Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, March 18, 1909, Image 3

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    HI« DE 4L IN I IKK.
Spot Cash
< rrv
will hive
< iHi’Ti
On«- of tin- larg- t land deals r.i
There Is no longer to be any de­
the W- »t was consummated lust week lay by tin- charter comtula-don In get­
when tin- Oregon Valley Lumi ('out- ting down to hu-lii-ai ami drawing
For your Hggs, Veg­
tables, Chickens and
Farm Produce
way, was a surprise to many, as th« Cn< ult Couil anil other buslm-ss mat-
cattle company was strung financially Uis taking other members from tl.*
ami could have maintain-d Hu stock city, was fully understood by the
growing Interests here for some lime. Council.
But Mr. Ihiryford and bin partners
Judge Benson, one of the members
saw the trend of the times her#», ainl* of the commission, will return from
concluded that their holdings were I Lakeview Wednesday and then m»»rn-
becoming too valuable for stock rais­ i b»-rs will hold a meeting on Tburu-
ing, especially s<» lii view 'it th«- fact
• >• nlng «nd lave ngr*-»-1 to no -t
that thousands of lam! hungry people !ea»ii • venlt.g after until the charter
are soon to invade this section and Is finished. Both Mr. Reames and
would I ave clamored for a subdivl- j fudge Drake gave it as their opinion
nlon.so that small holders could niuk* ,il ut they would be able to have the
homes thereon. In this condition we I new charter completed within ten
are but und-igolng a repetition of , ¡da.,«
___ or two weeks. The secretary
wI at Las heretofore taken place all has already received a. large e number
over the West. Sooner or later the of chart«-rs of other cities through
Incoming rush of settleme.it has drlv the date and Judge Noland has fur­
en the cattle and sheep men out of nlsl.cd a copy of the A'.torla charter,
the business, and their ranges once Portions of the old charter will be
money, au *<• und thin city, from u upatsely settled and subservient to used and some of tbe best
WA1T-.ll (OMI’A.Vk At TH.
former exparienca, well know. We tho few, now have become the pros­ of the charters of the other eiti«’*
Will No lainger 'Ink' 1 ill-n»l<*ii<• «nd are going to husband our resources. perous hotties of thousands.
will be added and t »<* w sections cov- J
The surest and qulcke.it way Is to
Will < nl Out Honw Hydrant*.
In th» purchase of this splendid erlng local conditions will be drawn
stop construction.”
property the Oregon Valley Land Co. up.
A very p<<uliur condition •<xl»'k nt
How about the rumor that you nr»- I iuh mor«- than kept the faith with its
The City Council adjourned until ,
the present time b- .tween thy city and going '9 cut »rut street light, and hy contract holders. Il has shown Ils Tuesday evening at which time the
honesty of purpose, by giving to commission believes It will have some
th*- Klamath Fall* Uglit A Water drantaf
"Wc Lavr not said so, but on April those wbo have Invested, an interest of the proposed ntw charter ready (
Goinpauy. The Council I* of the up
Inion thut the fruuchlac of the Light 1st If wv are not paid In cash or n In this great property, which, at low­ to submit to that body for their con­
A Wat* r Company Lua clapx* d and new contract c’.Ltrcd Into, wc will est estimate, is fully woilh half ■* sideration. While the work asked of
so far haw not aeon fit to extend It cut out street lights and twelve hy million dollars at ruling prices, and u the charter commission is rather a
Mr. II. V Gates camo here recently drants, the contract for both having gr*i*t d»al more when the valuable thankless job. the members present
for the purpose of aaklug the Council expired. Any warrant Issued for sei water rights thus acquired are taken stated that they did not so consider
Th»- Into consideration. It mak»<s every it but rather accepted It as a distinc­
to extend the franchise according to vice thereon would be Invalid
the provisions of the contract. which original t* n hydmnts would remain contract twice as valuable as It was tive honor and they would take pride
before, and this, too, without on? In doing the best they could. Some
ho claims th*) are under obllr.utloti In scrvlco."
Have you mad»- any effort to com­ cent of add«’d cost to the sharehold­ of the best legal talent of the city
to do. An ordinaire,* wan Introduced
an*i road at the last meeting but no promise?
are on the commission and have
'The contract provisions are so
Il Is a moat magnificent thing to promised to freely give their advice
furth*r action has been taken It was
expected that mtns action would b-t elear In tio-lr obligations that the do, and President .Martin aud his on all questions involving the forma­
taken at the meeting last night, but ninn who suggests compromise starts associates in thia matter have built tion and adoption of the new charter. !
dishonestly. We have compiled with a monument for themselves for lion-
the matter was not brought up
Tlrero hiur been several rumors on all that we obligated ouraclvca to do esty and fair dealing that will be a.
the street today to the effect that the The city did th* same and then went ••ndui Ing as time.
160,000 LBH. OF WOOL
Sluce this deal bus been made,
Water Company was going to shut off Into the courts to repudiate, but
Thors Is a clear obligation many, many regrets Lave been ex­
the city water und lights and In ad­ failed
dition to these rumors the announce­ on their part to renew the contract pressed by local people that they were
PENDLETON*. Ore , March 14 — :
ment waa given th* papers stating und no honest man could refuse to so short sighted as to let a good thing By the sale of 150,000 pounds of wool
that the company would not under­ comply However, wo did make tom*- slip past them, and all the regrets a bunch of woolgrowers at Arlington
take to make any further extensions offers, one to rebuild the street light are not confin«»d either to people in have opened up the- s»»ason for this
of tbclr system or furnl-h water to system Into a mod»-rn type, giving modest walks of life.
section of Oregon. The price paid
President Martin c •nln’e bis
new residences To determine what better lighting and cut the price 34
Is believed to be from 17*4 to IS-
attitude the company intended to take per cent und we agreed wherever mud«* good all his trant-net(»»•»• here, cents. This is an advance of at least
In the matter a representative of this Tungsten lamps are used to cut the and should he conclude to float an­ 5 cents p«-r pound over last season
paper called on Mr. II V Gates ou rate on»- and two cents per candl»- other similar proposition n'-rkiTs
Though sales have been reported
Tuesday at bls office
The follow­ power, aud to lay a six-inch water ho will find lota of mi*n who win hank irevlously this season in Baker and!
ing questions were asked Mr Gates l sin along Klamath avenue aud place I on him In the future right here In Wallowa counties, this is the first
What Is the meaning of the an­ I croon 14 hydrants and add hydrants Lakeview
<ale so far reported between the Cas- '
nouncement you gave the Herald to- all over the city so that In the rest
ado and Blue mountains. The move­
donee portion no building would be M'HOOLH IN GOOD CONDITION. ment will be genera), though the lar­
dnr ’
•'ft means that the City Council re­ over one block from two hydrants,
ger part of the I'matllla growers will
fuse’s to carry out th» conditions of making a total of 7u hydrants In the
County S* hoo) Superintendent J. G. no doubt hold their clips for th» an­
tbe contract botwean us and the city, city, the added cost per year to be Hwan Is still k»>eplng up his good nual sales dates.
one of which conditions Is
Tl at If |911 and we gave an option good work for the schools of the county
the city docs not purchase the plant, until September, 1911, for purchase and thia work Is beginning to show-
they shall renew the contract and on arbitrated value.”
very satisfactory results. Mr. Swan NOTH E OF Gl AltDlAN'S SALE
Don you expect any setti* went out­ last week visited the Summers school
franchise in periods of five years
each, or In the present instance ex side of the courts?
and r»>|*orts the school In fine condi­
Notice is her»-by given that in pur­
"If we can avoid it no courts for tion. They are taking up the work
tend to Hepteinber 1811. The result
suance of an order of the Honorable j
of the Inaction I* thut we huve no us. and I hope the city has all It of Improving the grounds and are
J. B. Griffith, County Judge, of the I
legal right to excavate In the streets i « ants. I hope the better element of planning to set out a large num tier
County of Klamath, and State of Or­
for any new work. For this reason the city will wake up from their of yourig trees and also to seed the
egon, made on the 30th day of No­
and to save prosp<*ctlve customers sleep of Indifference, investigate and (.round for a lawn.
Many of the vember, 190?, In the matter of the
loss by depending on us we Inserted settle It. Business men would have schools are adding an additional three
estate of Charles H. Moore, an in­
setti»’»! It long ago. It is a vital ques­ t -ontha to the term and most of tbe
the nd explaining the situation.'*
sane person, which said order au­
W'hat new work were you Intending
(cachera bnve been engaged for spe­ thorized the sale of the real estate
»•vent. The city and Its citizens lose cial short terms.
to do?
hereinafter described.
' Water and light extension to Bu­ the benefits from Improvements wc
C. E. Mulkey has been engaged to
The undersigned, John N Moore,
ena Vista, llot Springs und other ad­ make year by year. While It suffers teach an additional three months at
guardian of the estate of the said ,
ditions and to the railroad grounds, no apparent loss in money it does In Fort Klamath. This will give the
Charles 11. Moore, an insane person, ;
and to perfect our present water sys­ credit, and whenever the city goes In­ school a complete nine months term
will on and after the 10th day of:
tem In the original town so as to af­ to the market for sale of bonds It
B P. Alexander will also teach April, 1909, sell at private sale for |
ford better pressure and supply dur­ will And a black mark against It for three additional months at the Loos- cash, subject to confirmation by said
ing Ores. Wo would continue as In ntt*-mpt»-d repudiation of its first Is­ ley school in the lower Fort Klam­
County Judge, the following describ­
the past three years anticipating ev­ sue and a continuance In repudiation ath district.
ed real property, to-wlt: East Half
ery demand. During that period our
Clyde C. Craig, formerly of Port­ of the North West Quarter and the
When do you expect to go away? land. will begin on Monday a four
power plant fias Increased from a
North Half of the North East Quar­
"Probably Thursday morning and months term of school at Odessa.
capacity of 50 H. P. to 400 H. P,
ter of Section Twenty-six (24), Town- .
our mains from two miles to eleven not to return for several months.”
Miss Jane Given has been given a ship Thirty-eight (38) South, Range
and one-half miles.
Rlectrlc lines
throe months contract to teach the Six (6) East, W. M.
in greater ratio. Our reaorvolrs now
Ixing latke school. She will begin
Propositions for the purchase of
oover many hills and not once during
Perhaps few of our readers know school on Monday, March 23.
said property may be left with Alex
that time has the Connell had to of the plan, somewhat recently de­
Miss Cora Griffith will open a six Martin, at the Klamath County Bank,
make any demand for any extension. vised by an old and reliable Pacific months term of school at Swan Lake
Klamath Falls, Oregon, or at the of­
No municipal or private plant In the Coast institution, whereby there is on March 22.
fice of Geo. W. Trefren, Attorney at
state of Oregon can show as clean or furnished in one contract and for
Miss Olive Faught will open a Law, Ashland, Oregon.
clear a record. Wo had appropriated one price a combination of life.health term of BChool at Sand Hollow on
|>0,000 to expend in 1809. We have and accident insurance, with a guar­ April 5.
Guardian of the Estate of Charles H.
ordered ail construction stopped, anty of substantial yearly cash allow­
Mrs. Archye Klrkendhll will open
Moore, insane.
have notified the railroad and all oth­ ances for total and permanent disa­ the school at Ix>ne Pine, near Mer­
Date of first publication, February •
ers interested that no extensions will bility, whether this arises from sick­ rill, on March 22. This district has
25, 1909.
be made. We cancelled an order for ness or accident; a weekly Indemnity just completed a fine new school
a car of plpo loading for us, and when for temporary disability and an old building and la now planning to
our present jobs are complete the ago pension after the contract ma­ mako It one of tho most attractive
construction force will be let out.”
tures. There are In addition all the schools In the county. The property
along the present water mains?
modern features found In any reliable Is under the government ditch and
"We cannot mnke any new taps eastern company, and the cost Is will be Irrigated. A fine lawn is to
for service. We are more sorry for within the reach of all. This is cer­ be laid out and shade trees are to
this than anything else, for It strikes tainly extending the benefits of In- be planted throughout the grounds
the Innocent nnd needy demand for hu rance as far as any one could reas­ With tho aid of irrigation this can
onably ask, and Indicates that the be made a very beautiful spot.
You have been laying mains right day of genuine Ir.-iurance reform has
along wltnout any renewal of con­ arrived. Terms for these contracts
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Baldwin, the
tract. Why do you stop now?
or for agency work are furnished by "Newly Weds,” arrived on Saturdav
TkmsrsmorsMrCsIl Pstlrrns.oM tail»*« Vs««*
Stfftr« than of any other make of pa* tert”
i his •* oh
"Because we have been doing that C. M. Wood, Manager of tho Pacific from Portland. They were met at account
ot their style, accuracy ana siinpl-tity.
McCall's Ms.axlae Ths Qiire* of * *M«r'l«
which was Illegal Is no reason why Mutual Life Insurance Company, the boat nnd escorted to their new
more subscribers than any other l.artieN* M -K »me. t •
wn should continue.
However, the Marquam Bldg., Portland,
’a aubscri|»iloniii numbeik) co«iv 30 cciiie. - :1'r ’
homo In the Baldwin building. The yeai
cent»», Mvery anbacriber gets a M l ( -ii l'at
apparently hostile attitude of the
wedding march was played with cow tern FiTe, Subscribe t<»d.iy
I.ndv Atente Wsnlrd. nandeome prvm. meor
City Council prenages a legal contest,
J. D Carroll left on Frida) for bells. Most everyone was there so liberdcath <»-mtn>aai«'n I’utltrn < -•!.dIoMiei *•’ •
si ns) and Fremi»m Catab-uif (showing < - premui"
a wise man prepares for it. It takes Han Francisco on business.
they know all about It.
svut fi ves Auiiiesk ll.L
ALL LU.» ; CW Y>Jik
Buy your Groceries
at the nonarch and
save money :: ::
D ol
L a- « uii*l Di»*- -nntu
iK/iMt*, 1 -i
ure an i hxlurtw................
li! rom
i r< herve iti. I m ..................... ..
■ n hand ......................
.. ÎI. , 1 ■
LtAHi i ries
( Mpll al .l. ck pun it.
Ci.Ji *|.l.-*l j.i.'ht., I.--» ex|>eiii
Time* I eri ifica’e. I’f ||*-|>' -It . .
.......... I tU 429
doll -* rs
4 '.,.'i,(l*io
1 2|t>
.......... 12.245
si'«l taxa. pai»l
H tat « or i>«r.G<»M. |
County ni
I, J
. HiFu.enr, CAhLieT of th<* aSove>name<i bank, rh»
Hint th»'
-lj*L*ment in true to the
of inv knou
J. W. SIEMEXs, (’awhter.
HiLfcribed and rworn to before trit ‘.bi* llih day of Februaryt IW»9.
A. M amtim , .J h , Notary Public.
C okh /4'r—Attest:
<h W. WHIIE,
;• Directors.
Low Rates
During flarch and April
From All Parts of the East.
$25 From OMAHA.
$33 From CHICAGO.
$25 From KANSAS CITY. $30.50 from ST. LOUIS.
Correspondingly low from al) other points.
Write letters to everybody you kn»»w in the East and tell them
about these low colonist rates. Send them literature about
Oregm, or z nd their addrc --.s to us and we will do it. In
this way you can be a great help in the growth and progress of
your state.
if you want to. Deposit the necessary amount with our local
agent and he wil. telegraph ticket fur anyone from any place
Inquire of Agents or write to
(■«■neral PaeM-nger Ag»-nt
Southern Pacific O-.d it Navigation Co.,
The Or#gon Railroa (Lines in Oregon).
Momour C ompost
M odkbstb P bicxs
The Tourist Headquarto»
of Columbia Valley
A a iroBTOS, “—g-
M ason &. S lou g h
abstracters :
A olioloe line of Invest­
ments that will malce
tlie purchaser money
City Property
Farm Mortgages
With or Without Driver
CHAS. R- BALDWIN, Proprietor