Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 13, 1909, Image 5

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    MRDFOItl), May 11
May 25, I* designated as cleanlng-
up duy In Medford by Mayor Canon,
who has Issuod u proclamation urg­
ing liiu cltlsons to usu their host
efforts to pul tlo’lr prop«rty hi up-
to-date und attractive shape.
The health of the cltlsens, ms well
as the general appearance of the
town, will Im Improved by cleanll-
nims, which, ms the Herl pt u re* «ay.
Is next to Godliness. Ilelluvlng this,
the Mayor bus Issued the following
proclumul lou.
"I'urauant to a resolution of tin-
city coiiik II Of Um City of Mvilforil,
Oregon. I hereby designate and up
point Tuesday, Muy 25th, 1909, n»
a general di nning up day In the city
of Medford.
"All cltlsens are uigi-utly re
quested to dovole such tlinu and
labor on that duy as mny b« nries
sury to tl orougl ly clean and set In
order tin Ir yards and premiums and
the streets In front and alleys In the
rear thereof. Th«« «-»rn • t co op> rn
tlon of nil good cltlsens In this
matter » III do more to Improve th«
health and slghtllne « «if the city
II nn the «-ipi-ndlture of n large
11 munti l of money by Gio city
official ».
’ AFT. Il tl NH Gl 1 LTY.
Tim I’ala«e of Oriental Exhibits forma otic of the tw«!vo mammoth dis­
play building« firs' completed l>y th- Alaska-Yiikon-Puclfic Exposition
Ils lln< » in«' In pl<n ng contra t to th-- Agricultural and Manufactures
buildings, with which they are group'd, and thdr position overlooks the
benutlful formal gardens and wat«-r dli.plny of th" Cascades and Geyser
Th" exh'blt | lure«! within the walls of the Oriental building consti­
tutes ore of the most gorgeous displays of Ear Eastern art and manu­
factured nrtlrl«- ever shipped from the Orient, and Is bewildering In
beauty and extent. Not a country of Asia Is without representation, and
tn ii'iin » of old and modern urt, r,cv«-r before purmitt« d to leave the
lunds In v.Iilih they were created, will be seen for th«« first time In the
land of th« Occident Th" matter of arrangement of the Oriental exh'blt
h i" been phi' "d tn th«' hands of th«- m< t competent and artistic men at
corninnnd and Its display will be worthy of the magnificent collection.
About ilio Orlc.ilul bulldlt g are r h r« J the gr at building' housing
the United Stsi'-a exhibit and tho Alaska, Ifawa'lnn and Ph'llpplno dis­
plays. On«' of the largest bnndbtand” In within clou- distance, and fro n
Its doors the most noted musical organizations of th-- world will be heard
FI.U8HING, May 11. The Jury
In thn ram of Captain Peter C
»Iains, USA, cl arg d with the
unii.I<r «if Whllnm E Anni «, on
’A ir ■ m 1 >, 1 •> v, h n ’ 11 In a ver-
diet «>f r>illt> of innu<iaiigbt«*r la
Gin fir-it di-xnitt til« a 1 1 rnoiiti.
The Jury lad li n out four hours
Tho defendant will l> • nrralgneil
tl«.^n on lbs Psrsnts.
■ ■
Mro. C; V.'r: a Crunttle.
If h wli«»>ll«>y I« «-aught milking
Il is expected tint counsel for tier«' filili Oli e t«y ttle |H<iiie III Ito"
Mr« Ei-iihim Why <1 n’t you snrn’te
Halae will make »be t
fei <>n liuti
bi. p.irents ur«- III the cigars I gate y«m for ymir birth­
for u stay of proceeding-« and will Ide III In- exiled to lillilllMk. Iiortlieril day ?
Ih-ntiam A fortune teller told me tu
tnkn nn appeal.
beware of u dark woman Judge
T! o maximum penalty U twi-uly
Q mb;o In China.
years In prison.
Th» Prie» of lee
Til«- gre.it> I I,li ..Ing In III«' matte;
Now, in li nlre thut in n vine
of natural I r> dil< tIoli» III.il exists It
Th« fruwi »..«»ui«! hohl urn unci their left
Chini« I« «lie I*. iui I hh *
I'«* recite lie
IU« t i.n1r to <
or i.l'no*1 ttvtrft
Tt o A In ti n V ikon 1’nclflc Expo-d different u < s io w tih'li Ji I» pm would
Thr num lh<»> un< r rxartrd'
mttfhi gn urli
tlon nt H«ntl1e now blds for fume cover renin» - f p.i|M-r Oxer »ixly v«i
f‘ak u h’ii fry nr * t <»r rvrn t«-ll
as th« "Ivorv Cllv " The soft tints vielles uf I m IH i I hm . exist, "ml It ent» tie
Thr» »ru»! folH il tf thr\ ft . hl lodwrll
Wher» no »<’• UJI m hwi I i u«-ti»<l
chosen will he|n to make tho fair pro|H-rl\ ii rtiie«l tie- nuiloii.il plant. I>
— Hhiij’h-ip;«u
I» nppllisl lo doiui-slle. t *>iuiu«*r«-lul uliu
tho most benutlful cv -r held
lini it »I r lu I u-e»
P -fi: I T Im try.
The renin «••■ t-•« nr-- «••-tea to ft,.
t it»«!* th v *ny. tiro n
Lib it. I P.-‘ brr Ttcii.
A Ind: n • V 11 ' n I ;■ !.
I ’ ■
cf ri-nitritimi ”
The m , fr - ¡H-’IJh of I l?*Tl l li '
I (J
“Y«*'. I II H r n<»fl r<! ih n f«»lh»n-<
twvutr tw«» ►!»«< . K «J rubi««! tr»v»
v Im I.« I *h’>rt
iirv ghrit to
Kwi-aru.^ ’* Isi.Mtnit *i riihM* rlpt.
frig date.
In I?
• «I I I. «»(•*• r- fw ! • » . •
Carrn CH Answer.
r«»ut «»f ««t uiioo thaï <»T a xl'f-mmi
• > . ••
Col1. W If. Ifolnbln! nrrlv««t In th"
tv , lin I li tir t v * nn •• t V-. ft m thr.t-
city 1rriHitlji) « y ' ng <j 11 I.is way toi row«, n m.iiqip» tin«'«' ot ti a liulT mj'i
A »•
• *’' • «1 in <•«« >: ? • * • «•
1 I nn I■-.) . Î ■
“I K • • H » liHi’bi i tie* If?— ••
H r* «• I- nr «oniph’iv runa.
< i«‘v<-l * k I Plait»
Warehouse and
Mill Sites at
Will Be
On Sale May 15th
French Tri: H.
Mitig-tir.g Fcctura.
In the Circuit Court of the State
|*rrnrf> fn • « » iipict ••wutti tip.** I t
T*:ithr’ n 1»
t \<nt ti.i!«- t!ir thic II
ran - «• Il i* *t
• iti I hat I lo-i r irisrin- -
, .t Or« gon, tor the County of Klam­
of n «4 -:tr ■'
U iHi.tl t iiiHu <• I In* Jury
f’In *!x • Y •
«ft • »«». 1 »’• ft n! ath.
Mrs l> I. S' ur of A d in id ti stop
ini!»»»« n <• thhiU «yf It irry.—
W. A. Turner nnd W. P. Rhoads
Knctx and Mil«-».
I h ■ < ti- li1 ■
I lie • ¡ h • I I f n r’e-im ; Smart Srt.
.L.- tm is under the firm name of Tur
slilp II I ir ' I «- ieiiieiiilx-1 e«| lti.il n
a-, r liras. Hi ithoadd, Plaintiffs, vs.
C vt't A !>-» Op to Oats.
knot, • r e in I- nt mile. I« n very «Ulfe;-
Wh.'tt Wi> .!«! t ; I- v. . | .f f (> UN
• i. I rank Ariams, Martha Adams ami
Oh. <|fnl »«»«• reeie ber exx.et Alice firn I- il thing fr- I >i l.ird tulle A mile I*
If * rn »» » . a -v n«> nitir.. •
I oll
’. U. Pitrie, Oeieudants.
1 t!N
Hwr<*t ,*?««• »■, <» «• • Jr v ■« -,i l.fttwft* R'.’HO fis-t ulili- a knot lu* il. I PC I fee:
Wo; a«* l,..».i t,.F il.ii x I «.»•
Suit in Equity to Foreclose a Lieu
Tho I . I
I *iii<
• i I k«‘i*.'«i fur mid ti fruitimi. Therefore when it
1 iallimor«* Fun
M rlrrtr
lì-, 11 m il ••» Tttt"i knot" mi Ilnur slu
Now 1..1 rlh
< r I < r <«»-h
o the above named defendant, F. O
PI» I ■) iivi-i «cry m-urly i»«-itiy seien
They Cent Fit.
.. \ Ul .4 1‘IVMJL
1.1 nd mile«
Hotvoll n< u • i
Mi»oni to I m *
able ti» Ihr uhhin liH i vurx
lu tho tame of the State of Oregon
A L--I Ci’.'rrciee.
C-rphit j.
rtiVi»!’ Xi' I i‘ h i ;iut tiioblh* f.V’tr*«
ou are hereby required to appeal
Thr Cl Irti t lbw murli will ynur
«impilile if «filili lend pencils ni’e | in (1 n tt h.'rlhnrrf’U' in »»in»* New York
w«»rib in I’ i H t .t'f?
answer the complaint bled ag
mndc. ««.is lir'l dlMCuiereil In Slis'ila ! rrmui
Tilt* I. IV. MT I'lll I« ’» III' iff f ft» MflV.
.Inst you in tlie above entitled suit,
In is 12
I*.ul I «un i»*l| \ • ii u’lii I'm ptliik' l<>
n or before the 6th day of May.
Beyond H»o Skill.
for it « h’vvimid louder
R in et th» Cnuator.
909, that being the date of tne Iasi
No doctor ' !i«v the uorld t»r*can.
'l l <»ll I Mkilh‘«l It» flill ill. < 1-0.
A Hille n i di of ilo- «spnilor u gre.it
mbiication of summons, and the Iasi
Ihis ton -I • v v to «nt<» ii num
M ra Ncture F Li v*.
b< Il uf « li-ml» ii'-i ml' •« In breudth
within which you are required to
The h» 'iftl le K o « r I t-! 1,
surrounds the I- Ii tll
libili Illis ts-lt —J. J. O Cot <11 tn .Xew York Telegram
rnswer, as tlxed by the order of pub-
Hill It ir to» tiff a»f I Hfllltr.
rulli nlniost Im e -»nutty fulls, hoiiic -
r»t»r ltd . Io inn II« If p.ir:«x|
¡cation of this summons; and if you
tlines III slli-ets. mid tile wind seldom
*1 «> < 1 jiin |<> i f u | mhi rm u»»r»1.
The uiiiitiulf • '> tj-t «I
The ll.iclivlor Ihrr s n tnngnzlnr ail to appear nnd answer, the plain-
MUiiKMpuU* Journal
port iv I m » llkrii* h»>pr in n f ilr woninn. iffs will apply to the court for the
I'.orccn O Gcizt Hat».
The Itriirdk i Hull! .X«» wonder; it elief demanded in said complaint.
Jmt r'ioppHj.
The "111- hits of Koren wi r upon Ul ao diM.ip|»uiii(Ing <’hh ;ig<i New*.
Suid suit is brought to foreclose
**ncre‘a «me piopi.iltl n timi liolds thvii hits Hie ligure» of vari us birds
i certain material-man's lien ou a
gtx d ntiyhow**
I ami ntihii:ils
ertaiu 1 Va story barn, of which you
••Uìntfs tlntr
Of nvrinipfry wtu» may be fond.
ire the owner, situate«l on the follow­
"Two «mi sin p un «lietiply iih ooe.*’—
But you may aaarr that
The Prtrclxi'm Industry.
Iler Rlio« • i*!ll never »urrespond
U'iishlngtoli llelìild
ing described land to-wit:
I In l.H'Itl lln- late Isilil rinvfalr siu;
In faftlilon with her hat
of the NE>. of Sec. 7.
grated th<' | < ii>.h um Industry ami nft
- Wualiington Star.
Ths Pity cf It.
crwnrd that of parallln «-audios mid In
ip. 4 1 8., II. 11 East of Willamette
All In nur |ila<-es Pigli sn«l ln«v,
dm cd Ills friend Jnines Young to i-<
Great Magnifier«.
Meridian In Klamath County.Oregon;
W’s alrlv» usa« nini r.ich man Innrns
! tublisb ii mmiufiivtorjr for bolli
Hr Thtwr |»l:t*«‘<r*< civr men very In which sahl lien is for materials fur­
tutore hi» hsir begiris io gu
fr!lrrtii:il npprnritnrr. don’t you think? nished by said plaintiffs to you to be
T<> he rsluetant to lirstow
Hu< li cimili u» hi» «mi rtibor Barn»
Ths Ears.
She—Y cr Aren't t!><•>• powerful?—
used, nnd which were used, in the
-Chicago lti-<ord ll«-rnl<t
Tlii' right cur I» generally linger tlmn Bofttoti Trnns« ript.
construction of said barn, and for
the left.
Cftrn Ss.
which materials said lien was there­
Life's Perplexities.
"Ile nn.vs tlrit most of thè «Ime bis
Perplex It I on are never o’er
after filed wltu tho county clerk of
homi I n In thè elotlds "
For him who tfrowx faint hearted.
When spci-tm le» tlr»t came Into use
said county, within thirty days from
Iltt ■ Rvarcely out of one before
‘'ll"'s got II wtong The troulde I n In Italy nlioiit the year I’.’MA on the rec­
the time the said materials were fur­
has been etarletl.
ffitt III" « Inilds lire III I i I n lieiid."—Ixiill- ommendation of ii monk of I’lsn worn
Milwaukee Journal.
nished. and was for the sum of $109.-
sa» City Times.
I en «ven1 forbidden to wear them, lie-
83 with Incidental costs to the amount
I cause II «vas tnoiiglit sm-li fuvlul oruu
Rather Mixed.
The Tiny Soft Shell Crab.
mentation would iiiuke them vain.
•‘MLssAdclr I iiih xtn h n mobile face.” of $6.80; and for an order to sell
It come», thnl etimi c«t of ilellgbta,
•*Y vh . 1 have nntlcrd nt times Its au­ said barn to satisfy the amount of
Tlint nll t»o swlftlv tilt«
Cocl» His Temper,
tomatic expre slon.” Baltimore Amer said lien, together with reasonable
Ile furnlMliv« ni nm»t two lille«
Under the laws of Chinn the man l< an.
And «osta al I cumi two bll»
attorney's fees, costs and disburse­
— Washington Htnr.
who liise-i Ills temper In n discussion Is
sent to Jail for five days to cool down
Hr»rd Luck.
That unless you appear and an­
He found n rpenr of lettuce, but
Aftsr Their Quarrel.
on or before the 6th day of Mny.
Mnbcl Of emir «• you speilk to Eenn
Father of Electricity.
Then |n-t V u’ en i n ran tn show
1909, the plaintiffs will apply to th«-
I The first step nhnig'ihi- way of elec­
when ><>u puss her?
It to his nearrat nel ’hbor
court for the relief demanded in said
Helen ln«leed. I do not. Why. I tricity nus mndc by lln- «elebrnled
-Boston Herald.
don't even unlive what she tins mil— (iiilvnnl, w!io Just before lln- beginning
of I lie Inst i eiilitry dcimmstrnted that
Tills summons is published In th«
The Human Body.
cits trli ll,v i «mid be prislined by lln-
Klamath Falls "Republican," a week­
The Umbrrlla Tree.
1 contact of metals mid fluids Galvani's
ly newspaper printed and published
Each car has four bones.
A curious Iree groivs In one of the experiments »m-gesied to Volta In ismi
The lower limbs contain thirty bones at Klamath Falls. Oregon, by order
numeroilN Islnnds Which lire sludded the eleclrh- bmterv. mil of which have
of Hon. George Noland, Judge <>
about til" I'lKltlc is-eilll. it grows lit come nil I lie other electrical triumphs.
The human I dy contains over 2,000 said court, dated the 23rd day or
It« full height Io nearly thirty feel,
miles of tubing.
with brum lies spreading like n huge
March. 1909; the first publication to
In three faces out of five the eyes be made on the 25th day of March.
unibrclln. yet It I n enmpletely leafless,
Cuba Is about 775 miles long, from
the species I iiiv I i -»; nev-r been known 30 to 100 miles will«' and has nn area arc out of alignment
1909, ami the last publication to b«
to show signs of n single bud Its sap of 40.000 sqmire miles
Th«1 hones of mi average male skele­ made on tho 6th day of May, 1909.
In area the
I n useful ns it medicine, but us fuel Island republic mid the state of New ton weigh twenty pminds. while those'
11. W. KEES5E,
the woml Is worse than useless, lielug York are alsmt the same Its soil, ns of a femnle nre about six pounds
AMnrnxy for rialrtlL
as hard as Iron und qultu as dlillcult I a general tiling. Is extremely rich.
IL V Mild » !1 nnd v Iff nr« doWtt '
F»>rt KlmtuiHi <> n n vlnlt.
320 acres of cattle or fruit ranch­
plenty of hue water. Inquire at tills
U. S. Land Office at Lakeview, office.
Oregon, April 8. 1S09.
NOTICE is hereby given that
EMERY A. PLUMB, of Klamath
Notice I3 hereby given that the
Falls, Oregon, who, on December 3. uude.-signtd las E 1 1 er final ac-
made Homestead Entry No. . count and report as administratrix
1325 (S rial No. 01123), for SE>4, of tke estate of Eb nexer N. Colson»
section 29, Township 37 S., Range deceased, a:.d that ten o’clock in the
10 E., Will Meridian, has filed notice
if intention to make Final Commuta- at the County Court room of Kla­
ion Proof, to establish claim to the math County. Oregon, in Klamath
land abov-- described, before County Falls, Oregon have been appoinud
Clerk, Klamath Co., at his office, and set as the time and place for
.it Klamath Fulls, Oregon, on the hearing objections thereto and tor
2 9th day of May, 1909.
settlement of the same.
Claimant names as witnesses::
Administratrix of estate of
lietiry Meyers. John Hibberts, Jasper
Ebenczcr N. Colson, deceased.
Hibberts, all of Klamath Falls.
4-15 5-27
3 3% freight wagons with beds.
C 3 V» freight wagons with beds.
5 3 V« freight wagons with beds.
2 logging trucks.
In tho Circuit Court of the State
2 buggies.
of Oregon. For tho County of
1 8 passenger thoroughly braced
Suit in Equity for Decree of Divorce.
1 set buggy harness.
Jackson N. Stiles. Plaintiff vs. Flora
1 Set hack harness.
F. Stiles, Defendant.
300 pounds chain.
To Flo-a F. Stiles, the above named
Complete blacksmith outfit.
1 pair Studebaker
3% truck
In the Name of the Stato of wheels.
Oregon, you are hereby required to Inquire of G. W. McIntire at Farm­
appear and answer the complaint ers Implement nnd Supply House. 4t
filed against you in the abovo en­
titled suit, on or before the 27th day
of Mny, 1909, that being the day of
tho last publication of summons, and
the l.ist day within which you are
required to answer, as fixed by the
in the May EVERY­
order of publication of this summons.
If you fail to appear and answer.
tho plaintiff will apply to the court
’s why it holds the
for the relief demanded In said com­
plaint. Said suit is brought to se­
undoubted supremacy.
cure dissolution of the bonds of mat­
Even if you are not a mag­
rimony existing between yourself anil
azine reader, try it. There
nils summons is published In the
is an unusual line of fiction
this month.
w -eklv newspaper printed and pub­
lished at Klamath Falls. Oregon, by
Read “Grimsden House"
order of Honorable George Noland.
Judge of said court, nnd dated April
if you like a “ thriller."
12.1909; the first publication to be!
For Sale By
made on the 15lh day of April. 1909 J
(Not Coal Iuind)
Not a Dull Spot
and the last publication thereof on
the 27th day of Mny, 1909.
4-1 5 R-t?
At’otnev» t«xr F’talti’Iff