♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦n « OFFICIAL PAPER OF ♦ ♦ KLAM Vili COI N! Y. ♦ VOL. XIII. DAIRYMEN !«• ORGANIZE. < lumilM-r of Coninicr« «• Hlart Move iiM'Ut T'liul ll ill Trove II«urti« lui. KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, MARCH 18, 1909 Istillili iltH MOIE CAMP. < OMMIIH Hl I IDE. • ll«/U All i« I 'I HIN, MR. Cu.MMISSIUNERN? « ♦ LEADING PAPER OF N H I HERN OREGON. ♦ • NO. 51 NEW KI LEN Foil HEITLERN. H«-« rotary nt lot. rior Issues Notii» The H I*, surveyors, nineteen In YOUNG MAN IIE: OMEN DEHI'GND- Will lleve Cfilo-s In llic I'uge-Ktrut About Ite* lain» <1 Lund. ■lumber, who buvo been for some I.NI Oil KM I» ...Mi Mil. ton Illo« k—Brief Hiato« y It looks as If there was trouble in Dll FK I Llli.H. of Osti «q utliy. time past engaged In finding the most store for the County Com mlseloners WASHINGTON, March 11. The feasible route through this valley for over a deal for a rock crushing plant Thorn lias been u movement start­ lie Modoc Northern, Harriman’s new II. Clay Ib-nnls commltt* <1 Dr. Graves has secured offices in which the county ordered at the Jan­ Secretary of the Interior has Just 1» ed through the efforts of the Kiizr«- Ink in a grand tranu continental line, at 12:12 Haturday by eating tl <• l*ug -Stratton building and was uary term of Court. sued the following regulations which ath 0*»i. • «■•! .if Commerce to- the have completed their work, says the ot eynalde of potassium. The dect-aa- ready to meet patients Monday T. J. Patterson, special represen­ are of imjiortance to settlers on tbe organisations of associations of da­ Merrill Record, to a point south of <■<1 1« a son-la law of E E. Juiiilaon morning. That osteopathy has ? tative of Beall & Company, of Port­ Reclamation Service projects: irymen lu Klumath County to pro­ li e Carr ranch, und ou Hunday moved nud »an married to Elide Jamison wide circle uf friends In this city L land, wa.< here last Friday to see tbe 1. Reclamation of Lands Entered J evidenced by tbe fact that Dr. Grave County Judge and Commissioners. Subject to the Provisions of the Re­ mote the growth of the industry their headquarters from this city to about a year ago. which It Is realized can bn tnadn to the south end of Tul« latke. Ih-nula pure) as-'d the cynatdc of alr«-ady fas a large number of pa He states that on January 20 his clamation Act. To establish compli­ produce gruul wealth for the citi- Those who were instrument company was given a contract for an ance with the clause of the Reclam*- The certainty that Merrill will be pota ssium ut tl.e Slur Drug Stoic at xoiia of the great basin. The plan on th«- llnu of this now road gives to 11:15 o'clock that morning, and al In Inducing him to come to thb Aurora rock crusher, a 7 ton gaso­ tlon Act that requires reclamation of is to btlng about thu formation of the people of this city a feeling of tald he wanted II to kill cats with, city sic lotid In their praise of hit line road roller, aud trucks, eleva­ at least one-half of the Irrigable area local associations nt Klamulli Falls, confidence und security as regards Its lie was anked why ho didn't give ability and that he will meet will tors and screens. The outfit was to of an entry mude subject to the pro­ M< rrlll, Bonanza, Fort Klamuth and future growth und prosperity, It them chloroform and stat«;d thut It most cordial support is certain. Os >e laid dowu on the ground ready visions of the act, entrymen will bo possibly ut Dally and Midland u lit­ has been fully realized that if the was too much trouble. St ortly after­ ted^athy Is today recognized as being to operate at a cost of $1167. The required to make proof showing that tle Inter, to nrouse the furmers to road should be built through this ward he started toward the home of I on the same plane as homeopathy xmtract was signed by the Judge and tbe land has been cleared of sage­ I tho poHsIblllll«'« of dulrjlug and Im­ secthpi und u ilvul town with the tils father-in-law where he bad been or aloepathy. It Is not an expert the Commissioners and contained the brush or other Incumbrance and lev­ portance of I Ini roduct Ion of gond railroad's favor be established but u living with hl« wife. He stopped at merit nor a fad, but Is as near a provision tl at It would te- ratified in eled; tl at sufficient laterals have dairy stock of I the recognized < «tab- «hurt distant*«' away, It would be dis Mrs. Chnppels and told her of Ms do­ sclhntlfi.- treatment of disease as can February. been constructed to provide for the llalied breeds. astrons to prouert) inten-sts here.* mestic trouble; mid said he WftN KO­ be claimed for many of the older On February 11 the Commissioners irrigation of tbe required area; that I forms of handling the ills to which gave another contract to Young A the land has been put in proper con­ Bcsretnry It II. Dunbar bus I' nt Thia road »111 benefit Merrill und Ing to kill hlms«»lf. out notices to u nuinbur of pinions the surrounding couutry to an extent I!«- tli<-n left an ut trunk lluu ov«-l wife hud previously told him tl at esting. Its founder, Dr. Krill, was On February 15 Beall & Company factory crop has been raised thereoa. 2 Saturday, March 2fi, nt : 30 o'clock which shipment* may be niad>- dlr< < ■ hey hud bolter separate and he told a pra< tlti«iner of the old school. Be-1 rec -fved a letter stating that the Reclamation of Lands in PrL In the afternoon at th« ofilc« of to and from the great c<-nt*us ot dr Jumlsori that lie wanted to see Ing u deep thinker and great student 'County Court could not ratify their vate Ownershlp. The express pur- Frunk Ira Whit««, for th« purpot of trad«> ou either the Atlan'le or Purl hei again. Mr. Jatnlaon trl>*<1 to per­ • he felt tl at there was something contract aud that they could not pur­ pose of the Reclamation Act Is to se- forming th«] l> al mo <>< lallon cure the reclamation of arid or semi­ All tic ('«Hits, and »■«• will be tn dlr<-< t suade him not to, nnd told Mm he wrong In ti e plan of treating every- chase the machinery this year. p< i nona desirous of promoting unci ■ oulact with one of tl.« greatest nt .-I b'-tter stay sway and while th>-y'thing through the Htomach;that there I arid lands and to render them pro- A h soon as the company learned ¡arid an organlxalluu are cordially Invited tot les of travel and traffic IU lb>' win« miking Dentils bit a pb • «• off ¡must be a cause; flat If the cause that the county had plac' d au ordei I duetfve, nnd Ra tion 8 declares tl.at to attend. tbe poHtin and began chrwlng It. Ih- was discovered and removed, then for an outfit with another concern' Le right to the use of water acqulr- wo- Id For some time there has b« < u dis­ Taken in cuimectlon with the ad 1 laid, ' Wi II, It is all off now.” Whcn ; inedii Ine would be unnecessary, na- they took the matter up mid flnalli «-d under thia act shall be appurte­ cussion an to tbe best way to bring vantage, of this section. Its rlcl.no - ( i >k'-«l »hut In- meant, he all that lure righting herself. These r> a«on- Mr. Patlx-rHon came here to see what nant to the land irrigated and that ‘ .... about gem ral understanding of th«* of soil, Its n' undancc of »utcr fur li »as eating poison and ................. that be ‘ ingH ‘ l«-d ‘ ‘ to a cloae study of the hu- ihe matter was. Mr. Patterson is of beneficial use shall be the basis, the advantages peculiar to thia section rivaling lhx*u bread and fertile land I would soon be dead. He then sank man anatomy and the conclusion that 'be opinion that the county Is paying measure and the limit of the right Mr Janfison started to ! if th«' nervous system were in ;«-rf«t several thousand dollars more for the There ran be no beneficial use of as a dairying district Those who H i ' building >«f this road cannot help ’ io tbe walk have sludlud tin subj< < t agree that but muk« lux Merrill aud Tule Lake run to the bou»e to telephone a doc­ j working order it would mean a per­ plant than it actually sella fur. He water for irrigation until it Is an- It la di stlned to l>< < <>)>.e ouv of tho valleys tt most dtsiiable portion of tor, but llcnnls first stopped him and fect blood supply, and with a perfect «ays that his company has outfits In tually applied to reclamation of the gr« steal sour««M of supply on the tbe Parini bliMMi supply dlsiaso would be prac­ nearly ev< ry county la Oregon and land. The Anal and only conclusive Paritk Coast in whl«b to make gav«; him a Utter to the Coroner. tfcaily eliminated. Pacific Const for dairy products. u home He at«* the poison at twelve min­ tically eliminated. When he first Washington and that they offered to test of reclamation is production r There are now creameries at Klam­ utes past twelve and was dead at advanced LIs theory he was, like all take the Judge or one ot tbe Com­ This does not necessarily mean tbe ath Falla, Fort Klamath, Merrill aud 12:21 a fe w minutes after Dr. Ham­ pioneers, received with ridicule and missioners to any point in the two maturing of a crop, but does meai. Bonanza, aud In time th«*so will be ilton, who wt's sumiiiuned. arrived. laughter and all kinds of fun was • states where their machines were In tbe securing of actual growth of a among th« most Imimrtant manufac­ Kinimdh County is noted fur the Th< latter was addressed to the Coun- poked at his system. But he paid operation, so that they might see it crop. The requirement as to reds* ture» In the nnnuul distribution of superior quality of potatoes grown 'ty Judge an«l stat«'d that he was a little attention to the opinysitlon, pre- working and the company would pay- mation imposed upon lands unde cash among our citizens, !tatoeH thnt his act was due to domicile growth of osteopathy. It is no long-! his chances with the ten or twelve landowner shall reclaim at least one- milk In tin« to all »■ et lorn of the »hlpp«-d Into Klamuth Falls from out- troubles, and that his wife was all he er received with ridicule and mlsglv-J other companies handling these tua- half of tbe total irrigable area of h* liad to live for aud if he couldn't have lugs, except where it is misunder-1chine«. If the Court will not do this land for agricultural purposes, and world. »ide vine« Inst September. stood. That it I- a rational and reas-j he Intimated that he would enjoin no right to the use of water for su«A> Just at this time tt.< vita! point 1 here 1« big money In raising po­ her he didn't want to live. The funeral «as h'lJ Mouday af­ unable treatment of diiu-ase is ad-|the county from accepting the Yonng lands shall permanently attach untl Is to get U sutfi-lent number of men tatoes und always a reudy aule ut tnt< rested In keeping the dairy class good prices, mid It would Helu that ternoon from - • such reclame’'.on has been shown. mittad by thoa«’ who at first opixised .outfit ar.d su> <-u bis confia<-t. lOX a of cows to justify bringing the right tb« farm« rs of this county are not Ing Parlor*. I nt . _ it. and while there are many who ar«’ 3. Delinquency. Under Section 6 ______ __ not yet ready to follow osteopathy of the Reclamation Act: *‘A failure kind of animals to the Klamath ba very enterprising. Klamath County in tL< Klaru.'ith Fall» cemetery visiting clem : lake . aln and Insure their proper care Io 'lould be abb to export a hundred to the lengths that Its advocates to make any two payments when due would like to have them go, they ad ­ shall render the entry subject to can­ get the highest results. If accora larlouds of |H>tatoes «'«li year, yet 1111. GAMI. ll Aui « ». mit that It Is worthy ot tbe careful Project Engineer Patch is losing cellation with the forfeiture of all pliahed at this season II will enable for sect ml year« she has not been the men engaging lu dairying to I ubl«< to supply tho local demand v.ar- consideration of those who are aech- no time in getting in tou< h with the rights under this act, as well as ot It O Steph. u«on, stale conditions here and ever since his any moneys already paid thereon."' grow their foruge fur next winter Last year Hie ciup was K little llght- dun. 1« It last Friday for his home. cell« f fiorn ill health. build alios and to gin adapting their ci than usual, but flic fact remain« Ask. d It l.e would make any change arrival has had Ms no«e < :i the grlud- This provision evidently states the REGISTER. farms to the needs of this Industry. that no« «-nougb ncr« ngc has b -vn in the deputy game warden in Klam stone of Investig.ition. H«- is a man rule to govern all who receive water Wien her« to conduct a Farmers' planted. of most pleasing qualities, ready and under any project, and accordingly ath County, Mr. Stephenson stated ; Institute, Hon. J. W. Bailey, State It takes a little woik to grow po­ that he had not taken any action yet.] The registration boots for the city willing to talk and discuss condi­ a failure on the part of any water Dairy and Food Comtnlaaloner, du­ tatoes, but there is probably no but hu »aa anxious that the |>roplv Klamath Falls for the .May ele<- tions and wherever he has gone has right applicant to make any two pay- elared thnt dairying la cutiti« d to place1 where such results can be ob­ of this county should get tog. tter ! I**’n 8re D,,w open The charter pro' trade a very favorable impression. nents when due shall render his wa­ first place aa the certain money-mak- tained with such n «mall amount of and decide on whom they «anted I vid s that “it shall be the duty ot In order to get thoroughly In touch ter right application subject to can­ er for the farmer He related that labor as In Klamath County. A lie would like to have a young mnn .-very elector of the city of Klamath with every section of the project he cellation with the forfeiture of aD when n farmer engages In dairying num can easily pay for his land in wl o would give his attention to the Fnlls between the first day of March has been visiting each and going ov- rights under the Reclamation Act, as th«> banker no longer fears that hl« a f«w yearn by grow ing potatoes. busiBees and enforce the law. He and six o'clock p. m of the first day!er the ground thoroughly. Wednes- well as of any moneys already paid obligations will not bv met promptly. could uut understand how In a game of April to register, with the Police1 Jay he left wlth Engin, er Mur- to or for tbe use of the United Stater Mr. Wakefield planted several ac- It In the monthly creamery or con- roe of potatoes last summer on the country like Klamath not au arrest Judge of Klamath Falls.” phy for Clear Lake, where he will upon any water right sought to be danaary check that makes citizens Stafford ranch five miles btlow the lad been made ln*elgbt months. He It is necessary for every elector to examine into conditions there and acquired under said act. In the case of Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin nnd city nnd reulized $155 an acre. ■ I fell confident that there were a great register before he is entitled to vote formulate plans for the coming sum­ of one who has made homestead en­ of th« Cfiiist counties of Oregon In­ Applegate averaged ov«>r $100 an many violations of the law here and cither at the nomiuating eWtion or mer. Before going be was seen by try subject to the terms of the Recla­ dependent llollnnd has dairying as acre last year from p«itato general city election, and accord- a representative of this paper and mation Act the entry shall be sub­ Its chief Industry und In among I I k - on tbe Euterpriae tracts near the curx* a man whom he could fee) cun­ lug to the provisions of th«’ charier asked It he had anything to say rel- ject to cancellation in case of such rlch«'st of Kuropcan countries. city. »There were muny more who fident would see tl at th«; law was en­ be Is not allowed to swear his vote In ative to future plans, but he asked delinquency in payment, whether or did a« well As the«« men were on­ forced. The position of deputy game after the registration books a:< lim­ to be excused from making a state- not water right application has been m< nt at this time, preferring first made by him. ly out their labor and tho cost of I wnrden pays a salary of $60 a month ed on April 1. JAII. EMPTY The nominating convention will b< to get thoroughly In touch with ev­ und necessary traveling expenses not «ced It «hows what an Immonxe prof­ BALLINGER MAY COME. j held, at least teu days prior to the ery part of tbe work. His every to exceed a total of $100 a month. it there la In raising potatoes In Kla ­ Thursday, the 1 I th of March, 1 »0Í». : general election, for nominating ward move since coming here has indicat ­ Mr Stephenson stated that he bad as Secretary Ballinger of the Depart­ Is the first day since the twenty-sixth math County. many as nine applications for the ^officers, and nt least nine days prior ed that he is a pusher, a fact whtch ment of the Interior will probab v of last July that the couuty jull bio- position, but th«» people did not seem to the election, for nominating officers can be testified to by many. He has visit Klamath County and Crater SHORTAGE OF BUTTER. been without one or more prisoners. united on any one man to any extent. at large such as Mayor, Police Judge be-n the cynosure of all eyes and Lake this summer. The Secretary Sheriff Barnes says it sti'nis rather land Treasurer. Four creameries In Klamath C «un­ naturally has aroused much curiosity has announced that he will go to lonesome around the court house ty and almost impossible to secure and now, after a week of close In­ Alaska to study conditions attending with a big empty stone building with- butter for table use is tile condition spection, the public says "he’ll do.” the acquirement of coal lands there, out a single occupant, But his hand« which confronts the people of Klam­ and if he can spare time will visit are full with the collection of taxes ath Falls at the present time. Supervising Engineer E. G. Hop- It Claude Clopton, who returned from Crater Lake on the trip, as his de­ and It Is probable thnt the loss of his has been proven tnat Klamath Coun­ son, of Portland, and W. W. Patch, 'Sun Francisco about ten days ago, Word was received here Friday of partment plaus extensive improve­ boardem will bo soon forgotten In ty Is one of the beat dairy sections Project Engineer at Orland, Callfor- has a very severe case of small pox. the death of Rev. A. F. Marsh, at his ment in the park aud will also proa- th« rush of business. of the statu und yet it Is necessary nla, arrived in tbe city on Prlday. He Is staying at the Giles place on home In Fairfield, Iowa. It occurred ably assist in the building of tbe Melton, Halo and Thompson were to ship butter from California to They left ««arly next morning In com- the Ankeny ranch about six miles Saturday, March 6. Mr. Marsh is state road through tbe national park. placed In the Jail a few weeks after supply the local demand. pany with Engineer D. W. Murphy south of the city, County Heath Of- the father of Mrs. W. W. Mendenhall The Crater Lake National Park » Mr. Barnes assumed his duties as Klamath County ueeds about a for an inspection of the Klamath Pro- fleer Dr. Hamilton went to the ranch of this city, who was at tho bedside entitled to a large appropriation for sheriff and ever slnco that day the thousand good dairy farmers to lo­ J<« ’ on Tuesday to investigate tho case of her father at the time of bls death. new work and nothing should be Jail hns been occupied und at times cate here and grow rich. The cream­ Mr. Schlect, who was appointed to and reports that Mr. Clopton has the Mr. Marsh, son of the deceased. Is left undone by the people of this sec­ Interested in Klamath County prop­ tho accommodations wero overcrowd- eries are complaining that it is al­ succeed Mr. Murphy as project engi­ small pox tn i^very ba«l form. tion to induce Mr. Ballinger to vis” erty, being part owner with Mr. Men­ ed. There is not much prospect of most impossible to get tho furmers neer, will not bo sent here, but En­ A large number of the people on the lake. A $50,000 appropriai!- > the Jail being used again before the to furuiuh them with milk. There gineer Patch will he transferred front the ranch aud neighbors have boe:« denhall in a large fruit orchard near could be spent to good advaaut.. > June term of Court, but Sheriff is one plant at Bonanza, one in Kla­ the Orland to the Klamath Project exposed. Steps were taken Immed­ this city. Tho many friends of Mrs. and the state of Oregon should n ; Barnes has earned a reputation for math Falls and one at Fort Klamath. aud will succeed Mr. Murphy. Mr. iately to quarantine the ranch and Mendenhall will be sorry to learn of be content with less for the improv - hospitality and there is no telling Tho creamery nt Merrill hnd to shut Patch la said to bo a very callable en­ also all those who have been exposed. her loss and extend to her their aln- ment of America's greatest natural what might happen If some of the down on account of its Inability to gineer and Is a comparatively young A strong guard will be placed to cere sympathy. wonder. eltizens of the county should forget secure milk, and yet there is a con­ man. Mr. Murphy will remain here watch the premises and every effort thnt there nro lnws which must lie tinually increasing market for the until hfs successor Is fully acquaint­ made to prevent the spread of the Tbe Charter Commission has not IRRIGATItiN IN LAKE COUNTY. obeyed. ed with the work. disease. product. been able to get together yet, aud the LAKEVIEW, Ore., March 11—Mx ■ II . - - •- It Is hoped thnt the mooting to bo citizens are becoming very Impatient Elliott, who is In charge of the irrign- TA IO. hold on Raturday In this city will be Mrs. A. B. Livermore and sons, of with the delay as they fear that the tlon scheme carried out by the Elliot' C. R. Miller, of McCloud, arrived successful In organizing an associa­ In the city Saturday. Mr. Miller Redding, have leased the Houston new charter will not be ready In time. Irrigation & Reservoir Company, > WASHINGTON, March 16,- The tion of farmers for tho purpose of Is the photographer who secured a House for a term t>f years and will It seems to bo the general feeling Warner Valley, reports the succ ■ new tariff bill will bo Introduced In encouraging tho dairy farmer nnd fine panorama picture of Klamath take charge tho twentieth of this that a failure to adopt a new charter ful completion of the dam there. ” tho II oum tomorrow, the delay In H h tbe adoption of the better broods of Falls last fall. He expects to take month. Mrs. Livermore has conduct­ would be nothing less than a calam­ water now covers an area of 60 z presenting being to securo the ap­ cattle nnd tho Increase of- the herds. ««»me other views of the Klamath ed the Golden Eagle Hotel at Red­ ity to the city. There has been con­ at an average depth of 19 feet, an; proval of a now llepublicnn member Tho conditions for dairying are Ideal country this summer and will prob­ ding for a number of years and Is siderable talk of holding a mass H'O acres at a less depth. The dig on tho Ways and Means Committee and tho creameries are reudy to buy ably locate here later In tho year thoroughly acquainted with the hotel meeting, but others are in favor of glng of the main canal and lateral­ whom tho Speaker will appoint to all the milk produced at a good when ho has fin I died I ls contract business. The hotel will be complete­ going before the Council at Its meet­ is now being done, and a consider­ succeed llonynge of Colorado, whose prlco. All thnt is needed is tho far­ to supply view i for tbe Alaska-Yu­ ly refitted and improved and will be ing Monday and urge Immediate ac­ able area of sagebrush land now be- tion. known as the Livermore Hotel. mers to k"< p and milk the cows kon-I’utlllv Exposition. ('nt ’ :■ d v. Ill be irrigated this yeax. term has expired.