♦ ol i n i ti, i-Ai i it nr ♦ • KI.AMA I II COI N I Y. ♦ VOL. XIV. < (»MULETE ORGANIZATION. KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 8, <> V ♦ i l aging pai eh of NM. Ili UN Olli au . • 2 LIMON Foil THE < ITY READY FOR LAnEMEU ROAD RAII.N A< ICOSH I II A .N N El menta, machinery and exhibits should bling to us types of the boat I »airy neu I leit Offlicra »11(1 Ap|H>lnt tools In uso in tbu large or small Flr»l Htep on 14». I luip of I Unin Mill W. A. MaHserigill, A. Florence and ; Proivih-d You Maki- Your Applica­ The City Council Tuesday night re­ tion In Time. ( oiih I i urtimi To Till« < ity. fused to accept a nice, well-shaped F. B. Light left last Saturday on1 Permanent < oniiiilttec«. dulry or cliume factories, Joblx-rs In j lemon which wus offered to It by their return to iuikcview with the [ these articles should not hesitate to If anyone does not belh-vo that the the Reclamation Service. And well assurance of the County Commis-1 The directors of the Klamath The Ktaiiuith County Dulry Asso- put tbclr wares in tho district on elution held Its final organiiMllou commission or otherwise Tin, <1. railroad is coming, they should have it might, for If it accepted the offer «loners that work would begin next! Water Users Associa tion held their meeting In the city taut Saturday velopniont a lot of trouble for nniall pay. Soine- the Mkeview road. A meeting was day. Many matters of Importanco A specially atended owing wry luigily magnifient ly by (lie campulgn of Haturday evening and worked all : time ago it waH intimated to the held yesii rduy between the Lakeview I to the project were discussed. to the busy season tupldly opening od mal Ion curried on by dealers ami ulglit und all duy Hunduy, uuil today i Count 11 that if the city wanted the delegation and rhe County Court to letter was read from F. H. Newell for farm work There wax not, how­ commission men. lhe track is completed from tlie {Ankeny canal It might have it, at arrange details in regard to the road in reply to Inquiries by the associa­ Those te! be Improved. It was decided that! tion. The letter and answer ar« Tlw committe« ever u lurk of Interest, nnd already l>r< sent terminus n< rows the channel I least for a term of years. some of tlio commltteou uppolnted unlmals inis un i and the gang is now continuing lay­ allrulHtlcally lacllni-d immediately what in known as the Reservation printed herewith. The first is the 1 lx gau to outline the advantages of road could be the easiost and quick­ letter written to the secretary of the are actively at work on uKsIgmd duties to work upon ■ mg track across the marsh. duties nnd arc milking fu vor abii' re lion of soiling crop The Southern Pacific i vld< fitly did posseaelng such a useful article; for est improved and would be the most Interior: “Dear Sir:—I am instructed by ports. nut wunt uny mti i fi rent e In the ! it meant cheap (Xjwer and lights; deslruble road for heavy travel dur- uncoil food which the Board of Directors to ascertain Tho organization of tbu ima octa here, of new vui | work, so threw on u big forte of men ! water for the street^, sewers, irrlga- mg all si asotis ot the year. it was a pretty lion Is io follows: W li lielieman, field peas, votili, etc Commissioner Albert Walker left from you if the charge of $30 per «» uk to complete tlie track aiTOHM | tion and what not. President; Flunk Im While, Vi. Piles plctuie. So much so, in fact, that this afternoon for his home at Bly. acre for cost of construction of the ce«« milta for mukin tlie channel during Sunday, President, J. a lloicomb, Secretary; ns til tultu meal, the vere driven und a bridge acroi , sh the tlie Council Intimat'd to the Service Mr. Walker will have charge of the Klamath Project., as announced by G. W White, Treasurer. water constructed und the truck laid that it would be “dee-lighted" to ac­ Improvement of the road across the the public notice issued by you tho silo if ueceaary, Thu routine mid active duties of win« need all in twenty-four hours. Tl.e of- cept the liberal offer, and appointed Devil's Garden, which is one of the November 18, ISOs, is the maximum the oigmihutlon us such uro In tho the dairy liduta of the road have made no u committee to convey the informa­ rockiest stretches on the entire road. amount that will be charged for a This committee made its re­ This will be one of the most difficult water right on the first unit of this matement as to their orders or plans, tion hmiita of un executive committee. »miry now but u.i the truck Inylng crew is today port la t evening, and It had some­ pieces of improvement to be under­ project? Further, if upon the com- The president,, vice president und sci rt tri y of the uh nu tation are ex- proc cdlng with the work. It Is evi­ what of the appearance of a faded taken, but after the big boulders pletlon of the prolect, the actual cost dent that the Intention is to ruxh flower. Instead of marching trium- and rocks are removed and the road of construction should be less than officio members of tbli committee. would the landown­ aerf, The other llicluli' m of the executive tho completion of the rond to Kla- phantly Into the Council Chamber graded, it will make an excellent ¡’he 130 per r -------- - nuitli Falla, us unnounc •! several with ti c Ankeny canal on a platter, road which can be easily be kept ’ era be given the benefit of such re- commltti'o arc O A Stearns of Kia the members humbly advanced and in good condition both summer and I duct Ion in cost? Thc Board respect- muih Fulls, C G Merrill of Merrill, months ngo. fuly requests a definite statement J. H Hhixik of Bonanza, Fred L oohi - attention. Study tho qiKStlon, read Tbe unounci'ini-nt was made (hat presented the city fathers with the winter. ley of Ft. Kluinnth. The improvement of the road from you in regard to this matter, dairy papers, get Informed. The Hie road would be ready for opera­ lemon abov* r< ferred t« "The com­ The regutar com mil teen of the people of Iowa nnd Wisconsin und tion by May, und it Is now probable mltte had the honor to report” that across the mountain on the other as rumors are afloat to the effect association mid their membership Minnesota didn't Import mllktrs. that the track will lie completed be­ iii<‘ Reclamation ofliciata had been side of Bonanza has been placed in that tbe public notice issued by you are follows 1 hoy liurU'd to mils...nd they learil- fore that time, although the inau­ eeu and that they stated that the the hands of County Road Supervisor does not doflnately settle the amount Commltte on Entertainment I l.ow io conserve tho business, und guration of the service rosy not take Service would be glad to donate to Phillipa. Mr. Phillips will be equip­ that will be assessed to the lands Frank Ira White, It H Dunbar, tfioy found, also, early In the gtor place until tne early part of May. the City of Klamath Falls the An­ ped with a cook wagon and his crew of the first unit for construction Judge lluldwln. how to pay ofT obllgatlous and mort- in ton days the work trains will have keny canal but that the Service will camp on the road until the work charges,” etc. The following answer was re­ Committee on l.lvewtock ('. G. gages. crossed tlie marsh and will be seen desired to retain that portion of it is done. Everything will be rushed Merrill, II E I’ointor, J. F Adams, The county association Il IH < om­ coming up the valley, and It is quite north of the residence of C. E. Wll- -<» that the road will be in-shape by ceived: "Sirs:—Replying fo your com­ Chas. Horton. Louis Gerlier. James inltteen as above mentioned, on nium- ilkeiy that then some of the people son. In other words, the city could June to begin hauling freight and munication of the 24th ultimo, and Pelton. bershlp nnd good roads. will wuke up to the fact that Qi*' I have the tail with Its forty water passengers for I.akevicw. Commltte on Dairy Murkctn und A little money is necessary to pay railroad Is coming The special cr«w rights and the Service would keep It is estimated that the merchants' the fnqulrle* therein propounded I, of Lakeview and vicinity • will re- you are advised: Tradi' Brands W II llvllciumi, W. Incidental expenses, print und dis­ of 100 men that was working yK charges for the project will be their lips sufficiently unpuckered bo there will be from one and a half to : 1 effective upon water applications Committee on Dulrp Implements, tinue the work. as to i xpresH their thoughts they un- two million pounds of wool shipped ¡hi d before the date of the order Machinery mid Exhibits J A llol I ho committee on good roads can animoiiHty said thank you—but" out. The pa nger travel will also asking such increase, in case the comb,, W W. Baldwin, A. C. l.ewls. lust now serve a purpose They can I Alli tt ELI, IO MK. Ml Ill'll Y. and they immediately appointed be very heavy for the next few same should hereafter be found Commltto on Food For Dairy < lp to Identify tho Dulry Atuox ta­ necessary. .Councilman Wilkins to convey their years. Stock <). A Stearns. J. D Carroll, lon with the good mails movement At tho home of Mr. A H. Nattz- regri ts to tho Service with the added "Second—A definite answer can J r v.i.iu,,. N S Merrill, H E. ■ ii the county nnd directly Herve the i wus held Frldny night a farewell «uggeHtlon that if the head goes with ; not be given as to this proposition in Pointer, Fred lx>«»e<>ltiy. i .octatiun by bringing to it Infor- ge advance of an actual case and the The officers of the usoclntlon, the iiHtloti on good roads, and by help­ reception in honor of Mr. D. W Mur­ the tail, the city would be glad to It served a double purpose, gi t U»- canal,'but If It was to re­ consideration of ill facts in connec­ executive committee nnd the a,bov< tig to establish roads In the country phy. j Chief ol ’ ’ oHce Carter announces named regular committees servo u it to deliver milk mid cream over ll lit Of affording all opportunity to ceive only the portion of It that car- ’that in a few days be will begin to tion therewiiti. **Jt Is not probable, marly two score of the leading Lusl- tded with It the forty water rights, however, that there will be any re­ term of ono year. Tim next annuul tn y duy In tho year. nv-H and professional men and capit­ and their cons, quent troubles, it gather up ail dogs on which the lic- duction, as from the best Informa­ meeting far elections will bo held I i cnsc has not been paid. Tbe Chief alists of this city to bid adieu to the would have to get along without it tho first Saturday in Jnnnury, 1910 ¡has been very succ .-sful this year in tion available, the actual cost may Till: ALFALFA Itti Ni RY retiring Project Engineer and at the the best way it could. The following speclnl committees I collecting tlie deg licenses, but there be slightly in excess of thirty dollars ■atne time extend a cordial welcome It Is assumed that it is tbe plan are still a number of untagged ani- rather than below it." have lieen appointed: Th>' thousandH of acres ot fine al­ to hl« successor, Mr. W. W. Patch. of the Government to eventually In­ I mals running loose, Committee on Membership J A According to falfa land within a rad Io us of a It Is something over two years since stall a power plant In the neighbor­ ithe city ordinance, dogs Holcomb, Kluinnth Fulls; Fred Mr- RAISING BASKET WILLOWS. < on which dozen miles of this city cannot be .Mr Murphy came here as a represen­ hood of the Wilson residence and the license has not been paid shall Klndree, Bonanza; li II. Iloyt, Mer­ •xcelled in extent and richness any­ tative ot tliugovernment and during rill; Fred Loos ley. Ft Ktarnnth. either use the energy for the Service , be caught and held l a few days, and The forestry service is preparing where on the Pacific Coast. With that time he has won for himself the dispose of it to the general public. i if not claimed they can be sold or to distribute 100,000 basket willow Committee on Good Rond» .1 S tlie nbiindiince of water tliut Is gunr- esteem and confidence of this com­ or SI ook, Judge Nolan, l> It Camp intecd to the lands of this valley for j killed. The owner of all dogs cuttings from its experimental farm t bell. W. <’. Dalton, J G. Stevenson, ill time, a "dry season” I h a terror munity. This was the first opixir- ! taken up by the police wil! have to at Arlington. Va. The Government tunity that had ever been offered for WANT .MODERN IIEPOT. The committee on entertainment of tlio past I pay a fine in addition to the regular has been conducting experiments The farmers here will the repri si ntutlve men of the city to Is at prison! planning n scries of iroduce more laming wealth than all with several grades of willow to de­ J tax before he can get his dog. pay tribute to his Integrity and abil­ II. Gates, member of the pub- Institutes for the county county. These O termine the best stock and its value {old miners of the uni Ion. ity and tho testimonial was certainly lie improvement committee of tbe special farmers' nnd ami dnlrymen'a I HOT HI’KINGN CASE SETTLED. under different soil and climate con­ The tunny acres of alfalfa near a flattering one. Clamber of Commerce, has cir- tie . i ii’>- i v. Ill M bdM In .'ill llkcll ditions. with the idea of promoting his city are being added to consider­ The evening was most pleasantly eulated a petition to Chief Con- hood Homo limo In May, r.nd special­ Most of the willow ably thin year and with the ab- spent, llgl t refreshments being serv­ A telegram was received Monday ■ the industry. .ti uction Engineer H. P. Hoey to be ists mid experts from Corvallis und unilunt supply of water Insured, It is used in this country in the manufac- by A. H. Naftzger, president of the ed and vocal and Instrumental selec­ forwarded to Chief Hood, urging that Portland will hr in attendance. ture of baskets is imported from Eu- toped that l!>0!l will be a record- tions being rendered. Mr. Murphy in the plans for a depot at Klamath Hot Springs Improvement Co., in-. Tho committee on livestock will breaking year. Barns filled to over­ left tills morning for Los Angeles forming him that the case of Von rope at a high price, but it has Falls the construction department have some of tho most Important flowing last fall arc now almost where lie will spend a brief period L. Meyer has been dismissed bp the been proven that the best grades give us as creditable a building as duties to perform, which can come imply, and the huge stacks of hay with his family before proceeding to i United States Circuit Court. This can be profitably raised in this coun- P<>- ible. Attention is drawn to the will In tho scope of Ho association lave nearly disappeared from the Washington to assume tho highly re- j case involved the title to the tract of try. Cons quentiy, farmers are ap- act that tlie city is revising its The work of thia committee will, plying their attention more and feed yards. sponsible duties of his new office. ■ d arter to provide for street pave­ land now owned in this city by the in fact, lay tho foundation for th« Merrill lias long worn tlie proud With him he takes Hie best wishes i Hot Springs Company and has been more to its culture each year. Only ment, sewer system and other sub­ success of dairying In the county. It title of the "Flour City," gained rtf a lost of friends who will always in the courts for a long time. This, four varieties arc being distributed, stantial Improvements, and also to Is desired that all parties desiring to Basket willows can be grown with from tho superb quality of flour pe phased to learn of his continued . det irion permanently settles the j purcl as« dairy animals make their the fact that the streets to ti e depot ii.iniifactiircd from tlie wheat grown success. qvition of title to this vvaluabie success in Klamath county as has grounds will be macadamized and ce- wants known to tho livestock com­ In tills section, far surpassing the It r.d and brings to an enJ Htiga- been demonstrated on a p' tion of The welcome extended to Mr nent sidewalks built. mittee. TI i I h committee wishes to grain grown In other parts of the Pntch was most cordial and was Indi- ' lie.i that has cost thousands of dol- Frank McCornack’s pine? above the keep in touch with tho livestock The Southern Pacific has been iiounty for Its excellency. We might intlve of the earnest support that lie lars in attorneys' fees and conrt city. Several years ago a quantity needs of the district nnd do all In constructing very creditable and of cuttings were planted along the ■ iow say with perfect propriety and may expect from the people not only • costs. Its power to get dairy stock Into the substantial wooden buildings at the marsh, and today there is a heavy good reason, "Merrill, the Flour City In this city but throughout the conn- ' county. C. G. Merrill, a member of i smaller stations along the line of growth on the place. Mr. McCornack ind Queen of the Alfalfa Belt." FINK MILES SOLD. Mr. Patch Is a “ good mixer ” nnd \ ty. tills committee, has nlrondy sent out ! California Northeastern, and it is states that the willows grow profuse­ Nowhere else In thin county docs for ono lot of dairy animals; J. F ilils lies! of the forage plants grow has won tunny friends wherever he expected that this city will be given ly and that he has any quantities Guy Merrill came up last Saturday has gone and it is a safe prediction | m handsome building of more sub- Adaniu lin.i 50 head on hand, and of them. He planted them as a so luxuriantly, nnd nowhere else is that lie will continue to do so as long from Merrill to attend the meeting of Mr. Gerber is ill California with a stnntlal material. Tbe petition is Its culture mote engaged in nnd as ho remains here. the Dairy Association. Mr. Merrill protection along the dyke near tho promise to Inform tho aswciatlon of 1 being r.lgncd by all the business men lake shore line. sclentIfically carried on Ilian In the !rs who wish to build a homo for Robt. Garrett arrived on Friday just received one of the finest com- public school building, and ho be ­ lish tho Klamath district second to and placed In Jnll to sober up. tl I'inscivcs. The company proposes Ing from Ashland to attend a meet­ puting scales ever shipped to Kla- none. Tho committee hopes to help lieved Hint Baldwin was tho man to cl ar tbe land and get it tn readl- ing of the Oregon & California Trans­ math Falls. The scales are of the who would soo that it was done. tho peoplo In the towns of tho coun­ Joi n W. Shook of Bonanza at­ i '«s io tl ot tho farmer can make a portation Company. It is reported Toledo make and are without try to got tho boat, wholesome, cer­ Mr. and Mrs Francis J Bowne re­ tended the mooting of tho Chamber - i <1 llvirg on the land tho first year that the company is considering put­ springs. The bearings are enclosed tified milk nnd dnlry products ob­ turned Thursday from their wed­ of Commerce Thursday and spoke ’ ■ occupies It. The best of terms ting on a service between Klamath In a glass case and are balanced on tainable anywhere. agate pivots. Falls and Lakeview this summer. is allowed to all bona-fide Bottlers. Is favor of the Lakeview road. ' The committee on dairy lmple- ding tour through the east.