Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1909)
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PART OF PANAMA CANIL ♦ Oi.KNK HAPPENINGS. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦ 4M*4WM««***M* OOXSERV VHOX OOXGltl SS OPEN TO NAVIGATION. ♦ IA»NK PINK ITEMS. « OX Al GIST ltl-17-IN. Stou Reward, >too. The rsaaianuf thia |>a|M>r will !>• pl<«Ma*l tn laarti that tkarw la at |a>aai om <lrra<l« ,i <lla<-a.a that a«-1viiva haa brvu abia lu viira In all Ila ataava, amt that ia catarrh. Ilall'a t'atartb i ura la tha mil)« piialllva cuts now known to Ihv uivilieal tralvrnily. < alarrh baiug aeon* alllullunal illM-aav, roqulraa a I'nnatltuiinual ■raatinani. Ilall'a Catarrh t'ure la lakan in- larnallv. aelliig «llrselly u|»>ii iha blood amt uiuiuiia auttavaa uf Iha a>alaiu, Iharaby da ■ Iruyln« Iha luundatlau ul Iha dlaaaae, ami Sivil,« iha patient atrauslh liy building U|i Iha vonalllutlon and aaalatlug nsliira In dolus Ila work. I hv pruptlalora have muvh tailli m Ila viiratlva puwvra that they oiler One Hundred Dollar» lur any «■»•<> It lalla to cure. *»'li«l tor lot ol *u«lItuou'ala ,♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ It Is worthy of more than passing ' The first Conservation tfuigress Mrs. Brown was called to the Falls Mr. and Mrs. Bagsby aud daughter. Henry Turner returned from th« j notice on the part of the people gen #for all the .Sorthwv.teru stat«'* will Bunday on account uf the illness of Anna. Spent Friday ami Saturday in Falls this week where he has been on erally that five miles of the Isthmian i take piltre lu Seattle on August Hi- her brother, Mr. Creecy. the Jury. canal have really been thrown upeu the Falls. 17-IS. A call for the Congress has C. N. Snow passed through our to navigutiou and two big steamships Paul Rtcht has commenced his J A. Blown returned from Klam Just been Issued by the Washington burg Tuesday evening, on his way spring plowing. of the Pacific Mail line, a strictly alb Falls Filday where he has been to the Falls on business. On his re Janie- Vole and Pink llarks are Conservation \ssoclatlon. one of the On the jury In the Wallis dial. American company, allowed to i>aas strongest stuto organliallous In the turn he will take |>art of his horses through the channel from La Boca hauling wood. Al rangement» have been Blanche Morey and Ina Markey . which have wintered at Mr Icen- wharf to deep waler In the bay of- Mrs. Beldin was a Merrill visiter ,1'ouuti y made for the entertainment of lotto w«»re allient (loin schiMil lust Thur» bii e s, to his home in Langell Valley. Panama. Friday. B. S. Grigsby and a party of sur The new officers elected last Fri- delegates and the meetings will be .day and Filday on account of the ba«l No official notice was taken of the held in the big auditorium on the j weather. veyors, surveyed Mrs. Whitman's in the sewing circle were: Mrs. event and. Indeed, the only Isthmian day ' grounds of the Alaska-Yukon-Puclfi« Cliestei Haskins was ali«-iit from j property at Olene Tuesday. president; Mrs Koontz. canal commission officials on board Stevenson, ' I'X'iosItlon. school several days last week to help Mabie Martin visited our school on the first ships to use the channel were vice-pres.; Mrs Reums, treas ; Mrs The governors of all the states w lit his father plow. We missed him very 1 Dr Geo II Merryman nud Perl E ‘i uesday afternoon. the resident engineer at I ai Bo« a. two Roblev, sec'y; Mrs Newton, head di I be asked to be In attendance at the Carroll ute stopping nt the Hotel was a tine attendance There at of his assistants and representatives rectrebs. much. and Mis Phillips and Mrs. 1 .t'vngivss Such men as Andrew Car church Sunday both morning and ev- T A Halls went to Klamath Fall» Savoy In San Frnnciwco. of the customs and quarantine ser- ‘ Addison, assistant directress«*«. negie, Gifford Pl tuhot, Frederick ent ng. Tuesday on busluesa. returning the I Mrs. Galarneau and children spent vices. The steamship Newport, under Weyerhaeuser and others have al same day. Harry Kinney, who is working at command of Capt Russell, the oldest Sunday with Mrs. Beebe. ! ready been extended Invitations to the government camp. visited friends John Depew spent Tuesday at the Au enjoyable afternoon was spent ! captalu in the west coast trad«*, was participate in the Congress, and ac In Olene Sunday . last Bunday at the home of Miss lluu the first ship to use the passage as it Falls. 1 cording to C. II Hally, Secretary of John Cox, who has been very ill. Roy Richardson, of Met till, was In steamed through on its way to Sat* the Conservation Association, th«* con lull Rhoads, the occasion b«lng het was able to be out to the meeting last Francisco. •THE LAND MAN our district Friday. vention will be the biggest thing of 12th birthday. Those In attendane«- Sunday. Wm. Harks has commenced his wer«*: David. Herbert, Kddle anti ; A short time afterward th«« San Its kind ever held In the Polled E. J. Nash and wife, from the gov Jose, under command of Capt.Thomp plowing. States saving that of the Congress of Jerry Fitch, Grace, Ailille, Orlsa. KI ernment camp, were up last Sunday Mr. Beebe was a Merrill vlsitor son. the youngest skipper of the Paci List your lan«l for »ale with this Governors called by the President eanor and .Norma Gray hue). Iva and inspecting their homestead above fic Mail line, came through on its Ftiday. office; we have buyer« for all dandle llartow-. Goldie Btukel, El» a year ago. Olene. classes of Klamath County Mr. Lee. the county assessor, was journey from San Francisco, and tied The Washington Conservation As- anor VanBrintnier. Rulli ami Edwin property, Tom Lovelady visited our burg on up at the La Patterson, and Rolietia and Beulah Boca dock. Both ships through our district last week «M'latlon ha-, engaged Ashel Curtis Tuesday of this week. Gussle Beebe spent Wednesday were dressed for the occasion and to go through the state and take a Rhoads. Clyde Andrews has been absent were saluted throughout the five with Edna Depew. , ......... Mr. ami Mrs Heil Davis und ehll series of conservation photographs Th« only arreuge adjacent to from school this week on account of miles of their journey through the Pink Barks and Paul Rlcht were second ' dren are up ami around again after that. It Is expected, will lie t... ....... Klamath Fulls for »al« tn »mall sickness. Merrill visitors Friday new channel by all the other vessels tracta. More than u score of «»C sickness to none in the world, These will he'“ Mrs.Ada Brown has beer, quite sick in the new harbor. Andy Rhine s|>ent Sunday at Mr people have aecured site« fur exhibited in the exposition auditor Tile upper loom of the Merrill with the grippe for the last week, but homea. Prior to the opening of the new ' l Dervan's. ium during the Congress, The vlvwsjhlgh school was entertained Inst Fri is improving now. The new school seats have arrived channel, which is at the Pacific ter will Include forestry, fisheries. Irri day afternoon by tho phonograph James Grimes was very sick last minus to the Panama canal, ships and are now being installed In the gation ami other phases of conserva owned by Churlie Cox Tuesday, Dr. Hamilton, of the Falls. entered and left La Boca by means new school house. are th« beat buy a on the market tion work such as have heretofore Mrs. May Wolford was the guest attended hitn. Dorsle Johnson was through our of a channel originally started by the Raymond Anderson is breaking a French and completed aud kept in district last week circulating a peti never been assembled in the West of Mrs Rhoads last Bunday saddle horse for Frank Galbraith. W I’ Rhonda was In the Falls this condition by the Panama Railroad tion for a new road. Oliver and Budd Kinney have gone company. week serving on the Jury, Several of the men from our dis tn the lower ranch to plow. On account of the Wet weather of The old French channel, as it is trict went to work on the new ceme Mrs. Ada Brown went to the Falls known, will be closed in the course tery last week The Southern Pacific Railroad Co. the past week Lost River has begun fHE LAND MAN Tuesday on a visit to her mother. of a few weeks by the breakwater Pink Barks was visited by a num has announced an advance of 25 per to rise again. cent in freight rates on llvestock Mrs. B. S. Grigsby. that is reaching out front the main ber of ladles last week. C A Buntlug returned from Rus* Mr. Coburn is at his lower place land at 1.a Boca to Naos island This Miss Inez Combs and Sam Combs from 12 stations on the Shasta Route anvllle, Calif., where he has been on farming. breakwater is formed of rock and, attended the show in Merrill Satur- to San Francisco, South San Francis business, last Wednesday, nnd went R M. RICHARDSON co. Oakland. San Jose, Sacramento to Poe Valley next day after hi» wife All the boys and men in this coni- earth excavated from Culebra cut. «lay night. munity are putting in their days and Mr. Waldin has made camp on the and Redondo. It is stated by tiuffic and children Unitcd States Commissioner The canal is not completed even part of their nights fishing, for the five miles that are now in Briscoe ranch, to build laterals in men that the advance is a part of the Vivian Bunting has returned to TIMBER ANU HOMESTEAD company's policy of raising rates A. Kinney has purchased a r>*ece use. but a depth of 30 feet at mean our district. school after a three month»' absence. PROOF TAKEN of land nf B. S. Grigsby. tide has been reached in the shoalest I Fave Roblev an«! Mark Fern arc from (Milnts of origin to |w>lnts of Itobena Rhoads la again In school couceutration for reshipuient to the part of the channel, which has been i expected back from Ashland the first Office, Third an«l Main, opposite City East by water. It is believed that after a long siege of sickness Library. Telephon« 301. excavated to a width of 410 feet for next week. A moving picture show was given Mike Galarneau is setting out fruit many similar advances are to follow. Saturday night. the first* mile and 500 feet for the • PINE GROVE NEWS. ♦ The stations named in the advance {trees on his homestead. remaining four miles. BENSON 4. STONE «♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* Wm. Barks. Fred Steeman and announcement Include all |>olnta on ______ Most of ___ the ________ channel has been ex- the Shasta Route above Hornbrook one Voss were In the Falls ATTORNEYS AT LAW T. M. Harris took a load of pota- cavated to a depth of 50 feet at m.-an Henry and below Dunsmuir, and th» five re tx>es to the Falls Monday. tide. The greater part of the dredg-j^aY 'as* week. tide. __ .. ____ __ ./m frican Hank At the third annual no-'ting Of Burrell Short was in this vicinity ing necessary to make this channel ■ Harry Lee Is hauling hay from the ceiving |H>ints cover all places In this and Tritti m<i¡¡ section where Slaughtering 1« done the members of the Klatuwa liynk breaking a colt Tuesday. has been done by the sea-going suc Bunnell ranch. K AMATH F»IS • OREGON This Increase in the rate, It is be Tennis Club of Klamath Fall». Ore Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mack went to tion dredge Culebra and the old i Low Combs Is back from California lieved, will put the Klamath country gon. held March 4th, the following the Falls Wednesday. French ladder dredge Gopher, and and is now working for Mr. Barks. at a great disadvantage In competing officer« were elected for the ni-uaon The light snow which fell Wednes both of these dredges are continuing with beef secured In California. Thou-« of Ifififi day night put a stop to some of the j -he work, WHEN ROOSEVELT GETS sands of head of cattle are shipped ' attorney and Wilson S Wiley, president; Cur plowing which had got a good start. Although the channel has been TO AFRICA. annually from Montague. Gazelle and tis E Wlddoea, vice-president. T.W. COUNSELOR AT LAW Mr. Cunningham went to the Falls deep enough for navigation for sever-, Your luggage collected, you go by Mt. Hebron, and the advance from Zimmerman, secretary-treasurer. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Tuesday. al days before it was actually open A great deal of enthusiasm was ROOMS 7 AS. MURDOCK BLDG T. M. Harris expects his folks out ed, no vessels were allowed to pass ■ train from Mombasa to Nairobi. 327 these stations Is about 215 a car I miles up the line. From here the This will mean a loss of hundreds of manifested. an«l It Is expected that from Texas soon. through it, because the men who are Floyd Cunningham caught a coyote doing the work wished that Ameri- real start into the interior is usually thousands of dollars to tho cattle the membership will be materially WILL A. LEONARD augmented during the year. Improve in a trap and Rosa. Hibberts killed it can ships should be the first vessels made. You will have previously se growers of this Section. cured your hunter ’ s license, costing ’ Complaints against the Increased ments to the gniunds were decld *d with a stick last week. to use it. £50, or 1250. without which no one rat»» have been lodged with the State upon, and a committee was appoint- - John Hibberts went to the Falls is permitted to hunt what is known Railroad Commission by nine large ed to arrang«* for the annual chain- | one day last week. Wlthrow-Melhate building as Royal Game. The elephant, hippo- packing firms. The particular rates I plonshlp open tournament, as well LOVE INCOMPARABLE. Mr. Icenbice. Miss Bessie Icenbice potamus, buffalo, rhinocerous, eland. complained of are those from Mon as a club handicap tournament. and Jim Raines went to the Falls There is no love so great as the giraffe, zebra. Impalla, and ostrich tague and Gazelle to Oakland and DR C. P. MASON Mr Henry Crosby, of Oakland, Cal Tuesday. Chas. Mack went to the Falls Sat- mother-love; no devotion that will come under this head; and even with San Francisco. The former rates to ifornia, the present m Iddle-Pact fir j DENTIST urda.v to get a plow which he expects willingly make such heroic sacrifices, alicense only a limited number may Oakland was 860 a car; the new rat» champion, will be called upon to de Office in American Bank A Trust Co®- A recent terrible fire, in which scores be killed. Is |75 a ar. fend Ills title. to put into use soon. pany's Building For the first twenty-five n- tl:l-‘ Mr. and Mrs. Southwell and fam of school children lost their lives, PMONK 614 eye must be In a paper read before the recent ily were out to Mr. Mack's visiting brought forth an. excellent example miles a stern and w EAllNliw VOTE OF I H ANKS. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON _ ______ | firpi upvu iuv native name ¡wi irra. lai0V- road congress in Paris, H I*. May- of the calm sacrifice _ of a mother to ¡kept m>on the porters, Sunday. daughter at the moment of.ltably there will be desertions, so bury stated that reliable roads suit cheer her Jessie Newton is visiting her sis At a special called meeting of the | that sometimes an expedition is ser- ed to modern traflb would be secured death. ter, Mrs. Tommy Short. Woman's Club, Friday afternoon, It the name of her little girl lously depleted. There ar«- wily ones Calling by building them as strongly as pos S. E. Icenbice went to Olene Fri- who she knew was in the burning who make a practice of enlisting with sible; reducing the camber to a uni whs decided to give publicity to a day. Notice 1» hereby given that In pur building. the mother rushed to the one outfit to obtain the one month'R form 1 in 30; coating the surface vote of thanks tendered the Klamath av.1 * . Cl 11 VI 1 O. u Johnny UlJU U ’ MUUl I 1 re- - Mr. and Mrs. Short suance of an order of the Honorable Conservatory of Music, Mr. Daniels, with the best obtainable hard mater turned from the Falls Tuesday .where nearest window and, wlth the flames wages that must invariably be paid __ . > has ■ been ___ i visiting <-irr+ine her. tried to climb in. in to advance, the back to the ial. gagirfg not less than 2 nor more members of the Shakespeare Quartet, i J. B. Griffith, County Judge, of the Mrs. Short with about her ('> rcMng about her. tried climb In. and in slt>ii>lna advance, back and to slplping County of Klamath, aud Btate of Or sister Mrs Campbell "She was restrained by force, and then; coast at the first opportunity, to re- than 2’/» Inches, and thoroughly roll the business firms whose advertising {egon. made on the 3uth day of hi li Frank Hibberts spent last Sunday aa a 8U<lden gust of I wind cleared ; peat their taefles elsewhere. Thirty ed; using only dean, hard gravel and I support was a material help and all ' vein her, 1908, in the matter of the who assisted In making the benefit away the smoke, she saw outlined in ! porters to each white in the party chipping* as the binding agent; then in Swan Lake Valley. {concert of Wednesday night the suc i »state of Charles II. Moore, an In« the window at which she ha«l sought is tho usual number employed, and cleaning the surfaces and applying Jennie and Calio Icenbice visited sane pet son, which suid order au- at the home of John Hibberts Sunday. entrance the figure of her daughter. sixty pounds per man Is the regula a dressing of a heated tar compound; cess it WUM. thorized the salo of the real estate The unusually Interesting program The window was near the ground, tion load, which must not be exceed and finally covering the surfaces thus Mr. Patty was visiting at the borne but two hundred frenzed children ed; but where forced marches are treated with hard, clean gravel or rendered reflects great credit upon hereinafter described. of J. S. Mills Sunday. The undersigned, John N. Moore, Mr. Elliott came out to his ranch who pushed from behind made It im contemplated for any reason, ft Is granite chipping* and thoroughly roll the Conservatory of Music and Its guardian of the estate of the sal«l helpers, and Is especially appreciated possible for the little girl to climb far better to reduce the load to fifty ing with a «team roller. His expe Friday. Charles II. Moore, tin Insane person, Mr. Cunningham went to the Falls out. She was pinioned by the legs or fifty-five pounds, and take along rience has proved that such a surface by the Wowan's Club and patrons of will on and after the 10th day of the Library. in the crush of bodies that were Jam- more men. is cheap, almost dustless.and provides Saturday. April, 1909, sell at prlvato salo for But although so large a number of good traveling for traction engines One of the most enjoyable social against the wall, The mother cash, subject to confirmation by sal«! LARGE < IIOIII N ORGANIZED. events of the season occurred Friday j «•ailed to her to climb out. The child's tnen is required, the cost, after all, and commercial motors and a good County Judge, tho following describ lips moved but her words were lost footing for horses. Is not so staggering as you may think evening, March 5, at S. W. Kilgore's ed real property, to-wlt: East Half A chorus of about fifty voices with of the North West Quarter and tho ranch, being a hard times dance. In the roar of the flames. When she The pay for porters, under ordinary J. B. Mason as director, and Prof. Many costumes appropriate to the oc saw she could not make herself heard conditions, ranges from 23.50 to no MORE FAKE HALEN 15.50 a month, with an extra allow-J PERMITTED IN OREGON. Geo. Wirtz ns organist, has been or North Half of the North East Quar casion were seen. Johi Lovelady she smiled and shook her head, ter of Section Twenty-six (241), Town- The mother pressed her body ag- ance of from $1 to 12 for food. Gun won the first prize as the most orig- ganize«) to lead the singing during -ship Thirty-eight (38) South, Range Fake sale« of "bankrupt stock," alnst the wall and by reaching up bearers and caravan headmen, of Inal costume, and Jessie Newton won "half price sales," and other sales In the evangelistic meetings which nre Six (6) East, W. M. second prize. Those present were: was able to lay her hand on the girl's course, draw higher wages, the head- which there Is misrepresentation as to begin on Sunday at Hum's hall. Propositions for tho purchase of Wm. Stewart, Mrs. and Mrs. Tommy head. . She seized her by the hair man getting from twelve to fifteen to tho purpose! or price, are prohib The members of the church choirs an said property may be left with Alex. avail. The and pulled, but to no dollars a month If he be a Swahili, Short and family, Mr. and Mrs. John ited and made a misdemeanor by an well as other singers of the city will «Martin, nt the Klamath County Bank, Short and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. child's garments were on fire, When and nearly double that amount If he act of the Legislature which recently be in the chorus. Two hundred new Klamath Falls, Oregon, or nt the of- E. Fox and family, Mr. and Mrs. she saw that It was useless to try be a Homaii. Cheapness in this re adjourned. song books have Just been received ; flee of Geo. W. Trofren, Attorney at Harry Wilson and family, Mr. and to pull her daughter through the spect is a poor economy; the Somali The bill is designed to put an end and some excellent music for the Law, Ashland, Oregon. Mrs. I. E. Young and family, Mr. and window, and realized that hope was Is the highest type of native In Brit JOHN N. MOORE. to sales which put legitimate busi meetings I h assured. Mrs. D. E. Young and family, Mr. and gone, the mother laid her hand on ish East Africa; and while the Swah- Gunrdlnn of the Estate of Charles II. ness at a disadvantage without giv Mrs. Reynolds and family, Mr. and the child's face and stroked it while II is competent to do, he by no means When 11. P. Hull, of Denver, went Mooro, Insane. ing any advantage to the buyer of Mrs. E. Kirkendall, Arthur Hawkins, the fire ate upward through the little approaches the other In courag«- nnd to Norfolk, Neb., n few days ago to Dato of first publication, February efficiency.—C.B. Taylor, in the March goods. Under the new law, If a mer- Mrs. Ernest Durkee, Mrs. Miller, tot's garments. attend the funeral of bls brother, 25, 1909. 2-25-4-8 , chant advertises that he Is "closing The scorching flames enveloped the Everybody’s. Misses Ethel Dawson, Etta Turner, out at cost,” when he Is neither clos Phillip Hull, he mnde the discovery child from head to foot, but the moth Ethel Miller, Mary Short; Mln Love SHOP AT HUMMERS. ing out nor selling at cost, he will that the widow of his brother was the lady, Dan Lovelady, John Varner, er continued to console her while the HTEPHENHON WI.N'H wife whom he himself had divorced be punishable. If he misrepresents A blacksmith shop has been es- Alfred Varner, Joe Tramel, Geo. Tra fire burned on. When the floor fell IX WIS< ONHIN. quality or quantity be will be pun some time previously. The widow tabllshed At Summers. General work in, and took the dead girl with it, vel, Sam Short, Jas. Hull, Cbas divorcee also made a discovery. She ' of All kinds promptly done. Horae* ishable. Bradley, Ralph Miller, H. H. Low, the mother withdrew her hand. It MADISON, Wis., March 4. Isaac learned that the wife of her first hus shoeing a specialty. 11-17-Nt* Archie Miller, Frank Rey nolds, Cbas. was burnt to a crisp to the elbow. Stephenson was today re-elected to Tho city election at. Merrill Mon- band, H. P. Hull, was also the divorc Calmly she walked across the street Routenback, Walter Turner, James the United States Senate by the Joint day was a very quiet afTalr. The fol- ed first wife of her late husband, Phil Orterby, James Raines, W. A. Arn to the house of a physician, where Asembly on the twenty-third ballot, -------- lowing _--------- officers ------------------- were elected: Mayor, lip. In other words, each of the « olds and J. M. Pine. Music was fur- 1 she refused to be attended until three receiving 63 votes out of 123 cast. A. R. TenBrook; Recorder, R. II. brothers had been divorced and each children, who had preceded her, were nlshed by J. W. Morris and J. L. Anderson; Treasurer, P. II. Merrill; had mnrrled the other's divorced wife ■ ■BUSINU3C0UEÚE care for.—March Delineator. Short. Warts will be cured by wiping Councilmen, R. E. Martin, W. P. although none of the four parties to S aAaMni*™ *"• VMTW «TW. Iven and Calio Icenbice went to; them several times dally with castor . Whitney, C. W. Wilson and Fred the ceremonies were aware of tho Olene Sunday, See Ady for marsh lards. If oil and allowing it to dry in. Stukel. fact. FRANK IRA WHITE Enterprise Tracts Mills Addition lots FRANK IRA WHITE C. C. BROWER M0LHL