errr iikikfr . ♦ Chas K. Klee Is In the city from J1 Lakeview. Universal Food Chopper Mark llamaker came down Tue. X' day hom lily. II. G. Hit -y of l.angetl Valley ? was-in tie city this week. T' Get your ab.-Uaels flout, the K’a math County Abstract Co., opposite ♦ Court House. 4-ttf ♦ Born At Swan Lake, Suuday, 4 May 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Ilert Saud- i er*. a 12 pound boy. Dues awaj with the Chopping Knife Bowl Entirely Self-Cleaning 5elf-Sharpcning Easy to Operate Perry Delap lit returned from 0 Berkeley, where ho has been nttend- iing school. Ills broth r, True DeLap, 1 will return within a week. Will Last a Lifetime Mrs. J. 8. Kspy was brought tip from Dorris Saturday and taken to tho Klamath Hospital, whore sho will probably bo operated upon. All Parts Tinned Guaranteed and Interchangeable Hardware Dealers will find our Stock cwmplete. many others. : : We carry the entire line of Dr. If you have a formula of your own, we will : ♦ prepare it with the same care and accuracy that we do ptiy- siclans’ prescriptions. : Write or phone your wants. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • STAR DRUG STORE “They Have It” J < , ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a X 4 4 4 4 44444444444444444444 î i 4 4 4 Dependable Hardware 4 4 4 4 4 Heating Stoves, Household Utensils, Guns 4 4 and Amrr.un.tion, Cutlery—in fact every- 4 4 thing in Good Hardware—No shoddy or 4 4 4 shelf-worn goods. 4 4 4 Agents celebrated Ellwood Fences— 4 4 and everything the farmer needs. 4 4 4 4 4 Hardware Man 4 4 4 54 4 4 *»**»• *♦**»**»**(**♦* 4*1* *♦**!* 4 4444444444 X GEO. R. HURN. the DON J. ZUMWALT, C. E. Abstracting President E. M. BUBB, Vice President and Treasurer Maps, Plans, Blue Prints, Etc Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc. Surveying and Irrigation Engineering KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON SATISFACTION The feeling I want to exist between yon and me. I am trying to make my name and satisfaction synonymous. You can help me. Don’t holler and cuss if I have worked for you and it's not been satisfactory, but bring it back and give me a chance to make my word of guarantee good. One receives a certain amout of satisfaction in buying goods and feeling they have their dollar’s worth. Those are the very kind rj goods I carry and are all made by the most reliable firms. I would like to have your business. I have been told that I am on the WRONG side of the street nevertheless you are not treating your self RIGHT unless you see my stock before you buy. T. TO TRADE for Kiumath the ditch. Call tablishment of MCHATTAN T» 4 4 r V 4 4 4 4 4 turned Into Cash Before .Inly I Our loss your gain . » ■ •* 1'i wels, Stamped Art L'ncni, American Lady Shues for . . Sheeting, Damask, Crash Udi«. Napkina, Canton Klam ells, H llton-B c i i Men’s Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps. jldSt uC jOill Outings, Gingham and Per cate. Underwear Suits, Shirts, Tics and Suspend- SOBIC 1 ’ lTCC Suitings. Hosiery, 1 Fancy Stripe Good*. ers. » Everything 4 4 4 4 r 4 •* I » • è T ub BRICK STORE CO X »h »h »{-i*|< »J. 4»¡- -Js 4 4 4*»* »**»**l* *»**!**»**|**»**} 1*4 X A fl no A-dilan I homo County farm under at tho plumbing cs- >1. Boivin, Multi St. Miss Bessie Egllngton of II dflehl returned Monday ever ] Gatos, California, wl been spending tho wlm II. S. Anderson, wile |returned last Monday [geles, where they have the winter. They left > for their homo at Xler daughter Los An- spcedlBg morning J MO J 2 For Sale or Trade—Reddnnca s cusiueaa property In tl.w beat towi <11 the Willamette valley. luqhlru at the Boston Btor 7-ïtf 11. W. Tower returned t Friday after closing a deal wl vey & Adams of Grants Pass for salo of claim u lease of saw mill. t iwr I. GEO. T. BALDWIN T. J. O’Connell, who hr ! cooking for the Gov eminent ling crew, left last Monday for ! attic. After taking In the fair I will go east for the remainder I the summer. '• D. Applegate came up S; : day from the Lava Beds, wi er ■ I its ranging Ms sleep. Tho lambing season ts over and the prospects are for a good year for tho sheep men on account of tho high price of wool. Klamath County beadquarters in San Francisco is the Hotel Savoy, corner Van Meas Ave. and Eilis St. Walter E. Conner, Prop. Take Turk and Eddy” street at Ferry I iff at \ an Ness and walk one block north. 2-1 stf Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilson caine > loft on the boat on their way to j up from Merrill last Saturday and BERT E. WITHROW, Secretary • 4 4 e Goods at Cost Have E. W. Muller add an attach ment to your phonograph ro you may enjoy tho uew 4-miuute Amberol rec ords. 13-17 We make a Specialty of these Remedies, mid at all times you Roberts' Iutcruatioiutl Stock I-'o< d Co., and 1». J. Kendall, ul-o 4 4 How ts the title to your land? If you don’t know, get an abstract from tho Klamath County Abstract Co., opposite Court House. 4-8tf Phone 173 Remedies 4 Wo continue abstracts, as well as i make new ones, Let us complete I jours. Klamath County Abstract Co., opposite Court House. 4 8tf ROBERTS & HANKS Veterinary X444444444444444444444444444444444444 44 H 4 4 4 4 Our Entire Stock MUST be 4 4 . » Sacramonto, whero Mr. Wilson Is going In the hopes of ben<-flt1::;> Ils health. Ho has been Laving serious stomach and other troubl s. Mrs. Kato Otterbein Las accepted A position. temporarily, as night ! operator for the Klamath Linotype Company. Bo h Mr. and .Mrs. Olter- bein are expert linotype operators, Lut rave forsaken their profession j for a fine ranch between Olene and Bonanza. The school laws for 1909, contain ing the new laws, have been re ceived, and Superintendent Swan Is today sending one copy to each di rector and one to each school clerk in tie county. There are 32 school districts In the county with four members on each board, or a total of 128. Frank Kerr of Wadhams & Kerr Grocery Company of Portland, and C. H. Williamson, their repro3cnta- live, were in the city the past week. They left last Wednesday for I Lakeview. Mr. Kerr Is making the trip for his healui and Incidentally to get acquainted with the trade of tills section. Ray D. Hubbard, who has been I The three bases of this business are 1st, Courtesy 2nd, Value 3rd, Satisfaction If you get to first you're certain to get to second; if you keep on that always means third here. That will inveriably bring you back to the home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes That’s the way we play the game here. It wins every time THE PORTLAND connected with the Reclamation Ser vice in this city the past three years, las been transferred to the Ontario project, and left last Saturday for bIt now station. Mrs. Hubbard will join her husband as soon as he 1« Ideated. Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard have made many warm friends In this city during tl elr residence here who will deeply regret their departure.1 OR J. M. ELLSWORTH The 'I '’th grad” examination VETERINARY SURGEON will be held on Thursday and Friday AND DENTIST of this wo'-k. The examination nt i Office Crl»«ler-Hllll» llulhllug J*bot>e 726 Morrill will b” given by Geo. Offleld; at Bonanza by D. F. Driscoll; at Ft. If you wl»b to act out some large Klamath by L. M. Copeland, and at Pokegama by E. L. Colburn. This and hardy cabbage, cauliflower or examination Is for the purpose of tomato plant», call and nee samples admittance to the County High School, end It Is expected that there or leavA your order with Arthur will be between 75 and 100 appli- C. Lewis at the Farmers Implement & Supply House. 4-22 3t* cants. STORE I Pretty and Useful Things in Jewelry Ì There aro lots of things In our store besides watches and diamonds, lots of small, Inexpensive articles that come ex- eeedlngly handy evory day, either ns gifts for another or- for your own use. Lock ts and < harms In great variety, and chains and ring« nt nil rices. Hat pins, stick pins, brace- lets and Ht.-rllng ttllvcr toilet articles. We are receiving Interesting novelties non ly every day. Come In and see them. NOW IN NEW QUARTERS. WINTERS C * Building ♦ ♦ * Ì