Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 29, 1909, Image 4

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    Visit the City
Inspect our complete stocks of Clothing, I tirnish
Shoes, Hats, Dry Goods. Get our prices. Make this store
your headquarters You’re welcome
kla . hath republican
»ni mails.
.auih In ,i»an Lake valley for the
Mlaa llcaslo Applegate
Goo. W. Offiold was up from Mer­ will remain In tho city until alter
rill Saturday.
tho clouo of tho high school.
E. J. MURRAY, Editor
Walter Dixon was down from Fort | If )uu wish to set out Home targe
Klatuath Saturday.
' uid hardy «abbage, « iniilldower
aiilltlowor or
....... .. plants, call and sue Humpies
L lh J. ku
froui Bonanza Saturday.
/,r leave your ord* r with Arthur
nt the Farmers Implement
1^0 dollars per year in advance
Supoiintedent H.G. Wilson return- ' ’
4-23 31*
ed Wednesday from California.
tho moil
Rev. nud Mrs. Geo. T. Pratt re-
All (OLiuiouleatlous submitted tor publication In the columns of this
pa, er will be inserted only over the name of the writer. No non de plume lurne«i Weduenlay from Portland. | holly contested ball ganio of th«) son-
i ¿on will bo played Sunday between
articles will lx- published.
Born Saturday morning to Mr.
iil.o Klamath r ails nine an.4 tho Red-
and Mrs. Frank Upp.a 10-pound boy.
I mon team of Modoc Tribo No. 50 of
Fortunately the number of per-j
C. H Duscnberry, tho tltnb«'r tills city. Tho Roduieu have suc-
lous »1.0 are being converted to the,
cruiser, came In on thn boat Wed- e <ded In «ettiug logfiler a strong
Ir *sh air i i* wry are living Is con-1 Report on the navigation of Wood uosday.
team and are cortf! lout that they will
and eventually' River, following tequest ct Major J.
■taatly increasing,
It would not tako a tbroal Ing ma „«I away with tho scalps of tho
this cannut fail to b.avo a wide-' F. Mclndoe, und?r date March 23, chluo very long to thrash out some Klamath Falls bunch. There Is much
i.pt.ud a..d must beneficial effect on 1909: —
men's Ideas.
good uaturod rlvarly between tho
1. Present commerco, its < char-
general health. As a result of the
Prosecuting Attorney D. V. Kuy- two team», but whlhi oach Is deter­
a»U-tuberculosla crusade the people acter, amount and value?
dendall wow nt to Merrill Tuesday on mined to carry off tho victory, tic
Ans. Practically nothing.
g tie. a»ty ...e being brought tu a
public li avsurod of a good, square.
legal business.
2. Future commerce, duo in part
realization of the benotits to be de­
R. W. Tower and ira P. llansou •Ivan game. A prominent buvln, I
rived from fresh air treatment in 'to an improved waturway?
up from Reno Saturday to at- man has boon secured to umpire tho
Ans. Total amount of freight
this particular direction. But if it
game, and there will be no wrung
is so beneficial in curing and pro­ 'now used, which would bo transport­ tend tho celebrutlon of tho Odd Kei­ ling ovor tho decisions. Everybody
venting cases of consumption, a di­ ed by Upper Klamath Ijtke and
I ould go out and root for their fav­
W. C. Sanderson, who removed
sease that was once—and not many Wood River, were the latter navlg-
orites. Tho boys niwd tho money,
from this city to Ashland last year,
years ago—regarded as almost Ine­ able. Is 1,000,000 pounds,
and will gi>o you your money's
vitably fatal, what may it not ac­
Totel amount of freight, estl- arrived last Tuesday for a few days' worth In return.
complish In the prevention of a mated. that would go up Wood visit.
thousand and one other diseases, River in 1914, if it were navigable.
P. E. Hannon and dnugblor of
which seize upon tbe human system Is 4.000,000 pounds.
Moscow, N. Y.. arrived hero Satur­
wl.en it is weakened as a result of
The amount to oomu down river day on a visit to Mr. and Mrs.
P. 11. Paradiso returned Sunday
breathing bad air?
The entire we are unable to estimate.
E. J. Murray.
from Klamath Falls. Ho loft there
secret of good health, in fact, seems
Total number of people registered
Campbell's advice to everyone Is tho latter part of last week for the
to be included in tbe simple formula at Crater luike Park tn 1908, 8310. to forgot wbat you would have made Hood River country, but on arriv­
Estimated number of people who had you bought property last year, ing at the county scat be hoard that
of plenty of fresh air and good, plain
v'ol uOtne f:od, together with the wouM view Crater Lake Park In and buy lots in Midland this wonk.28 he government had ordored work
observance of a few brief and easily 1914 by way of Upper Lake and
It only- requires a few dollars in­ itartod on the Clear I-ake dam, he
followed rules regarding personal navigable Wood river, 25,000.
in Midland to insure a protlt proceeded at onco to look up B
habits. But the most essential re-
3. Present navigation, kind of
hundred dollars within a tlradhurn, who had 80 acres of good
u, all is that which calls boats used, draft, etc?
28 land for sale, and Saturday he pur­
for fresh air- as much of it, within
Ans. Can only got with In four or
chased tho place, paying $16.50 an
J. F. Kimball loft today for Po-
reasorable bounds, as it is possible five miles of Wood River now, with
This land Is located about
for tie individual to secure,
gasoline launches of not to exceed kegama In the Interest of tho Wey- five miles oast of Bonanza in Langel!
day and nigi t.
32 Inch draft, 10 feet beam and 35 erhausur Company. He expects to Valley.
bu absent about two weeks.
feet long.
Bonanza's base ball players are
Only navigation at present any
A party of Illinois investors reo
Cedar Posts For Salo— Good 6 Vi getting the winter kinks out of their
ently clubbed together and sent one ways successful is by boats not to ' foot cedar posts for sale cheap 'Imbs, and If they can find a good
of their number, who had visited exceed 20 inch draft, 5 feet beam i Addreas, Haiiiillon Mulkey, Klamath pltchor, a creditable nine will be
Oregon during the Exposition, for a and 20 feet in length.
4-5 6-6 ready for tho season's contest. Ar
I Falls.
trip ti rough the state. Upon his re- ■ Aside from tbe bar at mouth of
for raugemonta are under way for a
turn to Portland, this gentleman' Wood River and a few minor bars nursery stock, get my prices. A. E. tamo between Lakeview and Bonan-
said he lad found Oregon people1 throughout the course of tho river. Hunsinger, Tbe Tree Man. Klamath m at Bly if sultablo grounds can bo
much changed.
At that time they and several points at acute curves, Falls. Oregon.
4-15 It had thore. Chas. Nichols is expected
were int?nsively conservative—today the general depth of the river and
Banted — Girl for cooking and here soon and he will materially
ar? ?“t*,,islastic, optimistic and general wlflth Is sufficient for any
general housework,
Small family strengthen tho team. By a little work
unanimously predict a great future. navigation that can be made service­ and
good wages. Pheno or write. the grounds on tbe Island can be put
In fact, many of the communities are able on the Upper Klamath Lake.
In good shape.
Mrs. Rex E. Berd. Oleno, Or.
growing so rapidly that they imagine
4. Wharves and wharf areas.etc?
they have all the growth, but those
Ans. There are no present wharves I J. C. Stevens, District Engineer of
. Before planting, all servi grain anil alao potatore should
wfo have 3e“n the new orchards, the'for boats that are or may be, by Im- the United States Geological Survey,
sprinkled with Formaldehyde Notation for treatment for smut.
substantial farm bouses and other proved navigation, used In plying who has been here for be past week
Another passongor boat will soon
Tliln solution han taken tbe piavo of Flue-stone, because It Is
or ten days investigating water con­
improvements taking place ever-, Wood River.
be in operation on the upper lake
■where, know that the next decade
All future necessary wharf rights
'lydo Huffman has Just completed u
will see record-breaking advance- j for use of public can be acquired other Projects In Oregon and Wash­
10 foot boat with a seven foot beam
ment along every line. Asked if he' without cost to tbe Government.
and it was turned ovor to tho paint­
wa3 satisfisd, he replied: "1 would
5. Information concerning the
Chief Constiuctton Engineer H.
ers this afternoon.
not return to Illinois, but shall re­ utilization of water power which P. Hoey nnd Chas. Erickson, the
Tbe boat Is equipped with a four-
main here to receive my friends, who could be developed In Improved head of the firm of Erickson A Pet
4 0-borso-power gasoline
are coming in parties of three, five waterway?
terson, arrived in the city on Tues­
>ngine and Is said to be built for RATE ON WOOL TO BORTON
and even ten.”
Ans. Probably no water power day. It Is nearly a year since Mr
fast travel. A glass cabin will cover
can bo developed on Wood River, Erickson was In tho city, and he
¿be deck, which will accommodate
A decision has Ju3t been rendered but other streams to the ^est and comes hero now to examine the
T. A. K. Fass'tt, Southern Pacific
10 passengers.
Tho new boat will
by tie United States Supreme Court' tributary, mostly within Crater work being dono on bis contract with
In this city, has received ad­
I cil Us What
oe put in commission about May 11.
which will have an important bear- Lake National Park and the Cascade the railroad.
O. W. Luce, general
and will make round trips to all vice from G.
Von Want
ing on many similar cases In this Forest Reserve, can be utilized to
freight agent. that as soon ns the
J. F. Maguire and family came up points on tho upper lake.
state. Tl c decision 13 in the case i produce many thousands of horse Tuesday from Mt. Hoborn.
South orn Pacific reaches Klamath
We will plan, estimate and con­
of the Boguillas I-and Company of power.
Maguire states that he ha3 almost
Falls, they would arrange to pub- tract for any Iron. Rione, llrtck. Con­
Arizona against Curtis and others,
6. The improvement of Wood more business ti an he can handle at
llsh a rate of $2 07'4 per hun- crete or Frame Building for conntrur-
that riparian land owners cannot River would benefit in commerce the his store and ho finds It necessary to
Ired pounds on wool tn grease from tlon In Southern Oregon. We guar­
J. C. Smith suffered a very serious I
prevent the taking by others water Wood River Valley, as a farming securo additional help. lie has en­
Klamath Falls to Boston, New York antee Economy, Effi« lim y nnd Rutin-
from a stream for Irrigation pur­ and atock raising district of some gaged Miss Lily Arnett a3 steno­ accident last Monday wblcb will lay and common points, In carload lots. faction.
him up for several weeks.
poses - because of such ownership. 75,000 acres.
grapher and book-keeper and she
minimum weight 20,000 pounds.
the I
This decision Is stated by attorneys
It would benefit In convenience of will return with him tomorrow.
Tl Is rato will put Klamath Falls Krlw y lllocA Opp. American Hotel
to be of vital importance in Oregon, travel, lessening the cost of trans-
The Herald office received a very icaffoldlng about fifteen feet to the .'In position to become tho shipping
where numerous casos Involving the j portatfon, every person visiting the
pleasant call Saturday evening from ground. One of his logs wav badly | point for wool from this and all of
doctrine of riparian rights pending t Crater Lake Park, and would be
J. D. Springer, a former daily news­ Injured. Tbe doctor states that no i Lako county. In tho lattar county
in the local court will be influenced greatly beneficial to the supervision
paper man from Eagle Grove, Iowa. bones were broken, but that the in­ it Is estimated thnt tho annual ox-
of said park. Wood River Valley,
by it.
Mr. 8pringer sold out his plant this jury was very bad, and Mr. Smith port of wool oxceod i one and ono-hnlf Fruit and Ornnmrntal Trrrs. Thia
being one of the most beautiful val­
spring and is on his way to Lake will be unable to bo around for a million pounds. Tho now rato from Io (lie tliix* to place your or«l«-ro for
By decisions dated February 2 and leys In America, would be visited by county looking for a piece of land,
Klamnth Falls is exactly the same
good long time.
March 3, 1909, the Department held 'thousands of people annually, when­ lie was accompanied by P. J. Miller
as It Is from Mndellno. Tho present Foil Delivery. Our stork Is complete
that a corporation, domestic or for­ ever the opportunity arrives that and H. Sauer from his home town.
•hipping point on tho Nevada, Calif-land your nrt-dn ran best be met at
eign, is entitled to acquire a water they may reach It by rail and water.
ornla, Oregon road for Lake county
(hia time. Drop nie • postal anti
Wm. Struoel, the Yonna Valley
Respectfully submitted,
right under tbe Reclamation Act,
Is Alturas.
This would mnke tho
First National Bank moved Fri­ shipments from thnt point higher I will cull.
provided the home office of such cor­ Klamath Chamber of Commerce, by rancher, who had his leg amputated
Committee on Navigation of by Dr. Hamilton a few weeks ago, day to Its new brick building oppo­ than from Klamnth Falls by the ad­
poration is “in tbe neighborhood" of
has so far recovered that he has re­ site the Court House, where It has dition of tho local rate from Alturas
Wood River.
the farm unit for which the water
turned to his ranch. While at the handsome quarters fitted up.
Representing Oregon Nursery Co,
The to Madeline.
is to be furnished, i. e., within fifty
time Mr. Strobel's leg was tn such entire first floor will be occupied hy | When the pro3cnt Improvements
miles, and provided further that the
Na lem, Oregon.
shape tl at his life was in great tho offices of the hank. Tho second on the Klamath Falls-Lakeview roa«l
•rockbolders of the corporation as
danger, tho operation was so suc­ floor haa been arranged Into office nre completed, there are no reasons
individuals 1 ave not in the aggregate
cessful that no further danger Is suites. Dr. F. M. White, Attorney why the ontlro shipments of both i
r»k°n waterlghts that, together with
F. M. Mills and Assessor I. P. Loo wool nnd mutton from Lnke county
that claimed by the corporation, will
While estimat's as to the present probable.
The Indian boys did not do a have already leased quarters in the should not go by Klamath Falls,
amount to more than 160 acres.
population of Oregon vary, some
The freight rales nre favorable, and
men who have the right to lie called thing to the High School team Snt- new building.
For on u|Hto-<lHte vvlierl, «Ct
In a horse deal w.th thy neighbor, well-posted, feel that the state today urday p.m. They had them beat from
with a good road It Is believed thnt
n Rambler, on tulli- at Ilin (RJN
when looking for the spavin on his as upward of three-quarters of a the start, the final seore being 14
considerable time can be snved. The
anlmnl. do not neglect to mention million people. Wlthevery county In to 5. The High bchool boys did some
money being spent on the Lakeview I RIO RE.
Tenin to rent, (lima. We carry
the splint on thine own, and thus the state getting new settlers, some good Individual playing, but on ac­
Five lota, slgn.iy location, 31500 road Is the best Investment Kinmath
I a full line of spurting gooda.
thou shalt have a record for fair lave attracted a greater Immi­ count of lack of practice their team Can loan $750 rn the deal.
county could have made.
gration during the past year than for work was very poor. This was prac­
A nice cottage with bnth, large
tically their first game of the season lot, $1700. A good liny.
five years before.
and they hnd not got hardened to
' Every farmer can be his own
A large residence, fi- e lot. $3500
There are lots of people In the
weather profit is he will keep his
Pride is undesirable, and yet we fast playing
Thre,! cottages on thr«*p lots Room world who appear to have the brains
OpIHixItr (lie American Hotel,
tools under the shed, and his stock are all agreed that rice Is not likable
L. B. Applpegate and family re­ < ncugn for another cottage; $2250. of a mule. All they seem to be able
Pilone fit»:!.
in tbe stable during bad nights.
unless it is all puffed up.
moved Tuesday to their nrooksldc
to do la to eat, sleep and kick.
that you pass more
time in your sleeping* duini
her than in any oilier part of
the house, yon want the place
as comfortable as possible,
Let us start you out with a
handsome new bedroom suite
or, at least, one of those eie
gant metal bedsteads, fitted
with soft mattress and gent
ly-yielding springs, We are
offering some special induce
merits just now.
City Meat Market