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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1909)
« ♦ OFFICIAL PAPER OF ULAMA IH tkt UN J Y. ♦ « ♦ ♦•♦♦♦♦•♦♦•♦•e* VOL. XIII. KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, MARCH 4, 1909. • LEADING PAPER OF ♦ « HO< THICKS OREGON. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ NO. 49 WORK BEGINS IN JI’LY. the said device Is kept, or suspected V IXTAL RETI R.NM. of being kept, and the name of the person or persons. If known, violat HlterifT Harnes Arrests Fugitive ut I Het to My on Crater latke Road W ill I* be b.iifiim d of Ju**t This Hummer. ing this ordinimi e, whereupon tin Hou» of Relatives in .Missoart. Like Many Others? salii Pi lli e Judge shall Issue his war Will G Steel, who has don** more rant cornmatiding the Chief of Polli* Sh* .lff Barnes return« d on Satur An ordlnuli* ■ Sii> pu » h * h I by the oi other pulii*- uitin r, to search sih I i day having In custody Koy Vestal, on toward t>>r»h*ri»g the recognition of Council Monday night declaring -the piai e and, If the law Is being Violated whose * vid* u* < will largely depend (Crater l.ak than any other one man, keeping (or sain or selling, except as to ui r«st the person or persons vio the prosecution of Chas. Liakey and is In the elty for a few days to begin oth*TWI-e provided, IntoxlcalI* g II lating the sumo, and It shall be the Alf. Wallis on a charge of cattle steal arrangements for th*- handling of the Mr. quors, within lb« illy limits of hlu lilt * of th*' Chief of Pollea, or other ing. There was a large crowd at the I tourists the coming grimmer. tout h Falls, unlawful; prohibiting poll* ■- officer, after having obtained wharf when the came In, who Steel is «ell satisfied with the pros- Much keeping or sale and fixing pen such warrant, to demand ml mission expected the arrival of the sheriff pectH for the building of tiie Crater Probably no other man ally lot violation thnreof; and pro Into su* h limis i or plui* v. *i>-n such with his prisoner, and when they l^tke rond hibiting such offense», within the devlc* is rie irlid to, and upon ad both arrived, th* re was quite a dem could I have accomplished what in* did lliillls iif auld city, and decluilnir .<n mitt m*'. being r* fused, such officer onstration of joy Tbe people have with the h«a I of the ’¡’orestry Ber •tuei gene« tie secured a promise from I ■■ I •■reby authorized i* d required to ts k*. n a great inter* st In the provcu- vic*-. I tn divert from other tion of the men charged with rustling Mr Pinchot President of the Council F T Sun for.* op*n th*- »uin*' und arrest a nd sources in th. Forestry Department hold over for trini before the Polle*. and public sentiment is very strong. d*iM>n. who Is luting Mayor during Vestal was taken to the court house funds to be used on a road through the ab*e it* e ut Mi b’llts, did not sign Judge, all stub persons who stall inutili violating any of the provi- and from there to the office of the the r»M«xrve. The appropriation for tho new »aioon ordinunte ms he •Ions of this net And any person, Prosecuting Attorney, where a con the Forestry Department had already Further «xpoctnd do or persons. Hiding or abetting such ference »as held with that officer by been made when Mr. Steel reached quite thia It probable Washington, and In view of the fact violators by obstructing *>r trying to the sheriff and his prisoner. th* lueu as it now pri vi ut tbe said officers In the dis Both Sheriff Barnes and Vest*) that not enough money bad been ap will not b*Mooie a law, but charge of such duty, shall Ire equally were compl -tely worn out with tbelr propriated t»> cover the expenses of retuinml to tbe Council with guilty ander this ordinans» loug and tiresome trip and were anx all tbe Improvements which were de Ing Mayor’s veto uttached Hee. C In any prosecution provld ious for a rest The return from Mis sired. it s-M-ius incomprehensible that There seems to b* flaws In a num ■ ordinane*:. It shall not <-d for In thli souri was by the southern route, com Mr. Steel was able to get the Forestry lx r of th* ■>■» tlons of the ordinance, ing through .New Mexico and Arizona Department to even consider the ex at hast that Is the opinion of l*r*»i be ll«-ri s wary to state the kind of In penditure of money for any new to San Francisco and then north. dent He nd er son, and if tl.i mi rpi* toxicating liquor sold, nor <l<*sci|b> work. th* piar* where »old. provld* d t he it is just 26 days since the sheriff tat Ion of certain »»■* li *ns t>> th* t It Mr. Steel and Mr. Plnchot have left Klamath Falls on bis hunt. He Attorney ngr**w with his opinion. Mi. nt* **• dl-i'O» il th* reof shall b*' with been «'Jose personal friends for year« tn the • It y limits, nor to show th went to Spokane and from there to Manderson ntMt*d that h* would 1. en*.w l<'di *. of h- principal In ord** the northern part of Montana. He and it was dee, in a great measure, to v ’«» ti * rr'j uri* io * ITIVI nviit Im th, .* t of th*' ag**nt or tben visiUMl Helena and Custer, Mon to this fact that Mr 8teel was grant Tie first i'*tion provides that It rtf I »aut. ui.d In «'I cases th* person tana. Melle Vesta), a brother of the ed the opfiortunity to present to Mr. shall bn unlawful for any person to or p* r*»* ur.* t*> Wimm the said intosi ¡man wanted, lives at the latter place Pincbot the gr -at necessity for this store, sell nr give awuy any Intoxicat tatlng I llqUui »ball have b*» n fur and the sheriff spent a week In that highway, which finally resulted in Ing liquors < »<* |d drug store*, which It was this agreement of :il«h**d, w*i**rh»r of sale, gift, of otb- 'city, trying to induce him to give in success. can do »n for mechanical and nodi Mr. Pinchot's that made It possible i *rwl * . In latlon of thin ordinanc*- formation where to locate his broth- dual purposes It Is further ptovid- «hatl I' ■ ■ < >' .petent wflnesses Th»' er. Melle V*-xta) promised to do what to HH'iire the appropriation from the i'<J that the pruprletor of a di ug The opponents I«*’unni » of i liceua» or Internal rev he could Barnes then went to Kan- Oregon legislature stor* must keep a record of al) »*)«■» Federal Gov* rn- »-fitte rtsmt da m f by sas City and later to Strawburg, in the Senate went to the extent of of Intoxicating liquors mad*' on the mint to an.» per» •n for the sale of where the grandfather and grand- wiring Mr. Plnchot In regard to the proscription of u physl'lan WILLIAM H. TAFT OF OHIO. Intosi»a’ing i qu* ». or th«* cvrtifi'Mt** ; mother of Koy Vestal lives He then matter, and when informed that he Th«* a*** tion In relation Io gambling «»f th. ro’l' tui of Internal revenu»* fl . figiirafs «J «a* of tiw* I ni «1 Ktnf« s today—»An went to Washburn, where other rela- would do just as he promised Steel, only Includes owners, troprletors or that » im h llc«*m* i: tax stamp xalld «-Louhi «.*»•««« (h*»UKhtiui. Annritan Itives live, and there he found Vestal they were left without one of their employe»*» and <l**»*a not make it un nt the time of said vtojatioo. has been t hrad and t tuin k <»od. A letter wm sent to tbe sheriff by strongest arguments. lawful for any ou< else to Indulg* Iu ;>i«.x*<i to any iH-r«on. shall be prima Mr. Steel states that the Forestry ! Roy Venial, who agreed to come back gamHifig Department will begin work on the fact*' a-Vldt'D* «-video*« •• that Much person Is 'to Klamath Falls. If he was furnished FttK STEA UN.NG BORD «ATTI.E. Meet ton I It shall be unlawful •eillhg *'Xchunging or glvibg away ja ticket or enough money to pay his road In the forest reserve in July, for any person, or person*. In nuy intoxicating liquor. In violation of ■ fare. Sheriff Barnes refused to state [and also tbe Good Roads branch of W alli» and Liskey Arraigned <>n Hee- inanoiw. dlhvr dlr. ctly or md<r»*clb. thio ordinance w hether Vestal had made a confession the Agricultural Department will by agent, servant, or employ < »*. or <*t»«l Indictment. I or not. and said be did not wish to make the surveys and plan the course otherwise, to ke-p or niuintuln with Cross examination of the defendant ¡say anything on tbe subject. It is of the- road. The highway through In the Hmlts of th« city of Kia oath was fini«b«-d In it f w minutes this _ _ .a . ¡almost certain that Vestal has made the reserve will be built strictly ac TH first pubfic admission on tbe .... . Falls, Oregon, any bar-room, drink „ . , ¡a full i»reaM of the affair although cording to the lecommendations of morning aft.t which W«-I<b and Lis- p»rt of the Prosecuting Attorney s , , • , . .. . . , Ing shot*, drinking saloon, tippling gi*v* -•i«.*'t. engineers, but the : it is ,uoV known to tbe pubik who a. e key w> re called and qu*--(xij.*»l about oflltA that Vrntai was in cuvtod,., was,. , hoose ,club room, club bouut, or any , implicated. . His perfect willlngm’fl* road outside of the reserve will prob tiu- mule stealing introduced ytster- ukm U aiiujLb aflur Court convea«*d i f other pla<<' In which spirituous, vin n vrv i without causing any trou- ably be constructed according to the !to »■*»♦ return duy. The dtdense then rested. last Thursday The Court bad dis- ’ ous or malt liquors are kept to be Prosecution called the wife of the l*uawd el a number of cares on the' l ble, is sufficient to show that he K w tnbwn tn the snatn MAUulaaion which "t.arOeid ussurea a continuance at sold, disposed of. or glv»n away, ex will be appoint«*! by Governor Ben i ready to tell all he knows. defendant In rebuttal, but the statu .lo<k«’t, and announced that it would cept drug stores; provided, that auy tin- work on the project.” This is son. It is not known who tbe mem i V«**tal himself has never been im- tory objection who mud*- by the de- take up the tut« of the State vs. disposition In the manner above men- .the telegram received last Saturday jplicated to any great extent in the bers of this commission will be as fondant. key. Wallis and Welch, and asked If tloni-d of uny spirituous, vinous, mult from R H Smith, who I* now In stealing of the cattle, but he is want the appointments cannot be made un- As the ease ta n-'aring completion 1 Wallis was ready for trial or Intoxicating liquors In a drug Washington In b»*half of the Klamath I ed badly as a witness. The sheriff is ti. 90 days after the adjournment of the predictions on the street aie that Benson A Stone informed lhe store havlug a duly licens'd drug Piuj»*t. No news that has reached ¡this city *lnc»> Its foundation earned the result Is likely to be a bung jury Court that the deft-nse wa« ready for very liberal in his praise of the ac •he legislature according to the >ro- gist, may be made f<rr mechanical tions of Vestal since he has bad him is'ons of tbe bill as passed. the trial of Alf. Wallis. Prosecut und inodKlual ptirpoa»*», and provld- ■mi h *atl*factlon a* this, In a few I Mr Steel, as secretary of the cotn- in charge. « Trial in Detail. «•4 further that In all cases of such [minute* after lhe receipt of the mes- ing Attorney Kuykendall stated that !mission appointed by Governor Cham- Vestal was instructed by the Prose sale of intoxicating liquors by a drug (sage tb< u< w* spread, and It was as It took about an hour Saturday the pros»*cutioD would like a few cuting Attorney not to talk about tbe lierlain. has gathered all the material } If * very man l>owt*d hi* head and store ui*oti prescription of n duly morning to exhaust tbe regular panel lay.' but would be ready to try the case. To a representative of this pa 1 P»>ssible. and also obtained rulings liccns*'»! physician, tbe proprietor of •«aid. Thank God, the worst is now of jurors in trying to secure a jury -ase by Saturday or Monday. Cir per he said that be felt very much re on every legal point that might come such drug store shall Reep a full and passed ' tor the ilia) of Alt.Wallis on a charge cumstances had arisen whereby it lieved that bis trip was over. They up in the work of the new commis I With th« risuuiptlou of work on accurate r»*cord of such prescriptions, of horse stealing. Not one juror was ..-light be advisable to first try Wal had a very hard and long jaunt and sion which will have iu charge super showing the name or numes of tbe th«* project assured. It means that I secured out of th* 17 examined. Six lis on another charge ior which he of the road All this matter he never felt so tired in his life. He vision - penu*n or p»TMins to whom su*h In 1 this clt, and county will b«* the liveli I t*' '11 w* re excused by th« Court and was Indicted It was evident that will be turned over to the commission Is greatly changed since leaving Kla the I'tOFetulioc was simply waiting toxicating liquors w«-r»* delivered, the est s»< tloti of tiie Pacific Coast this one was challenged by the detenne, as soon as it is appointed, so that math County, lie Is much thinner Nothing now remains to date of such sale, and the name of , summer Sixteen of the men exatnined stat- tor the return of the sheriff with and does not wear a mustache. He there will be no delay in beginning the physician Issuing such preset lp- prevent the great Influx of settlers (Mi that they had formed a fixed opin Vestal in order to have the cattle ¡does not look much like a criminal, work. The work done in this re tlon, which record shall b«.' subjict now on their way to Klamath Coun ion on tbe case, and therefore would stwalitig case come up first but has the appearance of being weak f sped by Mr. Steel will save the com- to the inspictlon of the police of the ty; and that the farming landa and not muke competent jurors. Eleven Judge Benson objected to the de I ami easily lead. It is probable that mission fully a month and a half of said city of Klamath Falls ut any city proi»erty will be in big demand of them had served in the trial of lay. and argued that Wallis had been labor. he was simply stared out of the coun i* o-ftaln unless the groat blunder time. Chas Liskey. and their decision in kept in jail a long time; that their try, and not knowing where to go. Moellon 2. It shall b*- unlawful I* mad*- of trying to boost prices too that case would iudicate what their witnesses were all here, and that BALDUIN-JACOBS. I returned to where bis relatives were. This, however, is not likely, for any person In any manner, either high fixed opinion would be in tbe second they had devoted all their time to ‘jlf he had been experienced be would' Will W. Baldwin and ..liss Mabel directly or Indirectly, or by agent, for th* people hav»« had some expe- trial. The Judge ordered a special the present case and it would not be have bid hhnself among strangers, j nervant, employee or otherwise, to rlf'iic*' with this kind of folly. venire of twenty-four summoned, and j fair to switch off on another charge, or remained in the country and put ■ Jacob* were united In marriage Mon Th«* slight delay that wan cuuaed day at the home of the bride’s sell, dispose of, or give away, any instruct(Ml the sheriff to secure good 'of which his attorneys kne« noth up a bold front. ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Jacobs, spirituous, malt, vinous or Intoxicat by tli*‘ order suspending work will men, to appear If possible at 9:30 ing on short notice. ' at Baker City, Oregon. The young Judge Noland assured Mr Benson ing liquors within the limits of the hav»* no material *ff«*ct on results Monday morning. ' couple will spend their honeymoon city of Klamath Falls. Oregon, except this year, for the matter was strulght- The examination and selection of that in case Wallis was tried on tbe IfOK.ATE GETS BIG PIA M. in Portland and return to this city as provided for in stiction 1 hereof. •'iieil out so quickly that tbe Service the jury in the Alf. Wallis case, ac- new charge, the defense would b«* Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for can go ahead as If no Interruption used of horse stealing, was concluded given sufficient time to prepare their l|>|K>iuted Water Commissioner by about the middle of the month. The bride is well known iu this any person, firm or corporation main occurr«*d. Monday morning. It took tbe at case. He stated that he would not Governor Chamberlain. city where she has a host of friends, taining a store, shop or other plicc torneys two hours to select tbe jury set the case before Saturday, and LINK TO KK EXTENDED. of business In said city, to keep or of twelve men. Most of them are asked the attorneys for the state to H. L. Holgate has been notified of who will extend her a hearty welcome store in such place of business, or In be ready before that time to state from the Merrill country and are his appointment by Governor Cham on her arrival to make her home E. It. Kearnes, who returned this practically new men in the county oa which charge they wished to try berlain as water commissioner for' ' here. She lived in Klamath Falls any part of the building where such the defendant. It Is believed that It the western division of the state. The J about a year, while her father was place of business is maintained, eny week from Hollister, from a confer und were unfamiliar with the case. spirituous, vinous, malt or Intoxicat ence with his associates, Messrs Haw K. L. Van Meter and Henry Liberty will consume a week to procure a State Engineer and the two commis I constructing the government tunnel ing liquors; nor shall the owner or kins and Brown, has anonunced that were excused by the state, and Cbas. jury. As it will be necessary to ex sioners constitute a board which will as contractor for Mason, Davis Com lessee of any building in said city per- these gentlemen will be In this city Woodard, Geo. Wilson, E. E. Fitch, haust the old panel before summon have full supervision of all the water pany. During her short residence here she became very popular in the mil any Intoxicating liquors to be about the middle of March, when F. P. Van Meter and W. A. Wilson, ing a new venire, there will necessar regulation of the state. st or »*d therein, except the same be final plans will be perfected for the by tbe defense. Following is the ily be some days delay. By beginning Mr. Holgate will receive a salary society of the younger set, and won the love and respect of all. used as a drug store, nor shall such construction of an «tten'slofi of tbe jury which will try the case: F. T. the trial on Saturday, the sheriff of |2400 a year and UM will was* u»vu and have bis He will continue ' The S’’«*»“’* who •» «>« of Judge owner or lessee allow any device* to stieet car line frotw its present ter Higgins, F. R. Anderson, A. B. Lib- could have Sunday In which to start office in Bonanza. l._ ---- -------------- be constructed or maintained In hl* minus, Sixth and Main streets, to bey, J. A. Brown, Percival Shol), H. for the country to summon the new in his present position as cashier land Mrs. George T. Baldwin, of this building designed to prevent or avoid the depot, a distance of about a mile. E. Turner, Henry Walters, Wm. Pow venire. It Is admitte«! that It will of the Bank of Bonanza. Each com- city, is a Klamath County boy whom detection of tbe unlawful sale of in This Is the firHt announcement that ers, M. Giacomlni, M. D. Whitlatch, bo a difficule task to find twelve meu nissioner has the appointment of four the city and county are justly proud bus been made Indicating the activ Henry Farrar and J. A. Ward. Af qualifh-d to sit as jurors on this case. deputies who will receive pay for the of. He has been connected with his texlcating liquors therein. Kuykendall Informed the Court actual number of days which they father's big hardware house for a Rec. 6. Where local device* tire ity that Is to prevail In this city dur ter the attorneys made their opening number of years and he has had prac ing the coming spring and summer, that there was another indictment may be employed. reaorted to by the keeper* of houses statement to the Jury Court adjoum- tically full charge of the business for or placo* mentioned In this ordin an activity that Is to continue until < I until 1:30. The state is represented against Liakey and Wallis and he tbe past six months. The immense ance, for the purpose of preventing Klamath Falls Is a city of metropoli by Prosecuting Attorney Kuykendall would like to have them arraigned F. J. Bowne and bride left Sheldon, business handled by this concern is or avoiding the detection of the keep tan else. It Is the Intention of Mr. and Judge Thos. Drake, and the de at tills time. The two men were brought Into Court by deputy «her- Iowa, last Sunday, where they have [ sufficient evidence of the ability of er thereof, It shall be the duty of the Kearnes and hiH associates to either fense by Benson & Stone. line or place In opera Iffs, and the indictment read, charg been visiting Mr. Bowne's parents, for the young manager. As a business Chief of Polloe or other police officer, electrify the When Court convened at 1:30 the when evidence I* presented to him or tion a motor car. In either case two prosecution opened the case by put ing them together with Roy Vestal, Washington. They expect to arrive man he has always been a hustler evidence Is obtained by such officers cars will be operated. ting Walter Welch on the stand and with stealing on November 6. 190S. In Washington In time to be present and seems to have inherited the that such devices are resorted to, to he was all the afternoon giving his one steer and une cow belonging to at the inauguration of W. H. Taft as boosting ability of his father, Judge He has always taken a Missis Runk and Schneider return testimony in the case. His evidence lex Hord. Wallis was represented President. From Washington Mr and Baldwin. file a complaint with the Police Judge setting forth the device resorted to, ed last Friday from San Francisco was similar to that given in the Lis by Benson A Stone and In the ab- Mrs. Bowne will tour the East and I prominent part In all public and bus sen«?o of Attorney Mills, A L la-av- expect to return to Klamath Falls iness movements and is popular In or the means employed to avoid such where they have been selecting theii sochi) circles as well. ' by the the first of April. lit appeared for Liskey. (Continued on Fifth Page) detection, describing the place when spring stock of millinery. A “UK» ” ORDINANCE.“ THE WALLIS TRIAL