Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 27, 1909, Image 1

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it up
N J V.
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WILL BE A BIG < I l.t- Hit 41 ION
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NO. 9
Chas E Moure of Hantu Clara,
Prepuiutloua are ispidly going
Tho last consignment of school
Parties coming In frmu th« lllootn-
un.l M. boute who uas been retained by the city forw>.rd for the Railroad Day Cele­ work for exhibit at the Alanka-Yukon Klamath County will lake part in ingcamp place, wherfi th- bnak re­
ua «onaultlug engineer to ¡«»»1st bration.
Baldwin a Baldwin, the Exposition at Scatti« I» now ready the Railroad Day Celebration
Tbu curred In the Government ditch, state
Arc < lowd.
Engineer Zumwalt In laying uut plum bora, have just completed a for shipment und will be sent ont ladles Magazine Club of Bonanza that there wax a large aoctlon of tbe
Most of and the Bonanza Valley Commercial land flood«-d and that theru waa
Mure than uno hundred Klamath plane for u complete aew»i system «-off«"- pot that will hold kb gallons, probably on Tbursday.
Kalla peoplu were passengerfl on the for the city, bu« been l«u»y ut work Word him lien r«c« lv«d from th«- M tbu botanical work of the County Club will provide a float, tbe Bonan­ fully four feet of water In the roaA.
»learner Klumuth lust Thursday for ever since his arrival here a few J. II cofft-u hou»M) In Han Francisco High School has already been »ent za band will asMlat in th«- music and The ditch bank wa» washed out for
Ady, where they met the ft rat train duyn ago Mr Moure's recommenda­ that 250 pounds of coffee ha« been to Hoattle. The schools which will propably there will be troupes of a distance of nearly 100 feet.
turning Into thia «.ily
The steamer tions In r«-gurd to the dl»posal of the >«<nt to tbe directors of the Chamber have exhibits at the fair art the riders from tbe several valleys In
Tbe break Is said to haveoccurratf
The Bonanza base ball at tbe diversion of the south branch
loft the whurf uhortly after !) o'clock sewerugc will be the same M that of Commerce for the uccaston, this Klamath County High Kchrxrl, Kia- the parade
A large crowd hu<l authored ut th«- r<-comm«-ndc«l by Mr Zumwalt. He being th«- donation of th«- wholesale math Falla, and Bonanza public team will play Klamath Fnll«, prob- from the main canal and when the
water front to »«-v her »«rut on Is of the opinion that a septic tank house to make the occasion a sue- «-shools. Thlx work was on ezhibi- ably on the 15th.
gates were closed at that point the
Although this section has never raise In water caused such a weight
her laat trip to conneri with the 1« th«* only proper method of dispos­ <-«M.
tion Wednesday at the Court House
Morrill parti«-« b*v« atated that and an invitation waa ext«nd«-d been troubled with disease epidemics that the banks w«r<- washed out. The
For aeverul mouth« the ing of the »ewug«-, and believes that
of any kind, a majority of our peo- bead gates at th« «.-ntrance of the
ataamer Klumuth baa been doing ex­ If It should be considered n««c»sary. likely th« Chamber of Cummer««- of jto all to inspect it.
Th<- exhibits art- m !<•< ted from the < pie are »tri« ken with a fever com- canal on tbe upper lake bare bee*
cellent service for Klumuth Full», other purifying meihods can ulao be that town will furnish two beevea
mon to American
communities—the closed, but it is said that at *
to be UM*d for the barbecue Re , regular work of the schex)!«
school«) and
and) , ------_________
and It I» with a fueling of regret that used in connection with the tank
Bonanza tbls year o’clock this morning there was still
It 1» practically decided that the port? from all of the cities of th«- i.hows th«- development by grades; ba»«- ball fever
the resident» of the city watched the
boat «tart on her Huai journey of main sewer will run along Main Coast an-
I from the fir»< elemental line and ‘ haz a good amateur team and. a quantity of water flowing out of
strut-! nnd probably down second <<»m<- on the • x< ursion», while from ««»lor work of tb«- first grade to tbe 1 whil«- Dot expecting the county tbe break. It will take four or five
commercial Importance
Hbortly before noon the boat ar­ street to connect with th« septic ull parts of Luk«* county word la »ent botanical and composition work of championship, our nine will help days to repair the walls of the canal,
A very and during that time irrigation will
rived at Ady.
Many of the excur­ tank, which will be located below that p«uple are coming to join Kla­ the High 8cbooL The exhibits are make matters interesting.
. I mounted «rn 20x22 card« and fitted good game wa* played last Sunday be held up, as tbe laud owners will
sionists had brought lunch baakMa Klumuth avenue. Thia would cover math in its jolllfirutlun
and enjoyed their dinner» Killing In • vvrytblug north of Muln street, in­
Citizens of Klamath will attend: Into binged frames net in handsome with tbe Bicane team from tbe be unable to secure water.
Yainax Reservation, the home boys
Home ot tbe farmers are of the
the «hade of box car« on piles of cluding the hill and the east end from ev«-ry section of the county All- cabinet*.
Tiic novelty of the uxperiénee of town. Mr. Moor«- 1« of the opinion of th«- ilttie towns will contribute I
It is Interesting to «ee how clever­ winning by a small majority. Tbe opinion that this accident demoe-
appeal««! to everyone and enthusiasm that tbe Oat from Klamath avenue toward making the occasion a suc- ly tin- children combine tbe elements ball ground» are on tbe Bowne itarte« tbe necessity of having bead­
town auu
and ua.c
have gates put in along the canal at dif­
andjof aemgn
design ana
and no*
bow inteiiigeniry
intelligently iney
they i | Island »
flowed galore
No Moser did the South will have to be Included In c«s«, while th«- plansuf Bonanza » uuu|or
1 is I handle th«- simple forms from which (been put in fine condition with com- ferent points, so *hat In case of a
train get In night when the experl- a »«'perute district. This system ha« Merrill ar« quit«- « luborate
Near tbe break tbe water <an be shut off at
mental farm, which waa the «enter not been fully worked out yet, but yet early to venture an oplnl«»n, , but I j they work, an«l particularly refresh- modlous bleachers, etc.
«j.«. th«-
arc streams
nt reams of pure water once abov».- th«- hole without caus­
Ing tr.
to ntf
tbe freedom from the diamond are
of attraction, wa» denertod und all it 1» purposed to arrange It ao as the indication* at this time are that ' im?
The the celebration will «-xcoed by far' technical copy-book Hurt of drawing arising from springs on tbe island. ing much damage to the land, and
ruabed to the station to juin the to cover that whole system.
Mr. Phillips has a crew of men also only that portion of the land
crowd In a demonatration
On the growth of th« town In that direction any thing that has <-v< r transpired in that »as formerly taught in public
improving th«- road from Bly to Bo­ below the break would be deprived
Houthi rn Oregon
train there were a number of regular will be anticipated In th« plans.
Mr Moore states that while a sew­
Th«-re I* mor«* enthunaam now
paMenger«, besides some twenty ex
The themes from which they work nanza. through the Agency, aDd is of water during the repairs. Thl*.
cnrslonlats from Dorrl»
En route er system for this city contains than there was a few w«eks ago. - ar<< Nature »tudy, analysis of color doing good work. Probably the best! however, Is a matter which the
to thia city th« bund uccotnpanylng many of the difficulties common t« Th«- railroad Is lending Its assistance and composition having for a basis piece of road work ever done In tbe ’engineers understand better than th*
Paterson Bros.' theatrical troupe all clti«», yet on the whole It 1« ex­ in promoting tbe celebration, giving' )«»<X1 history.
Many fine Illustra­ county is a stretch near the Har-{average farmer, and it is probable
¡t would not be. feasible,
rendered a number of »election«, cellently located from a «unitary usxurance that there will be no Inck tions are u»«-d as subjects of sketches pold dam. west of Bonanza, built
The damage caused by gopher
adding much to th«- <i<ltem< i>t that standpoint in regard« to drainage. I of «'ntertainment for all visitor»,
which cover the soil, climate, scen- uuder the supervision of F. .’
Perfect drainage Is y
holes in tbe walls, it is said, will
This is particularly true of the prop-
Plan» are now being formulated <-ry, swamp lands. Crater Lake, the Bowne.
wa» prevalent
vidcd and the improvement is per- be a serious obstacle which the re­
«•rty along an<l north of Main street I for excursions ou the Upper l4ike valleys of the county, etc.
III llu»lne«M Nusproded.
Visitors have paid high clamation officials will have to con­
Tb<- recomm«-.¡dations of Mr. Moon­ Among th« m is a trip Lu the Spring achievements of thehigher grades Ininianent.
In thl» city all bualnoa» wa» «un* will be for a system to cover a larger <!r«M-k and Williamson River fishing
th«- collection of flowers and plants j compliment to this work, and in tend with every year. There will
Merchnnt«, clerk»
and town li nn Klamath Falls is at pres­ I resort.
long run it is surely economical have to be some means to extermi­
Iieflnifc rat«*« for Ihose are far above the average, and ajth«
a ,
laborer« d<-B«-rt«-d their pla««-« of ent, .<» far ua tli<- future growth trip» have nut be«*o annoumed, but it iarg* botanical display Is a leading, road building.
Men iu from Lake­ nate the animals or else to prevent
btialu«*«» and their work t<> join In
-- - — that Lake county is damage to tbe walls.
liau be aullcipatcd.
it u th« intention to have the.pnces Icatur«- of the exhibit. Tbe work will,'«< » r report
grouting the flrat train
ftchool waa
I nt the minimum m > that all may wee b«> |>la<«‘d In the educational depart-1 doing excellent work on its end of
r|o»«-<l for the afternoon und hun­
¡ii»«- Klamath Fa!L->-!-akeview road.
See O. Short .- aucUon ad on page S.
S- . o Short's auction ad on pag< t, . th«« beauties of the natural play- mint of the Oregon building and^h«
dred* of school children tnlngl««d
.Mr Sherman of Dairy, in his
igroun«! In th«« northern end of the wiil b«- In charge of Mr. Robinson ,
their »bout« with the music i«n-
«rftickm of tbe County Court for
I county
of Porthind.
derod by th>- Klamath Fa!!« Military < 11 \ x <. i - i x xt i MKMOVKNt
improving the county road to Bly
Ha nil ¡in«! a!-o by the Pctormin Bro».’
i via Bonanza, is not at all convincing.
It I conaervativoly wtlmat-
Judge Noland is much pleased
I Hi» loyalty to Dairy is admirable,
From present iadlcatlun* lheie I
< m I that Ijoo men. women and chil­ will bu quit«- u change In tbe official»
but he seemingly tails utterly to with his trip to Lakeview and speak*
Th«* bank of the eoath blanch
Plant Iiav< already been made by j
dren guti>«*''<l at the <!<-pot »It«- to of the Klamath Water User» Associa­
c«,mprch«ad the reasons that actu- tn high tern? of the possibilities of
herald the ¡’«rival of the long-await­ tion after the annual moMing in ca nul of the Govr-.-urni-nt Irrigûtlot’ {.the Southern Pacific Company fori f.-.d tL- County Cuart in selecting tt
« unt;
lie believes that the
was wa -.hed out about
ed Iron hot
The crowd remained Jill».-
resources of Lake county, from an
Some of the dlr«C<-«B le«-i ditch
at the »tati• »« until after the train that they have served long uuoogh a m last Tuesday and the adjoln- ! water front, which will be con-1 ment.
While such selection will agricultural standpoint, are similar
treik Ila d- ; .irtur«-
Many of the und uru morn than willing that other» Ing land wns ov< rflowed to « con­ ni-ctcd by on«- or more track« with 1 benefit Bonanza, that fact had no to those of Klamath county except
The railroad enrc-
realdenta of th«« city took pannage should do thulr »hare of tbu admin- siderable «’Xtent before the dlecov- th«' main line
influence in the court's decision. The that this county has the advantage
on the flrr' train to an to have the Utiullve work which consumua a ery was tnade nnd the wtitcr cotfid puny recently purchai d from Ahner freight business from Lake county of greater development. Big irriga­
Tho hoadgntO« will \Veed a tract of land about half a
dl«tlnctl<>n 1 t leaving on th«- first great deal of valuable time.
The be turned off
was the factor that induced the court tion ditches are planned and'the res­
until Naturdny, mile north of the I«ong Lake mill,
present board hus beua very faith­
to expend most of the available road ervoirs are being constructed which
as It will take thr<-<- nr feur days which will give them three quarters -
ful in th« diacharg«) ol tbu bualne«»
<)|«l 1 it.i* rw On lvv< ur»ton
i funds in improving the road from will furnish water for a largo seo-
repair the break.
of a mile of water front, and orders
Klamath Falls to the Lakevi«»- line, tion of rich valley land, which la
It wm n< tlceuble that among the
Project Engineer Patch states that Lave been issued for the construc­
the chief purpose was to expend bound to bi very valuable in th*
••tcurvlonlat who went to Ady there
th« break was due to a gopher hole tion of the grade and track
money for roads that would near future.
were many ol the pioneer« of the
In the wall near tho wooden gate»«
The building of the grade is now
People from the east are looking
most people of the coun­
Klumuth country. While there waa
A hole was being done by Erickson & Petterson, |
A n*-w attorney will have to be this side of the flume
ty. If the road was built through for homes in the west and the work
a general h - i Inkling of new blood
wash«*«! through at the west «-nd of and they have already half a mile of;
Dairy and on to Bly, only the peo- done by the Oregon A’allcy Land Co.
among the • nthuslasts. »till th« old elected by the directors cho«M.-n at the gat«*» and due to high head of the work done.
Two large steam I pie of Yonna valley would be bene­ I will bring thousands of settlers to
S«-veral of the Indian
water, which has reached tbe maxi­ shovels have been working on the
women who make thl» city th««lr Smith tenth red his resignation at the mum for this year, the fl«x>d under- big cut north of the cut tor several fited By coming through Bonanza, Lake county within the next few
<Jn solicita­
I .angeli X’alley, Bonanza Valley, Poe years. This will mean an immense
hom«i also Hark occasion to win the last regular meeting
mlnod th«« lower wing of the bead months and it will probably take
Valley and a portion of Yonna Val- trade to be supplied, and Mr. No­
dlatlnctloq of twing among the pas­
gates and wash«*«l a portion of the thr«*«' mSuths more to complete the
sengers who «ode Into the city on serve uutil the annual meeting. Mr. hank away. There are several tem- cut. Some of this dirt is being used I ley, besides sections east of Bo- land states that he is surpised that
the flrat train. Those of the «-xcur- Smith slates that bls private prac­ porury Kata's at this point construct­ In the fill at the depot yards In this ' nanza have use of thè improvements. some of the Portland capitalists
nionlals who have resided In the tice »ill not ¡H>rmlt him giving tho ed of wood, and to malu> the repair city, but a large portion is now being | Another important factor that was have not taken advantage of the
attention to the office that It requir«-».
overlooked by Mr. Sherman is the wonderful opportunity before and
Klamath country for twenty year»
For tbu past two months Mr. Smith It will be necessary to do »oint­ ce- hauled north on the* grade with ; building of the Clear Lake dam and constructed electric lines into the
or more were Mr. and Mra. A. L.
ment work
teams and dirt wagons.
Tbe con­
the necessity of a good road for the territory.
I«eavltt, J M. Fountain, Ml»» luiur- han Ixwn kept busy investigating
tractors have moved practically all I
land titles and passing on abstracts
"If 1 were a younger man,” said
freight to the dam site. The build­
luda Raub«-r. Mra Amanda Hamakcr.
of their teams which have i been
ao that lh«> land owners oould make <00,000 IN) l.X 1>N OF WOOL
Noland, "I certainly would
Mamie Boyd. Mr and Mr*. J O.
working on the Dorris end of
the does not appear to induce valid make the attempt to secure capital
application for water. He will en-
Behal lock. Mr. and Mr*. Fred Mel-
line to the work near the upper
d«*avor to have everything In good
complaints. If tbe present improve­ to build an electric line from this city
bane. Mr. and Mr*. C. R. DeLap,
working order for bis successor and
ments of which Mr. Sherman com­ to Bouanxa and on to Lakeview. I
Mr and Mr» Wm A Wright. Mr.
Judge Noland returned lost Sun­
There will b«- no cessation in the plains had for its only object the know it is a paying proposition, and
the new b«>ard of directors
and Mr». W. F. Arant. Mra it A.
A« Secretary Chnstaln will retire day from Lakeview, where ho has work until the track is completed freight business of Lake county, the man who takes hold of it will
Oliver, Ml»» Mand Baldwin, It 8.
tho end of the present term, an­ been holding the May term of the on the upper lake, and it is quite there would be some ground for an make money.
If Portland expect*
MoOre, J. A. t’erllnga, Mr. and Mr».
other office will have to be filled by Clrsult Court. Judge Noland states probable that before the summer is argument: as it is, his plea is purely this trade, her business men could
J. V. Houston, Merle Houston, Ky
the new board. No candidate« have that there will probably be a large over connection will be made with a selfish one.
not do a wiser thing than to support
Taylor, C. I. Robert» and Alex Mar­
been mentioned for this position yet, delegation from Ijike County to at­ the boat* on the lake.
electric road, as it will bring ail
tin, Hr
tend tho Railroad Day celebration In
but it 1» probable that there will be
the trade this way. If the trade goe*
a number of applicants, a« tbe posi­ this city on June 14th. Certain of
the other way It will go to Califor­
So«- O Short'« auction ad on page t>
Jthe business men of Lakeview pro­ PERMIT REQUIRED
tion 1« a very Important one. On
nia. Alturas and Reno are making
mise to have a shipment of 100,000
account of these two important offices
The Chamber of Commerce reports quite a fight for tho trade, but they
to be filled and a new set of director« pounds of wool to enter in the par­
that u communication has been re­ are handicapped with their narrow
ade In this city on the day of the
Every spoilsman who flsh«’« or
elected, It is predicted that the an­
ceived from a piomiueut stock luau gauge road, and unless this is re­
hunts In Oregon will be under the
E. J. Comstock, nephew of the nual meeting In June will be largely celebration.
of Fort Klamath, asking whether the built I believe the trade is certain to
Judge Noland says that work on strictures of the new fish and game
suporlntundunt of construction on attended.
entertainment committee for Rail- come by way of Klamath Falls.”
The new
tho road Is progressing very satis­ code commencing today,
the Western Union, was run down by
road Day could use two nice, fat,
factorily, and that tho only delay has gamo law Is now in effect and will
a work trnln Sunday about five miles
See O. Short’s auction ad on page 6.
Juicy, young steers for the barbecue.
Se«« O. Short's auction ad on page 6.
boon near the Lakeview end, caused be blading on all those who wish to
south of the city and sustained a
Well, could they!
Mr. Doi beer,
by wot plnccs in the road. However,' shoot or to use the hook and line,
broken knee joint. Ho was sent to
chairman ot that committee, says WILL OBSERVE MEMORIAL DAT
Chris. Willmer, who is putting he believes it will ho tn good shapol
Preparations are completed for the
the hospital nt Rnn Francisco. Mr.
that are open for all such donations.
in a Swiss cheese factory at Henley, In time for freighting by tho first collection by the county clerk of the
Comslock, who was employed on the
He wishes to spread the news to the
Tbe banks of the city, by mutual
has been making some cheese which of tho month.
hunters' and fishermen’s licenses pro­
building of the telegraph lino, was
sixteen corners of the county, even consent, will observo Memorial Day
will bo ready for use In about five
vided for by the new law.
running a hand car on the track
unto Bly, Merrill, Bonanza, Dairy, j on Saturday, May 29th, and hence
or six weeks.
His full equipment
when tho work train came up bo-
Poe Valley and the Klamath Reserva­ will be closed for business on that
of machinery Is expected to arrive
blnd him nnd ho did not see It until
Tho new train schedule which tion, that steers are what he needs date.
Saturday, and ho will begin to turn
XV..: k wm commenced last Thurs­ waa to go inti effect on May 2 9th Ho is prepared to barbecue them in
tho trnln was nlniost upon him. lie
out tho product for the market.
jumped Into the ditch nnd tho enr
day on the construction of a skating ¡has been held up temporarily, Di- the good, old approved style, and
There is a snlo for nil ho can make
rink for Fred Mnng on Sixth street, vision Superlntcndcnt Dyer, who says send on your meat so that they
wnH smnshed Into smnll ploc«a. It Is
In San Frnncisco, and ho Is well satis-
between Main and Pine, J. L. Cun- was h«-re a few day* ago, stated that can feed the multitude.
stntod that had ho boon n minute
fled with the experiments ho has
nlngham Ims the contract for the (tho time would not be change«! until
later he would have boon crushed to
If there is any place where they
made nnd In confident ofthe nnccesn
btilldln g, and O. A. Harris la putting Mr. Young had consid«'red the matter grow nice tender steers It is rn the
death, ft Is believed thnt tho Injury
of tho business.
In tho foundation.
and tho opposition by a number of famous Wood river country. They Pacific agent , has received notice
to his knee will lny him up for sev­
Tho building will cover a space of' the people of the city.
Mr. Dyer mnk«' some claims In th«» Bly coun­ that the new train schedule will go
eral months.
Frank Adnms hns begun tho con­ C.O by 94 feet nnd the floor will i stated that ho would notify Agent try, and Merrill, also, has a reputa­
Into effect on Saturday, May 29th.
J. O. Hnmakor of Tlonnnr.a left struction of a 100 foot bnrgo on the be of maple.
Tho building, when Thompson as soon as the matter was tion in that line. Mr. Dolbeer says The train will leave Klamath Falls
Mr. Thompson states that he wants some of each to show those at 7:30 in the morning and arrive
Sunday for Portland, where ho will upper lake, which will ho used this completed, will cost about 13500, -tettlod.
sttmmor In hauling wood.
and will be of first class construe-1 ho has not hoard from Mr. Pyer Californians and Portlanders where here at 5:30 in the evening.
bo n witness In tho Tlnrkloy cnso.
tion. It will be used for a roller ¡yet, but that he expects to do so at the best beef in tbe world is grown.
See O. Short’s auction ml ou pugo 6. skating rink.
¡any time.
Bee 0. Short's auction ad on page 0.
Send us the best you have.
See O. Short s auction ad on pago 6.
llu»l)i<«> I.
N m »| m
ii «I«-«1