GAME law ALI. RIGHT. Nyal’e Vegeta 6 day« and 53 mile«............. 17.SO herein, and that all of said petitioner* after qualifying proceed with their ble Prescription are householder* residing in the vi duties hereunder. Fred Liskey, Grand Jury, * IS indicated in all Heuator Merryman, who returned 3 day« and 40 mile* .......... 10 00 cinity of said proposed road. In nald B. 8. Grigsby, Grand Jury in the matter of the County Road ordinary disease* 1 Klamath County and State of Oregon. Monduy evening from Han kranclsco, J.20 Chas Walker, Grand Jury, of women. Thi* 1 day and 2 mile*................ petitioned for by O Short and other*. remedy never O SHORT. *(<’><*« that there evidently Is < ml* 1 day and 2 mile* ........ 2.80 Claude H. Daggett, Circuit Court Order appointing Bond Viewer«. di*ap|M>intn, It* Subscribed and »worn to before take in the reported provisions of Alf Wallis, Grand Jury, 3.20 1 day and 2 utile* flood effect* b«v 8 day* and 60 mile*............ 23.00 me this 11th day of January, 1909. Th«* petition of O Short ami others th«' game law relative to duck shoot- iqt perceptible ' Dan Lovelady, Grand Jury Seal. C. R D<‘l.ap, Clerk. John W Logue, Circuit Court, for a county road coming on regularly ling In Klamath County. The Senati* from th* very 10.00 6 day* and 40 mile* first. It ia com- 2 20 By L Watson. Deputy. at this time for connldaratiun, the uommittee reported unfavorably on 1 day and 2 miles ............. |H>*ed of the pur Robt. R Brew baker. Grand the limit of Scy Pool. Grand Jury, uis amendment to reduce , Court And* that th«* prayer of said It appear!*« to the »utl»factlou of est and moat re 2 20 Jury. 1 day and 2 miles . county, but 7 20 th«< Court from said proof and from ¡petition Is for a County road a» fol .the open season In thin 1 days and 52 mile* ...... liable drug* Mrs John Uerllngs. Grand Jury Willie Logue, Grand Jury, he hud the amendment Inserted I» lows, to-wit; ■wratriMh <>i'> the paper* and Ale* hereiu. that dne 3.20 1 day and 3 mt les ............. ate* and other 1 days and 53 mile* ......... 7.20 notice ha* been given of th«* present a Commencing at the Northeast cor- t ie bill In tho House and It was pu» < harmfid drugr Laura D Uerllngs. Circuit Court J. M Ellsworth. Grand Jury, e.l i>y that body. It wux relumed to n«*r of th«* Northwest quarter of the tion of said petition, That said pell- 1 being exclude«! 2.30 1 day and 2 miles 3.20 lion and notices were signed by at , Northwest quarter <>t Section Eight (he Senate with the amendment jm’l 1 day aud 2 mile*.... The many dla- Emery Hutts, Circuit Court J R. Rhue, Grand Jury 9 I < fore the end of th«* session, nnd was concerting influ least 12 free holders, residents of <•'>), Township Forty (40) South. 8 80 4 days and 8 miles ence* to which 7 day* and 250 miles ..... 39.00 Klamath Coquty, residing In the vl- Range nine (9) East, W. M . and («incurred In by that body. Th«* duck woman I* eon Emery Butts, Grand Jury W S. Slough, Circuit Court, low provides for an opeti season In and l runulng North one <ll mile to thel clnlty of said propos<‘d road. ■tantly subjected 2 20 1 day and 2 miles 4 20 withlu the road district where said | Township line between Township Klamath County from September I 2 days and 2 miles render her liable C. C. Low. Circuit Court W S. Slough, Grand Jury, to many func to February 15, proposed road I* to be located, that Forty 140» and Township Thirty- 8.20 tional disorders 4 days and 2 miles 4 days and 2 miles........... 8.20 said notices were posted in public nine (39) in the above describe«! Dr Merryman thinks that the law that not only tend G. W. Gibson. Circuit Court Emery Butts, Circuit Court, place* in a manner to give notice to range, and continuing East on said mil«*, have been printed from the or- i to destroy her comfort *n<l happlne**, 8.20 4 days aud 2 miles ......... 2 days and 8 miles............. 4.80 the public.and were posted mure than Township line one-half mile to th«* Initial bill and not as It was Anallv but which gradually merge Into chronic Jcbn Lambert. Circuit Court Fred V. Robin, Grand Jury, thirty days prior to. the presentation Southeast corner of the Southwest auivnded. lie states, however, that aiHiserioii* dineane*. S 20 4 days and 2 miles ...... 14 days and 104 8 tulle* 132 80 of said petition to the County Court, quarter «if the Southeast quarter of when h«* goes to Salem for th«* special Nyal'n Vegetable Prescription in with P. B. Southworth. Circuit Court Fred V. Robin. Circuit Court, session he will go over the bill and out * peer for tho nnceennful treatment and that the terminal points of said Section Thlrty-two (33). Township female weaknenn, painful and dl*or 8.20 4 days and 2 miles 3 days and 2 miles.............. 6 20 road are deAnitely stated in said pe Thirty-nine (39 1 South. Rang«* Nine see that It Is correct. The game law of dered menstruation, hysteria, cramp*, C. C. Disenroth, Circuit Court John Lovelady, Circuit Court. tition and notices. ¡(9) East. W M.. tlieiic«* north on«*-1 will probably hav«* to be r«ienacte«l "bearing down pain*.** inllaminatlun 8.3C 4 days and 2 miles................ 1 day and 40 miles........... 6 00 falling of the womb. This in a rem And the said petitioners having sub- half mile to th«* Northeast corner of as other mistakes have boon found and edy of sterling worth. C. R. Baldwin. Circuit Court A M. Jamison. Graxd Jury In some of the provisions. milled herewith a good aud sufficient th«* North«*ast quarter of th«* South 3.20 1 day and 2 miles................ 1 day and 10 miles............... 3.00 bond in the sum of 8200.00, condi east quarter of Section Thirty-two UNDERWOOD S PHARMACY Frank Fax. Circuit Court Thomas Parsons, Grand Jury, tioned a* by law required. (33) Township Thlrt.v-nine (39) COM. 7 th ani > main rth . 6 30 3 days and 2 miles ............ 2 days and 40 miles............ 8.00 It Is therefore hereby ordered that South. Range Nine (9) East. W M.. Klamath Falls - Oragor W. H. Dulaney, Circuit Court The following scalp bounty claim* 8.20 were allowed and the Clerk instruct said petition be and th«* same is here thence East to th«* N'orth«*ast c«»rner 4 days and 2 miles Lewi* Gerber, the stockman, »late» by granted, and that J. G. Stevenson of the Southeast quarter of said Sec E. B. Ranisby, Circuit Court ed to draw warrants on the General and James Dixon be and they are I tion Thirty-two (32), then«’«* North tiint the raise In the freight rate* on DEPARTMENT OF TIIE 1NTKIUOR 6 40 Fund for the respective amounts: 2 days and 24 miles........... hereby appointed viewers, and Geo three-quarter* of n mile tq the North- iKtock shipment* to the California i General Land Office, Washington, B. B Ramsby, Grand Jury, Jeff Willson, 1 cougar scalp 10.00 T. Cline, surveyor, to view, locate l<*ast corner of th«* Southeast quarter market* will uot affect shipment* |>. December 24. 1908. 2 days and 2 miles........... . 4.30 F P Van Meter, 153 Rabbit ¡and survey said proposed r«>ad, and of the Southeast quarter of Section from Mt. Hebron n* the rate from Notku of Restoration of Public W. J. Hale. Circuit Court, scalps 7.65 report their proceedings to this Court Twenty-nine (29 1, salue township ¡that |H>lnt will remain the name. The Lands to Settlement and Entry. 8 20 Valentine Griffith, 1 cougar 4 days and 2 miles ..... ,at its next regular term thereafter.* and range, and there connecting with Irate from thl* point ha* heretofore Notice la hereby given that the Jo*. O' Connell, Circuit Court, scalp ... 10 00 It is further ordered that said sur- an established road running from been 125 a car higher than from Secretary of the Interior ha* vacated 4 days and 2 miles................ 8.20 J. W. Lindsay, 2 cougar ; veyor and viewers meet at Spring Klamath Falls. Oregon, to the town point* on the main line. The Increase ( depart mental order of withdrawal Tom Calloway, Circuit Court. scalps ..................................... 20.00 Ijtke School Hous«* on the 15th day <>f Midland, Oregon from Montague and Gatelie will bring insofar a* the name affect* the wltb- 3.30 Francis Hocking. 55 rabbit 1 day and 2 miles .............. of February, 1909, at 10 o'clock A the rate to »Ithln |l<> of that from dra«al fur Irrigation purpoee« under That nald petitioners have submit Mont E. Hutchison. Circuit Court scalps ..................................... 2 75 M., of said day, or within Ave days ted proof of th«* signing of »aid peti Mt Hebron and will about equalise tbe act of June 17, 1902 (33 Btat. 1 day and 2 miles............ 1... 2.20 A. Turner. 81 rabbit scalps .. 4.05 thereafter, as by law provided, and tion and notices, and of the posting the charge« for shipment« to Portland 388), for use In connection with the Silas Obenchain, Circuit Court Joe Bal), 1 cougar scalp.......... 10.00 after qualifying proceed with their of said notices, as follows, to-wlt: and San Francisco. Klamath Project, Oregon, of the fol 4 days and 2 miles............ » 8.20 Whereupon Court adjourned until duties hereunder. State of Oregon. lowing described lands In the State George Ritter. Grand Jury, Thursday, January 21st, 1909. In the matter of the County Road Oregon, and by hl« author- of 1 day and 54 miles.............. 7.40 County of Klamath, s*. J. B. Griffith, Judge. NOTICE. petitioned for by O. Short, et als. ity such of «aid tract* aa have John W. Logue. Grand Jury, 1. O. Short, being Arst duly sworn W. A. Walker, Commissioner. Off!««* of the llot Npring» Inipmve-, Order appointing viewers. not been heretofore Anally restored 3 days and 2 miles .............. 6 20 on oath say that I posted 4 notice* S. T. Summers, Commissioner. iiw-nt < '<>ni|Miii) . Prill« i|wl plat«* The petition uf O. Short, cl als, for (a copy of which Is hereunto annex and are not otherwise withdrawn, ro- A! Lyon, Circuit Court, of buainraa, l—~ m FI< hh I Bulitliiig Thursday, January 21st, 1909, a County road com lag on icgularly at ed) of the proposed road. In the fol '* served, ur appropriated, will be *ub- 1 day and 2 miles ...'.......... 1 2.20 Nan Franci«**», Cal. 10 o'clock A. M. litis lime for consideration, the Court Ject to settlement under the public 3. B. Stephens, Circuit Court, lowing place*, to-wlt: One at the In- Notice I* hereby Riven that nt n land law* of the United States on and 14th day of Term. And* that the prayer of said petition Itlal point one at the terminal point 1 day and 2 miles................ 1 2.20 ‘meeting of the Hoard of Director* Court met pursuant to adjourn- is fot a Cuuuty Ruad as tullov.s. to- W. A. Short. Grand Jury, and one In the middle of said pro i of the hot Springs Improvement after March 26, 1909, but shall not inent, when the following wlt: proceed- be subject to entry. Allng, or selec 1 day and 2 miles............... 1 2.20 posed road notices were tacked to ings were had: Beginning at th«* Northwest corner boards nailed to posts set in ground, Company held on the 6th day of Feb tion until April 34. 1909, at th« Un- 8. L. Walker. Grand Jury and The following General Claims were of the Northeast quarter of the North and one at the Court House door In | ruary, 19i>9. ati a*He*«meiit of 810 oo Red State« land office at Ijtkevlew, Circuit Court, 4 days and 6 allowed, and the Clerk instructed to east quarter of Section three (3k. Klamath Falls, in said Klamath Coun per »hale wa* levied upon the l**iie<l Oregon, warning being expressly miles ........................ .'........... 8.60 | capital Mtock of this corporation, the draw warrants on the General Fund Township Forty (40) South, Range Oscar Bunch, Grand Jury, ty and State of Oregon, thirty days same payable to the secretary of the given that no person will be permit for the respective amounts: Nine (9) East. Willamette Meridian, 2 days and 80 miles ....... . 12.00 I ted to gain or exercise an/ right prior to the pre*entatlon of iwtltlon Mrs. H. H. Eckman, nursing and running on the Township lint* herein, and that all of said petitioner* <'uni[iany. II. Nathan, nt the office of whatever under any settlement or "W. B. Barnes. Grand Jury, R. C. Jennings, a pauper, West about four <4» mile* to the are householder* rtaiuii.g In the vi the compnny. 1238 Flood Building. .occupation begun after December 38. 2 days and 2 miles ....... 4 20 disallowed in the sum of right of way of the California North cinity of said proposed road. In said San Francisco. Cal , on or before 1908, and prior to March 36. 1909, Annie Vinson. Grand Jury. 826.00; allowed in the sum eastern Railway Company, and there Klamath County and State of Oregon March 3oth. 1909. Any »lock upon all «uch settlement or occupation be 1 day and 386 miles........... 40.60 which this a**e*«ment «hall remain ing forbidden: of 26.00 terminating. ............ I W. P McMillan. Grand Jury, O SHORT. unpaid on the 7th day of April, 1809. C. H. Underwood, drugs for , That said petitioners have submit Willamette Principal Meridian. 1 day and 2 miles................ 2.20 Subscribed nnd sworn to before will be delinquent and advertltud for for Brownell Co. poor........ 6.00 ted proof of the signing of said peti me this 11th day of January, 1909. T. 40 8 , R. 8 E . 8 4 BE 14. Section Reuben Vinson, Granl Jury, Mlle nt public uuctlon, and unlenH 7 nnd NE14 NBM. Bectlon 18. tion and notices, and of the posting Seal. 1 day and 386 miles........... 40.60 C. H. Underwood, prescription C R. DeLap, Clerk, pay m« nt I* made before will be «old for M. D. Phillips, Co poor of said notices, as follows, to-wit: 3.25 Pat Colahan, Grand Jury, By L. Watson, Deput) on the l*t day of May 1909, to pay FRED DENNETT. Commissioner of R. R. Hamilton, salary County State of Oregon, the General Land Office. 4 days and 40 miles.............. 12.00 And the said petitioner* having sub th»' delinquent anHeaamcnt together JESSE E Wlt^ON. Assistant Secre- Physician, two months........ 40.00 County of Klamath, s*. C. C. Brophy, Grand Jury, I, O. Short, being Arst duly sworn mitted herewith a good and sufficient with c<»»tH of advertlMlng nnd expen* tary of the Interior. 1 day and 80 miles............... . 10.00 R. R. Hamilton, examining Carrie Martin (insane) ........ on oath say that I posted 4 notices bond In the sum of 8200.00, condi «■* of »ale 5.00 1-14-3-18. C. C. McKinley, Grand Jury, March 8. 1909. (a copy of which is hereunto annex tioned as by law required. 1 day and 90 miles.............. 11.00 R. R. Hamilton, examining It appearing to the satisfaction of < <»NTENT NOTH E. II. NATHAN, Secretary, Wm. Martin (insane). — ...... ed) of the proposed road, in the fol 5.00 Chas. C. Low. Grand Jury, the Court from said proof and from 1228 Flood Building, San Frandaco, Department of the Interior, U, 8. J. A. Houston, boarding Clr- lowing place, to-wit: One at the in- 2 days and 2 miles............. 4.20 Land office. Lakeview, Oregon, Feb. " Court jury ......................... 4.55 itlal point one at the terminal point the paper* and Alts herein, that due I 11 1-1 Dalton Brophy, Grand Jury, notice has been given of the presenta- 15, 1909. Earl Whitlock, Coroner's and one in the middle of said pro 2 days and 80 miles............. 12.00 NILE OF TIMBER. tion of said petition That said petl- A sufficient affidavit having been Claim ........ — ......................... posed road notice* were nailed to 52.50 Stacy Hemmonway, Circuit Court Medford Oregon, February 12. Abd In thl* office by 8 1’ Dehllnger, lion and notlces wore signed by at Earl Whitlock, Coroner's board* nailed to p«j*ts set in ground, 6 days and 80 miles........... 20.00 Claim ............ „...................... 30.00 and one at the Court House door in bust 12 free holders, residents of 1*09. Sealed bids marked outside. contestant, against homestead entry W. H. Shook, Grand Jury, Klamath Falls, in said Klamath Coun Klamath County, residing In the vl- Bld. Timber Hah* Application. D«- No. 3733 (Serial No 0978), made 4 days and 2 miles........... 8.20 W. A. Walker, Commissioner's salary ............................... .. ty and State ot Oregon, thirty day* clnlty of said proposed road. and cember 2 3. 1908, Crater," and ad March 25. 1907, for HE1* HE1«. Sec. 76.80 W. H. Dulaney, Grand Jury, prior to the pre*entatlon of petition within the road district where aald dressed to M L. Erlcks«»n, Medford, <> E'« NE', and NE1« HE1«, Sec J. E. Shippie, witness Justice 4 days and 2 miles............ 8.20 Court ....................................... herein, and that all of said petitioner* proposed road Is to be located, that Oregon, will be received up to an«l 8, T. 40 H . R 10 E. by Roy W. Holt, 3.20 Geo. Smyth, Grand Jury, are householder* residing in the vi said notices were posted In three pub including the 20th day of March, contestee. In which It Is alleged that R. I. Kilgore, cash paid L. L 1 day and 60 miles...... 8.00 Truax for setting limb ........ cinity of said proprosed road, in said lic places, along the route of sah) 1909, for all the merchantabh; d«-nd said entry man has never resided nit 35.00 Eliza Smyth, Grand Jury, Klamath County and State of Oregon. proposed road, as in the above timber standing or down nnd nil the on nor cultivated the said land or John McGuire, disallowed as 1 day and 60 miles...... 8.00 affidavit described, and one at live tlmb«-r marked for cutting by any portion thereof as by law re O. SHORT. not a proper charge against Annie Smyth, Grand Jury, the Court House door In Kln- the Forest officer, located on an area quired; that said entry man hit* been the County. No 18,369, Subscribed and sworn to before 1 day and 60 miles........... 8.00 math Falls, and In such manner'a* to be deAnitely d«i»lgnai«-<l by th«* absent from said land for more than me this 11th day of January, 1909. drawn through error and Capt. Hansberry, Grand Jury, to give notlce to the public. and were Forest before cutting begins, six month« Inst pnst.and wholly aban Seal. C. R. DeLap, Clerk, cancelled. 1 day and 2 miles................. 2.20 posted more than thirty day« prior on the SW *4 of NE’i nnd NW’<* of doned the said land, and that said By L. Watson, Deputy. C. C. Low, bedstead for coun Chas. E. Drew, Circuit Court, to the presentation of said petition HE'«. S«<-. 24, T. 36 S . It 6 E . W 4 absence from said Innd was not due ty jail .................................. 2.50 7 days and 50 miles............ 19.00 And the said petitioners having sub to the County Court; and that the M., being 80 acr«*s more or I«*»». In to his employment In the Army, Navy Frank Curl, witness Justice Padgett, Grand Jury, mitted herewith a good and sufficient terminal points of said road are defi the Crater National Forest, Oregon;1 or Marine Corps of the United States Court .................................... 3.20 2 days and 24 miles............ 6.40 bond in the sum of 8200.00, condi nitely stated In said petition and no estimated to be 400,000 feet B. M. a a a private soldier, officer, seaman In the matter of the County Road tioned as by law required. H. Pearson, Grand Jury, tices. of live yellow pine, 48,000 feet, B..M. , or marine during the war with Spain, petitioned for by O. Short and other«. 2 days and 24 miles............ 6.40 It appearing to the satisfaction of It is therefore hereby ordered that of live white Ar, 96,000 feet B. M or during any war In which the Un- Order appointing viewers. Bryce McCormick, Grand Jury, the Court from said proof and front The petition of O. Short and others the papers and Ale* herein, that due said petition be and the same Is here of live Douglas Ar, 5,000 feet II. M. Red States may be engnged. 2 days and 2 4 miles ......... 6.40 Said parties are hereby notlAed to for (he location and establishment of notice has been given of the presenta by granted, and that J. G. Stevenson of live Incense cedar, 5,000 feet II Pat Colahan. Circuit Court, 7 days and 40 miles............ 18.00 a County Road coming on regularly tion of said petition, That said peti- and James Dixon be and they are M of merchantabl«; dead yellow pine, appear, respond, and offer evidence at this time for consideration, the tion and notices were signed by at hereby appointed viewers, and Geo. and 2,000 feet B. M. of merchantable touching said allegation at 10 o'clock Thomas Barkley, Circuit Court, Court Anda that the prayer of said least 12 free holders, residents of T. Cline, surveyor, to view, locate dead Douglas Ar, saw timber, log a. m on April 8, 1909, before R. M, 7 days and 96 miles............. 23.60 petition is for a County road as fol Klamath County, residing in the vl- and survey said proposed road, and »«•ale, and 294 cords of cordwood, Richardson, U. 8. Commissioner, nt Godfrey Beck, Circuit Court, report their proceedings to this Court more or lea«. No bld of less than |3 Klamath Falls, Oregon, and that Anal lows, to-wit: 7 days and 52 miles ........ 19.20 clnlty of said proposed road. and for live yellow pine, $1.35 for live hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. Beginning at the Southwest corner within the road district where »aid at Its next regular term thereafter. David Chocktoot, Circuit Court, It Is further ordered that said sur white fir, 82.50 for live Douglas Ar, m. on April 22,1909, before the Reg- of the Southeast quarter of Section 7 days and 96 miles ....... 23.60 proposed road Is to be located, that Three (3), Township Forty South, i said notices were posted In three pub veyor and viewer* meet at Spring and incense cedar. 82 for dead yel Ister and Recdiver at the United J. A. Gibson. Grand Jury Lake School House on the 15th day low pine, 81.50 for dead Douglas fir, | State« Land Offlce In Lakeview, Ore- 2 days and 30 miles............ 7.00 Range Nine (9i East W. M , and lic places, on said proposed road as of February, 1909, at 10 o'clock A. per thousand feet B. M., and 25 cents gon. running North one mile to the North Arthur Pircen, Grand Jury, in the above affidavit described, and M., of said day, or Tho said contestant having, In a within Ave day« per cord for cordwood, will be con 2 days and 36 miles .......... 7.60 west corner of the Northeast quarter one at the Court House door In Kia- " as by law provided, and sidered, and a deposit of 8300 must proper affidavit, filed January 28, . — . . . tnereaiter, of said Section on the line between Aggie Pierson, Grand Jury math Falls, and in such manner as after qualifying proceed with their 1909, net forth facts which «how that be sent to the First National Bank, Township Forty (40) and Township 2 days and 36 miles............ 7.60 to give notice to the public, and were duties hereunder. Portland, Oregon, for each bld sub after due diligence per«onal service Thirty-nine (39) In the above describ I. L. Whitworth, Circuit Court, posted more than thirty days prior of this notlco can not bo made, It 1« Whereupon, Court adjourned until mitted to the Supervisor. Timber up ed range and there terminating. 1 day and 2 miles ............. 2.20 to the presentation of said petition That said petitioners hav« submit to the County Court; and that the Monday, February 15, 1909, at 10 on valid claims Is exempted from sale. hereby ordered and dlrectod that such James Harris, Circuit Court o'cloc k A. M. The right to reject any and all blds I notlco bo given by duo nnd proper 2 days and 60 miles ......... 10.00 ted proof of the signing of said peti terminal points of said road are defi J. B. Griffith, Judge. Is reserved. For further Informa publication. tion and notices, and of the posting L. D. Burk, Circuit Court, nitely stated In said petition and no W. A. Walker, Commissioner. J. N. WATSON, tion and regulations governing sales, of said notices, as follows, to-wlt: 2 days and 52 miles ......... 9 20 tices. 2-25 4-1 7 8. T. Summer«, Commissioner. Register. nd dress the undersigned. M. P. Nelson, Grand Jury, State of Oregon, It is therefore hereby ordered that M. L. ERICKSON, (Continued next week). 3 days and 4« mlk-s ......... 10.80 County of Klamath, ss. said petition be and the same Is here »DIAMOND 2-17-3-18 Forest Supervisor. ASI< R. E. Hun-ak i. Circuit Court, I, O. Short, being first duly sworn by granted, and that J. G. St< vehson roFc ¿ brand 1 day and 2 miles ............ 2.20 on oath say that I posted I notices atkd James Dixon be and th« y ar«- SPECIAL SENSION OF NOTICE. Thomas Mfcha« 1, Grand Jury, CONQUES IS CALLED. (a ropy of which Is hereunto annex hereby appointed viewers, and Geo.1 3 days and 42 mile« ....... 10.20 ed) of the proposed road, in the fol T. Cline, surveyor, to view, locate -------- - Parties wishing sagebrush land H. J. O'Brien, Grand Jury, lowing plate, to-wlt: One at the in- and survey said proposed road, and 1 ~ President Taft hns. IssiietLn call for clearei. call on or write, I 3 days and 46 miles ........ . 10.60 Rial point one at the terminal point , report their proceedings to this Court ' a special session of the Sixty-first W. W. MASTEN, Jack Horton, Circuit Court and one In the middle of raid pro ¡it Its next regular term thereafter. Congress, to convene March 15th, 12-3tf Klamath Fall«, Ora 7 days and 12 mil«-« 15.20 positi road notices were tacked to It is further ordered that said sur- i The call does not mention the ob- Fraud Ward, Circuit Court, boards nailed to posts set in ground, veyor and viewers meet at Spring ¡jert for whlch the special session Is For Bale or Trade—Residence and 1 day and 2 miles ........... 2.20 and one at the Court House door In Lake School House on th«; 15th day ¡called. Taft has requested tho Re buafnea* property In the beat town J. G. Wight, Circuit Court, Klamath rails, In .»aid Klamath Coun .of February, 1909, at 10 o'clock A. publican leaders, however, to take lip tn the Willamette valley. Grown for I'n.-lftr Northwiwt Soil «nti Cl I mat*. N«.w ou ,11-i.lnr nt all l-*wt ilowlor*. A.k tor «'■••- 6 days and 52 miles ........ 17.20 ty and State of Oregon, thirty (lays M , of salt! day, or within five days ¡nothing but the matter of tariff re ■o*lie. on an » In your notatitiorli.wwl, writ* Inquire at the Boston Store. n«. a,,Ina tuutia uf finir tlonh-r, ntol wn will mall Manuel Vierra, Circuit Court run a kof uf flow or aor-da frrr for yonr troahl* prior to the presentation of petition thereafter, as by law provided, and ¡ vision. JT-ttf COUNTY COURT. a. mtUkolLuiCo. KltuM.tMMH. aso Muu, wmh