Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, June 24, 1909, Image 5

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Man Mafia lo Look Liba Basato by
Chino»» Mathuds.
To transfer a man Itilo a lieaat would
ai tirai ooeiu lo bv lut|>oMÌbh> li ta a»
coiii|illsht*d. howevor, hy thè Chimi**,
lo wboni nothlng Hrema to la* un
knnwn The «kln I» rvmuved in amali
partici«« from tbe eiiilrc surfucr of tbe
Issi), limi tu Un* bkwMlltig puri» bit» of
th«- lilde of llving animala. Iteur» and
dog», are usmiily applhai T'hi* opera
Iloti requlre» yrar» for Ita full accolli
After tbe istmoii ima liuti
hi» ukln comfth'My rbiingi'd and I h *
come» n man tautr or n man-dog Ite I»
Iliade mule ..............
thè llluslon
and ulivo deprivo hlm of Ilo* tnenn» of
luformliig Ilo* publle he 1« Ititendcd («•
fimuse of hi» loug torture A t'hlm'«'
Journal, thè llupno. prilli» u duacrlp
4 Don of >>ne of iheae Inimuii animili»
bodv wn» rovered wltli dog »Ulti II"
atiH»| erect (nlthough ■oinotlinew tb”
fi'cl lire so mullluted thut Ilio Is'IIKt I»
fonivi t<> wnlk oli ull feltrai, coutil noi
U(ter arili ulule aoiinds. dee uml alt
down In allori, multe thè graiurea of a
buman bulug
A mandariu who beurd
of itila inoliair*> .liy limi bini brinigli! lo
hla patate, wbere bla liulry skln and
he»tl»l Hpprxrnnrv' 1'NU sim I quite il»
much terror na surprise I'pou being
•sked If he was » man the errai lire
replled wlth an affirmativ«* mal
also «Ignlfisd In ih» anni» manner that
he would wrlte A IM'tK'll waa given
hlm. but he couhl not uae It. Id» liaml»
were fio deformed
A »he» wrrr thi'tl
piace»! on «he ground Iti front of hlm,
when iti» man dog Itetilng over. Irne
od In tbetii Ove < h.imi-ter» Indh ntlng
hi» name and dlatrb't
show ed tbat hr bad hewn stolen. Im
prlaoned for yrnrs and aunjwted tn
long tortur«'« III» master wa» appre
hendtkl and condemned tn death
l-oodoti Npsra Motnenl»,
Making It
For lb« Studieu«
kurly Ideala.
“Arthur, dear, why do y**u keep that
cheap planter ca»t of Vetnts eternally
on your mautelT' a»k«<<t (lie artist’»
"It Is tu retnlti my ititela of you,
love." answered the urtisi, "to retain
th«* one Impression I bud t»*fore dl»
covering the pro|H>rl|oiiutv eleineuts of
llncti hundkeri liicf. eicelsiur. horsehair
ami cotton biittUig In ilia imsleru fu*
male ligure " I'm k
A Financial Oeniue.
Fh. will you please tell me what a
financial genius Is?"
“A financial genius. my child, la a
man who can apend money that ho
haa never bad and which the people
who think they are getting it will
never ete."—Chicago Record-Herald.
His Muaio.
Mrs. Nagger—The noise you make at
uiglit is very unpleasant iiiuh I c . Mr.
Nagger Do you call snoring music?
Mrs. Nagger- I should any so- sheet
music nrrnnged for the bugle.—Chica­
go Record-Herald.
Mr» 1‘hilipa and Mrs. Talbert were
at Ixircllu KchoolhoiiMu Sunday to at­
tend Children's Day eierc!»«*» of Lor
vlla Sunday whool.
Quite a number from Bonanza vla-
lt>'d lairtdla Huuday and partook of
til«* hounteoua lunchoon a«*rv«*d by
th»* Indite of Lori'tla
Among thorn*
Dut H»*s Scarpe.
primcot from
Bonanza were
Il la eaav »»oligli lo I.» plMaani
Wlien lite gì»-» almi» hit» a hook,
ilut «li» muli who la rute
Burk, John Shook, Ml»»«» llurpold,
la thè one who won't ivnir
Leona Bean. Ml»« Nicola, Lyon. <Bb
Whrti a truul wrlMKlee off troni lift
»on and Mr. Daniels and family. al»o
Mr» Daniela' mother and it number
il I n •»«) rn«»utCh tu I m * phrUM Hit
Wlmn yum i i«*«! I» butti he.ivy <»•4 whose nano*» we did not b urn.
Ml»» Margaret and Walia»*«* Gunn
Hut Ihu fallow worth white
were pi*MM*nt nt Lorella Sunday.
I» th«« « h ip wliu < tali khi II u
After i)«hhig m H day un i no bh*?
Howard llogg» 1» her« from Klam-i
I h>• ton |{< m a Id
nth High School
Mr and Mrs, Frank Bowen
On His Birthday.
were visit-;
lie Th** woral thing about me la it »Idlet of Mr. Bowen
my hone; |*ve got KUch n lH'u»tly one.
Ing Mr» Dav«* t'ampbell, and till zrenr !
Ntie You shouldn't »ay such things lo Cb-nr Lake dam Sunday
about a gift
Mr» E 8 Philip» and Mr» TtCheri
A gift!
I ah don’t tinder w««re visiting Mr and Mr» Andciwou ,
Klin WMNtft it «i blrthduy prc«M*iitΗ
Walter Campbell ha« lumber or. |
New York Amori, an.
the ground and »<*vern| of hla neigh­
bor» are helping him build hh houne.
Irony of Fate.
Mr». Ed Duncan and brother. Alf i
Oh. when wr dwlge a runaway
And slop tu thank the fair»
went to Klamath Fall» Sunday
Who <rl|aa us up that very day'
Mr» Vnulund and daughter, L><
Th» kid on roller skatra*
He, and Mr» Hunter,
»later» and
And when w» dodge th« motor rare
nlcci* of Frank Hogg», ar«* v I hii ! ng
And motorcycles thick
Who rnskna u> r
so many stars*
from Nebraska at the home of 'heir
The kid with th» horsey stick*
X'hlrSgO News
and '
Ths Sarsns Scorcher.
’laughter were at Loretta Sunday.
"No that (Hilli'emuii held you tip
Rev Zellar preached *n the after-
again F*
nwn at Lorella Bunday
"Yea." answered Mr Chugglna.
leirella expect» to have a float at
think It's a cnee of professional
¡Bonanza July 3d. although there lai
tie'» annoyed les a use my u
I but a short time to prepare the float
mobile can go faster than hla blcyi
Mi»» Mary McComb» wa» v I k IC u ;
Washlngl on Hiiir
—wA—I, „as.
Salll<< and Mary William» Monday
Pr.fi»'» Fell.
Mr» Anderson and »on, Clayton,
Him »»»pl slung th» dusty way
were visitor» at Ixwella Sunday
With nodding plumes and garments gay
Mr» Ifenry Duncan'« »later 1» vla-
Iler chin was llilml with an air
That caused lite rabble rude to stare
Itlng her, whom »he had not »<*e*i
> Ml, she was fashioned Ilk» a slat'
for twenty years
The »later» are
Iler »tore hair bulged around her hat.
Ilut. ah. bow futile mwuih I her frown
having a good visit
She'd left ihe price tag ut. her gown’
Mr and Mrs Ashworth and »on. I
tTevaland I’taln Dealer
Fred, and wife, were vlalting Mr«.
Walter Campbell Saturday Mr Ash­
Not That.
Aspiring Noiihretie (poatlngi I know worth baa been helping erefit Mr
well etiougll you think ui y acting I« • Campbell'» hou»*'
Ml»» Nettie Drew was vUlting her
Manager Ob. no my drar youug alatcr.
Mrs W R. Campbell, Satur
lady* Anything but that
It's a trag-
edy Chicago Tribune
Ml»» Ku ¡ah Rankin returned from
the Falla, where »be had been to thei
Poor Pal
An English tourist traveling <>u fiert
through oim > of our mountalnouo re
gious. studying lb» IHiiple null'll n
man whom he mel to direi » him to
a certain cabin at which he had been
advised to slay overnight.
iharT* said the man “Well. Tom's a
first ratar, take him Just right, but he's
mighty queer ”
"What do you mean?" asked the
"Well, it’s like this." and the man
Iwoked at the »franger in a calm. Im
•erwonal way
"He'll he setting out
afide, moot proliabiy. sud he'll see you
He'll take a good look at
yeu. and . r you don t sud him he may
set the d‘< oa you.
llarrr ba<-fce <*w> pontee
'Kf he <lon't and yea x »( to ut I k Ing
An<l iw*»r Inn OMsn lt«h<
Kuala bar*« a béfela» whist club
with hlin -ind my anything h» don't
b«» ‘ «»••» »ach nicht
tuat like h» nitr throw you down and
Ma .’(• t>a> a» Ihr a ultra art tao.
trooip ou ,..u Bat ef you're too care
And pa l.k» all hattporha
Hl.iy» h«>n»» and landa «ha «Irti pl a Ufa
ful In your t.:'k on the otjiet hnnd
Alai nwahly t.a< O ih» < tiauka
he a Hable (a ill. a you for a spy Ind
Detroit Tribuna
see tita guu I hi a ,d li»(»n to rtpla
natío us »fur» uni
"But it's no use try mg t<> get by
"Every lime the I«by looks Into my
without slopping,” «-oiiduded lhe man,
fk<*e be »mile«." »aid Mr Mrektoo
with evident rvllsb of lhe pr<si|>rct he
’Well." aoewered hia wife, "it may
waa <>{M>iUng up to the »franger ”Kf
not lw exact!) (avilie. hut It shows be
you was to undertake thvt '(would be
baa a •cu»" of humor” Washington
all up with you. for he'd think you
waa proud and biggetty.
"Ef you waul to come out of the
With th» Rrocaskicn.
mountain whole, don't go ¡ misi Tom'«
It's »way »nough to ba pleasant
cabla without »topping, whatever you
And look at tbs world with a »mH»
Providing that you
do!"—Youth's Cuinpanlun.
l*o»a»u now a f»w
DC tb» cloth»» that ar» courted in atyla.
Th» Un»mfetay»d.
—Indian apolla New»
taick uf employment is not ■ tww I
qurntlon May» th« Liverpool Mercury
The Rush to the City.
of Feb 14. 1812: "It la of lhe highest
"Willie, bow came you to leave the
Importance that a cuinmltter of the farm and move to town <» make your
leglnlalurv »li ou Id I turned In t el y Inquire living r
into I hr causes of (lie priwnt waul of
"1 got tired of the amell of dad*
<miploy uimt among the laboring class
automobile." New York l.lfe
and whether lucsus might not bo
found Io a nation of which lhe rvve
Decadent Vars»
nuc 1» Immi'tiac by which a succession Our
Nothing'• It
Poetry Pout» On
of public works,” etc There were at
jp.nt time ltl.ikM) unemployed In Liver
Running To
The »«inc writer after asking
I m »«
Blame Now
"la war the only employment that the
— Lippincott • Magasin»
•late Inta Io give tile poor?" goes on Io
ahow dial lhe pyramid» of Egypt and
"He haa a brilliant future ahead of
(ho "elegant edlfictM of Greece*’ were
built with lhe object of "giving con
tinual employment to the laborer."
"l belt»»» II. But he's so alow that
he'll never cutch up with it”—Cleve­
land leader
Woman's Work and Infant Mortality.
in eight Industrial town*. where the
proportion of married women of child
1 love th« "honk" that motors »ound
bearing age at work In the factories
Of car» It will acquit me.
waa 43 per cent, tlie Infant mortality
It leave« no need of lookina round
rate for leu years averaged lit! per
To asteria In what hit me;
-Washington Star
1.000. In eight industrial towns of a
different type, where the proportion of
Another Query.
married women nt work waa only .1
Little Willie -Bay. pa!
V»r cent, the iufaul mortality waa only
Pa- What la It, iny »on?
100 per 1,00. The excessive rate tn
Little WUllo—Do they raise chicory
the first group la nut due to bad wages
nor to bad conditions, but to th» ab- tn a hennery?-Boston Globe.
•ance of the mother.—London Poet.
Stop and Figure!
Is in the Center
of the
Irrigation Project
Sure to be the principal ship­
ping and receiving
int for
Klamath, Langell, Poe and
Yonna Valley
Buy Lots now while they are being,
Sold at 10 per cent of their value
Particulars see L/
Will and Ki-uncth Wilk'*r»on wore)
at Bonanza Monda
Tom Wilkerson and ion», Eogere
usd Will, have l**a»«>d Jareb Keet»*
ranch for a number of yuar»
Killgore returned
date of issue, interest to NWH of SW% of 3WIL the 8% of
Klamath Falla from the celebration.
be paid ***ml an nually on tbe 1st NWM of 8W>4 of SWJt, the 8WH
day of October and April of «ach of SW^ of 3WH, the KVk of 3Wfc
O\ kl:l.<M)Kl\<. <AM»D TIJUUTuia iJoar;
interest of 8W1», Sqptioa 4, Township 24,
j pay able In lawful money of tbe South, Range 10 East, Willamette
Thc business men
Ktauiaiu L'fiited States at the office of tbe meridian. 107fc acre», listed upon
Kulls are overlooking an opportunity City
Falls, the application of William Shaffer of
to »«cure considerable business from Oregon.
Roeland. Oregon.
Also the NEH of
the new residents In the noitCern .
Said bond» will be tiMued I in de-! NEH of NW14, the N% of SE^ of
part of the county and across the line nominations as follows, to-wit;
NE% of NWH. Section 35. Town­
In latke county. These interior rec-
20 bonds of the denomination of ship 34 South, Range 6 East, 15
tlons ar» fast settling up with home­ 31000 00
acres, application of C. O. Brown of
steader» aud new settlers, who a>
CO bond» of the denomination of Fort Klamath, Oregon. Also the Wli
present are receiving their suppbe» »500.00.
of NW'4 of SE^à. the SH of SEH
from Shaniko, Lakeview and other
50 buud- of the denomination of of NWH. the NWM of SEH of
I distant points With a very llttlo ex­ »100 00.
NWH. tbe SH of Lot 1 (or the SH
pense on the part of the county all .
Each projxisal to purchase must be of NWH of NWH), the NWH of
of the business from these <i'-iricH accouipanle«! bv a certified check for Loti I^X 2 (or the SWH of NWH ).
rould be secured for Klamath Fails ’ I 5 per cent of amount bld
i the NE H of SW H . Section 18. Town­
I). E Burrell is In the city iron.
Said bonds to be sold for cash ship 28 South, Range 8 East. 156.45
Fort R<*ck. on<» of the new d.ntricts j I paid down at time of delivery and
acres, application of George F. Voee
tbat is attracting the attention >f for not less than their par value.
of Fort Klamath, Oregon. Also the
settlers in northeastern tjike count','.
The right is reserved by the Coun­ EH of SEH of NWH, the EH of
Mr Burrell 1» a former resident nt cil to reject any and all bids.
EH of SWH. Section 14, the EH
Klamuth Falla, and took up a home­
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, of NEH of NWH. Section 23. Town­
stead In Fort R »ck valley last yerr. Jun. 24th. 1909
ship 23 South. Range 9 East,
As an Indhatlon of the rat" ti e val­
acres, application of Jesse Strotta of
ley 1» settling up. he states that last '
Police Judge of the City of Roaland. Orlgon.
July, when he took up his claim.,
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
there was only one man tu the town­
Commissioner of the General Land
ship tn which bis claim is located. RESTORATION
Now there are fifty-two families The
Approved May 14, 1909.
valley is about thirty mile» long by
Uota «1-27. -.5«. -07 and -1OO.
fifteen wide, and there hart- been be­
First Assistant Secretary of the In­
NOTICE is hereby given that, the
tween «00 and
900 claim» filed.
9-29. 7-8
Every day new hofiies are being built. lands described
There are two postoffice» in tb,' val­ 36 *> *r, acres, within the Deschutes,
ley—one at Fort Rock and tbe other Crater and I'tnpqua National Forests,
I Oregon. will :»> subject to settlement
at Fremont, at each of which places,
| and entry under the provisions of the
there 1» a »tore
Most of this trade now secures Its homestead laws of the United States
supplies from Saniko, which 1» seven and the act of June 11, 1906 (34
days* travel distant.
The road to Stat , 233), at the United States land
Reward ef Merit.
the Klamath county line has been office at Lakeview, Oregon, on July
The pitcher paser-l a man to fim—
Any settler who was ac­
improved, and with a few hundred 31, 1909
“Take out itM lanky mirier I
He struck the next two baiters out—
dollars spent in this county all of tually and in good faith claiming any
"Ain't he the demon (wirier?”
of said lands for agricultural pur­
this bus<uess would come here
Chieagv Tribune
poses prior to January 1, 1906. and
has not abandoned same, haa a pref­
erence right to make a homestead en­
"ne’e really very clever."
City of Klamath Falls Sewer Rends try for the lands actually occupied.
“Yea; ho can aharpen a lawn
Sealed proposals will be rcceiv««d Said lands were listed upon the appli­
er "—Detroit Free I're an
' by the undersigned, Police Judge cations of the persons mentioned be­
'of the City of Klamath Falls,Oregon, low. who hnve a
preference right
Wayward Willie.
subject to the prior right of any such
Willie walked upon tha face
•at the hour of 1:30 o'clock p. ni. for settlor, provided such settler or ap­
Of hta baby staler lluth
Mammn aald. "I'm 'frald you will
' the purchase of $40,000.00 six per plicant is qualified to make home­
Htub your loe »gainst her tooth.”
I cont coupon sewer bonds.or any part stead entry and the preference right
—Cleveland Plain Dealer
I theroot, to bs Issued in pursuance is exercised prior to July 31, 1909,
Not in the Curriculum.
J of an orilinanco adopted by the on which date the lands will bo sub-
"What conino la Richard taking at ! Common Council of said city on the
and Dentist
Ject. to settlement and entry by any
eoi lege
The lands are as
i 38d day of June. 1909, and under qualified person.
"The downward.
The NH of SEH of NW
tin act of the Legislative Assembly follows:
City Tlmaa
of 1905, filed In the office of the Seo- H. the SWfc of SE% of NWIt, the
Napoleon once »Hid to Talleyrand, “I
wish 1 had the key» to hell, for 1 could
then put you In there” The reply waa,
"It would tie better, sire, that I ahould
have I beni, fur then I could let you
He who known little noon tolta ft.— I
<j«nuan Prurarb.
Notice is hereby given that the
Board of School Directors of District
No. 19, Worden, Oregon, on the line
of the California Northeastern rail­
way. will receive blds for the con­
struction of a one-room frame school­
house. The bids will be opened in the
presence of the directors at the
schoolhouse in the said district oa
Saturday. June 19th, at 2 o’clock
p. m.
Plana and specifications may be
seen in the office of the County Clerk
of Klamath county or at the Bank of
The board reserves the right to re­
ject any or all bids.
Dorris, Cal., Chairman of Board.
Keno, Ore., Clerk.
Mow Thieves Live
by Charles Somerville, the
celebrated newspaper criminal
reporter, is only one of the
big features that make the
July E verybody ’3 very much
worth while.
There are five other live
articles, and SIX STORIES
that you can't afford to miss.
Get the
For Sale By
Geo. Constable, D. V. S
Talleyrand’s Reply,
• V »
retary of State, February 13. 1905, NH of SEfc of 3E$« of NW%, the
of NWfe of NEH of SW%, the < > PHONE 941
entitled an "Act to incorporate the
J Cit/of Klamath Falls.”
EH of NWK of SWK. the EH of
Said bonds will ba payable 30 wu of NW14 of 3WM , the NEH of
Oregon * ;
mccali . r vrrt:BNs
C< .»T ile.1 lor »tyle, parlrct fit, simplicity r- '
reliability nearly 40 yrirs. Sold in ntt-'r
every city and town in the United Stites r
Canndi( or bv mail direct. More sold tl; •
Buy otiicr make. Send tor tree catalog
More subscribers than any other tislu i
mngaxine—million a month. Invaluable, i
cst styles, patterns, dress making, millin ,
p’nin sewing, fancy needlework, hairdress r- ,
etiquette, rood stories, etc. Only 50 cent^
¿car (.-orth double), including a free put’
ubscribe today, or send tor «ample <
taA-enU. Poctal bring« premium r«talc
and or»« cash prim oiler«. AiMres«
”.i'. -..«I—d