Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 20, 1909, Image 5

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Humor nnd
A taire la n man who lau t lu the lonat
tntercatvd In wttut you nr» entliti-iliiHtli
over, bul 1.1 antImalaatle over «orne
thing fur which you don’t cum n al raw
When II ninna to American hvlnwmut
«f course the woman paya uv«ry time
Taking the ««on
celt out of u innu
ought lu In- nyii
utiyuioua with
putting somi*
mire lu liliu, lull
Il I hu ’I.
The only dlf
ferrite e la thul
Mime of ile tire il
little more Indi
reel mid Ini If ul
than olbitrd tu
trying lo get tbi­
lami of tlu> other
The tumi « Im li.ie n prfwxiim <-ngng<-
oient uboulil not cotiiptaln if In the
ami lie fii.il.« ho luía Itero a«|ureM«d dry
Any Llud <>f ready to eat living look«
good to the perfectly li.irmlraa chap
Who lina to tuuke Ida own living
Prnbnbly U h » rentuin why tlicre un­
no iiinny utili ippy innrrlni-ci Is U mise
Clic girl does nel tliluk III.il ttie youiig
unni us busliuiid llvrs up to ull flint I»
luiplli-d In n stdltnlrr engagement ring
Keeping still la merely an Imitation
of I m -I iir wise mid Mimrtimre la Juat n«
«fTectlve aa the mil thing.
A girl who trenta her aullora badly
OO.tlit to be ervcrely dealt with for con
tempt of court.
Warehouse and
Mill Sites at
On« of tho inoHi travel«.-«! highways of lh«i AI ilbku -Yukon-Pacific Ex*
position will fi«t th«« hi r«>«-t to wh"h huo been g1v««u tho namo of Yukon
Avenue. Yukon Avenun makes Its way across thu exposition grounds
from west to east, und tlm i-uds ur>- mpreeentad by Klondike Circle near
the entrance, and Nome Circle on which fronts th«» claaslc Forestry build­
ing. It crot.sM the roaring Car.cadi-M on oriental brldgus of handsome
design, and from Its central pert tho buildings of Hawaii and Alaska,
bucked by the enormous federal structure, are directly to tho north.
Just to tho west of Klondike Circle the Pay Btreak winds In a general
direction from north to south, and at the eastern end tho land gives
wuy preelpItouHly to the shores of l.nk<- Wm-hlngton It Is on this beau­
tiful shore of the lake th«- natural arnpltheatre Is located, and nature has
ho quaintly formed this delightful spot, that small effort has been re­
quired of man to transform It Into an perfect an exhibition place aa is
possible. Its curving, stoping aid* i complete a a<tmi-clrcle, and from Its
tiers of lowering seats 30,000 sp«-ctators tnuy witnueu Ihu co tor lain meats
with no possibilities of occupying a single undmilrubl« seat.
A wonderful variety of architectural display I k shown by thu many
building*« through which Yukon Av«-nu<- pirns -a, and during Its course tho
Visitor pll-H.H from man madri monumenta through parts of inagnlflc-nt
forests whot«* grandeur him never been marred by the (Instructive craft
of Mammon'a dlHcl|>lew
From every aldo the line of horizon Is defined
by mountains whom linea aro dolili« ited In pnrp-tual snow, and atrctch-
Ing away as far as th« eye can travel r< at the waters of Puget Hound.
On Sale May 15th
Primit <va Aerici Navigation
i at hand
And vary a.mn throuehnul the lan.l
The nallvee atti ba
Aa tina n law;« ,a ever blew.
And they will rw to teytr aurprive
Their bouanhobl Irauurm in (he aitine
A rloud no lar<«*r fhnrt n hfciul
Will vrry wutklrtily rxp.«r><|
t’ntll It hat lar*;» W «<11 ».♦>
A b »oflM a«•»•oii'ii y<»u < minot pay
And II» pliyful onward flight
Will ph k up ®Vrr> thins 1 1 eight
Ths burr» t»®for® flit»
Will from It»
• intintili bin ■» aJIp
A • .1 Ilk® • mirlrrn »Irship will
Go Bailing ovar yondrr hill
And evoluitila wide ami belt.
Will Belilo tn a r-..I nt wheat
To-Cnthiw In tre traln of couiw
Win b» a bugni and a borsa
•’«> o ciiilr m.il a dro.c of «wlne
An<t other crltlera In Ihal lino
To conio down ecAlteicd tir And wlde
Aa wllh thè < yrloiia'a whltn tl»ey rido
The ciclone lo a clavful aprtte.
Far tiiince Inanimate tabe night
When li dlaplaye Ibe buav eiim
And renda Ila forcea down Iho lino
Yuo n«e®r kMW WhM li »HI do
So do not let II | lay wllh you
The Alaska-Ytikon-Parlflc Exposition at Hrattl«, occupying 250 acres
of thu campus of thu l.’nlvomliy of Washington, will result In benefits for
Washington’s ».-at of learning that the University could not have hoped
to secure In many years, had not the great fair of 1909 been planned. So
the exposition that will exploit Alaska. Hawaii and tho Philippines and
emphasize tho Importance of tho growing trade with the Orient will leave,
after Its gates have closed, u large number of permanent structures to
constantly remind tho people of tho Northwest of tho Alaska-Yukon-
Paclflc Exposition and the place It will occupy In the history of the Pacific
as the modlutn through which ono-half of the world was brought tn such
close touch with thu other und a tremendous impetus to commercial ln-
tercoursc given.
Hoven buildings on tho exposition grounds will bo left for uso of the
Unlvorslty and tho auditorium, one of the flnest of this group, cost tho
Statu of Washington more than I: '0,000. While the oxposition is In
proyrews this building will be used for conventions, congresses and cen­
ter« nci-ti. and Its hundreds of s.-ats were In place and the butidiug turned
over to *ho exposition management throe munths before tho opeulng d-te
of the fair.
Met Bcm« H«rd
"Ilow did
iwui out lu th®
civil arrvlee el
nmlnatlon T'
"Hr had a bnd
Tí o »IIwry |l»«m
Of i •
i ippll* . » I rewiu
Th« Hat'
• ♦ y* curri •»».
An«l I
Kvhlvti ray
OC I! •• wakli’i; <1.4/
Th® joy of Ilf« con fr* .«»•
Hut Ilin morning bright
ItribKA no dnliKbt.
Though Uto luya of morn ara tbronclng.
For tboy find ma far
From the placo you are.
Ami Uio day growa |>ulo wllh longing
"Got n re mninendittlon from your
last plteo?"
"Horry to say I ha vs not.”
“Why not?"
"I don't know Whon I left the boss
wns running after inc. |M-rhu|>H to give
me one. but I did not wait to soo.”
"Docfir. wlmt sfinii I do to romovo
♦his «uiirrfluotis fl.-nit?”
a "Wfin form hoeing In tho garden
«>r Rolf?'
"How much money linve you got?”
Sounded Good,
"You ire nil run down ”
"Whitt shall I do?"
"Try in tu re’s r<-tnod!ca.”
’’Woull going to Ilio bull Ritmo do?"
Did What H« Could.
"Docs ho lose much nt |M>kcr7”
‘‘Not I groat deni. You know, he
only linsn small Income.”
No. bitldtna cnatlea In the air
Martini ba architectural
Nor ranunl. nor would you eweor
Tha|lt was Intollocluat
Just a Guasa.
Her flee la her fortune.”
“WhatIs ber buslnea»-«at exterml-
The Palace of Oriental Exhibits and Manufacturers Building have 4
frontage on Cascade Court and Geyser Basin and look across at Foreign
Exltiblu und Agricultural Palaces; Yukon Avenue separates these mag­
nificent display buildings, nnd in tho back grouud the state buildings of
Oregon and California ure located.
Construction work on theso buildings was completed Inst year and
exhibits are being received and placed in position. Tho Oriental Palace
will house the most valuable collection of Far Eastern art that has ever
been sent from tho Orient, and will present displays from Japan, China.
India, Ceylon, Straits Settlements, French Indo Citing, Borneo, Java and
all tho eastern countries of Asia.
The Manufacturers building encloses a vnst amount of exhibit space
and every foot of this has been engaged for display purposes by domestic
and foreign manufacturers. Tho Interest manifested in this department of
the Alaska-Yukon-l’aciflc Exposition Is world-wide and competitive dis­
plays will bo general and comprehensive. Exhibits are being daily re­
ceived aud the heavy work of Installation is rapidly bolng accomplished
In tho Circuit Court of the 8tate
of Orugon, for the County of Klam­
W ■ A. Turner and W. P. Rhoads
Partners under the firm name of Tur­
ner Bros. * Rhoads, Plaintiffs, vs.
J. Frank Adams, Martha Adams and
F. O. Pierce. Defcadants.
Sult in Equity to Foreclose a Lien.
Sum mons.
To the above named defendant, F. O.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed ag-
alnst you In the above entitled suit,
>n or before the 6th day of May,
19U9, that being the date of tne last
publication of summons, and the last
lay within which you are required to
answer, as fixed by the order of pub­
lication of this summons; and if you
fall to appear and answer, the plain-
tiffi will apply to the court for the
' rollef demanded in said complaint.
S Id suit is brought to foreclose
, a certain material-man's lien on a
. ortain 1 % story barn, of which you
are the owner, situated on tho follow­
ing described land to-wit:
The B% of the NE% of Sec. 7.
F|». 41 8.. R. 11 East of Willamette
Meridian In Klamath County .Oregon;
which said lien is for materials fur­
nished by said plaintiffs to you to be
us d. and which were used, in the
construction of said barn, and for
which materials said lien was there­
after filed with tho county clerk of
said county, within thirty days from
the timo the said materials were fur­
nished, and was for the sum of 3109.-
3 with Incidental costs to the amount
of »G.80; and for an order to sell
said barn to satisfy the amount of
said lien, together with reasonable
attorney’s fees, costs and disburse-
That unless you appear and an-
' swer on or before the 6th day of May,
1909. the plaintiffs will apply to the
cgurt for tho relief demanded In said
This summons Is published In the
Klamath Falls “Republican,” a week­
ly newspaper printed and published
at Klamath Falls, Oregon, by order
I of Hon. Georgo Noland, Judge of
'said court, dated tho 23rd day of
March, 1909; tho first publication to
be made on the 25th day of March.
1909, and the last publication to be
made on the 6th day of May. 1909.
Attorney lor PlalrtlL.
320 acres of cattle or fruit ranch­
plenty of fine water. Inquire at thl«
U. 8. Land Office at Lakeview, office.
Oregon, April 8, 1909.
NOTICE is hereby given that
EMERY A. PLUMB, of Klamath
Notice is hereby given that ths
Falls. Oregon, who, on December 3, uuderslgned Las filed her final ao
1904, made Homestead Entry No. count and report as administratrix
3325 (Serial No. 01123), for SE^, of the estate of Ebenezer N. Colson,
Section 29, Township 37 8., Range deceased, and that ten o'clock in ths
10 E., Will Meridian, has filed notice forenoon of Friday,, May 7th, 1909,
of intention to make Final Commuta­ at the County Court room of Kla-
tion Proof, to establish claim to the math County, Oregon, In Klamath
land above described, before County Falls. Oregon have been appointed
Clerk, Klamath Co., at his office, and set as the time and place for
at Klamath Falls. Oregon, on the hearing objections thereto and for
29th day of May, 1909.
settlement of the same.
Claimant names as witnesses::
Administratrix of estate of
Henry Meyers, John Hibberts, Jasper
Ebenezer N. Colson, deceased.
Hibberts, all of Klamath Falls,
4-15 5-27
3 3% frelght wagons with beds,
6 3H freight wagons with beds,
S 3% freight wagons with beds.
3 logging trucks.
In thè Circuit Court of the State
2 buggies.
of Oregon, For the County of
1 8 passenger thoroughly braced
Sult in Equity for Decreo of Divorce.
1 set buggy harness.
Jackson N. Stiles, Plaintiff vs. Flora
1 set hack harness.
F. Stiles, Defendant.
300 pounds chain.
To Flora F. Stiles, the above named
Complete blacksmith outfit
1 pair Studebaker
In the Name of the Stato of wheels.
Oregon, you are heroby required to Inquire of G. W. McIntire at Farm­
appear and answer the complaint ers Implement and Supply House. 4t
filed against you in the above en­
titled suit, on or before the 27th day'
of May, 1909, that being tbe day of
the last publication of summons, and
the last day within which you are
required to answer, as fixed by the
land, or know anybody who
order of publication of this summons.
you ought to get in touch
If you fail to appear and answer,
the steps farmers in air
tho plaintiff will apply to the court
parts of the country are taking
for the relief demanded in said com­ I
plaint. Said suit is brought to se­
to protect themselves from some
cure dissolution of tho bonds of mat­
of the commission men who
rimony existing between yourself and
have been robbing them almost
ever since they were boys.
This summons is published In the
If you dint own any, but want
weekly newspaper printed and pub­
the best short ¡lories printed tbit
lished at Klamath Falls, Oregon, by
month, get the
order of Honorable George Noland.
Judge of said court, and dated April
12.1909; the first publication to be
For Sale By
mado on the 15th day of April, 1909,
and the last publication thereof on
the 27th day of May, 1909.
4-11 5-3 T
Attorney« ♦or Flair MF
If You Own Any Farm