CITI Bill KH i. X 444444 444444444>’4444”4’444’4 4444 44 44 44444 i 3$ H. L. Holgate, the Ronania bank- er. was In the city this week. HORN To Mr. and Mrs. LoRoy | Smith, Tuesday ulgbt, a son. J W Hobbs, lutornal Revenue In 1 I spector, arrived Friday front Kugene. Does away with the Chopping Knife Mrs. Q. W. While leturued lust and Bowl Entirely 'riday from Portland for a short I visit. K. L. Swartslander aud wife were I in the city from Kia math Agency Self-Cleaning I this week. Don’t miss the I. C S 1 window at ! Self-Sharpening | the new Portluud Store Store. For a few I days inly. nJ Easy to Operate Geo. C. Hi)) of the Holcomb lleal- Will Last a Lifetime J[|ty Company, returned last Thursday < > i from Oaklaud. All Parts Tinned < > <>| I. D. Applegate, who has beeu sick ,, i the past three week». wus out Tues- Guaranteed and I • day for tbo first time Interchangeable BORN—To Mr and Mrs. John Janssen, of Antelope Valley, on Feb­ ruary 17, a ten pound bo.v. Mrs. G. W. Muston returned Tues I day from lx>s Angeles wher«' she has berm spending the winter. J Gust Petterson and Thos. Sayers, Phone 173 o railroad contractors for the South­ ern Pacific, were In the city Tuesday. W. H. Bohanuan, tbe boosting ed­ itor of the Dorris Booster, came up <»•»»»♦»♦»♦»♦<»♦<♦»♦♦♦»♦♦♦ . ................................................ Sunday and spent a few «laya lu the city. C. A. Bunting, of Merrill, left on (Saturday for Reno and Marysville, ! He expects to be absent about two weeks. Chas. Horton left .Monday for » Mt. Hebron where be will ship 14 car loads of beet cattle to tbe California market. We want you to realize the value of buying your things John Chnstatn has accepted a po­ f mail. If there Is anything In the drug line that you sition with the Monarch Mercantile want. Just a postal card addressed to ns, a word spoken to Company and entered upon his du­ the carrier telling him to come here and we will send them ties today. on his return trip. the horse buyer, cam«' I in E. Inst Stewart, Beats hitching up and driving to town In this cold weather Friday from San Francisco I to be ; rerent ns n witness in the Lls- We have best Condition Powders ever fed to a horse .and I koy case. all kinds of stock remedies and foods. I M. F. Riff,. F. A. Ewing and E. E I Avery, of Klamath Fulk were rois­ I tered Thursday at the Hot< 1 Hamlin, Sun Francisco. “They Have It” By the I. C. S. Sy .item an education is easy to obtain. See the i. man at the n> w Portland Store, W> * a -a a _A--A_ _A-_A_ _S_-S -S_-1-__S_-S_ -S_-Ì--â_-Ì--d-/W O' T|7 'X' "J," "X" ‘X* *X* !X* ’X" ’Xr *X* SX* 'Xf *X? ’Xr -v ’<• ▼> a few days only. J. F. Adams cam«* down front o Wood River Sunday and left next day for his ranch in company with E. Stewart, tbe horse buyer, * ► Heating Stoves, Household Utensils,'Guns Emil Egert Is tn the city today from his ranch near Dairy. He came fact every- and Ammunition, Cutlery — in f In to pay bls taxes and also to hear thing in Good Hardware—No shoddy or • > the result of the trial for horse steal­ * > shelf-worn goods. ing. * ► A. F. Firrnlr, of Tacoma, was here Agents celebrated Ellwood F enees— this week to pay the taxes on the tim­ and everything the farmer needs. ber holdings of Weyerhaeuser Com­ pany. Mr. Firniir left Monday with J. F. Kimball for Lakeview. H. L. WhittNi, leading jeweler of Southern Oregon, r«tturued to his 5^444 444 4 44 444*44 4*44*4* 44* 4* 4* 4*4* X home in Ashland Friday after a few days’ visit with Thad McHattan. Mr Whit««d was very favorably impressed ; with our city. BERT E. WITHROW, Secretary The many friends of Rev Father E. M. BUBB, zvmwalt , Feusl Will be glad to learn that he Is Vice ITesident and now residing at Chewelah, Wash , President Treasurer where he is pastor of a large and Maps, Plans, Blue Prints, Etc, prosperous congregation. Few, if any.clergymen ever held s-ch a warm spot in the hearts of the people of this city, irrespective of creed, ss does Father Feusl, and his welfare ' will always be a source of their solici- , Surveying and Irrigation Engineering tude and interest Universal Food Chopper ROBERTS & HANKS 1 * Just Arrived: Our New Line of 4 f t f i 4 Spring Shoes 4 4 I T he BRICK STORE CO * %444444444444444444444444«|. 44444^.4 44, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, BUGGIES and CARRIAGES Hardware Dealers Rural Free Delivery •»rrr fP \ ■ k STAR DRUG STORE s„'d i» fieo> T Baldwin Phone 261 Dependable Hardware * No Odds and Ends With Us f GEO. R. HORN,019 Hardware Man ♦ i»» r Abstractjng Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Prudent Stockmen Are Prepared SATISFACTION FOR emergencies by having Kimball's ’ Stock Remedies in their stables. They are guaran­ teed satisfactory or money re­ funded. I The feeling 1 want to exist between you and me. I am trying to make my name and satisfaction synonymous. You can help me. Don't holler and cuss if I have worked for you and it’s not been satisfactory, but bring it back and give me a chance to make my word of guarantee good. One receives a certain amont of satisfaction in buying goods and feeling they have their dollar’s worth. 'I ose arc the very kind of goods I carry and are all made by the most reliable firms 1 would like to have your business. 1 have been told that I am on the WRONG side of the street nevertheless you are not treating your self RIGHT unless you see my stock before you buy. M'HATTAN What Is especially recorn- mended for Coughs, Distumper, Mange, I xjhh of Appetite, Yel- low Water, etc., is Kimball’s Condition Powder. It Is pre­ pared from the cream of all condition powders. Kimball’s Colic Remedy will In nearly every instance bring quirk relief. It Is well to have it at hand. For slick coats and blood pur­ ifier, use Kimball's Stock Food — for horses, cattle, sheep and hogs—and save doctor bills. Chitwood Drug Co. |i Í PHONE 221. ;<'«■ ,'r. .'v, ■ { We do not b lieve in accumulating Odds and Ends. We don’t want a single odd piece of wearing apparel in the house. We will not consider prices; our only object will be to get rid of Odds and Ends. We need the room for our Spring Goods, and the money to pay for them. K. SUGARMAN ♦♦eee*eeeesee*ew**'»weoeee^*e*e»ae«ese«eaaeeeaaae.a*a ♦•^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦»eeeeeseoeeeeeec.scsseseeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeseessee* James A. Crance, who I employed by the Monarch , has resigned bls position . leave in a few days for I where be owns property. has been Com party, and will Callforn la Tom Grubb, who has been In the ’;; hardware business with Bryce Mo-Io Cormlck at Keno, Is moving the stock i:: of goods to the Horn Hardware store < < ► > In this city. The business at Keno ’ < $ < • will be discontinued. I Leslie ........................... —..I Rogers has lost a very val­ uable bird dog from poisoning. Each ' year the dog poisoner gets In his work and It Is usually the moHt val­ uable dogs that are sacrificed. No clue can be obtained to tho perpetra­ i tor. Your Last Chance Only a few more days left of the great Removal Sale. Some rare bargains left In Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Silverware, Cut Glass. Hand-Painted China, Musical Ins- • • • • truments, etc. :: :: :: WINTERS’ JEWELRY STORE < i < > PIONEER JEWELRY HOUSE OF KLAMATH CO. Word was received here Sunday of the death of II. P. Courtwrlght, which occurred at Burns, Oregon, on February 1st. Mr. Courtwrlght was LOST-—$10 reward for tbo return ! FOR SALE; A fine stock ranch i well known In this county, and had of one---- neck ’■ fur ' lost —*------ on Klage *--------- rond ■* ‘ be- of 3000 acres with abundance of many friends who will regret to hear tween Fort KliiniHih and Klamath, water and enough timber for the of his death. He Is survived by two Twelve miles from Klamath ranch. Falls. Return to Lakeside Inn. 21* daughters, one of whom, Mrs. James Falls. About GOO acres One plow Taylor, resides at. Illy, this county. MONEY TO LOAN; We have from bind; the balance meadow and pas­ Otte 25-Hors«! Power Engine and $1000.00 to $2000.00 belonging to ture. The ranch c-mtrols 3000 acres Boiler for sale. Run two months, one party; $950.00 belonging to an­ of open rnnge, and mnny thousand good as new. Will sell extra cheap. other, and $500,00 to another; n!) ncres more are nvnllnblo. .IrhlicHH Northern Pole A Lumber ( o. I for loan on cultivated land MASON Price $13,000.00. Terms easy. 2-2fl-3t Sisson, Calif. A SLOUGH. 2 Of MABON * SI.OUGH.