Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 29, 1909, Image 6

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J ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»<♦♦»♦♦»♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Nynl'» Vnge-
t*bl ! 1‘i'Mcriih
tlo’i is Iudlent
rd In all ordl-
dlican'MI of
ui uion.
dis ip * »Inta, Its
g*,o<1 off acts b«K
in t.r. very
l. Il 5' co tu­
posed ot t f
puru .1 and the
moi eu
dr ugis;
nnd other har-
mful drugs be
Tho mn ly dls-
«•niir'i llng
f I II o 9 C n B to
BubjX'toil ion
dor liar llablo
to ninny functional disorders lint
not only tend to destiny hor comfort
uml happiness, but wlilib gradually
marge Into chronic und nurlous dis
Nynl'« Voffetablo Proscription 1»
without u poor for tbo succesoful
treutmiiet of fumnlu wouknosa, pain
fill nlid dlHordeiud metiMtrutntlon,
by »t vrlu, cramps, "bearing down
pulmi," Inflammation nnd falling of
tbo womb
This In a remedy of
Nlerllug worth.
Ihero Is going to bu aomolhlng
Klamath county probably has the
WA8IIINOTON, April 31. H im : 10-
best schools and the most tu propor­ doing all along tho Uno In tLo mallui luty Ballinger of the Itiloiloi" DO-
tion to thu population of any county of impru vo.uoulH lliuugl.oul tho purl un til will visit Malheur i un nty
in ll.u siale, jet lie mu d of more city from uow ou.
I'ho piluclpul when l.u guu» Wi.it ill Juno, sud on
’ schools Is becoming strougly up* work in this direction for tho present i is p raoi iil «ibuui vullon and on III»'
i puruut, especially in the Klamuth will bo In tho ea»lurn pail uf tho '.»laiwing to bo mailo to him bototo
Klamath Falls I as already <u , and li'iid.ra In tho movomout I July Hi will dolarmlnv whet
Before'»ehxrting yoar paper pu alionld become familiar with
.outgrown Ils uuw stouo building, will bo iho Hot Spring i Improvement I Malhour Irrigation project »
¡which three years ago wu* thought Company. Tho work that tl l.i com built by the I|,ccliuiiAliou b i
: would be large enough for five or patiy is doing on th«' road loading by private uulurprlau.
vail this season. All our papers are here, and the hc lection
tou years.
A new building will from A.alu street to tho depot is In­
Tills aflui'uooii Mr. Ballinger gave
I have to bo built In this city this dicative of wl at may be expectod a tearing to Waller Gilffith of I'uhl
afforded far exceeds «uiy.hu> g ever shewn in lhe city before.
fall, uud tho directors of lhe school from (bls source. It bus always been well unii J. W. McCulloch of Oulailu
We have Wall Paper from tO l'enta a double roll and up.
!aro already considering the mutter. tlio policy of this corporation to who urged liitu lo tura this project
Flue uow school houses havo boon never do anything by halves Strang­ over to the Reclamation Service, su y
We do |Mper hanging, {uunting, kalaomluuig and interior
' built rocuutly at Bonanxa, Merrill ers coming hero cannot be but fav­ lug that 9Ü per cent of ilio land
and in other parts of tlio county, but orably Impressed by the splendid owners under »thu old Government
the necessity is now being felt for the roadway that will load from the projM't hud slgued und wore ready
division of tho districts and estab­ depot to tho main buslueas it root to |>ay thu Government price for
lishment of new schools In tho val­ of thu city, It will be oue of the wator.
W M. Wayman aud K H
ley between Klamath Falls and Mer­ twat roads in thu southern part of Teat of Boise, representing the prl-
rill, where there has been a large in­ the state, constructed of such ma­ vatu capital that wants to build this
crease in population. New Bottlers terial and In such u manner as will pt eject, were present st thu hearlpg.
are taking up their riwldonce In tbe make u permanent highway. Flunk- but, not bu|ng pi «pared, did not
valley almost daily, and one of their 1 lug It on thu north side will tai a make their showing
In the Spring is the time to do your House Painting, and yon
Owing to the
first demand la for couvenleut and ton-foot sidewalk.
Mr. Ballinger's Interrogations In-1
should select your grade of paint which will not fade or pool
difficulty in securing the proper ma­ dlcated in Inclination lo turn this
good schools.
off. Our Paints are Guaranteed.
We bare just received the
The people In the vicinity of lien- terial to lay a cement walk. It has project ovor to private capitalist»,
Largest Shipment of Paints shown in this city, and thus give
ley arc taking steps for theorganlia- beeu decided for thu presont to oon- if they can show they have fiuan-
of a school district, Mr. Carroll has struct it of lumber, but later on, clal backing to carry tho project to
you a complete line from which to select your colors.
agreed to furnish a location for the when this part of tbe company's completion und can build nt ronoon-
I building and suitable grounds, and property is platted, this walk will bo able cost, and bu fuurther lutluiated UNDERWOOD S PHARMACY
the farmers la that neighborhood replaced by onu of c'incut.
We hate Wall l*aper from 10 cents a double roll and up.
that where prlvat.i capital nnd th«*
Cor. 7th nnd Main Streets *
Mr. Naftzgor.president of tho com­ Government both desired to build a
| will present the matter to tbe board
We do paper banging, painting, kahwxiiinlng and interior
Falls • • • • Oregon
| at once. The building for the new pany, loft last Friday morning for project In any given community. It
cheese factory at Henley Is nearlug San Francisco aud Ix>s Angeles, in bln purpose to recogulxe private
completion and tho plant will be where ho goes to complete the fiual capital, reeervlng Government fund»
ATBC Biehn Building
ready for operation about the middle plans for tho big campaign of Im­ for localltluM where private capital
• X\a
JLd 1x0 One Bock West of Public School
Parties wishing sagebrush land
of May. About half of the Willard provements that he 1« to carry on will not enter . Mr. Wuyman and
call on or write,
herd has been secured and other dtrriug the summer. Thousands of Mr. Test will bo given a hearing at
farmers are purchasing dairy cattle, lollurn aro to be spc.tt In the carry- a later day.
Klamath Falls, Ora.
This will result In smaller farms mg out the < omprehcuslve system of
It wm shown toduy that private u nr
improvements i that were planned enterprise contemplates irrigating u
and a greater population.
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ F. 8bort and family went to Midland
uud which have much larger area thau is embraced
The establishment of a poetofilco three years ago, and
♦ 8unday to witness the arrival of the
and store and other businesses at been delayed on account of the non­ In the Government project, and will
Department of the Interior. U. 8
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ first train, but much to their disap­ Midland aud the large sale of prop­ arrival of the railroad. In addition
irrigate 77.000 acres In Idaho UOl Land Office, laikcvluw, Oregon, Feb.
pointment, tbe rails were only laid erty, which means new residents, io tho Impetus Dial li.ls will give to
< nU>ruc«*d In the Cover ament pro- 1!.. IM*
Services were held in the CatboHc half way from Ady.
' will necessitate the establishment of the general welfare of tho city, the Joct.
A sufficient affidavit having boen
Manne and Clarence Harris helped a school at Midland. The board has pecuniary gain therefrom will be
Church last Sunday.
filed In this office by H P. Dehllngor,
The sixth, seventh and eighth Mr. Cunningham clear sage brush i already been notified that a request greut, for upwards of 32000 a luonth
contestant, against homestead entry
grades of the Merrill school will take last week.
I will be made for a school district, will be paid out io tho way of wages
No 37.13 tHerlal No 09781. mads
»■amination on May 13tb and 14th.
land the need is plainly apparent. It to laborers. It is to be hoped
8 A LEM,Or , April 21.—In order March 25. 1907, for HKfc HKU. *«*•
The entertainment given by the ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Is stated that there are already the corporations and individuals con-
I that the State of Oregon have ample
M. B. Club last Friday night was very 4
♦ sufficient scholars to justify a school. trolling other additions to the city nnd competent representation com­ 5. K'i NKt4 and NE% HE 14, H*’r
H. T. 4 0 8., It 10 E . by Roy W. Holt,
•ne. Several piano duets were given, ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦; The new town of Worden, which will follow the example sot and
patible with Its interests at tbe sev­ contvstce. In which It la alleged that
vocal solos by Mrs. D. J. Patterson,
already bas a school, it planning oo make substantial improvements ou enteenth annual conference of the
One of the largest crowds ever
said entryman has never resided up­
Mrs. B. Faus, Misses Johnston, also
a new building. County Superinten­ their properties. The tim«! Is now
• number of tableaux and two recita­ gathered at Gale assembled Saturday dent Swan will go to Worden to­ here when advantage must be taken National Irrigation Congress, which on nor cultivated tho said land or
tions by Miss Applegate and Miss afternoon to bear Mrs. Giacominl’a morrow to attend the bond election of tbe great opportunity offered by Is to be held at Spokane APpunt 9 any portion thur<*of as by law re­
to 14. inclusive, thin year. Chairman quired; that said entryman has been
music class reciud.
The program
to provide funds for that purpose. the arrival of tbe railroad.
R. Insinger of the board of control absent from said land for more than
J.J. Beard and Mrs. Alice Wise, wee carried out like clock work. It is planned to raise 11600, which
All of this work should not bu
from the Lakeside ranch, were in 8o thoroughly had tbe children been will construct a very nice building left to individuals and companies. of the congress, han written Gov six months last past.and wholly aban­
Ronson requesting special represen­ doned the said land, and that said
drillad that everyone was well
»Own trading Saturday.
for that district, It la predicted that Thu city itself has a duty to perform
tation for the State of Oregon in absence from said land was not due
Mrs. Carr and son, Elmer, left on pleased with the recital.
within two years the number of the und it should not be lux in supple­
Wednesday for Corona, Cal. David
R. C. Andersen and Charles An­ schools in the county will be almost menting the efforts of others. The the person of himself. President of to hls employment In the Army. Navy
Cox took them to Klamath Falls.
derson made a business trip to the doubled. This will be the result of bonds for the coastrution of a sewer the Senate Jay Bowerman. Speaker or Marine Corps of the United States
of the House C N McArthur and ths an a private soldier, officer, seaman
Miss Meyers, Oscar Chanler, Joe Falla Friday, returning Saturday.
system should be voted, and this
increased population.
members of the Joint committee on or marine during the war with Spain,
Foster and Elmer Kattenhorn were
work started at once. Tbe charter
W. H. Todd and family spent
Irrigation of the Senate and House, or during any war In which the Un-
in Merrill from Sand Hollow last Wednesday afternoon with Mr and i
should be adopted and steps be at
each of whom personal Invitations Itod States may be engaged.
Mrs. J. H. Hobbs
once taken for tbe paving of Main
will be extended; also a regular
Said parties are hereby notified to
The Elite candy store was moved
street from the bridge to the city
Harley Johnson is quite sick with
delegation of citiscns, to be named appear, respond, and offer evldenco
to tho south side of Front street, be­ typhoid fever.
Holding that under the provisions
hen-after by the Governor.
The touching said allegation at 10 o'clock
tween tbe town hall and the butcher
We understand that Wm. Balls and of Section 6 of the Corporation Act by the Hot Spring» Improvement
Governor Is a I no requested to ap- a m on April 8, 1909, before It. M.
shop, last week.
family will arrive soon In Merrill, of 1903. service of summons in an Company is certainly not «nbanced
point a »pecluJ advisory committee Richardson, U. 8. Commissioner, at
The moving picture show last Sat-
Joaa Whitlatch will leave Saturday action at law against any foreign by the disgraceful condition of the
of five, com pout'd of four persons Klamath Falls, Oregon, and that final
orday night was good; also the for Albany, Linn Co.
| corporation doing business in this main business street of the town
well versed In Irrigation, to confer hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a.
dance after It.
Misses Callahan and Applegate state may be served upon the at- Some may contend that it will be
the subject of making tho con­ m. on April 23,1909, before lbs Rrg*
An endeavor party was given last spent Bunday evening with Mr. and torney In fact for such corporation, too late to do anything with paving
of tho greatest benefit to later and Receiver at lhe United
Wednesday at the home of Dave Bar- Mrs. J. H. Hobbs.
¡even though he may not bo a resl- till« year. This Is wrong. Work of
Oregon, and Governor Benson will Blates laind Otile« In Lakeview. Ore-
rows. Games were played and re-
H. F. Tolle has been quite sick dent of the county in whiçh the this character can be carried on
give bls best attention to the selec­ gon.
freshments served.
for the last week.
| cause for action arises aud even until next January, and at least a
tion of citizens to compose this cotn-
Tho said contentant paving. In a
Agnes Barrows and Alla Balis were
Mr. Genette and H. F. Tolle took though such corporation maintains
affidavit, filed
fill’d January 211.
in the country Sunday, visiting with a number of torsos to pasture at an office In such county with offic-
it Is not a question of whether
which show that
their friends, Phoebe, Pearl and Adams last Tuesday.
er8 upon whom the service could it can
islature was composed of tho follow- after due diligence personal service
Ethel Brown.
M tb . J. Taylor was in Merrill on be had, the Supreme Court affirmed people will get Into the harness and
George 11, Merryman, chalr- of thia notice can not tin made. It is
Born—Thursday, April 22, 1909, to business Thursday.
:the judgment of Judge E. C. Bron pull
man, Klamath Falls; Frank J. Mll- hereby ordered and dlri-cted tlist such
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Anderson, •
Walter Purdy has sold bis place to augb of tbe Circuit Court for Mul­
1er, Albany; 8. C. Boacb, Portland; notice tie given by due and proper
Mr. Cressy.
tnomah county, in the case of A. A. » ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ «
I. II. Hingham, Eugene; C. W. I’ar- publication.
Mrs. R. C. Anderson Bpent last Cunningham.
respondent. against
rish, Izee.
I the Klamath Lake Railroad Com­
♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦
Mrs. Grant Gay and Mrs. J. D. pany. The respondent was injured
Morgan were in Merrill shopping while a passenger upon a train of
♦♦♦♦♦• ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ Saturday.
the defendant company, at Thrall, and children walked ovor to M s.
Henry Conn took some grain to
R. C. Spink, the proprietor of the
Alias Rachael Applegate and Riley Cal., and was awarded damages of iloblcy's Friday.
Notlce la hereby given that scaled
tho Falls Thursday to get it cleaned. Powers spent Saturday and Sunday J400 for the injury. The company
Mr. Bradley and Mrs. Tallman are Spring Creek nnd Williamson River blds will bi> received by the County
Sam Short, Georgo Trammel and with Mr. and Miss Callahan.
Fishing Resort, now Ins a crew Clerk at tho Court House In Kla-
also maintains headquarters at Po- ceding alfalfa and timothy.
Walter Turner went to tbe woods on
Frances Matt, a former resident of men at work putting up his math Falls, Oregon, up to the 8th
Mrs. Haynes spent Thursday with kegarna, Klamath county. Its Oregon
Mrs. Hadley.
terminus, and service of summons of this valley, was recently married tents and getting thu resort In read! day of May, 1909, at 2 o'clock p. m.
John Stever is working for Burrell
Miss Neva Wbitlatch was absent was had upon John W. Alexander of to a man at the Falls wbo has a ni*sH for the general public. The eq for furnishing wood for Klamnth
ulpmont for the place has been re­ County as follows:
from school Thursday.
Portland, the company's attorney in second-hand Bto-c.
Mr. Tramel finished drilling in the
We think that If a truant officer ceived, und ft consists of four large
Mrs. J. E. Wbitlatch and Mrs. W. fact, and the case was also tried in
Eighty five cords of four foot wood
grain on bis ranch Wednesday.
V. Wbitlatch were in Merrill shop­ Multnomah county. The company's paid a visit to this district, he freight wagons loaded with tents, delivered nt tho Klamath County
S. E. Icenbice went to the Falls on ping Thursday.
principal contention on uppeal that would find some children who need camp outfits, Bribing tackle, boats High School building, and Forty
and provisions.
Mrs. J. E. Whitlatch spent Wed­ the proceedings were unconstitution­ to be In school.
cords of sixteen Inch wood ricked up
Mr. and Mrs. T. Short and family nesday with Mrs. W. W. Wbitlatch. al, and the appellate court decides
Mr. Amsby hauled a load of hay
It is the Intention of Mr. Spink to In the wood slu'd nt the Court House
spent Saturday night at Iccnblce's.
have the place ready for business In in Klamath Falls. Oregon; said lots
Mr». Dan Caldwell spent Sunday to the contrary.
The opinion was for Mason's camp last Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Conn and family with Mrs. Gene Hammond.
Will Mazon is laboring under about twenty days. Iln hns already of wood to be dollvored by tho first
written by Chief Justice Moore.
were at Merrill Sunday.
Mr. Adams had the misfortune of
representing difficulties galore. Ho is trying to received a largo numbrr of Inquiries day of September, 1909; also Ffty
Those who were at the Falls this having one of his fine horse's leg Mason, Davis &. Co., is in the city build a ditch through a small pond, from all parts of the Pacific Coast, cords of four foot wood to be deliver­
week were: Jasper Hibberts, John broken Wednesday.
! settling up tho affairs of that com- and the mud and water does not and the Indications aro that the re ed on the County Road near what Is
Hibberts, Charlie Adams, Arthur
Thursday a sort will bo well patronized during known as tho John Smart place, to
I pany. He still suffers from the in- bank up very well.
Hawkins, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Elder,
team of mules fell and were only the summer.
bo dollvored In May and June, 1909.
Chester Miller, Mr. Kilgore, Tommy
found by their longthy ears big
Everything about the place will be
All of above wood to be cut out of
Short, 8. E. Icenbice, Mr. Conn, Mr.
ears are sometimes of value after arranged for eombfort, and In green pine timber and thoroughly
Cunningham and Lloyd Cunning-
Iff. H. Wampler was In tbe city
ordering bls equipment, Mr. Spink Mtooned.
Friday from biB Woodbine home on
Mr. Welch in working for Chas. han bought the bent In the market.
Tho Court reserves tbe right to
Mr. and M tb . John Short and fam­ the upper lake. Mr. Wampler baB
WA8HINGTON, April 24.—Har­ Steeman.
reject any and all blds.
ily went Saturday to Mr. O. Short’s, been making extensive improve­ vey W. Scott of Portland, Ore., who
auction .
C. R. DE LAP, County Clark
returning Sunday.
ments on his homes toad and now has was tendered the Ambassadorship to Frances, are now living on their
Btevo Griffith of Poe Valley has one of tbe prettiest spots on tho Mexico, today declined that office. ranch in Spring Lake.
Henry Low ranch Wodnoaday, May
finished drilling in his grain on his shores of the lake. He has rebuilt The declination la made in a letter
Mrs. Balls of Merrill was in our
13th, at which will bo sold farming
ranch in the Pine Grove district.
his residence and has added a big received by President Taft today.
district Saturday getting subscribers
Implements and household efforts.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Mills and fam­ dining room which will accommodate
The New York Times published a for the Merrill Record.
terms govern.
4-29 6-6
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Burrell Short from 40 to 50 people, and has also story that Harvey W. Scott declined
Mrs. Carlltobley, Mrs. Geo. Jory,
and family and John Kenson visited beautified the grounds by planting the Mexican Ambassadorship on the Mrs. Joe Stuckle, Mrs. Fred St tickle,
at the home of John A. Short Sun­ between 300 and 400 fruit trees.
ground tint holding offlcce under the Mrs. Harry Booth and children
Mr. Wampler states that the bear Taft administration would compro- visited with M tb . 8. Booth Saturday.
Klamnth Falla, March 31. 1909.
Lum Short w nt to the Falls on hunting season is now on and he la mise his paper and make It em­
James Jory hauled a load of Office of tho Treasurer, Kinmath Co.
making urrangi ments to take out barraaaing to crlticiae any aci of grain from his timber culturo to his
Notice la hereby given that there
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott and daughter, several parties to the woods.
aro funds In the County Treasury for
He ( Taft or his subordinates.
home place Saturday.
Vivian, came out to their ranch last has a nice pack of bear dogs and j
Inquiry at the White House and
Mr. McCoy is grubbing sago brush the redemption of nil County Wnr-
Ther» arwmnr« M< «'n II l’ntlrrn» w»M In • «•* t’nh»»
of «ny «>th i m e © • j'Ri
•• <»«•
plenty of pack horses, and Wampler State Department indicates that the for Mr. Ward.
'ants protested prior and Including lumini l h«n
ut th«ir «lyl«, arcur uy imd aimpl < Ity.
Mrs. Cunningham was visiting at knows where the game is.
Mnirn»lnr ' 1 h* Onren nf
The Ambassadorship was not formally
Gertrude Steeman and Venus July 2. 1908.
Mime auba« nbrr» t han uiiy <>t het I *iiir< M
Mrs. Shepherd's Friday.
steamer Wincrna will make regular. tendered according to the official Booth "were at Mrs. Tallman's Thurs-
Interest on aamo will cease from Ve«'*« •ubecMfMIoii(|* numlier») r< I
Rumbe», A mu». 1'vrry • iilmiibef gela • M< < all l'ab*
M. H. Wampler of Odessa was | landings this summer at Woodbine, custom.
The formal tendcr would day.
this data, March 31, 1909.
lem rrrr. Sub*rHba t»»«1a|
l.ndy A irmi« Wnnl«*d. Ilandanma premhima »f
down to the Elliott ranch Saturday. and Mr. Wampler has a launch and have been made only in event Scott
Mrs. Kirkendall rods home Friday
in»*'il ««eh f'iinmlaat'ii
raitatn < .nalogut(©••»"<’da.
*• n») and Prrmmm ( niah-que (ehnwtng a«» premium«)
8. E. Icenbice and family and T. row boats for tbe use of his patrons (manifested disposition to accept.
County Treasurer. ••al irci». Addi «et Jllk Mit.AlX CU., baar Ywik.
Wall Paper