♦ ♦ Ol l K I tl, PAPER or KI.AM 1 III ml MV VOL. XIV. ♦ • KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 24, 1909 ♦ ♦ LEADING PAPER OF MII TIIi nS OIII gu N. ♦ 0 NO. 13 »Ideretl u public, and not u »pectnl or I SACRAMENTO JOBLEItH 4OMING Bl ILDING AND U>AN ASSOCIA­ local law ' ♦ TION. « Kill tRATEIl UKt ItOAD ■’Tb«- present act upproprlatra THE HTORY OF TIIE Mi I HT. < Sacramento Bee > ♦ Mr J W. Nee, g«*n« ral agent of the ooo «-ondltlouul upon Ju< k»on couti’v « ♦ Tbe Jobbers’ Association is to have Hair.NpllDlng Dedalea of Judge Gal- lulling a like suiu, to aid said county Western lx>an and Savings Company Whin yon buy anything, whether it I» «Pithing, groceries, a meeting witbin the next few days to ♦ ♦ to build a public highway fiorn th»- ♦ lutidwart-, flirtino lm|il<-iiM-ril», idior*. or on«. of th«- many arti«!«-» ♦ arrange an excursion next month to of Halt Lake City, Utah, Is in town low ay 'll«-« I Ip Fumi» for Road «ily of M'dford to th«- w»-st tiouuJ « thud g» to nuikc the n«-<«-»*ltI«-« «*f G m - liunuin family, buy from a ♦ Klamath Fails, whiih tbe local whole­ | and after looking over the situation HuHdlng, sry of the Crater Lak«' National park ♦ live, prognaalvi- merchant. Ttw-rv la a roamm for making thi» ♦ sale merchants have had in mind for {and tbe prosp«-«n«'» la the de- Ilk»- »inn. to aid said county to build « uw-rtlianta who have »lilrt» on tlicir »In Ivi * for a year—anil «orni- ♦ ! Keeing general buzin-Ns In the State of Ore­ a county r«>ud from Klutnutb Falls,to of them for a goo>1 tleui longer. Th«- person buying on«- get« Klamath Falls and Southern Oregon ♦ ♦ i l»lon of Judge Gullowuy. w ho bus gon, th«- oth-r being a Portland tom- th«- «-astern boundary of »aid national “ stuck, ” for it won't wear. What I» true at»>ut »hlrt» i» true about ♦ ♦ This Is a prorperou and fast devel handed down un opinion making p«-r [>uny Th- laws of this State are very iwtuul th- Injunction ra-strulniug th« I park, ami not to Crater Lak< witbin ♦ ilir other tiling». A live. up-to-datr- mentiunt doe« not keep ♦ oping setlion of country, lying about strict in regard to this class of sav­ said park, for our Htate I» without »1 — « k on I ibik I to wear oft on th«- »belvra. He | hi «I icn III» t»u»in«-M ♦ ♦ midway between Portland and Sac ­ payment of the *lOO.OUO appropri juri»'ll<-tlon, and «un d<> no work or ♦ anil w I hii you I iij from him you If't n. w fresh, fashionable arti- ♦ ramento a:-«! »ta tin- l-u*!ti •». If«- I» tin- man who ♦ up a flodrlrcl Ing trad - with-this lo­ ■tring<-r>t law has kept all California court, has won Ith- fit nt « ii 1 of ;it> - i uouh highway from M»dn ltd K lit mat h Fat the man who Iclicves flint what i» worth ♦ cality bas b - n insisted upon for ,<>an cornt; . i- out of Oregon, but ♦ Importance in hi» ««•« «•> If II 1« 1,1 lh«r«- Kl.il i. Is an I and whin h<- Mlvertlsew In I» asking weeks by Tlie Bee, and its testimony insur«-* th» investor of absolute pro- ♦ ♦ i oti»t II ul liiliiil, tii< ii piutth.illy ull of t.-l Vi I m«ir<- than 13 i» n«l hi- i-«-n« r:illv ri-ts it. eiHKM-tally If you ♦ chimes in with report» of traveling U ct ion * • th.- Iuw>. I.. In th« Ktatc. th- Attorn. The Western Ixian and Savings mil . if ut tnad< confidi r» hi« nd* ♦ men from this city who have persona' ». ♦ Generai and Huit«-«) Blates <> u».t'»r kill that invrst- ♦ knowledge of the Klamath Fall» Company is one of tbe strong«ist In ♦ <’imitili» i Inin hav« b«« ti mlMukt ti it b th» federal govi rtini« ml the Northwest. It has branches In lurkron county bus raised or sp ­ s-lllng you Mimethlng ♦ country. ♦ will b<- tiiki-n to tin B'lpri un Colili Utah. Montana. Washington and limo sled the in required ♦ It Is on th«..c .idvic«-'« th: ♦ i«t once, wl.i t— it may I**- hopc.d hut The authorized capital is ♦ bers have planned an explo ration yosi Oregon u rational constru* thin of th«- low Ih nei . under th- prov i»itia »if ch:«p- ♦ " ~. of *760,764. *3.0^0 ter II 1 <>f th», la 1 » s of >9. , ’ .0,000 1 9 over ♦ th«- northern boundary of thii> ♦ will be i-«-rur«d, and wh»-r«» It I* al­ .1DL h P nent :• serve fund of b«-< oti i I ' s uvjllabl« In .Lu-kton State. They hope to g r a stiffieient ♦ « most c« rtalii that th«- tight to «-on* und ti| in» a « rtaln h | h - c I- ♦ ♦ numb« r to take th«- trip so that they *100,000. struct a Hint«» highway will be r«>«og «munì on Mr. Nee will establish a regular II* >1 county roti*! I adln« f roto M» I ♦ ♦ may travel on a sj»-» lai car .«nd be at niwd in Juda«’ Galloway 's I» gut ♦ liberty to d«» about as they like in tbe branch h»r- with local ag-nts and miud il uiighl lie poi.Jblv to coust iu»< lord In i ild to th«- W'Ht'in ♦ treasurer, who will take subscrip­ ♦ way of Boelnir the .cowatrj u Btute highway without making u » boti fidar « of Crater Lak- tintinna! ♦ tions for investment stink. Later the The court is not Informed that park Krmembi-r tlie »tory of th«- shirt. M«»st of the heads of Sacramento ♦ to bi- be- beginning, but It I* hardly ♦ wholesale Arms have yet to see the shareholders here wlll elect a 1< m »1 lltvod that th«- sum» rul« will pre- KlatiiHth county ha» mitdr* any ap fo­ « pilaf lori a» r-qtilred by Ibis lci, take il from the »helve» in the »ton- of the merchant ♦ I Klamath Falls country with their board, to whom the company will ♦ vail In th«- Hupr«-m«- Court Ulti««! tb* • ,50.000 appropriât» d -'X- value your jsitnmugc sufficiently to a*>k you to rail own eyes. They have been going by grant a charter, and who will ap- ♦ ♦ Folltiwlng 1» lb< lezt ol tb« only two countlex 1 Is worth while to make personal ae- scribed for in Klamath Falls, the cite« In the c«it»riw- «if th«» decision. i *i\kix<; swish CHEESE. DIM'«is IL or SEWAGE. uli'O Np<« inl b«-cai|iH' It I n llmlted to A iquaintance with the section, and find company will loan ,500 in the town. He take» the ground that th«- ten­ Npeclflod w «-iloti and for »p< « lal ut out how great an outlay of money and Thus al) tbe local money subscribed dency of the court» has boon, in this < oui»» d t n|l» < Ulcd Wto tiu r to E m - Factory at Merrill I» Now Turning ¡energy is justified by the prospect of win be loaned here in Klamath Falls I «>B«-h only, ihat I», thè propo««d ap- Hint«- a» well as In others wb« re n Out DM* I’ound» a |>ay—Will tinder the itirection and approval of Septic Tank or Dump Into busings. similar inhibition exists In »he con- propriatlon - um -«I « nly in the Double Output Soon. a board of total people, the company tbe River. i-oiintl* - of J»< k»on and Klutnath I The Portland Jobbers were'out it» Mtitutlon, to plan- such n coast ruction * lift ply passing on the abstract and ami for .-« x|>«r«ìal puip«>»c. via. i li- force, at Klamath Falls on Railroad on th«> provision a» w«iul«l mak«- this Guy .MerrHI. who was In tbe city 1 Day. papers, and the company will bring Hi« m«mb«ih of .th«- City Council building «if a «-> rtuin «jM-t lfied bigi- i npproprlatlou for th«- Crater 1- a K>* in additional money from towns are still und<-« ld»-d as to th- disposal Tuesday, state tbe new Swiss rheese way in said counth-s The l«xa! Jobbers considered mak- road unconstitutional factory In which he is Interested at "The art i» thur-fore locai and ape- oi the Mwage of the city when the : ing a trip in order to be pr«-sent there where they have subscribers, but no The question» Involved w«-re >n- n«’w »ewers are put in. Both the con- Merrill, is doing fine and that they on Railroad Day. but decid-d that it loans, and loan here. «■al nn» rceotnmetid u septic tank, but the of cb»«-M a day. By the first of the and its vicinity when the people were an imp«irtant factor in the building li» M-rtlon 23. artici«- 4 of nur (. ‘ iiro.ti- complaint alleges th«- act to b«- un- month they will be able to turn out I up of any town for the reason that The complalnt wlll tu- XIlS mutter of-cost Is what Is bothering con»tltutlonn! ns violative oi »■ < tlon ttition bet” •-.«* two aud three hundred; disengaged an«i able’ to give more at- they collect mone> from many places the Council it is admitted that in^ per- tained und ih«- Injiinctton n»a«ti- jtentjpn to a carload of visitors 33 of artlel. 14 of »! • Cun« tuition, ! where there is little building and loan city will have to '-om«- to the aeptlc pounds a day, for which tb«ry have a I ninnent and perpetuai ” reading it m tow«« that wee gsoniiuu rapid­ tank sootn-r or later, but some of the i-ady market at Astoria. Mr. Merrill BIG < IRCI IT COI KT DOCKET. "The 1» giiilaliv« lohcMibiy shall not ly They loan up to one-half of ac­ in«'fnb«-ra favor a temporary arrang«*- has a herd of thirty cows on bis own para Bp«v*lal or local law» In any of place which is milking, and is put ­ tual value on residence property and nu-nt by running the sewage in tbe The June term of the Circuit Court th«- following «-numerated case», that allo* the borrower to pay back In river This could b«- done at very ting on wagons to gather milk from which convened on .Monday promises is to any, * ‘ • other parts of the valley. monthly installments. little <«i«t and later, when the city "7- For laying, openlug uu«l work to be as lengthy as the last term Then ba» txwn sotn«- ralk on the has m«ire money, u septic tank could Ing on highways, and for the « lection *treels th< past few da)» relative to from the number of cases already on b«> install«-»! FOUR Hot Its OX SATURDAY. IMMI XSE TRAFI-1< \ |the docket, and more cases are being or appointment «if supervisors. a posstbl.' «hang«* in the location of Mayor Sandemon and others !.. “10 For the Msessmnnt and c«»L- the postoffiee, but from i inquirió» filed each day. The following cases Governinetii Employes W ill Be Given ll«-ve that what is done now should Over two thousand dollar« a day Icctlon of taxva for Hint«’, ««»iitity. made It «1 velops that it I» nothing are now on the «Joeket: Half Holiday on Saturdays in tu- done right. s«> that there will* be is a pretty good rticord for f-ciglit township or road puriios«-»." am! »ac­ i iiion serious than talk. < On account State vs. John Doe, State vs. John July. August and September no necessity of a change in a year business for the first month's biisi- tion 7 of article II reading of the Inrrtw In the business of th«* or so With the s«wa,<- dumped into l nt-ss of the railroad in KlamatH balls. Doe. State vb . Richard Ro«». State vs. "The legislative ii»»«-mhly shall not postofllce, it is quit«- certain Dial in a John Doe et al, State vs. Charles The Reclamation Service has re­ th»- ««pen water the city would bo | Tbe railroad began business In th'.» 'Walker. State vs. Jar Stickles. State loan th.- credit of the Htnt. nor In any »hint time more room will I k - ueces- ceived notic of the departmental or­ liable to an Injunction suit at any icily on May 20th, and it is estimated VS. J. F. Muni, State vs. Joshua Buck- der that on Saturdays during July, manner create any tn- unfit to live in. Even if pipe* | striking illustration of the enormous I Short vs. given by fkirsouB of high authority as W. F Arant, F H Ricker I carried th«> sewage to running water amount of trade handled by the bust-1 s< Hi HU, IIOXDS VOTED. vs. D. M. Berry et al, A. D. Harpold a con ract for life insur- to th»- great scenic beauty of Crater In th»- river, there would be the same n«-ss men of this city. It is expected ! I | vs W. F. Arant. Laura C. Beals vs. ance in any company Lake, and th«- n«'««*aly of a public objection from the lend owners and that all of the freight for Lakeview I demonstrated Again has it been Alvaro C. highway to this wonderland of om B-als. State vs. Dave Alex- look into the merits of farmers along the river, whose cattle will soon be shipped via Klamath that Kiuuiath Falls favors good’ jander, William Lashua vs K Sugar- Htate nnd stock drink from the stream. Falls, and this will greatly increase "The court «unnot t»»- actuated by schools aud good buildings for that man, W. R. Merrill vs. C. H. Merrill, Th- City Council will take this mat­ the monthly receipts of the railroad sentiment, though much It might purpose, Twenty thousand dollars Harris A Irwin vs. E. W. Roberts, J. ter up at a meeting to be held at at this point. wish in tills case. Th<-t« for«- there ar«- worth of bonds were voted at the M. Batchelder vs. D. A. McLeod. Cris- 1:30 on next Monday. A record for the first month such but two question» to be considered In -lection Tuesday in this distriet |ler & Stilts vs. John Bennett. State ' as Klamath Falls can show will prob- for the purchasing a site and erecting this suit I ably open the »>ves of the Portland vs. Charles Walker. State vs. F. M. a fireproof building aud equipping I White, Hertha Conner vs. Dan Con- “First, is ' nnd San Francisco jobbers, and bring or special In i be grime. Klamath Fulls has already u ( uer, \. F. Clubine vs. S. E. Martin, No mat.er how much c.iul act or them to a realization of what they section 23 of urti- S2Q;00 o public school building, but tecorder and town of Merrill. B. A. you are urged to place waning of Wbat is expected will be the last ar;» overlooking in the way of busi­ the rapid growth of the city has ne­ Bradburn et ux vs. John Cotes, Wil- cl»' 4 .’ chapter in Hie famous Arant calf ness. lliam Wagner vs. Merrill School Dis­ life insurance elsewhere 'Second, (torn it loan the credit cessitated more room, and another cas< was begun Tuesday in the of the State in excess of *50,000 in building is to be erected on block a trict No. 28, H. L. Burrigbt vs. C. L. write first and hear what Circuit Court, when the jurors were A IIKAUTIFl L RESIDENCE. Violation of tho said section 7 of If it can be secured nt a reasonable ■ Burrigbt, William Wright and Jessie we have to offer. price. The vote Tuesday was thirteen selected tn the case of Burrell Short article 11 of the Constitution? M. Wright vs. Jacob Hueck, F. H. vs J. F. Arant. This is an appeal The George IL Hum residence on Mills vs. H. J. Winters, J. L. Scott vs. “Jn Allen vs. HIrsch, 8 Oregon, In favor and eight against the bonds. It is stated that the owners ask from the justice’s court In a replevin Fourth and Pin«- streets ts nearing Rena M. Scott. Thomas Drake vs. J. 412, the court holtl nn act appropriat­ case. R. S. Smith Is attorney for completion and will be ready for oc- V Taylor. American Bank an«! Trust A'l the money paid to ing public money to be paid out of *5,(100 for block 9, and this Is consid­ Mr. Short, while C. C. Brower repre cupancy by the last of the week, Mr. tho internal Improvement fund In alregJn aid helps your two which figured in the case of the rangement of the interior is particu­ It as­ known as tho Eastern Oregon and just as desirable property at a more er vs. Klamath Falls Land and Trans­ own prosperity. State vs. Arant, which consumed larly pleasing and convenient, The Winnemucca road, to be constitu­ reasonable price could bo secured. Il sists in the up-building portation Company, Petition of Fred such a largo portion of the last two upstairs contains four nicely ar- tional, upon tho following principle IÀ reporte«l that II. S. Moore has of- Dingles for Naturalization, Bertha of a Greater Oregon. terms of court. The calf has long ranged suites of bedrooms, with Bursell vs. Dunn Burscll. as to wliul constitutes local und spe­ feted to donate a block on the West since died and nothing remains hut large, well-lighted wardrobes, The side. It 1 b believed to bo only a mat­ Theri nothing better cial laws, announced on page 425: the hide and n lnw suit. first floor contains a large hall, don- “ 'The general principle to be de­ ter of a short lime when another Arthur Brown, publisher of Med­ in life insurance than hie parlor, dining room, kitchen, ford’s Magazine, was in the city this ducted from all the authorities seems school will have to be built some­ N. C. Briggs and wife left Monday bath and servant’s room. The house week. This ts Mr. Brown's first ' OrcgpnLifc Thca-e is to be tills: That whenever nn act. of where in the vicinity of the canal, the legislature authorizes any public and there is quite a sentiment In morning on tlielr return home to Hol-1 will be heated with steam fWmi n fur visit here, and he states that while road or other internal Improvement favor of a building on the west side. lister, Cal., nftcr n few weeks' visit nace located in the basement. he expected to find a good town, he nothing as good for Ore­ to bo made or other net to be done If the bond issue wero used for build­ with Mrs. Briggs' parents. Judge and did not half realize how good it was I Engineer Benjamin Heidel left Fri- until he arrived here. He is very gonians as Cteonljfc which In Its nature is more beneficial ings alone it would bo possible to Mrs. Benson. They put tn several to tho community nt largo than to tho build two very fair-sized buildings days of fishing nt Spring Crock while day morning for California. He will favorably impressed with Klamath Inhabitants in tho immediate local­ for that amount, and theso could be here, nnd Mr. Flrlggs states that bo Is returfi In a few days to take tip his Falls, and says ft only takes a walk ity of tho road, or other lntornal im so locatod to better accommodate already looking forward to another work of selecting a location for the down the street to Bee that the town outing next year. route of the Crater Lake road. is wide awake. provements, such act Is to bo con every aoction of thq city. HOLDS UP Al’I'ICOPRIATION i STOP Before You Sign RATES ARE NO HIGHER