Mr. Vierra's on II» wny to th« I r ieri of loud In F< c f 8. Tp 39 s r I ♦ Y ON.Y A IIKMM. • I'Ulls. Ho Lui bi u buying horses I be d e by tn and V, $1 <0. ♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦O mid will laLut I «in to the Const. K. r. L. A T. CO. to II. F. Gould, » : ONLY ONE WEEK MORE ! Miss Neill« Ulin mid Hazel Filch lot 10 blk 100; lot 20 blk 108; lot Mrs. Godfrey Beck, wl .<» I u I 1« n l.iivv« again i l ui n■ I to >c. ool 13 blk 160; lot 27 blk 10; lol 13 vUlliug at ll.u i u.uu of E.aii W. P. H«dg < of Dairy up.-nt Hun- LU 9, Buei.a Viulu Add to K. F.,$l0, Eg. it a In North Youuu. rolurued lay with ('. 4 and s'4 of no'4 August mid Dun Llskuy of Hwan Guuigu Noble. sec 33, tp 40 s r 10 o. $10 00. laiko worn tn Yonne on business Mr. Stepiens, tho real u.itate Win. M. Elliott to Fruuk Mc«r- this week agoul, wa< iu Lot rila Monday and lund, no *4 of no % and no'4 of sc'4 j Geo. Smyth returned from Iho Tu -lay. sue 10 tp 38 n r 9 a, $10.00. Falls Tuesday. A.i t. Luuli Qorbor has purchased II. W. Mason to Chas. E. Worden, (kick Pool was riding for horaos 160 acres of laud from 51. F. Orr. 4 lot 2 blk 74, Klamath Add to K. F. Tuesday. » Cunaidviullou, «-U p i acre. $1 025.00. C. C. 1'«arson was at G«u. Ritter’s Nortr dgo preached al place Thursday lo got n lead of bay. Ixzrolla school house Bunday morn­ W. L. Purdy ot ux to W. IL Hum Uulkvr, 11.» deputy sheriff, ing aud uvuulog Cressqy, c % of u *4 sec 4 tp 41 s r was In Yunna Valley Wednesday to « ■ <• *v friends, Mrs. E. H. II <>. $3000.00. got jurors fur the Arant calf uteul- Phillips states nlie will arrive on Hie - V C. J. Sly el ux to Alex Zuvely, t iug case. tugu Wednsudaj, accompanied by 1 blk 3. Dolen, $1.00 Mlchuel ItU's'k has recently been Mis. Hurry Cadcti. B. H. Grlgsley et ux to Adah offered $35 «n aero for 40 acres of Í6 IL U. U um I o m . nt lo Kvurctt Grif­ Brown, sw *4 of u<>'4 and lot 3 sec laud, but refund tho consideration. fith'» uftcr bls «laughter, l«4 sec 35 tP 38 day night. a juror on the Jay Araut caso. i>a«u < ampbell wont to Klamath • r 9 e, $615.00. » Mr. and Mrs. Ferry Randles, who Falls Friday, accompanied by Mrs. Mldlaud Town Co to Louise E. * bavu been working on the Fitch Louis Gnrber and son and Mrs Hurgont. lot 11 blk 6, Midland, ranch, bavo returned and will soon W. It. Campbell und cblldron, also $286. .00. • »t • *’ - '■* 1 • • $ I go lo tho Godfrey Beck place to put Mrs. E. R C Williams Klamath Development Co to D. U. 1 In a crup for Mr. Childers in the M F Orr made a buslouss trip Campbell, lot 11 blk 9, Towwn of uieanlliuo Mrs. Ilandlns la staying to Klamath Falls Friday, returning Midland. $175 00. at Mrs Mnnucd Vierra's. Warren D. Klngdon st ux to E M. Sunday. John Anderson was In Dairy last »• Mr. Pitts of Barnes Valley wont l.ecvcr. lota 19 and 22 HOC 4 tp 33 Sunday through the valley Tuesday. s r 7 >4 •, $3000.00. Born—Near Bonants. April » I. A L. Leavlttet ux to Alex Martin, Mrs Buck Bruoen was called to 190u, to Mr. and Mrs Theo Flarkus. Portland to altund her daughter,who Jr., '4 lut to blk 88, Klamath Add. »• > a daughter. to K F . $350 00 Is very ill. Moasrs Chas Flarkua, Jacob Mlchaol Woods to Weyerhauser The people ct I-angell Valley are Rucck, Wm. Welch, Hank O'Brien lujolclng over the staleiuunt In the Land Co., s'4 of so'4, no% of se % ¡ and M P. Nelson were all summoned Evonlng Herald about the Klamath of net4 »ec 3 tp 26 s r 8 o, $10.00. j to qualify for Jurors In the Arant Falla-Alturas railroad, as It will Hamuel M Scott to Weyerhauser ¡ ease I .a nd Co noti sec 24 tp 35 s r 14 cross through this valley. J. K. Welch, W. L Hlmpson and Considerable rual estate 1s chang- , e. $19.00 C. C. Pnarson went to Dairy Tuo»- Ing hands at present in and around J. B. Maxon et ox to Weyozhaorser day on buslnoaa. Land Co., lots 2, 3 and 4 80% of Ixrrolia. Jaca Hurtuu was In Yonca Valley Tho Government engineers are, uw(4 and e«4 of »w 4 sec 19 tp on business Thursday. constructing a bridge across Lost 34 s r 15 e. $10.00. Mr. Alexander, tho hide buyer, River to haul supplies to the Govern-1 W. E Faught et us to Woyer- was In Youua Valley this week. I hausor Land Co., w'4 of nu% , 40% wont camp. Godfrey Beck wont to Bonanza on sec Mr. Sarg'-nt, accompanied by <>f n«’4 nnd and nw'4 of Friday. men to construct the bridge, was 19 tp 34 s r 15 ». $10.00. The oldest son of Petur Hchoraln up In thovnlley Wednesday. ! W. E. Anderson ot ox to Woyer- ' 81M.MO.N8 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. FOR SALK OK KXCHANGK. of the Rnaorvntlon died of consum­ The quarterly meeting of the M. taeurscr Land Co., sw % sec 38 tp 34 ption a few weeks UK >. . ■» fl 0.00. E Church will bo conducted by s : r “ I 4 e. - $io.oo. In tha Circuit Court of the 8tate • > » 9 ■' ’ -t. Mr. Miller Is busy plowing on hts Itov». Dunlap and Zcllai* In Ixzrolla Joo Hugarman to Weychaouser ut Oregufi. for tho County of Klam- 320 acres of cattle or fruit ranch—• (Not Coal Land» homestead.which he recently cleared school house. Ilusluoss mooting Land Co., lots 3, 3 and 4. so*4 of plenty of fine water. Inquire at thia Frank Beck started plowing Inst Saturday at 2 p. m. Preaching at ■« '4 see 31 tp 34 ■ r 14 e. $10.00. alb. office. 3- 11 it V. 8. Land Office at Lakeview. I Thursday at Fred Bock's place. 11 a m. Sunday. All arc Invited Walter H. Forra ot ux to Weyer-! W A Turnür &nd W P Kbo*dl‘- Oregon. April 8. 1909. J. (1 Wight was also summoned to attend haeuscr Land Co., el4 of nw % and Partners under the firm name of Tur- ' NOTICE is hereby given that FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE. as u juror. Plaintiffs, vs. vs - EMERY A. PLUMB, of Klamath iw >4 of % of nw14 sec 17, ae% ner Bros. A Rhoads, Plalntlffs, Notice is hereby given that th« Htevo Colaham of Hpragua River of ne *4 sec J. Frank Adams, Martha Adams and Falls, Oregon, who, on December 3. Of tho 290 second-cabin passen­ of no *4 sec 18. uudersigned has tiled her final ac­ is visiting his brothor, Pat, at the F. O. Pierce, Defendants. 2 0, w '4 of nw14 sec 21 tp 37 s r 1904, made Homestead Entry No. gers who arrived In Now York on ths old Colal an place. Sult in Equity to Foreclose a Lien 3325 (Serial No. 01123». for 8E%. ■ count and report as administratrix 14 e. $10.00. Holland-American Ilnur Ryndam. of the estate of Ebenexer N. Colson, Emil Egert was on tho sick list Syrus J. Sweet to Woyerhaeser Summons. Section 29. Township 37 S., Range deceased, and that ten o'clock la the recently, 190 were children butweun last Tuesday, Ills wife and Froddlo The Land Co., nw«4 BOC » tp 24 s r > To the above named defendant, F. O 10 E., Will Meridian, has filed notice forenoon of Friday,, May 7th, 190», Bock were visiting him al tho laaugh- the nges nf 4 and 10 years. Pierce: of intention to make Final Commuta­ at the County Court room of Kla­ Ryndam gave appearance of a 8«. $10 00. lin place. Homer V. Link to A. S. 8bal«s et I In the name of the State of Oregon. tion Proof, to establish claim to the genuine nursery. To add to tho nur- math County. Oregon. In Klamath Ernest Nall and Willie Beck were aery. Mrs. Ernest Cabbonlo, wifo of ux, nw '4 of nw I* s-c 3 tp 25 s, w»4 ! ; you are hereby required to appeal land above described, before County Falls. Oregon have been appointed in Dairy Saturday. of sw *4 tec 3 4 and no% of se 14 ! and answor the complaint filed ag Clerk, Klamath Co., at bls office, Eddie Hedge of Dairy, who has a Philadelphia druggist, became the sec 33 tp 24 s r lie, $10.00. iainst you in the above entitled suit, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the and set as the time and place for mother of twins during tho voyage. hearing objections thereto and for b« hi for .n il« Ilin«, left Thursday Ellen Pell ct vlr to Frank Moor­ on or before tho 6th day of May, 29th day of May, 1909. settlement of the same. for California, where I c will undergo ' 1909, that being the date of tne last land, lot 2 blk 47. Nichol Claimant names as witnesses:: Former Vice President Fairbanks MARY E. COLSON, an operation for appendicitis. 1 publication of summons, and the last K. F.. $22275.00. Tom Patterson, Berry 8tiles, plans to sail from San Francisco on Administratrix of estate of Wiu. Welch, who Las been fanning Geo. B. Snyder to E. 8. Barnes, Jay within which you are required to Henry Meyers, John Hibberts. Jasper Mny 16 for a trip of one year’s dura­ Ebenoxer N. Colson, deceased. grain, completed I.Is work. J answer, as fixed by Lhe order of pub- Add to part lot 1 blk 65, Nicholas Hibberts, all of Klamath Falls, A blrtbda> diuner was given al tho tion. lo Include In his Itinerary Ha­ K. F., $1x7 50. ilicatiou of this summons; and if you Oregon. waii, Jnpnn, China, the Philippines • horn, of Mr. utid Mrs Godfrey II ck FOR SALE CHEAP. C. E Worden ct ux to Burge fail to appear and answer, the plain­ J. N. WATSON. Suiiduy . Tboso projent, besides tho Australia, Africa und a largo section Mason, sw <4 of nw% and nw% of tiffs will apply to the court for the 4-15 5-27 Register. fuuiily, were: Mr. and ’.rs. L. A. of Europe. Ills family will accom- iw% sec 22 tp 39 s r 9 e. $10.00. relief demanded in said complaint. 3 3% freight wagons with beds, pany him. Storxl and son, Joseph, Mr. und Mrs « 3% freight wagons with beds, Said suit is brought to foreclose Goc. T. Clino ct ux to M. L. An­ 8UMMON8. W. II. Bliss uud duugl ter, Nolllo, S 3% freight wagons with beds. derson, w'4 of nwt;, so Vi of nwVi a certain material-man's lien on a It Is not best always to stay at and 0*4 of sw 14 sec 17 and Wm. Flnckus, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. 2 logging trucks. of certain 114 story barn, of which you In the Circuit Court of the State Colburn und duughtor, Lltn, und home an occasional change h good no 14 see IS tp 40 s r 1 4 e, $4500.00. are the owner, situated on the follow­ 3 buggies. of Oregon, For tho County of for everybody. Even tho kitchen I Hot Springs Improvement Co. to ing described land to-wit: Ernest Nall. 1 8 passenger thoroughly braced Klamath. Tho Beck boy» wcro working for tiro goes out occasionally. stage. The EMi of the NE14 of Sec. 7. W. W. Patch, lot 22 and o*4 of lot Mr. Mills Saturday. 1 set buggy harness. 21 blk 37, Hot Springs Add to K. Tp. 41 S , R. 11 East of Willamette Sult in Equity for Decree of Divorce. Our nelghbor.s faults are magnl- r.. $720.00, Godfrey Bock was at Bonanza on Meridian In Klamath County.Oregon; Jackson N. Stiles, Plaintiff vs. Flora 1 set hack harness. fled seven fold, but as to our own F. Stiles, Defendant. Monday. 300 pounds chain. W. T. Shlvc ct ux to D. W. Rvan, which said Hen is for materials fur­ Ludwig Htorxl was hauling grain short comings, we can not see them Jr., nnw>4 of sw 14 see 22 tp 33 s nished by said plaintiffs to you to be To Flora F. Sill ex. the above named Completo blacksmith outfit. with a microscope. Defendant: from Guo. Rlttor's Bunday. u»ed, and which were used, in the 1 pair Studebaker 3 % truck r TU e, $10.00. Mrs. Win. Hwlft bought n sowing I In the Name of the Stato of wheels. California & Oregon Land Co. to construction of said barn, and for ,-By their fruits yo shall know machine from Mrs. Godfrey Beck on Oregon, you are hereby required to I them,'’ but whnt about a tree with Oregon Land & Llvostock Co., lot which materials said lien was there­ appear and answer the complaint Inquire of G. W. McIntire at Farm­ Friday. after filed witu the county clerk of ers Implement and Supply House. 4t 2 sec 2 tp 28 s r 8 e. $1.00. t Mr nnd Mrs. G. G. Anderson were a dozen different varieties of grnfts? Albert Patterson to Jesslo B. said county, within thirty days from filed against you in the above en­ at Mr. McCumber’s plnco Hundny to Dumm, lots 11 nnd 12 blk «0. the time the said materials were fur­ titled suit, on or before the 27th day Talk about the farmers having no Grandview Add to Bonanza, $125.00. I nished, and was for the sum of $109.- of May, 1909, that being the day of gut soino grain. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Drew and Influence they nro stirring up the S. W. Reese to C. W. Putnam, e*4 ! 83 with incidental costs to the amount the last pub'.icatton of summons, and entire country right now. children wore In Dairy flunduy. of sec 3, e*4' of ne>4 sec 10 of $6.80; and for an order to sell the last day within which you are r ■y Chas. McCumbnr Is now on tho and sw>4 of sw <4 sec 2 and w >4 I said barn to satisfy the amount of roquired to answer, as fixed by the in the May EVERY­ The auctioneer knocks down sick list. of nw>4, se*4 of nw% sec 11 tP j said lien, together with reasonable order of publication of this summons. Mr. Crnno was at Godfrey Beck’s most everything he touches, and *ct 39 s r 11 e. $4000.00. I attorney’s fees, costs and disburse­ If you fall to appear and answer, BODY’S MAGAZINE. nobody seems to mind It. tho plaintiff will apply to the court Friday. • C. H. McKendree et ux et al to; ments. That’s why it holds the Win. Welch la having eomo of That unless you appear and an­ for the relief demanded In said com­ i*V. O. Erwin, lots 1, 2. and 4 blk plaint Said suit Is brought to se ­ The corn field ought to tnko n high Grandview Add to Bonanxa, $75.00. swer on or before the 6th day of May, undoubted supremacy. Iila lnnd drnggod. Mrs. W. H. Bliss was homo Sun- rank, boenuso there nro so many i D. H Ward to R. E. Guthrldge, 1909, the plaintiffs will apply to the cure dissolution of the bonds of mat­ Even if you are not a mag­ kernels In ft. dny from tho Shook raneh. I parcel of land In ne% sec 32 tp 38 court for the relief demanded In said rimony existing between yourself and I soon begin work ' plaintiff. Wm. (Jhrman will com plaint. azine reader, try it. There s r 9 o des hv m and b. $750.00. i This summons Is published In the REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Tills summons Is published In the on tho Low hill. Hot Springs Improvement Co. to is an unusual line of fiction Mrs Inn««’ «’ lldrcn nt Dnlry now E. 8 Wiley, lots 8 nnd 9 blk 38. Klamath Falls "Republican," a week­ Klamath Falls ’’Republican,” a this month. Adam Schoellgen et ux. et al to Hot Springs Add. $1075.00. ly newspaper printed and published weekly newspaper printed and pub­ have tho measles. Wm. Hmilh of Bly pnsaod through Ellznbeth F Offiold, pt blk 30 In Marshall F. Orr to Ida J. Gerber, nt Klamath Falls, Oregon, by order lished at Klamath Falls. Oregon, by Read “ Grimsden House ” Yonnn on bls wny to the F a II b on Merrill, $2000 00. s*4 of ne 14 and lots 1 nnd 2 sec of lion. George Noland. Judge of order of Honorable George Noland. if you like a “ thriller.” said court, dated the 23rd day of Judge of said court, and dated April G. A. Wlrlx et ux to R. II. Dunbar 2 tp 40 s r 13 e. $3200.00. ■ business. I Snm Randlos nnd family wore At ot al, lots 1. 2. 3 nnd 1, blk 19 Falr- Enterprise Land & Investment March, 1909; the first publication to 12.1909: the first publication to be For Sale By tho Chlldors' plnco Sundny. vlew Add to K. F.. No. 2, $10.00. Co to M. F Orr blk 108 Mills Add be made on the 25th day of March. made on the 15th day of April, 1909, Godfrey Beck hna sold nomo of Hobt. Laughlin to Chas. Carlson, to K. F.. $1000.00. 1909, and the last publication to be and the last publication thereof on F. E. ANKENY the 27th day of May, 1909 hla household goods, but still has n rl4 of no 14 and n’4 of so'4. Sec. Will 0. Stillet ux to Olive .1 Car- made on the 6th day of May, 1909. AMERICAN CONFECTIONERY BENSON A STONE, H. W. KEESEE. quantity left. 13. Tp 38. s r 11 Hz, $440.00. leton lot 1 sec 34, lot 4 and part lot Attorneys for Plaintiff. Attorney for Plaintiff 4-15 5-2T Mr. Manning of Bly stopped nt 3-25-5« L. H. Brown et ux to R. C. Short, 3 sec 3 t tp 34 s r 8 e, $3335.00. Special Price in Town Lots in MIDLAND $25 secures one lot within two blocks $35 one $50 secures corner lot $100 Main street lot Twenty-five per cent will be added to every lot we own in the principle blocks of Hidland the day that rails are put down CAMPBELLI Not a Dall Spot I V » I