MEMORY. III HI NUNN MANNERS. A |*l I \K A WORD. HTING” TMK WKUT Comparatively few people of th« Beaver State" realize that fiMfl Tim ordinary person would hav«* Orison Swett Maid n, in Success An eh'ptant luy dying on Afrlc's sun* Grove Is nationally known as th« ¡i I nnl time If Im trl««l to remember Magazine, asks mid answers two very ny plain, All the Wot hates a “knocker.” source of America's most perfect 3000 niiint'x, but Hut 1« what tl«'» p«i linunt questions: No soft vol« 1 elephautess soothod i In the East people senrn to lake a archery bows. Pacific Yew, which nip ii at the Information <l«**k In t' «■ I is « I pl unllne pain; didlght in “running down” their own grows to perfection In Oregon, la big M' trupolltan building. New York le But a eommdu stood beside blm,while 1 | communities, but public opinion In ! the material u : rl, and Cap'aln F. 3. City, doe«. Ii<> I ih It down so fin« 1« I ls lif blood ebbed sway, the great West will not stand for iarncs fashions It with .«kllkd Land Out lu cun t<|| jou al u mo i '« •■I le-iit wl'h pltyh.g glancos, to tl Is. A n an there wl.o hints that ■ nto bows so ght by experts all over Inion iniid«) pruviuuhly, t > thu . i i., i v J« 4 .. i* ' . ■ u" of 11 • ; i o 1 ear what i o might say. there Is any fault to be found with this continent and even abroad. ligbig? 1Aly liiat thu < h«ii*«> wu« liinilfl« I«'«' und ■ u ployii < In the building I» ut work My I old on life Is slipping," quoth the climate, tho soil, or anything Though almost sev nty years of age. • « ii cual«/.. ■ ■ that Ilo lilluin tl.« act would liol |. ■ 1'1 'IO Kl U 3000 «'lllplciy e«'H of the life the d>hig i'achydeiiu. else. Is l«M«k"d upon aa a common en the C’t'ptaln Is himself a splendid I iihuiuik <» colei nny/iciitt. i« «) in many ti IsanceT lulu «'ffi’it lor Itu days. And though his eyes were glazing, emy, an«! he might as well pack up archer, and such an enthusiast in Public officials, riet kn, and attend Il will liuiic« uul bu m «,. .«.iu.y to departii" ill« and ranging from the I la 1 Fl( Ii, volco was firm. and go En ;i at ou«e. In the West It Ils chosen craft flat he makes per uats In our public buildings and mu ■Tuke a th *4*age/* ho continued. is a purl of the unwritten law that sonal trips to the mountains each ro unact th« cod«, us wus thought, | office buys tt pr»sld<'tit. nicipal offices aiu proverbially curt, sliicu It Is In full foi«« mid ■ ff..«i. and a tok<-n to the herd. everyone shall praise up his own lo year to select Yew of just the proper il.'irt, and snappy 1 hough you are My obituary, t«ll them, will bring a cality and t ver say anything against gnade and grain the altitude at Further Hiipmuio Court d «l ion tt clerk or a pit Ing tl « in t rough your taxes for wuru look'd up by thu Aitoi ney-Uen [ in biisllies:. plunk a word. It. which the tree grows Is an important arcu<li> and tin ir a« rvlci-s, tl y make you fuel «ral which run «ml him lo change hl I n for mu I Ion A wagon recently passed through factor. Occasionally a bow of rare »uo b stat tiny mu d 1« g you u great favor Tull my brothers uad companions, northern KauKa-i, says a Missouri pa accuracy and highest speed is cre «ipluloii. It was Dial Uiuugiit by Mi, ■ the person J tali by giving you what bulongs to you Ciawloid that an eiuurgunry mu. i for. when they meet and crowd around, per, bearing tl-e following Inscrip ated, and theso are dignified with in formation and by doing wl ut you aro prying To hear my mournful story, lu our tion: "Colorado an«! Irrigation, Kan names. "Cyclone” and “Whirlwind" That 1« apt cllli nlly I.ave lu • u d< i lared to < x lal In older to Diako thu clause «ffor mail's big j«>b com«» In. All tliul It them for doing old time stamping ground. ias and starvation; I'm going to uy are famous among archers. Ifow quickly you notice the atmos- i tlv«', but furthoi lav« tlguilou z I. ohi i 1« ii < < vs ary to do Is to go to this That I stood without a tremor, and wife’s ri latlon a'.d make no demon him that if one fact Is r< < lied to show bureau directory uuil say that you phero of a buslii«« , l ouse a I areal didn't try to run stration." A Missouri editor took why Ibero Is nu emergen«y II Is auf want to sc« John lliown, and the In li partmunt «tor«, fur ussmple 'there When I found that I was up against the matter up and answered as fol NOTICE OF HHEIHIES BALE. formation niun, without stopping to 1« nt much d,-f ri-tic«« betwoeu the Ih'lellt. a rapid-firing gun. lows: “They ought to come to Mis Il L. Holgate, of Bonanza, and F consult an Indi x, liiimedlut« ly goes feeling you have In walkiug through I facod death well and bravely for souri where there is no irrigation, Byvirtue of an execution and order M. Buxton, of ilakoi City, who wore io tliu l<depl on«, calles for the proper two great «stabllabmeats as that you the glory of the clan and a man with education can engage of sale duly Issued by the Clerk of It xi riant« in tslklng with thu dlf- Aud the further aggrandizement of in speculation, bring along his wife's the Circuit Court of Klamath County, appointed comnilssluuurs under th«» office and asl.a for John B;owr act by Govurnor IT mubci Inin, m« In tuno bu; p< n lo I«' two John Browns 1 teri nt h< ads of th««« houses, lu otio, a literary man; relation, have a good time and free State of Oregon, dated the 19th day Halom now, and th«' water board Is In tbu 30tii) umploycos, he know« It • tin< ««ent, < ourt' ousi>«*ss, considera For well I knew that distant lands ■alvatlon with no danger of starva of January, 1909, In a certain attlon holding its first r 'gulur nit'ctlng now. «nd will any: “Do you want to se« tion for others, a feeling of good would be profoundly stirred tion. This Is worth consideration." at law in the Circuit Court of the It will bo th« puipo " of Hu roimilla lhe J o I iii Brown lu tlm bookkeeping * III. permeates the very atmosphere. By th« story of my passing, told at a That made a Kansas editor warm State of Oregon, for the County of elon tu lay uul «« plan of prui ocdure, lupuriu«« nt?” Ho kauwu Li at among You lave u fe< llug that every em plunk a word. under thu collar, and be is respon Klamath, wherein Albert Sbur aa which will be slow woik, mid Imi.» the 3900 ut work about him the ployee In th« place would be glad sible for this outbreak: “The above plaintiff recovered judgment against cuín b» dune until »uh n plan Is put population of u full siz' d town, by o serve you if Im could, and is anx "Tell them that I s'.ood at noonday, narration Is a short prevarication that W. H. May, defendant, for the sus I«« way th«ra uru two John Browns ious to pleute, whether you buy or uuder way. eating tender bamboo sprouts, has obtained circulation among peo of Four Hundred Forty-eight and Stute Engineer Leals Ii chairman .«nd h« knows where each Is working mt Th« re Is evidence that the em When my meal was interrupted by pie of vivid Imagination. Such fab 70-100 (<448.70) Dollars, together Tho muu In a town of tbut slzu who ployer thinks it great d«al of the of llio cummlaalun fierce, ear splitting shouts. rication baa hindered Immigration, with Interest thereon from the 2 4th Tho einurgonry clause v. hlch wus bad lb« names of all of Its inhabl- character as well as the ability of his I gazed about me wild-eyed, and retarded education, prevented Irriga day of August, 1908, at the rate of find construed n.« In Ing defective In luits down «o file tlmt bo know the l«rks, aud that manners and deport ceased to masticate. tion, the same of civilization, and Is 8 per cent per annum, and an order «tract numbvr of each would prob ment arc neves left out of considera Aud In perturbation wondered whence absolutely without foundation. The of sale of the NE% of SE>4 of Sec as follows: “Whoruaa, there n gi at urn ■ rtnln- «lily be that town's chluf udverti»«.*' tion In tt.«li selection. In another such sounds could emanate, population mentioned in the above tion 31, Township 40 South of Range house, only a few blocks away, you I heard footsteps behind me, and narration are the scum of creation, 8 East, W. M., as upon execution to ty throughout thu »tat« with refer- mont. Not content with stvrlng away ire III at ea .«• Carelessness. Indlf- «neu to the water of various swiftly wheeling 'round, are beyond salvation, deserve star satisfy said sum, on the 18th day of t'-.C". atid rlillllnehs pervade the I trumpeted and flapped my ears, vation, and «-an have tree transporta January, 1909. partion along tlie atreams, «lit« he» arid '000 i a in« a lu bl.« mental store room You do not feel at home. Notice Is hereby given that I will waterways ns to lb«lr several inter «lila man r«»mumbws a few more. ':«c • prepared to stand my ground, tion to that land of speculation, or nada therein, rulalllng oxp«nalvu lit There are 2000 tenants cow in the Th« io la a lack of harmouy, a sense 'Dee-lighted,' cried a loud voice. 'This to the Indian nation, or to helendam- 1 on the 9th day of April, 1909, at the front door of the Court House In igation and engendering many mil building outside of the company's1 of antagonism tn th«- atmosphere The! yarn will be a bird. nation upon application." Klamw* Falls, Oregon, at the hour moaltl«*« und much bad blood, thcie- inploye«* Ocaslonally the Intorma- :nploy««»s n ak- you feel that they i I duo-clare that it Is worth tt folly of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, sell at h> endangering the public peace and tlou man has to consult bls card in- are doing you a favor In letting you worth a plunk a word.’ BONANZA BI LLET IN ITEMS. public auction to the highest bidder »af«ly of many sortions of th« state; lex if you a»k for a typewriter lu »<*« th« goods, or giving you the op- 1 ■oil unity to ; u* l.use them with your tumo uf tli«*sn other ufflcua. but a lot for cash the following described prop and Of his face I saw but little but a Bpring must be here as It Is a sure erty, to-wtt: •'Whereas, It la urgent that th««« of times be has these names on tap. money. pair of glass«» thick sign when the suckers commence to The mnn who thinks be Is going And a great display of Ivory that The NE^4 of the SE>4 of Section conditions b« remedied for the pres too. "How do I do II? ho aald the run. George Maxwell was down to 31 la Township 40, South of ervation of the public pi ice, health other dny. ’’Well, I »«»tn to have a to mak<- a fortune without consider-1 made my own look sick. the Big Springs Tuesday morning an«! «afi ty of the state, this net »ball t.ole Inside my head for each name Ing the man at the other end of the In rage 1 charged me toward him. Range 8 East, Willamette Mer and pulled out six large ones and says «nd win n it otic«» guts in there I r«*- bargain Is very short-sighted. In the I idian, in Klamath County, Oregon, le» lu ffill foie«* and eff< < I from mid He swiftly raised his gun, tnumbui it. When I get a new name long run th« customer's best good Is I I met a storm of bullets, and knew that he is now going to have *esk taken and levied on as the property after Its approval by th« Governor meet for the next tea days. I keep It In front of mu several days thu seller's best good also; asd. other I my race was run." of Vf. H. May, or so much thereof as Born—In Bly, Oregon, Marek 4. nd k«*«'p thinking <*f It. At th«» end thing« equal. th«- man succeeds boat I The fe«-ble breaths grew weaker in may be necessary to satisfy said Judg 1909. to Mr. and Mrs. Jam«» Kdsall, f tl.ut time I have tt where 1 waul • In satisfies II* customers best and: the d.tng elephant ment In favor of tho said Albert Stiur Il Is all practice, but it takes ho»« custom« | not only come back.j Ills loyal friend drew nearer te hoar a nine pound son. It is said that Jim and against said W. H. May and All otgaulzatIon li.x be.ti effected it. is wearing a broad smile and la a few inc >»*um before you're expert nt but always bring others with th«-m said lanjl, together with Intere* what he might pant. fc. M«dfoid wtilih tlx* r* al « talc d«al- inches taller and that the boy will be t.’’ thereon and costs and disbursements And as he llsten«»d eta»sely, these final R* of Klamath Fallt would do well named Taft, in honor of the Presi to accrue. words he heard: I HR MK\ At K OF THK 10 emulate. Il Is getting ao that a dent's inauguration. Dated this 9th day of February, DIU 'ADKNT DR AM A. j Tell them few obituaries bring a I r> al «»state man In this ell) la looked MAMMttTII (ME DKl'oA'ERKD. Here Is a «yuestion asked by many 1909, at Klamath Falls, Oregon. plunk a word." uiH>n with suspicion, but thu blame and would like to have some one an W. B. BARNES, Cuplaiu E E Thomas, an old-time tfdmond Moberly in Success Mag swer it. Why Is tt that an Indian in wrltibg ou the evils of such for Ibis Is wlth the r«al e-tate men Shenfff of Klamath County, Oregon. Aoodsman, has discover««! a groat azine. stti actions as tho Salome Dance. can come to Bonanza and got whisky tk>'tns«lvea. M n win are engaged and a white man cannot? Tues«iay lu the business should Ink« mure .tv«» lu « se< luded part of f * Xdiron Frederic Thompson, writing for Suc- famous ■->»sa Magazine, says OIT OF THE GINGER JAH. a couple of the red men here loaded DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, pride In their profession and endcav lacks which may rival I But and here's the rub -if this with a good jag and when asked General Land Office, Washington, D. oi to place It on a Hurt reliable basis. Mammoth Cave of Kentucky. Tl unin> cl anced to strike the en- wave of siiggestivo drama, vaud'-vllle It doesn't pay to bully-rag a bull where they got the liquor aald. "Me C.. Jantmry 7. 1909. Thia would work n great benefit to A thin purse makes a person feel Injun get all whisky I want. What's Notice of Restoration of Publla 11 etnselvea as Well as obviate the rnnrc to th«» cavern on the summit and musk al cum«*dy continues to f a mountain « Idom visited by trav- grow bigger, its audience is bound to flat. Lands to Settlement and Entry. the matter, you no Injun." great wrong bdug dono the town •lers or sportsmen, some time ago. Incnase. The children of today are Common »euse always brings fancy Notice Is hereby given that th« and country. ■ ut kept th« matter secret until he prices. First Assistant Secretary of the In ««Ing to be the play-going adults of Thu real estate men have built The hand that was severed from terlor has vacated departmental or could make an Investigation. Taking omorrow There are some folks too cowardly If they acquire a taste M«dford and II la mainly du« to their the wrist of Charles Miller, at a pa der of withdrawal in so far as th« t companion with hltn, he entered for tho immoral in theatricals while to lick a postage stamp. efforts tl nt the town in so wo|l and per factory In Kalamazoo, Mich., re same affects the withdrawal for Ir I •• «averu for a thousand foot, and ney are youug, they will demand Its The Jelly getB In a tremble without favorably known Is receiving Bo cently. baa been successfully rejoined rigation purposes under the act of ta tin* «nd was not reached the ex- atisfactlon wh< u they are older, and being the least bit scared. many new settlers, They hav«« now ■■nt of the cavi« from that point Is with tl.«« Increase in th« demand there He who pursues two rabbits will to bls arm, and It is said that the June 17, 1902 (32 Stat., 388), for formed an asset lallon, the objects of young will shortly be discharged use in connection with the Klamath not aa yet determined It Is iltuated will come, naturally, a further in succeed in «Pitching neither. which, according to the by-law«, ar«' from the hospital with the prospect Project, Oregon, of the following de nn u mountain known as W Moun ert as« lu the supply M< n who spend all they make often And there yuu ' Tho object of this association 1» of regaining full use of his hand. tain. not far from Standish. N Y. scribed lands in the State of Oregon, don't make all they spend. are Tl a’ la the problem which con- to bring the n*al estate men of Mud In describing bls discovery, the old routs this couulry right now. It has and by bls authority such of said “ I'm down In the mouth. “ said the ford together to assist tn the ad .»oodsman Mild: The largest chimes in the world are tracts as have not been heretofore pancake, as Johnny took a big bite. oufrouled other countries lu the vancement of the city's Interests In “Tbs mouth Is about 50 feet wide The horse is the most contrary being installed in the tower of the finally restored and are not other general and of the real estate busi rhe first room Is 50 feet long. 20 .«st, and Istgely because Individually creature alive. He says uelgb to ev Metropolitan Life Insurance Com- wise withdrawn, reserved, or appro .hey have tailed to solve it we are ness In particular; to procure from feet wide and SO feet high It swarm erything. pany's building at New York. The priated, will be subject to settlement «>wn«rs written contract« of sale, and, •d with bats, which lined the wall being flood, d with an overflow of Adam bad a right to think his wife four bells weigh 1500, 2000, 5000 under the public land laws of the ooatrlcal sewage from artistically as far as possible, for the broker the «nd seem« d scarcely able to move Unlt«*d States on and after April fi, and 7000 pounds. li«* prettiest woman In the world. exclusive agency of all property list I h< re was a decided urn ell of sulphur, lecadent Europe. As surely as the 1909, but shall not be subject to en Th«« foolish man can ask twice as ed or offered for sale by him; tn cf n th»» next room, which was 4 0 by heater Is one of th«* greatest factors try, filing, or selection until May 6. i any questions as the wtoe one can The Aeronaut Society of Great Brit in molding manners and morals. Just foci u uniform rate of commission 15 by 25 feet, wo found passages answer. ain has acquired a tract of ground 1909, at the United States land office to be charg)-d In real «state trans blanching in many directions and to surely will this flood of perverting There are some folks so liberal that half a mile square, which will be at Lakeview, Oregon, warning being hcatrhala have its effect on Ameri- action«; to create and maintain ant .»«»i« unable to explore all of them every time they speak they give them- completely fitted up for experimental expressly given that no person will ong Medlord real «'state men a high With only the feeble rays of a lan nn life lu the next generation. be permitted to gain or exercise any work with airships. The hope of the American drama ■ elves away. standard of business methods and ■ irn to guide us, w«> narrowly escaped right whatever under any settlement Another fact to take not«» of—a Integrity, n spirit of fair and honor . verul times railing into pits. You nsta with the playgoers outside* New horse may pull wi.h all his might but or occupation begun after January An Fngltsh company which li as 6, 1909, and prior to April 6, 1909, able competition, and to assure to ■ an Imagine how deep some of thesi «ork. Our biggest city Is partly fill never with his mane. sunk <500,000 in the past eight years all such settlement or occupation be- tin* buyer and seller the services ol were when I say that we had time to 'd with freak people, who hnve freak Th«» last thing a woman does be1 responsible and trustworthy agent» ■ount 15 or 20 before rocks we drop religions, who practise freak occupa- fore leaving a house la to gaze into in trying to mine gold in the West Ing forbidden: ions, and who enjoy freak theatrl- Indian island of Aruba h»s «old out upon a definite anti utilform standar«! ped Into them were heard to strike Willamette Principal Meridian. pleases a mirror to reflect. for <40«0 to local capitalists T. 40 S., R. 9 E., S’^i NE\4. Sec <tf contract and charges, to tho end .«nd we did not count rapidly. An «•alu. A freak play which Od«l as It may seem, thr«*«* tongues tion 2 4. that the Interests of buygr, seller and •Ik's horn was found by us far In- their freak fancies can be tremen are requlr«*«! in hitching a span of Jously successful as long as ti re- A month-old baby with a full nut FRED DENNETT, Commissioner of broker may bo alike protected. side the cave After going a short mains In Gotham, Just as the other bores to a wagon. of perfectly developed teeth caused the .General Land Office. “it shall be the special object of distance from tho mouth there was Johnny looking at the specks on the this association to nssure Its mem no vegetation. There is no opening mid better kin«) of attraction can— potatoes asked: “Mama, are those a sensation when exhibited at a re FRANK PIERCE, First Assistant kinds of folk resld- cent meeting of tlie Vienna Medical Secretary of the Interior. bers co-operation In real estate trans nt tin* Ims«» of the mountain and there for there ate all of the Hudson. But specs for the potatoes' eyes?" lug ut tho mouth Society. 1-28-4-1 actions, protection ns to reasonable arc no streams In tho envo so far as Eight drams make an ounce, but tho moment ono of these freak pro- «-otnmlsalon for producing thu buyer, wo have yet discovered." often half that number will make a ductions lifts its anchor and starts Under favorable circumstances the and nt nil times to promote the wel out on that mysterious thoroughfare man a foolish and disreputable spec product of a single bacterium will to fare and growth of Medford and the According to the postoffleh snvlngs known in theater-land as “The Road” tacle. ' Hogue lllvcr Valley." Many a man has paid a lawyer <5 tal 16,500,000 bacteria in twenty- bank returns recently published by It moots a different reception, Es po the Transvaal government, there was dally is this true if It smacks of the and <10 for poorer advice than his four hours. mi Increase of saving power to tho tenderloin, the Latin Quarter, or wo- wife would willingly give him for Ti e 'Vcrnment ot the British East amount of <665,000 on 55,105 ac men of tho half-world, As long as nothing. Talk about woman's vanity! Nott Africa Protectorate has prohibited counts In 1908 on th«» previous y«»ai's this condition obtains th*» American “WHAT DOHEENY DUNE” CAUSON CITY, Nev., March 11 deposits. In 1907 tho amount due drama Is safe. The niomeut the lio« few the number of nu a who can any prison « xperiinenting with wire “The Need of Change” and The Nevado Senate yeaterdny passed the depositors In the savings bank South aud the Middle West acquire pa a mirror set up in any public less tel rnpby without a license from “Octopodousa Fcrox ” are three of a number of iiicnsuri's, among them was <6,718,210, which has Incrcas- an appetite for tho bizarre, look out! plai without a srtdri: a curling the Governor. the kind of stories to be found only the Juvenile Court bill, the mensuro Jed to |7,372,76l> In amount and of th«» moustache and an adjustment A single pair of rats. If allowed to in EVERYBODY’S. empowering th« Bank Commissioner .3083 in number. This Is the high of the necktie. An engagement by the National From Mat h Farm Journal breed unchecked and suffering no los to open and close banks, and the bill est number of accounts ev«;r stand If they don’t make a hit, you arc ,;es from death, wotihl produce more calling for the direct election of Un- ing open al the government saving» City Batik Tuesday at tho assay ofil hard to suit. Though it 1; estimated that a than 20,000,000 In three years. lied Stalos Senators. bank. The actual deposits mad« dur I ■■ s for expoi t to London of <1,400,- ft’s money in your pocket to read actual ! 000 gold, marked the first gramme of radium contains energy ing the year liavo been, in round “ The St«x k Yards of New York,” move transaction looking toward a To secure a patent In each of the equal to one horse power for fifteen A company has been formed in I figures, <265,000 less than*ln 1907, and it's a warm spot in your heart which 64 countries Issuing them would cost I mont of gold Eiirope-wnrds, days, it parts with It so slowly that it Connecticut to oxplolt a typewriter ■ but on the other hand the withdraw *o read “ The Title Market.” which Is held to be nolselnas, printing als have been <688,500 l<ss than III | has been forecasted by the recent would take 15,000 years to exhaust It an Inventor 115,000, exclusive of at- In sterling exchange. tornoi s' fees. rise self. by pressure Instead of the hammer . 1907 For Sale By stroke. The first living walrus to be ex The year 1908 will long bo known F. E. ANKENY Flasks or other vessels made of New dump cars ordered by the Un hibited In England In nearly forty A Connecticut paper mill has suc ited States Steel Corporation will dis 1 fused silica may bo honied white hot In Groat Britain as the “potato year," AMERICAN CONFECTIONERY years recently arrived at the London ceeded In making a tough pnpor with charge a fifty- ton load with the labor I and plunged Into water without be- the record crop of nlmost 4,000,000 Zoological Garden. tons having boon produced. of one man In less than two mlnrttes. llng cracked or otherwise Inlured. a fine grnln from Texas sugar cane. nu