»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦I « GALE HAPPI.NIN4.N. EAT SAUSAGES AND NEW DREAD e Mrs. K. Gale Sunday ami uro i i Ito aeod. Tho pupils will observe Arbor • if Merrill, a daughter. Day by plautlng ru4ebu»hea und guest» uf Mr». It. C. And« r»ou. T. A. Bulls visited lu Klamath Chas A nd urso n went to K lu Ilia ( || other shrub», A flower garden will Fulls lust Hututday. be plumed later, . Thu achool yurd Mr. and Mrs. Walter Creasy of Fulls Wednesday. rs m c illan FropV Is well fenced; n burn ha» I been Imperial Valley will move Into the Howard O'Connor left for lila hont« erected and u woodvhed will I ho i.ouse of Mr. ah«l Mr». Wult r Adam« In Bantu llosu Suuday, after •pondlug Modern improvements. 73 rooms and suites. complcltd th Is week. The pupil« us soon us the luit r uiuve, which several months In Gale til th n Kim iti Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club feel very proud of their now achuol will bo In a short time. of Hoibert Anderson. house, new desks, well,. map«, etc., Rooms, Etc., Etc. Easter services will bo given at the Mr», Dun Caldwell am! Mrs I II and ar«« doing splendid You can eat anything your atom- work. Pri'iibjterlua chuxli Benda, «veiling. Hobbs spent Tbursduy with Mi.< R. ach crave» without fear of a ca we of Mr. Dixon lias gone to Ft. Klamaih Also tho Methodists will I are their C. Anderson. Indigestion or dyapepHia, or that your Mrs Galarneau Im» b« • i| quite hi , exorcises. food will ferment or sour on your Mis»««» Lucy und Goida und Flunk Mr. and Mrs. It J Sheets uf Kla ­ but Is better ut th)» writing »toma' h If you will occasionally take Jiilinsoii returned to school Tuesday, Erm st Durkey hui b< • n sick at math Full« me In Merrill fur a few a little Dlapepsln aft« r eating ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦a after sii absotice of several w< nek«. day ». Mr. k - i -I < Ic l olli-ctltig light tho homo of Mike Galurmaii : Your m«-al* will taste good, and Hlevo Hlukel tarn«« lip from Tule ln««z Combs, Gertrud» St- -mai hills for the Moor«! Biothers, and laiku Hundny to spend tlo< day with Clara Von und Mr Weedon visited M I» , Slie.-I » is visiting with Mrs. anjthlng you <-ut will be digested; ! nothing can ferment or turn Into ac- I his putuiils. Ml«« Ihiltle Voss of While Lak«' I uh I Frank drnyb«- II und other friends, Mai t in Bro Il re «• zpectlng John Id or poison or 'on a- h gas, whlch ▼ W ill Wilson ami MI • lllanchii ll*.b Hiiuilay. eau»«» belching, e •'ox In with a load of sugar shortly. Inson went to Poe Valley Hunday Uusslu B««-bo, Mr». II Booth ami * of fiilln«-!-.« after Tho "Seven 81 i" met at Mr». John I'dttirson of Menili Judge Hhort visit«*«! Ml»» Lottie | digestion (like ♦ WE KEEP IN STOCK A COMPLETE LINE OF HARNESS Mr». Alex. Patter day even­ spent Friday with Mr J II. llobbM. Allen la»t Hundny. stomach >, biliousness, heartburn.1 • SADDLES, LEATHER GOODS AND GLOVES. WE PUR. mg. Tho»- pre»« iva Bar ­ Will Langell brought Mi» Kirk Cluiu Andersen Is quite' lick at water brash, pain In stomach aud lu- ■ < HASE FROM THE MUST RELIABLE WHOLESALE HOUS­ ter, Ruth < ndall to HchiMil Moniluy morning this writing t<*Mtln«-» or other symptoms. ES, AT THE LOWEST RATES OBTAINABLE, AND DIS- Marjorie We are sorry to »ay that .Nellie The Government crew Is boarding Patterson, May Joi Headache* from the stomach are COl'.NT ALL BILLS BEFORE DIE. WE ARE ABLE TO Refresh­ Job ii so n in not any better with loir 'at Pierce Comb's while building th«- .•.nd V««ra Terw absolutely unknow where this effec­ OFFER, THEREFORE, GOODS OF BEST QUALITY AT itiuntx were serve a moat en- I htiadgales. I > pholil fever. tive remedy is used. Dlapepsln really TIIE MJWEST PRICES. WE MANUFACTURE HIGH CLAM Th.y will E R«*am and L. W««»l are hauling joyablo time wu> Clyde Van Metm wait hauling hay • does all the work of a healthy stom­ GOODS AND MAKE OLD GOODS NEW. not meet again f wo« k» on I bay from Boh Bunnell's I rum It. (’. Andoraon'a Thursday ach. I dig«!»ts your meals when your < ALL AND SEE IF WE CAN “MAKE GOOD.” Mr. Ward 1» erecting a new bam account of th«* rot There are tuore pupila In ait­ stomach can't. Each trlangule will Mr* J J Bear town 'on his ranch unco at ilo. Gulo »< hool al pu­ dlg«*st all the f«xjd you can «*at and Jarno» llcldln was uba«-nt from Saturday. than ut uuy lime during the term. leave nothing to ferment or sour. »««veral Merrill th«« Mis. Hobbs and Mr». 'Patterson school aevoral days this week. Get a large 50-cent case of Pape's | Harry llraith wua hunting Jaclt- dan««* at BotiMiiza vialli'd the Gale school Friday Dlapepsln from your druggist and The Gray boys are A I. Wolluili of Medford «nine .rabbits Thursday and killed 40 lu start taking today and by tomorrow plowing for Mr«. over to put In Ills i iop II«« bought I««»» than thro«« hours. you will actually brag about your <1. H Graybell hi* II. J. Wells returned from Mon the Fish ranch and Is bouidlnx at healthy, strong stomach, for you then ‘ ranch, three milt» south of Merrill. tuna Inst Monduy Tolle's while doing his work can cat anything and everything you | Mr». Dora Slate arid Mrs. Bob Mr. Booth mik I Harry Iharth are Mrs Dun Van Brimmer uml Mrs want without the slightest discomfort Guy Morrill of Merrill spent rtiui - lsy hauling hay for Mr Mason, th«* roti- Anderson were in town one day last or mls«-ry, and «.«very particle of Im- | week »hopping t rector. with Mrs II. F Tolle -purity and gas that Is in your stom­ Mrs Geo Offield and bubies vlsit- Gertrud«« Htoumau »iarte«l Io Willis Johnson »old u t« am to Tom ach and Intestines 1» going to be car­ • •<1 wlth Mrs. Guy Merrill Thursday. »«‘hool Monday. Johnson Thursday ried away without the use of laxa­ M is. Robloy and Mr» ll Booth W C Dalton bought a team of tives or any other assistance. visited Mrs 8. Booth Thuruday. Yom Dalton for 1275 lu»t week III A. It. <'. RA.M.SBY. Mr. und Mrs. Beek drove to Mor Audry ami Gertrud«« Tolle, Uuy- Ml ItPHY EM ERTAINED. uiond and Beatrice Taylor were ab­ rill Thursday. Tliu following 1» an editorial in Mr. Barks went to th«i Falla Fri- sent from s« h«Mil Monday on account tho Oregonian on the death of Rev. Wednesday evening the people of Manufacturer« of All Kinds of day to bring out aotue school »up- of th«« w«-nth««r R. C. Ramaby, father of E. B. Rama- the Upper Klamath Project tender­ Miss I ml la Gerklng la quite III at piles. by of thia city: ed a reception at Bonanza to retir­ Mrs. Booth and Mr» ll«*«*k wore tho borne of Mr». II r. T«iii.- "With the death of Rev. R. C. ing Proj«»ct Engineer D. W. Murphy Mrs Craw turd «ml »on,. Charles. Falls visitors Saturday. Ramsby at his borne in this city and his successor, W. W. Patch. The Mrs Tailman takes a great deal arrived from Yreka. Callorfnla, on Monday paned a man who for half of ladles of the Bouanza Magazine Club of Interest In our school and bring» Thursday. They are at her grand- a life-time, covering a period of four­ had charge of the function, and the her little girl, Maggie, to achool son's, Charley Andcrnou. score and six years, was a prominent reception was a most pleasant and Mrs W. II. Hadley sepent Wed­ •«very morning and comes aftor her figure and factor In the rellglo-poll- successful affair, although under­ nesday afternoon with Mra. R C each night. Ileal circles of th«! state. A Metho­ taken on short notice. A brief musi­ Ed Allen brought a load of grain Anderson dist minister by profession, a politi­ cal program and display of cartoons Bsnd sawing and Turning, from Merrill for Mr. Mason Roy Van Meter Is busy drilling in cian of sturdy aggressiveness by oc­ prepared by Miss llarpold was fol­ Mra. Weber and children visited Dodge'» grain on til» dry farm lu Odd-Sited Doon A Window» a Specialty cupation for many years, a temper­ lowed by a banquet, where a number Mrs. Bunnell last Wednesday Hollow ate - advocate of unyielding purpose, of toasts were responded to by Eddie Dvrvan has b««cn sick, but Evon and Benni« Maupen returned PHONE 381 in • cample of domestic faithfulness, Messrs Murphy and Patch, Directors to school Tuesday, after aererai la better now. .in«! withal a kind neighbor and Dalton and Rueck and a number of Mr. Wobber Is clearing safe I wook»' absence. > friend, Mr. Rantwhy was well and local citizens. H. L. Holgate acting Mr. Roberta and wife of Poe Vai- brush. wlikly known and greatly respect- as toastmaster. Roy lai Prarlo la working for All kinds of Finishing Lum­ loy passed through Gal«' Wednesday (■ <1 He was tho friend and coadjutor The people of the Upper Project Chas. 8teeman on their way to Merrill ber now on hand. of tie- late William R. Dunbar, when i have always manifested a friendly Fred SteOman lost a valuable Rev. Johnston of Merrill vl»lt«-d the latter was the head of the Good feeling for Mr. Murphy and will co- the Gal«’ school Wednesday, Com* work horse recently. Large assortment of Doors Templars' organization In Oregon, ! operate as readily with his successor. A rabbit drive was held at James again, Mr. Johnston, we are always and materially assisted In the work ■ As a small token of their esteem,they and Windows made up and Erman's last Bunday. About fifty glad to see you. of ttiat order. All of this sounds like presented Mr. Murphy with an Indian ready for immediate de­ rabbits wore killed. th re«, fine W. W Whltlatdi »«»Id ancient history, the last line of prac­ basket, one that Is regarded as one Madelln Woat, Wost, Faye West and Mr. Don* horse» to Mr. Donnely. livery. tically the last chapter of which ap­ of the finest specimens of the basket noly knows whoro to got fine horses Nelta Dickens visited our achool last pears In tho announcement of the work of the Klamath Indians. Mr. Friday. Can furnish an order on the death of R. C. Ramsby and his asso­ Murphy said that he always had en- Mr. Dervatt sp«*nt noverai day« of ciation with the work of an almost Jojed visiting the Upper Project, for grounds for any sized build- MK MIGAN VOTING this wttk nt the Falla. forgolten temperance organization, the people took pains to make things ON MM AL OPTION ing within twenty-four Mrs. C. W. Lewi» and Mrs. Wm. to which, thirty or thlrty-flve years I pl« asant for him and certainly knew Barks visited Mra. Galnrncau last hours. ago, a large proportion of the young how to do It. DETROIT. April 5.—“Wet" or Thursday. men and maidens of tho state, as "dry" Is the question of tho hour A church meeting win hold last Large stock of Flooring in c. N. Hawkins. W. K. Brown and today In twenty-seven counties In tho Saturday night nt Mr».' La Prarle's. ■ well as mlddle-agod men and women. three grades. B F. Gould arrived Friday evening lower peninsula of Michigan, which They decided to begin building the wore members." front Hollister, California, to atend arc voting on local option. There church soon. It will go under the II. L. Holgate, Jas Driscoll and n meeting of the directors of the aro mor«« than loot) saloons and four- name of Mt. laikl Presbyterian Mayor Parsons of Bonanza came Klamath Falls Land & Transporta­ leeu breworloe and wholesale liquor Church down to attend the m««etlng of the tion Company. Plans are to be ar­ houses In these counties. It was gon- Chamber of Commerce and also the ranged for the Improvement of the ««rally conceded that local option Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Smith returned reception given to tho new members street car system and the Buena will carry In a number of tho Vista addition. by the Antler's Club. Friday from Salem and Eugcno. counties. Lakeside Inn, Or Any Other Favorite l oo J Without Lar of an Upset Stomach M . . M M , Oregon Harness Co Opposite Baldwin’s Hardware Store, Klamath Falls ö J. O. LEININGER. Manager Long Lake Lumber Co. LUHBER Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors, All Kinds of Mouldings, W. 0. HUSON, - Manager THE BOSTON STORE We are making a Specialty of Men's Suits FINK SUITS FROM g 18.00, glft.OO, F2O.OO, $28.50 TO $25.00. OFFERING SUCH A VARIETY OF PAT- TKRNB AND BUCH REMARKABLE VALUES AT THOSE PRICKS THAT THE MAN WHO WANTS TO PAY $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22..50 OR $25.00 FOR 1118 SUIT CAN ILL AFFORD TO BUY ELSEWHERE. ALL THE SEASON’S MOST I*OPUI«AR SHADES AND PATTERNS, Al^O BLACK AND BLUE. LARGEST AND SWKLLEST LINE OF SHOES AND OXFORDS EVER SHOWN IN THE CITY— BEST MAKES IN THE UNITED STATES. PRICES TO SUIT EVERY PURSE. WE WISH PARTICULARLY TO CALL ATTENTION TO OUR MILLINERY ERYTHING IS NEW AND UP-TO-DATE. PRICES ARK RIGHT. DEPARTMENT. EV­ WK INVITE INSPECTION. THE BOSTON STORE THE STORE THAT PAYS NO RENT AND GIVES THE BENEFIT TO ITS CUSTOMERS. J