Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 25, 1909, Image 3

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•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ Intends to make a garden fence, lie visit to Geo.' Ritter’s place last Hun- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••
♦ is getting hl« timber near the school <lny, buying some wh«*ut while there. ♦
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ • ♦ house
J. H. Donnell made a trip to Bo- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Fred Heck, Fi link Heck
• ii nnzu la«t week.
lliew and little Kill arid
Mik«* Galuin.au and H. Booth wcr«*
.Innas me busy miikln
Wm. ('hrrnanu, of Yonna, wont to
lu t
vleltora Tuesday.
Mr. Bock's timber clu
[the Fulls Thursday. He took with
Hurry Booth und Elba Mays are
M. J Pool, of Olene, huM been vlx Linz some of the wltn*>»«i'« on the
Itliig ut Ho bumo of G o. Smyth Hie trial for horse st.ullug ugulnst Chas. logging briiHli for Pink Barks.
Mr«. Ella Kobley spent Thursday
past week.
Wrn. Flnckus, of Yonnu, wua call­
. M i Jesse Drew und Hey Pool made u
ed to Hwun Lak** Wednesday to see with Mrs. 8. Booth.
Mlk<* Glarneau Is digging a aew
trip io Yalnii* I ah I week after some Mr. Htruble who Is suffering from
llOl SUM.
a dl««'uae In one of Ills limb«, whl' h well.
>• Mra.
Miss Eva Ingiaham and Johnnie
J. W. Logue went to the Fulls last Hie doctor« say must be tuk«*n off In
i< and
Manning were at th«? Bunnell ranch
Wedit*', day, whore ho will be u wit fore he will r«*«over.
•d the neaa on I lie Liskey <ase.
I Thuruday.
O. Hoppe, of North Yonna, made a
Fi lilny
Jesse Stanley 1« now working for
Mr. mid Mra. Geo Hmyth mid Mrs. busineiM flip to Dulry Haturduy.
In the
W II Bllrs went to Dulry Thursday
We lire laving very p«*«-ulhir weath­ Mr. Galarni-au.
Andy Depew «pent lust Sunday
Harrison Giuy sold one uf bls er In Yonna Vulley now. For a few
!>•*•<> > <1
horses tu S< y Pool lu«t week.
hours there Is u promise of un early with hl« parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Jesse Drew Is buying furniture to «Pillig, und then suddenly It will Dspaw.
Port lurid
Mr« S. Booth and Mrs. H. Booth
cloud over and begin to rain or snow
be used on bls homestead.
ley l uac
I*. II (¡lay bus trade«! a team
Th«* lust few days Jess«.* Drew has «pent Friday with Mrs. Beebe.
C. (’. Pearson returned from the
Ed Reams and Charlie St«*eman
of sorrels to ('. K. Drew.
been busy breaking horses to drive
rails Friday ••Veiling, where he hull
»fwrit W«'dn*-«day In the Falls.
E<l. Wiggins uud Eml Gruy uri ¡ und to ride.
been iih u wltm «« In the Coburn case.
Harry Booth helped NIc Monaon
1 breaking horses for Emil Fluckii«
Mr. and Mrs. I’. Reynolds made a
We ni>< glud the Yonmilies lire re­
colts laat Wednesday.
mid I*. H Gray.
bu«lni*«H trip
turning home, iih It xe* ni« queer to
Pierce C«irnb« waa a Falls visitor
Mrs Jeff Klrkpatrli k was quite * lust Momluy.
have the majority of them in the III the first purt of lust week, but Is
l.uat week I II O Brien and Bert last w«-"k
Falla utteudliig Court.
Henry Hildln «pent Friday at bis
iiliich better now.
Hhelluy were riding fur horses In
HI me than*
Wm ’Welch went Io Dulry lust in Yonna Valely.
for sb Ighlng,
J. W. Jory took a wagon load of
Thursday on bualro*.*«.
Mr. und Mrs. Pci ry Reynold’s will
YOUIIU Valley llUVe lesti
to the Galarneau ranch Thurs-
LI iko I u Day und Oregon Day w *re I* uv>* mk * u for Hie Rogue River Vul­
logs for their Rummer »
day to be smoked.
<>l. mi rod al the 111 Idelo uud »< liool ley.
some seem to be haulini'
Jam.'« Enrnan Is plowing on hi»
Fililay. Feb 12, with appropriate <x
Jeff Klikputriik has returned to
u y«ur or two.
The school was decorated hla hum«* from laist River, where be
I.a«l Tuesdu) Mr* G-o Hui) I h and
Mr Stlcklln und Henry Voss spent
by phturis drawn by the pupils mid haa been trapping.
daughter, Anna, were vUltlng ut the
In Merrill.
by th** large school ling draped ncroa
Harrison (¡ray made n buslncsa
lioiim of Fred Beck
Joe Dervan la hauling straw from
the front of tin* loom. In th** i enter i rip to Bonanza luat W* dn< «duy, tak­
We have received news Hint 1.« •Het
of which wuh pin* ! tl u bemitlful por­ ing with him Mrs. Jiff Kirkpatrick, J. W. Jury's ranch.
Colahan, a former student of the
Mr. and Mrs. Voss and son are
trait of Aloiihmn Llttcol'i, presented who will assist Mr« Morine at the
lllldebruiid si boo), mid who Is
by the Htui Drug Ston, r>f Klamath Illg Spring« H«il«d ut that place f<v | «pending a few days with Mrs. Voss'
In Eureka, Calif*, hud his leg bre
A rliort program emulating Kt*v**ral months. Maude Kirkpatrick I brother. Fred Steeman.
Fit Ila
u al.ort llu-e ago
'll.* accid 'at
M. 11 Beebe made a business trip
Illg WIIK rendered
of the
will go to hi bool ut Bonanza, which
<urr««l while lie waa wr-i*tllng i
to th«- Enrnan ranch Saturday.
Hung, Oregon by the
bls unci«*, Frank Logue.
Jam.a Brlacoe Is now home from
J«’* brand acliool.
A Day In t» Coa <’olu
John Anderson, with th*- a«-i ;i
’ Merrill where he l.as been doctoring
«e Appleiute
of two Indiana, Pete» McCarty'* ►
■lnc<* last Thursday and unable to * for u hemorrhag«* of the nos»*.
Flack us.
brought ov«r from the Rc»*iv.«
Mrs. Dervan visited Mrs. Booth
I I Btorlc* aho it Lincoln, Willie Bxk [uttemi school.
the rattle belonging to J. G M
i C. C. P«*aisoo waa busy laat Sat­ ' Thursday.
and Manuel Vierra
They will
Song, '('clumblu. the Gem of the urday digging a w«'ll on hla place with
John Matney had a runaway last
f«d for the remainder of the winter
Ixiiil*'.* Flaekua. Frank 'i in* asclrtunce of aomc of hla neigh- Saturday
Nothing damaged.
at Mr. Wight'** place in Yonna
Heck. Edward Flackua, .Nellie lillas . I>ora.
The Ladles Bowing Circle met at
Mra. E Egert was visiting at (be ' I III I ley a speech In Congress, Henry
Mr« Cha» Drew and children are '.Mra. Alma luiPrarle's laat Wednes­
borne of Mr« Godfrey Beck. last .
, 'ell the «lek Hat at the present writ- day, thoa«' being present were Mrs.
Address, Or« gon,
a<ob Im«
Tb«* malady seems to be the Harry Booth. Mrs. Chas. Steeman,
Mra. 1.
made a bii«lu> c* trip Music, violins, Jerry Pearson,
Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Adison. Mrs. S.
| Kr||,
to Mrs. (’
Drew'« la«t Saturday
t<fJM.h<jr of ¡Booth. Mr«. Carl Robley, Mrs. John
wmd Fltukua: guitar. HarrisonMay
Hbe waa trying to dispuse of Mime
. ith«i Hildebrand school, had a light Koontz. Mrs. Herbert Phillips, Mrs.
live Stock.
Dedhutloii uf Gettysburg," Ernest j
{attack of the grippe laat week, ho­ 1 .NIc Monson, Mrs. .Newton, Mrs. E
Harrison Gru> uud Ml* May Rob
Reams, Mrs. Rieve, Miss Lottie Al­
ling uDiible to teach Tue**day.
luson made n trip to Dairy Bunday
Ait u! Auiultllng Oregon Into
Mrs. C. H. Jones, of Dairy, has len. Mra. Bunnell, Mrs. Bob Short,
J im * Cuburn returned from Klam­
Mrs. I. A. West and Mrs. 8t«-eman.
L'nlou." Joe Btvrzl.
| gone to tb«' Falla, where her husband
ath Fall«, where be bus been cleared Houg ««bo'll
Ihna entered busln«-»«.
In the < wm against bltu fur catti«' Slorles of Llucolu, Wmd Rueck
[ On acoeunt of tb«* bad ruada at
lie pux«>*d through Imlry Closing song, "America," school
I present s«v*ral of the impila uf Illi­
on bls way bom*'
One of Hie most pleasant feat ur’" i dehrand are oblig«*d to remain at
laist Hat unlay Mr. and Mrs Oro of tin- Afterooon was the address of i
Early Arant came over from Dairy
* home. Thou« who ar«* coming, how-
Hmyth und Hsirlaon Gray were bus- Ja<ob Ru'uk un the «ubji-ct Of Ore­
ever, appreciate th«* advantage of Sunday.
In«»« visitors st the hoin*- of <" C gon
lie described Oregon a« he j long«*r |e«««>n p«*rl«>d» and ar*.* all
Isaac and Mrs. Sbepard went to
! hu« se.*n It In the past twenty-five)
working very hard
Falls Thursday.
John iJotmell
In Dairy Mun- |««.m« of bls reuldence here. He then
It 1« reported that m I hhi I will op-
Hibberts went to Olene on
told many Interesting und amusing
en In Dairy the 1st of March, after Saturday.
J. H O'Brien and Wm I'brmann . Htorh s in connection with th«- web-
A E Elder has
a long va«*atlon
Mrs. Shepard and son, Isaac, were
have turen busy tor tile pa«t week foot country, mid lastly d«ncrlb«*d th«
been engag* d to tench.
lit W. F. Arant's place Saturday.
week hauling wood for thejr own use. great Impi<>ieluents made and I h Ing
Home people of Lower Yonna have
Mr and Mrs. Clarence Harris went
He | mad«' In Eastern Oregon.
H. Harris la on the «Ick Hat
b«'«*n getting wood off of G**o. Rit­
to Olene Sunday.
went to Bonunzu to *>*•«• the doctor part of the program much enjoyed
ter's timber claim. We understan«!
Mrs. Thomas is visiting at John A.
last Wednesday.
were th«* stories told by little Willie h«* would Ilk« to have th«‘m desist.
Manuel Vierra, J (I Wight. God- Heck about Abraham Lincoln.
Henry Meier came down from
frey Beck and 8 Harris returned
Jesse Drew and Perry Key nolds
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ Swan Lake to John Hibberts’ place
tioiu the Falla Friday, when th« y mad«' a buslueaa It Ip tu (has. E
bud tie.*n attending Court.
| Drew's last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hurrel Short and
Otto lloppe was visiting ut G<*d
Geo. Ritter went to the Falla last
•hlldren were at Icenblce's Sunday,
frey Beck's place laat week
Wedn«*sday a» a wit ne«« on the home
Toni Lovelady was in Olene Sun-
S. E. Icenbice went down to Jim
Mrs Perry Reynolds is di»po«ltig steiillng case.
Dixon's Monday.
of her household goods, some of
Wm. Ixiglle I« now doing tin- work
Miss .Nellie Lyon« and Frank (■al­
John Hibberts was at Icenblce's j
which were bought by Mrs. Geotg« nt the A F. Wallin place.
bruit h «P« nt Bunday with Mr and Monday.
Hmyth mol la ■« k Pool.
Mr Mills, a homesteader of North I Mra. Revenue.
Isaac Shepard and Early Arant I
Mr. mid Mrs lorn Mlcha.-I mi «is- i Y(inun> |a D(IW busy sawing wood for
John Pool and wife spent Saturday ' are hauling straw from Chas Mack's j
King ut the home of Mr and Mr.. .h(H <1W„ Use.
night atid Sunday at the Grigsby | place.
Geo Smytli of North Yunna,
Mrs. ! . M. Fitch wu» subpo»*Tin<*d ranch.
Wnt. Shook was in
I on th«* burse stealing cu««* ut tb«*
Oliver and Aaron Kinney and Sunday.
part of thia valley laat Munday.
She left Wednesday being Raymond Anderson went up to the |
I Falla.
Jasper Hibberts went to the Falls
J. G. Wight made a i trip to Mrs. ! tuki'ii to liairy by Mr. Ketchum, from
Bo rd ranch Sunday on business.
i Wednesday.
L. M Fitch's to get one of hla burs­ which place she took the stag«*. Miau
Miss Mona Ward spent Saturday
Mr. Cunningham and son Floyd
es, which h<- has hail wintered tln re . Ilatel will stay with Manuel Vierra
and Sunday with Mr and Mra. Ward I were over to olene Tuesday.
He and Mr. Vierra went to the Res­ iduring ber mother's absence.
Mr. Thompson and Ernest Durkey
ervation Sunday to get the remain­ Liskey, Alf.Wallis and Walter Welch
Chas Anderson went to Klamath returned from Long Lake Tuesday.
der of their cattle and horses which Those gulng with Mr. Vhrmann were
Falls on business Monday.
O. Short has traded his ranch for
were there.
Mra. Rosa Heck and W. P. Hedge.
Mias Cora Griffith, of Poe Valley, some property In Tulare, Calif., to
Will Ixtgue waa In lae valley gath­
Jacob Rueck made a business trip waa In Olene Sunday.
which place be expects to move soon.
ering horses for Bey Pool thia week. to Bonanza Wednesday.
Mra. James Grimes and Mona Ward
Mr. Cunningham and son Floyd
A da^ice which waa quite a aur-
A small party enjoyed a pleasant were In Olene Monday.
went to the Falls Friday.
c«*«« was given at the home of Mr evening at Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Bmyth's
Mrs. Henry Grimes, of Klamath
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fox are vis­
and Mrs Hey Pool last Friday rven- hum«* Wednesday evening.
Those Falla, visited her sisters at the Grigs­ iting at the home of Tommy Short.
The music was furnished by present were: Mr. and Mra. Perry by ranch Sunday.
J. 8. Mills went to the Falls Fri­
Hey Pool, Walter Hlmpaon, Jerry Reynolds, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thon. Mich­
Frank Galbraith visited at the day.
Pearson, Edward Flaekua and others ael and children, and J. M. Pool.
Kinney ranch Monday.
Mr Icenbice, Jim Raines and John
A basket supper waa furnished. At­
Win. Clarke and John Donnell
Short went to the Falls Friday.
tending were: Mr. and Mrs. Theo made a trip to Dairy last Sunday.
Those who attended the social
Flaekua, Mr. and Mra. Chas. Flaekua,
Little Freddie Rueck, whose first
dance at Kilgore's Friday night were
Wm. Flaekua, Mr. and Mrs. George school was at Hlld«>brand, but who Is
Abe) Ady et ux to G. W. White Mr. and Mrs. T. Short, Mr. and Mrs
flmyth, Mra. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs C. now attending school at Bonanxa,
iiPO g Robinson, ne% , sec 23, Chas. Adams and family, Mr. and
McCtjmbcr, Mrs. L. M. Fitch, J. W. In the sixth grade although he ,B ¡ nw % , sec 24, tp 40 s
r 8 e, »10.00. Mrs. Wm. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Rentes.
Ixygue, C. C. Pcnrson, W. L. Hlmpaon, but ten years of age.
Anna A. Thomas to G. A. Wirtx, I -------
Mrs. ...
A. —
A. Thomas,
Mrs. Rhoda Mil-
------------- .------
M. J. Pool, Mlsaes Anna Smyth, Rosa I Geo. Ritter nnd non John were [ i lot 6, blk 43, First add to Klamath ler, Chester Miller, Mr. Stewart,
Beck, Ilazol Fitch, Nellie Bliss, Lou-1 busy breaking horses last week.
Frank Irwin, Ralph Miller, Archie
Falls, ,10.00.
lae Egert, Mary Smyth, Louise and
A light rain fell Wednesday night
II. F. Shepherd to W. H. Harris, Miller, Sam Varner, Even Young. J
Buelah Flaekua; Messrs. Wm. Clark, making more mud on the nlready bud lot 3, sec 10, tp 38 rr 8 e, »200.00. M. Pine, J. W. Morris, Robert A.
John Ritter, Frank Beck, Willie Jon-| roads.
J. F. Nowlin et ux to J. L. Cun- Branch, Jas. Hull, Mr. and Mrs. J.
as, Wm. Logue, Jesse Drew, Earl | Wm. Clnrke Is having a great deal ninghatn, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 0. 7, 8. A. Hawkins, A. W. Walker, Jack
Gray, Clarence Orny, Guy VanMeter, of bad luck lately. Not long ago he nnd 10, blk 14, lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, blk Lovelady, Mln Lovelady, Geo. Tram-
Bort Shelley, John Donnell. Edward was kicked by a horse and his limb 8, First add to Klamnth Falls, ,1500. el, Judge Short, Charley Bradley,
Flaekua, Dock Pool, Jerry Pearson, f wns thrown out of place. It had be­
L. Jacobs et ux to Fred Melhase, Doc Pool, J. W. Arnold, E. Boyd,
Orville Smyth, Albert and George come well, but while ho wns In Dairy swl4 arc 9, tp 39 s r 9e, ,2000.00. David Wade, Rose Meiers. Mrs. F.
liint Sunday ho was again kicked on
I.eo 8. Robinson to Abel Ady, se% M. Bonner, Dora Lowden, Miss Mil­
Chas. McCumber made a bualneaa [ tin* lame knee by n horse which Earl'u( ne%, sec 7, tp 41 s, r 9 e, $10.00. ler, S. S. Randles, J. Basina, Harry
trip to Dairy Thursday.
Gray was breaking; then to ndd to
pau] Breitenstein et ux to Percy Randles. J. W. Raines, Raymond
Miss Theresa Stcrzl and brother, his troubles, while chopping wood ! Sherburn, lot 2, blk 8, Lakeside add Anderson, Leo Thompson, Mr. Kil­
Joo, attended the show at Bonanza ii few days ngo, the wood being froz- j 1 to Klamath Falls, »125.00.
gore and Guy Thompson. The music
<>n, the axe, which was a double-bit-j
Sunday evening.
Wm. I’ltts et ux to E. W. Gillette, was furnished by J. W. Morris and
Mr. Anderson made a trip Io Dairy ted one, bounded back striking him net4 sec 8, tp 40 s r 8 e, »10.00.
Johnny Short.
In the head cutting quite a gash.
last wook.
n. W. Gillette to Win. Pitts, lot
J. Crnven. of Klamath Falla, la
Jas. Logue wits ‘nt Goo. Rltter'B 2, blk i 63. Nichol a add to Klamath
J. O. Hamaker, H. G. Wilson and
having one of his »addle horaea wln- last week to get some wheat.
Dr. Hemenway returned last Satur­
| Falls, 110.00.
business 1
day from Portland where they were
terod at Mrs. Fltch's.
Ted Hammersley made a L_
Chas. McCumber has been busy trip to Hey Pool’s place this week to I The German
Army is experlment- summoned to testify before the
¡Ing with mattresses filled with paper Grand Jury in the case against Wm.
the past wook making posts, lie 1« get some telephone wire.
also making pickets with which he
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Egert mad.* a in some of Its bnrrncks.
No. 7
»10.12» Ml
140 00
4,071 (W
I ,*¡00 00
l/.aea and Di«c*iunt« ....................... ...
Banking houre, lu iiiture and flature«.
Pue Iroin approvi«! reaerve agenta ....
Cauli on hand ... ...................................
Capital »lock paid in
Undivided probls, lean ex|*eriM-*i and taxes paid
Time certificates of deposit .................... ..
Savings deposits ........ ................................................
t 20,0110
»*■.,740 w*
S tats or G kkgom , )
County of Klamath,!
I, J W. Siemens, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the shove statement is true to the hv«t of my know ledge an i
J. w -ii ',ii N-, Cashier.
Hubatribed and eworn to before me thia llth day of Febrnary, 18011.
A. .M ai -. tin , Ja , Notary Public.
ti. W. WHITE,
• Directors.
Now is the time
to visit
Cal if ornia
HEN summer has passed in these
northern states, the sun is only
mild under the bright blue skies of
Southern California. This is one of na­
ture’s happy provisions—eternal summer
for those who cannot endure a more se­
vere climate.
California has been called the “Mecca of
the winter tourist.” Its hotels and stop­
ping places are as varied as those of all
well regulated cities. Visitors can always
find suitable accommodations, congenial
companions, and varied recreations
The Southern Pacific Co
Will be glad to supply some very attractive literature,
describing in detail the many delights of winter in
California. Very low round trip excursion tickets are
on sale to California. For full information, sleeping
ear reservations and tickets, call on, telegraph or
write any S. P. Agent, or
WM. McMURRAY. Gen. POSS. w.. Portland, Oregon
M odem C ompost
M odbmstb Paicaa
M ason & S lough
abstracters :
■A. choice line of Invest­
ments ttiat 'will moke
fixe purchaser
City Property
Farm Mortgages
With or Without Driver
CHAS. R. BALDWIN. Proprietor