Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1909)
4 * 4> * ♦ ♦ ♦ ' Hooper, Maud Boggs, Alfred Hmtlh, NEW WAY OF FERTILIZATION. « ♦ ♦ ♦ NI MM EKS NEWS. ♦ Tom Bears, J Fairclow, Bob Hhort, ♦ ftuceul discoveries In regurd to ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 44*44 »4» 4» ♦ ♦ ♦ Llnxl, Walter Hmlth,Lawren: e lioggx, Ruth Dixon, Issue Llnzl. i|p na’ure of »oil fertility have »ug IM beim Kent Flunk Irish ha» bought all ut Mrs gostod Hi« employmcnl of varlou» liuullng Wilson's Itout Icy h < lilckena. .ioVel fertilizer». Mangan««« ban place, relurned io town I iim I w«ek II Ingraham bus moved to (own been applied with nuccesa, and now Paul and Louis Wampler vini Addle Llnzl vlultcd her father last dr. Rlguux In»» published an ac- al II I. Ilogg» I mm I Week week ■ount of u Herb» of experiinonta, Mr. lloiihtou wan at the Musten 1 i . iui I h In lb Igiilm, In the employment Kil. Mrs. Roy ei '» ranch luit week ' of mugnexlu a» a fertilizer for cur- Bill I Bigley lx cleanlug auge brunii ala, potato«», beets aud legumili lu u Gon« home In Suilta Ilo»« and wlnie ho on his runch. oua crop». Tbo magm-xla was ap John Depew wn» riding after cut plied In the form of kulult, or Stru»»- inumili permaiioully. Harry Dopo* I» winking In tbv He laxt week. furt potash »alt, which contain» 14 Flunk McCormick lost Nome cow» per cent of magnesium »ulphatu. Rl- West End Maat Market, and Fred (ìlff la wot king In Hi« City Meat from sure mouth, vaulted by eating ;aux had previously proved that the foxlull. Market ' luantlty of mugnexlu in arable laud E. W. Hr'lth took a »love to town » smaller than lx generally suppos- lloopl't lx J D. for th« m » restaurant. alfalta d, and that the surface »oil ulways Charles Llnzl bloke hla plow while obtains lea» magneda than the sub E Idin Dennl« I» hauling barlny. Riley M i et a has sold bls blsck- working for C Ager. soil. Magnexla 1» found in plant« Mr». McDurlcy visited Mrx J l> smllii shop lie Is thinking of trad in considerable quantities, constitut ing hla property In town ftir 160 Hooper Inst week. ing, for example, Ci per cent of the Mr. McDurby bought some grain nere« of much land In Californite •tab of wheal und h per cent of the The government hud u loud of al from Mr. Furgcraon Hence, If no rnagnea- ash of out» uruin W Illium Hooper liuuled falfa hay and gialli brought out on ! iao fertilizer 1» applied, repeated th« launch. They »re now hit ii 11 ng Hat urday. I Topping must exhaust the magnesia Mr. Murphy wuh at J. l> Hooper'» Il to camp • if the »oil, to the detriment of xue- Jacob Myer» lx lek with > hl< k>*n on burlnes» last »<•■ k liu tins rent ceding crop» It appeared probable, cd the Carrick ianvil pox. lii-rcf ore, that I the application of Mr Jacob» vl»lt<-d bln ranch last Mei rill lie<t Week J Sear» was | nugncxla would produce u benefle- week. II Anderson conciti B< olt Ilin new »ns In th« neighbor al effect. Thls theoretical ■Ion wa» fully confirmed by the ex- hood buying lay last week. lo 11 •• gov- Roy Hchmelxcr 1» Visiting al the icrimenta. The yield of »ugar beet» wax increased by 4500 pound» to Horton runch Mr». W 1’ Mlle» has Ire« n visiting b«- ik ic . and the percentage of su- •ar wa» not diminished. With grain» ti nd Iter mother nt Klnmath Full». be Iricrenxe varl« 1 from one-seventh E. W. thulth bus bi t'll huving hoiik lie •<> one fifth of the total crop. On not plow -i t-urx poliit«<l at A I*. Mlles lian not d*cld« d yet win1 barley magnesia tad the peculiar ef blacksmith shop. lie will ink« the wagons W. 1’ Mll' i. made four wagon b«<l fect of dlnilnltf.lug the proportion Sam Short, who hr» of nitrogenous constituent». This last w' < k sick with measles, is up property 1» of advantage to brewers. Heliincl er las !>• • visiting Mr» again Stella Hoopi r. who bn» been »tm het mother, Mrs. I Ma«ten,at tl » Fulls. «Io fil'd great difficulty In making Mr. and Mr«, E. A. f'oancu und « -r <>f good keeping qualities from Ing with Mrs Daniel» daughter visited Mr h (Time- a par alley rlc) In nitrogen. The crop of and attending »(Tool tl IMI* cots, Mr and Mr* X J li. Hooper, laut •o'aloix wax lncr< a-e-d from 21,00*' rolled a» «ne of our i to 27,00*1 pounds per acre »nd wax arc week. Albion Georg« and lit Gcotge K< ll< y 1» hauling hay to end'-icd Immune to the attack» of a Kiilu attending school. The toad scraper has been at work Bennett'» f<«d »table from I loner ulldow ftinguH, which Infested the •>art of the field on which no kalnlt on the road In front of the school Roberts. and Mi» Smith visited Mi was used. Finally, the yield of hay E house, and travel Is much better. II II and Mr. and from natural meadow land was in Lowe la one of th« men employed on and Sunday, creased from 3000 to 4150 ¡rounds P Mrs It the tier acre. from Charley Faulkner, W W. Maaten I» working eight Horton Pli-vni District, was In our neighbor- four-horse teams on the hood buying grain last week. As a result of the good progress Ranch H. I. Boggs 1» plowing made by the bureau of onlmal Indua- W. W Maaten baa left for Imper- The visitors from this district to ' try In co-opcratlon with state au- lai Valley on a buillteax trip. J D lluoper haa finished plowing the Fulls lust we< k were: Jlnt Dlx ihorlth-t’ in the eradication of sheep on. Dave Wade. Mrs Routley. E W ■cnb. an order has bia-r. Issued by the Mra lloutley. who recently •old Hmlth. Bcott Barnes, Archie Colcston. secretary of agriculture, effective on Iter ranch to Dave Wade, Is now Tom Boars. J. Fairclaw, Bob Hhort, A pt II 1, removing th» federal quar- spending some time with her son. Henry Low«, John Darroch. T. \V artine on aciount of thia d lucane Jim Dixon, before leaving for points Darroch, John Cary. Glenn Stephens. from Montana and from portions of in Canada Bob Allen. Ufttlc Allen, C. Adam», North Dakota and South Dakota ly- Dave Wade la building a barn on Mr Fino. Charlie Andrew«. Judge Ing south anil west of the Missouri hi« ranch. Hhort, O Hhort. Mrs O. Hhort. John river. The statin and territories re W M. Maa ten Is haling hla grain Depew. Elmer Newton. Eldln Den maining In quarantine fortlils disease hauled front the Hurton Ranch. nis. Florence Short, Alite Short. arc Washington, Oregon, California Tom Hears has returned from a Vera Hchmeiser 1» stuylng with Nevada, Utah. Colorado, Arlxona, 1 ~ business trip to Kansas City, Mo her grandmother. Mrs. Masten, at New Mexico and T: xas. The Infec Fred Smith Is running thro« two- t he Fulls and attending school there tion In parts of tills area Is so slight horse plow» mid »ucli good Ip-adway is belug Tom Kinney, who baa been guard mad: toward Its eradlctfon that the ing the Ankeny ranch while under ♦ ♦ « bureau hopes to be able to release quarnatlne, has returned to the III ISLA ND ITEMS. ♦ fuithcr terrltoiy from quarantine ♦ Fail». ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦ during the present year. Austin Hooper, who left school Mr. Arnold, school teacher at Ixxng and went to Han Ftanclsco to enlist In the navy, has returned and la Prairie, visited J,-a»e Htrotts and now logging suge brush for hl» family on Friday and Saturday and went from there to Hoak.nd. fat her. Scott Barnes Is running a i Ml»» Alice Poole started to »chool plow on hla ranch. nt Jex»« St roti's last week. L. M Burt ha» beet, haullug hay Jim Dixon ba» finished fanning from J c - ah : Sliott a and took th: last grain. Daisy Smith, who has I been »t l:md Tuesday Je»>e StiollM Ir pulling boards on home with th« nieaalea, returned to one room, which he will finish tills school In town last week Our school yard lias been plowed week. . Mr. Trohce, Sr.. 1« driving th« and Is now ready to be Heeded in stage hi-lweeti Roseland a' d Cr.’sc: nt grit»». Geo. Sly und son, Tom, went to John Itarroch, who baa been under quarantine on the Ankeny ranch, Prinvlllc Bunday to attend Tonis' trial for a»sault on I ho perb-tn of returned to school Monday. Mrs .lames Dixon attended the Cha*. Flnl«v. Mr and Mis Graves were visitors si wing circle given by the Ladles Mr. Aid of Pine Grove Church last week. at Strott's home recently. John Lambert, the stage driver. Is i Grnves will sow quite a field of again making his usual rounds I I: ver in add«.->n to hl« ¡«esant field. Htroils t.nd family wore at through this neighborhood, since the Roseland Inst Sunday. road» have become better. W. G. Fordham, of Crook county, Charlie Ager win helping Jim han been removed to another part of Dixon brand calves Inst week. Jltn Dixon, Louie Dixon and Dave the district and will teach three Wade have been plowing on the montlis of ncnoot In his home. Chas. Anderson, win was Injured later'» ranch. by a log rolling on him nt the saw- II L Itoggn him with thoroughbred Plymouth Rocks. mill about fiv: weeks ago, has not Johnnie CarlJ has been dragging recovered the use of his lift arm yet. Ml.«» (’Inni (I. Scott bad lo give up the tallroad grade grade for .1. her Hchool on account of her brother Hear». Cal Hutchinson Is no longer work being sick Mr. and Mrs. St. Thomas moved ing for W. P Mlles from the sawmill to Long Prairie last Roy Kinsman, who baa been on an extended visit to relatives and Sunday. There Is very little snow left on friends In th’e Middle West, Is the cleared ground and the grass again on his homestead. Eva Ingraham Is going to woi k .s getting green very fast. Mr: John C. Taylor called on Mra. for Mrs Beryl Hhort. Mr. Brooks has finished plow Ing Stroit» one day last week to have the It was a Very Home of W. 1' Mile»’ steers got out baby's photo taken disagreeable day for that kind of last week. Mrs. Kern anil Miss Addle Llnzl work. Mr. mid Mr». Trohec, Jr., visited visited at Jim Dixon's last Sunday. Charles Llnzl bought four tons of nt the home of W. H. Howard InHt | Sunday. hay from Harry Pointer. The dance > given Inst Saturday Mr. and Mrs Jim Dixon visited night <11:1 not draw much of n crowd; Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Short Sunday. Mr. Snowgoose has been making weather was t unfavorable. hi.« usual spring rounds through the community. Charles Llnzl Ims been plowing for Charles Ager. Those on the roll of honor Inst month were Leon Boggs, William T Are You Looking for a Sure Investment? .... If so the Town of Midland / Offers the Proper Inducements have the most flattering inquiries regarding Midland and vicinity. Many people who have seen the Klamath Project “General Map” have noticed and commented on same to the effect that Midland is the most centrally located town in the Project and is destined to be the One principal shipping point in Klamath County. of the largest flour milling plants in Eastern Ore gon will be located at Midland; one of the largest alfalfa milling plants in Eastern Oregon will be located at Midland; 50 per cent of the surplus alfalfa hay, grain and vegetables will be shipped from Midland; 50 per cent of the surplus horses, cattle, hogs and sheep will be shipped from Midland. We own over thirty-three hundred acres of land surrounding Midland which will be sold at rock-bottom prices and on easy terms, and tor the next thirty days, commencing Saturday, March 27th, we u ill sell town lots at half their present value. For Particulars see CAMPBELL 81 MMONH NOTRE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, A General Land Office, Washington, D. In the Circuit Court of the Slate By virtue of an execution and order C., January 7, 1909. of Oregon, for the County of Klam- Notice of Restoration of Publia of sale duly Issued by the Clerk of ath. , I^nds to Settlement and Entry. the Circuit Court of Klamath County, W. A. Turner and W. P. Rhoads, No £otice is hereby given that the Partners under the firm name of Tur State of Oregon, dated the 19th day Fi*t Assistant Secretary of the In ner Bros. & Rhoads, Plaintiffs, vs. of January, 19U9, in a certain action terior has vacated departmental or J. Frank Adams, Martha Adams and at law in the Circuit Court of the der of withdrawal in so far as iti« F. O. Pierce, Defendants. State of Oregon, for the County of same affects the withdrawal for ir- I EHTR.W NOTICE. Sult In Equity to Foreclose a Lien. Klamath, wherein Albert Sbur as rigation purposes under the act ot I June 17. 1902 (32 Stat., 388), for Summons. Black yearling colt, with white To the above named defendant, F. O. plaintiff recovered judgment against use in connection with the KlamatM W. H. May, defendant, for the sum Project, Oregon, of the following de «tar on forehead, Camo to my place Pierce: about 2 months ago. Branded on In the name of the State of Oregon, of Four Hundred Forty-eight and scribed lands in the State of Oregon, •eft shoulder. Win. CRAWFORD, I you are hereby required to appear 70-100 ($448.70) Dollars, together and by his authority such of said Jt-l 8-4t Reservation. iind answer the complaint filed ag with Interest thereon from the 24th tracts as have not been heretofore ainst you In the above entitled suit, day of August, 1908, at the rate of finally restored and are not other TREAM REIt'S NOTICE. on or before the 6th day of May, 8 per cent per annum, and an order wise withdrawn, reserved, or appro Klamath Falls, March 31, 1909. 1909, that being the date of the last of sale of the NEV* of SE14 of Sec priated, will be subject to settlement" Office of the Treasurer, Klamath Co. publication of summons, and the last tion 31, Township 40 South of Range under the public land laws of th* Notice is hereby given that there day within which you are required to 8 East, W. M., as upon execution to United States on and after April 6. are funds In the County Treasury for answer, as fixed by the order of pub satisfy said sunt, on the 18th day of 1909, but shall not be subject to en the redemption of all County War try, filing, or selection until May 6, lication of this summons; and If you January, 1909. rants protested prior and including Notice is hereby given that I will 1909, at the United States land office tall to appear and answer, the plain July 2. 1908. at Lakeview, Oregon, warning being tiffs will apply to the court for the on the 9th day of April, 1909, at Interest on same will cease from the front door of the Court House in expressly given that no person will relief demanded In said complaint. this date. March 31. 1909 •be permitted to gain or exercise any Said suit is brought to foreclose KlatnaSh Falls, Oregon, at the hour CLAUDE 11. DAGGETT. right whatever under any settlement of 2 o'clock p. tu. of said day, sell at a certain material-man's lien bn a County Treasurer. or occupation begun after January 4-1 certain 1 *4 story barn, of which you public »uction to the highest bidder 6, 1909, and prior to April 6, 1909, tor cash the following described prop \<>1 |< I OF <il ARDI IN'S sali : are the owner, situated on the follow I all such settlement or occupation be erty, to-wlt: ing described land to-w lt: ing forbidden: The NE% of the SE% of Section The EV4 of the NEK of Sec. 7, Willamette Principal Meridian. 31 in Township 4 0, South of Notice Is hereby given that In pur Tp. 41 S.. R. 11 East of Willamette T. 40 3., R. 9 E., 3*4 NEK. Sec suance of an order of the Honorable Meridian in Klamath County,Oregon: Range 8 East, Willamette Mer tion 24. idian, in Klamath County, Oregon, J. B. Griffith, County Judge, of the which said lien Is for materials fur taken and levied on as the property FRED DENNETT, Commissioner ot County of Klamath, aud State of Or- nished by said plaintiffs to you to b« the General Land Office. 1 of W. H. May, or so much thereof as egon, made on the 30th day of No- used, and which were used, in the FRANK PIERCE, First Assistant I may be necessary to satisfy said judg vember, 1908, in the matter of tho (construction of said barn, and for Secretary of the Interior. ment in favor of the said Albert Shur estate of Charles H. Moore, an In- which materials said lien was there- and against said W. H. May and 1-28-4-1 sane person, which said order au- after filed witu the county clerk of together with Interest thorized the sale of the real estate'said county, within thirty days from : said land, (the time the said materials were fur- thereon and costs and disbursements hereinafter described. The undersigned, John N. Moore, nlshed, and was for the sum of $109.- to accrue. Dated this 9th day of February, guardian of the estate of the said S3 with Incidental costs to the amount I 1909, at Klamath Falls, Oregon. Charles 11. Moore, an Insane person, of $6.80; and for an order to sell W. B. BARNES, will on and after the ll>th day of said barn to satisfy the amount of Sheaiff of Klamath County, Oregon April, 1909, sell at private sale for said lien, together with r »asonab! - cash, subject to confirmation by said attorney's fees, costs and disburse- Ever had trouble of your own with Count.v Judge, the following describ ments. a lured man? That unless you apuenr and an ed renl property, to-wlt: East Halt Real "The Late John Wiggin»” in of (ho North West Quarter and the swer on or before ti e 6th day of May, tlds month’s EV ERYBODY'S.and \orth Half of the North East Quar- 1909, the plaintiffs will applv to the laugh over the other fellow’s trouble. ¡or of Section Twenty-six ( 26 ), Town court for the relief demanded in said thlp Thirty-eight (38) South, Rang. Six (6) East, W. M, Propositions for the purchase o' ahi property may lie left with Alex lie tin, at the Klamath Countv Hank Oaniuth Falls, Oregon, or at the oi Ice of Geo. \V. Trcfren, Attorney n h «',1 Ashland, Oregon , , JOHN N. MOORE, Ontario l.i enthusiastic over the prospect of curly activity In the Mat ’rtiartllnn of the Estate of Charles H Moore, Insane. hour Irrigation Project, wljRc Ln Dnte of first publication, February ('.rande Is greatly encouyngiHl ' over »5. 1909. 2-25-4-8 •m enterprise of n sfmllhr trtiture. fc/erybodys ^gn^agazme complaint. This summons Is published In the 'Claniath Falls "Repiiblb ar.," n week- ' y newspaper print: J and publisl > I •t Klnnmtb Falls, Oro-ton, by order >f Hon. George Noland, Judge of aid court, dated the 23rd dav o* Mnrch, 1909; the first publication to be made on the 25th day of March, 1909, and the last publication to be made on the 6th dav of Mav, 1909. H. VV. KEESEE. Attorney for Plaintiff 3-25-5-6 D.d you know that more funny short stories are swapped from "1 he Chestnut Tree ” than f: m any ether sim'.ir collection anywhere? Fiery tn nth you can find one that you’ll laugh over till you get the next. Get EVERYBODY'S and sec. i rm t ! ntrnv Fur Sale By F. E ANKENY AMERICAN CONFECTIONERY t