30 and 31, T. 40 8. '1. 13 E. where N vh I' h Vegeta uuld section line reach«»« summit ot bl»> I'tescriptIon in indicated tn all titila; theuco follow Ing the summit ottllllsry ilircanrs of hills northerly and westerly to of women. This Tp. line on west ot T. 40 8 H I (i E ; 1 enoily never dlsappotnts, He theme north along Tp. line to place good rlYi’l'tS he of beglunlng. o ti» leg perceptible liemi District N i St I 8 It. from the very ? to ll<'glnnliig at N. W. T. ivest on til Mt. I is com­ t lienee pel» d of I lie pur­ 39 8. R. 11 E. W. M ; tl on T. 4 I 8. est und most re­ Tp. line to N. hi. coruet begin line to liable dings — tlieuiu north u Ion g I’p. mercurials, »pi­ i corner of T. 38 8. It. I I tonti District stes und other 87 l*KR HACK F '1 IT 8UGAK ..................................... lianntul iltuuv east on Tp. line to N. E Beginning at the 8 I t ing excludeiL IS LBS. fit. 00 3 8 8. R. 13 E.; tl » id) FRUIT Hl GAR T 4 1 Hit. 13 H, on Hint« line; The many dis- line to 8. E. curlier 0' la conceiting n tin- noiih on Tp lino io N W corner o’ *JOe Lit. I i l.AR 2Sc HPEt m» 22« COFFEE I’p.; Ihctic»» west ua Tp. Hue to N. E. T. 4 0 8 II. 13 E . thence east on Tp 1'llllH to which women in con­ ! corner of T. 39 8 it. 13 E. ; tlii'iie,' 1« 2-8c LB. i; LAK 2Oc 8PW IAL A 4X4FFKK line to N. E st uni ly subjected ,south on Tp. line tu N. E corner see- 40 8. It. 13 E render her liable ■Be 1 LAR 81.0« CAN M. J. B. COFFEE tlou 34. T ;ii< 8 K 11 E.; thence Ilon Uno to N to tunny fmic tlonul ilisordcis west oil section Eue» to N w corner 22. T. 39 8 it 35c lit ‘.I I AR 50c DO8. ORANGES that nut only tend of sectlou 22, T. 39 8. it 13 K, toil» »tiny her colllfoll Uli'l hn| pill«**, aoc theuco south on ue»ilou lima to BE I LGV LAR 35c DOS. LEMONS but w inch gradually merge into chronic corner of section 33, T. 39 8 It 13 E .......... H5c and serious I 1 tiULAR fit OO HACK DAIRY SALT thenco west on Tp. line., tn 8 W. cor Nyal's Vegetable 1*1 ‘ •< ript ion is with out h p'-> r for tin* »1111 < 'nful treatment nvr of T. 39 8. it. 13 E.; thence souti of f< mule weakness, painfill »lid diror- on Tp. line to H U. corner of sec dered menstruation. hysteria, cramps, tlou 34. T. 40 8. It 12 E ; tlienci "bearing down pains." inllatnmaimn west ou seitlon llm to 8. W corn» amt falling of th»' wunib. This is a rem­ edy of Sti rling worth of section 31. Tp. 40 8. R. 13 E thence mirth 011 *» .ion Iln»'. to N W UNDERWOODS PHARMACY corner of s»»ctlun 4, T. 40 8 It. I coll. Till AM’ MAIN HTM. n. E.; Giunco west on Tp line to 8 W | L* 8. II. 14 K. W M ; thmi<».< 1 Klamath Falls - Oriyor corner of Tp. 3t> 8. IL I 1 on Tp. Hu»» to N W. corner of ’ north ou Tp line lo pinci ■ 1 ------------------------ ’ Is R It E ; thenco cant to N E ning. j Dl.l All I MLN I t I rilK I.NIERIOIC j n»»r of T IN R. R. 16 E Komi District No. tlcncrul Lund Office, Washlngtou, boundary, thenco south Beginning at the 8 W. COUNTY COURT. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦S D. U., December 24, 1901|. buutidary to 8. K. corner of T 3!» T. 37 8 R 13 E. W. J Monday, February 16. 1909 ♦ GALE HAPPENINGS. ♦ Notice of Restoration of 1‘ubllc II. 16 E.; thence west on Tp. Hue north on Tp liti«' to N W 10 o'clock A. 61. Jas. O. Walker et ux to W A Wal- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ laiuds to Settlement ami Entry. placo of beginning. said Tp. ; thence w»st on ’ line to 15th day of Tertn. ker, nw% of sw 14 , sec 3«. tp 36 » I Notice la hereby given that the Rnnil District No. 15. The telephone men completed the r 14 e, 310.00. 9 E.; Court met pursuant to adjourn-1 S. E. corner of of Secretary of the Interior hue varutvil All of Klamath County north government telephone line Tuesday to N. W Daniel Walker to W A. Walker, went, when the following pruceed thence north on depurtui»»ntai older order of withdrawal ▲dams Point. thence I’p .11 ■ corner of T. 3! e*4. sec 38, tp 36 s, r 14 e. 31500 00 Ings were had: Insofar as the same affects ttio with­ Whereupon Court adjourned with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Anderson took The following General Claims wer<‘ *’n Tp.llne to county lino; lhenev Daniel J. Walker et ux to W. A. drawn] fur irrigation purposes under Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brownell to the out day. Walker, e*4 of sw >4 . sec 21; sw% allowed and the Clerk instructed to south and «»aat on county boundary th« act of June 17, 1902 132 Btat. Falls Wednesday, They returned the J B Griffith, Judge. st <»u Tp line to plac»- Daniel Walker et ux to W A Wai for said amounts: Klamath Project, Oregon, of the fol­ Mrs. Albin and Mrs. Jones left on ker, wVi of sw 14 , sec 21 ; >4 inter- Klamath County Bank. Money of beginning lowing described lands In the State Tuesday morning for Chico, Calif. Komi Diktrlit No. 7. a4 ot ne14. sec 20, tp 36 s r 14 e. J. 11 Griffith, expenses ot Hara- of said tracts as have ity such to the dry ranch of Henry Anderson of th«» Hot spring* Improve- 35 8 R .9 K. W M . thonce west on sey children at Weed Hos­ 32200.00. not been heretofore finally restored Monday. iim - ii I t'ompauy. l*r1nn sections 3 und 10, T 34 meeting of th« Hoard of Director« after March 25, 1909, but shall not lots 2 and 3, sec 22, tp 39 s r 10 e, lows; Hasel Hadley last Sunday. 8. R. 7*4 E W M , thence west on of the I lot Spring* Improvement Road District No. 1. 32650.00. J. D. Morgan went to Poe Valley soctlon Hues to County boundary; Company h»-H on th« 6th day of Feb bo subject to entry, filing, or solee- Allen 8loan to Jas. E Swanson, Beginning at the N W corner of tlon until April 24, 190», at the Un- last Sunday. lot 9, blk 2, Hot Springs add to Kla­ T. 38 8. R. 5 E W. M , . theme east thence north on Cuuuty boundary to ruary, 1909. «11 tuwessmniit of 610 00 ; Ited Stat»»« land office at Ixiknvlew, E. M. Hammond and John Colwell math Falls, 8375.00. along Tp. line to Upper Klamath N W corn» r of T 31 8 R 5 E.; per shure wu« levied upon the Issued Oregon, warning being expraaaly took their cattle to the Lara Beds W. P. Whitney to C. A Bunting, l-ake; thence along westerly shore thence east on Tp line to N E eor- capital stock of this corporation, th«-1 given that no person will be permit- Thursday. lots 7, 8, blk 4. Merrill, 820.00. of Upper Klamath Lake to Link Riv­ tier of T 31 8 R s E , thence south ««me pn.'ablv to th«- s«»cr«»tMry of tn»» '^ | ted to gain or exerclae any right J. D. Morgan is bauling hay from Tp line to place iff beginning company, II Nathnn, at the office ot Chas. E. Worden et ux to Lydia L. er; thence down Link River to Lake ion whatever under any settlement or I Charley Anderson'a lt«»ad Dlot’b-t Xn. N. the company, 1228 Flood Building, Lennox, lot 1, blk 4, lots 1, 3, 7, blk Ewauna. thence along westerly shore occupation begU't after Decomber 23, Will and Ivy Whitlatch returned Beginning at the N. W corner of, 81m Francisco, Cal , on or before 1908, aud prior to March 35, 1909, 8, Fairview add to Klamath Falls; of Lake Ewauna to Klamath River; I from the Willamette Valley this week, lot 1, part lots 7, 8, blk 56, Nichols thence down Klamath River to h T. 37 8 . R 11*4 K. ’ W M ; thence March 30th. 1909. Any stock upon all such settlement or occupation be­ where they spent several months vis­ add to Klamath Falls. point where the section line between east on Tp. Iln»» to N I. E. corner of which this asaeasment shall remain ing forbidden: iting friends. Will brought bls bride Pierce Evans et ux to Albert Otey, sections 12 and 13, T 40 8. R. 6 E., I Tp. 37 8 R 12 E ; thence south on unpaid on the 7th duy of April, 1909. Willamette Principal Meridian. home with him, and al) that have lots 24, 25. 26, 27, 28, blk 3, South crosses same; thence west along sec­ {Tp. line to 8. E corner of last men­ 1 will b»- delinquent and advertised for T. 40 8. It. 8 E.. 8’4 BE 14, Section ■een her have fallen In love with her Midland, 875.00. tion line to the 8 W. corner of sec­ tioned Tp.; th»»nc»- w»«t to N E cor- sale at public uuctlon, nnd unlens 7 and NE*4 NE*4, Section IN. charming ways. Mr. and Mrs. Whit­ Al Melhaae et ux to Richard Mel- tion 7, T. 40 8. R. 5 E. W M . thence ' ner of T. 38 8 It I I E ; then«»» soiilh payment Is made before will be «old Fit El) DE.N'.N EI T, (’onitnlsaloner of latch gave them a nice wedding din- on Tp. Hue to 8 E corner T 38 8 on th»» 1st ilny of May 1909, to pay haM, parcel of land described by north to place of beginning. the General !«nd Office. wr, at which only the immediate metes and bounds, in sec 21, tp 33 s R 11 E , thence west on Tp line to the dellnqiH'nt asscMincnt together JESSE E WIL8ON, Assistant Secre­ Road District No. 2. family were present. We join in ex­ r 7 *4 e, with reversion in case lntox- I n . E. corner of T 39 8 H 11 *4 E ; with costs of advertising and espens- tary of the interior. tending our best wishes to them. Beginning 00 Klamath River where thence south on Tp. Iln« to Ixist of »ale. 1 eating liquors shall be sold thereon, 1-14 3-18. * Mrs. Bert Barrows and Mrs. George the section line between sections 23 River; thence down lx»«t River tu Tp. March 8. 1909. 3300.00. Brandon spent Sunday afternoon with and 26, T. 39 8 R. 8 E W. M . In ­ L. W. Miller to J. L. Cunningham, Hue on weat uf T .19 8 R 11 *4 E , II NATHAN. SecreUry, co . n ip . ht N oth e . Mrs. Giacomini. “ up Klamath (]>Pn<.e north to plate of beginning 1228 Flood Building. Hau Franriaco. lots 8 and 9, blk 45 First add to Kla­ tersects same; 1 thence |a»partm«nt of th« Interior, U. 8. Mrs. Frank Anderson and little River to Lake Ewauna; thence north-' math Falls, 810. 00. 3-11-4-1 Land Office, l.ak» vluw, Oregon, Feb. Road Dlstriit N»>. ft. son, Vernon, spent Thursday with ; 16, 1909. Katie Runk to Weyerhaeuser, e*4 erly along westerly shore of Lake Beginning at tl. 8 W romer of Mrs. J. H. Hobbs. HALE <»F TIMBER. of se^4, sec 18, tp 34 s r 15 e, 810.00. Ewauna to Link River; thence up T 37 8 R. 5 E W M , thence east A sufficient affidavit having been Mr. Callahan butchered a fine hog jfilmd In this office by H I*. Dehllngcr, Hot 8prings Improvement Co. to westerly bank ot Link River to Up­ Ion Tp IIno to Upper Klamath l.ake. Medford Oregon, February 12. Thursday. G. A. Childers, lot 15, blk 39. Hot per Klamath Lake; thence up east­ thence nortberl» along wi-stern shore 1909. S»ul»>d bld* marked outside, ^contestant, against homestead entry R. C. Anderson, E. M. Hammond Springs add to Klamath Falla, 8575. erly shore ot Upper Klamath Lake to of Klamath and Agency Lakes to 'Bld. Timber HNIe Application, l>o- No. 3733 (Serial No. 0978), made Guy Merrill, H. F. Tolle and Will Hill C. H, Withrow et ux to J. O. Pierce a point where the section lines be­ Wood Rlvur; theme up Wood River ^cc-uiber 2 3, 1909, Crater," and ad March 26, 1907, for HE <4 8E'4. Sec. bought a fine French coash horse for nw!4 of ne*4 and lots 1, 2, 3, sec 14, tween sections 19 and 30, T '38 8. to section line bvtwien sections 3 dresMtd to M. 1». Erickson, .M»-df»ir«l, 6, E*4 NE% and NE'4 8E14, Sec. 64000. Everyone that has seen him R. 9 E. W. M . Intersects same; | tp 39 s r 10 e, 810.00. and 10, T. 34 8 II. 7 >4 E ; thence Oregon, will be received up to und N, T. 40 8., It. 10 E . by Roy W. Holt, says he is the finest horse ever im­ thence east along section lines to the I P. L. Fountain to 8ldney B. Evans, w«-st on section lines to w»-st County Including the 20th day of March, content«». In which It is alleged that ported into the Merrill Valley. This lot 3, blk 62, Nichols add to Klamath 8. E. corner to section 2 4, T. 38 8 tamndary; thence rotith on County 11909, for ail the ni»»rcbuntablc d»-nd said entryman has never r«»sld«»d up Is the third thoroughbred brought in­ R. 10 E. W. M.; thence along Tp Falls, 81000.00. timber »tending or down and all the ;<>n nor cultivated th« sal»l land or boundary to place of beginning. to Merrill in the last few months. line to 8. E. corner of section 36 T • live timber marked for cutting by -any portion thereof as by law re­ Roud District No. lit. Miss Clara Anderson has been vis- 39 8. R. 10 E.; thence west along the Forest officer, lotaled on an area quired; that said cntrjinan has been TO STUDY ROAD CONDITIONS. Beginning st the N. W. corner of tting a few days this week with hef Tp. line to 8. W. corner of section to be definitely designated by the absent from said land fur morn than section 18, T. 40 8 R. 10 E. W M sister, Mrs. Dan Colwell. 34, T. 39 8. R. 10 E.; thence north MEDFORD, Ore., March 15.—A along Tp. line two miles to 8. E. cor­ on County boundary. thence east on Forest officer b«‘fore cutting begins, six months last past,and wholly aban- Eugene'Hammond, John and Dan , doued the said laud, aud llial said Colwell sold 49 fine horses to Mr. movement is on foot to have the gov­ ner of section 24, T. 39 8. H 9 E.. I section line to a point on Klamath 1 on the 8W % uf NE1» and NW $4 »f I abnenco from said land was not due 8EU. 8cc 24, T. 36 8 , R. 6 E , W. Stewart, the horse buyer, Thursday. ernment send an engineer to this thence west along section lines to River where section line between sec to his employment In the Army, Navy tlous 12 and 13, T. 40 8., R. 6 E , M., being 80 acres more or less, In Mr. Stewart knows where to find good county to make a study of local road place of beginning. or Marin« Corps of tlio United Htatee I the Crater National Forest, Oregon; conditions and prepare for the use crossed same; thence up Klamath horses. M a private soldier, officer, seaman Road District No. 3. River to a point on Tp. line on north estimated to be 400,000 feet B. M Chas. Anderson and wife spent last of the county road builders a report Beginning on the State line where line of section 2, T. 40 8. R. 8 E ; of live yellow pine, 48,000 feet, B.M. or marine during the war with Spain, setting forth data covering the local Thursday in Klamath Falls. or during any war In which the Un- The railroad surveyors moved their roads, and recommendations for the section lines between section 14 and thence east on Tp. line to N. E. cor­ of live white fir, 96,000 feet II. M. II« m I Htates may bu engaged. of live Douglas fir, 0,000 feet B. M. T. 41 8. R. 10 E. W. M , inter ­ 15. proper conduct of such work. ner of T. 40 8. R. 8 E.; thence south camp from Gale Wednesday to near Bald parties are hereby notified to of live Incense cedar, 6,000 feet II. The government has written to Sec­ sects same; thence north along sec­ on Tp. line to State line; thence west the Carr ranch. i M. appear, respond, and offer evidence of merchantable dead yellow pine, tion lines to Ixnt River at a point retary Miller of the Commercial Club on State line to 8. W. corner ot Coun­ where section line between section ty; thence north on County boundary land 2,000 feet II. M. of merchantable touching said allegation at 10 o'clock regarding the matter as folows: dead Douglas fir, saw timber, log a. m. un April N, 1909, before It. M. “We do not Issue any standard set 2 and 3 T. 41 8. R. 10 E., Intersects ' to place of tieginning. ♦ WAMPl 8 NEWS. ♦ scale, and 294 cords of cordwood, Richardson, U. H. Commissioner, at same; thence up Lost River to a| of plans and specifications, for the Rond District No. 11. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ more or less. No bid of lees than S3 Klamath Falls, Oregon, and that final reason that conditions differ so wide­ point where section lines between Beginning at 8. E. corner of soo Mrs. Leon Andersen returned to ly in the various sections of country lot 1, section 20 and lot 11, section for live yellow pine, 61.36 for live hearing will bo hold at 10 o'clock a. tion 24, T. 38 8. R. 10 E. W. M.; her home Friday after a two weeks’ that it would be practically Impos­ 21, T. 40 8.R. 10 E , intersects same; white fir, 13.60 for live Douglas fir, m. on April 22,1909, before the lleg- thence west on section lines to a visit with relatives and friend* in sible to prepare such plans and spec­ thence north along section line to and Incense cedar, |2 for dead yel­ ister and Rccelver at the United point on section lino between sec­ Klamath Falls. ifications as would anticipate all con­ N. W. corner of section 4, T. 40 8. tions 19 and 30, T. 38 8. R. 9 E.; low pine, SI.60 for dead Douglas fir, Slates laind Office In Lakeview, Ore- Waiter Anderson went to Klamath ditions. We maintain, however, a R. 10 E.; thence oast along Tp. line where said section line intersects Up­ per thousand feet B. M., and 36 cents gon. The said contestant having, in a Falls Thursday after a load of grain corp« of engineers to make investiga­ to N. E. corner section 1, T. 40 8. per cord for cordwood, will be con­ per Klamath Lake; thence northerly far Eugene Spencer tions and give advice absolutely free R. 10 E.; thence south along Tp along easterly shore of Klamath Lake sidered, and a deposit of 3300 must proper affidavit, filed January 38, Miss Mona and Bertha Spencer of charge to the various communities, line to the summit of bills; thence be sent to the First National Bank, 1909, set forth facts which show that to Tp. line on north of T. 36 8. R. 7 went to Klamath Falls Thursday, re­ and In some cases, where we consider following summit of hills easterly Portland, Oregon, for each bid sub­ after due diligence personal servloa E.; thence east on Tp. line to N. E. turning home Friday. mitted to the Supervisor. Timber up­ of this nolle« can not be made, it la that conditions warrant it, we send and southerly to a point on section corner of T. 36 8. R. 9 E.; thence William Ellis passed here Monday an engineer to a county for the pur­ line between sections 20 and 21, T. on valid claims is exempted from eale. hereby ordered and directed that such south on Tp. line to N. W. corner of from California on bls way to bis pose of making a complete investiga­ 40 8. R. 12 E.; thence south to 8.W. The right to reject any and ail bids nolle« ba given by due and proper Tp. 37 8. R. 10 E.; thence east on homestead. is reserved. For further Informa­ publication. tion of al) materials, roads, equila­ corner of section 21 last mentioned; J. N. WATSON, J. J. Cambers, of Ashland, passed ment, methods of construction and thence east to 8. E. corner of section Tp. line to N. E. corner of T. 37 8. tion and regulations governing salos, R. 10 E.; thence south on Tp. line to 2-25-4-17 Register. here Bunday on his way to bis ranch maintenance and administration, and 24, T, 40 8. R. 12 E.; thence south address the undersigned. place of beginning. at Bnck Lake. M. I* ER1CK8ON, to prepare a complete and thorough along Tp. line to State line; thence Road District No. 12. Mr. Stiles, of Langell Valley passed report setting forth all such data and west along State line to place of be­ »DIAMOND Forest Supervisor. 2-17-3-1N Beginning at the N. W. corner of here Saturday on his way to Pokeg- giving recommendations for the prop- ginning. T. 40 8. R. 9 E. W. M.; thence west NOTICE. ama. er conduct of the work. In such cas- Road Dfatrict No. 4. on Tp. line to Klamath River; thence Wm Ellis -lf1o N„r»h«vr*t Noll and ISImal* in the Wlllemette valley. Now oil i‘lHr «1 »11 l‘»«l ‘Iralon A-» for < ■<»- White steam car is In the city from tent arrival in the city fiom Fltts- E.; thence south along section line 40 8. R. 10 E.; thenco south on sec­ If aotnn mt (i in your firl