Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, March 11, 1909, Image 1

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vol .
NO. 50
Should the movement that Is now Ixxul nn<l Eia«*«rn Capital Will Bull«!
The boat building Industry is fast
Monday the Klamath Falls post-
Merrill, Ore , Mar 7th. 1909.
One Here.
becoming on«- of large proportions in offl< •• transacted the greatest amount Editor Klamath Republican:
on foot prove successful the useful­
to Ilia- I'l-iilta-ntlnry.
As I am the originator rtf ness of th*- Klamath tules will l»e de­
Klamath Falla. A visit to the Telford «1 business of any day In its history. ' Hlr
That the question of the manufac­
A Hon shops on the river front on During the day there were over 174 this gold excitement tat Merrill), I termined. A petition has been circu­
Chas l.lskey. Air Wallis and Wai Conger avenue would soon convince worth of stamps sold through the recelvi a great many inquiries about lated »and largely signed by local ture of alfalfa meal in this county has
ta-r Welt li tei civili their sentetic«* on oil«* «>f Hie extent of thia Industry. window. These were marly all In It. I write you in reply for the b«-l>-- landowners asking J. NV. Bailey, (be not passed the attention of the peo­
Htate Dairy and Food Commissioner, ple here is evldenci-d by the fact that
Tuesday tin stealing the bmiil of 2 1 Mr Telford is an expert I »oat builder email amounts. Very often large flt of all.
horses for * liitti the first two were and he says that two years ago whin o-dera Will be filled for stani|M-d en­
We have an extra larg«- body of to establish a silo in the irnemdlate plans are practically completed for
found guilty l>y tin- Jury, and the lui be hist began busiues III Klamath velopes, but w
11 ila- tliut duy a busi­ low gi.uli- gold beating ore which vicinity of Klamath Falls for the pur­ rhe erection of a plant for the produc­
ter conti shed Chas l.lskey reiterai Fulls, In- only expected to work at ness was the lurgi-Ht-done by tha- of- rang* ' front II 40 to 110 33 per ton. pose of making experiments in the tion of this article. Loral capita! will
id Ids denial of guilt mid did not the business ut odd times and never flee, most of It ««» in comparatlvely i>c< or'htix to my assay returns aver­ preparation of ensilage from the tules be partially interested in the concern,
and marsh grasses of the Klamath but most of It will come from the
aeviu to be the least affa-cte<| by Un di< ano <1 that llier«- would bi such an «mall amounts.
age I' i" at present writing
East, the promoter of the enterprise
it 1» In a reinent gravel deposit Basin.
prospei I of several years In the stale extensive di iiiuml for boats mid
I'ostmaster Ernmltt Mates that on
It Is a recognised fa«t that the tule b«fng E J Murray of this city. In
panit I tit Im y
Wallis, on ilia- oiliii lauiivlieb *1 inlay io- Ini', a plrnit with Tuesday tiie leii-lpli for the year tor gouge), with a «-balk and sand­
bmiil, «na deeply affl i it il ami It was modern equipment h : i «I with his -on ».«•r«t sufficient to pigìi- tin- oíflc stone sail on on« side, arid I have if properly handled can bo read* to «•onnwrlon with this matter, Mr. Mur­
wllli alitti« nit v tint he «iilltrolleil him 1» kept busy every minute of till titlie ill tke second class
Tills quarter no Idea yet what
th»- other wall la. retain all of the Raid stuff in ft and ray says:
"For the past neveral month- I
Illa thoughts Sei lllcll to bi- of turning «mt orders.
do.s not end until the Hist of the as I have.not rea«*hed It yet. I have it is the opinion of those who hav>-
his wife mid ilillil, mol hl» ag-d pur­
Th«-> have coiistrn« I« <1 twelve gn
month, but during the first uin«- days < I OsS I 'll the deposit with a t unnel given the matter some attention tha' have hern carefully investigating the
enta. mid »In n their munis writ- «»line hum« ion ranging In I- tiglli from
transacted 3530 u distil tl«e of : 20 feet and no cl ange ensilage of a high class can be made i.l'alfa meal industry and have about
from the prtxiuct that grows so vb < mpleted the compilation of such
incut loin <| Hie tents perulsteil In fill I li ft et to 3«> feet
(Il tlel S lire now
was the amount apparent ly V et I In the formation,
Itig Ins iy«», ultliougb It »¡in appai on hand tnr lii tin»« of uny year at
the yearly busi-
It- Is a very disagreeable giunnd undantly in the swamps and mar-hes «b ta (in the subject as will enabt • us
ent tliut he wua struggling biu\e|y tills season. They me now »viking
Beveral hundred to drill,but easy to handle with steam Mr Bailey, when he last visited this to act intelligently in the niatt-ir. A
«•itv, gave It a<« bls opinion that there 'tentative order has been placed w'th
Io keep thi-tll bulk Tile pl oi evitili
rs worth «if stumped envelopes shovels on a la rgc scale.
fin u gasoline tender or lt,g boat for
were as follows;
Then- tn«
h - -« i n a great many 1o- is enough nutrition in the tule« ti­ a S». Louis firm for the nee^siar/
l as I m
the Houttiein Pacific ditilge
b«-«n ordered which will be de-
sd the last of the month, and ■ aiion- n.. <h- already. but I have ad­ make excellent ensilage, but ’hat lt nine hinery, shipment of which wi.I
By lliv Court
This Is the tino- also lmu> an otilei for fiv« r« w boats
.one that this is no poor will probably be necessary to mix in ■ >e made as soon as the detailed pirns
this mid th«- regular business it vised evei
act for the sviitenclng of Cbarlvs 1.1» for It <’ Spink to lie plui •«! oil S, ting
are worked out. Just where the
stata-s tl at he is
bring th« quart* r’s receipts be- man's min«- or mining ground, but other hay to reduce its strength.
key. Alf Wallis ami WulU r W. 1« li I
I Acting upon the suggestion made plant will be located will not be an­
er the amount nec- still Ilk«- all gold excitements , they
Stand up all three,
many row boats
Itt »ays he has rath- all wan' < gold mine, and th«.- tna- by Mr. Bailey that an experimental nounced until negotiations now under
t, but tney half
Ifuve you anything to »ay »!■'
iv placing of large Jorlty are Ilk«1 the boy wit I the ele- silo should I» established for the pu.'- 1 wav are concluded."
sv nt. n<« of tiie law «t>« ild not b*
They al-o have
Very few. If any, innovations have
p«-s this month as phant don't know w! at tc (l'i with pose of making tests, th«* ¡»etition has
he simp under go-
pass« <1 u|>ou you at this Univ?
If Your llouor
g rebuilt.
liy Mr Mill»
Ì3 iy Telfoiil A Son
department might
-Ing st off d in oi d«.r
satisfaction mid 11
¡ntich skepticism exists as to Its
In tin- »«« nnd « lass. Mgr , A
c- pul HIHII speedy latinrli«-*
It is the intention of the petitioner worth, but this Is being ispldly dis­
Mei ill.
I am
A number of m*w
Within a short time tile
the stat«- pay the cost of estab- sipated
the I
ll< >MI M I Ivi It- ' ' »MING.
will publish a detailed article
thing bi-rausr II 1» m> use
nark has stated that if the silo is on the manufacture, use and value
k'-a-p öin- or two gaso
It don't make
11,-1 «a <1 upon cstlmata-H r<-<-a*lva-d fron»
Th, Indian Department is adver­ installed on hfs place and proves a ioi this article.
The pros-
fiat ra nt
euce what I would say. t
ha-iidquarters In tha- East, passenger tising f' • «1000 head of t««< and three, sin cess he will purchase the plant,
s< nil rue anyway, so tliut 1«
there wll! be a large
trafflc offielals o( th<- »arlous trans- year old heifers for th«- Klamath In­ front the stat«- at the actual cost of
got to »ay
I say
mi y I mil ii « i
n* w launch«1*
. ontlnental rallruuds figure that iberr dian It« ervatlnn. This stock is to construction. Many of the Interested<.%
that rhuige, have
I n vi­ not h<
• on Hl« river and th
ui tha- present time between 25,- be distribute«! among tbs Indians on parties look favorably upon the prop- '
any horses, ntili
und < don't k
stockholders of the Hydraulic
and 30,000 honi'se,-kcn beaded th«- R* si rvation and is part payment osllion niini In Mr MeCornai k and it
any horses stolen
Stone and Brick Company held their
i«>r tlia- Northwest, i» Ith the pr«-sent for the lands in the Sprague River is likely that the experimental sta­
By Mr Mills If Your Ito
fi-t meeting Tuesday night and com­
inlunlst seastiii only a w«■ k old The country by the United States. Part tion will be established on his ranch
pleted arrangements for the incorpor­
It I may b«- p«otiilit« d •<» «
iibjtctive iMilntd are Oregon. Wash- of this payment was in cash anil the which Is conveniently locate«! for
Of course
ation of the Company. The new or-
Lindley. < «»liter of the Ington aml Idaho, almost exclusive-
balance »a: to be made toward pur­ gathering tule» from the Upper Ij<ke. cauization will be incorporated with
of guilty In this
retut n>-«1
and ly. Of thia numlaa-r, fall» 3o00 have
If Mr. Bailey acts on the petition a capital stock of $35.000 and over
chasing farm implements, stock, etc.
«ire. nnd
•» that part of i
Na bet n delivered at d«1«!inat Ions. Mor«1
experiments »'DI begin this spring SO |>er cent of the stock is already"
to ’ In- d* fendant.
but with
.tliiiu sou have arrived at Spokan«- fol bids tl •
it will be determined within subscribed and paid in. The company-
I <i‘ sire t
Kiints in Eastern NNaahlngtun; 7
ham stock. Local cattlemen are of a few months if the ensilage will be has purchased a site for the loca­
was 22 years old. to gh back three
urilt- d In Portland, on 10 extra < ars the opinion that it will tie impossible a sun^-ss. It is *argt)e«l t! at the tule
years before Hint, when he was Ft
tion of their plant on the Upper I^ike
Kat ut «Lt.v morning, w
to set ure 6o0<) head of tl is stuck in ensilage will be similar to that made and tiie deal will probabl. be closed
yvais of age, his mother was left«
¡the Klauiath country, e-pecially as from corn which has proven a boon he first of the week, as Messrs. Haw-
without the support of her husband. I
through Hillin -
only tie youngest nnd choicest cattle to farmers of the Middle NVest. It I ins and Brown, of the Klamath Falls
for certain ri-asons. mid she was a If you want your town to continue
are wanted. «DOO head of the stock' is recognized as one of the best Land & Transportation Company, the
widow woman then without any tiling io grow you must pave your streets
I’pon these ; ••« I
desired would mean an investment stock foods that can be use«l during owner of the land, are expected here
but a homestead, 'i'll I k l>oy was the it is the greatest advertisement a
and taking lnt> o ' •
of betw«‘en $125.000 and $ 150,000,, the winter months as it keeps cattle I at that time.
oltlest boy, mid he stayed and took town ran have. It will double the
of honiesackcrs »file!
and would nearly complete th«- bal- in fine condition and when fed to
care of his mot Ini, worked out and retail business of jour stores. It will
The Stone and Brick Company is
arrived, the griT« ’
ance due the Indians, The stockmen dairy cows improves the quality of ‘preparing to begin operations in the
worked at home, until he «a. 22
encourage th«- people especially the ¡colonists to the Norths, st ever
do not s« e any particular profit or the niilk.
years of age, then the Spanish War |
, very near future. The machinery is
Indies, to come down town every day known »ili b«1 r«corded by the close
The petition sent to Mr. Bailey was now at the wharf and will be moved
in this proposal as they
came on. mi«l he enlisted In the reg-1 to trade, you need a good sewer sys­
¡of the season. April 30.
Approxi­ claim most of the stock of thi« sec- signed by the following men, all of
dlnr army, served four years linking
to the location of the plant just as
tem and paved streets. It *111 dou­ mately ISO.OuO future settlers, inclu­
tion are of mixed breed and are r uis­ whom are interested in the promo­ soon as the deal is closed for the
one day. as a regular, going to the'
ble th«- value of your property."
ding their wives and families, are ed mainly for beef purposes.
tion of the Klamath country:
I’h 111 ppi n •• Islands, and was in th«
property. It is quite probable that the
See the Boston Store announce expected to establish their homes in
C. F. Goodrich, Frank lra NVhite. crushed rock for this season will be
engagement commonly known a* Han
tm-nt on Page 3.
lb. three «tate» Oregon. Wnshing-
Klamath Republican by E. J. Murray. furnished by the Buena Vista people.
Juan HID. on the loth. 11th and 12th
lilt.II WATER Mlllh.
ton und Idaho this spring
Evening Herald by NV. O. Smith. Al­ They have agreed to furnish the
nt th«- battle of Sun tin go de Cuba, qv-
bright & Ellis by John Ellis, P L crushed material or lease their rock
er there, having svrved thr«-«- years
Deputy Sheriff John Scballock,
Fountain. B. 8. Grigsby. J. D. Car­ ¡crusher. The company already- has
lacking one day in the deft-na«* of hl« i
Chester Avery and Harry Pearson
roll. NV. 8. Slough. J. P. Lee. J Scott a large number of orders for the ce­
They are coming.
People from
country, nnd wns discharged with sn
left this morning for Salem with
Taylor. G. NV. NVhite. E. B Hall. Fred ment blocks from parties who con­
honorable discharge. His character : «•very pan of the United States and
I Chas. Liskey. Alf. Wallis and Roy
Melhase, M. H. Wampler. D.T. Shook. template building this summer and
so says the discharge I I will
win subml'
subint'i «Canada are pouring int«> Oregon at
The County Commissioners, who .Vestal, the three men sentenced to
that to the Court, shows tiiat his *er- ; th«- present tim«* at a rate never be- are in session, Illis week selected the penitentiary for horse ajid cattle iP- it Southworth. H. R. Dunlap. H. the prospects are that the new com­
H VanValkenburg. H. V. Mitchell. F. pany will have more business than.
vice was honest mid faithful, an«’ no ■ f«»a •• equalh-d, and there is evidence the K-achers for the County High stealing.
reason why he could not re-enllst. 'hat <*>•• travel during the entire col- Schoail for next year. They will re­ i This makes eight men sentenced H. McCornack. Abel Adv by J. NV. ! it can handle this year.
Gllloglv, O. C. Applegate. NV A. Wal­ are anxious to secure their material
After that. li. immediately went w -|» jonlet period will b«- enormous, Many tain tha* same corps of instructors
to the state penitentiary by Judg«1
volunteers, re-enlisted, and went i.,; «'«immunities are busy sending out as are filling the positions this year. I Noland during his first term of Court < ker. Ed Blooming« antp. F. T. Sander­ as early as possible.
the Philippine Islands, and served a leaflets giving the low rate from 20 J. T Butcher will be principal; NV. E ion the bench. The men are: Melton. son. Klamath Falls Creamery. Alex ejaini that this year will see one of
year and ten months the discharge or 25 points, «»there have the Infor­ Faught wijl have charge of the Com­ Thompson, Hale. Hall, Previer, Lis­ Martin. Jr.
the greatest building booms in the
says, and was then discharged, nnd mation prlnt«-d at th«- top of their mercial course; C. A. Howard, His­ key, Wallis and Vestal. This is an
history of the city. Hundreds of
when he was discharged, he wns paid stationery and on their envelopes. tory and Science. Miss Applegate, En­ I unusual record for one term of Court
¡residences will be'built besides from
*960. which he brought home, and Every reader of this paper should see glish. and Geo. A. Wirtz, Music.
¡twenty to thirty business blocks and
In a county so thinly settled as Klam­ I
gave to his mother, showing that h«- that such a leaflet goes In each letter
It is expected that it will be nec­ ath.
Rogue River Valley is to have one. public buildings.
Is not of a dlHpositlori to squander 1 he sends to people at a distance. essary to add another teacher next
The new company will also manu­
of the largest, if not the largest, nur- i
his money, and that dlscharg«* shows School boys nnd girls all over Oregon year Thera- are now enrolled in the
jsery in the west, The Yakima Nur- facture sewer pipes, paving and side­
that his character was perfectly good are doing their part. Remember the High School 107 scholars, and from
sery Company has leased 300 acres walk material. No expense is being
und his services faithful.
Now, I rate is good until the last day Of present indications there will be fully
of land from Dr. C. R. Day near Tolo spared in the equipment of the plant
Several delightful parties have been
say this, because it sc«*ms to me If, April.
150 to atteud school next term.
which will be all under irrigation and only the best of machinery has
by this organization of popular
Nour Honor please, a man hat gone
when the Ray pumping plant is com­ been purchased. An expert cement
young ladies and in order to show
out and served his country. If there
pleted. as it will be in the near fut- man will be here from Chicago in
their appreciation of the favors the
Is any time In the world when he
j ure. Trees, shrubbery, flowers and April to take charge of the plant. The
THE NEW NATATORUM. young gentlemen whom they have so
rhouid be entitled to some considera­
John Wesley Masten died at 4
¡seeds of all kinds will be grown on I company expects to have the plant
pleasantly entertained, gave a recep­
tion on account of that fact, it is o'clock a. m. Tuesday at the home of
installed so as to turn out some sam­
¡the place and distributed.
The great attraction Sunday was tion Tuesday night which was in the
when he has made his first misstep in his son, W. NV. Masten, at the Sum-
NV. D. Ingles, president of the Yak- ples of the cement blocks at an early
such a direction, nnd needs consider­ nters ranch, at the age of 75 years. Sanderson's new natatorlum at the nature of a farewell for Mrs. Austin ma Nursery Company, and L. E. Hoo- date, so that prospective builders can
ation, sympathy and credit for what 10 months and 18 days. The deceased Hot Springs. The crowd was there Hayden and Miss Faye Hogue, both ¡ver, consummated the deal. Mr. Hoo- see the superiority of the material
he hits don«1 for his country, In refer­ was a native of New York state and nnd everybody went with the crowd. members of the C. I. of S. I.
'ver will have an interest in the nur- over anything heretofore used.
The time was spent in diversified
ence to the time that he shall spend has been a resident of this county less It is estimated that during the after­
sery and will devote his time to the
tn the penitentiary. I think that there than a year during which time he has noon fully five hundred people visited amusements until the midnight hour work. The land secured for the nur-
The government telegraph liner in
w»re very few boys of Klmnath Coun­ been an Invalid. Mr. Masten Is the the swimming tank and bath house, when all repaired to the Baldwin »■ry Is some of the finest in the valley,
France have adopttxl a system oi
ty that in that wnr went out In de­ father of NV. W. Masten, who pur­
consisting of the McDonough and charging only one centime or a fifth
fense of their country, and I think chased the Summers ranch, F.E. Mas­ While the weather wasn't as favor­
1 O'Hara tracts.
of a cent per word for messages dis­
that he Is on«1 of them, nnd that tin1 ten, Mrs. Schinelscr and Mrs. Mlles. able as ft might have been, yet a MERR1L STOCKMEN III Y
~' -
patched at night. This rate applies
defendant received nn honorable dis­ He leaves a wife and three sons and
When Court convened at 10 o'clock to messages containing at least fifty
baths. The chutes or slide in the
charge. If the Court can consider five daughters.
'Saturday the large crowd that words. In this way It is hoped to
thnt In Imposing sentence nt this
The date of the funeral has not swimming tank attracted the most
C. O. Merrill, R. C. Anderson. NV. gathered in the court room to wit-
keep the wires almost as busy at
attention and was a great source of
time, and give him credit for what he been set .vet.
F. HID, H. F. Tolle and E M. Ham ness the sentencing of Chas. Liskey
niglt as in the daytime. The value
amusement to the men and boys.
has done In that direction. I nsk that
mond have purchased of McLaughlin and Alf. Wallis, were disappointed,
Ito the commercial wurld would be
it b«> done, nnd we submit the record
Bros, through their representative M. Attorney C. F. Stone in behalf of
a business man can send t»y tel­
of hin dlschnrgcH, correspondence,
MW DANE NEW GAME WARDEN. C. BiggerstafT. the four thousand dol­ Wallis, and F. H. Mills in behalf of
egraph a communication, compara
etc, I think thnt this defendant,
lar stallion. Finasseur. Flnasseur Is l.lskey, asked the Court to postpone
¡hie in length with an ordinary letter,
when he comes out, If he ever does
It Is reported that a petition was a large high acting French poacher | sentence until Tuesday, Judge Nol-
R ohm NV Finley. E. NV. NVhetstone,
and at but little over regular postag
com«1 front the penitentiary, If he | |<awrenre Griffin, NVm. Lowry, Jack sent to the state game warden nsking and will work a great Improvement and thereupon declared that he would
; rates, with the assurance that th'-
must go ther<> nt nil, thnt he will he Watts anil ’loin Drews, of Bly, have the removal of deputy game warder over the road horses In the Merrill defer pronoucing sentence until 10
message will be delivered the very
ns good it citizen ns Ills record in the purchased of McLaughlin Bros., the Gibson of Klamath County and the district.
o'clock on Tuesday. Ha* also stated
■ first thing on the following morning
nr my
horse importers, through their ngents, appointment of .1. NV. Bryant. II. O.
that he would pass sentence on Wal-
think If the Court can show him Wood nnd Mays, their 3-l<N00 stallion, Stevenson, state game warden, is In
ter Welch at the same time.
mercy nt this time, It will be an nd- Cyrano.
320 acres of cattle or fruit ranch
Franee has withdrawn her objec­
This Is the second horse the city now Investigntlng the matter,
purchased by Sprague River stockmen | hut it has not been learn d what his plenty of fin«1 water. Inquire at this
Amberol Records play for four tion to a proposed wireless telegraphy
3-11tf, minutes. At Mullers.
l-14tf :•> vice between England and Italy.
Ibis year.
decision will ’><».
(Continued on Fifth Pngo)
Llskey anil Vestal an­