i » suuw. lie Lus gott. a quit v num- » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦. ♦ tahlmid Normal, I» $ioo Reward, 8100, attend! ♦ Tit« rvmteiBul ilii« |>*|« • Mill boi pli»«*«»<l Io . i of auck.- of y.)..ui from It, which ♦ ♦ vlsltlnr with parenta at Itouml learn Ibal litara la al iHMil <»u«< drva<l»4 dia» the thresher failed to thresh. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Lake. that avi viira hu tun abia tu eurn III all Ila We understand C. W. Sherman, Sr.. Mr. McCormick has commenced Ills •ia*i«a, and Ibat ia catarrh, liall'a ( aiaqh It. A Alford took a load of bay to C. C. rearson and son, Jerry, have Mrs Gay mid daughter Wl'l U tu . Is contemplating making big improve spring plowing fnrv la ilia only pNilllva cure imw bniinu lu his residence In the Fall» Sunday, been grubbing sagebrush lately. town trading Saturday. ment* on his place this year. Mr Foster purchased a calf of K tbv aiadlral liairnilly. Catarrh bal ng aron* N Deal, of Keno, an» lu this '1 John Ritter is breaking a saddle Mr. Dunn, of Tule Lake, was III alilutloual dlaraar. rrqiilrra a r<»n»lltuuoiial Thompson last wook. | U Y. Gray sold some cattle last clnity buying fur Wednesday. horse tor personal use. irvailuani, liall'a Catarrh t'urr la tahrii ia* M Trill trading tills week week for $80. U F Sovit» made n busines» trip larnally. acting dlrrotly Upon Ihr blood and Emil Egert was at Jacob Rueck's Jessie and Harriett Garrison, Gvp- Mr« Karecow mid son, Alexander, to Keno Saturday. mucous enriaras of the eyeltai» lliaraby da >lac? Wednesday on business. , sj and Yretta Johnston, of Morrill. visited the Falls Saturday. Glace Tliumpaon has returned alloying Ihr luu nd al Ion ol the dlaaaae». and Mr. Earl, Clarence Gray and Ray , attended a party out at Mr. Jobb's G. F Sevlta and son. Charley, haul homo from Mr. Cornack'», whom »lie giving iha patient elrangth by building up mond Ward w en, ln Yonna Tbumday # J , at Tulu Lake last Saturday night. lha L'unaliluilon and âaaletlng natura lu doing <>d some wood Monday. lias boon working fur aeveral weeks. lia norte. Iba pruprielore have ao tuutii lallh breaking horses. Mr and Mrs Miller and baby will G G. Kems mid family vlaltcd rel G. G Kerns, G. F. Sovit» mid Char lu ila curativa |>uwera that they otar Ona J. H O'Brien has gons to the rails' Mr. Cambers stopped at Keno dun- visit friends in Hand Hollow this ativus iu Kono Suuday. ley Sovit» went tu Clear Creek ou a Mundrad Hollar« for any caar II falla to rure. to get a gasoline engine with which day night on his way from the Rogue week. Maud for Hal of *a«l Iluon'aU Arthur Breutuer has hauled some fishing trip Tuesday. to pump water for irrigation. River Valley to Klamath Falla He Several of thu faruisrs are bu»> I lumber for Mr. Talbot with which Seigel Harris left for Bonanza last ' reports that there are three feel of plowing (or th<> spring seeding A sluglu body of Iron ore in L«>ba- the latter expects to build a house. Wednesday. He haa been busy lately snow in the mountains. GUM» MINES SHOW UtkiU I A very pretty weddiug occurred non County, l’a., ha» bean mined al Miss Ruth Itoten has returned fr<- u at the home of Mr aud Mis. Henry grubbing sagebrush for Manuel VI- Mr Sevlta mid family visited with UKK IN LAKE COt'NTY. moat without Interruption »Ince 1740. •rra. The cleared place will be plant the Falls where she has been visiting Turner Wednesday night, March 10. Mr and Mrs Foster and family at for several weeks. ed to potatoes. W. A. Shauar, C. laiugblln aud Mr. I of their oldest daughter. Mtss Lucy. Rouud Lake Sunday. Harry Pearson took hts wife and • to Mr. Johnson Whiluuy. Nlaa Ada Otto Hoppe and his brother madj Arthur Ilrentner aud his father - Garfield Fare« cams down from lbs children to the Falls last week. From Turner, as bridesmaid, aud Charles took a load of baled hay to the Falls i mountains on Friday and are all very a trip to Dairy Tuesday John Donnell made a business trip there they will take the stage to Ftrt Cox as beat man, and Iva Barrowu Saturday. enthusiastic over the preseut showing to D. Y. Gray’s place Tuesday and : Klamath for a visit with relative« In as ring bearer. The bride wsh at- Mr. Foster, of Rouud latke, was i of the mines Wednesday, and took somo horses to the Wood River Valley. They will tired in white Heatletta, trimmed in In the Falls Saturday. Mr Ferro came here looking for Bonar.ra to be sold to Mr. Stewart, ¡visit there until the return of Mr. lace; the bridesmaid wore blue Hen J. H. Bgruea recently purchased a i a leas«, lie has been on the moun I Pearson from Salem, where he won. rietta trimmed iu embroidery. The four horse gang plow of R. A Alford tain for the past ten days and condl- the California horse buyer. John Logue and daughter, Mrs. to take Wallis. Llskny aud Vostat Io ring bearer wore blue aud white silk Clifford Sevlta went to Klamath i lions there must seem very attrac List your land for sale with this Alf. Wallis, and Manuel Vierra made Ithe penitentiary. live, lie Is returning to tlm LUI agalii offlee; we have buyers fur all Thu groom wore the conventional Falls hor»cbiick Saturday. a business trip to lhe Falls Tuesday Thos. McCormick. Sr., went to the | black and the best man In brown classes of Klamath County G. F. Sevlta has been breaking a i thia morning along with Laughlin property. W. IL Bliss is now clearing hlJ Falls Saturday on business, lie re A very dainty supper was served af- four year old filly. and Bassler, the latter hut lug arrived laud, by grubbing and burniug sage turned the following day. lu town lust G. W Heavllln aud family spent night mid reporta the jter the ceremony, and a uutuber ut brush. Mrs. C. Madison went to Dorris very beautiful and valuable presents Suuday with J. II. Ilanma aud fam »bowing even better thuu It »a» on Eit.il Egert and family have moved this week to visit her sister, Mrs. were received. Those preseut were Uy- The only acreage adjacent to Friday lust. Klamath Fall« for »ale in »mall to their place from the Cola! an ranch Finley Padgett. Miss Mary Byers and G F. Sovits • Thu snow Is vui > drop on tim luomi and Mrs. Johnston, Mr. and Rev. tracts. More than » score of where they have have been living Lester Hixon made a business trip M r* W. P Rhoads. Mr. and Mrs. I) went to town Thursday tain. That the element* have no people have secured sites for during the winter. to the Picard ranch Saturday. homvs. l> Ford .of Keno, passed througn terrors fur mankind where gold la III G. Barrows, Mr and Mrs. W. F. iiar- I ast Monday Mrs. Chas. Faith, of Born Friday morning, to Mr rows. Mr.. and Mr». Wm. Turner. her.* on hi., way to the Falla Frl b . sight Is made luaulfest ’ by the fact Bonar.ra, made a visit to her daugh Mrs. D. J. Jones, a daughter. Mary Bvers. daughter of G B >u <, of these men having to travel on Mrs Harter, Mrs Mrs. Wilson, Mrs Me ter, Mis. P. Randles, who Is ill. M:s. 11 W McCormick was ou the i Pherson, P. Whitney. are the best buys on the market Is visiting with her aunt, Mrs Set snow shoes and puck grub ou their Misses The Mrs. Elizabeth Bliss was wo:king sick list last weeg. hacks. Yretta aud Gypsy Johnston. Nellie. ton at Mrs. C. C. Pearson's the first pate I Jerry Martin. Martin Owensby ati I J->. 1« ar.d Harriett Garrison, Muriel The winze on the Mt View is now Mr McCormick, of Keno, vie c t ef the week. Mr.Stineburg were In Keno last w ek and Janette Harter. Frances, Ethel the Falls Friday. down to a depth of 140 feet mid O.Hoppe lost two horses last spring Ml-s Skcele is q ilte ill with an aud Polly Turner. Grace and Agues J H. Barnes caught a large wild i , with 3 feet of om of a very high ■nd when C. E. Drew was over on attatk of la grippe. I grade. There Is a gouge from 2 to Barrows, Iva Barrows, Ada, Alice cat one day last wo.-k the Reservation recently, found them Jack Frost and Lisle McCormick Roy Brown Is hauling wood to ti c '5 1 tlichv.i lliii k tint Is worth fl Dili and Yalta Turner. They left Ibis ■ nd returned them to the owner. went .to Holland on the Canby Sun w eek for their Mud Lake raueb. We Falls for Mr. Curl. 2 to 5 dollais per pound Thea there D-v-'r Pool made a trip to Olene day. Mr Fost, of Round Lake, »nc n! Is -i foot of ore on either wall, of a Join with others iu wishing I them Saturday. Charles Marsrow catne down from much happiues* and prosperity. giado belter than 8 lot) per ton With Long Lake on business Friday Smyth and Miss - the Falls Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.___ ,----------------- Roy Brown wus hauling a load of such showing at this depth It is no Mrs Demorest has been visiliug M R RICHARDSON Anna Smyth made a business tri? ( John Ackley went to the Falls last .her son and daughter Iti Klamath hay from Mr Foster's place Thurs wonder ti nt uu n arc becoming eacit • to Dairy Wednesday. week after launching his stow here Falls. day when the wagou wheel dropped <>d for who knows but that the lion - United State* Commissioner D. Y. Gray, of Yonna. sold a horse' Chester Wilson, living south of Work began Thursday on the new lnl<> 11 >nud hole-ln the road, ami in dla'clct mu) In tic v> > ; i-.u f.ilur to Arthur Langell, of Bonanza, la-' Keno, was in town Munday. TIMBER \XD HoMl "II \!> M K. Church. It is on the east cor- I’hlUhF *he wagon out broke the wa rival the gl'-lll-' of the gold pl' I W. H Wall and Arthur Handy Monday for 8'0. PROOF TAKEN I din ing camp* It will be *°n tongue In three plrriwi nor of the Carlock block Frank McCumber was very silk are putting a boom across the river The new discovery on the Bonaufa | E Thompson and Ernest lloyd auutber Improvement to the town. t’fficc. Third and Main. te City lr t Tuesday. Dr. Johnson, of Bo- .below the bride, in order to stop the .201 Library. Tel The Whist Club met at the home of have Installed their new saw In the Group w cm clear)) <t nut but »■-.!: to ■ •’ :za, was called. logs from going down the rapids. timber near Long Lake and say It permit of sampling, ut bottom of Mrs. B K. Lee this week Geo. Ritter went to Bonanza last ' Mr. and Mrs. Kelly pass j through I 12 fool »Lift The icsiilt of which L. Gerber »ill drive a bunch of does splendid work BENSON <k STONE Wedn esday. Keno several days ago on their way cattle to the railroad In about a Mr». K. Bunner and ■l.i ughters. wm a showing of »om.) very high Wm. Flackus and grade ore t! 1» w ><>k Some of lhe from Ashland to the Falls. ATTORNEYS AT LAW li is the last bunch of the Clarice and Dorothea. ui>> visit Illg week. made about 500 posts in the past few other Well ktio.cn pii'p-'ltlc* which Had a light thunder shower in season with relatives at Long Luae. . Im eri cun /¡tink *• ks, but are now through. have I > 'n prove n make.i th" coming this vicinity Sunday, which settled Iva Wblt latch has 1-eo and Gu> Thompson sp ut Sat and Tru»t Ultli Emil Egert went to Godfrey B -ck s the dust considerably. '•••a on in the Pine C h k Mine loom S :th ‘rn California urday evening at Mr Curl s K AMATH f IS T1 ursday to help brand some cattle ORC-Ì3M up With ilaltciing iiooclldHtl-s Ex- been visiting. Rov Brow u and Fiank I 'url visited which he recently purchased of Mr. amlnei G. R Carlock has sold his build lhe hall* Tuesday. SHY SILL IX UVE YEAR.-*. Beck. cig and business at Merrill to N. S .Mr. Foster took bi» butler to mar W. H. Bliss was at G«o. Rittsr's M Iti GUI FRXMI SI Jons. The Secretary of the Interior has M-rrlll, and Bruce Allen will prim ket Saturday. place on business Wednesday. ATTORNEY AND Just issued Instruction* to the Gen the paper. Mr. and Mr». Carlock and Mr. GiitHtb pur.-l used'three dozen Wm. Uhrmann made a bus'ness COUNSELOR AT LAW eral Land Otfiee which remove a dtf- du'utl ter. Erla, have gune to Salem. chick> n» of E. Thompson Inst week. trip to Pine Grove last Wednesday. KIAMATH FAI.!>, OKE gii N Leo. Thompson caught a larg* por- 'ficulty that ha* been m«’ in cen'aec- Saturday quite a number of the Emil Egert went to Dairy V/ednes- ROOMS 7 4 0, MURDOCK BLDG tion with entries under ti.<* t reclama- ladles of Merrill had their, pictures cuplno in a Hap one du. lust » k. gay. Ition act. In a circular of th« Gen- taken on honu-bauk. It has h 'en report. .! tt nt the woods WASHINGTON, Mar. I) It I'nder Gro. Smyth will start plowing this is, Everybody is enjoying the nice near here are infected with cougars th® nppropriatlon of 4 l,000,»»i' ».mnde ¡«ral Land Office issued Jam - week. WILL A. LEONARD and panth.-rs. nnd people urn dili lu the t.T-'Ui CongrcM* for l-'v n 190S, provlsiuu is made e thu after sunny weather. Will Logue is working at the Frank gently hunting them, but without suc gating land vntrh'S In tin* W»*', C> t:.e require-., nts of the e ho¡íiv .lead t DENTIST Wallis place. cess so far. law as to residence ar.d cultivation nilsstoi )-r Dennett, of the <* -n a. CARD OF THANKS. Master Orville Smyth, of the Hil have been complied with, the entry Frank Curl left this week for W-li Land Office, Is preparing to biro uti IV /throw - Me/hivxc HuHdhig debrand school, who is but 12 year» man or hl* n--irs may make tic-', ner, Idaho, where he will engage In additional force of 200 xpnclal land Mr J. W. Masten and family wish si age, has rented two acres of land proof of compliance with thoay re sheep »h.-ming during the spring nnd and timber agents An effort will bo to extend their heartfel. thank* for from II. J. Donnell, on which he In DR. C. P. MASON * summer. quirements, after .wl ich be will be mado during the coming 11«'«! year the syonpathy and help extended to tends to plant potatoes, The pro relieved of tie necessity of residing Mr. McCornack hue purchased n with ti l- Ir.ir used force to <h-»r up OENTIST them’in their late bereavement, when eecds of the crop will go to Matter upon tbe land. death claimed a companion and fath beautiful St frwny piano and hai all suspended land entrlec and lnv**s- Ollie« in Amerhan Bank A Triml Com Orville. j: >( . ft into I n *w house, which tlgate nil new- ones, so thnt there The question arose wl, her, after pany's Building Geo. Grfzzl' . of Kiamath Falls, va < er. In ' ' ’r • co: pl tod will b<> no undue dela) lu grunting having made such proof, the entry •ut to Manuel Vierra's this w •>: PMONl 014 man could asHfen ht’ Irtere t in tfrn Ei cent Boyd it de a trip to Klam- patent* buying some grain. S LAM ATM FALLS OREGON Friday was an Ideal day for the uth Full» Tueuday. The new agents to be appointed , Ward Rueck, who has been absent . land without forfeiting tii* right to a patent. Spring Millinery Openings and the Blanche Thompson and Ml i Curl, will be required to pan .'Xamlnntlons 8rom school on account of sickness The of Long Lake, visited In I’levna dis testing their qiialltl. atlons as land pat ladies were out in full force It has now been decided that Mas recovered and is with us again. trict We.lm- lay. mid timber experts. Mrs. L. M. Fitch has received a ent will issue in the name of tile five millinery stores of the city were original ent:.-n an In the u->»al man- crowded al! the afternoon and It was There was a social gathering at tetter from Mrs. H. li. Bishop, of ; I FOB SALE A fin« ranch of «00 Kennet, California, who was in tbisj net', afier such final proof has been I a great day for the ladb s. The stores the home» of Mr. Curl Tuesday even ♦ J IUSINE55 COLLEGE made, and upon proof that at least this year are showing an unusually Ing. Several were present and all acres, 250 head of cattle, 100 head 'O county a short time ago, stating' that reported a good time. of horses and mules. Price 825,000. •he and her husband would return one-half of the irrigable area of the large and attractive line of millin- entry has been reclaimed, and upon Miss Mattie Foster, who has been 10-2» ,ery. MASON 4 SLOUGH. ■ AS—AM » rv*. • H O, a I to Klamath County the 1st of Amil | payment to the proper officials of AfRITg FOR CATAL <XJ I Otto Hoppe aud brother, Robe:' F*»w»rá,m««MS I ¡the government of the charges, fees I .-------------------- . . -------- - ------— were at Godfrey Berk’s Thursday. and commissions which are due. Joseph McCurdy, who at one time Mved in Yonna Valley, ba3 lately pur GOVERNMENT GETS l»IT< II. chased a place in Grants Pass. Fred Brooks went to the Falla on Government Engineers Murphy Tuesday to get his daughter, who has been attending school there. She will and Heileman were in Merrill sev- oral days the paat week and while *ow enter school at Dairy. Mrs. M. P. Nelson and children ' there made arrangements with the arrived at their home in Yonna Mon shareholders of the Van Brimmer day. Mr. Nelson went to the Falls ditch company to furnish from the to meet them. They had been on a South Branch canal 50-second feet of I water. visit with relatives in Minnesota. This will be amply sufficient to Ir- Emil Flackus is busy this week j rigate. the five thousand acres of 1 grubbing sagebrush on his place. We understand that Geo. Morine. land now covered by the Van Brimmer . ditch obtaining water from Lower; of Bonanza Is sick In bed. Harrison Gray made a business Klamath Lake through a channel cut ' for that purpose. trip to Bonanza Tnursday. The South Branch canal carries ' Walter Simpson has been busy late-' water from Upper Klamath Lake, ty plowing for Wm. Welch. Theo. Ilammersley made a busi- which will be turned into the Van-! Brimmer dften from the government ae3B trip to Dairy Wednesday. Jacob Rueck went to Bonanza last headgate and doing away with the Tuesday to sell some horses to Mr. ; channel to the lower lake, The cost of water will remain the Stewart, the horse buyer, who is same as at present, the shareholders m<w at Bonanza. Mrs. L. M. Fitch 1* now having only giving up their right to the cut from tbe lower lake. green wood cut for next summer. The cost of water to the farmers Perry Randles and John Ander son were busy making Improvements under the VanBrimrner ditch has en Manuel Vierra's barn last Tues been merely tbe small sum for main tenance, and this will be lessened by day. L. A. Sterzl and Wm. Wight have removing the necessity of having to started plowing, as they think it keep the channel to the lower lake dredged out. means spring now. John Pool sold a team to Bonnell recently. A young French chemist has suc J. H. O'Brien bought some oats ceeded in producing artificial sap from L. A. Sterzl last week, phires from melted alumina in much Theo. Flack us is making a good the same manner as artificial rubles tiling by fanning out a stack of oat are made. I * V V ■ »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ku.XNA VALLEY lll.MS. ♦ FRANK IRA WHITE THE LAND MAN Enterprise Tracts Mills Addition Lots FRANK IRA WHITE fHE I AND MAN C. C. BROWER J DIMES