Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 22, 1909, Image 7

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    Tu MAI* HIE AIR till It EVIN.
LoLEl.L.l NEllH >
♦ *
e<l lust Bundny fl <>tn
where they have been I
pnst jour.
Mr. Ingrat am i»
Mrs. Ciarllo Shook and two chll-
dren left Sunday morning for Ash-
land, where si e Is going to visit her
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Booth visited
Mi >. Carl itobley Bunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W Lewis visitad
Mrs. Wm. Harki Bunday afternoon.
SEATI'l.K, Wuih., April Ik. Thu
balloon and airai.lp l.uvo suggoiiud,
Tliui u lx much rujulelng over thu
iu keeping wllu uuronuuthui pio wuik stalling uu tí.u Cmuu Luso
gliai, tl al ILuiu Is u pozsiOlilty ut dam.
luupplug the uir curreula, ui.d uu ui
'lorn Culbcrt uud Will L'uuipb II
luuipl lo do no U uuoul lu bo made wont to Ilois II/ Mouday.
by Capt. Thouias 8. Iluldwiu, famous
Ur. und Mrs. Davu Campbell war«
balloon uxpurl.
I visitors In Kluinatli Falls Wednes­
bi lieu ll.o very latent typos of tliu day uud Thursduy of lust weea.
airship uud the big modem aus bug >
Wlilluin Punkey wus u visitor in
aru lo bu exhibit 'd ul tliu- Aluasa llunuiua Monday.
Yukon-Lucille Expouillou ul B. utile
Mrs. Young, iiioll ur of Ed. Young,
tl>U summer, uud numerous flights rulurued to the vulloy utter epuadiug KLAMATH PATIENT INJURED.
and tests will be Hindu, Capt. Bald tho winter tn Portland.
win, lo further demonstrate that to
Marsi.ull Orr returned from n visit T» o IniiiMtcn E<«u|o From Asylum,
Taku your sour stomach or may­
uiuuuge u bulloou In long flights. Is lu Kluinatli Falls Wednesday.
Third Breaks lag.
be you call It Indigestion, dyspepsia,
Outi of the grualust nciunlltlc prob
Mra. Hoagland und little daughter,
gastritis or catarrh of stomach; It
louis of Hm duy, proposes lo make Fora, wetu up from Bonanza Bunday.
SALEM. Or., April 19.- In an at­ doesn't matter take your stomach
a bulloou flight from Suullle lo Bos
Mrs. Ixmis Gerber and son, Henry, tempt to escape from the Insane asy­ i trouble right with you to your phar-
aro visiting I.er pnreuls, Mr. uml lum about midnight, Wilson O. II m II, J maclst and ask I Im Ui open a 50-ceut
This Is tho longest balloon trip Mrs. Davu Campbell.
committed from Klamath county, case of Pape's Diapepsin and let you
ever talked about, and If attempted
Rev. Kollar preached an Inturust- fill about 40 feet from a third jeat one 22 grain trlangulu and sue If
will bo tho grualoul In blulory. While lug sermon Sunday at tbo Lorulla story window and sustained a bad wllbiu five minutes theie 1» left any
Gio date fur tho stall bus not as yol nchiMilbouse.
fracture just above his ankle. Two I trace of )our stomach misery.
been a«l, It la nxpucted that Capt.
Mr. und Mrs. Charlea Hwlnglo am others who made the attempt with I Tbo correct name for your trouble
Baldwin will leave tho exposition up from Klamath Falls for several Wllaon successfully escaped, They is Food Fermentation food souring.
grouudu during tliu coming ■uuiiuor, months' stay.
wore E. P. flicks, a Marlon county The digest)vu orguns become weak,
al a limo whoa atmospheric condi­
Gourge Deal returned from Kla­ patiunt, and Archibald Muy, an Eng- there Is lack of gastric juice; your
I food is only half digested, and you
tions aru right.
math Falla, where lie went to muut llehman.
Capt. Baldwin will taku this hap- his son, Cecil, who has been away at
Tbu threo men occupied adjoining become aff ■cted with loss of appetite,
hazard vo>ugu through apace not be- school the past winter.
rooms. Ono of them during their
their' pressure and fullness after eating, *
causu hu la lu search ut adventure,
Mrs. Louis Ucrber and Miss Ran walks, which aro frequent during vomiting, nausea, heartburn, griping
but tweause Ibero Is scientific pur- klu were visitors In Horsefly Monday pbasant weather for thono less a!B- In bowels, tenderness in the pit of
poso buck of II all. II. Helm Clay­ and Tuesday.
" d. as they wi re, bad picked up a .tolnach> bad Ugle ln mouih, constl
ton of the Blue lllll Observatory,
George T. Cline has sold bls ranch tallroad spike With this they pried pation, pain In limbs, sleeplessness,
one of tho most uolod students of to Mr Anderson, of Idaho. Mr. An­ npen the bars of tho window. They botching of gas, biliousness, sick
atmospheric conditions in tho world, derson and son, Clayton, came up undo ropes of their bedclothes.
beadacl e, nervousness, dizziness and
la bohlnd tho proposed iiuldwhi bal­ Saturday with m load of hous-hold
Wilson, who weighs nearly 200 many other similar symptoms.
looning uxpudllluu ft om Seattle to goods. Wo welcome tbem In our .founds, was tl e first to start down
It your appetite Is fickle, and noth­
tbo rope.
The blanket partial and ing tempts you, or you belch gas or
Clayton, by tho uso of kites and
Mr. und Mri Juuri Limity were ho fell to tho ground, landing on If you feel bloated after eating, or
tho qiodoru meteorological Instru­ ut Lorulla Hunda) from their tnoun ila feet. Tho other two then made your food lb s like a lump of lead on
ments, lias fetched just enough tuin ranch
mother and inoro substantial rope your stomach, you can max« up your
kuowlodr.u coni'.rrnlng that myster­
Mr. und Mrs. Lyon wuro visiting md made tholr get-away auccosfully. mind that at the bottom of all this
ious apace overhead to tho earth be­ Mr. and Mrs R. C. Cowley lait Sun
Tho groans of Wilson attracted at- there Is but one cause - fermentation
low to vunturo tho opinion that at , day.
i-ntlon nnd he was carried In and of undigested food.
an eluvullun of ubout 16,000 foot
Miss Hand Burnham,Miss Myrtle to fracture red<i<f>d nt once.
Prove to yourself, after your next
there la nlwnys a alondy wind from Brown, Hull Burnt um and Aleg Noble rnco of tho two that escaped has meal, that your stomach Is as good
tbu westward. Now Clayton further* uuni nt Lordia Sunday from the boon found.
03 any; that there Is nothing really
believes thut should a balloon bo wiwt side of tho valley.
wrong. Stop tl Is fermentation and
kept constantly at tills, or oven
Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Snow wero
begin eating what you want without
a higher olovallon, ihu great bag visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. It. C. Wil
fear of discomfort or misery.
would viljoy tie full imwoc of tils liants, Sunday; olio David McComb
WASHINGTON. April 14. Offl-
Almost instant relief ¡3 waiting for
steady wlud uml should, If ull theo­ und daughter, May. and son, Allen. ' rial announcement mas made at the ou. It is merely a matter of how
ries pertaining to ballooning provo
Cream will be delivered every * White House today that tho Prosl- soon you take a little Dlapcpsin.
true, traverse tho continent rapidly. Wednesday to the Bonanza cream­ |ont had leased n summer home, the
Again, If tl.cao anuiu atmospheric ery. after tbo present dato.
J cottage of Robert D. Evans at Wood- ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
conditions w*<re exactly right at the
' bury Point, Beverly, Mass.
time, Capt. Baldwin will land his
Tho Evans house Is situated on ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦
balloon on Boston Common
♦ loverly cove and Is one of the most
four days after departing from the
t tract Ivo places on Salem Bay. Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown passed
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I Taft visited the citato during her hrough Keno Tuesday.
Seattle Exposition
Mike Galarnoau act somo fruit . ecent trip In search of a summer
Flying through tho air at a ralo
Parr Bros, passed through Keno
of apaed yet to bo attained by tho trees out on bls homestead last 8un- omo nnd concluded the lense of the donday with some horses.
fast express trains v. .uld no doubt day.
laco last week as announced from
J. M. Copeland went to Fort Kia-
bo u norvo-racklng experience, but
M r and M rs. M II. iluobe spent oston. It was not until today, nath last week.
Capt. Baldwin bnllevoe thnt the men Saturday at the Fnlls.
Albert Jones visited with G. W.
owevor, thnt tho selection was an­
who will write the scientific progress
Hm'vtlln Mondav
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Robley were nounced at the White House.
made In tho study of tho airship and Morrill visitors Saturday
Mrs. C. W. Kaier Is over from
balloon will have sevral |>ages to add
Do. n VlUlaUg relatives in Keno.
Pink Barks and James Bcidln won
If tie balloon trip across the con-
Mr. Bussey visited friends in
at the Falls last Friday.
tlnent should provo n success. En
WASHINGTON (Ind ). April 14. Keno Sunday.
Mrs. Herbert Pl Blips visited her
Night riders are terrorizing land
Graff passed
Mr. ____________
Barber and Mr.
route Capt. Baldwin proposes to
wm rs and tenants In the vicinity of I i through Kcno with several race
make meteorological ob ver vat Ions brother, Ed. Greeloy, last wook.
Hurry lloolb Is hauling soed grain larrlman's Ferry, south of this city. horses the first of the week.
and to mup the currents of tho air.
Wiliam Schrotuckc, a large owner
This would provo as u guide to the from tho Bunnell ranch.
Ed Lovelady and brothers, Dan
future voyagers along the same
Georgia Booth visited her mother, n that vicinity, reported thnt twenty and Joe, arc in Keno hauling wood
ncu on tiorsoback visited al) his I for J. Frank Adams.
Mrs. I.a Prarlo, last Thursday.
nnnta nnd informed them that If i N. w. Deal was in Dorris last
Carl and Fa>u Itobley aro building
bey paid greater rent than one-third ' week.
A San Francisco woman, suing her a fonce.
H. Wall was ovor from Mac-
husband fur divorce, avers that when
Gertruda Stooinan visited Annie if the crop rals-'d, th Mr croim would . W.
alm attempt! d to commit suicide tho and Gúsalo Buche last Tuesday night. 18 mowed down beforo they became* doel last Saturday, returning Sun-
ripe. Farming machinery belonging day.
unfeeling brute stood aside and de­
Mr. Beebe is hauling hay from to three tenants on another farm
clined to rtop her. To bo called In n
»at destroyed.
bluff like tlr.t Is uioru tl an cruelty. the Bunnell ranch.
I Carl Robley was at tbo Falls last
It Is poaltlvo torture.
| Thursday.
llowovor If tho tariff bill Is pnssod
Maggio Tallman 1s absent from
WASHINGTON, April 14. The
and worse comes to worss, tho Indios school on account of measles.
Tumps Water, Kuna
might economise by ordering tholr I E W. Smith linuled a load of grain bankers of Pittsburg have sent un H
Milker, Separator,
appeal to Secretary of State Knox
stockings shorter nnd wcurlng them from Pierce Comb's lust week.
Chops Feed, Etc,
asking him to take stops to stop the
longer. Stevens Point Journal.
Saves Wages
Harry Booth made a trip to the
manipulation of wheat on the tfs.—
Statu yonr needs.
I lloyso ranch Inst wook.
rite ior catalog. Mention paper
This ap-
Chicago Board of Trnde.
Ashland Is show Ing inugiiltlcenl
public spirit and Is railing n vast I Mrs. John Depew was at tho Falls pen! in sent following two fnilurcs In FAIRBANKS, MOUSE & CO.
tl o last few days, which bave been (HNCIMK
nm of monee for progressive pur­ i last Saturday.
Oaaollre tnirtnca. Bteam Pnmt»». JHlarr
I Sa < ' »« k . ■La’Msern.Wla mi’ipnmna.P«paFPtinrs.Aa ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. George Jory return- traced directly to the Patten deal.
poses during tho present month.
Ail tarrhd in Mock Mt KHUlAMk OULbUM
Ashland Commercial College
Also Misery from Indiges
tion Vanishes 5 Min
utes Later
Ashland, Oregon
Shorthand and English are taught here in such a manner that
our students win success.
Modern furnishings, thorough course of training, practl-
cal Instructors, individual Instruction, and healthful location.
give our stud'-nts a dœld'id advantage
tlonal Information may be I ad for the asklng.
r nisi i
Lakeside Inn _ , J Í
MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop'r.
Modern improvements.
73 rooms and suites.
Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club
RooruH. Etc., Etc.
Long Lake
Lumber Co
Manufacturers of All Kinds of
Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors,
A!l Kinds of Mouldings,
f'and sawing and Turning,
Large assort nieiit of Doors
and Windows marie up und
ready for immediate de-
Can furnish an order on the
grounds for any sized huild-
ing within twenty-four
Large stock of Flooring in
three grades.
‘»THE MOST IN VALUE”----------------
The Boston Store
----------- “THE BEST IN QUALITY”—-------------
A Store Filled to Overflowing with New Spring Goods