Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 20, 1909, Image 1

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♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ « «
oi l' ll I 4L PAPER OF
KI.A.MA I II 1'01 N ! V.
•♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦
TO Kl.l.MT K( ll< MH. hllE.
lil Y
•»♦♦♦♦so » ♦
♦ ♦
NO. 8
Wim said that there was no money
Tt>u directors of the Chumbar of
Tho Becrelary uf the Water Users
An «ilectloa wlll b« callcd tur June
At the eighth grade examinations,
The Chamber of Commerça and
Oomuiorcu met ut nuuu Friday und bili lo vote ou the selection of a alt» i in Klamath Falls? Haven't heard Akaoclation has received a communi- conducted on May 13th and 14th, citizens generally have taken a good
ducldcd lu chiiugu ti>u iluto of tbu fui a brx «* tiuul buHd)ug )u Di»- of uuyouu waking tho statement catiou from Senator Carter, chair­ there were elgtty-eigiit applicants in deal of interest In the matter of *
Railroad Duy Celebration to Juno trivi No. 1. In case another school But If y<Ju should, just tell them to man of the Senate Irrigation Com­ Klamath
Superintendent passenger déput for Klamath Falla,
14th. This WUH doue ut tho ournoHt bulldlug la erected, there will prob- step to thu rear ami sit down
Ab mittee, Ktatlng that the committee Swar:, uilited by f’rof. ft. H. Dunbar, and they now will be glad to know
requewt «if tho Houthi ru I'uclffe Rail­ ably b)< tonkld- ratio of a tllV) i rlty of' hood as tho announce ment wuh made will visit tbs Klamath Project on MI hm Nett Drew and Prof. B. P. Alex- Hat the plans being rapidly matured
road Company. City Agent Fassett opinion us to wlieiu It should bu lo­ 'that the taxpuyviH voted to issue i October IZtb.
After reciting the under, have completed the work of In the Chief Engineer’s office will
return)*)! In«t evening from Him cated, and according to Hi- w-bool the sewer bonds, tho money lings of ' ri-uolutlon passed by the Senate, the 'grading the papers of all the dis­ riv® to Klamath Falla a very attrao-
FruucisiMi, where hu bud u coufernnoo laws, the people of tbo district cun IHu city got busy aud made a noise communication reads:
tricts except Pokeguma, the j
_ ...» structure.
like running to the City Hall and
with thu railroad officials, and for t< loci the lur utloa by sn election.
"In the judgment of the commit­ of which district have not yet ime
The walia of tbo building are to
many reasons they suggested June
Scliolurs from the w> st end of tho statlug that they were ready to pur- tee, th«- views of the members of In.
Fifty-one diplomas certlf. Ing to be of rubble, with dressed stone
14th us the best date on which to city und across thu river have u long cl use some ot thu bonds. Already »•ach Water Users Association should that the applicants have comph ed caps of lighter shade and a slate
hold thu culubratlon.
distance to go to utleud school ut applications have been made for be secured and carefully considered the work of the grammar gra is roof of different color.
Au earlier date H an this would thu prt amt time. 'Du re is u I m * a over $12,000 worth of tho bonds, uud In order to a*>certuln existing con­ hgvo been hkued. Several failed »
The ladles' waiting room wiil ba
Interfero with the lto-«> Carnival ut large number of children ot bchool It I m understood that the issue wlll ditions from their point of view. The one or two branches and may hav large and will have a lavatory con-
Portlund, whli u th« railroad «'oin- >g)> In the vicinity of tho Catholic bo far over-aubsc.rllx <1 by local wni«r users are vitally interested In another dance on June 10th and nected, and those rooms and also the
puny in advertising extonalvely. On Church und near thu tunnel. New capitalists.
i.II legislation which mny directly or 11th, or again on September 2d and *enoral waiting room will have
account of having to use all of thu ti Ideiits urn locating on Callfurulu
Tbo fir Ml step in tho dlriitfon of I" Hi idly aff. <t the reclamation 3d.
I ed floors and waln.coat about 7
Pullmun couch«'» for thut occasion, (Venue, and tho First Addition Is carrying out tii : proju, t 1« to ad­ work, snd to them the committee
The following are the successful ft it high in tile.
It would probably have boon Imp««« fast building up. Thck» uro the poo- vertise for bid« for the bonds. This .»111 look fr,r n full and free expres- pupils:
In addition, of course, to these
■Ilil» to secure their u«»- for sn <x
il" that wlll n<" I gccoinodntlon, nnd will huve to bo done for thirty l«>n of their deliberate opinions on
District No. 1—Henry Ketadever, rooms will be the men s lavatory, the
cur«h)!i hero only n few day« before it Is not nn easy matter to ducldo on days.
Thia advertisement lias not the ext; ting law, th« administration i Laton Stephens,- Henderson Mulkey, offices and baggage room, wlth an
thu opening «if tho Portland Carni­ tlie most fnvorubic location, both for appeal) d yi-t, and since every day Is 'hereof, and the suggestion of such I Glenn Beals, May sei Sanderson, open court, adjoining the t.ggaga
going to count, I.' Ibero Is to be uny amendments to tho law a» may be Jennie Appl gate, Forrest Pcil, Infz room.
val. Ono uf tho gr< aU.;l objection«, tbo piuscnl uud tbo future.
however, to the earlier date, wa«
Tho bourd has dciljed Hut n work done this year, 11 behoove« jde«-rri'd useful.
Elliott, Hazel Summers, Ralph Bul­
The building will cost
H ut tlm rallrond compuny want« to whole block will b« uocossnry, in tho powers t) at be to get busy and
"Owing to the Inrge number of; lard, Charles Ogle, Henry Messner, neighborhood of $15,000.
bo huio that <. iy portion of tt«-li order to allow for grounds for tbo i tart the bull a-rolllng
Already the projects to be vlelte-d and tbo limited (JoMla Baraae, Robert i'lggs, Mllaa the disposition of tl ? citizens ot
new track In In good condition he school, nnd It will bo cuzler aud j good «IT* its of *.be action of the tax- tlm« at »In disposal of the commit­ Price, Etta Turner, John Nelson, Klamath Falls to contribute some­
tore they wlll alt) nipt any excursions cheaper to secure whut Is n< c. .sary’payers In voting tbe bonds ie noHee- tee, it win not tx> possible to examine Evylin
Graves, Edith
Campbell, thing, If necessary, toward a pas­
or heavy traffic.
now than it »111 bo later One of the * able Certain men who t ad b>- n In ’or accord a healing to al) members of Herold Sargeant.
senger depot of attractive character
By June 14th the Rosa Carnival nt nlli*« b< lug considered Is the block ¡doubt ue to whether they would I O ' re. p« ctive Water Users A.aocla-
District No. 11- Donna Mack
was appreciated, the Chief Engineer,
Pultluiid will bo over, a« will also it b« tween Suveulb and Eighth streets, i build or nut have decided to start ■ dons, but ut lie* earne time it is
District No. 8 - Albert Jones.
who has cl urge of construction, did
.... Fulton
l *..)>.,_ arid
.„a Mitchell,
(><■.(...it located
That others vi ry desirable that the judgment of
In , their plans
plan < at cnee.
numb« r of conventions ult< h will on
District No. 12—Fred Williams, not wish to entertain any proposl-
b<> held III that city, und the Houtli- tbo First Addition. Other locations 'will follow is «ertain, und when the all, as expressed through the major­ Lester Boggs.
tion for a contribution.
ern Pacific wlll be able lo use have been spoken of and it Is prob­ wsud guuu out that Klamath Falls ity, should bo ascertained.
District No. 13—J. Ernest Nal),
sufficient > qulpni) nt to accommodat)- able that by the limo of ulocllou has Indicated its tnU-ntion of getting
"For the purpose of «economizing Carl Ritter, Joseph Sterzi, Cari
largi) excursions to Klumath Falls Hui* will !,«• n number of
iltnblc into the band uugon of progress, It time In securing the desired exp^SS- Rueck, Louise Egert, Thc resa Sterzi.
Tbo railroad company Is utixiouH to It. i offered at r«*asoaablo prices, and I wlll bring to this city capitalists •lon, 1 respectfully request that the
District No. 18 —Charles Hughes.
ALTURAS, May 18. The war be-
make the colebrutlon of ths arrival the p<«>ple, by their votes, can tuko ' who aro always eager to follow In water users be assembled In a pub-
District No. 20—Hall Burnbam. tween the business men and mer­
the wake of municipul up-building. lie meeting, or a series of meetings,
uf tho train nt Klamath l all* u big their choice.
District No. 25- Rucben Gerber. chants of this country on the one
affair, and tho officials agri'« to
Lose no time n getting Into action to discuss such matters as they de- District No. 27—Hfldred Wilson.
hand and the N. C. O. railway on the
uuil commencing woik. The day that sire to prevent to tho commltte and
thoroughly advertise th« « vent, so u>
District No. 28- Claud Andrews, other, over the exorbitant freight
to ««« uro ua 1.) .ivy un attendaucc uh
gfound Is broken fur the new sewer that their views be formulated in a Harriet Garrison, Chas. Haskins, and passenger rates on this road,
Robert Garrett, the veluruu «tugu system will mu> k the beginning of eonclso statement in writing, the Henry Hartman, Lee Brown, Lester now seems to be on la earn* st.
Thu Cliumhi-r of Commerce wus ¡nun, and ono of the Stockholders of tho great development that this city inn« to bi' prcsrnU-d by a committee Pope, Alia Balls, David Fitch.
Upon the solicitation of the busi­
not v»ry favorable to clanging the H o Oregon A California Stage Com- has been watting for for three years. oftt'lr m«‘mbers, who will be pre­
District No. 7—Haze) A. Vose, ness men of the country, Mr. G. M.
date so many limes, and It 1« un puuy, slates Hal I be coiupuuy lias Do not postpone this date for a par, J to answer such questions as Earl K. McCoy.
Swobe, Vice Pr ident and General
nounc«»«! that there wlll positively b<* u>ld nil of Its horse* Two carload«, «fugle hour
the Renate Committee may think
District No. 2 Leona Bean, Marte Manager of the McCloud railroad,
no further chat c
it wa absolutely containing 40 torsos, wcro sl.lpped
proper to ask In regard to the writ­ Harpold.. Erma Hoag’and, Victor paid Modoc county a vl-’t, for the
TO V ote n hool ho . ndn .
necessary this time, as If tho celo- yesterday to San Francisco.
ten stntrrnenU or any other matter Hamaker. George Bassett, Agnes purpose of making investigation as
biatlon «>■ I > |d before the 14lh, it fiftui n rcmalulug horse» belonging
relating to yonr project.”
to the practicability of shipping the
Tbo directors of School District
would have been without tho ns: 1st to tbo company were sold to local
District No 2«—Blanch Tt otnp- frenlght into this country via Bartle.
A number of qu<*stluns to be con­
Rtlrn or ci p< ration of tho railroad partied.
Mr. Garieli bus sold bls No. 1 tuvo Instructed the clerk to sidered and anjwured are suggeste«! son.
Swobe interviewed the merchants
compuny, and
a» Il was to be u mt rut in the wagous uud outfit to post notices calling fur u bund cloc- ¡In tho communication, but any
of this part of the country ar. 1 then
lion to vole on issuing $20,000 fur mstt'-r rm be taken up that the
railroad c ’! ’ration. It wan thought W. R. Davfk, ono of his muociatets.
In company with S. R. Bunch n.ada
bust to l«’t i 'h.e railroad people set
Mr. (lari nil has tbo distinction of tho purpose of constructing a new 8- water u*< ra desire.
a trip across the •'io • 'xla to S ir-
the date U
would b'»t meet their laving driven th» first stage into room school house, furnishing xatno
Tho City C ouec II held an adjourn- prise Valley to fn’ir- w the IU::r-
cor von I«- i-
Klamath Falls, or Llnkvllli, as it wiui and paying for a site. Th« election I
«J meeting Tuesday night and passed chants of that section.
This date will give C’«' «^I'ar-'tlee« then known.
This was lu 18<4, wlll be held on June 6lb from 1
It Is stated that the freight rate
to their secoud reading two ordin­
more time In which to complete their wl> n Ho first stago wan run from until 4 p m.
Register J. N. Watson of the lake­ ances. One ot the measures was for from San Francisco to Bartie Is
The present scl ocl building is al­ view Land Office has resigned oa the puipose of declaring the result $1.05 per hundred.
work nnd p "pare better attractions Inhlnnd to this city. Ilu also drove
In the past
at>)l arcom" f ill« ns Sufficient timo tlm lu't Htogu running between Hie ready over-crowded, and it wlll b account of the foeble condition of bi« uf the resent sewer bond election teams havo delivered fr. ight fr .rn
will also be given In which to rnllroad and this city lu Jauuury Impossible to nccomuiudato all the health, to take < ffcct as soon as his aud authorizing tte advertisement Bartle to Alturas for $ 1 per hundred,
Ivcrtlse tho affair all of this year. Mr. Gurrott expects to scholars nut full unions additional successor can be named.
for bids on the bonds. The second This brirgs the rate from San Fran-
over th«» county nnd on tho outside h nve for Ashland on Wednesday. He qua.'tc:* are secured. The bourd at
Information received from Lake- ordinance contained a contract em­ cisco to Alturas via Bartle at $2.OS
The Chamb' r of Commerce rocom- will go down the line and ride intu first planned on erecting a small view today is to the effect ti at TB. E. ploying Engineer D. J. Zumwalt to per hundred, while the same rats
msnd* tl .«'
personal letters bo Klaiuulli Full* mi the first train uu buildlug for temporary purposes, ’ Rinehart Is the only caudldate for do the engineering work on the from the same point via Reno.over
written to friends Inviting thorn to Tuesday and then go out on tho first but they decid' d that It would simply the position from that county, and sewer system for the entire city, the N C. O. is $2.35, making a
come, and ««I <> that tho merchants train to leave thia city.
b< a waste of money, and if bonds 1 o is strougly endorsed by the peo­ the compensation for this work is diff< renc* of 30 cents per hundred
e«Gnd tnvIV 'Ions to tho firms with
Tt u Oregon * California Stage are voted a modern brick or stone ple of that section. It I; understood to be four per cent of the amount in favor of the Bartie route.
whom they do htislnoii».
Company Ind expected to put on a building will bo erected one that that Senator Bourne is favorable to of the cost.
The bu.ilne-s interests of 'bls vi­
Ifn- between this city nnd l.akovlow will be permanent and capable of the appointment of Rinehart, and he
Another meeting of the council cinity aro on the verge of taking In
on th.» arrival of the train here, but accommodating tho incn using num­ will take up tho matter as soon as was held Wednesday morning, and ^an<i fhc matter of fixing up and
o|)| sHA IN NOLI».
they I ml a good opportunity to dis- ber of scholar« for several years to he returns to Washington from New
___ reconstructing 1 the road between
□th ordinances were passed and will
i>oie «if their stock nnd decided to come.
Bidford, Mass., where he has been go Into effect in 30 days.
The here and Bartie. The road can be
Tuomloy l> II. Campbell completed do so.
attending tte funeral of his mother. $4fl,000 bond issue will be for 20 *®proved and shortened sufficiently,
tho sale of
Ju; a property owned
E. E. Rinehart is an ex-Sberiff of years and will druw 4 per oent
*s believed, to bring the rate down
by Mary Grllltb to Col. W. II. Ilola
Lakecounty and Is one of tho best interest.
cents per hundred.
bird. This beautiful place, situated
Mrs. Emma Burgdorf, wife of C. known and most popular men In
In the selection of Mr Zumwalt, I
During the past few years much
on Pelican I > . Upper Lake, lies four
LAKEVIEW, May 17. The jury II. Burgdorf, died Friday night in the county. Ho is well qualified for tho Council has shown good judg- ^rf*^Kht for this section has been
mlloa south of I'elicnn Lodge, and
In the McCully murder case was not this city at th«* home of F. M. Ben­ tho position nnd undoubtedly will re­ ¡neat. Ho is no experiment, for he battled via Bartie, and more would
has for years boon a widely known
completed until Saturday, It having net. . Mrs. Burgdorf wua taken sick ceive the appointment, as there will ! as been here long enough to demon- have been shipped this wav if it had
summer resort.
taken stneo Thurday morning to ee- with the measles, after which pneu­ probably be no candidate from this vtrate that he possesses the ability not been for the poor facilities for
Tho personul property was reserv­
> uro tho required twelve mon. The monia set In, which resulted In her county, and he has the support of demanded for such a responsible handling fr<igbt there and for the
ed by Mrs. Griffith. Possession will
taking of testimony began this morn­ denth. The d«*C'*as«*d was the daugh­ his own county.
He is especially well poor necammodations for »be team­
bo given soon to tho now owner nud
It is understood that these
ing. and it I h stated that it will prob­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Bussey of
qualified for the work, and when the sters.
the hotel will bo closed.
will soon be remedied.
ably consume three days.
There Is
Mr. Holablrd say« that when th"
The body was taken to Bonanza,
be sure of having a system that will
considerable speculation on tho ro-
Arrangements arebcing made for
proper time coni)'«, a modern hotel,
meet all the requirements of the
sult of the trial, but the general whore thu funeral was held Sunday.
stalling a big fish hatchery on Short
catering to tho best clana of tourist
sentiment throughout the county Is
Creek in the northern part of the
travel, will probably bo built at Od-
George Chastain, Claude Cbastain
Mtrongly In sympathy with the de­
county. Short Creek has its head
e»in, and tho wagon road leading Io
and Arthur Langell have entered
fendant. Tho legal battle, however,
Crater Lake ni ado UH Rood UH pOS-
Mrs. Goldie Lute died at the Kla- in several large springs on the ranch CAIJFORNIAN8 TAKE OPTION. ^nto a partnership under the firm
will be a hnrd fought one and la
name of Chastain, Langell & Corn-
Hospital on Sunday night from belonging to John Ellis, and runs for
attracting more attention than any
a distance of three-quarters of a
By owning both tho 562 acres at
A deal was consummated Tuesday pany. The grocery stock ot George
trial for many years. There wns not
Pelican Lodge and tho ISO acres at
mile through the place and empties evening which is of groat Importance Chastain will be taken over, to which
space In tho court house this morn­ over a week. Her sister, who was
into Seven Mlle Creek.
Odessa, drainage canals can bo ec­
to this city.
Moore Bros, entered will be added a complete new stock
ing, when tho taking of testimony
onomically madu to redeem all the
Several local parties are said to into a contract wdth John J Fitz­ of genera! merchandise.
began, to accommodate tho largo
marsh belonging to the two places,
The firm will occupy their presenC
Dr. be interested in the establishment of patrick of San Diego for the pur­
crowd of spectators who were pres­ peeled that she wlll recover.
turning them Into timothy liay mu*
the hatchery, and work is to begiu chase of nearly 500 acres on the west quarters until about the first of
The body of Mrs. Lute was at once on the dams, screens, hatch­ side of the river and adjoining the September, when they will move Into
Of course, It Is known that Mr.
taken to Nisson to be burled beside ing troughs and other equipment, town. Mr. Fitzpatrick is represent­ a new building to be built for them
Holablrd is tho special representa­ CONGRERHMEN TO VISIT HERE. that of her husband.
nnd several hundred thousand of ing other San Diego capitalists and adjoining the Star Drug Store by G.
tive of E. H. Harriman, nnd it may
young trout will be planted this year. l as returned to that city to consult W. White.
The firm has a fl vo­
Tho Senate committee on Irrigation
bo that Mr. Ilarilman Is tho real own­
The hatchcry will he used for com­ with them. It is expected that the yeur lease on the new building,
Pelican Lodge property still has completed Its Itinerary for tho
mercial purposes as well as to stock deal will be closed within thres which will be specially construe:cd
stands ns W. 11. Holablrd, tho recoi l trip ft proposes to take during the
other streams of tho county. Short weeks, as a good sum was paid for to meet the requirements of the
Another lnrgc lnnd deni wns con­
owner, and ho takes tltlo to Odessa. coming summer, when nil of the Gov­
Creek will be made a fishing stream tho limited option.
Tuesday. II. E McKinney
Tho two properties unquoHlIonaldy ernment Irrigation projects will bo
and privileges will be sold aud the
It is the purpose of the parties to
sold his 200-ncro rnnch to Crlslcr A
eompriso tho very best summer re- visited. The party will divide nt Snc-
market supplied with trout.
spend a large amount in building
The town council of Bonanza has
Stilts. Tho land Is located about
aort location In Eastern Oregon
terrae’s, boulevards, streets and im­ passed an ordinance for the purpose
three miles south of the city on tho
Is not known what price wiis raid nnd- Yuma, and tho other visiting
The new fish law will go Into proving the property for residence of abating nuisances, and the first
Midland rond. Tho parties refused
Mrs. Griffith, but It must buve been
■ffeet on May 23. On anil after that purposes. The property Included in attempt at its enforcement were not­
Tho pnrty coming to Klamath will to make public tho price, hut It 1« late all persons will have to procure' the deal covers nearly tho entire hili
a pretty stiff one.
ices served by the Marshal on Mayor
Icnvo Sncrnnionto on October 11 nnd believed to bo between $70 and $80 a licence before they can fish in any facing the city on tho westside and
Clopton and Town Attorney II. L.
arrive In Klnmnth Fall« tho following
of the streams or waters tn Klamath J could bo made Into fine residence Holgate to remove rubbish and ch an
C. P. Chnstnln, secrotary of tho! day. Two dnvs will bo spent looking
county or the state. A $1 license is j property.
The sale price is not up their property. If the city officers
Klnmnth Water Users Assoclntlon. over the Klnmnth work, nftor which
charged to residents, and $10 to’ nir.I? public, but it is understood to obey the law, It Is probable that it
will rctiro al tho explratlon of bis tho pnrty will return to California.
non-residents of the state. The Coun­ bo not less thau $10,000.
will bo strictly cnfotccd on the rest
present term of offlc«' on Juno 4th,
R. F. DdTnvon nnd Miss Minnie ty Clerk I ns received notice that the
of the citizens.
and a new socrctnry will havo to ho
Cedar rosta For Rale Good It U A. Sparks wore uniteli lu mnrrisge Ihi'iiso blanks will bo sent for Ills
It only requires a few dollars In­
clcctod. Mr. Chnstnln will tnko nn foot cedar posts for sale cheap nt in o'clock yesterday at tho >!?■<' and Here is a heavy tax for any-j vested in Millland to Insure a profit
Mrs. J. A Uerllng loft last Satur­
a,'t(lv«i pnrt In tho biislncss ot Chas- Arfdr, ;:i, Hamilton Mulkey, Klnmnth County Judge's office In tho Court >ni' found fishing without the neces­ of i vi tal bundled dollars within a
day for Albany, as a delegate from
taln, Langell & Company.
4-5 5-6 House by J. II. Griffith.
sary license.
year or two.
28 fl"> Rebekahs to the Grand Lodge.