**'» BIG REDUCTIONS On ali Dry Goods«™! Shoes Still in Force MORE GROCERY SPECIALS ................. 50 POUND SACK DA I BY HALT .................................... 50 I1H XI» SACK 50 POUND SACK SAIT, »w GROUND TABLE SALT........................................ si GAB ............................................. A. E. CRANCE & CO. SHOW EXHAUSTS YtKABULMlY CASH ONI \ in V > pi Mill In repotting a rocoptlou given hue week by Mrs W. II. Shirk of I.Msellew to Judges Noland, lieu mil and Webster, the Herald says "Mr. C. K. Reager, Mrs. I.. E. Seagor ami Mrs. J, E Norrin ten- derisl some vocal music, and Judge Hen son Irtiul too ” A FEW IIARtlAINH. \r these ritict.s OTHER BARtiXlX.wOX Illi. W.U I i m xsox tullí) roo S,x> (V Short.'a auction ad on page 6 KM» POUNDS . 14 FOUNDS IS i‘orxi>s 14 IDI \l>S Nt'UAB ........................................... i'BVNNB ............................................. IJICE. JAPAN.. KETCHUP. ItMill ti: PHICE 2.V Wells have been sunk with iiotlc»' able lesults and If the experts are ft correct lu their opinion, w« will Lavo » and oil an unlimited supplì of In Hurns " i:x< i:xri:t rs i: merdai ». Five loti, sign 1« location, $1500. Can loan 1750 cn the d>al. A nice collage with bath. large lot. $1'00. A good buy. ,x i.irge realdenee. lit e lot. $J5OO Three cottages on three lots. Room « m ugn for nnother outlagu; $2250. MASON .1 SI.OUGII S<*’ o Short'., sucliuu ad ou psg»’ ù lliiui 1« >« suluiUtlliig hi» I lino Rrward, fitto. Unni pi’ixif 011 aulii entry, tlu> sul>l I 11>" ri'sib'tx o| ibi» p«|<«>r Kilt le* |*tca»,‘*l lo coiilrottMi luul ooiuplcfoly ub«iii»liin<»>l ( li-io» limi lhi>r«la*t I. »-t ole'ilrrsilvil »II»»*»* limi •»’e ih »• Ima broli aliti* lo curi» In all Ila siild liuid ami mudi» hla homi» else ami ihal la t alari li llall’a < alanti wli«>re, exoept for ilio viali inud»' io < uro la Ilio uiily p«*«illv»» l'uitf no* hmiwu lo »uhi linci, of lumi ul thè timo of Un'nn'illi'at Iraliirulty. < aiarrh bulli« a l'uu- »I i »«' sm *, r«'lir*< lly h |» hii ile* bh»**l ami wius tu»< tino tu hla l’iiiploymi'iit Iti lum iiua ani lai va ul tira sytutii, lliaroby itv. tli«' Arniy, Nuv) or Marine tlurpu of alruyllig Ih» Imimlallnn ut Ilio »llwa»», ami ibi* pallimi alraiislli by Imltillu« u|» Ilio l'iikotl Sui!<»a a» u privato rold Slvlu« ilio < oti.tiiimmi alni aaalallu« saturo ni ilolua lor, offici'r sminuiti or murine, during na mira. ìli» piiiprlvleia bava se mudi lallh llui sur valili Spalli or duiìug nuy II» ila lurailao |»*w«>r» «Imi ihoy uffvr One otiii'r w«ir lu wlil»-h tho United btutoa |luiulri»l tsillaraliir any i »•»• It falla tu auro, w mi lor Ila» ni 'o.i’imm ala muy I h » ongtigod, und lliut aulii parli«»* art» heroby iioìi U< mì to ap­ Court Rf|Hirtfr II M Richard mu petir, r»'a|H»ii<| limi off<>r uvldeu» o rvluiu»'d Munday from Lakeview, lie lotlchliig Mlld nllegigiona ut 19 ciiiue buck with D A Kenyon, who u’clock 11. tu. un Muy 31, 1*09, be­ has l>9, befor.i th« Roglatnr uml Rucoivor ut ih»» Uniteti r lui»*» l.and Oifluo ut M BUY LOTS NOW J WA THON. Register. T he . mi l»l rout« étant having. In a proper affidavit, I ì I« h I March 15, 1909, act forth facta which show that aft(*r due diligano* personal iu made, it is hereby ordered and directed that surb notice be given by duo and proper publication J N. WATSON. I t 5- 20 Iti'giator N IVc liav«’ »olile iltwlrable laud lo ex dia ng«* for lmprovi>«l |'ro|w »rty in limi wlll li lumai ti I h < Falla—land Irrigata«!,, I>ul for w lii< li water I» no y«>< nwily. DEPARrMENT <»!• IIIE INTER- i Toleg* mi i H oiih ' « ll<«i< «’ Issnga'll Valfoy The Crater lAke Road Cummisoiou loll. I NITKI» xrVli.s loittl <0 « ’ Xchang« < (<>r lauti umfor Withiu two ;.ears the Central Val­ held its Ur»t mooting at .Medford on I.AXD OFFICE ley railroad is expected to be ex- irHgnliosi lo-ar K la malli Falla. To dwell upon the excellence of the Saturday aud elected officers c. s. Lakeview Oregon lende«l iuto Bums, and that territory performances as given this seasou by Jackson was uleded president aud wtll theu have wha, it tox-ds most, March 34. 199». Governor this popular organization would ex­ Will G. Steel, s «cretary HAVE kill NtilH ED IHM X .'liti» tent foni.-at affidavit hav- a quick means of transportation haust every word of praise in the Benson was unable to attend the Such is the information brought by been lilod tu thia office by John II NEW HOMKH GOING 1 F IN HI MMONH language. The charming little act­ meeting at Medford aud announc'd Frank Davey, of the Burn»« Lau»t Voltiuer, ¡»orris, Dorris, Calif , . ronleatiaiil, Mil l s tDDUION ? ress, Margarent lies, with an aug­ the members of the commission at Office, editor of th«' ilarni'y County against lioiii»>«ti<.imuffi«, vm John The Inimitably funny comedian. E. ■ L). Norton of Grants Pass, and E. I Cotua, Dofvudaut winch it Is allegod that said William Federal Court within a iu the few H. Meade, will agaiu delight us. and V. Carter of Ashland A <>t«»y has utterly failed la re- I To the above uaiU'Ml defuudant days. The commission serves without Jos. Thompson, the sterling actor, specl to Mid outry to comply wHh ; Juliti Cot i>a ’ The survey has b»*-n mad<-aud the will be seen to advantage in a num­ compensation and will have charge of III thu nam»» of tlw, Stalo of Oregon R reports sent in to the officials of the the public laud laws of tbe U u U* h | M RICHARDSON ber of his famous characterizations. the building of the proposed state States and the rules and rogo 1st loan j yuu aro heroby required to appear * Central Valley Railroad." explained The list of new members include highway from M«>dford to Klamath ealablixhod thereunder with refer- ! »imi anawor tho complaint tiled United States Commissioner The road Davey, "and the prospects for the «>x- Eddie Mitchell, the young and band- Falls via Crater Lake oace l<> «'Htabliablug aiul malutaiuin* aguiuat you iu tho sbovo entitled tension of the road into Burns are some leading man. Mr Mitchel! will be built by engineers of the road TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD residence upon '«aid laud, that he did ' cult ou or boioro Ilio 3rd da/ u( excellent. The road would like to has played leading roles in some of building siyction of the Department PROOF TAKEN iJuii". l*t>9. that beir.g tho dale of pass through a section of the forest b“1 »»stabliah a ri'sldonce in a bouse the best theatres in the country, and of Agriculture, under supervision of like ou land within iux months from ‘ 1 tho l iât publication of Hummona and Office. Third «nd Main, opposite City reserve aud the company would bears the reputation of being not the commission, co-oreraliug with Library. Telephone 301. to have the Government sell the date of entry, that he haa never I 1 tho laa< day within which you are ro- only clever but remarkably popu­ the County Court. The road through the 1 resided cuutiuuoualy. or al all, upon* qulr«Hl to auawcr as fixed by order mature pine Umoer, leaving lar. The versatile actor. Jack Haley, the forest reserve and national park young trees standing and the pin.- said trad of land, that he haa never | I of publication of thia Hummona. and comes direct from Chicago, where will be built by the Government. BENSON & STONE leone* on the ground, so that the cultivate«» or iaiprovud the anme. ; If you fall to upp«d that ills only proteuce of ooru-1 plaintiff« wlll apply to the Court ATTORNEYS AT LAW 000 latler may Krow Th*’ company t_____ playing with the leading stock com- appropriated by the state, $50 own ply>V with th? homnatoad law« wax for iho r*"ll*-f di'nibsiind In auld com­ tried this system before on its .tmnrican Hank If Edson Elliott did not by Klamath county and $50,000 by I panics, lands with success, and has learned to erect a box hou««« thereon and a I plain' and Tm»t llldt possess a most aimable nature in Jackson county to build the first that a crop of merchantable timber • »mall log stable, and Un mod lately Suid aulì is brought for thu pur- • ; section of a road which is to traverse life, surely someone KLAMATH FALLS • OREGON every-day Jean be gathertM every 25 years The thereafter said honi'»»l<* h of qui .Ung plalutlff»' title to would attempt to punish him for his the state from east to west, starting of ;ho SE 14 of Section ’¡plan perp«Kuates the forest and at left said promisee ami engaged In the HE bloody deeds, for he depicts the at the Idaho boundary and ending at busiiu «« in Klamath Falla. Orsgoa, 34 In Towuahlp 39 H R 11 Knxt uf the same time produce* a revenue. deep-dyed vlllian in a most realistic the Pacific ocean and that lie also leased and farmed WlllaiuiKlo Maridan lu Klamath The newly appointed commission When pine tree* mature they soon manner. James Arrington, with his ATTORNEY AND i a traoi of laud belonging to hia County. Oregon, aud r»»l«MMlng and decay, so the mature tree* may as is authorized to make all prelimin ­ droll mannerisms, has the happy COUNSELOR AT LAW father. G. W Oley, who reñid'» In aattsfylng a certain mortgage aa the well be disposed of at a profit Then, faculty of playing well any part he ary arrangements with the county KLAMATH FALLS. OREGOB SUkiruu County, Calif., whore said same appllt«! to th«» above described ia cast for. For tbe past season authorities for the construction of too. a white miller or moth has b«H'u tract of yux>! so le«i*>Hl wu locatixl, real property, said mortgage being ROOMS 7 A 8, MURDOCK SLOG. making its appearance In the Aut ­ Helen Harvey has delighted the peo- the road and gif the necessary per­ and that for the past year, and tor given by H W K immos and Rose Ala of Salt Lake City by her clever mits from the federal authorities umn and depositing its eggs in the more than a year I turned iaUHy pre- K. Kinine«, to you on December 7, trees, and these eggs develop a work with the Utahana Stock Com­ whereever forest reserves are to be WILL A. LEONARD oooding bls making Inal proof on 1997. and for the matta and dtaburoe- boring worm Only the mature pin»;« pany. With her quaint personality entered. No part of the appropriation said boiu>wi of said suit, and unleon yo»j appear DENTIST she possesses the power to bring is Co be used tor buying right of appear to be afflicted in this manuer. .was engaged tn the btsalneaa of con­ and answer said rom pial nt on or be­ The plan of the company has been way. only for actual construction tears or laughter from the audience laid before the department, an»l next ducting a aalooo In eMak you County. fore the sai»! 3rd lay of Jun*. !••*, Wlthron-Melhtue Hu lidlag at will. Marvin Hammond, the work Calif., al a place oommosly known an th« plaintiffs wtll apply to the Court Summer one of the officials will come winsome miss who has just finished That for the roll««/ dotnandad in said oom­ from Washington and will be taken "the bold In the ground." a two-years’ contract over the East­ UPPER LAKE NOTH» DR. C. P. MASON said oonttaftee submitted bU Una I plaint over the land which the railroad p*'<>- ern vaudeville circuit, where she was proof on said tract of land on or Thia «amnions la pubtUhed in the ple experimented with DENTIST a star feature —heralded as "the "South latitude 30 longitude 130 "A railroad is wanted more than about ibe Had day of April, 1*08, Klamath Falla "Republican.'* a Office in Ameriran Bank A Tnist Com­ (irl who sings to beat the band"— west from Greenwich, ail wei! OA anything else for the development but that no patent haa iesuod thereon weekly newspaper printed and pub­ pany’s Building provos a capativating soubrette. board Round for Sumatra to of that section, and we have reason Toat the only prutonoo of oultivatlng lished at Klamath Falla, Oregon, Iqnella Robbins In the ingenine roles V'alparlso, thence to England " Thia PMONC «14 is most gratifying, and little Jo. is the substance of a letter received to believe that it will be built, The said land by the said oouteotee. or by ord«»r of Honorable Gtwrge KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Thom plays the child parts to per­ by Capt. Nosier from bis brother, 9 country is filling up with a good anyone In his bohalf, was theplough- Noland, Judge of salii Court, dated cla*o of people and the land office log of about half an acre, which said the list day of April, l»0», fection. who is master of the tramp steamer did a remarkable business in April, ploughlug waa done Just prior U> the first publication to bo made on The vaudeville features are of a Roaey. It sounds unique and far when there were 70 bomesb’ad date of submitting Anal proof, that 25th day of April, 190*, and the high class order, aud as they are away It was sent to the United he newer cultivaUsl seal land, or any publication to bo made on the 3rd placed between every act. the audi­ States by a ship he had spoken on entries and 120 desort land entries. I By tbe dry farming method Harney portion of the tame . to coup, or ■lay of June. 1999 ence does not have to endure tbe the high sea a thousand miles from Valley will be an ideal garden spot. made any preLtuae of ever cultivat ­ Benson A Stone and usual long waits while the stage ia any where, and hU present voyage H w KeoMc. | "There is also development of the ing said laud other than the plough­ being prepared for the next act when ended will cover a distance of ing heroin lumillotMid ; that for more oil and gas resources In prosptvct. Attorneys for Plaintiff« 4-16 4 3 Without doubt this double bill— twenty-one thousand miles. drama and vaudeville combined, with Allan Taylor of Bonanza was a the excellence of the plays and actors gU’«t of friends here Sunday Mr. will pack the house at every per­ Taylor is a prosperous citizen of the formance. upper country. While here be took a sail on the big lake. DELEGATES TO CONGRESS. The quickest work in our know ledge was performed on Saturday Mayor Sanderson has received a by young Clay GilUralth at the Long communication from the secretary of .Lake Box Factory, when be put up the National Irrigation Congre*« a full window of two sash 36x32 all Stating that Klamath Falls is entitled complete for nse in just 2 3 minutes. to five delegates, and enclosing cer­ Tim Counts has turned bronco tificates for their appointment. The buster. He says s'» long as tbe darned Irrigation Congress will meet this mous'> colored pug lifts both ends year in Spokane and the meeting is off the ground at the same time it expected to be one of the most im­ is dead eaay. portant in the history of tbe organi­ Tbe steamer Hornet brought down sation. The work being attempted 100,000 feet of logs for the new is particularly important to the mill, She will next bring a raft of Klamath section, which is one of the piling for the new log boom. greatest irrigated secciunn ia the Miss Sadie Counts of Buena Vista United States. addition is afflicted with measles, Mayor Sanderson has given very but ia convalescent at present writ­ careful thought to the selection of ing. the delegates and it is expected that Robt. Rankin has just completed all will attend. Those chosen are: W. a dwelling on hU lot bought in 8. Worden, W. T. Shive, F. E. An­ Buena Vista. Tbe house, while not keny, Elmer I. Applegate and R. A. large, will suffice for the purpose Alford. until a large one ‘can be built. We understand that Alex. Nosier haa A New York court has upheld a taken the contract to build a $1500 trial marriage and has declared the building for Bob as soon as the woman who was a party to the con- necessary material can be had. tract to be thewidow of the man in- | volved in the case, the man having R. C. Spink came down on Sunday died and left a fortune of $1,000,- from Klamath Agency. Mr. Spink 000. If other husbands would be has hla equipment and Improve* equally accommodating, not only meets made at Spring Creek and ex­ trial marriagos, but every other pect« that, now that Odessa has been kind, would be much more generally closed, he haa the beat resort in successful. Klamath county. The lies Company To Ap|H'*r at th«’ I lxtcaj Opera Huane Jut»- 1st. F FRANK IRA WHITE 4 C. C. BROWER See 0. Short’s suction ad on page #. 8ee 0. 8hort’s auction ad on page 6 «*