Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 25, 1909, Image 7

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    lug lie bold the < logeât altoullou of ♦ ♦ ♦
um weil um ull of the specta- ♦
(('iinllnu'il iroiu Hooiid Pag" *
* • ♦
dufuudanl, gnvo evldenco litui he watt ' Attorney MIII m for the defense, af
Mr. Kurm ow i aught uu eight-pound I
al Ilio liomc of hi* muthui' ou Deieiu 1er ii brief Itit<■ rrnlauloti. began his
trout Munday
ber 13, IUUN, unti limi Ih« d* fumi argument which h» concluded uftur
(I. F. Hevlt* und J II. Ilarnim were
aut was tlmre on that duy. He liud taking more than two and one-half
boim alt k, bui wa» Improving. Ile hours, lie went over I ha evldeucu hunting coyotes Tuesday.
Mrs. Kern* visited Mr*. Sevlts last
Wi ut lo bis boni«* ul about noou un in n thorough manner and made an
Dicimibur 14, and wulll lo tini «liow able plea. lie strongly denounced Tuesday.
Mr. Wall, of Ki no, pasH<ul here on
ihe witness Welch and laid particular
ut Dulry that night.
Illrd l.ooiloy, of Gleni', li<*llfled stresH upon Ito- fact that the defense his way home from the Fall* Wednea-
Ibul colmili iiojuberu of tbu l.likey bud introduced uncont radict <*d evl day.
Ray Lamb was In this vicinity buy­
tamil) Imd come lo bis ranch to gol donee showing conclusively that
soiuu stock ou or abolii thè 13th of Chas Llskey was at the home of tils ing fur Friday.
<J F. Hevlt* shot and killed a large
DiMombiir; thut Augnai bad helpod mother at the time that Welch and
drive thè ruttiti to bis mothrr's ranch. his assistant drove the horses In wildcat near Long Lake Wednesday.
Tak- your sour stomach or may-
Mr Ford. Mr. Know goose and B W %e you call It indigestion, dyspepsia,
Mra, Carolili«* Ll*k*'y, thè agod question out of the country.
It win noticeable that the argu­ McCormick, of Keoo. passed here gastritis or catarrh of stomach; it
mother of tlm defon dalli, look thu
* land and in brokeu Knglluh told of ment of Attorney Mills was Impress- on tbclr wu> to the Falls Thursday. » doimn't matter take your stomach
J H. Barnes and <1. F Sevlts are trouble right with you to your phar­
her « oii ' b lllni «» ut hor hoine, corrob Ing the juror*, all of whom gave the
orutlng thè testlmony of thu » Ituo»* closest possible attention to his re­ attending jury In the Fall* thl* week. macist and ask him to open a 50-cent
G. G. Kern» visited the Fall* last case of Pape’s Diap<psln and let you
Emma l.lskuy. The proauculion dii! view of the evidence Ills argument
uot erosa evuinlnu bere, niitrel) a»k was to the effect that Llskey was not Friday.
eat one 22-graln trlanguh- and see if
Homer. Mary and Burdette Byers within five minutes there Is left any
Ing If «he wa» thè mother of thè de­ the tnau who accomHauled Welch
to Mt. Hebron and also that the state I were absent from nc I xmi I Thursday, trace of your stomach misery.
ludali t.
Fred llaipold, of Bonanza. tosti 11 ed had failed to support the testimony | Mr VanVatkenburg passed through
The correct name for your trouble
that he atlendod a show ut Dnlry on I of Welch, upon whose evidence alone | here Friday
Food Fermentation food souriug
Clifford Hevlt* 1» staying with his
or about D«*»mber 14, I9UH, and It would be *]tn|>o»s|lde to convict the
The dliicstive organs become weak,
' Hint, Mrs. Barn -s, while Mr. Barnes there is lack of gastric juice; your
that hi* saw dui» Llnkey tbere.
Ben. II. Pickott, of Tuli» laiko, te» el At th*' ninclusl« n of tin' argument 1» on the jury.
food 1* only half digested, and you
Nellie Wood, the K'-no t<-acher,and become affi-tted with loss of appetite,
tlfiod timi he mot t'ha» l.iskey on by th*- counsel for the defi-tise a re-
Decomber 6, tieur lil» home near cess wa* declared bv the Court for Harry Wall pasiw-d through this dis­ pressure and fullness after eating,
twenty minute*, at the conctualon of trict Sunday
vomiting, nausea, heartburn, griping
Mr Talbot expects to move from in bowels, tenderness In the pit of
J. F. Walll». thu faiher of Alf. which Judge Tho*. Diuke begun hin
Klamath Fall* to this district soon, stomach, bad taste In mouth, consti­
Walll», uno of thu «Infeudante lu thu argument for tho state
__ ovIdoneo
___ ....... In
During the entire day the mother lie ha» purchasiil some land near the pation. pain In limbs, sleeplessness,
stock ______
case, gave
regard to the corralling of hors. » at I'tf the defendant sat by hi* »Ide and | school house.
belching of gas, biliousness, sick
Alf Walll* ranch, Where t.y
he live* lioth app*urt*d to be confident that I Tho»«- who went to the Falls Sat- headache, nervousness, dizziness and
lie corroleiiatij'l
outcomu would be favorable to 'urday from this district were: Mr. many other similar symptoms
with III* *un. IL
...7. _i.Z- the
evidence of the other witnesses for them. All of the other member* of Brentner, Hr . Mrs Brentner, Jr.. G.F.
If your appetite is fickle, and noth­
tho defensu. He statod tt.ut Walter ,h’' M»key family were In tho court ' Hevlt«, Mr Byers, Charley and Clif­ ing tempts you, or you tx-icb gas or
Welch was at the Walll* ranch ou ' room und gave Hie clç»uat attention ford Hevits, Burdette Byers and Mr. If you feel bloated after eating, or
pecembor 6th and that Chas. Llskey Ito the proceeding*. Walter Welch, Harn«-s
your food lies like a lump of H-ad on
Mr* Millie Brentner visited our your stomach, you can make up your
was there on the *i«nie day, but they who«e ronfi-sslon implicated Li«key
did not leave together. Chas. Lis in the stock rustling and without »cbool Friday.
mind that at the bottom of all this
Mr. Alford came from the Falls to there Is but one cause fermentation
key left there saying that he was whose evidence the statu had no case
attended tho »««»Ion* of th«- Court Id* ranch Sunday
going home.
of undigested food.
Mr. Brentner, »ho ha* Ju»t come
Dan Llskey, it brother of the de­ I during the day and munirc»t«*d deep
Prove to yourself, after your next
fendant. corroborated the uvldener concern In tbr argunn’Dtii by tn<» ht- from Ranta Barbara, Calif , I* »uffer- meal, that your stomach is as good
lug from a severe cold taken during as any. that there is nothing really
of August Llskey lu regard to get­ torneys.
Llskey malntalned a noDíhalMOt the stormy weather
ting cattle from the I,<nisley place
wrong Stop this fermeniition and
E Thompson and Ernest Boyd, of begin -ating what you want without
and taking them to the Llskey home air during thè entlre day thè sam«
In Swan Lake, lie claimed tbat he a* he ha* done albe« thè beglnnlmt Pln<> Grove, hauled a load of bay fear of discomfort or misery.
wore the defendant's 70iups" while of th«- Case If he fenls tbat thè »er­ frym Mr lazwe's place to Long Lake
Almost instant relief is waiting for
be »»« driving the cattle mentioned. diet I* apt to be ad vermi to hlm he Haturdav.
It Is merely a matter of how
A Brentner wa* In the Falls Tues­ noon you take a little Diapepsin
John Llskey, another of the de­ ha* not *hown It In hl* d.-meunor
fendant* brother*, gave evidence whllh.tbe trial ha* been In progress day.
that he Ilves with hl* mat her In lie seem* to feel that the ultimate
has a , yellow
Hwan Lake; that
I— he
------ ’outcome will restore to him his lib- Ml MT ICETt ItX Bi MlIU II 1».
maekltiaw coat which D«putv Sh'-r *■’’*?
The sixty days leave of absence of
The Hout hern Pacific during the
»"h w>'hb he la Mayor Hl III* »a* up on Monday, and
Iff Ham Walker
Walk< r took
look from
ironi him
iiiru and
anu .
of 1909, will *«>11 special
brought to ti l* city. He corrotror- ,charged
the opinion of the City Attorney wa* iound trip tickets to Council Bluffs,
ated the evidence of the other mem ■ When Judge
Drake began hl* ar-
her* of the Llskey family and in gument t hr crowd »«» larger than a*k>-d in regard to whether the Coun­ Kansas City, Chicago. St. Paul. New
numeroua instances contradicted the at any time since Welch took the cil could extend the time Mr lien- Orleans. New York and Boston
evidence of wllnesae* for the pio-e stand and made hl* confession. The son stat'd that the Couni 11 bad no Tickets will be on sale May 15, 16,
lie went Into detail about standing room wa* all utilized and voice In the matter, 1 he charter 20, 21, 22 and 31. June 1 to 4, 14
to 1» , 25 to 27. July 1 to 7. Aug
the matter of Walter Welch’s »scape dozen* of spectator* were forced to provide* tbat au officer
being absent 9 to 12. Sept. 7 to 10. 13 to 15.
from the Llskey ranch, but hl* tes­ leave without gaining etitrance to
Tickets sold at these- rates will
from the city for thirty days, his of-
timony was contradictory to Hint of the court room. .Mr. Drake mud«
a limit of ten days on the go­
Welch and others of the Htat«*’* wit a thorough review of the case, go­ fire «hall bi come varant. but the
and an extreme limit of 90
Council could* grant a Icare of ab-
nesses who touched u|H>n thia aub-
days in which to return
No limit
aence not to ex< «•«•«! sixty days. Mr will extend beyond October 31.
Mrs Maiti t Malli*, the wife of sar< asm. Ills address lasted through Benson stat'd that he had not looked
The rates will be one full regular
Alf Walll*. one of the men charged i nearly two hour» during which time
class fare for round trip from
with horse stealing, gave testimony ■ I •• held the attention of the jurors
points, The exact rates
In regnrd to the corral n*-ar th«* Wai- who follow*! him closely
Falls will be announo
Ils house, that there were no hors«'» Ir*11» one bit of testimony to another, com«; vacant until the additlonal
ed later.
i1 . i, on l ■
9th . that she,
thirty days bad expired, at least he
bar husband and tb*' parents of Alf same time unraveling the alibi of bellev d that It would be safe tor
Pinning a Lincoln badge on the
Walll* were at home all day Docotn- the defense.
the Council to accept that view of breast of her father. Augustus Mer­
her 9th, that she ha* no knowh’dge
the matter Al the expiration of the ino, Antoinette, his little daughter,
of any horse* being brought to the
thirty day*, however, the office would told him that she had made him a
Wulll* ranch about tbat time.
At the conclusion of the cr<M* ex­ I
become vacant without any action on good American and given him a pat­
ron saint. letter a trio of black­
amination of Mrs Wulll* tl '• d.'fen»'
the purt of the Council.
handers attacked Merino, firing three
In this case Mayor Stilts will have shots at him. One shot struck the
Pat Callahan was placed on the
to be in Klamath Falls before the Lincoln badge and knocked him down
stand by thu prosecution In rebnttal
fifteenth of March In order to hold but did not Injure him. The assail­
and testified that on January 20,
hiM position
Mr. Stilts expects to ants escaped In an auto.
1909. In thl* city. In the It M Hurter
attend the Inauguration of W. 11.
| hh *I hall, John Llskey told him about
Taft as President on March 4. This
The British cabinet bave come to
having tried to Induce Welch to •«-
will give him ten days to return an agreement to build six more ships
cape when he was at the Llskey
home, which will be plenty of time. of the Dreadnought type.
ranch In custody of Deputy Sheriff
Shook and Walker.
Witness Callahan corroborated the
confession o( Welch In regard to
thia matter.
Some remarkable stories are being
Mra. Arthur Pierson wa* calk'd
circulated about town and among the
and testified tbat Cbaa. Llskey came
country pimple coming In of tbla sim­
to hia ranch on December 14th; that
ple home-made mixture curing Rhau-'
be rode In on a bay hors**; that he
*ald he bad been on a long ride; that mutism and Kidney trouble. Here
ha appeared to be In the best of Is the recipe and directions for tak«
health; tbat bls.horse looked sore. ing Mix by shaking well In a bottle
one-half ounce Fluid Extract Banda-
After' the t antimony of Mm. Piety
Hon, one ounce Compound K^rgonj
»on the
throe ounces Compound Syrujp Sara«
concladsd Its oaae.
There was not a vacant »eat In the aparllla. Take as a dose one tea-
epurt room all day Saturday and spoonful after meals and at bedtime*.
No change need be made in your
part of the time it was Itn-
diet, but drink plenty of good
poa*lhlo for n.any of the tpectators
td get to tho top of the stairway. water.
This mixture has a peculiar tonte
Men from all parts of the county
ware in attendatich, all showing deep effect upon the kldneya; cleansing
Interest in the outcome of the trial the clogged up pores of the ellmina^
of Chas. Llskey, whoso fate now rests tlve tissues, forcing the kldneya to
with twelve Klamath County resi­ sift and strain from the blood the ue
lc add and other poisonous waste
During tho arguments by the at­ matter overcoming Rheumatism,Blad­
torneys sllonco reigned In tho room der and Urinary troubles in a short
aud every on«« of tho many specta­ while.
A druggist here who has had hun­
tors and interested parties sooined
to bo anxious to catch every word dreds of calls for those Ingredients
uttored by counsel for both tho state since tho first announcement In the
and tho prosocution. Long before newspapers last October stated that
the morning strnslon begun n crowd the people who once try It '.swear by
gathered at the court house nnd at It," especially those who have Urin­
9 o'clock, when Prosecuting Attor­ ary and Kidney trouble and suffer
ney Kuykendall bogan tho opening with Rheumatism.
All tho druggists In thia neighbor­
argument for the state there was not
a vacant seat in the room. Mr. Kuy­ hood say they can supply the Ingred­
kendall consumed about an hour nnd ients, which are easily mlxod at
a half in presenting the state's caso. home. There Is said to be no better
He went over all tho evidence, con­ blood-cleansing agent or system ton­
necting one link with another. Dur­ ic known, and certainly none more
ing the entire (Imo that he wh* talk- harmless or simple to me.
City Meat Market
tion Vanishes Five
Minutes Later
Druggists Hear Much Praise
For a Simple Home
Made Mixture
Ashland Commercial College
Ashland, Oregon
Thorough sod Practical Training in COMMERCIAL,
SHORTHAND and ENGLISH. Individual Instruction
by Experts. We have been compelled to enlarge our
quarters every year and have now secured ample accom­
modations in the Sweedenburg block. Twice as Largs
a* Ever. Nothing in the line of Business Training is
too vood for our students. Complete (Commercial Edu­
cation at about one-half the usual expense. Full infor­
mation free.
• »
Long Lake
Lumber Co.
Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors,
All Kinds of Mouldings,
Bund sawing and Turning,
Odd-SI zed
All kinds of Finishing Lum
ber now on hand.
Large assortment of Doors
and Windows made up and
ready for immediate de-
Can furnish an order on the
grounds for any sized build-
ing within twenty-four
Large stock of Flooring in
three grades.