>100 Reward, >100. than * year prior to submitting hl« final proof on said entry, tlv* »aid Th* roadar» uf till* payer *«lil b* plr»a»l la learn ihsl lh*r» I» al l*aal una ilramlsd ittwaaa oonlawtao haul oompl**t«dy at*uud>>n<»atm«ut Hall'* Catarrh Cur« la laknn in- hia all«>g<»l abweiioc from said laud larnallv. aa'llng .ilrovlly upon Ih» blissl and u»r 0 wax ihk du« to his employment in ueii'eua •urlaci.« ul lh« «;«Uui, tb»r»l>y dr. Mr» R II. Duncan and Mrs Henry thu Army, Navy or Muflu«' »’orp« of ■iruylug ih« tumulatimi ut ih* «llwaa«, aud Du oran were riatti ng Mrs It 8. Ph 11 th<> Uultiul Stat**» as a private »old »Wing lh>. pallaul «Iraiisth by building up th« HHKlIlullun and aaalallng naturu lu doing ips Thursday, and also called on Mm lor. ollloor. seaman or marine, during Ila »orb. Ih» pi..primer» tears mt muih la lib Young. th>> war with Spain or during any iu tu lurallvn pow«ra ihal tb»y »n«r Ona Mr Prleat U In the «alley visiting other war In which the United States Huiilr.t imi tara tor any i'«a« Il lall« io cur«. I th«» community In the interest <»f a may I m * ongag<r«» p**ar, rua|M*ud aud offer ovldencv NO tw> INH’ND HAUK DAIRY SALT........................................ baby carriage mid will uever have a visiting Prang Borg aud family Sun- touching »«id allegations al 11* 1 OO .50 INVI ND HAUK TABI.F SAL» ................. grenier throne from which to qu«en day o'clock a m . on May 31, 1909. bo- too IMl’NDS 7.00 sli.AIS .................. It. Mr», Talbert of Klamath Fall» |«¡fora R M llichardson, U. S t'om- I .OO POUND* 14 SI'GAR .............................................. mliMloner, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, visiting Mr* E S Phill]!« IN 1*01 NDS 1 oo riti ne * .............. ami that final licariug will bo held , Mr Horace Shideler has fence«! hl» 1 IMI I * 1*01 Nit* ill I WAN al 10 u clock a m., on Juuu 9. 1909, raueb. .13 kim-HII*. KFtll'I.XK PRICE J.V before the Register nuil lliMi'Iivi nt Mrs F. D Swlugl*» was stalling Hie United Elatoa Land Office at Mrs Frank Boggs last »«»k CASH OMA bi \ * \i rm si pwici s Lakeview, Oregon Mr and Mrs Frank Boggs w or«» Olili R BARGAINS ON lili W (X J N WATSON. W«< lutve Mtiue ilcwiral*!«' land visitors at Bon.-tnza last w«s»k Roglstar, lo . «.hmige f**r iiupr*»« e«l |*r**|e ■ Thu said ><>nt> stunt having, in erty In Ria malli Falla—land proper affidavit, filed March H.«» <» Short ‘a auction ad on page •» ♦ ♦AAAAAAAA A ♦ ♦ • ♦ Ing on the bridges which be t!’.< liuti will le* Irrigui««!,, l*ut for 1909, act forth facts which show NEWS FROM YONNA. DIREI.1.A NEWS NOTES. contract to build about June 12. The* ♦ that after du* diligence personal sur- wlUili water la no y««< remiy. DI PAItlMENT 09 I HE INTER* vine of thin notice cannot b« made, William Smith and S Perry of will probably b’sin on the bridge at ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A ♦ A A ♦ ♦ A A A A N oiim ' «liuti-«* lanigell Valley Bly stopped at Manuel Vieras last Kono. it is hereby ordered and ilir**«t'<< given by du« and Sunday on their way to Central LAND OFFH K. Bonanza were home Irrigai l**n near Ivlamatli Falk. prop«r public.irIon P< .nt, where they will consult a phy­ liuprovetnenlj on his placo by build ■of Mr.*. Bowne’a mother, Daw I.tkevlew, Oregon. Ing new fence. sician about Mr. Perry's health J N WATSON. I Campbell March 3 1. 1909 I-1 5 30 Jesse Drew was in Dairy Thursday Register Mr. Manning from the Falls p‘.»»-«l itavi; mi NOTH ED IHK .nth. i *nt i inii'Sl affidavit hav- Oscar I'anipb II moved his HOUS.' William Clarke is no» working on through Yonna last Weeduesday. been Hlod In II li office by John II XI XX HOME* GOING VP !N ou to Mrs. Gerber's ranch, recently the road. st MMONs Ed Wiggins is now working for VoLm -r, Dorila, Calif, contestant, Mr. and Mrs Charles McCutnber purci'.ix-d from M. F Orr Mil IM titilli ION'* P. IL Gray of Dairy. Clint Lyon's I as iuatalled a phone again»: ! homer.' -ml entry No. 3957, made a trip to Dairy Thursday. I KO Sc.y Clark left last Monday 'o April 33, 1*0 t. tla.il certificate No. In th«- Circuit Court *»< llw< State <>l Mrs. Johu Shook of Bonanza, who M elcousv on th«- liu«-. to work ou the Carr ranch m Cal­ < >reg«m, For the County 0335. .»« i.si tugiirt II. 190«. for is selling ladies’ hats, made a trip to Mrs E. S. Phillips and Mr Tai ifornia. of kliuoath, the V. H j NW' j , SEXtNW^, NE Yanix. also to B1y and Lakeview to bot. with Mr«, t'lnrv-nc« Hunt, spent Mrs N. S. Drew and daughter. ; mol O. U. APPLEGATE, II 3W I«* • * *• li. T 91 S . It 7 K., A Hradbuiii md Jan« H.ad- W. ivee, visited with Mrs. Fitch last ; »«•Il bats. George Morine of Bonanza Monday with Mrs K R. C WllUam» W M ,. by William A Ot«>. In burn, his wife. Plaintiffs, vs. John Fifth Hired. near Mala. Is driving for her. I Harold Kllgoi »B» vDlting at .which it i< aHvgatl that said William u R the U»t i>wrt of the week M RICHARDSON Mis» on the Barclay murder tri..I • I I*3d. by E. R C William» for the States and th« cult»« uud regulations you are he.eby required to appear I beeil Blanche Robinson, who has purpose of selecting a director to, os abiiah ■f Summons and Office. Third an*l Main. opts> lug* diiy within which you are re l.iarary. Telephone Nil will start to break bush for Emile Klamath Falls last Saturday the votes, was declared elected. Let , resided continuously, or at all, upon qulred to answer as fl»ellr rimili Hunk Tl ere are now two crews of men The pupils and parents and teachers Clarence Hunt was a visitor In to erect a box bouse thereon and a plain* and Truitt nidi working at the Shook ranches One gathered at the school house and Bonanza Monday »mall log stable, and immediately Said mill i* brought for tho pur- crew is planting poiitoes for Mr. W. brought everything that is good to Mr and Mr» Ben 1 A baloose and thereafter «aid hom>»«t><«wi etitryman | mm «' of i|ut ting plaintiffs title to KLAMATH FALLS - OREGON H. Shook and the other is putting up eat at a picnic. son. Roy. and Mr - and Mr». Ander- , luft said premi a'« and engaged In th« SEI« "f -h» HEX» of Section some Page wire fenc ■ on the Dave Claude Andrews is working at the son were visiting Mr. and Mrs E K busiiieHM in Klamath Falls, Oregon, 38 In Townnblp 39 H It II Knit of Shook ranch. mill tor Turner Bro« since school is C. Williams Sunda sad that he al*> l«aa«wi aud farm»»! Wlllamutt Meridan lu Klamath Dock Pool was riding for cattle last out, Dave Campbell returned from a tree* ot land belonging to bls County, Oregoa, and releasing and ATTORNEY AND Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs C. A Bunting and Klamath Falls Saturday COUNSELOR AT LAW father, G W o»er. who reoldiM In satisfying a certain mor'guge as th« C. E. Drew made a trip to he Res­ family went to Pop valley Sunday Mr and Mrs. Anderson and son Slsklpzu County, Calif , where said earn« applied to th« above dnatcrlb«»! KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ervation last Wednesday. morning, returning Sunday evening Clayton, were visiting Mr and Mr» ‘ tract of Luid so l-sca-»l was U h - u I*«!. r*>ai property, «aid mortgage being ROOMS 7 A 8, MURDOCK BLOG. John Shook, accompanied by Mr. The eighth grade graduating class Frank Berg Sunday afternoon and that lor tho pant year, and for given by II W Ki«*e and Itoe«' 1*.. jobs of Bonanza and a land buyer were Misses Alla Balls and Harriet Mrs. Ed Duncan was cutting ; Mrs more than a y«or irunimtlardy pre- E K noon. said homoartBiod fairy, the oooUMt*«« of said suit, and unl.sM you appear Moiday DENTIST Henry Hartman and Cheater Has­ M F. Orr went to Bonaa*« with was '«lgasfod in th« biLSluiax of con­ and answer «aid complaint on or be­ . i,e fruit pro»|xct in this valley kins. E. R. C. Williams Monday to take ducting a saloon tn Htakyou County, fore the sold 3rd day of June. 1909. W7r/rrow-/Me/fta»e Hulldlng se» ;ns to be vury favetable this year. The Commencement programme of the »tag« for Klamath Falls, and Calif . at a place ootnmoaly known as the plaintiffs will apply to the Court Mis. W. H. Bliss was at Mrs P. H. the Merrill public school that was from there the train for the East to "the hold In the ground.” That for the relief demand*«! in said com Grays on business Monday given last Friday night. May 28th, is visit his father. He will be away sold oontaotue »ubmlttad his final plaint. DR. C. P. MASON Mrs. Marks and her daughter o as follows Band solo by the Peter- about two or thr**.- months proof on said tract of laud <>a or Thia summons Is published tn the Poe Valley were visitor» at M ». P. DENTIST son brothers, violin solo. Rev L M Mrs. Clint Lyon and two childreu, about the Jtnd day of April, 1908, Klamath Fall* ” Republican,” a Ofltoa iu American Bank A Trust Com ji . G'.' last Monday. Anderson; invocation. Rev L. M. Mrs. Henry Haynes and two children but that oo [zau-nt has mhucm I thereon weekly newspaper print*«! and pub­ Clarence and Earl Gray are busy pany’s Building Anderson, oration, "Do We Appreci­ were visiting Mrs R. C. Cowley Mon­ Teat the only pr*) of cultivating lished at Klamath Fall«. Oregon, r .. » g the fence cn the L»e piace RHONE 814 ate the Day in Which We Live? ", and day. said iuad by the sold oontoat*»,. or by order of Honorr.blo George at Dairy. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON salutatory. Cheater Haskins, claw] George Deal aud sons, Cecil and any*Mio In his behalf, was thoplough- Noland, Judge of ac.ld Court, dated P. H. Gray made a business trip to address. Rev. R. S. Bishop, piano Clyde, were at the school house Sat­ lag of about half an acre, which said th« 3 l«t day of April, 1*09. the Fails Monday. He took acme solo. "Old Black Joe.” Miss Lila urday attending the meeting to se­ ploughing was done just prior to the first publication to bo mini« on po; k d' wn to sell. Balls; oration, "Opportunities,” and lect a director to the Water Users date <>t submitting tlnai proof, that 35th day of April, 1909, and tho Nellie Bliss was in Dairy last Tueo- valedictory. Claude Andrews; . xal Association ho novar cultivated said land, or any publb-atlou to be mad« on the able, but although it was unpleasant solo, Mrs. Ben Faus; addreo» and Jeff Wilson and Mrs. Wilson w*>rc ' portion of the .same, to crop, or day of June, 1909 da.>. presentation of diplomas. Sup- in­ visiting her sister. Mr» William Pan- ; mail« auj priH-uoe of ever cultlval- Benson A Stone Mr. Eldrod, the a«d.» maker.of tended J. G Swan The exercises key. log salif lund other than the plough- 3 > ■ I . • • it*. , ft '< j at L v. .o Sir? >k rauca H W. Keesee, were closed by the benediction by Th« Lor*•!la Sunday school is pre-i lug herein ineutlomwl, that for more * w ex. H1.- puixa.is l Attorney« for Plalutlffs ,,C : I Rev R. S. Bishop. i there. A farewell reception was given I.u»t Koee Sutton •».nd W.-J