Dl l*Mi I MEN I' OF line INTER- !■>»;, I .vil l i» M AT LB BIG REDUCTIONS On a«l Dry Goods and Shoes < Hi, Iv. How's Illis? Wo off»» Oi»« Huudit «1 Pollar« lt«waii| f«»r any ,a.« i t Calanh i I im I t »( t • iuivtl by llall*» C«ta»th Can». b‘ J < llt M V * <O . T u I m I.. O \\t>( till» UBilri’nlU h«vo kt uw»i F* J. Ch»iii*y »ui ilo» I än I lb y MS 10. Hoi bvhvv« hui» prifssvtly ho '•»•Ir , l'I l u • m •». ilon« aitii Ahaa- «la¡iy «b4« u> carry val m > > b’l. »n »ii« rnada by V M ' ci. h i r, » n A H ämyin . lulls . ... |>IU, i-f- i<.iv<|o, l>. Hall*» Catan h Cui« m ta,. » h iutoruaUy, a«U«itf .i, .. . , Ur.,, tu i.i.M.l H «1 O O 4048 -UI f«* •'« of *?» t f rv«« l*i A« «t /r»*j p»»r i t-c.tlr.' Nelit t » ali l>r.l•aub»« l..iK.iview, origon Auo eli 34, 1909 I I 5- SO biotietein emit, d uttldavit I uv been bied in li m olllce t»> Julin II nil K v F I IM.ilil. ! Vuiiuii i, IKllli.1, talit., COlllUatalll, I UiiiU lAtill hinta avad i ulty ixu. MV»i. I’urtluud, On-gon, I April 33, 1903, tlxal coillllcalu No Mui ell Id, I 90 933 u, l.suod August II, 1903, for S ailed bld < tuarkod outaidv, "I | mo WfeNWfci SEINU S*, NMK I'luibor Sulu Appllcutluu, Feblua 1' the Uisi l 1. ■ In miiuy >.-aia I sw y* S.c. I-, T. 4 1 8., K. 7 K. IV ? .1, 1909, thaler,' a:- I u.l 1 I Ì.VI l i lio Üblu ■ un la tliu cabluet. I W. M.„ b> William A. Oloy, in tho Dlstt let Forester, Fur ;:h» <'<».4||i >.i Mit 1 >n | obnbly alli he i w. tell it Is allogtxi tl.at uUd William Portland, Orugou,, will l m riK'clveil 50 1*01 Nil SAt K » .70 1. the Hm key e »' .n Ly the l'ruu ' A. UlOJ hus uilurly tallini in ro- up to and Including ti u Kili day f .KO 50 l*Ul Nil SACK M nt when It coii K ; ti> tili’ «Ilot tlirilt | aptiVl U> suul ubiry to euuiply wllli May, 1909. for ull the m •ruba ul able 1.OI» 1*01 ND SAI K tiiu public luud laws o( Iks United of ó .,li.n appoln deud timber ataudlug oi down aud too I’.HNDS 7.00 Stulou aud the rules aud regulations all tho live limb r mark id for cut- ..il rot Nus l.tMl I esiubiisliud thereunder with lefur- Hug by the Forest oflleor located on IN 1*01 Nl»« 1.00 lence to cAtabllaLltig and mu In tain lug a u a t ea lu I > di ltnitily daalgtiul od ...14 I’Ol ND« 1 ,<M> • osidcuco upou said land; that lie did by tho Forest offie er before cutting .15 | not ojiabllJh u roaldoneu in a house bugiua of approximately 759 acre« .14 a4.d laud uiikln six months from within thu BEV K of 8KU of S<x' 33. i date of entry; that he hns never CASH ONI.V Hl \ S M' musi pirici s uf 8WU of See. 14, NWi» of resided continuously, or at nil, upon OTHER BARGAIN* ON Itili W A4 Wi' M4»iiit> «h'aliMbli* lami NEK. NW 14, i and W* of SWL* of id tri.. .>1 ■vtiil; liiai lie has never ol Sec. 35, EK of a« II ■ Is» ri<iiui»Ht* fi»r iiiiprovt m ] |»r»»|»- ’ .t’ivat oi improved the sauio, i N E K of Soc 35, T. 3d 8. It 6 ' Uli I t nu ids only protepcu o( com- ■ ny In Klamatli Fall»—land K., W M. In the t'rutei National ii i ■ ■ iiouioatimd laws was (luit will 1«« Irrignlrtl'i but fur their right to thut certain acrouke. 10 from Long Iaiko to Tom Moore's Forvat, Oregon, < ;.i III .1 ' <1 l ' Il ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PLEVNA items . ♦ reeldence Wednesday. and are proportioned au equal acre 11 erect i 1 h >\ iiousu thereon and a 5.083,<00 feel B M. of live 4. I «Vlili li water i» no , et reaily. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦«♦oooooooo Mr. Foster went to the Falls Wed ago when all tho lands are allotted Ismail log stable, aud luimudlatelv 409,000 luet 11 M I. ol doud v low 1 svi. gì-Il Valley NuUM< « holw In this way th to (.J’•>.>!caller at i honioatuad entryuiaii for grating, nesday to gut seed wheat. Il M of livu and pine, 1,810,000 1 visiting the Falls (rom this Those land lo evilisiigi- for land under . Mr. Sl'.appor is making posts (or tio chance of conflict between the l*‘l *'u ' ir< ...l ies and engaged In 363,000 feet B of dead Douglas neighborhood Saturday were: Geo. a ‘ tamath Fulls, Oregon. ii rigat Ion near Klamath Fall» government an I the private inter- Mr. Evi ns of Klamath Falls. fir. 1,51 1,000 feet 11 M of live Byers, G. F. Sevits, C. B. Faulkner, ar I that o . iso leased and farmed Blanche Thompson and brother. ests. white fir. 714,000 feet H M of live J. H. Barnes, Mr. Kartcow aud son, I.-'o, visit 'd Mr Heavilin’a Thursday u land belonging to his It is the policy of the goverumeut a traci and 71.000 feet 11 M of dead sugar HAVE YOU Norit'KD THE Alexander, Koy Brown, Messrs. Curl, Hitiher, v. W Oley, who resides In E. G Boyd and E. Thompson went to accommodate the small owners, pine aawtlmbor, log scale, more or NI.U IIOMKN tiol.NG Ul* IN Foster, Brown E Tbompron and to Pine Orov-j Tuesday for a loud of aud each year il ii becomes ueceaaiy Siskiyou I'on ty, Calif., whore said haul, and 250.000 fuel B M log scale ti nt of ..nd o leased wax located, sou. Guy. Mil.IK ADDITION' " alfalfa buy. which they will lake to to limit the uniubor of sheep or cattle of Douglas fir saw log», cut aud ou A. Brentner drilled in Mr. Barnee* I-ong latke. allowed to each man On aix-ount of aud that for the puat yuar, aud for the ground. No bld <>f luxx tteau alfalfa last week. Arthur Sevits came out from the tb.o new people asking for lands, the more th.lu a year immediately pre- 3.1.35 for live and 32 for dead yel Lolo and Blanche Thompson visit Fulls Friday to visit his parents. allotments will bo eventually re ■ •-.'ding I ls making dual proof on low pine. 33.50 for live und 31 50 ed Round Lake school Thursday. duced to allow a very conservative said homestead entry, the conleatee tor dead Douglas Hr. 31 35 for live Mr. and Mrs. G. F Sevits. and O. <’. Al’I’I.KGATK, Mr McCormick of Keno passed Mrs. R. A. Alford and son, Lloyd, number, probably 1200 to 1500 to was eugug.sl iu the buaiu’ow o( con while fir, 33-50 for llvu and 33 for Fifth HOwt, near Mam. ducting .i luluon In Slakyou County, bis return home here Monday on each man That n umber I» cun- ero at their ranch for a few days. dead augur pine and 3« 75 for Doug from the Falls. Ernest Bennett lost one of his sldered sufficient to allow a man to Calif , at a place commonly known as las fir logs now on ths ground, per That J. H. Barnes is plowing with his horses Friday, it having died on the make a good living, but it does not "the hold In the< ground." M foot B M , will bo considered and | said conlext«H> submitted his final four-horse outfit this week. encourage the larg ■ stock man road to the Falls. » deposit of 33000 payable to the proof on said tract o( land on or Chas. Sevits is working for O-x> The policy of the Wet erhauaer M RICHARDSON order of 1*1.» First National Bank of R Byers this week. ■ Company, on the other band, favors about the Jtnd day vt April. 1908. Portland. Oregon, must be aunt to United States Commissioner G. F. Sevits, his two sons, Charles • 'aslng to large operators, and pro- but that no patent bn» Issued thereon that bank, (or each bld submitted to GAI.E HAPPENINGS. < foronce is given to old customers lout tho only pretonce of cultivating an Clifford, and G. G Kerns went 4 llo District Foroxtcr. Timber upon TIMBER ANU HOMESTEAD fi-hing below Keno last Sunday and ♦ if It were not for tho large holdings lid laud by th ■ said coutOMtee*, or, valid claim i lx exempted (rum >ial<> PROOF TAKEN ..... i-uu lu bls t.l.alf. was thoplough-' were very successful. The right to reject any and all bids Charley Whltlatch went through of the Weyehauser and other vuui- Ing of about half an acre, which said Office, Third and Main, opistsito City H. H. Van Valkenburg is still pauies, it is asserted, the* big sheep la reserved. For further Information Gale Thursday with a band of cattle library. Teh phone .101. hauling bay. men would have to go out of busi- ploughing was done just prior to the and regulations governing sales ad- which he was taking to J E Whlt- G. W. r-. avilin drove his cattle to > ii.'So. as they would be unable to,'*' | 11'’ ,,f submitting final proof, that- , dress .M I, Erickson, Forest Super latch's. this district Sunday. lease grazing lands iu large enough ho never cultivated said land, or any| visor, M'xlford, Oregon BENSON A. STONE E. M Hamon and Dan Caldwell portion of the same, to crop, or Everyone has turned his cattle bodies E T. ALLEN. took their colts to the lava txvls last ATTORNEYS AT LAW muile auiy preleuso of over culUvat on the range, The grass is growing 4 -8 5-6 District Forester Thursday. Ung said land other than tho plough- fine now. .1 in r ri cun Hank The far-seeing Lincoln, realising Vesta Todd was a business visitor ling herein mentioned; that for more Mrs. G. G. Kerns called on Mrs. und Tritti Hldg that one of the dangors of America NOTH K Tu < Itl.DllVHH. ¡that, a year prior to submitliug bls G. F. Sevits Wednesday afternoon. to Merrill Thursday. KLAMATH F*llS • OREGON would be lax enforcement of the We are pleased to learn that Nellie final proof on said entry, the said G. F. Sevits was preparing to sow 1 In the County Court of the State Johnson Is improving and will soon laws, spoke a word of warning, of contealiM hud uimplotuly ubandunod alfalfa Tuesday aud Wednesday. local application at this time: "I,et said land and made his homo elso- of Orugou. For thu txiunly of Kia bo up again. G. G. Kerns made a trip to Keno Miss Blanche Robinson spent Mon reverence for the law be taught In whur.*, except for the visit mudo to math Wednesday. ATTORNEY AND lu tho Muter of the Estate of John Faulkner purchased bay of day night with Mrs. Geo Glacomiul. icboota, In seminaries and In col said trail of land al the time of COUNSELOR AT LAW leges; let it be written In primers, Richard E Wallis, deceased. ploughing, ua herein set forth; that Guy Wooden Is up from bis farm G. Byers last week. Notice Is hereby given by the un KLAMATH F A1.1 JI. OREGON Chas. Snowgoose passed through in Sand Hollow and is helping hU spelling books and almanacs; let It his alleged absence from said land be preached from the pulpit, pro was not duo to his employment In dersigned administrator of tho outate ROOMS 7 A 0. MURDOCK BLOG Plevna on hi3 regular rounds last father on bis ranch. Thursday. Miss Beryl Johnston returned to claimed In legislative halls ani! en- the Army, Navy or Marino Corps of of Richard E Wallis, dcceasod, to Last Thursday G F. 8evits and Klamath Falls after a week's vidit forced in courts of Justice, And. in the United Suites m a private void tho creditors of, and ull persons hav WILL A. LEONARD sons, Clifford and Emery, made a with her aunt, Mrs. R. C. Anderson. short, let It beconio the political lor. officer.>eatnan or marine, during ing claims against the said deceased, to oxhibit them with tho neceaaary let the religion of the nation; and tho war with 8j>alu or during any visit to G. W. Heavilin’a. J. H. Hobbs spent Saturday and DENTIST old annd the young, the rich and other war in which the United States vouchers, within six months after Charley and Clifford Sevits visited Sunday with W. H. Todd. the first publication of thli notice, Guy and Leo Thompson at Long Lake Wlthro* -Melh»ie HuHding Clara Anderson has about recover the poor, the grave and the gay, of may be ongag<*d, and that said to the said administrator at bls resi ill sexes and tongues and colors and parties are hereby notlfiod to ap Sunday. ed from her sickness and is visiting Joe Foster visited Long I^ke last with her sister, Mrs. Dan Caldwoll. xmditions sacrifice unceasingly up- pear. respond und offer evidence dence on what lx commonly known DR. C. P. MASON touching said allegations al 10 ax tho "Alf Wall ix Ranch" near Monday. Mr. Van Meter is busy drilling in on Its altars." Dairy In said county and alate, the o’clock a. m.. on May 21, 1909, be Celestia Laam of Klamath Falls grain for John Callahan. DENTIST visited Maud Curl of Long I-ako Sat Tuesday, June 8, at 10 o'clock a. fore R. ,M, Richardson, (J. 8. Com- xanm being the place for transaction Office in American Rank A Trust ('« m Miss Blanche Robinson was sick miuloner, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, of tho business of said estate. urday and Sunday. and not able to teach Wednesday tn., has been fixed as the date and pany's Building Dated this, th. 29th day of March. Miss Meredith visited Gertrude and lhat final hearing will bo held time for the holding of examinations afternoon. at 10 o'clock a. m., on Juno 9, 1909, Thompson Tuesday. •tv k». II. Hadley commenced seeding of law students at Salem by the 8u- Roy Brown, Maud Curl and Cellee- bofora the Register and Receiver at Court for admission to the preme Thursday. He has quite a large tia Laam went rowing on Long Lake tho United States Land Office at bar. tract cleaned up. Sunday, and when stepping from the I-akevlow, Oregon. Herbert Anderson spent Sunday boat on their return, Miss Laam J. N. WATSON, Congress has been unusually quiet with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Morgan. missed her footing and fell into the Register. of late. The Congresmen have not Jay Haynes went to Poe Valley on water. She escaped with no damage having. In a yet recovered from the effect of the The said contestant Monday. except a ducking. proper affidavit, filed March 15. Misses Audrey and Gertrude Tolle announcement that Mr. Taft would Mr. Griffith has just finished put only make "suggestions" regarding 1909, set forth facts which show spent Thursday evening with Misses ting in his crops. that after duo diligence personal aer- legislation. Alice and Hazel Hadley. The roads are still bad in the tim Thomas Johnson lost two colts. ber. While Mr. Evans’ teamster was Fred Toole lost two fine colts last hauling a load of wood from Long Monday. Lake Friday, his wagon mired down The assessor, J. D. Lee, was In | and is still in the mudbole, although our valley Friday assessing the prop he had on only one tier of wood. erty. i Leo and Guy Thompson hauled a W. H. Todd and son, Leo, were load of hay from Mr. Foster’s ranch breaking colts Friday. Monday. Mrs. J. Whitlatch spent Wednes-1 Mr. Griffith hauled a load of lum day with Mrs. W. W. Whitlatcb ber to his place Monday. Leo and Guy Thompson and Dud ley Curl are trapping for wildcats GRAZING LAND LEASED. tow-a-days. Tom Moore has his new residence J. F. Kimball, who is looking after ready for occupancy. the WeyerhauBer Interests In this Mr. McCornack visited the Falls section,has returned from loikeview, | Monday. where he has been leasing the grax- i Mr. Curl intends purchasing a i Ing lands of the company. Mr.Kim- ¡ team of horses of F. McCornack of ball states that all of the lands be-1 the upper lake. longing to the company east of the' Wm. Brown of Round Lake expects upper and lower Klamath Lakes in to go to the ‘'Bend" on the Doechutes Klamath and Lak e Counties have River to spend next winter. been leased for this year, and ar- Mr. Evans has a man hauling posts rangemnts are now under way for . from bis timber claim to Klamath the leasing of the lands In the Falls. Pokegama and Aspen Lake counties. Joe Foster content; tales putting up Dave Elder, the big sheep man one hundred cc;ds of wood for E. of Lake County, ha3 leased 51,590 Thompson and Ernest Boyd. acres in the Gearheart mountain Roy Brown and E. Thompson section, and Is planning to secure traded wagons Saturday. enough more land in the Pokegama A Brentner Is «“«-ding hfs ranch forest to run at least 10,000 sheep. to wheat and alfalfa. Mr. Elder will have about 40,000 Mr. Whitconibe will soon have his theep this year. sawmill on Round Lake In operation. The Weyerhauser people and the Joe Foster, who has been visiting Forest Service have an arrangement bls father on Round Lake, will re whereby all of the lands In the re turn to his homestead near Merrill serve, both government and that be to finish putting in bls crop. longing to the company,. Is handled Mr. Griffith’s nephew from Odessa under the supervision of the Service. is visiting with him at Long Lake. Parties leasing lands belonging to Ernr-t Bonnett moved n stove the company in the reserve waive Still in Force GROCERY f A. E. GRANGE & GO SPECIALS BUY LUIS NOW FRANK IRA WHITE C. C. BROWER