Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 06, 1909, Image 1

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KL 4M I 1 II t\»l Alt.
Klouiaili Odel—
Ideal Opportunità-««
For Hila Indutary
The eslabliahuiuul al i'uilluud by
Swift A Company of u bugj packlug
plant bus been a great iuducemeut
to the farmers of Oregon to engage
la the hug laising busluvaa. Ali. a.I)
hogs are being introduced In tuauy
parts of the state, which has berutu-
foro bi»uu devoted almost entirely to
cattle raising, but yet thu packing
plants Lave to ship a large purl of
tl dr supply from Missouri nud
Illinois. Instead of Importing hog«.
Oregon sf.ould be able tu supply both
tho Portland »n-l the San Fratict.-uo
la speaking on the subject with
I. •<> 8. Robltinon of AlaincJa, Cali­
fornia, who Is heavily inloieated lu
Klamath couuty property. .Mr. Rob
iuaoo stMti d that lie b -lleved that
this county would become one of the
groatent log producing noctlons lu
tie country. The climate, the food
and ovurythlng Iscouduclve to pro­
ducing su excellent quality of pork,
superior lu iiviu the corn-fed |>urk
of Missouri and Illinois, This pro­
duct could be placed on the market
at u much greater profit than that
received by the Middle 44 o»t farmer»
on account of the difference In the
freight rate and thu faclUti«*s for
"To get the facts for actual com-
parlsuo," said Mr. Roblusun, “I will
cite a conversation with Mr. Hough,
manager of the Western Moat Com­
pany, tho largest packing concern on
the coast. They use great quantitive
of bogs. On March 11, 190». they
wore paying 7% ceuts fur live hogs
delivered in San Francisco
At that
time they wore shipping hog» from
Kansas nnd Nebraska, as they could
cot supply their needs alili count
Mr. Hough g-vc the following
“A 36 foot car, ulnglo deck, will
told 90 bog« Cf ISO pounds each.
Such a car from Missouri rlvi r cum
mon points to Han Frunclsco figures,
freight, 33 02: l> »• Is, 3125 pur cwt ,
or 33.25 per I * ; I
All llvo stock
must bo fed and handled usveral
times en route from the east
cost on such n car of hogs averag«*»
65 cents per cwt , 390 a car or 31
per head.
To'al cost of delivery,
3 1.80 p< r cwt., 33.26 per bead, or
3392 per car. Ti ore la also an olo-
Blent of shrink»««- due to the effect
of confinmenl In this long Journey,
which amounts to five or ten pounds
per head, say an averugo of seven
pounds. With u price of 7 M cents
at San Francisco, this would figure
Gross price for IS ) poundhog 313 90
Less freight, f»- i ng, handling 3.25
Deduct for shrinkage ........
Which would 1-ave n net return of
310.30 per head, or 35.72 per cwt
“The railroad ! as made a rate on
llvo bogs from Holland to San Fran-
elaco of 390.00 per car.
As there
Is no occasion for unloading to
feed In transit, these Items uro ell
minuted and wo have the cost of
delivery at 55 conts a cwt. or |l
per head. Tho returns from a Kla­
math county shipment would figure
as follows:
Gross price 180 pound hog at
7K Mats
313 95
lies'« freight charge
Net returns, 312.»5 per head, or
>7.20 per cwt.
“This gives tho Klamath region
a clear advantage of 32.25 per head
or a cent nnd a quarter per pound.
It muni bo romembored that this
advantage Is much more materlid on
a low market. It would seem from
these facts and figures that If the
farmer of Nebraska and Illinois can
get rich raising hogs on land nt
$100 to $200 per acre, there is n
harvest In store for Klamath county
bog raisers.”
Mike Woods, one of tho timber
cruisers of tho Woyerl auser Com­
pany, was in tho city nnd left
with J. F. Klmbal, local representa­
tive of tho company, last Wcdnc.day
morning for tho Illy country to look
over some timber which has been
offered to the company. Tho Weyor-
hauscra have been buying timber
right along, nnd pnylng about 31
n thousand. They hnvo a largo num­
ber of timber clnlrns offered them,
on which they hnvo no cruise, nnd
ns tho weather It now favorable, this
will ho done, nnd It Is probable that
there vzlll bo a number of transfers
In tho near futuro.
lilt. I.M Illusi. Iv .t<
In wrltlug of thu Klaiiiath Full»
Lukvview ruud Ilio Exumiuei «ays.
"The Altuiu» pupvi», »u wu uro lu
ormod, aa tl-oy Lavo noi appourod
1 tbla office, uffoct tho bt'llcf litui
ho wagon ruad now belug cou
.-trucli-d froui hcru lo Klamnlb Fall»,
1« n groal big bluff lo make tho N
C. O. corno lo limo, Hut ibsy aiu
vory tuuch tultiuki-u.
Tlu load la
belng constructed wltb the soln pui
porto of vnublltig tho buaimsM mon
of l.nkovlow tu oblai» thu benofit uf
tuo grcal market» tho»o uf Port
lumi and tìun Fruuclscu, Bouiulblag
Hot pumlblo l.etvtofuro. with a do­
Idi d prvfureucv far th« fui nier.
“Attuia» doea noi, ««ml never will,
.1 UU/ Ogui u lu «no lUUltvl, UUli Un
,ii'ciully su un tbo letnpoiary leruil
itUS of tbo N. C. o win soon bo
:nado ut tbo fuot «1, G imixo L ua «,
ivliero n lown doublleis will spring
up tfnt will tak->
tabu away all the
piicimiul prcullgc Alluiaa c»pi-el-d
us the touipuiury terminal of tho
uarruw gaug<>.
Rath uud engineer»
are low In tho fil l«! locating the N
-’. O. extenalno to Gouee l-akc. and
with tho uow la.go steamer on the
lake In operation, the
th« hop«
b«ip«s » of
Alturas as u trade and shipping
center for this northern wectlou g«H*s
"So far a« regard* the construe
lion of the freight rood to Klamath
the work 1s now under way. County
CommlMloner Horyford left fur the
fluid uf uprratluns Monday murnlug
with 12 teams, a big ruad mucblue,
a lot of scrapers and a big force of
men to push tbo work forwurd with
all possible dlsprtch. Thu people of
tho north end of !u«ko «xiunty, thoae
<>f Paisley and Silver latke, also,
lie hard at work on n road to Kta-
natb Full», and II means buslne»»,
ind will surely give relief from the
'barges that wo borotoforo have
'•ben compelled to pay the little
flaky road that begins nowhere ami
-nds at tho »amo pluro.
“Patience las. In our case, been
■vt atisted and r. n-rd to be a vlr
ue, nud thnt la nil there Is tu It
"Tbo Examiner la sorry for Al
turas, of couroo, hut It Is n mntt-*r
lat rnnnot bn helped, as self prot«w-
'l«»n 1« n right roep«wtcd everywhere
“The buxlni <v m«*n of Lnk« count«
ire united nnd In earnest In the
rilravor to '»reak «way from the
hralldom In which they have been
gripped and squoesud ■<> long, and ft
tow In k« na though a relief 1» near
At hnnd."
Aauusaur J. .1*. Luo liaa Ju»t r«e
II. J. Nichols, a former rusldunl
of I'u ! Valley In this couaty, who lias turned Hum Dulty and li.u uppui
-<mn lu thu city the pusl few day», •■•■»uairy , w nvre be Las bovu u»»t.-4»-
tt-u laud» uud pruporty.
«turned to his home al Huntington 1
leach, California, Monday utorulng Lee I us |-iunicully luvi n d tim i-u
f he succeeds in S ’lllng his property lira county wllli thu uxcoplli»n of
lu California ho will return tu Kla­ i-urt Kluialli and the Kono country,
math couaty to locate
Mr. Nichol» mol will It-uvi* thia wook for Wood
iiu »uyu that ho bulluvea
Uwe lu the oulery district ol Uiutup ■ itvur.
county, ami Ihu putposc of hla re iLat this year a tux lull will bo lu-
turn hero waa to Inveitlsutr th- cr«<H»«H| by two imd a half million
>wuiup land» of thia county.
Mi ioHara.
"I havu boot. all ov«r tbo lower
Nichol» »tale» that t *11« uciuhhui
or him to live In Orange county, part ut thu county,'* »aid Mr Loo,
«ivory body I»
whore the peat or »»amp lund» ar- ■ nd It aeeius that «»very
i- at lug lund.
'Itero will be fully
b< lng u»<>d. In order to realise the I
-»Ice thv ncr«-ugu under cultivation
■ tioruious value.
..is y--ar that tnorj was
wus last
Mr Kiel ol« state« that there at
1 < 10 aiu »0 many acw Inrm» cleared
abu-li JuJ Uli!» of »»amp land r<
lulu i <l In Orange county.
13 Ol .p 1« ut I hardly knuw th» country,
13 year» ago this land went hf-e1 hig in«« el iingi- is so gnat. You may not
at $10 an ai re This land >1 as uluoo believe II, but II 1» n fact that mot«-
b on dralnml rml reclaim«*«! nnd d- lund Lus been cleared this »pt Ing
.i>t<d to Intensified farmlug, prill- than lu any lout years lu tho past
Ipally the growing of rrlory. 3500 I Lave boon over all ‘i-- county every
ar loads of celery are now aa- y<-iii nud I kuow.
“There will bo an Itumvnsu crop
nially shipped at a net profit on tho
'■«st land» to thu owner of $300 ail of gruln this year. If there 1» any
iu I ii .
AH uf thu nuw luud 1» being
Busldee celery, a potiluu uf the put lu gialu, mostly wheat aud oats
lands are devoted to garden truck. Nome l.as b«-« u »uwn tu barley, but
«ugar iM-utn nnd alfalfa
Out- larg«- very llttiu to rye. 1 don't know bua
owner la» madu an affidavit that sum«- of II etn have dune It, bui
for several year» hl» net profit baa around Dairy, in Laugell Valley and
nut been leeo than $160 an acre. all over tbo county thousands of
Iho I m ,»« laud» ate bringlua from acre» of now lund bnvu bi-ou plowed
3600 tu 31000 an acre, and are be­ aud plant«-«! this spring On the south
ing runtud from 3«6 to 3100 rash side of the valluy below Klamslh
p<*r year. Mr Nichol» Is of the Fall» there aru »0 many new farm»
»pinion ttat thv Klamath land» art* which were sago brush last yuar
far »ulterior to that In (Nnllfornla, as that you would hardly kuow the
Everything 1» looking fine
the latter are more of a bug and ■-uuutry
have a heavy growth of willow», I aud alt that 1» needed Is a good
which make them quite expensive to ! ralt»."
prepare fur
thl». pumping plant» are uaud to
keep the land» dralnrd
I'llNLI-.Y freight aiuciv eh .
lu.uronc« Ainsworth and wife uro
«topping at the l.aki side Inn for a
few diys. Mr. Alniwotlh Is on« of
tho large- t tort cl mils at Dulsloy,
.Hid has Just returned from Sun
I’rnnciseu, where bo Lad his summer
tu< k of goods shipped via Klsmslb
Falla, about "500 pounds of wbi< I.
avo already arrived. This Is tlu.
■ it .-I Urge si ipii'—nt received ut Kia
uath Fulls for I'ai.-eluy merchants,
but It is piobabJc that in future all
-f tho goods for that section will
otno this way.
Mr. Aluswuilh is very much sutls-
fl I with tic cl angc, in he flu du that
ho baa made a considerable saving
m tho cost of freight.
11« will
u nd I is te-atns here after the good».
Heretofore i'alulvy merchants Lave
«hipped their freight via Alluraa and
Lakeview, and II hint been u long
.enel expensive haul. The people of
.'alsley are Improving tho road load­
ing to Klamath county and thl« will
nuke tho trip much easier.
indmxn i-iriiiox
Barfield Jack, Hargcnt Browu and
i! M. Kirk, three of tho Klamath
Indiai.», are In the city today
troiu iho Re rvullon with a poll
lion which they ate going to »■ nd
<0 the H««r«tary of the Interior. The
lilluii 1» «.ild to bu slguud by 68
tho Ind in n.i and asks tho Depart-
.sent lot the removal ut Hupcrlnteu
dent H 0 Wil.( n. Tho complaint
against the superintendent covers
«tivnral png «. In which It la charged
tiul bo allows white- men to bunt
an tl.<- Re. rvntion, and that the
Indian poll«-Hu U uro allowed to loaf
round when they should be com
pellcd to work
Tbe-ir gii.itert objection la against
It tmlng lamia to tho sheep men for
glaring purpose 4. It Is illlog -d that
tie surplus land« of tho Indiana are
Ica.x-d to sheep men. and the peti­
tion -ra claim that tbla destroys the
range for cattle
Tl.orc nre ov< r 300 heads of fam-
.lie 1 on tho Reservation, anel as the
petition la algncd by loss than 25
per cent of that number. It la not
> <>n-Ide ri d of very great Importance
There are always a number of dl-e
stlefied Indiana who are rcudy to
embrace the opportunity for finding
fault with conditions.
Clayton M
Kirk lu one of the principal movers
In the petition, and evld -ntly lie la
trying to follow In tho footatepa of
his father, the Into Rev. Jesse Kirk,
who aepireel to bo a leader. It is
nay to stir up discontent among the
Indians, nnd such men as these, who
uro provided with n good education,
very often secure qulto a following
G W. Whtto of the First National
Bnnk has begun tho nxcavution uf
thu proper»..,' adjoining th«.- bank
building on tho corner of Fourth and
Main streets, and foundations will
bo built for four buildings to on ver
thu untlru properly, which Las a
Main strcot frontage of 75 feet, nnd
is 160 feet deep. .
Mr.. While stated that be was go-q
Ing to have tho excavation done and
Tbe Klamath Falla regulars went
the foundations put In, and if hl»
down to detoni Bunday at th«
money held oui bo would build u
two-»tory fire-proof building on the hands of the doughty warriors of
Modoc Tribo No. 60, 1. O. It M. of
Tho building will be di­
this city, Tho gauio was hotly con-
vided In tbroo store rooms on Main
tested from start to flnlsh nnd the
itlroet, 25 by 106 feet, and uac large
sloro In the rear of the bank on spectators wit nes ted the fastest and
Fourth street with u 60 foot front, cleanest playing that has been seen
This Is one of the best building lo­ on a Klamath Falls diamond for a
cations in the city, nnd us Mr. White long time. . The umpire, (’has. I.
usually finishes what be begins, it Roberts, was on his job and not a
IS Hilf«! to any that there will bo kick was heard during the entire
something doing In the building II no game.
Mnrk O'f'on, captain of the Engle,
Wheat, alar pitcher of tho Kia got In tin alteration last Knturdny
this summer.
rncth Falls team, Injured I Is leg nt : with on«« of tho helpers on another
the b<gLining of the gttmo, which - -iteamer nt th«* dock on tho upper
no doubt made It easier going for
KLAMATH AVENUE tho Redmon. Neither aldo feels that ilnko and received 11 cut on tho forc-
I head.
11« Immediately came to
Tho Midway Telophono A Tele­
the game was decisive, and It Is prob­ 'town Io Hwcnr out a warrant. Tho
graph Co. began Wednesday Alling
able that they will cross bntH again , cits«! has not come up In court yut,
In their portion of tbo street In
next Sunday, when tho lineup on {and It will probably bo Im posai bio
front of their offlco on Klamath
both sides will bo considorably | to learn the facts In Iho caso until
Avenue. They have teams and four-
Tho score was ns tho ..AGro t-xthuony la given.
wheel scrapers at work and the dirt
ft Is report-'d II nt • here has boon
Is being obtained from tho White
Klamath Falls 0 3-0-0 0 1 n o n
I <*<>nsl<l<>rnblf! lli-fcellng for »«»me
property, which Is being excavated
Redmon .....
3 0-0-0-2-1-2 0 • -8 limo belwoon tho ciiptuln of tho
for building purposes. There Is from
Engle nml men on other boats, and
six to eight fool fill In places on
purtle-i fnt.'lllar with the conditions
Klamath avonuo which has been
ogpretH HiirprlHi! that th«i oul.com«'
ordered by tho council. It I h stated
thnt nil of tho property ownrs have
Tho case of Abel Ady vr. Leo I lit not boon mor«' serious than It
Hlgnlficil their willingness to do their H. Robinson wiih argued before Judge was.
Tl '■ man with whom O'Con had the
share. If »he work I h not done, the Noland Wednesday.
Mr. Adv was
city will hnv<! to do It nnd the cost represented by It. H. Smith, nnd Mr. alteration wns Alfred Broostor, otn-
will bo assessed against the prop­ ItobhiHon by C. F. Slone, of llenson ployed on tho Wlnems.
A Stone. Tho suit was over certain
lands owned by Mr. Robinson and
An Ohio millionaire, 69 years old. Mr Ady, nnd Hie latter nsk <1 for nn
B -tn Ellvnbelh Slnnsble, tho four-
has married “one of tho most beau­ I n Ju net 'on restraining Iho former c itr-old daughter of Mr nnd Mrs
tiful young woman In Dayton." Rhe from «oiling tho land
fudge Noland All ’i Rfnnablc, died nt 11:45 Monday
la 30. Tl In, of course, Is a purely grantod Iho order asked fot, and morning of pneumonia after n short
personal affair, but wo cannot help Mr. Ady gave bombi In the sum of lib--
Mr nn<l Mr< Rtnnshlo moved
wondering what la tho mutter with 35001) as protection ngnlnst loss to Klamath Fulls front Eugene hist
tho young men of Duyton.
from Ilio calo.
! " -ptembor.
AU. 6
«.INDLLH-«X Ih .M » • ./i.
R. H Hinlth Friday closi-d a dual
whuroby hu »old LI» half luterust
In the Aliuiuout ruucii tu J. D.
This property was pur-
• I a :"d on contract over a yuar ago
by Judge Noland and Mr. Hrnlth
frut'i tbo Goo. W Hinlth Rent Wso»,.
Company, nnd since tl nt time many
Improvements l.uvu been made lu lb<
Mr. Carroll simply bought
thnltir» Interest in tho purchase und
will muke hla »1 are of the final pay
meat» on tho laud as they becomi
Judge Noland still retain
hla hulf Interest.
Til« property Is coneldvred one ot
tlu nx»t valuable lu the county
rim Allainunl place In only two and
1 I nlf e II -s from the city nnd con
ubi» KKO urn-«. IL - l-l-'s thin then
« a half section lying four mile
outl, 1- ar the town of Midlnud.
Judge Noland stat« » H ut he nnd
Mr. Carroll will continue thu Im
Kiv. ii" nt of tie place, ntid are ar
a 1 «-.Ing to put out an additional
urge acreage In alfalfa II Is year, A
portion of th«- lower lurid» on the
trait will bo »own to al»ac and
--lover, as thl» In found to do better
tl nn ulfalfa on pluces where the
wnti-r stand» ««rly In the aoason
Fhi- Altamont dairy will still be con­
Noland states thnt
-vi-ntunlly the land will probably bo
cut up and »old in »mall tracts of
ten uud twenty acres, that is in case
arrangements can be made with the
tiuvernmni t to allow of disposing of
the lund» before the Anal Iraulng
of a water right
The half suction
lying nouth of Altamont will probably
ably be dli-i-oni-d of within the next
Eighty fumili.-» could <-*»lly b<
»up port <d nn the Altamont place
and with the Introduction
cnttln nil could make rood mnn-*v
On nreonnt of its proximity to th<
city thcro world always b»- a hand'
market for the milk and garden pro
iliicta. II Is eMtlmntcd thnt a man
with ten ni-r--s of this land co old
lank«* a pr< lit of from JI50 to 1300
n. month
< ity l.l>-< Hot. D u - m » Uitlioui
m lUppIv of E*« iti'i.i.'iit.
F. T. Han demon was elect <-<3
Mayor of KlUmntl« Fulls M< nday
by a majority of 46 votes ov< r Judge
,i.T. Baldwin. Mr. Iluldwln car­
ried the first ward by >6 votes;
I, u u<3
Mr. Uuud«-r»un the »-«uud
thu third by 77.
Tl.ls ga vo .Mr.
Kuud«-r»on a total of 179 Votes amt
Mr. Baldwin 133. A. L. I.i-avltt ami
J. W. Hl«m«-ns wr-iu re-elected us
i'ollce Judge and Treasurer.
In Iho Oral ward A. Casti-I U US
Ii<t<d t.’ouncllmiw« over It M. illch-
In the ar.-coiid ward IL« re
were no candidaf'u on tbo ballot,
but I-. F. Willits and li'-rt Willnow
were «luted Councllnion.
The vi le by ward i um as follows:
Lii..t ward For A.u.or, Baldwin,
'■6; Hundi-rson, 61.
Judge, Lurrlv, I ly L- avlti, 65. l-'or
Frrn-urcr, Hl< ni'-cs, 60; Worib-n,
1C. Counrllman, ICki’itid, 49; lllcb-
urdson. 28.
Hecund ward Baldwin, 54; Han-
deraoa, 58; llurria, 32, Leavitt, 79;
Siemens, 62; Worden, 50. Connell-
man, Willits, 46; Dunt-ar, 18; Crls-
Third ward Baldwin. 23; Sander-
■>on, 100; Harris, 43; Leavitt, 82;
Shinina, 79, Worsen, 45. Council­
man, two years. Summers, 77; Wood­
ard, 44. on«r year, Grigsby, 57; With­
row, 63.
The total vote tor tho city offhes
were: For Mayor, Geo. T. Baldwin.
133; F. T. Banderson, 179.
Judge, A. L. Ijivttt. 22«; W IL
Bit-mens, 201; A. M. Worden, 111-
Chas. W. Hhermnn, Hr , of Yonna
»’alley presented u ; < Ulloa on Wcd-
i< day to the County Com mlnlon-
"?rs asking that the co inty Improve
tl o road from Olsnu to Dairy by
. •
uuliartioK it with cru:
putltloa is signed by a large nuiu-
ber of the residents of Yonna Val­
ley nnd Dairy, nnd it Is coni' nded
»►« ros'l w I not i.-it very n.ucb
MLK'_LL Rl Id DAIRY litui».
»r>d tlal It
t-ccesuiry .0 that the
section will be en-
Guy Morrill, who is in the city
nbli-d to bring their products to
today, aluvuj .that Lu received Li»
Klamath Fall», etc.
t.iud of 50 Jars y cow.i, wldcb he
Previous to Hila .Mr. Sherman had
pure) HHcd at Coulrui I’ulnt. Most of
' a personal letter to Com-
the herd aro full bluud-xj Jerseys
mls-tlonvr Walker neeir mg the b< ard
"1 am now provaied to pul up a
»ftli secretly entering Into nn agree­
big bur ti uu my ploi-e for the dairy
cattle," raid Mr. Merrill, "and we are ment with certain* pfHltlcians of llo-
nanin to build tbo laikevluw read
going to Lave lb Uncal dairy farm
Bonnnra road, wl He It was con­
la tho county. Tbo rout of the farui-
tended that the Dairy road was the
ora bave gut to <u|ue to it, us there
only one that would ever be m to
is more money In the busiuuM tl un
What tiuvel over
in atty thing else for them.
Apparently Mr. Sherman must
la tho use of wcillug your *hay for
hivn misinformed on many
♦5 or 310 when it Is worth $31» when
with regard to the Improvo-
fed to dairy
the roads. The members
Ing 30 ceuts now for butter fat, und ■
court state* that It would take
it I us been 34. Even at 20 or 23
road fuml to do what Is
cents there is big money In it for the entire
ruqueated In the petition, and they
thu farmer.
“There Is no use talking, thia will carry out their orlglnnnl plans,
country lu going to be ll.o greatest which Is to Improve both roads as
dairy sccliou on tho coast, and the much n» the money nt their disposal
«uuuur 5ho fat uicrs nudili» It and will permit
go to milking the better it will be
for them financially.
It is a cash
busiuesM, uud the money cumin In
every mouth.
A man with ten or
twenty acres of land and a few
dairy mit can do better and have
moru moiioy lu tlio Lauk than those
who uro now trying to furtu 160
or more acres.
Dairying Is tho
buslnenc that lu going to build up
this country and niako II one of the
richest In tho atato.”
The road making outfit which was
ordered by the county will arrive
nest Monday and the County Court
hopes to make arrangements with
the railroad people to unload the
machinery at Midland.
The outfit
will occupy three earn and It would
be a big job to have to transfer
thia to barges, The mutter Ims been
taken up with the railroad, and It
la believed tlint it will be possible to
have the cars brought on to the
multi lund. The uutfit consists of a
steam roller, traction engine nnd
rock crushing plant, screens, llovat-
ors, etc. If it is unloaded qt Mid­
land, tho traction engine will be able
to linul It to tho locution where tho
work will be commenced on the road.
Tho first work to be done will bo
on tho road near tho bridge across
tho canal at Altamont. This Is tho
conllntmnco of the present strip of
mactidnmlsed road leading front thia
city. The grade has been filled In
nnd tho road la now ready for the
crushed rock and drea lug. The roc’"
crusher will bo placed on tho hill
beyond the Turner place, ns plenty
of rock can bo obtained there with*
out moving the machine.
Ackley Bros, »hipped tholr fl rut
carload of box mnlerlnl Wedncmlay
to California.
Tho material is for
orange boxes nnd was sblpped to tho
California Fruit Exchange at L oh
TLI-i Is the first shipment of ninny
other;« tl at will follow. Ackoy Bros.
I nvo nbnut fifteen men working In.
their new plant manufacturing boxes,
and tlio material Is being turned out
ns fast as It cnti bo loaded on tho
barges. A car track I ns boon put'In
front tho mill Io tho water front, ho
Hut Iho loniled trntn enrs can bo run
on tbo lint-go.
It I h a lively spot
nrouml tho box factory lit Ackley’s
Hi»' dayn, and Is an Indication of
wbnt tho lumber manufacturing In­
dustry will hr* nn soon its the product
Albert Walker Is in the city from
r-nn I10 loaded on tho cars In thin Bly to attenti tb.o meeting of tho
County Commissioners.
Mrs. (loo. Noland I -ft Wednesday
E. L. Bwnrtxlnndcr of Klamath
for Astoria on n visit to relatives.
A;, 'tiey wai In tho city Sunday.