Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, March 25, 1909, Image 1

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NO. 52
The second Friday In the after­ First Rtrp Taken to Promote Dairy
March 23. At
Niales Government Will Ik* U-nirut
it is quite probable that farmers'
Tbe time bus arrive«! at last when
men's Interesta.
With K Initial h Project.
It Is possible to ««iiuu within a rues Institutes will be lielu In 'he B«-*r tho long* st Cabinet mooting of the noon in April of each year has been
unable dlsiancti of guessing the day
It. H Smith, attorney for the Kla­ when the first train will reach Klam
math Water Users Association, re­ uth Fulls, and with the approach of
turned Sunday night from Washing thia much to be and long awaited
ton where bn went 111 the Interest of event comes the question, "What are
th«« landowners under the Klamath the people of thin city and county go
Project. lie will ooly remain here lug to do about IlT" Custom has es­
a few days when he will go to Salem tablished tbe rule that whenever u
where he has u cass before tho Hu- railroad has been completed, tbe final
pr««iuo Court the latter part of tbe ad, that of driving the gold« n spike,
lie will probably be uuable is attended with appropriate curo-
to bo present at tbe regular meeting luonles, uud tliat the nainii custom
of tho directors of tbe Association the should be followed In this >-|ty will be
first of th« mouth, but the records admitted by everyone. Those who
ot bis work In Washington will be have lived here for nearly two scorn
years, everyone of which carried with
presented to the meeting,
In speaking of th>< results of his It II««« rumor that "a rallr<>s«l Is coin
trip to Washington, Mr. Hmlth said Ing," need no longer look forward to
that with tho help ot Henator Fulton the opportune time, but may realise
he made a strong effort to secure re­ at last Ills long wished for d«sire
lief lu the payment fur water rights, The railroad will be hero and with Its
but that as practically every other coming should be one of the greatest
project bad ask««d for help before his celebrations that this city or county
arrival lu Washington, and bad been ever dreamed of.
.Many celebrations have been at
turned down, the Secretary would
not allow the graduated payments as tempted In tbe past, attended with
as kid
However, ho wa«i promised more or loss success, but the one in
that while the landowners would be honor of the completion of the rail
road should bo of more than the or­
notified of tbe payments as they be
dinary type It should bo dignified Ip
came due. If It was shown that they i
character and yet filled with the gen­
were uuable to meet their obligation, I
uine enthusiasm natural on such oc­
th«« payments would not bo forced bo-
'Ibis Is a work taut prop­
fore tbe end of tho first year
erly belongs to the Cbamb« r of Com
to, they would be able to get water
uiuri c. The directors of that organi­
for the first two years If they made
zation are men of ability aud Integ­
their payments for maintenance. The
rity and such a celebration may prop­
payments would have to be made tho
erly be del« gat' d to them without
third year, however, before they eonld
the fear that It will either be ne­
eruru water
By that time the land
glected or the Commission abused
would all bo well under cultivation
On» auggestloa that might be of­
and able to pay for the water
fered at this lime Is the advisability
Mr. Hmlth stated that he believed of Inviting. and endeavoring to se­
that from now on there would bn cure the presence of tho Governors
a much bettor understanding beiwtwn of California and Oregon; likewise
tho landowners uud the Washington the two United State« Benators aud
office and that the feeling would be Congrtissuinn Hawley from Oregon
much more frleudly. Hocrelary Gar­ and such other persons of prominence
field knew absolutely nothing as to In public and bualncHS life as will
what woa b< Ing done here, aud even make the event a noteworthy one.
Mr Newell was sadly lacking In
Connected with the event might be
As a result of Mr a week's celebration In tho nature
Smith's visit, tho Klamath Project of a carnival or a street fair, if the
will receive much more attention In directors deemed such a thing ad­
tho future. Henator Carter, who 1s visable. What was left over from
chairman of the Irrigation Commit­ the last carnival might be utilized
tee, Informed Mr. Hmlth that bo on this occasion. Then, also, might
would visit all the projects this sum­ be belt! a public rally, to which Tom
mer, and stated that hr would make Richardson, of Portland, might be
a careful investigation of the work Induced to come and a permanent
being done In Klamath. Mr. Cbara- fund for tbe advertising of this coun­
bi rlaln has been placed on the Irri­ ty start««!. Throughout Oicgon th<««<
gation Committee with Henator Car­ rallies are being bold and Klamatl
ter. uud the prospects are that Klam­ Falls is now among the few towns re­
ath will bo looked after.
malning off the Hat. The time for
It Is also quite probnble that Sec- thu preparation of this celebration Is
rotary Hallin,:«! will visit Klamath extremely short and It behooves all
County this year on hla trip to the of us to get out and hustle, so as to
West, Mr. Ballinger and Mr. Pulton make It an event that will attract the
are very close frieuda, aud at the re­ attention of the entire Pacific Coast
quest of Mr. Fultou he promised to
give attention to the Klamath Pioject
as soon as he b««<-anie settled In office.
A full carload, 45,000 pounds, of
Mr. Hmlth staled that In order for
tho government to go on with the grain aud alfalfa seed was received
work It would be necessary for the Friday by George I Baldwin. Th.
Wuter Users Association to tile sup need Is for W. W. Maaten and will
pleniuntal articles Increasing the cap­ be sowed thia spring on laud In the
ital stock. This was a matter that Klamath llasln south of Klamath
would have to bo settled by the stock­ Falla. This la only one Individual
order but neatly all of the farmers
holders themselves
In tho valley are planulng to put more
acreage In grain and alfalfa this year.
I The dtmiand has always been tn ex-
There bus been a steady Increase ii « hh of tlio supply and there is a
in tho incoming travel and it is stat­ good market for both alfalfa and
ed that tho hotels are kept full ull grain and these two crops nre al­
the time and mime hsve been forced ways sure and require I ««as work than
to turn away people on account of i others.
lack of accommodations. When the
heavy truvel, which is expected, be­
gins, It is feared that there will not
bo accommodations In tho city for
The Klamath County Bank, the
all tho people.
The homesockers oldest financial institution In the
from the East bavo hardly begun to county, will finish moving to their
invade Klamath County and It is ex­ new quarters, and aro ready for bnsl-
pected that when they begin to ar­ ness at the cornor of Fourth and
rive about next month, rooms will bo Main,
Tho Klamath County Bank will
at a premium.
have much inore commodious quar-
Uhllth-ne Nickerson.
ters in the new building, which has
been fitted up with handsome new
Guy A. Childers nnd Miss Lets furniture. All of the fittings, rail­
May Nickerson were united In Ings, office doors, etc., are of metal.
marriage nt 8 o'clock Inst evening and the entire building Is as near
at tho home of the bride s parents, tire proof as it Is possible to make it.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Nickerson. The
ceremony wan performed by Rev.
J. VV. Price of tho Methodist Church.
The last of the beef cattle for the
The groom is one of Klamath
Falls’ successful business men nnd season left tho big Merrill feeding
with his brothers is engaged in the grounds last Friday ¿«nd Saturday.
brick nnd mnson contracting busl- J. C. Mitchell started seven cars;
ness. Tho bride Is very popular In Lewis Gerber, night cars, and F. Stu
both social and musical circles. The kel, live cars. Messrs. Langell and
The young couple will make their Gerber nlso took out one carload of
flno brood mares, which were con­
home in tills city.
signed to Stonewnll At Company, of
Warren D. Klngdon Is In the city Williams. California.
All of Ibis stock will be shippod
from Fort Klamath on timber bust
from Mt. Hebron.
future ut M« i rill, Bonanza an ) K's present Administration, with a full s«t aside as "Arbor Day," and the
One of th.i most Important meet­
math Falls, at wh.ih pauL'ula.' nt inenibcrshlp attending, finances were law provides that It st all bo observ­
The ed by the teachers and school chil­ ings ever hold In Klamath Falls and
tenti«. «1 will be glv«n to the dlscu-»- discussed In dotall to-day.
In a one from which great results aro pre­
dlwusslon turned upon the subject dren throughout the state.
»ion of <h<- dalry il ferente.
President H«*lleman, of the ns'ent- of raising revenu«-s to replenish the circular Just Issued to the teachers dicted, was held last Saturday at
Iv organized Klamath County Dairy Tr«-nMury and to provide against a by Htato Superintendent Akertnan the office of Frank Ira White, when
over thirty of tbe leading farmers
As-oclatlon. requested the Corvallis furtl er reduction In tbe event that he says:
“The grounds of many of our and land owners gathered for the
Agricultural College to send a man there Is an actual reduction of rev-
here to be present at Hie meetlug to ! ■ rues from the revise«! tariff bill. school louvn have been made much purpose of organizing a dairy asao-
be held the coming Hal'liday.
Ho 1 Among tho many measures that have rnorn beautiful during the past few ! cjatlon- fhe great« st interest was
received a reply from Prof. Kent, ! boon brought forward is that of a years, through the planting of gar-1 manifested by the large attendance
who Is the bead of the Dairy depart­ two per cent tax on dividends of dene and shrubbery, but In a large- which completely filled the office.
ment, stating tbut It would hardly J corporations other than banks, trust number of districts very little has
Much useful Information was giv­
pay to make the trip for just on«« .companies and Insurance companies. yet been done. For this reason I en by those experienced in the busi­
It was stated to-day that although wish to reiterate some of the things ness, and the interest manifested
meeting, but If a series of several
meetings could be arranged for he Presld««nt Taft had gon«« so far as to which I have said to you before, and showed that the farmers of Klamath
ask for an estimate from the Treas­ to remind you that before any ap­ have awakened to the importance and
would be glad to come.
Mr. Holleman Immediately took ury Department a» to tbe amount of propriate exercises can be held on advantage of promoting the dairy
the tuat«T up with the people of Mer­ rev«-nue that might b«« derived from Arbor Day you must begin at the industry in this section. W. H. Heil­
rill and Bonanza and met with great such lax. he w«i by no means com­ very beginning. That Is to say, any eman, of the Reclamation Service,
The discussion as to how to make more who was present, gave some very
encouragement and was assured that mitted to the proposition.
the meetings would be well attended Treasury estimate waa $16,000,000. beautiful your school grounds is en­ valuable information from his vast
lie has wired Prof Kent to that ef- A decision as to what measures of tirely out of place In a building that .knowledge of the soils and climatic
feet and will learn by tomorrow taxation shall be adopted apparent­ is not kept In a clean and attractive ¡conditions of tbe county. Mr. Heile­
when he will be able to come, ft ly Is a long way off, for there is no I condition, It is argued by some that man stated that the Klamath coun­
Is hoped that Prof. Kent will be able unanimity ut opinion as to any of this Is not a part of the teacher’s try was ideal for the dairy herd and
to come here In time for lhe Batur- the propositions so far considered work, but the fact remains that predicted that the time was near at
day meeting, but if he cannot do so Tbe only proposition that has assum- whether or not you have an attrac- band when this «ounty would produce
th«« me. tings throughout the county ed definite form B that of an inher­ tion Interior, rests very largely with < butter and cheese equal to any sec­
will be arranged for bls convenience. itance tax. and this method already the teacher. If the patrons of the tion in the United States. He spoke
Prof. Kent Is recognized as one of has aroused a storm of protest from district are not interested In putting very favorable of the co-operative
the beat posted men in the state ot> the States where such a tax already down a new floor in a rural school plan in the creamery business and
building, when the old one Is worn
agriculture and dairy busin«*ss, nnd Is levied to raise State revenues.
urged that this movement be not con­
I ls coming here would be a great i The Fr«?sident and bla advisers be- out, the teacher should see to It that fined to this end of the Klamath Ba­
benefit to the farmers who are just . Ilev«« that some acceptable substitute such an interest will be aroused sin, but should cover the entire val­
starting the dairy business His prac­ for an Indirect taxation will be do­ throughout the district that the con- ley. He stated that the sooner the
ditlons will change. Not only should
tical knowledge would save them th« ¡vised.
Klamath farmer added the dairy herd
there be a good floor in the school
expense of a lot of unnecessary ex----------------------------
to bis farm, the better it would be
KLAMATH HOSPITAL NOU OPEN house, but it should also be kept
scrupulously clean. The ceiling and for the prosperity of the entire coun­
ty. He explained the particular good
The Klamath Hospital Is now open the walls should be kept freshly
points of the Jersey, Holstein, Dur­
to patients. The first shipment of painted, and there should be a har­
ham and other breeds, and gave It
it baa developed that Owen Heath­ surgical apparatus, etc., arrived from
hia opinion t'aat the Holstein or a
erly, tbe cook who was taken sick I Chicago yesterday and another la fol­ glaring colors, as they are injurious
with tbe Jersey would be more
at thu American House, is afflicted lowing one week behind. It is ex- to the eyes, and do not make a good
successful in this climate than tbe
with nothing more serious than a ported that that department will be
pure blood Jeraey, especially as the
case of measles
Dr. Hamilton, the in complete working shape the latter gray-green, or cream color are good
latter needed very careful attention
Health Officer, stated that there Is part of next week at the latest.
and would not stand exposure aa
no smallpox at the hotel and wished
Medical and maternity
some of the tardier breeds would.
to announce to the public that there be received at any time, Special ef-
possible toft will be made to have the dietary tbe wood-work. Tbe windows should
Is no Indication of any
Another meeting of those inter­
sprofid of tie disease, Every case service as perfect and pleasing as also be kept clean, especially the
in the promotion of the dairy
of slckneas in the city is carefully possible, The rates are $25 per week
inveetlgatvd and eveiy PI« LMUUOIl for private rooms and 2II 5 a week lower csslngs meet. There should business will be held on Saturday,
is being taken.
Tue luu vi >to>ual for rooms containing two or three he at least one or two good pictures March 27. This is for the purpose of
-OSes ««I lhe dlsea»«', which w«»re con­ bods. The usual additional I rates will hung on the walls. Any unframed I enabling others who were unable to
pictures that have become discolored j he present at the first meeting to at-
tracted outside ol luv loutii). a«e UM t»e
be charged
for those case« I requiring
C. ”
G. Merrill stated that he
sc'Ied she ild be taken down and * tend.
only ones in the couuly, uuu u.e»«,v()r I «■siring a private nurse. Cases
wo are progressing very nicely naw WMmng for operation or confinement destroyed. If your school house is believed that a large number of the
farmers of the Merrill country would
nnd will soon b«« couipk,ej? tvcoVci- wm
charged at hotel rates until in this condition, it is not Inapprop­
riate to hold in such a building ex­ attend the next meeting.
------------- ---------
Dr Hamilton
is of ----
opinion 1 they rtqu|re nursing,
The following are the officers elect­
ercises that will tend to arouse an
that there Is no causo for alarm, as 1
A fee of $5 for minor surgery and
President, W. H. Heileman;
he does not anticipate any further 110 for major operations will be re­ interest in keeping the grounds in ed:
vice-president, Frank Ira White;
Tbe officers, however, will quired of phystclanB desiring the u»< nore perfect conditions.
"From the Interest cultivated in secretary, J A. Holcomo. A commit­
keep a careful watch of strangers of the operating rccm.
setting out trees, rose bushes and tee consisting of W. H. Heileman.
coming Into tbe city, aa both cases
'shrubbery on the school ground, a Frank Ira White, J. A. Holcome, C.
here were brought In fioui the out­
Owner and nurse in charge. child will learn to do more of such
G. Merrill and O. A. Stearns will re­
' work in the garden a* home, and port on by-laws at the next meeting.
i quite naturally this will lead up to
NEW FRAN« HIKE an interest in the orchards at home
The teacher may make herself valu- (
An Informal meeting was held on able to the entire district. If she
The ladies of the Grace Episcopal
The following Is one of many in­ Mondny between the members of the will learn all about tbe care of an or- Guild and members and friends ot
quiries received daily by Postmaster Council, H. V. and O. B. Gates and chard, including the different in- ’ the Episcopal church are very pleased
Einmltt. It Is written front Washing- the City Attorney. The meeting was sects and diseases that attack or­ over the news that Rt. Rev. Robert
held for the purpose of getting to- chards and the proper cure for each. IL. Paddock, Episcopal Bishop of
■'Postmaster, Kind Sir:— A h my j gtl er on certain provisions to be Directions concerning this and the _______
____ __ , _
Eastern Oregon,
Is expected
«apa is talking of moving to your Inserted In the new fianchlse tn be different kinds of sprays can be ha«1 1 from San Francisco on the 25th or
city, 1 thought 1 would write and find granted to the Light * Water Com- by applying to the Experiment Sta-|26th inst., and are making arrange-
ml what kind of a school there is, ’ pany.
If ments for services while he is here,
lion, at Corvallis for bulletins,
Tbe city asked for certain conces- the pupils can see any practical also a reception on Friday evening
md churches, and if there are an,
-wiluous or pool looms there, Would dons from Mr. Gates in regard to a benefit from the instructions given at the Baldwin Club room, at which
also like to know if there the any new lighting system and other Im- them on Arbor Day and in tbe pre­ Bishop Paddock will relate some of
nosquitos or fleas, as I have heard nrovements. These were agreed to paration leading up to the work for his experiences while traveling in Eu­
there were. What Is the climate and by Mr. Gates and were embodied In that day, it is easy to secure their co­ rope, particularly in Russia
do all kinds of vegetables and fruits the ordinance introduced at the operation.”
meeting of the Council Tuesda)
This reception will be held at 7:30
do well thre?
' p. m. Friday evening, March 27. An
"Is there any land to be taken? night. There are no indications that
¡evening service will be held in the
Be sure and answer these three ques­ there will be any hitch in the passage
tions, If you have the time to an- I of the ordinance, as the city was
NEW YORK. March 23—Stand­ Baldwin Club room on Saturday at
ni. Sunday morning services
swor. Is there a saloon pool-room ; given what it asked for and Mr. Gates ing on the bridge of the steamship 8. p. tn.
Mr. Hamburg and acknowledging the en­ will be held at 10:30 a. m. tn the
nnd a good school? Thanking you «■orcured in the conceslons.
Gates will remain until Thursday be­ thusiastic cheering of thousands of Houston Opera House and Sunday
In advance, I remain, Yours truly,
fore leaving for home.
persons who had assembled to bid evening services in the Baldwin Club
MARY-------- ”
him good-by, Theodore Roosevelt room at 8 p. m. All are invited and
sailed for Africa to-day.
He was will be welcomed.
smiling happily and showed unmis-
Countv Health Officer Dr. Hamil­ takeably his pleasure at the warmth
The steamer Wineinn will be back ton advises all persons who have not 1 of the reception accorded him. Be-
from Odessa where she lias been for nlriadv done so to lose no time In i <lde him stood hts son, Kermit, and
A hospital for the use of the county
tho last month, Mr. Totten having g'tllng vaccinated,
Every passen- . Captain Burmeister, Commander of and city of Klamath Falls is to be
his work In hand at tliat place, The g'-'r who arrived on the boat Thurs- I the vesel.
The big ship left her built on the county poor farm. The
steamer will probably start on her CitV v Itb Harry Pearson should tak» ¡pier at 11:06 o'clock and slowly specifications for the bids, which have
regular run soon.
precaution at once so as to pre­ made her way out into the stream, been advertised for, provide for a
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hamilton have mov­ V«”'t en v spread of the smallpox. The amid the cheers that complely five room building of one story. The
ed back to thelr Crusoe home on ' two coses are now being carefully ■lrow«'d the music of the bands contract was let on Monday and the
Buck Island. They will garden the iguarded and all persons known to which were playing "The Star-Span­ building Is to be erected at once. The
Island again tl In year as the soil is I have heen exposed have been vacci- gled Banner.’’
expense of the building will be borne
of nn exceptionally productiv«« nat nated.
The distinguished traveler was by the county and city jointly.
still on the bridge, watching the
It was discovered that Harry Pear- scene as the vessel was warped out
on, who returned Thursday from into the stream and headed down
Word received from Rev. Geo T. Salem, had the smallpox. He OCCtl- the bay.
The County Commissioners have
let the contract to R. E. Wattenburg
Pratt states that Mrs. Pratt under­ nl<'d the county jail for th«' nljht and
Major and Mrs. Chas. E. Worden for the erection of a county hospital
wont her second operation in lhe Friday taken to the Ankeny ranch
Mercy Hospital at Roseburg on Tues where ho will bo kept with Claud«1 are expected home soon from their which Is to be built on the poor farm
The operation was in every Cloptou.
It Is believed that Pear­ trip to Toledo,Oh Io, where they were 'The building will be a small one, and
way successful «nd Mrs. Pratt Is do son must have caught the smallpox present during tbe last Illness of Mr 1 win be one story and contain five
Work Is to commune«’ nt
Worden's mother.
Mr. and Mrs
Ing nicely.
A speedy recovery Is at Weed as it Is reported tliat th«
:i d finished without delay.
looked for.
are a number of cases at that pla« I Worden aro now In San Frnncl <o