♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦e tle stage driver, on April first was NI MMEIIN NEUN. Spot Cash For your !:ggs, V eg Fann Produce Buy your Groceries at the Honarch and save money HPK4TAL El.I.< Tl(‘A- ----------------- The charter commission Is still working away on the revision of th«- city charter. The members report that they consider It mTcssary to hold an election on extending the boundaries Hist before a vote Is taken on the now charter. In this case three special elections will be nec- essary. The first election will be to vote on Hie additions; the second to adopt the charter, and If this is done, a third election will be nec­ essary to vote bonds for sowers and other Improvements. A petition to extend the city limits has be< n drawn up and is being cir­ culated It limy be ready to present to tho Council nt their meeting to­ night. If It Is and there are a auOlclent number of signora, the Council will probably order it special election, which will bo held after tho regular city election. The new charter will not provide for n« large a bundl'd lndebtedn> is ns at llrst con­ templated, but It will be made Just sufficient to cover the present in- debtednesn; pay for a sower system, and cover the cost of paving the Intersect bins of tho streets. The cost oi tho street paving will have to bo borne by tho adjoining property owners, and It is probable that tho center of tho town on Main street will bo paved unless tho property owners In cnch end of tho town request pnvoments. If this Is done It would mean that tho mala business section will bo confined within eight or ton blocks for some time. WILE INVITE TAFT TO CRATER LAKE President W. IL Taft has announc­ ed thnt ho expects to visit tho Pacific Coast this summer. The President han contemplated a trip to tho coast for somo time, but this Is tho first i, If wrtu»> of those who had M1 '1 npprai "d öf the joke l ad not cbi.ckli I Ju .t In time lo stop the fun. Broglio Jamison wan down buy- lug lay last week. Sinen the roller has paso'd over tho reads, they ar >:uu<:!: smoother Il au before. Mr. Lowe has boc-n boarding Fi'd Smith's wtille working on Midland road ' I ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * * ♦ ♦ ♦ MERCANTILE HO l/O.l*RS t spilli -1 . » |..l| I II, Ll.'.l- i ’ I' -t I ■ I ■ • ÍO - . » - WAMPLN NEUN. Eugene Spencer went to the Hau­ sen much Bunday after a beef. Waite; and George Anderson re. tu: m <1 lucaday fioui their Louie- sliadn al Red Kock, Cal. Tom Parr cf Ashland passed here Friday on his way lo Klamath Falls. Leon Anderson went to Dorris Sat­ urday after some grain. Eugene Spencer went to the Km- mitt ranch Saturday after a load of hay. Walter Anderson went to Dorris Bunday after a load of grain. Cl.at. Baldwin and Mr. Watson came down from Klamath Falls Fri­ day. John Colburn has moved front his ranch to town. While riding through the tl< Id on his pony a limb r.cratchcd Geo. Miles on tho face and badlysklnned bls t'oi tur at« ly his eyes were chock, uninjured. Cl aries l.inzl Is plowing for "Dad” Wilson. (Irt-r’de'i t’r ofi y | m visit! dnnet tor, while the children of th«1 latter are sick with measles. William lliKip' r l as stopped school to go to work at the Boutte: n Far ¡lie camps in Holland. A committee appointed by the J.ailing I ay for Lai.> vl - Board oi Trade l ai made ton. uu Invi ..ligation of the outgoing and mending a nage incoming freight shipments lor Lake brutdi rake. county, When the road between Mr. Houston, wlo bat. beta winter­ here at.d Lakeview <« put in good ing 1:1s milk cow and horse uu the condition for heavy travel, practl- Summers ranch, Ims taken them to call? all of this freight will pass town. through Klamath Falls. The report Weitey Ma.t. n was down from the an follows: Horton ranch Tuesday. lu compliance with a request of Tom Kinney took some horses to i] ,. ]>,, ,itvi; Committee, we here­ e railroad Monday. with ibmli our findings as regards Mia. W. P. Mr.sten has tr en having Incomlt g, outgoing foreign freight. me dental work done ut Hie Falls. for |.:ig . county, also an estimate on Mr. Dunlap hue been out from Internal freight for Lakeview and towu branding his cattle. imm. diatc vicinity W. W. Hasten has finished baul- It'lining foreign Freight Ing bay from the barge. Lak< view 2,545,000 lbs W. W. Mastin, who has been Paisley 250,000 lbs itopplnK at the Fullsslnce his return Sliver Lake............ 225,000 lbs from Imp rial Valley, California, re­ Plush . . .............. 100,000 lbs turn d lo the ranch Monday. Adel .................................. 100,000 lbs lu moving from his O. B. Short 50,000 lbs i’in«' Cr;-ek ranch, which he recently sold to, William Pitts of St. Louis. Total................... - 3,270,000 lbs Veru Schmelacr, who has been ’ At an average rate of 1 % from slaving with her grandmother since i terminal per annum 157,225 I tbe <1 nth of her buiband, Mr. Mas- Outgoing Foreign Freight. teu, lias returned home and will . Wool .................. ............ 1,500,000 lbs WILL ORGANIZE HALL TEAM. again become one of our pupils. Agriculture Summers Is having some Sam ------------------ .18,300.000 lbs Live stock The time for the summer sports plowing done on his land above the Is fast approaching,, and a move­ ditch. At an average rate Of wool IL L. Boggs is putting up a new ment was started today toward the %c; live stock, 3c; agri­ nrgniilr.nlInn of a basebull team for Pago wire fence around his yard. •> culture ................................. W. P. Mlles caught a second coyote Klamath Fulls. There arc several Internal Freight (eetimated) li-Hguo players recently located in In his trap. Wood (fuel) ............. 4,200,000 lbs i Sam Short and Miss Myrtle Mills th<> city and there Is plenty of first- Lumber 4,000,000 lbs visited the former's sister last Wed ­ i c I uhs matt-rial among tho local play­ Garden produce ....... .... 65,000 lbs ers. No town Is really alive unless nesday. Charles Llnzl has finished hauling it lias a good ball team, and the Total .. .8,265,000 lbs people hero should eucourugo the l ay from Harry Pointer's place. The above shows actual existing W. W. Masten is breaking all his boys In their orgnulzatlon. freights on the basis of present pop­ four-year-old horses to the plow. Suitable grounds will bo the most Jim Dixon has turned his horses ulation. No assumption as to future difficult undertaking and the boys possibilities. were out looking for a location on the range. One of tho best mules In the Wells today. Vacant ground Is at a pre­ mium nt tho present time, but they ditch camp got killed Saturday. It TIIE HAIRY INSTITUTE. may be able to secure u place out- Is not definitely known how It hap­ side the city limits. With the ar- pened. but Is supposed that a scraper A successful and interesting edu- rival of the railroad It will bo pos­ slid down a hill on thetuule. rational meeting was held at Dairy slide to get other teams to come Charles Llnzl is ngain working for Saturday, April 3d. A large number here for irnnii s, and a good ball Cl nrlie Ager. of the patrons of the district and game is always an attraction thnt W . P. Mlles made a tool chest for and rt-sldeuts of the Upper Project will draw crowds. attended, each family bringing a w. w. Masten last week, Fred Smith has finished plowing, delicious lunch the kind that re- minds one of the good old Fourth of The Smith children, who have The school children July dinners. been out of school on account of were present in force and added measles, arc again attending. ASHLAND, Or., April 6. Ash- much to the pleasure of the day. Kent Ballard Is plowing on "Dad” with well selected and well rendered land, tho Granite City, Is about to demonstrate her right to the title. 1 Wilson’s place. ris'ltaiions. Ola Smith will spend a few days Dairy las shown her Interest In While It has been known generally education by erecting one of the that the hills behind tho city are with her aunt, Mrs. Fred Smith. granite-ribbed, and that much of the Charlie Wright was out looking neatest school buildings in the coun­ boat fruit growing soil was largely for a milk cow, which had strayed ty and by paying more than average decomposed granite, It Ims not been away. wages to her teachers and demanding g.-nentlly known that several magni­ Mrs. E. W. Smith visited Mrs. 1!. trained, well educated and expert-’ ficent lodges of commercial granite L. Boggs Wednesday. cnced teachers. It was no surprise lay Just beyond tho city limits. Local Charlie Llnzl has been hauling that her citizens heartily joined capitalists have organized a company sngo brush. with the teachers in discussing edu­ to open up the largo ledge of monu­ John Hunsaker is hauling rock In cational topics. The following discussions and mental granite that lies nbout three town. miles up Ashland creek canyon. Georgo Miles will visit Brogue papers were presented: "The Com­ Exports have been shown polished Jamison ns soon as school closes. pulsory Education Law" by Supt. samples of tho granite from the Oak Boggs has finished plowing. Swan; “Tho Eighth Grade Class” by property owned by tho new com­ H. B. Henry bought some grain Mrs. Jessie Dumm of the Bonanza pany, and have pronounced It of finer from Jim Dixon to plant ou his schools; ''School Societies” by Prof.; grain nnd harder than almost any of ranch. A. E. Elder of Dairy; "The School tho commercial granites now so ex­ Those from this vicinity who were Beautiful" by C. W. Sherman, Sr., of tensively used. town visitors last week were: Eldln Dairy. Rev. Nortridge gave enthus­ Tho now company Is known as tho Dennis, E. W. Smith, IL L. Boggs. iastic talks on tree planting and good I Pacific Granito Company of Ashland, I Mrs. Routley, Davo Wade, "Dad” reading. The subjects were quite Or., and is capitalized nt |100,000. Wilson, J. D. Hooper,Austin Hooper, generally discused and brought out many helpful thoughts, both for Already requests have been niado Mr. Brooks and W. P. Mlles. for prices In carload lots of rough Henry Lowe and Fred Smith filled teachers and parents. I granite blocks, tho Inquiries coming In the chuck hole In the Midland At tho close of Mr. Sherman's from as far south as Los Angeles. road In front of tho letter's place. All paper the citizens of Dairy agreed to winter this has been a dangerous take active steps toward planting Count Von Buelow nns given the and dreaded spot to travelers, parti­ trees and beautifying the school yard Czar credit for settling tho Balkans cularly tho school children who had nnd v e to meet again on Arbor Day trouble. "Tho Czar alone prevent­ to pass through It, nnd no doubt the and do some treo planting. ed a war," ho says. This must bo public will appreciate the efforts on Au educational meeting of the consoling to tho Russian autocrat, the part of the two nten to make this same character will be held at lame Pine district on April 10th. Supt. who Is Just now very unpopular at a highway of safety. homo for tho very reason that he is The box of French candy present- Swan is planning to make them an popular away from homo. cd to the teacher by John Lambert, established part of the school work. MONARCH THREE ♦ greatly enjoyed by both teacher and ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦e e Ildri'U and would have been rapld- * X ' (Mt m 2 <4* ■ Time > etllfica'e» ,.( d*-|>o»lt NsVIIia» «iepo-it» ........ . 17 Total 1 «1.740 W H t * tr or Osr.uo.x. t County nt Klamath,f I. J W. Hieu.efi». Ca-l.u-r of Hie a'aive-named bank, do »olt-mnly • »ear that tin- above statement i« true to tin- best of tt.v k now le,lb.- an 1 l*o-L J. W. SIEMENS, ( asliier. Sul«cribei| and sworn to before me this litli day of February, IM*!). A. M artis , Ja , Notary Public. C oshzít — Atte-t <». U. WHITE, : ■ Directors. GEO. T. BALDWIN,) 10 O R E G O N DAILY During flarch and April From All Parts of the East. UNION PACIFIC. OREGON SHORT LINE. THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIFIC. $25 From OMAHA. $33 From CHICAGO. $25 From KANSAS CITY. $30.50 from ST. LOUIS. Correspondingly low from all other points. TO THE PUBLIC Write letters to everybody you know In the East and tell them about these low colonist rates. Send them Ifterajure about Oregon, or send their addresses to us and we will do it. In this way you can be a great help in the growth and progress of your state. YOU CAN PREPAY FARES if you want to. Deposit the necea->ary amount with our local agent and he wilt telegraph ticket for anyone from aqy place promptly. Inquire of Agents dr write to UM. McMURRAY, General Pas.M-nger Agent Southern Pacific Co. d & Navigation Co., The Oregon Rallroa (Lines in Oregon). PORTLAND, OREGON. MOUTON IA HOTEL J " PORTLAND OREGON M odem C onvoke M oderati P rices ONLY ROOF GARDEN IN PORTLAND The Tourist Headqnart«t of Columbia Valley ENGAGE ROOMS EARLY FOR THE ALASKA- YUKON EXPOSITION a . a. woaTOK. «—■ir-T M ason & S lough ABSTRACTERS choice line of invest­ ments that • will make tlie purchaser money’ Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON & SLOUGH MIDWAY STABLE FIRST-CLASS TURNOUTS With or Without Driver CHAS. R. BALDWIN, Proprietor