Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1909)
! : Í Î ♦ Store’s Sensational Reduc’n Sale Only í hree More Days of the K - K K - ---- KLAMATH REPUBLICAN L1TÏ BRIEFS. • • • • TO WIDEN NAHKOW GAUGE. w BENO, Nav., April 10.—A spacial J. K Cox was In the city from liapatcli to tbla city stataa that* Ku- Merrill Wednesday. E. .1. MURRAY, Edilor. L. A. Oburchaln and Frank Uloom- .»uevr Kuburt J. Gi ltllu. o( tba Suutii- Ingcauip cauie up from Merrill Wed uru i’aciUc couu>au>. aud a curpa of surveyors are at a camp known aa nesday. buuiund, iu Suuthuru Nuvada. aud Mr. Uel Russey, who has been In luat they are worklug uu a survuy l'AO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE the high school the past winter, | lor tba wtdvulng of tba narrow — opened a term of school at Wampus gauge lluu from Mlua to Kcaiar. All communications submitted for publication in tbs ooluuins of this uu Monday, tuu will glvu the Suuthuiu I’aclUc paper will be inserted only over the name of the writer. No non de plume Cedar Poets For Halo Good 6 v, Jiroct communication over a broad article«, will be published. foot cedar posts for aal« cheap. gauge lino iuto Southern Nevada ------------ = i Address. Hamilton Mulkey, Klamath irom Loe Angolas, aud will also act 4-5 5 6 as a part of tba Hue to be built from 'RILL BEING PREPARED TV PKE- Falls TAFT ANXIOUS TO Claude Chastain left last Thursday YENT WHKAT OOKNKR8. Southern t'allfoiula through Nevada VISIT THE COAST for Forest Grove, where he will be via Bono and Alturas to Klamath — WASHINGTON. April $0.—Can married to Miss Edus Jenson on the Falls, Oregon, aud tbauco to Port Will lie First l’nutócni of the United the United States Government put a 2 1st of this month. land. Tho prollmiuary survuy tor States To Go To Alaska. stop to ’’corner»" In the necessities Editor Bruce Allen of tho Merrill this lino north of Kano has been WASHINGTON. April 17.—Presi- of life? Record and C. M. Palmer, the tomb completed, and Engineer E. E. This question is being seriously stone man, camo up from Morrill Cooper and a party of ^wenl> man Taft will visit Alaska it be goes to have startl'd,on the Dual location the Pacific Coast this summer, ac considered by officials of tho admin- ’ Saturday on a business trip. survey, having loft Wadsworth a few cording to an announcement made Istratlon and lending members of Before placing your order for da>s ago for a camp on Pyramid today at the White House. Accord- ' Congress. nursery stock, get my prices. A. K. During tho past fow days hundreds Lake. Ing to t is present plans the Presi Itensinger, Ttle Tree Man, Klamath dent will start from Washington'of teleg-ams have reached Washlng- Falls, Oregon. 4-15 tt Oregon's last Legislature did uot soon after August 1st and will tour i ton, i. the Department of Commerce Wanted Giri for cooking and give a penti> to thu Improvement of tie coast from Alaska to lower Call-; and Labor protcallng against the Small fumllj the roads of this state, and that lack fornia, returning east via Arizona, bull operations of James A. Patton goneral housework. I and good wage*. Phono or write. just puts the commonwealth two in the Chicags wheat pit. The mat New Mexico, Texas and Louisiana. ‘ years further bel Ind and puts u cor- Before making his trip be will go ter was brought up at the conference Mrs. Rex E. Berd. Otcne, Or. Mrs. Frances Iloyd atid Miss Res- •upundlrg > tbrek in the automo to his "summer capital” at Beverly, at the Department of Justice attend Mass., where he will spend June and ed by Attorney General Wickersliam, tora French left last Sunday morn bile industr) of the stale. The motor Secretary Nagel, Secretary Ballinger, ing, the former goh g to Yreka on ists of Portland hopq to bo organized July. iffickmtly to got .oniethlng from the Railroad officials were today re Chairman Knapp and Commissioner a visit, tho latter to Montague. .t I. si J.ature, and to tint end an quested to estimate the cost of tile Prouty of the Interstate Commerce C. N. Moyer lias returned from and Representative Pacific Grove .California, where h< > gon Sta' Automobile Association President’s western trip. It was Commission, I Inn-i.I, to which It H hoped to stated this morning that from rough Townsend of Michigan. 'spent the winter. Mrs. Meyer will It ¡3 the general opinion of those remain In California this summer. avo all the owners In the state be •«tinijDo«, the first trip would prob ably co3t about $17,000. The ex-’ who have been studying the subject Mrs. Flora Jackson, who has been long, for tho sum of $2 Initiation foe tent of Taft’s western trip Is con- that there is at present no federal visiting her father. Dr. Ellsworth, and 25 cents! a month dues. tingent u[>on a congressional ap- statute under which operations like for the past three weeks, returned IPatteh’s may be supressed, and if Friday to her home in Wichita, Kaa. Mr. Hearst and tho Independence pru,.riatiuL of $25,000. League have come to tho parting of He will be obliged to go to heavy they are to be supressed in the fut John Ellis went to Fort Klamath the wajs. The funny little Imitation expense, as he will t.avo to have ure, special legislation by Congress Monday to take charge of 1 is ranch of a political party and tho paper special trains, secretaries, stenogra will be necessary. al that place. Mr. EITls expects to which rusumed to bo running tt ns That a condition should bo allow phers and guards. move his family to Wood river about •'ll m nsvlrg Its bills uro now ar If Mr. Taft visits Alaska he will ed to continue In which it is possible the first of the month. PROPRIETORS rayed against each other over tho be the first President to make the 'for one man through gambling pro The Kerlow launch has been trans cesses to raise the price of a loaf , .»»uu ui rocaUIng .nayor Taylor trip. lie will be accompanied by A¿¿ KIFLS OF FhLSH. SALI ¡of bread is Intolerable. Members of ferred from John GrlffitK to W. II >f San Francisco. Tl.o Examiner Mr3. Tait throughout the tour. According to Lis plans, the Presi Congress have been 3wamped with Clark nnd H. E. Calkins, i A regular tut I? in ba .led II i undutlful child In AND SMOKED MEATS A properly dally trip service will soon i be Inau- a glum editorial, and tho chairman dent will visit the Seattle Exposition, telegrams of protest, gu rated. of the county committoo of tho the National Irrigation Congress at prepared bill ahould receive Imme SAUSAGES OF ALL KINDS Jack Connolly, foreman of the loodle dees Is telling wlnt ho thinks Spokane, the Trans-Mis3issippi Con- • Hate consideration. lt was stated g. .s at Denver and the G. A. R.'that Representative Townsecd is pre big S. P. power plant at Wampus, of tho Exumlncr. paring a bill which he will Introduce was In the city Tuesday, It is nearly Convention at Salt Lake. * + 4 4 4 444 444 4 *4444 4444 444 *4 <<• 4 *4 4 in the House should It be definitely a year since he was here, and his Princo Georgo apparently was not ♦ decided by tho law officers of the friends wore glad to see him. Ivltig up as much as somo people ♦ 5000 CHRISTIANS SLAIN. Government that tl e Sherman law Imagined when ho renouncod his ♦ claim to the Servian throne. When ♦ CONSTANTINOPLE, April 20,— ' ¡3 insufficient to cover the case. It comes to a choice between leaving ♦ No fewer five thousand persons ♦ WAMPUS NEUS. ?U-f< re | laiitlog, all m ' i <1 giuin nud sl.o gM*tal<M . *»l»<»ul<l In the daylight, and like a hero, and ♦ ♦ lost ti cir lives in the massacres that mil.BINS CF DOI.I.M'S PAID OUT > ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ■prlnklexl wltli Formal<l<-i))dc Solution for tn-ntincnt for uinui. ♦ ♦ leaving nt night and unlike a hero, Lave been going on in the vilayet FUR PENSIONS. Tltin solution lian tukon iho |>ln«e <>f I lue-stonc, In-oaun«« il I« ♦ I Bing Spencer returned homo Fri it Is a rather difficult matter after ♦ of Adana during the last few days as ♦ ♦ I.etter. nlmplor to uae; <un l>e uwd mtiro ur< uraloly mik I i onin a result of the outbreak of Moslem ♦ WASHINGTON, April 20.—It is day from Ashland, where he tas after all to go wrong. ♦ been taking a six-monlhs' course in I cmi . fanaticism. ♦ ' Interesting to note that during the ♦ A Houston (T>x.) magistrate fined ♦ Of this total, 2000 were killed in Sixtieth Congress 8537 special act* a commercial college. ♦ AT ( HIIWIHIII DRUG COMPANY Mr. and »Mrs. Eugene Spencer re three men who • v,-, ,,,vu —»iv ■ rudely uwoi/ sums Iaterf"rred ’■< i • -•» , the city of Adana, more than 200 were passed by Congress, according ♦ ♦ of the victims being Moslems.. This to a statem?nt Just compiled by Sen turned tome from Ashland Saturday. when a young man and a inaldeni* ♦♦ *> * *> ♦ 4 4 •> * <• e <• e e £ e q information was received in Con ator McCumber, chairman of the | Eugene Spencer went to the llun- were kissing each other good night If the fine was a good, stiff ono It1 ————————— stantinople today through consular Senate committee on passions. While' ¡sen yanch after a beat Sunday. School begau at Wainpus Monday, served them right. In such cns--> channels. Two, west, Willamette Meridian, In many of these acts were to increase "butting In" Is' a misdemeanor Adana at present Is quiet, but pensions already received by vetcr- with Sir. Bussey as teacher. Oregon, which nald Intereat she In Eugene Spencer went to the Em- scarcely distinguishable from a there have been renewed attacks on ans, the rcsult of th j legislation herited from her mother, Elitalietb lull Us What Christians at Marash in the vilayet Las been to increase the annual pay- mit ranch Tuesday after a load of crime. Crance, now de<»>a -.<•<$. hay. of Aleppo, about 80 milc3 northeast inents by about $1,000,000. You Want And It In further ordered. That F. J O’Hara, chief engineer of the of Alexandretta. In the liberality extended to men We will plan, estimate and roti- service of tI i I h order be made bv pub- During the first session of Con The consular advices describe the gress 3573 such acts were passed, S. P. camp near Wampus, returned of other parties and men of unknown tract for any Iron, Stone, Brick, Con Hintlon thereof for the period of situation as extremely precarious. and In the second scs3ion, Just con Thursday from a short visit io San party activity by republican execu crete or Frame Building for construe- three weeks, begin nig with thu 25th TLe excitement is Intense, although cluded, there were special acts in Francisco. tives, national and atate. It Is no lion In Southern Oregon. We guar- day of March, 1909. in the Klnmnih Eugene Spencer went to Klamath surprise party papers are asking whylanteo Eronomy, Efficiency and Hatls- the presence of the Brtllsh cruiser I 3018 cases. Republican, a weekly newspniior Diana at that port is expected to Since 1861 there r.ave been granted Falls Thursday. In tho world they should not do Just faction. of generul circulation. publisher! nt Leon Anderson was a Falls »initor the same thing, and bo of more open Lave a tranquilizing effect. Distur by special acts 26,324 original pen CALDWELL III 11.DING <X»„ Klamath Falls. Origon, bances are reported from Hadjim in sions, and 17,500 veterans were Friday. minds as to things political? Kelsey Block Opp. American Hotel I I rated this 22nd day of March, W. J. Anderson left Thursday for nortl ern extremity of the Adana1 granted an Increase of pensions, all 1*0$. It Is almost as difficult for a man! OLDER TO HIIOW < Al Hl1., vilayet, where a large Armenian of which lave an annual face value Mr. Chase’s ranch near Beswick, J. n GRIFFITH, who has been President to become a bounty Court of the Htato of community is counted upon to de of about $5,250,000. As many of Cal. County Judge, Oregon,fur the County of Klamath. 3-25 4-15 Sam Gosliner, the cook at the 8. private citizen ns it Is for a prl- ' fend itself vigorously. these pensioners were formerly on Moslem fanticism has broken out the rolls at a lower rate, this figure P. camp near Wampus, left for Han vato citizen to become President, as Iu the Matter of the Guardianship of Irene Myrtlo Granee, a minor, in the immediate vicinity of Alex does not represent the total increase Francisco Friday. witness the elaborate plans made by Now, on this 22nd day of March, andretta, and great excitement pre of the pension rolls on account of the Naples police to guard Cltlzeu 1909, tils Court laving read and Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Thia vails In that district. Dry Martini cocktails, Turkish Roosevelt during his short stay in special legislation. considered tho petition heretofore Houses In flame3 can be seen that city Since the closs of the Civil War In cigarettes and Benedictine do not filed and now presented herein by A. la the time to place your orders foe from the streets of Alexandretta. 1865 there has been paid In pensions appeal to a large part of the travel Organization on a business basis E. Crance, tho guardian of the per Fall Delivery. Our stock la complete the sum of $3,654,653,365, and the ing public when thoy are served with son and estate of Irene Myrtle and your needs can beat be me» at cost of maintaining pension agencies meats on dining cars. As a result, Is the watchword of the members of DR. GIBSUN IS NOW Crance, a minor, praying for an the state Editorial Association, now ACCUSED OF INSANITY and administration of the pension the table d’hote which has raged for order of salo of certain real estate thia time. Drop me a postal nnd some time among the railroads be In sesHlon In Portland, nnd nn or bureau has been $1 12,852,477. | belonging the said minor, Irene Myr- I will call. In 1902 there were 999,446 pen tween Chicago nnd ’.ho Twin Cities ganizer is to bo placed In the field ALTURAS, April 21,—Dr. A. Gib | tie Crance, and ft appearing there- A. K. DENSINGER, son, who is under bonds for appear loners on the roll, at an expense of and between Chicago and Kamas Immediately to bring tho managers | from that said real estato should be Representing Oregon Nursery CoM Since that time the City ha3 como to an end. The war I of tho county papers Into the fold ance at trial on tho charge of shoot $137,504,267. sold: Hiileni, Oregon. ing George Elliott, returned to Al number of pensioners has decreased darted as a measure of competition with as llttlo delay as possible. It Ta Hereby Ordered, That the turas recently after an absence of to 951,687, but owing to tho pm«ing to attract business, but, according next of kin of said ward, or minor, some time1. After being homo a of the McCumber age law and the to the general prsicnger ngenta, It Tho best way to cultivate an ap- and all persons Interested In the said v as a dl? failure. Temperance Sulloway widow ’ s law tho appropria few days ho began to imbibe heavily petite la to cultívalo a field, and estate, appear before this Court on of intoxicating liquors. Becoming tions to pay pensions Increased to ad vocal es complain'd that the rail then you will have both an appetite the 22nd day of April, A I)., 1909, dangerous, the doctor was again $153,093,062 for tbo last year. It reads were tempting people to drink. and ti e wherewithal to appease It. nt 10 o'clock In placed under arrest, charged with Is estimated that 60,000 pensioners Court Ilonin of being Insane. Dr. Gibson's casa Is •Bel during the last ynar, and that, What would happen to the Pana A FEW BARGAINS. math Falla, In a sad one. He Is recognized as a within ten years tho pension roll ma canal, asks one critic. If airships math, Hl nt <• of physician of splendid ability and has will not carry over $75,000.000 or should attack it with dynamite? Five lots, location, $1500. there been a useful citizen In thi3 commun $80,000,000, unless additional leg T1 at looks like borrowing trouble Jan loan $750 in the dal. should not Ire granted for tho sole1 ity, but it seems that he is losing (slatfon should be enacted. Of course people are inquiring what A nice cottage with bath, large of such real estate, dogcrlbod In his mind through excessive use of will happen when both sides engaged lol, $1700. A good buy. said petition ns follows: An undl I strong drink. A move 13 on foot to Some folks have rats In their ga r- in warfare use airships with dyna A large resident1?, fire lot, $3500. vlded one eighteenth Interest It. nnrl get the doctor to some sanitarium, ■ett, some have rats In their cellars, mite, and nobody has answered the Three cottngos on three lots. Room to tho Houth half of tho Horithwest where he may bo treated and cured. and while not a few young ladles question. It seems that something ( ncugii for another cottage; $2250. quarter of Section Twenty-four, Hi If possible, of the appetite for liquor. have good-sized rats in their hair. must ho left for posterity to sottle. Township Thlrty-glx south, of Rango' MASON & SLOUGH. HEN you think of it that you pass more time in your sleeping cham ber than in any other part of the house, you want the place as comfortable as possible, Let us start you out with a handsome new bedroom suite or, at least, one of those ele gant metal bedsteads, fitted with soft mattress and gent ly-yielding springs. We are offering some special induce nun ts just now LEADING NEWSPAPtK OF INTERIOR OREGON GILLETTE City Meat Market I * ♦ * * YOLJR SEED GRAIN Building”Construction ORDER NOW ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ WEISS S t RIYAND