r 5 I I'KllK >|(M \ M l Itigli Melloni Muilclits Al quit Tin in. Tin- Mo soloists, was well packed before the curtain ous to the health of people living choral bodies and orchestra* went up on the first n«t. Th« eight along them Tin- task of destroying from time to time assist. mouthers of the graduation clus>. tho dlsease-bris'ding bacteria in thu The Alaska-Yukou-Pacific Exposl were assist «d by thro« of tho under sewage aud once more making the lion Is fortunate In having as Its di- classmen lu th« presentation of I rivers available for drinking water luctt r of music on« of tbe most noted "Sheridan's Rivals " Th« High Hchool .bus not y«t buun worked out •1« Is the leader of the Innes' Orchaa- Professor Wirts, furnished the open < untly mude by the l'nlt«d Hiatus Geo­ I »! Band of New York, an urgantz.-i-! ing music. logical Hurvuy In co-operation with lieu of sisty pieces, uud many tinted 7 Vincent Yad«n sustained the dim the Hnnltary Research Laleiratory of, sob.lala, Including Vlrglnli Llsto- cull rule of Hlr Anthony Absolut« In (lie Massachusetts Institute of Tech in -nn oj Boston, soprano; Dr H 1. a moat commendable manner .mil nohigy ami local authorities nt lio.i- 'Millams. Wales, K iir ., harpist, Ku-! «tori the hi-arty applause of tho ns tou. at Baltimore am! at Rob Bank, T hynca, Budapest, Bohemia, string aemblage* Ills display of passion N. J, show that this end, too, may, ba.--- virtuoso, und K< g*l. tbe weli- and rage nt th« conduct of his son be attained nt a ti’asohabbi coat . knowu cello soloist attained just th« right degree of The essential ag-iils of acwag-- Liberal IT Concert Band nt Now I heat and were not overdone Miss purification are provided and cm ! York, fifty picc< *, with th* famous Klein Hloul, as Mrs Mahiprop,' was plnve'd by nature,'and sewage purlfl ' I cut net virtuoso directing, and 81-' ideal, and her display of dictionary -atlon ns practiced today Is but th« lory's Royal Italian Band of filty knowledge kept th« audfnm « In a ilntenslvi application of those natural i j plucea, are other Eastern orynnl/a- laughing humAr the « improvements that lions to lie In aril nt Health- 1 Erwin Rolfe, in th« double char­ have been tuad« have hot Involved th«! Tlie Exposition Administration acter of Ensign Beverly and Captain 'discovery or application of new prln Baud la one of tho largest musical or- Absolut«, displayed a wonderful t avi­ < Iplcs, but have merely Increased th« . gauizations ever asaotnbled. March- on the singe for ,m amateur lie ap working efficiency of the natural In« bands from all parts of the Pa­ peared perfectly at home In the char ug«nci«s From th« old-time »«wag«I cific Coast, and the famous Phi.Ip acters and got everything out of the | Irrigation field, with Its maximum ca pin« Constabulary Band, are ex­ parts that they would stand Ills parity of possibly 10,000 gallops an i pected Mexico will send lending mu­ smooth acting was an agreeable sur­ [acre in twenty-four hours, to th«! sical organizations prise to Ills many friends In the present day trickling filter capable of | Hcotch pipers from Ottawa, Can audience Miss Mamie Boyd, as the dealing with two or three million gal uda. will furnish a sensational nov- capridou* Lydia Languish, -bowed Ilona an net*« a day. improvement has tdty. some clever acting It was hard to ; been sti-ady Director Innes has written th« offi­ ^b-lleve that h«r disappointment at The o|d time methods, however, j cial march of the ex|>onltlon to I m tbe failure of the planned elopement rr-ally destroyed the poliutlcg sub-« called Gloria Washington," and Carl was not real | stances, while the modern s«wagn Busch, tho celebrated Danish com­ No belter selection could have i filter does not The liquid flowing poser. has compound a festival march been mud« fol the character of thu . from thus« filters looks to tho un for the opening exercises. brave "Acres" than that of Garrett ftiilti'-rl «ye Ilk« tho original sewage. McDowell and Wagner concerts Vau Hiper lie was a veritable man . Tliere Is almost us much organic mat­ aro planned, with other numerous eater when Will llurn, the big Irish­ ter In It as In th« raw »«wage, and special events man, ns Hlr Lucius O'Triggcr, was som«tim«s more Its nature, tiow- back of him, but the realities of n < ver, has been changed, the organic Sa«- O .-ttiurt's auction ad on page 6 genuine duel wore almost too much 1 matter, though not burned up. has for him. Sir i.udu», with hi« brogue been charrod or partly oxidized, and and red whiskers, was a fin« ap* cl­ tills charring lias been sufficient to M-.U m«n of a husky Irish gentleman rob It of Its foulness In other words. Carlisle Yadi-n did not hav« a par­ Its cbemlcul composition has been so NEW YORK. May 27. A new ticularly pleasing character as Faulk- altered that it can no longer undergo land, but his portrayal ef the part rapid putrefaction and cause a nuls- comet which Is flying through space at the rate of many rnilllon mlle» a was good, nevertheless The part of ame. Lydia was well handled by Mit« Atta The waler, however, still needs fil­ minute may be soen by the naked . Griffith tration Io make It fit to drink More­ oyo just aftor sunsut any «vcnlng Agnes Marple. Roy Fou I ’.ha a any ot i.r .kc. Send lor free «Bt.il. gue. MsCALVS magazine More Aubscrtbera t! in any ocher t.i hion magazine— cd i-.on .x i I.t'x. hnmub . Lat- cst s'.ylrw, p.itt rn<, dr» ^smakiny, n . tnery, p’uin M.wingt fancy uoU«w-U, iu*t»-.u^ ctlq ielte, good stories etc. On v 60 ts a year (north double), including 1 free pt ’em. Subst ribe t h U y , - - u I I imp! - opy. WONOEBFLT. IN.T 3 ' to A-’m! s. Pb I I . t c ’ »çue Jtnd netv cash pr:»e oFe *. Address rsi M A UX CO.. 221 to 2« VA 37th St.. Nt J \ Mg A Corking Story of our Navy, by Robert Dunn, the well-known war correspond­ ent, with picture» by R euter - dahl , the man who threw such a scare into the naval authorities last year ; six other fine stories of assorted kinds; four arti­ cles that mean things, two of which were written for the spe­ cial purpose of saving y«s mon­ ey ; bright, crisp humor—all bound in a stirring Memorial Day cover—that's the JUNE EVERYBODY'S For Sale By F £. ANKENY AMERICAN ASK^ FOR CONFECTIONERY OlAMOTO A