranging them that they may ings was greatly strengthened by the and developing the State. WILL A. LEONARD land above d'-scrltM'd before C. this I Oth Jay of Juae. 1909 ' be eaiily and economically enlarged following opinion from ex-judge it Ih l-np. County Clerk, at Klamath ' Such a road is nut local, nor spe­ W B HAHNES, DENTIST Lord. Falls, Or.-gon, on the 17th day of cial; its benefits arc- not confined to The American Railway Association Shor iff ot Klamath Couni He took such an interest in the the counties which it traverses, but July, 1909. 6-10, 7-15 Wlthro* ■ Hclha.ic liullijlng r.as voted to appoint a committee on Crater Lake road case that he volun­ are co-extensivc with thu State Claimant turno« as witnimso«: It electric working, which will be chos­ tarily filed this able brief on the con­ does not begin at Medford and end at !.. W Anderson of Wampus, Ore­ I ITION. stitutionality of the bill in the Mar­ Klamath, like a road confined to one en by the president, F. A. Delano. DR. C. P. MASON gon: David Blackmore of Pokegama, The object of the committee will be i ion County Circuit Court as ”a friend county, and not intended only to (, ’ harl<* M<-s»ner of Poke- Oregon . U S Land Otti ex- at Lakt-vl«- «. DENTIST of the court." The brief has the more serve the locality along its route, but to study the usa of electricity In the i gama. Oregon: Bod Frwln of Poke- operation of railways. Thia move- , Oregon. June 4. 1 90!» Office HI American Bank A Trust Com- weight, as the author was also the it is a nucleus or a link between all gama. Oregon (Not t oni land.) pany’a Building author of the Tillamook county road other sections of the State, so that ment is significant of the progrès« of' J N WATSON, NOTICK is hereby given that opinion, which forms the basis of At-1 one starting from Portland or San electricity in displacing the steam PHONE 814 Register. 6 3. 7-15 locomotive IMYUA VAN BRIMMER I nee Applo- torney McMahon’s opposition The "LAMATH FALLS OREGON Francisco or the Pacific aide or the gat<-) of Klamath Falls. Oregon, who, brief reads as follows Idaho boundary may travel over it, A bill has been introduced in Con­ loa August 12, 1903. made Home- Dr. and Mrs. Alex l'atturson left “This case comes within the two; prompted by curiosity, scenic effects, gress providing that all steamships tuad Applt«alien No 3148. Serial on th'- 7:40 traiti from Klamath Falls principles laid down in Allea vs. • business or pleasure and the road carrying over Afty passengers and ME UNo 01170. for 8W '4 NE 14, Tuesday tnoruing for San Francisco, HirBch, namely: (1), an internation­ constitutes of itself a small part of making trips of over 200 miltv shall E<4 8W 14, SE Yt NW 14. flection wl.in- Mt< i*attorson s father Mr al improvement that will contribute- the route, and yet, it is made the be equipped with wireless telegraph 12 Township 3X South. Range 9 E. II Smith, I- quit«- seriously III. D. to the natural benefit of the State, channel through which a great move­ apparatus. A fine of 12.000 shall be Rant, Willamette merldlau, has fl 1ml W. Cox of the Mascot stables drove and (2) that It will connect two’ ment of the people will flow In fact. imposed in case of a violation of this notice of Hit>>n»ion to make Flual them by private conveyance from large territories separated by high such i a link or road, in connection measure. Fiv«-Year Proof to «-. tabli >li < l.um to h.-r.- that morning Merrill Record. mountains and difficult of access.; with i others, traversing th«- State is and its benefits are not distinctly ma­ just as essential to the welfare of i terial to the inhabitants along it» the | people and their material Inter­ lint-, but are distinctly beneficial to ests as dredging the Willamette or all the people. building a canal to the falls. The "On one side the proposed road is purpose is the Him, to connect large i connected by the railroad at Medford portions of the State and thereby and numerous highways from that conserve the interests of the whole place leading to various local cities, people. The narrow view looks mere­ towns and districts that lead to the ly at the proposed road, at its route Pacific ocean, and on the other side through two counties in touching this road is connected at Klamath, Crater Lake, and not looking at such which is accessible to the railroad, road as the nucleus connecting two and from this place numerous high­ points at which there are railroads ways diverge to Lake county and and various highways leading to all other counties in Eastern Oregon, parts of the State, on which are much leading to the Idaho border, and thu« travel and business, and which this giving to all this vast area increased link or road will connect and tbus facilities for travel and business. Its serve to develop and conserve the Influence, therefore, for the accom­ interests of the whole State The modation of the people and their canal and locks connect all the coun­ business reaches from tho Pacific ties with Its abundant resources ocean to the Idaho border. And all above them with Portland, and the this consummated by building the Columbia river to the sea. This small proposed road from Medford by Cra­ internal improvement connects two ter Lake to Klamath. vast sections, and numerous travel "This road Is not intended nor will and tonnage pass It by reason of Its Its construction have the effect, sim­ construction. This road answers in ply to benefit Klamath and Jackson a lees degree the same purpose, but counties. Their benefit» are only in­ I the principle is the same.” cidental, and not the chief object of the road, which Is to make an inter­ F W Silvertooth of Sliver Lake nal Improvement that will connect two large sections of the State and has purchased a gasoline launch at greatly contribute to their develop- - Bend, which he will plac.- on Odell ment. Lake for the accommodation of Ash­ "In principle, therefore, this road ing and pleasure parties. The Silver cornea more directly within the Allen Lake Leader says the lake provides vs. Hlrsch case than the case decided , the best Ashing in the world, and that by it. Unlike the Tillamook case, ■ silver trout attain a length of twenty- which benefited only that county, and four inches in its waters. The lake is created an invidious distinction be­ an old crater of unknown depth. Aft­ tween other counties. Thia road ia a er the season is over the boat will bo link to connect two large areaa which , placed on Silver Lake. MEIiHdai HAS RIGHI SPIRIT BUY LOTS NOW FRANK IRA WHITE AS your boy or girl got a bank account with the First Trust and Sav ings Bank? If not The Republican will start one for nothing