♦♦❖♦♦♦❖♦❖♦❖♦❖♦❖t CITY BRIEFS. <• X44444444444444444444444444444444444444X •* Mrs Soule has returned from Shas- Ila Valley C. M. Ramsby left Saturday for * * San Franclaco. Mr and Mrs. J. F Adams were up from Merrill this week. Does away with the Chopping Knife Judge W. 11. Harris has returned ’ ♦ and Bowl Entirely from a trip to California. Jo« Sugarman left last Friday 4 (or Portlaud. He will return iu a few daya. Self-Cleaning « > Mrs. J. W. McCoy and Jesse McCoy 4* < • were In the city from Fort Klamath Self-Sharpening 1 > Saturday. ❖ Easy to Operate Earl Whitlock returned Friday from Portland, where he bus been for « ♦ Will Last a Lifetime several weeks. H. G. Wilson aud II Nylander, of All Parts Tinned Klamath Agency, were iu town for a Guaranteed and few days this week. Marriage license was Issued Mon Interchangeable day to John Whitney and Miss Lucy M Turner, both of Merrill. Mrs. Austin llavden and Miss Faye Hogue left Wednesday for the for­ mer's home In Shasta County. Mrs. Atuanda Hamakar returnci Phone 173 ♦ on Saturday from an extended visit : at Oakland and San Francisco. M. I. Allison arrived on Friday from Portland to look after his real estate interests in this county. H. P. Galarneau is in the city for a few days visiting old friend« Harry is representing a Tacoma house on the road. F M Rolfe has moved his barber shop to new quarters on Main street iu the building formerly occupied by H J Wintert. Dr. F M. 1 White made a trip to Keno Thursday to attend the llt- tie child of U. E Reeder, wblch has been quite sick. Sadie E. Rosecrans was granted a divorce on Saturday from Prank E Rosecrans. Attorney Irwin appeared DR. DAVID ROBERTS, WUcon-in State Vetcringiian, 1906-7-S foi Mrs. lluseciaus. Do you want a Live Stock Paper a whole year FREE? K. O. alewuson. ul Forest Grove, Do you want the best Veterinary Book published, cloth­ state game and forestry warden, is in tUe city for u fvw ilh)a iu ili* olii- bound and fully illustrated, FREE? Do you want FREE the veterinary advice of Dr. David c iapacity. W. E. Purdy- is in the city from Roberts, State Veterinarian of Wisconsin, 1906-7-8? Medford for the purpose of paying About these free offers and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary his taxes on his ranch property whten Medicines, ask he ow ns In this county. A new textile plant has been dis­ covered in Colombia with a filler ad­ apted to the manufacture of curtains “They Have It” and other articles of household ad­ #444444444444444444444444 X ornment. 4 All but nine of the jurors were ex­ 4 4 cused for the term Tuesday. The 00 4 jury trial which has been »• t is 4 only 4 the White case which will come up 4 t March 16. Heating Stoves, Household Utensils,'Guns 4 on Fortifications have been photo­ and Ammunition, Cutlery’—in fact every­ 4 graphed by an automatic 4 camera, the thing in Good Hardware—No shoddy or 4 invention of a German, so light that 4 It may be suspended from the neck I shelf-worn goods. 4 of a carrier pigeon, Agents celebrated Ellwood Fences— 4 K. and Joe Sugarman, of the Port- and everything the farmer needs. land Store, received word Th ui »da) 4 of the death of their father, Abraham 4 Sugarman, in Romania. The store 4 has been closed today. 4 8. E. and John Martin are up from >0 44^4.4.4444444444 4444444444 X Merrill for the purpose of paying their taxes. The Martin Bros. Com­ pany Is one of the largest resident BERT E. WITHROW, Secretary tax payers in the county. E. M. BUBB, DON J. ZUMWALT, A Danish inventor has brought out Vice President and C. E. a wireless telegraphy outfit which Treasurer President / use» a machine like a typewriter for Maps, Plena, Blue Print», Etc sending and receives on a machine which writes the messago. X > Drg Hamilton and Fisher have moved their offices from the Ameri­ can Bank A Trust building to the Surveying and Irrigation Engineering new Crisler A Stilt» block Their new phone number I» 371. Universal Food Chopper ! # Grand Opening Friday and Saturday T he BRICK STORE CO. < > 4 « ♦ 4 % e|«»F4444444444444444444444 4 *1" 4 4 *1* 4 4 ' *¡«4444 X ROBERTS & HANKS Hardware Dealers t I I STAR DRUG STORE Dependable Hardware GEO. R. HORN,the Hartiware Man Abstracting Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATISFACTION The feeling I want to exist between you and me. I am trying to make my name and satisfaction synonymous. You can help me. Don’t holler and cuss if I have worked for you and it’s not been satisfactory, but bring it back and give me a chance to make my word of guarantee good. One receives a certain amout of satisfaction in buying goods and feeling they have their dollar’s worth. Those are the very kind of goods I carry and are all made by the most reliable firms. I would like to have your business. I have been told that I am on the WRONG side of the street nevertheless you are not treating your­ self RIGHT unless you see my stock before vou buy. T. MCHATTAN STUDEBAKER WAGONS, and CARRIAGES A recent invention of a Canadian li a brick-laying machine which is claimed to do the work of »lx or i leven »killed brick-layer» when op­ erated by two men and a boy. Justice A. D Miller heard the evi­ dence on Wednesday in the case of Win. Wagner vs. The Merrill School District, an action to recover money. The case wan taken under advisement until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. I. 8. Voorhees, who have been touring through Callfor- inia for the past month, returned home Monday afternoon, having had a very enjoyable trip, regardless o* , rain storms and land slide». Mrs. Fields, who formerly conduct­ ed the Klamath Bakery, has opened i up a ladle»' parlor In the Withrow- Melhase building on Fourth street. The bath» are already fitted up and I other furnishings are being made. Sold bv Geo. T. Baldwin Phone 261 “It Is No Wonder” 00 < » t > Any fool can be successful when others may have fallen by the wayside. It’s the id a of carrying goods that others have worked years to bring to perfection is using this method of supplying Klamath Falls* good pressers with such goods as Hart, S. & M. Clothing, Florsheim and Douglas Shoes, Boyer Hats, Holeproof Hosiery. Do you think a firm can lose with such lines? Try us on any of the lines mentioned; you’ll call again and recommend others K. SUGARMAN Or. Geo. H. Merryman returned last. Monday from Han Francisco, where he has been taking a »peclal course in surgery. He expect» to leave the last of the week to attend the «pedal session of the Legisla­ ture. Klatnath County headquarter» In Han Francinco is the Hotel Savoy, corner Van Ness Ave. and Ellie St. Walter E. Conner, Prop. Take "Turk and Eddy” street cars at Ferry, get off at Van Ness and walk one-half block north. 2-18tf i Horace Mitchell returned on Sat­ in) day from San Franclaco. Mr. Mit­ chell Htates that Willie I» greatly lin- | proved. It w111 be necessary for him ¡to undergo another »light operation but hi» recovery is practically com- I plete. | Mesars. Woods and May», represen­ tative» of McLaughlin Bro»., import­ er» of horse», have returned from Sprague River where they disposed of one of their fine Percheron stallion» ¡to the prominent horsemen of that SHAKEN FOR HALE. se.tion. The gentlemen expect an 10,000 32-inch yellow pine shakes, other shipment of stallions which will Frank Johnston, Cuillsle Mill | be tuken to Lake County. 3-11-lt i > i ► i » i » < ■ Pretty and Useful Things in Jewelry I Have E. W. Muller add an attach­ ment to your phonograph so you may enjoy the new 4-mlnute Amberol rec­ ords. 12-17 8inger, Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machine Agency, cor. 6th and Main— for needles and oil. Machines for rent. If FOR 8ALE—A fine ranch of 600 acre», 250 head of cattle, 100 head of honea and mule». Price $25,000. 10-29 MASON A SLOUGH. 00 Store Portland FOR SALE Second hand top bug­ Ii gy. Enquire of P. B. Southworth. It. 00 Thore are loti of thing» In our »tore besides watcher and diamond», loti of «mall, Inexpensive article» that come ex- ceedlngly handy every day, either a» gift» for another or for your own u»e. Ixick t» and charm» In great vnrlety, and chain» and ring» at all price», llat pin», »tick pin», brace- lets and sterling silver toilet article», Wc are receiving intereating noveltie« nearly every day. Come In and ice them. : I » NOW IN NEW QUARTERS. WINTERS I MONEY TO LOAN: We hnvo from $1000 <•<> t<> $2000.00 belonging to one party; $950.00 belonging to an­ other, and $500.00 to another; all for loan on cultivated Innd. MASON A BLOUGH. 2-4tf 1 One 25-1 lotse Power Engine nntl lloilcr for aale. Itun tv<> nionthft, i good unjicw . Will seil extra clicnp. I Atlilrcs» Northern Pole A- Luinbcr Co. 2-20-8t SI mmoii , Calif. Building I FOR SALE: A fine stock ranch of 3000 acres with abundance of water and enough s timber for the ranch. Twelro miles from Klamath Falls. About 600 acre« fine plow land; the balance meadow and pas­ ture. Tho ranch controls 3000 acre« of open range, and many thousand acres more are avnllnblc. Price $18,000.00. Terms easy. MASON A SLOUGH.