Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 29, 1909, Image 1

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klamath falls ,
K lamath county ,
okm on ,
A pril v , rcy
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Il »1,104 IN
Thu merchants of Sacramento uro
O. I II. Gatos of the Klamath Fulls
F. T. Hund« rson and Geo. T. Bald­
Before many moro days elapse
beginning to awakuu to tho po«»lbl Light * Water Company has re­
win were selected last Hulurday a» Director of the b
Blates itecia-
Illy of II.u loss of Hie Klumutti hade ci-lved orders from thu Soulhcru
cue candidates lur Mayor.
Tl.ere .nailon Service N swell win ue ia tuts
to Portland wholesalers. The Hue- Pacific to bo ready to furnish water
were 17k votes cast, Sanderson re­ city.
Such Is the announcement
rnmonto Hoc I ns contained a number nt tho depot ground» in ti l« city for
ceiving lu4 «nd Baldwin 71. Scat- made by Project Engine r W. W.
of articles recently on the trade of tho usu uf engines of the construc­
t.riug votes were cast for Boivin, <-aCcb, who returned from Weed
this suction.
In a latu number II tion crew uii next Munday evening
Delzei, Blough and Milkins.
For Tuesday afternoon, where he t went
has the following:
The railroad has found It impossible
Foiice Judge A. L. Leavitt received Monday to meet Supervising En-
“The majority of the salesmen for tu usu tbu waler iu the.lake fur the
1UU and W. H. Harns 14.
Foi gtuuer Hopson.
Mr. Hop»ou was
Hacrunumto > Jobbers uro not satlifi-d |ongluca, and II Is suld that they have
1'rittaurer, J. W. Biemeus received on Lis way to Portland to meet Mr.
with tradu 1 conditions In Kla-muth to run to Dorris each duy to tank
140, aud A. M Worden 37.
.Sewell, who will arrive in that city
Falls fluid, These kocu-eyed travel* up.
For tills reason rails will bo
Very little interest was taken in »lit.in a few days
er« sou plali nly the trund of thing»
strung us fast as possible to thia ♦
♦ tbe election until nearly three
Not since the commencement of
“Coming Into personal contact with city, so that wuter can bo ■ecu re<l ♦
♦ o'clock. At the opening of the polls work on the Klamath Project will an
tho Purllund uh »m< u and knowing from this end Instead of Laving to ♦
♦ a number of frlead« of Mr. Sander­ event tarry with it co much Import­
tbu field from constant Intercourse make the lung run to Dorris. The ♦
♦ son were on baud with printed ance as tbe coining al this time of
with the tiicrcl.nnlM lliero, the) arc in first tialn will reach Klamath Falls ♦
EN1ERTAINMENT ♦ dekets aud Lad the field to them­ Mr. Newell. It is generally under­
ti c best puallluu to form an estimate on Monday, May 3 tbu day of the ♦
1*111101 Gil KER- ♦ selves, as the Baldwin supporters stood now that the real Lead o( tha
of tho situation, present and to city uloctlon.
l:i .fWI.EN
MAY ♦ i.ad to write their own tickets. Final­ Service is Mr. Newell,
Mr. Gates bus a crew of men lay­ ♦
Pasa. IralUc Mgr.
♦ ly some one bad some Baldwin it has been supposed that Le sat
rho Port Iand wholesalers nro ing toniporary mains from tho main •♦♦•♦•♦♦•♦♦♦•♦♦•«•«♦♦••4*4•♦•♦»« e»e•••••••«••••••••• tickets printed, but not until after simply a figure, whos every action
making a hard und wtdl-plannt-d fight n<ur tho laundry to tho depot site,
was controlled by the Secretary of
Juuu 7—Chut'« Hie day
IlklUI’llk- iu«i<
arraugeiuculw lor uuupiug over half of tbe votes were In.
to capture tie trtide of the Klamath a dUtanco of 1600 feet. This will
After that the electioneering be­ the Interior, but recent events have
tar It! lalk about it! Think about igrotini'». These will be so located
section They are mooting disadvan­ later bo replaced with a permanent
it! And ulien you arc tlirougli do­ a- u> Lc easily reacl« <1, will Le xup- gan and quite a lively time was gone to pprove the correctness of a
tages In railroad rules and time of lino. No time can be lost, a« the
ing tili», urite your friends aLuut plh «1 willi water ku.il well police«!. i.ad. TLe contest, however, was con­ theory often advanced by many that
dollvi-ry to gain a foothold. Wtth an crow will have to lay on an average!
it! Jim«- 7 Is tiu- day ulien Klamath It 1» prupoxd to give to like owner ducted In the most friendly manner Mr. Newell Las full authority in all
oyo to tho future, they are willing to uiarly 300 feet of pipe a day.
l ull» is tu Le n-geucrulk <1, r( <lai>iM-d of en-ry leaiik or U-nt a >ar<l M-ai ing i anil tbe best of feeling prevailed. Ii matters pertaining to the Reclama­
make sacrifices now. If necessary,
fur civilization, r»*<-«>v< red frotu tile a nutnler corr«-spoii<ling with the was conci ded before the polls closed tion Service. He has, so far as ia
with tbu object lu view uf so weld­
great unknown mid placed on (b<- haatioik of Ikia wagon or tent. 1 hi» that Band* rson und Baldwin would .mown, never bc-en over-ruled by the
ing tbu tiudc to them when bettor
rulli-oad inup of tin- I uiied Mat««. uumbrr lie will liave to prodate at be tbe only candidates, and a greai Secretary, and the almost sure prob­
railroad facilities are offered, they
Tho regulur eighth giade cxamlna 1» nut Hkat vac thiug uuriti luniug all liUM-a ulkaii lulled upon, aud if many of ti e votcrc did not feel that ability is that he never will be—un­
will hn enabled practically to bar out Uuu «ill be told uu lbur»duy fcmj
■i <ck-i ration v»cf'i’
Rat tltvrv Ii, Jie |< m s It in- will have to be ide-iti- it was necessary to conic out to vote less to makes a gross mistake, and
California competition
And better Frlduj, Muy 18 und 14, and on June
it is not likely he will do such a
more than thia. 1 irf- iati»x- of rcjuio li< «1 Lefore lie i» aide to again t ike
rullroud fn«t!"tl'’H mu nut as far off II uud 12. County Buperlulcnduul
Ing mid julfilit alien 1» not til«- fact (> o » m »»ion of in» projM rty. I hi» is ELKCHUk Foli HEWEH BUND*». thing, as his conclusions are general­
ly reached after careful research and
us may bo Imaglm-d.
Kwan will arrange for the cxamlna it the <!< liv< ry from th-- h:ir<l»tilp« done for tin- purpose of absolutely in­
“Just now Portland has to »hip to lions to be given on those dates at md in<onki-nL-i.cr-a of trawl, hnt the suring safety to ull property. In «1-
A special election will be held on jo reports made by subordinates.
Under the circuni tacces it be­
Weed, Rlsklyou county, this stair, Klamath Falls public school, tlo- lu<t that Klamath County und Kla­ ditiou to the grounds and wa'er, May 12 tor tLe purpose of voting on
and then out over the n«w Southern nanza school, Merrill school. Fort math Full« lu.« tome Into It« ouu; tb< rc will Lc »up|li<<! fuel for cook­ issuing >45,000 bonds to be used in hooves the people of the Klamath
Pacific blanch, through lluttn Valley, Klamath and I’ukegcma, so 11 at tbe that It 1« in u | «altloo to grow nnd ing purposes.
Fanners coming to building a sewer system fur tLe city Project to begin at once prepara-
to Klamath Falla, which gives them pupils In tbu various actions of tbe < xpuiid and place boforo flic people town ought to bring with them ut bsiaiaatb Falls, TLe sewer ordiu- Tuns for the reception of tbe Di­
aoc.-ss, also, to tho l.ukoview coun­ county may take it at their nearest of the world lbs pre duct« r>t its ramping outfits. Thus
” 1— they
•*—~ will be'auce
introduced Monday night was rector. That during his visit here will
But though thus handlcnpped point.
lhc trouble® and disputes
»oud> rful land.
*1 hai U why the »Lie to rcniuiu for any length of time passed by the council last «•ekt ie
. "4?ing during tbe past year is quite
now, thu enterprising wholesalers of
Touchers, according to tbe rules IM-opio of this city and enuuly an- I withcut incurring much expense.
at ua adjourned meeting.
'probable, although Mr. Patch stated
tho Oregon metropolis are ranking of tie Htato Board of Education, going to celebrato und wliy it Is
liie most important question b«--
TLe charter provides tint. “No
groat stride*.
What will they do chould submit to tho County School going to be tbe gnat«st cclehra- fon- thc- < hamlcr of Commerce at person shall vote at any spacial elec­ ¡that he tad no idea what matters
with u straightaway Oregon line to Supi-rluteudrnt the names of the lion that hus i ver t een held here tills time is that of accommodations tion, (or the purpose of issuing bonds ' would claim the attention of the Di-
that district? And it la only a ques­ students who, in tbelr judgment, are or will be held fur many years to for the out-of-th«*-county visitors, of the town, unless be shall at tbe 1 restor, as his presence on the Coast
was a great surprise to him. Every­
tion of limo, nnd a comparatively «llglbls or prepared for this cxamlna com*-. It 1« going to Lc n celebra­ Every rltl/'u, then-fore, is urgently
time of voting be the real owner of
short time ut that, when they will lion.
They should also send the tion ilk which vvi ry rnnti, wonmn and request« <1 to at once couimunh ate real eslat« within tbe limits of the one recognizes the fact that the con­
havo such a road
grades made by such pupils In tbelr i hi 1<1 tit tike town and county arc to w ith Heer« tary Bunt nr, any member city, which will be affected by such dition cf affairs here Is detrimental
“And still another danger menaces schools during the pa-t. winter, take part, and in which three of the of the Railroad Committe«* or the proposed bond, and upon which he ' to the welfare and progress of the
A definite understanding
tho Kacramento wholomlors
A pr««- Thia should be attended to a« noon chief dtlca of thr Conat—Portland, Herald office, stating the num- actually pays tax, and which property county.
with the Director.
llmitinry survey by llarrltuaii engin­ as possible« by tho teachers.
San L'niniinu mid Ha* rtlnicuto— ter of rooms they can furnish for was assessed on the last assessment
eers has been completed from Al­
It la expected Hat quite a large arc going to take prominent part», the week beginning Jour 5th—the roil In the name of auch voter or his All matters in dispute should be
¡settled for all times. Every ques-
turas, Modoc euuuty, this alate, to class will take tbeso examinations
like Hout hern I’aciffr Ruilrcad <!om- SatunLiy preieding (he date of the grantor.”
jtion that Las arisen to cause trouble
Merrill, Or., and Klamath Falls, nnd tbU spring.
l-uny b> going to lend a hand and - ejebrstlon. Thr Indies of the differ-
Tbo fc owing Judges aad clerus
between the Sendee aud the Associa­
now mon are ut work on tbe locution
UUkku lite c« icLrulion u notable one ,<nt chert bus and library should get were appointed to serve at the special
tion should be gone into and dis­
survey. This means, of course, that
from a ui il-ad»rrtis<-d staxid|M>lnt. I usy «long file lines suggented atioir bond election:
posed of for all time. The interests
In limo a railroad will be built con
The Ul-ynisi at the head of this ! and add to the finance« in the treas-
First Ward—Judges, Oco. T. Bald­
every land owner under the Pro­
noctlng Klamath and Alturas, and
Attorney F. H. Mills returned last arthlc shows wtkat the coni|Mkny 1« nries of their respective organiza- win, R. 8. Moore and O. A. 8tearns.
ject demands this and nothing less.
with tho completion of tho so call« "I Tuuaday from Merrill, where ho went prepurirg to du mid wtkat it c*p«-ctii lions.
ClerkR, F. L. Armstrong and A. Cas­
Heretofore when Mr. Newell’ has
Natron railroad, the I'ortlnnd Jobbers to represent L. A. Obenchaln, Frank will be tlio nvmlt of ilu efforts.
It fa also iin>|M>Kcd that every tel.
been here he has shown a disposition
will have direct ncci-sa to tho entire I ItliHimlngcump and others charged Ilow many | h <>| lc can you uccommo- I usincM man in the city write to the
Second Ward—Judges, Chas. Lenz, I
border country. Including the Merrill with violation of tho local option <LkU ? lliat is the quoLlokk now be­ different
win levale
houses with John Fountain and J. M. Fielder, to go into matters thoroughly, and
and Lakeview sections.
law-. Mr. Obcncl aln entered a pica of fore I I m - |<;<>ple of this city kkkid one which In- is doing Euainesa, request­ Clerks,F. L. Fountain and Wilbur it is not likely that he will adopt a
different policy now.
One thing,
“Moreover, there seems no good guilty before Justice of tho Peace tluil thu < iutniLcr uf Commerce is ing that u rcpri -«ututive of the timi
however, that he has always insisted
reason to doubt that th oHonthern Geo. Gffiold nnd wns fined 1350. The l>u»y today ei.dcavurii-g to solve. The visit Klamath Falls during Railroad
Third Ward—Judges,
upon, and which he will doubtless
Pacific I ns gained control of theh prosecution of tl-c case was dropped ; l.uiiktcr hopes to ftiaj aicouimckLk- Week, , insisting that the businc an
Chas. Woodard and Geo. L. Humph­
N. C. O., the mlacrablo little narrow
Tho heavy flno was a surprise to (huiM for over 500 propio, hut (ilia they get from thin city demanda rey. Clerks, W. W. Espy and C. P. demand now, is the production of
facts. If anyone has a grievance and
gauge« that has been building from the defendant, a.« It wns not bellevrd number can lc greatly incmiuw-d if *ui h consideration.
; will come to him with the facts—not
Bono. Nev,, to Lakeview for yenrs, that It would bo over 1100.
It is tbu pc-ople of the city w ill give the |
Ralph Ross, C. P. Gregory and C.
theories—he may be sure of a care-
and which has finally reached Al­ tilted tliat In entering tho judgment UMilnlancc that they ought to. Il you
H. Withrow were appointed a com­
' ful consideration of his case.
Plans arc now being made to no provision was mudo for a jail sen­ have u upare room, advise tho seere-
mittee to confer with J. G. Pierce in
This, as a result tence In caso tho tino was not paid. •ary of the t luiml er of < omniercc
Doubtless there will be a public
broadgauge It
regard to opening streets in the
and banquet tor Mr.
(onco Portland can get Into latko-
or leak«- word nt the Republican
I the lower lake is quite an attraction ('anal addition
Newell. It is his due. He is one of
view and Alturas by a direct rail
of tbe big men of the nation, and
route) would open the Nevada field,
day or two. It will not hurl you to I to outgoing and iu«oming passeng­
an important man in the
at leant the Reno pnrt of It, to the
Announcement« have been rocclv- give up u room for u couple of night».
affairs of the West generally and
Oregon houses. Reno, ho It romem- cd by friends in thia city of the You will gel paid for it, and paid located about 200 yards irorn the
bored, la not a terminal point. Port­ marrlago of Kathorlno Agnes.daugh­ well. Aud here let the IU-puLlhan station and Is visited daily by a large
Official announcement bus been Klamath County particularly, In
land la; as, too, arc Hacrnmento a >ld ter of Mrs. Mary M. Clopton. to »ugg-rut n | tan: like ladies of the 1 number of people while waiting to. ■Received by parties In this city that view of the high position he oc-
| tho train. The government l as a the ««llroad will be In operation to cupies, custom demands that he be
Ban Francisco.
Richard Herbert Wells, which took various churctw*« and the public
Another reason
“And it Is safe to nay that the place at Borkeley, California, on library can add greatly to the in­ ileuse on ICO acres of tbe swamp Klamath Falls by May 15th. The warmly received.
j land for five years, and on 40 acres
is to show
Oregon city would work ns hard nnd Wednesday, April 21 at.
Mr. and
as systematically to win tho trade Mrs. Wells will spend their honey­ tions If they will donate one room | of this tract the lease extends for 25 from headquarters, but Chief Con­ him that the story that the people
of all this vast torrltory as she has moon In tho south, where they win for that week to the accomincdatiou I years.
struction Engineer Hoey, , who was of this city and county are not op­
The entire tract has been dyked in tbe city yesterday • would not posed to him or the Service; that
done to gain a firm foothold at visit Mr. Wells' home
They will of visitors, tbe retcnuc therefrom, to
Klamath Falla.
go to the churt h or the library.
U»t and tho water has been pumped from make a definite statement, but ad- while difficulties and
reside In Berkeley.
“Her Jobbers have already run
tlio rooms whit the t bamber of Ct-m- the enclosure, so that there are sev­ mltted that such would probauy be may arise, they must never be attri­
buted to ill feeling on the part of
aevoral excursions to that city, and
nterre, and thut organization will wee eral feet of land above the surface. tbe case.
aro planning a rousing one on May
»e people; that they are the natural
that guenta arc taken to your Itou-e.
tbe land for drainage purposes, and quested tbe Southern Pacific to give nilsu-^prstandings sure to arls-j in
30th Rnllrod Day In Klamath Falls,
Th aro was very little Interest In thia way many birds can be
as soon rs the tuies are burned off. them information when the railroad such cca».. ag are
exlstance here
to celebrate tho completion of the shown in the ward nominating con- killed with one »tone.
lino from Wood, which now ■tops at vontlons whlch wore hold Friday
Now, during the past few days, the the soil will be plowed and crops would be here as soon as It was and in otlto* Projects.
The rich soil, which con­ definitely settled. President Deltel
Another opportu.«ty for the pro­
tbe lake.
noon, nnd tho nttondanco of voters i quNtion ha» often been naked: What
“To dato Kacramento has mado no was very light. The vote was the i 1» tike Itailrod Uommitte doing? The tains nearly 80 per cent of vegetable was seen, and stated that be had re­ motion of the welfare -z this co m-
movo to be represented on that oc- closest In the First Ward, where it answer can now be given in four matter, can be easily examined and ceived certain Information which munlty Is presented to the Victors
Nolthur her Chamber of stood 15 for Castcl and 14 for Rich­ won|H—THEY HAVE BEEN BIHY! impresses one with tbe rich possibi­ he was not at liberty to make public of tbe Water Users Association ant
Conamorco nor any other body whose ardson. The following will be the - Ant, that committee- In busy now. lities of the thousands of acres now at this time. The directors of the the Chamber of Commerce, and it Is
to be hoped that ttese two bodies
duty It Is to look after tho trado convention candidates for Council­ It cannot, however, do everything partially covered with water.
Chamber of Commerce have been
will be equal to the occasion.
development appears to have taken men, being those who received tbe i aluac and without aaniatance of tbe
getting busy
notice of this Important event. Yet two highest votes for each office:
the Information was learned through
public. It is the DUTY of every man
It would moan much to Racramento
this source that the date of the cele­
First Ward A. Castel and R. M. and every wonutn to lend a hand. Do
Eight 18 foot row boats were
to be well ropronentd on that occas­ Richardson, flecond Ward -R. II. not be afraid that yon ar«« goittg
The Jury in the Arant case found a bration has been definitely set for shipped Tuesday to R. C. Spink of
ion. Not only that, but much iffiould Dunbar and L. F. Willits.
Remember that verdict of not guilty after being out May 20th. This fact Is considered Klamath Agency, where they will be
Third to do too murh.
be made of the preliminary arrange­ Ward—(two years) Chas. Woodard ! this ia going to be the greatest cel<- an hour and a half Tuesday evening. sufficient to prove that the Southern
used by Mr. Spink at his fishing re­
ments us an advertisement for this nnd 8. T. Rummers; (one year) B. 8. bmtlon thia city han ever had. nnd A night session was held and the Pacific has made an official an-
sort on 8pring Creek and William­
then snk yourm-lf what yon can do. attorneys completed their arguments nouncement, as It Is known that the son River. The boats were built by
Grigsby and B. E. Withrow.
“Portland never overlooks her
First of nil you must become a and after Instructions by the Judge, passenger department has offered to Telford A Son in this city.
hand. Hho makes tho most of her
After you have become 'the case was given to the Jury at co-operate in the celebration and firm has now begun the construction
City Agont Fossett of the Southern booster.
excursions from tho time ono is de­ Pacific has been notified that begin­ sufficiently well acquainted with ¡8:30. Tho verdict was expected by will run special excursions from San
of an 18 foot gasoline launch,equipp­
cided upon, getting the full moasuro ning on Saturday, May 1, trains I yonna-lf In this condition, then a»k 'the general public, as the case was Francisco and Portland.
ed with a five horse power engine,
of advertising and duly Impressing Nos. 225 and 226, running between i the committee if there is nnything a badly mixed one and had resulted
which was ordered by Col. L. C.
tho people of tho place she visits Word and Ady, will bo run as i else you can do.
There« will be I in a hung Jury at the first trial.
Allen, a retired army officer, now re­
with tho importance of tho ovent. strnight passenger trains, and that plenty of work for you to do.
The ninetieth anniversary of the siding at San Francisco. Col. Allen
IThero were nearly fifty witnesses and
Portland realises tho value of tho separato trains will bandlo tho l
The «late »elected folio«» (he an- ¡the testimony on both sides was very Odd Fellows was celebrated Saturday expects to arrive here about June
stake she Is playing for and means freight,
evening at their hall in the A. O. U. 10 and will spend tbe summer on tbe
Heretofore these trnlns i nnal meeting of the stockholders of ' conflicting.
to win It If sho can.”
W. building. A program and ban­ upper lake.
have boon run as accommodation i the Water I kcik Association. It la
Campbell has only a few more quet was give jointly by the Odd
passenger and freight. No change, , expected that this meeting will In­
Phil Armnnd, non of M. Armand however, will bo made In tho sched­ the most largely attended of any in lots In Midland to sell at the present Fellow and Rebekah lodges. A cor­
Claude P. Chastain and bride ar
of Moisa & Armand, arrived last ule of tho passenger trnlnu until sor- Its history and that the farmers will prices. Delay in purchasing means dial invitation was extended to all
Tuesday from Sacramento und will vico Ims been established through i reiikain over for tike cch-bration. In that you will have a kick coming Odd Fellows and their wives and rived on the boat laBt Saturday from
Forest Grove
Rebekahs and their busbands.
view of that fact the committee lias within ninety days.
to Klamath Fulls.
■pend the summer boro.
Everyone Will Be In Klamath falls That
Day To Celebrate