4 Trade at the K k K Store Good, reliable merchandise, honest prices < Spring and Summer Stocks are beginning to arrive < New Shoes for large and small, Dry Goods, Clothing, Muslin Underwear, Shirt Waists, etc., etc In fact everything to he found in an up-to-date store And it’s no trouble to show merchandise KKK STO Rii KLAMATH Hits' HfiNT IUIÜ OULUa ■¡k . C sm " A h il si' KLAMATH REPUBLICAN Farm Journals In different parts ot the country suoni to havo taken up the question of free lumln r, uud con­ gress and everybody else lu Wuili- tuiiiuu are being bombarded with lll- eiature and letors urging that the w tariff lull |H, a .ieibie.l to provide r tl < lumber. > ids i. „ »Ct tt'Ut papers > limo •dories <1 A Mlu ipoii.i W t il I . and dccluivs il ul tl,. i UWl f ut»n<;, limber to last In I years at the i.itu It Is r but. d. iln assert • hut the Ik > *i ■ suply of timber being •at i* I m.a.i the paper mills o laki ; H >.p i.t all bosh. 11« says » I at ' uit r t 1 u supl) Is exhausted ou lucilcun coutlucnt there Ji virgin forests lu Mouth I »<* ■I’l'iy the world for snv- nt c II If tills country »III Ul t V ■ ou mrvutlon legislation ,( timber, and ■'..d I n.el ot Is of the op- ll.at tho tariff will Lave little upou forest pr. »urvatlon. 1 Js.2*._................ MM K. Elvy aud W. R. Wilson were tn the city from Mei rill this week, Jas. Pelion and wife returned Monday to their homo at Fort Klamath. W, II. liohannnn, editor of the Doi i l.i Booster, cutim up Tu DVD DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE on a business trip. Three carloads of freight were H ■ All communications submitted for publication in t! e columns of this paper will be inserted only over the name of the »liter. No non do plume reived last Tuesday for th j I i I I'.'W • * wl-oh-alo grocery house. articles will be published. Tho new mill of tho Lt Lumber Con. :;f.v blow 1' c. • i >. I. BALDWIN FOIJ MAYOR. for Elio Writ lite Saturde). Rev. Mur.; an, the evung A Republican representative < all si Now that it is assured that the Tuesday, after conducting on JudgeBaldwin Hits me ... g in re- inilroad will reach Kmiuaih Falis >r the cliy f.',' tie past t» ' a can­ ¡by the fit st ot May, it is time the gard to bis decision to b< I 'd him for diuute for Mayor, and as railroad cjiebrutivu committee gut in a (our-yeat-old liainlliouiHU f'sii a statement of policies I would aJ- busy. Members ot the committee dard-bred troll ; 1" v hors" Is !> ■ vocate. In an interview Mr. Baid- otatu that they already have plans Ing kept at t‘; - Manin.otl. Smbl win said: tor the celebration mapped out, and The steamer Maiama ¡nought **I am willing to submit my name that Just as soon as they can get a lev. n 49.000 fi t of logs yt«t< ll:>l cot.sigkin:ig laiko Lumber Co Herbert Wells, wl.o l us be n hei requirements I will deem it an honor Governors of Oregon and California to be their executive; if. In their wis­ will be invited, and Senators Bourne ti e ¡«ut year with Maney Bros., t <• dom, they believe they have better and Chamberlain aud Congressman conti actors on the government ditch, timber, then 1 am for their choice. Hawley, and a number ot other ro- Util uu Monday with Ils wife fin This decision has only been reached c!a: atlou a.:d government officials St. Louis. Louis Gerber left lust Friday Lot after constant importuning from all This cerebration, howqyer, will not He was accompanied sections of the city and all classes. be exclusively 'or outside people. Sacramento. It has been so strong and so general. The Chamber of Commerce will by Airs. Alex. Maitln Jr., who la g > The Western Hol’d Reporter will that I feel it my duty to comply with make a strong effort to induce every ing to Nun Francisco, and later will |i. ui’ a -pedal Oregon edition April the demand. In order that the clti-' resideut of the county to join with visit her mother at Nan Diego. j 30th. .’as. Pelton and wife. J. W .McCoy tens may fully understand my post- j the people of Klamath Falls lu cele- tlon on the questions uppermost In bratlng this event for one week, A and (>. B. Bunch were down from Ft I n AX IIXRGX1VH the affairs of the city at this time, large delegation is also expected Klamath last Thursday to attend! the meeting of the Chamber of Com ' I will briefly state *njr views relative from latke county. thereto: , There is one thing that the people nierce uud boost for the Improve­ '■in loan ,759 on tho deal “In the first place i I am not in of Klamath Falls should do in pre­ ment of Wood river. \ nice cottage with bath, large B. W. Rice, engineer on the steam­ favor of paving any street out of paration of this event. The streets ot, »1790 A good buy. er Klamath, who has been sick for tho general fund; I the statement should be cleaned, lawns and private We can .show you the A largo reddenc', fine lol. »3590 that I am is misunderstood. The property should be beautified by the a few days at the Klamath Hospital, Three cottages on three lots. Room abutting property should stand all removal of refuse: trees should be Is reported as Improving. Dr Ham­ n< in; i for another cottage, »3250. of the expense. T It ‘ is possible that. trimmed, and. in fact, the city ilton Is In attendance MASON & SLOUGH Joe Bugarman, who has been the expense would be so great crest that it it ! should have a general cleaning up so with the Portland Store for the past would be advisable for the city to that it will present an attractive ap­ Folt SALE OR EXi HANGE. in Klamath County issue bonds running from two to pearance to the crowds of visitors two years, loft Monday for San 320 acres of cattle or fruit ranch­ five years in order to make it easy expected. It would be well if a Francisco, After a few days In the Inquire at this for the property owners, but those general “clean up” day were de­ city he will go to New York for the plenty of fine water office. 3-1Itf bonds, all expense connected with cided upon, when every property summer. Business In the county clerk's ot- their issuance and the interest there­ owner and business man tn the city FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS on ought to be paid by the abutting would take a day off and Join in a flee shows a conslderahle Increase over last yoar. The fees received by property. | cleaning up crusade. "I am further in favor of the ts* There will be many strangers who the clerk for recording "and tiling Fruit anil Ormi men ta I To, ». Tills suance of a sufficient amount of!wiu visit this city for the first time during March, 1908, wore »197.80, I m Ilie time Io phiic your Orden für bonds to install a first-class sewer j during, the railroad celebration, and for the same month this year they Full l>eli,< iy. Our ,l«k 1« complete system. We cannot afford to go half ¡f they are favorably Impressed with amounted to ,237.20. D. B. Campboll has bls hands full and your iieeda iuii tu st be tuet al way in such a thing. The details the looks of the city, they are likely for the payment of this must be to remain. It is an opportunity ot th ese days. He states that the past Milli worked out later, but I favor the pay­ a life-time for the people of this city week lots In Midland, the new rail­ W • will b ■ glad to make plans, furnl,!, climates and save you ment out of the general fund °F and they should take advantage of road station, havo been going like i hot cakes, money, worry and disappointment. Being acquaint'd with local Thirty-nine lots were the main sewer, the laterals to It. There is work for the city of- < «>., built by tho property owners. conditions and materials, wo guarantee uonutny, efficiency I Helals, and there Is work for every­ sold up to Saturday fourteen sales “One of the questions that is up one in preparing the city for the re- being uiade that day alone. Monday and nut Intuition for tbo money expended for solution, and one that ought to 1 ception of its visitors. The time is between 12 and 2 o'clock six lots be solved, is the extending of the short and work should commence at were sold on the strength of the city limits. Thl3 ought to be donei once. The storey and buildings will work being pursued in laying track w - • without coercion, There is a middle expected to dec< rate, and they across the marsh. IlliM |> <>p|M»U<' A inert'mi Hotel ground on which the city and the should attend to securing their bunt­ F. J. Bowne returned Tuesday from Mr. Bowne owns a tract additions can Btand, and I favor a jng an(j flags before the supply is ex­ Bonanza For an U|>-to-rtliig goods. that a fair policy ought to be pur­ for the celebration. Ashland, Oregon which takes its water from Lost sued in this matter, and thus reach river. Mr fiowne 1s here figuring an amicable adjustment of the ques- DOWN COHEN THE HEBT. WHAT WILL YOU NEED FOR FUTURE LIFE? Commercial, THE GUN STORE with Moore Bros, on a motor and tlon. Hhorthand and English are taught here In such a manner that j. B. ( II AMBERN, “On all questions affecting the Klamath county Is in the best con­ power, and if arrangements can be our students win success. the American Hotel. welfare of this community, I be- dition financially than it has been made, he may use electric power Modern furnishings, thorough course of training, practl* riioiM* ■M, It is now only nine Instead of the gasoline plant he Is lleve that all interests should be con­ for years. cal Instructors, Individual Instruction, and healthful location. sulted, and with that end in view, months behind in the payments of i using at present. givo our students a decided advantage. I would, if elected Mayor, form some v.’crrants. The last call of the treas-| OUR GRADUATES 8 UCCE 88 18 OUR SUCCESS Addi ORDER TO NIIOW CACHE. HELD FOIt FORGERY. sort of a consulting board, composed ttrer .nows that there Is mo'iey on tlonal Information may bo had for tbo asking. lu the County Court of the Blate of ot representative men—men whose hand to pay ah warrants irotested Oregon,for the County of Klamath. standing and experience would be D'ior to i nd Including J By 2 { The preliminary hearing of Henry such as to make their opinions and P.»l. Morrell, charged with passing a forg­ In the Matter of the Guardianship It is estimated that th* county ed check on W. E. Seehorn of the advice of value to the city. Klamath of Irene Myrtle Crance. a minor, Now. on this 22nd day of March, Falls has reached the dividing of