Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1909)
r 5 I I'KllK >|(M \ M l Itigli Melloni Muilclits Al quit Tin in. Tin- Mo<l«ru 'IKutiiM-iit of an Old HEATTLB, Wash., Juno I Music ■elves Very Creditably. I'roblmi. is to hold her accredited place at the The problem of purifying sewago Al iska - Yukon Pacific Exposition, Il wav a well pleaseit audience i «i that it no longer tiausforma the which opens st Meattie the first of the that wltncsJkd th« High Hcbool gtu ilv«rs Into whli li It Is dlscbargod Into month and continues until October dents in th«lr opening play of grad open newer» bus boon mo far solved tilth The leading bands of the United nation week Monday evening at the 1 that these streams need no longer be Hiutes will be In attendant' • to give Opera House Houston's big th«at«r disgusting to th« sens«H and danger daily concerts, and varlou > soloists, was well packed before the curtain ous to the health of people living choral bodies and orchestra* went up on the first n«t. Th« eight along them Tin- task of destroying from time to time assist. mouthers of the graduation clus>. tho dlsease-bris'ding bacteria in thu The Alaska-Yukou-Pacific Exposl were assist «d by thro« of tho under sewage aud once more making the lion Is fortunate In having as Its di- classmen lu th« presentation of I rivers available for drinking water luctt r of music on« of tbe most noted "Sheridan's Rivals " Th« High Hchool .bus not y«t buun worked out <m a Icrdera of th« country, F N tnnes Orchestra, under tho leadership of practical busts, but Invimtlgatlons r<> •1« Is the leader of the Innes' Orchaa- Professor Wirts, furnished the open < untly mude by the l'nlt«d Hiatus Geo I »! Band of New York, an urgantz.-i-! ing music. logical Hurvuy In co-operation with lieu of sisty pieces, uud many tinted 7 Vincent Yad«n sustained the dim the Hnnltary Research Laleiratory of, sob.lala, Including Vlrglnli Llsto- cull rule of Hlr Anthony Absolut« In (lie Massachusetts Institute of Tech in -nn oj Boston, soprano; Dr H 1. a moat commendable manner .mil nohigy ami local authorities nt lio.i- 'Millams. Wales, K iir ., harpist, Ku-! «tori the hi-arty applause of tho ns tou. at Baltimore am! at Rob Bank, T hynca, Budapest, Bohemia, string aemblage* Ills display of passion N. J, show that this end, too, may, ba.--- virtuoso, und K< g*l. tbe weli- and rage nt th« conduct of his son be attained nt a ti’asohabbi coat . knowu cello soloist attained just th« right degree of The essential ag-iils of acwag-- Liberal IT Concert Band nt Now I heat and were not overdone Miss purification are provided and cm ! York, fifty picc< *, with th* famous Klein Hloul, as Mrs Mahiprop,' was plnve'd by nature,'and sewage purlfl ' I cut net virtuoso directing, and 81-' ideal, and her display of dictionary -atlon ns practiced today Is but th« lory's Royal Italian Band of filty knowledge kept th« audfnm « In a ilntenslvi application of those natural i j plucea, are other Eastern orynnl/a- laughing humAr the <ntlre evening j-roci^iH-s Tt>« improvements that lions to lie In aril nt Health- 1 Erwin Rolfe, in th« double char have been tuad« have hot Involved th«! Tlie Exposition Administration acter of Ensign Beverly and Captain 'discovery or application of new prln Baud la one of tho largest musical or- Absolut«, displayed a wonderful t avi < Iplcs, but have merely Increased th« . gauizations ever asaotnbled. March- on the singe for ,m amateur lie ap working efficiency of the natural In« bands from all parts of the Pa peared perfectly at home In the char ug«nci«s From th« old-time »«wag«I cific Coast, and the famous Phi.Ip acters and got everything out of the | Irrigation field, with Its maximum ca pin« Constabulary Band, are ex parts that they would stand Ills parity of possibly 10,000 gallops an i pected Mexico will send lending mu smooth acting was an agreeable sur [acre in twenty-four hours, to th«! sical organizations prise to Ills many friends In the present day trickling filter capable of | Hcotch pipers from Ottawa, Can audience Miss Mamie Boyd, as the dealing with two or three million gal uda. will furnish a sensational nov- capridou* Lydia Languish, -bowed Ilona an net*« a day. improvement has tdty. some clever acting It was hard to ; been sti-ady Director Innes has written th« offi ^b-lleve that h«r disappointment at The o|d time methods, however, j cial march of the ex|>onltlon to I m tbe failure of the planned elopement rr-ally destroyed the poliutlcg sub-« called Gloria Washington," and Carl was not real | stances, while the modern s«wagn Busch, tho celebrated Danish com No belter selection could have i filter does not The liquid flowing poser. has compound a festival march been mud« fol the character of thu . from thus« filters looks to tho un for the opening exercises. brave "Acres" than that of Garrett ftiilti'-rl «ye Ilk« tho original sewage. McDowell and Wagner concerts Vau Hiper lie was a veritable man . Tliere Is almost us much organic mat aro planned, with other numerous eater when Will llurn, the big Irish ter In It as In th« raw »«wage, and special events man, ns Hlr Lucius O'Triggcr, was som«tim«s more Its nature, tiow- back of him, but the realities of n < ver, has been changed, the organic Sa«- O .-ttiurt's auction ad on page 6 genuine duel wore almost too much 1 matter, though not burned up. has for him. Sir i.udu», with hi« brogue been charrod or partly oxidized, and and red whiskers, was a fin« ap* cl tills charring lias been sufficient to M-.U m«n of a husky Irish gentleman rob It of Its foulness In other words. Carlisle Yadi-n did not hav« a par Its cbemlcul composition has been so NEW YORK. May 27. A new ticularly pleasing character as Faulk- altered that it can no longer undergo land, but his portrayal ef the part rapid putrefaction and cause a nuls- comet which Is flying through space at the rate of many rnilllon mlle» a was good, nevertheless The part of ame. Lydia was well handled by Mit« Atta The waler, however, still needs fil minute may be soen by the naked . Griffith tration Io make It fit to drink More oyo just aftor sunsut any «vcnlng Agnes Marple. Roy Fou<h and over, it may and in many ctuo-s doc» on the Southwest horicon. sccord- Henry Price gave excellent support contaminate oyster beds, thus spread Ing to Edward Fnirfax Naulty, an to the leading characters, and their ing disisue- and tendlug to ruin a astronomer. who ha« confirtned the discovery of th« comet on Monday acting la evidence that the future I great Industry graduating class will have good ma , It has not yet been decided upon by Professor R. Brooks of Hobart Mr terial for tbolr performances 1 whom the responsibility rents for College. Geneva, New York keeping tho rivers clean, but the con- Naulty says that the new comet is CINTATA WAN A HI '< < i;wt* L -ynsus of competent opinion requires spiwidlng toward the sun and should thst If sewage Is discharged within lie visible for a number of days I PPKH LAKE NOTES. VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. The auditorium of tbe High .the region of Important shullflsh bods yet. Because of the direction of the flight, and the relative post comet'» School was filled Tuesday nignt with 1 or Into a stream which la used as a 4 A party of railroad surveyors start Mr Editor: My attention has been «n appreciative audience to llilten to 1 source of domestic water supply with tion of the earth, Its head Is not ed in this ufornlng to plat a portion called to an assassin-like attack that visible. but Naulty and Professor the rendition of Cowen's "Rose 1 out flitration, such sewage shall at of thu old Hanks place east of the was made upon my motives from the Mald«n " Till» cantata Is rather diffi least be free from disease-bearing Brooks say that its tail, which is A location is being ambush of an anonymous correspond several million miles in length, can new -aw mill cult work for ll<gh School pupil«, but germs made fur track and docks on the ent professing to be from Bonanza, be clearly detected, The astronom- Wirts It under the direction ot Mr Results of <e-el«gi<*l Survey Ex|*-ri- but which, from its earmarks, I judge era agree that there Is no danger of watei front. was given in a manner which evoked m<-nt». Captain Hansberry's new boat, the to be from the pen of a prominent only praise from everyone. The The Geological Survey experiments, a collision with the <<arth Happy Hooligan. Is in commission. county official. I have too great a re was good. and showed chorus work which arc set forth by Earle B Phelps He used h<-r for a few days as a pile the result of faithful training l*er- In Wat< r-Hupply Paper 229, Just is See O Short'« auction ad ou page 6 driver boat while working on the log spect for myself to stoop to hla level or waste my energies in a reply to haps th« most pleasing and melodious sued. show thnt the application of a boom at the new mill, but is now up one who. from ambush, stabs me in "Bridal March," the one wus the small amount of available chlorine In MENATOI! BAILEY STRl't’K the luk«- after a raft of logs. the back I could easily prove that number of tbe cantata beat known to the form of bleaching powder to the The steamer Mazama is again 10 I have no selfish end to promote in IlY NEWSPAPERMAN the public ; customary "purified" sewage effects commission, and looks gay in her advocating the improvement of the The soloists acquitted t homsclves «atlsfactory disinfection The removal WASHINGTON. May 27 Just new coat of paint and other improve shortest and best road through the with great credit Ml«« Mantle Hord. of bactnriii by this means averages after the Senate adjourned today ments county, instead of throwing away the «s soprano, sustained the role of the •iver 95 per cent, making th« removal Senator Bailey of Toxas and W. 3. Something very much resembling Rose Mnld«n and charmed the audi I for the whole purification process !»s Manning, a representative of the New- ciopplngs -if coal has been unearthed public funds on a road which goes ence with the clearness and richness tn 99 tier ««nt of the number In the York Times, engaged In a fisticuff on th-- west coast of Howard Bay It "around Robin Hood's barn." Let my assailant come out into the open of her tones, her high notes being crude sewage. The cost of disinfec in front of the room of the Senate will do to investigate further where men can see him and know . tyrtlcularly b«ll like Mlaa Mildred tion rang«» from $1 to $1 50 per Committee on Finance. Another prehistoric or antediluvian who be is for a certainty, and then I w'llson, contralto, as the gardener's mlllioh gallons of sewage, depending There was a referents- to Bailey's' specimen was picked up on the shores daughter, made tier- initial appear i «hlefly on the six« of th« plant. Five chanrcterlxat Ion of the New York of White Laki- a few days ago, nd a will give him a "Roland for his Ol ance ns a singer tn Klamath Falls pnrts per million of chlorine prob- Times' editor is "infamous liar." and lovely jasper was picked up by a gen iver." A man who tells the truth and is conscious of tbe justice of his Her voice Is rental kaltle for its sweet abli repre «nta the maximum amount too soon for bystanders to apprehend tleman tn the suburbs of the town cause need not, and I believe would ness and sympathy, nnd it in to be | required for the treatment of trick- what It was alt about. Manning Th« i ivlaators of the steamer Hor not. attack and misrepresent another hoped she will b< heard often. ling-filter effluents of poored quality. struck Bnllcy with his umbrella and net hav- r-'ceivi-d from Portland a in the open while he remains hidden, Mr llurge Mason, always a favor Th« results obtained do not. of the two men clinched They were splendid -<and pump, which they will like a snake In the grass ite, sang the baiitone role, and al course, amount to complete steriliza Immediately separated without tn- us« in loading barges with sand at the Yours respectfully, though lu- In usually heard as a tenor, tion. but they may reasonably lie Jury. mouth of Wood River and Modoc C. W SHERMAN, Sr " he delighted bin listeners with his called "practical disinfection.” Con Point. work, hi» voice appearing to advan siderable additional coat is required Tom White, former watchman of Set- O. Short 's auction ad on page 6. IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES tage In thin register He In to be con to improve them hut slightly. Mr. the Long Lake Company. Is very sick gratulated especially ou learning the Phelps' paper may be obtained free Reports from the outside are so at present writing. He came up from Of Klamath Falls and vicinity. All part at very short notice. of cost from the Director, United Yuma. Arizona, and the great change ladle«' hats M, »4.50. »5 and »5 50 Mr. Erwin Rolfe, In the tenor Htatea Geological Survey, Washing- ravorab,° f,,r “ ,“rR'' attendance at In climate Is too much for Tom. Railroad Par celebration that the at 13.00 All »6, »6.50, $7 and $7.50 '•’-•i. w:. •’’art nc- to t’’e public, hu* ton. D • ,, I 'the I Mis Jamison has been nearly blind directors of the Chamber of Com hats now go at $5.00, The $8.50, $9. surprised iiln hearers by I i I h ability I I fur the Uoi month, caused by a r.-were merce doomed it necessary to have Ilia voice Is very mellow and swoct. IHE PORTLAND HTORE'H j spell of the grip and cold settling in $9.50 and $10 now at $7.50. Re member this sacrifice sale we make I NEW ELECTRIC H1GN two largo coffin» pots to supply the I her eye«. particularly in the middle register, demand. The pots are of monstrous to the ladles rather than carry them ' although he Is possessed of great Much more business is being done else- almost large enough for W. H. over commences June 3d The Bos- ' The Portland Store Is tho first range, ! by the railroad than anyone had rea S Tho duets between Miss Boyd and bUMlnesa house In tho city to install 1 Dolboor, the manager of the barbe son to expect, and the yard men think ton Store Mri Mason and Miss Boyd and Mr. an electric Illuminated sign, such as lcue, to go swimming In one of them. a switch engine will be needed soon. I It Is likely that the Chamber of Com- T R can «trike a mean for simpli Rolfe wore gems, and the trio by all the lending retail stores in tho A large acreage of small grain is MI ssuh Boyd and Wilson nnd Mr. cities aro equipped with. The now ' me roe will use the po's to run an on- ' planted east of here and Is doing fine, fied «polling In Africa somewhere be sign contains 107 electric bulbs, 1 position sanltorlum to F. T. Sander- ¡and the farmers «ay that it Is an ideal tween gun and hippopotamus. Mason was delightful. Tho wholo cantata went smoothly which nt night spread a ray of light j son after the grand celebration I season for crops of all kinds. and would have done credit, In Its thnt gives tho postoffice block a mot-' It Is not generally known that an See 0. Short's auction ad on page 6. rendition, to older nnd more experi ropolltan appearance. It Is a first-! See O Short's nuctlon nd on page 8 cx-Central American Insurgent officer enced singers. This was due to a class advertisement both for this pro of high rank Is a resident in a suburb largo extent to tho assistance of Mrs gressive store and for tho city. Klamath Falls is to have an of Klamath Falls, but such is the Don Zumwalt, the accompanist. Most A half dozen such signs on Main automobile garage. J. L. Hendricks case. Having bocome weary of strife if tho singers received their excellent street would give Klamath Faile tho of Hendricks Bro«., Santa Barbara, In a country whore no stable govern musical training under Mrs. Zum nlrs of a city, and would make tho has been In tho city the past week ment exists he has taken up hts resi walt nnd through her thorough business street an attraction to tho | looking over the field, and has de dence under tho old stars and stripes, knowledge of tho ability of each she visitor from tho country nnd the out- 1 cided to locate here. He left today which Is ronlly tho land of his nativ Veterinary Surgeon wan able to get tho best from ench side. Strangers coming to tho city I for California to settlo up his busi- ity. He has followed tho phantom and Dentist voice. Tho High School and all con would bo Impresaod If more such ad-1 ness and will return to this city In of a revolutionist and found It a glit nected with tho production aro to bo vi’rtlslng methods woro adopted, tering fraud. The officer doesn ’ t about 30 days, when he will open up congratulated on tho decided success. city council should oncourago * '' 1 a general ropalr shop for automobiles ! wish his name given In this connec | Improvements Klamath Falls and gasoline launches. He will keep tion, not wishing to court unwanted Mon will frot and mon will «cold notoriety, otherwise he Is personally Oregon < ; several machinos on hand. I A fighting record In the Hay- about hats women wear, yet never known to many of our citlcens as a . ; PHONE 94' I fellow townsman, not the ex-soldler think of setting a good example by markot riot la a sort of patent or I nobility for a Chicago policeman. See O. Short’s auction ad on page 8. of fortune reforming their own headgear, - « Geo. Constable, D. V. S A scientific bill of fare made la Germany lists whale's milk as th« ideal human food, but buckwheat cakes and sausages still hold first place in this country u the real thing. MeCAU. PATTERNS C hr Moi for Myl?, pert re t Ft, mp’ »nd near.y 4.) jut*. Sold in 1 early every city and town in t’ • t’r ’rd St’ . ina v, or bv inai! dirtxC. More »> I ’.ha a any ot i.r .kc. Send lor free « gue. MsCALVS magazine More Aubscrtbera t! in any ocher t.i hion magazine— cd i-.on .x i I.t'x. hnmub . Lat- cst s'.ylrw, p.itt rn<, dr» ^smakiny, n . tnery, p’uin M.wingt fancy uoU«w-U, iu*t»-.u^ ctlq ielte, good stories etc. On v 60 ts a year (north double), including 1 free pt ’em. Subst ribe t h U y , - - u I I imp! - opy. WONOEBFLT. IN.T 3 ' to A-’m! s. Pb I I . t c ’ »çue Jtnd netv cash pr:»e oFe *. Address rsi M A UX CO.. 221 to 2« VA 37th St.. Nt J \ Mg A Corking Story of our Navy, by Robert Dunn, the well-known war correspond ent, with picture» by R euter - dahl , the man who threw such a scare into the naval authorities last year ; six other fine stories of assorted kinds; four arti cles that mean things, two of which were written for the spe cial purpose of saving y«s mon ey ; bright, crisp humor—all bound in a stirring Memorial Day cover—that's the JUNE EVERYBODY'S For Sale By F £. ANKENY AMERICAN ASK^ FOR CONFECTIONERY OlAMOTO A