Trade at the K k K Store Good, reliable me. cliandise, honest prices Sprtng and Summer Stocks are beginning to arrive X A'eiv Shoes for targe and small, Dry Goods, Clothing, Muslin Underw ear, Shirt Waists, etc., etc ln fact every thing to he found in an up-to-date store And it's no trouble to show merchandise KKK STO Rii KLltltlH HI at Mr. sud Mrs. Uiirmaiin's Suuday. CITY HKI I TH. L. A. Sterzi and Robert Laughlin made a business trip to Bonnnra on .1. F. Go.’Iler left Wednesday for Monday. '• vrtlard on n business trip. E. J. MURRAY, Editor Mr. Sconcl'ln. of the Rcsorvatlon. Frank lllooinlngcaiup, of Mi iilll. ' was al Emil Eg'Ct's Inst week to got went out ou ti e bout Wedu'¿day. some potatoes. Qilbort Audi i son has b<*ou In the 1 \\ tn. I hrnisnn, tl <■ r, i supervisor city for a few days from Dairy. | Is going to build a bridge over Fisher FWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE W E. Sohorn, of tie American t're. k tu East Yonna this week. Joe aud Wm. Welch and Walter Hotel, left Wednesday lor Tracy. All communications submitted for publication In the columns of this Simpson went to l.o.t River Sunday California, to attend the funeral ot ,hl* father, who dt«d yesterday paper will be inserted only over the name of the writer. No non de plume i on a fishing trip. articles will be published. "I Alm to be Reliable" Stephens Mrs. W H. Bliss 1« now working gladdened the hearts ot «'Versi of for Teo Ftackus In S >nth Yonna Earl Gray will work for Mrs. I, 1 Erin's sons Wednesday by present Ins READY TO CO-OPKRATK. M. Fitch putting up her crop this Ito them ahamrocks from tl e "ailld | dart." year. What is going to be the condition Mr. and Mrs. M P Nelson nnd A large number of tl o friends of •i affairs on the Klamath Project- Mrs. Jeff Kirkpatrick and daunh- this year? This is the question that 1er, Maude, returned trout Bonanza family were visiting at Fred Bock's' Wil! W Rab!w!n w«r« at the wharf when the boat cam« in till« evening is agitating the minds of the people last week, where she has been work- Sunday. At present writing Mrs 8cy Pool's •xpctlng his return with Ills bride. •f this city and county at the pres lug in the Big Springs Hotel. baby is quite sick. (They were al) well supplied with rice ent time. Spring is at haud and the. 8cy Pool and Jas. Wight have Godfrey Bii'k hauled a load of and prepared to give the voting run- Aue weather indicates that there Is started plowing this week. oats to Manuel Vierra's place Mon-1 pic ■ warm welcome. hut were doom- •ot to be a recurrence of the storms Mike Rueck made a trip to Geo. day let! to disappointment ns it was tearn- ■suaily expected at this period. With, Mrs John Lind went to the FallS'i«! that they would not arrive until » weather conditions prevail-, Ritter's place Thursday, to take back lug there is no reason t why ' . woik'a fann,UK mill which ho had borrow- ' Monday to have some dental work I tomorrow evening —————— done. Mr. Lind took her to Dairy1 •n the project should not forge ,o ffr*ln- A card-playing cantest, which hns •head and this year mark one ot the^ Perry Randles Is breaking nnd 1 where kho met the stage. Eddie Flackus and Wm. Clarke . rag d continuously 20 years, came greatest in the march towards com-. burning brush ou his ranch, which pielion. It was with some such he lately purchased in North Youna went fishing on the river near Bo to an end this week at Marcelona. Mich., when John W. Wallace scoop- thoughts in their minds that several L. M. Mills is also busy clearing land. nanza Sunday. Otto llnpep sold a horse and colt cd In D. W. l.nzelle's pedro and ro- of the leading citizens of this city Scy sud Dock Pool are busy break- marked, "That puts me out." Twen- started a movement looking toward iug brusii for W. H. Bliss this week. last woek (or $10. Mr. and Mrs. C C. Pearson w»r« tv years ago, while al a social affair, the extending of the glad baud to Geo. Smyth made a trip to Fred the new super visiug and project en Beck's to purchase some oats tor visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs latzelle and Wallace each claimed D. Y. Gray Sunday. the village pedro championship Con gineers, who have been here for the seed for his place this year. Peter McCarty, of the Reservation, tention resulted In a challenge, the pa^t several days. It was unfortu C. F. Cooper, of Bouauza, was vis nate for the consummation of these iting friends in Yonna Saturday and made a trtp to Godfrey Heck's place championship to go to th« one who first wos t«n straight gau «s. Each ! plans that Mr. Hopson «as called I Sunday. ! last week to get some potatoes I day Henry Sto«mhlcr, who has b'-cn or eveuleg. Sends . oiee'ited. suddenly to Portland. Is coase- Church was held at Dairy last Sun <u> ce of his departure nothing will day. Miss May Robinson and Harri (•••ling >to«k for Mr. Struble, of 11 «y pi») od ut citimi on« or the o'li Swan Lake, this winter, has return er's hon ••. In that 30 years cf con be done In the matter until he re son Gray intended from Yonna. tinuoiiH play, through «pare time turns again to this city, which will Jacob and Mike Rueck are busy ed them. We can show you tnc C. W Sherman. Sr., ot Dairy, was] and study, they mqulrot a working he in the course of the next month. breaking horses. visiting at the home of Godfrey Buck 1 knowbdge of th« gam« that has It was for the purpose of showing Joe Schmidt, with the help of C. made them op|H>ncnts non« «!.«• dare th«se gentlemen mat no matter what Carlson, surveyed his lend last week. Saturday. 8t vcral farmers in Yonna Valley tackle Several times oa« man got had occurred in the past and what Mr. and Mrs. Pat Colahan were six or seven straight games, but not misrakes bad been made, the people visiting at Mr aud Mrs. Etall Eg-rt's are now looking for tired help. Mr. and Mrs. Child«.* were vlsit- until the other night did one suc in Klamath County here were ready to co-operate with Sunday. them and the Service for the best- John Tnd Wm. Ix»gue and Mr». Ing at Mr and Mre. Godfrey Heck's ceed ip getting ten garu<*s straight. Although they played with a’l ag- Interests of the Klamath Project. Alf. Wallis r turned from the Fall Sunday. Chas. Flackus and his mother were gresalvetieae and skill s’ their com That mistakes have been made is 'Thursday. In Swan mand. and there were many close Met admitted, bnt if it were not for mis-J Mr. and Mrs> Chas ber visiting al Mr.Struble's place Lake Valley last Saturday. and exciting pet tods, they never bad takes tbe world would still be in the | mad« a trip to Dairy Friday, FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS Geo. Smyth, of Yonna. Is not able a quarrd and not a «Ingle "cuss garden of Eden and no progress" t Robert McLaughlin, who baa been word" wm utter««!. would have been n ade. It Is hoped a( ftalem, returned to his horn« tu to use one of his arms. Jeff Kirkpatrick made a trip to that through the errors of the past Yonna Saturday. A most Interesting acknowlcdg- w ill come a cohesion of all forces A pleasant time was enjoyed a En •'. Egert'« place Monday to g«t a 1 looking towards the promotion of the home of Mr. and Mrs Geo. Rit- j team which he has had wintered tuent of tie apples s«nt by the Port- land Comniercial Club tn Ktng Ed- the welfare of this county. jter Sunday. An excellent dinner was there. Edward Flackus Is not aide to at- ward come.* in a letter from Huck- Two weeks from now the Board' 'served. The friends prescut were Mr. on accouut of Palace, written by Gonera! of Directors of tbe Water U?ers As and Mrs. Godfrey Beck and Mr and ■ tend school D M It-nt . n. K per of the I’rlvy his eyes. sociation will hold a meeting and ' Mrs L A 8terIi anj family, We wilt bo glad to make plana, furnish estimati < and «am >o i Mrs Alt Wallis and r.;r»- 'n hi < Mnj-ct ", King Edward, will take further steps to make it : jjr \'Orton. who lias been trai« 'In- 1 money, worry and dl.«ap|><>lutuiorit. Being luqualuL’d with local jto on« ot ttregen's best known and plaia to the Service that the Assoda-'thig wlnt«r with J ff Kirk. at. 1’;. have b -on qu|te aiclt conditions and materials, we guarantee cotiotny, offhloncy ¡week, ill sb Anna diuytu v>ui Uo ...i must I e -p'S led • ItUui.s, R E Brcre- tion is ready and willing to do ov-jwlll return to Fort Klamath soon, ' ton. and satisfaction for the money cm pended ' work until she Is able to be about. arythlng within Rs power to aid in Mrs L M Fitch wag rij!1ung with I Mr. and Mrs. Thos. .Michael and A little extract from G neral Bro- the work. Project Engineer Patch ( fr(endg |n Yonna last Sunday. w..l be asked to be present and meet' ,\jr and Geo. Ritter wont to family, of Dairy, arc moving to their byn'a letter Is Interesting: homestead in East Yonna this wo«k. "The fire box«» of apples* which tLe directors aud every effort will'Bonanza Wednesday on basine»*, Kelsey Hl'xk American Hotel Perry Randles is now plowing for were sent to Illa Majesty anlvcd b' made to wipe out any breach that Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Woelck have quite safrly and were thought very ma> oi may not have existed >n the moved on their homestead in North ■ W. H. Bliss. Mrs. E. Randles and Miss Nellie highly of by the King and others past. Mr. Patch comes here under Yonna, and are now sending theii * I write to convey a new Supervising Engineer; condi- little daughter to the Hlld>-oi and Biiaa were v!«ltlng at the home of who tasted them Thos. Michael, of Dairy, last Satur- Ills Majesty's thanks for the fruit. tions are such that he should not be school. "Should we ail live for another handed a legacy of discontent and Harrison Gray went to Fort Klani- day. Mr. Hoppe n ad? a trip to Dairy Christmas, and If you will kindly trouble; everything should be done atb Monday, taking with hiin a load Ashland, Oregon send directly to nm at Sandinghnni I Tuesday. to maintain a degree of harmony be of household goods. Wm. Flackus was hauling hay a small supply of these appl s, wrlt- WHAT WILL YOU NEED FOR FUTURE LIFE? Commercial, tween the Service, the Association There was a play given at Bonanza Bhorthand and English arc taught here In such u manner that and the people as will force things Friday, March 12th, entitled "The from Theo. Flackus' place this week. Ing me a few line« of warning of their di «pate! , I promise to bring our students win success. ahead and make up for tbe time that Old Maid's Convention." The "play them to the notice of the King and Modern furnishings, thorough course of trnlnlng, prnctl- has been lost. When Mr. Hopson was given by the ladles of the Mag POPI I..1TION OF PEKING. Ills Majesty's guests a *<«nl'l «4 at cal Instructors, Individual Instruction, and healthful location. returns thè plans for entertaining azine Club. A large crowd attended give our students n decided advantage and meeting him and Mr. Patch and all seemed to enjoy the play. United States Minister William W. SaDdrlngl am at ti nt sea on of the OUR GRADUATES SUCCESS IS OUR SUCCESS should be carried out and these gen Among those attending from thia sec Rockhill forwatd« detailed statistics year, atd will give you a full report Addl- tlonal Information tnay bo had for the nnklng tlemen given to undei stand that there tion were: Misses May Robinson, stowing the census of the population of them." exi.sts but one feeling towards them Theresa Sterzi, Jo« Stersl and Harri of Peking made during 1908 by the According to daily press reports imperia) Chinese home office (Min- aud the Service that of sincere co son Gray. wlrei«** telephony has not proved operation. Wb«n they sue that such Cheng Pu) after the new division of Manuel Vf -rra returned fiom tire is the case, tb«n there will be no rails last Thursday, and on hi.; way the city into 23 pulico districts. Mr. an unqualified success on the battle further fear of any diversion of the lost a purse containing $60. lie re Rockhill summarizes the returns: ship fleet. It was imposlblo to send Binds that Klamath so sorely needs. turned immediately, but failed to find The census was made by ."families” messages over any great distance ex and these in turn were divided Into cept under the moat favorable con anx trace ot it. "principal families" and “additional ditions, and when the telephone was Chas. Sherman, Sr., is visiting at tenants" and “sub-tenants." The to in use the telegraph had to keep si the home of Fred Beck this week. tal number of families in the Inner lent. Wireless telephony is »till In Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flackus were NEW YORK, March 11— "Direct visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Flack 'or Tartar city Is given as 79,009, and Its infancy and cannot be expected Hn the outer or Chinese city as 46,- to compete with wireless telegraphy Primary Nominations” will be the us’ Sunday. PROPRIETORS at th<- present time. The main trou subject of an address by Senator La Miss Hazel Fitch, Louise Egert ■ «9, making a total of 128,008 fam ALL KINDS OF FRESH. SALT ble seems to be the difficulty of con Follette, of Wisconsin, at a meeting and Ernest Nall were In Dairy Sun ilies. trolling In so delicate an instrument Recent Japanese official works glv« Ur be held by the Civic Forum at day. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Adams also the number of people per household as a telephone transmitter the pow- AND SMOKED MEATS Carnegie Hall tomorrow evening. He were there. erful currents necosaary will jc introduced by Senator Cham Mr. Childers, of Bonanza, made a In the urban districts of Japan as SAUSAGES OF ALL KINDS An unofficial census spark-gap system. berlain, of Oregon, who owes his business trip to Mrs. L. M. Fitch's about 4.99. scat in the Senate to the primary law Sunday to get some horse.-, belonging made In 1907 of the city of Swatow ESTUA Y NOTICI in Kuang-tung province works out in that state, having been elected by to F. J. Bowse. 5.4 per household and the unofficial a Republican Legislature bound by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Horton and son Black yearling colt, with white their primary law pledges, although Linn, were visiting at the home of census of 1881 of Wen-chou in Che Secret Service men employed by stnr on forehead. Came to my pinco kiang province. About 5.5 may be Mr. Chamberlain is himself a Demo Mr and Mrs. Emil Egert Salm day the Interborough Rapid Transit Com- Branded on taken provisionally as a fair approx about 2 months ago. crat. ,and Sunday. They were on their To uye defects are attributed 90 , puny, have unoarthod a gigantic con- Wm CRAWFORD, imat« average. This would make th • left shoulder. I way to th« Reservation. per cent of the so called neuralgic I «piracy to (wlndlo the company by Reservation. present population of Peking exclu 3-18-4t FOR SALK. John Andeison Anderson was in ii Dairy Sun- headaches. I means of counterfeit subway and el sive of the suburbs (but they are un day. The year 1908 rounded up thirty evated tickets. Three men and a wo FOIt SALE OR EXCHANGE. important), 693.044 persons Dairy Cows and Heifers. Twenty Mrs. Anderson, of Dairy, was vis- years of telephone service In New man were placed under arrest Mon 320 aères of cattle or fruit ranch York City. Dead Jerseys and grade Jerseys. Will jiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. day nnd a small hand press, two Amberol Records play for four plenty of fine water. Inquire at this ■ell cheap. R. V. BEALL, JR. |Chas. Flackus, in Yonna, Sunday. The escapement wheel of a watch dies and $16,000 worth of tickets l-14tf office. 3-1ltf ninkns 7T1.RC0 revolutions a ybar. 3-18-4-8» Centra! Point, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks were visiting minutes. At Mullers. were con flics toff , I I KLAMATH REPUBLICAN | LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON w HEN you think of it that you pass more time in your sleeping cham ber than in any other part of the house, you want the place as comfortable as possible, Let us start you out with a handsome new bedroom suite or, at least, one of those eie gant metal bedsteads, fitted with soft mattress and gent We are ly-y ¡elding springs offering some special induce ments just now. GILLETTE Best Ranchers’ Range VIRGIL & SON Building and Construction CALDWELL BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTING CO Ashland Commercial College R1TNER, A. M., President If City Meat Market WEISS & ARMAND t V