V PRIMARY UW INVAiJD. SHKIUFF’H KALK. JAPANKHK BUYING ARMS (ho land above daaerlbad, before ths County Clerk of Klamath County, at tlamalli Falls, Oregon, on thu 16th day of July, 1909. (Taluiaul iianiiw as witness«««: Horman Sehiuor of Dairy, Oregon; Charles C. Chitwood of Klamath Fulls, Oii'gou, Fred Collman of Klaiuath Falls, Oreguii; Fr«MÌ Jansa on of Klamath Falls, Oregon J. N. WATSON, «I - 5 'J. 7 Regia 1er. Sioo Howard. $ioo. Th» r«*wUra ut Olla |«psr :«lll ba l» Ivarn Ihal Ihars la al lasal un*«IrMdad «tlerasa Ih ai (OI simw hM lw«n «bis tu cura In all Ila a. «aaa. and lliai la raiarrh. Ilall'a l'Uawh Cura la llia uuly puaiuva futa nuw kauaola iba »••Inai tralarnllj. l'alarrh Ini li« aoun- alllullonal dlaMaa, t«»|iilr«'» a ruiiallluiional iraaimanl Hall'« « alatili Pura la takan in- latuallv, avllng «llraullr iipon ilia bl<»>>l and luucuua aurlauea ul Iba a*aUm. Iliarvbt da. airuylu« II»' luuii'ialloii ut III« illasaav, sud glvlos Ih«' patiaiit attangili by bitllillug U|> ih» Kinaiituilua and aasiallng natura In duini ila wurk. Ili» ptuptlaluta bava au uiuiìi tallii la ila «urauvn puanta ilial lltoy ular Oua llundrwi Ihilla.a hit any «*•» Il falla lucuta. W'iul tur Hat ut ■a«tu,»l» Whereas, judatueul was nuidorod atid'oiiterod on tho 16th day of April, 1909. in an actiun iu tho Juatlcu I L 1 I Court fur tbu l*r«Milnct of LinkvHla, The vo II okv girl who In a KlHBiath County, State uf Orvgoa, HONOLULU? Jun«« 17 No r< pl) SPRINGFIELD. Ill, June IS. - small town has p«*rhaps th«« greatest has been received by th«« Japanese Tlie Supreme Court to day dectd««d bufoni A. l>. Miller, Justice of thu that the primary election law was un- strikers here to the cabled appeal power for influence. Her educallou INMOe tor »ai«l precinct, bvtwoeu II. which the arrested «stltor of JIJi mad«« and experienc«« raise her to a positbm A Koests«, plulntlff. and J E Sulli­ ■constitutional. to Ambassador Takahira ai Washing­ which commands th«» reap« hird primary ■darisd unconstitutional by the Illinois ton The appeal claim«'«! that the au­ others who had not had her advan- and against defendant fur lheauiii uf. State Supreme Court. Th«' law dts- thorities entered th«» ofllce of th«' tagea, ami this i«oaition sh<- should auventy- five dolíais «Im lal««r«wl ■ UMMONN. p«>M'd of to-day was pusm«d by th«* n«*sNipcr without due process of use. not as an eacusu for egotism or (heiasin at the rate of six per cent F« rty-tifth General Assembly. In the law. and thereby violated the tr««aty »'If-sutficlency. but as a tuoaua of ac­ per annum from the 36th day of ■workings of the law objection was tigtiis of the four editors now under complishing reforms jn lh«< life of April, 1909 and the further sum of In th<< Circuit Court ot th«« S'alo o( Starting a village Council Tui sdu) morning A letter to Takahira setting the «-«immunity. Oregon for .'ho County of Klamath in.ide to th«' cumbersom«' machinery arrest thirt«s«ii and twenty-llv«> one buu- improvement society is an excellent cable«! appeal to th«' Ambassa­ tlrely new a corporation plaintiff, v« E II juite in the primary. before salii justice of lhe peace, in llurwoll, def«mdaut. Criticism was also raise«! as to lhe dor. will be sent by the Alameda, i« v <> named •uwers granted to various commit* which h*aves this port to-morrow. of tho County Clerk of Klamath In r«*sponse to appeals cubk'd to the s tho inspiration of action. ll>>autl- County’. Oregon, and which smd dofendani be«'s of the different political parties.: In the Name ot tho Stalo of Or« Iri political circles if is consideri'd Japaties«« of San Francisco am! S««at- f.ing tho village or town is bound to judgment was duly ducketed In lh«> that the decision will probably neces­ Ue. replies have beeu received bythe bring th«» ci.Isens together in a new Judgment docket of «bo Circuit gou. you an« hereby requlro«*en xie«' which dtsflgur«' uot only th«« as- of May. 1909. and the sum of s««v««n- on or betoro lhe Sth day of Jul), pect. but th«> mural lite ot a tuwn State objected to th«' present primary started. «■rty in KlaouiUi Fall»—land ty-tlve dollars with inlorost thereon 1909, that being the date of the Iasi tif course, this Is lull om» phase of Th«' strike leaders declare that th« ( Ja v because,, under it. they were al the rat«« of six per emit |» r annum publication of summons ami the last Hint will lx« lrrlgu(<«wu eapec- political parties it th«", desired to of the strikers aud the whole Japan­ aad thlrtiM-n and i weuly tlv«« one huu required or i»«rmltt<«d to answer, as Mourn tl • rt-i and b virtu«* of an eSttcU- pear and answer the plaintiff will ap* K Ultimiti Falla. h vat- Side politicians in Chicago for allege«! return to work, an«! now favor th«' i '.«mid I m « uusightly. < It ri i< ■«. «1 by I he Clerk of th«« Clr- ply to th«' court for tb«« relief de­ live In fraud in th«« primaries last Angu»t priis.'cntiou of th«> strike. It is al­ ]loi««s of th«' tact or.\ ch U • oui't if • lie Stalc of Oregon manded lu said <«>uiplalnl a< r«'.i- HAVE YOU noticed IIIK will fail, it is declared b> ’ a w y « ra leg'd l .at many of the Japanese ar • tgly. unsanitary uw Sard suit la brought to for««« low«' a bu­ I. • Cu t nt of Klamath, on valid • tow n conversant with th«1 ca» s. b«*cause buying revolvers with the avowed son why th«« women certain mortgage exueuted by Perl E NKW HOMES GOING UP IN ilt ! X'"«''1U >n o.indina me to satis- ■r-st Ir they are bas«»d on sections of the law 1 purpose of rt«ajsGng what they term rhould net b- > «used Carroll to Gus M«lhaa«. said mort ­ «al l Jud t ‘ 1« it InteruMi und <<««ttn Mil,IM ADDITION ? o t leir aurniuudlngv, au( th,' ; ■••r «inni property of valid gage being assumed by you am! as­ A »»If-reupect 1 I E S«i|||vi an mid for want I hereof, sign «al by the said Gus Melha*«’ to th« Th«- womau o( •duca . ii. owe.» it tv DEFORESTING BURNÌ I» OYER t! •a «mt «>! eb« oui prup««rty bailong- plaintiff, and upon which there Is a ] er l'-«s fortuu.it • «1st -r '<> -'ncouras ARKAS OE THE FORESTS in n .«« said J K Sullivan. In valid balance du« ami unpaid of $3.0'10 I lai f««oilng of ^••tt-r«-—»»«t whl.-lt I • '•l KI.« until uu«l Stat«« o( Ore- am! int«r«'«t to th« amount of «'HICAlM!. June 21 The larg.-st dormant in the breaaU of so man; An investigation as i > tb« practi­ ^IHi . aud ':«>< ■».«ins able after dllll- $179.33. and also for th« sum of cability of reforesting the (real convention hall in the country, tbr«“«« actor) women Give them the vision fvHlt <-a <1 Md inquiry, to fin«t any $2o0 attorney's (••«», and for costa Areas of for«?st lands which tave times larger than Madison Square cf something broader and high «r »M* e il pn>i>««*ty b«>l*ud<'«i in thou own Thia summon« is publish«»«! In the .iv ti. In sail county, out of which •re now lying barren a id unproduc­ the size of the Chicago Coliseum, has I orison. and they will try t.) >•> ■.!■ tn to ak«vf) suld judgtiu'Ct or any part Klamath Fall» Republican." a weok* R M. RICHARDSON Giv.« them 'uo«iel tive is now being carri -d on by the been p!aune«i for Chicago, according their llv«-» to it. h rr . I av«' levied U|»on tb«« fol- ly newspaper print«»! and publish««! Lo announcement announ<'««ment mad.- made yesterday vesterds' by b' day nurv*«rl'»a and «h «> will giv their United States Forest S rvic. iu the!tu United States Commissioner iowlr.«: «I jm 'NI mm I roal property of at Klamath Falla. Oregon, by order children cleaner bom«-«. Awakes in Olympic National For« st in Wash­ Ilario» N. Higinbotham b d I'lidanl J K. Sullivan, to wit of Honorable Goorg«' Noland, Judge ’ha' t’i*> The building will be elliptical in them the conscious««'». TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD ington. The area selected fur the of StM-lion 21, NW of said Court, and dated June 3d. 8E >, of SK PROOF TAKEN experiments comprises several thou­ form and with slight niodifiiationi tave posaibiiitie*. aud they wul tr I \ u! NW‘, uf Rootion 27, K 1« of 1909. th«« first publication to h>> mad«« sand acres on the Soleduck river, will be a reproduction of the bistor­ to realize them. SE S of Recilou 3M. Township 37.1 on the 3d day of June. 1909. and the Orfica«. Third and Mam, opposite City •nd was at one time covered with a ical Flavian amphitheater in ti orne library. TalaphotM» JU I South Range 13 East of Wlllaiu«>tl<' la»t publication to Im mad«' on the magnificent forest of Douglas fir. It The building will be knowu as the OPEN SEASON M)R HONKS1 RE­ meridian, in Oregon Sth day of July. I 909 was first burned over in 1690 and amphitheater, and wHl have a seat- BENSON 4 STONE. Notice ut therefore hereby «elven PUBLICAN I. AW VEIL*» BENSON & STONE •gain in 1895. A third tire occurred ing capacity, exclusive of the arena, Attorneys for Plaintiff that by virtue of said execution I 6-3. 7-6 of 35,000 Including the arena space in 1906. destroying th«- last remnant j ATTORNEYS AT LAW A graduate of au Eastern la* will, on Saturday, the 17th day of w< the original forest, leaving the there will be room for seating m«jre NOTICK E'OR PUBLICATION. July. 1909, at the hour of 3 o'clock .{nitrii! an Hank school wrote to a prominent lawyer «w than 45,000 persons. entire area treeless. (Not U'vml lauul.) In th« afternoon of said day, at ibe and Truat /ltd*. in Arkansas to And out what chance The amphitheater, according to In some regions a second growth I* S. 1-and Offlco at Lakeview, front uf the courthouse door In there would be for him in that part KLAMATH FALLS - ORCGON cf trees will come in naturally after present plans, will be 600 feet lung. Oregon. May 3 4, 1902. Klamath Falla. Oregon, sell at puhlb- of the country 340 feet wide and 100 feet high Its • burn. In the course of a few years' NOTICE la hereby given that WIL­ "I am a Republican in politics." be aui'tion to the higbeet bidder tor time, and where this happens arti- length will be practically the same as LIAM L. ALLISON, of Wampua. Ore­ cash In hand, the above doacrihod wrote, ' and an honest youug lawyer " •cial means of securing reproduction that of the noted Roman amphithea­ » ter. It will be of steel and cement "if you are au honest lawyer." real property, or so much thereof aa gon. who on August 6. 1902. made ATTORNEY AND is not necessary. There are. how­ came the reply, "you will have no may n«vc«MMary to satisfy »Aid judg­ HohMetoad Application No. 2706, COUNSELOR AT LAW ever, other burns, where new growth construction, and will have an exhibit competition, and if you are a Repub­ ment in favor uf H W K« m « oo and Serial Numb«r 03090. fur NEK Sec­ 4oes not come in readily, due to ad­ space of more than 300.000 square KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON tion 30, Township 39 South. Range 6 against J. E. Sullivan. toget must be made up from other building, and is from that section. sources when the tax collector comes around. The board of forestry warn­ To protect wooden electric light | ings contain the following cbaracter- and telephone poles from being! -tatlc don’t» for the guidance» of camp­ I gnawed by horses, it is customary to ■ ers and all who go on vacations: wrap the wo«xl with wire. With a Don’t toss any burning matches or view to facilitating this work, which tobacco. is quite slow and consequently ex­ Don’t make a camptire in leaves, pensive when done by hand, a pole­ rotten wood, or against logs, where It wrapping machine has been devised may spread or you can’t be sure it is Tho machine carries a reel of wire, put out. and Is mounted on four grooved rol­ Always clear all the inflammable lers which bear against the pole, be- : matter away from around your fire. Ing held in contact by the tension of Never leave a fire until it is out. a spiral spring A cutter wheel is Don’t burn your slashing in the mounted on the machine, which «olose season without a permit from serves to cut a spiral groove for the • fire warden. wire. The pitch of the groove may Don’t operate an engine without be varied by adjusting the cutter. | spark arrester in the close season. With this machine it requires but I Put out any fire you find if you fifteen or twenty minutes to wrap a | ■can. If you can’t, notify a fire war­ pole, and the wire is laid on ao tight- j den or other public officer, or the ly that it may bo held with a single ' land owner. Remember that any lit­ row of staples. The machine also tle fire may become a big one if left1 serves for splicing poles. alone. TRAP SHOOTING CONTEST. Supreme Court of HlinoL'» Doride* BlrikM* in Hawaii Await IL't«!) That itie Primary Election law Cabli*«! Ajqa'al to Amlxi«