CITY BRI PF'S. H 1. Whited, the Ashland Jewel er, was iu the city Wednesday. IL W. Straw left Wednesday for San Ftanclsco on a business trip. R. R. Vluxon is in tbe city from Bo nanza to attend the l.iskey trial. B. K. Fitch, the Merrill real e«- | tat* man. was lu the city thls week, I Amberol Record« play for tour mluutea At Muller«. l-l<tf X Ji Miss Ada Erb. of Bly. left Sat »ir ♦ day morning for Ashland on « Visit. ♦ : Universal Food Chopper Self-Cleaning Self-Sharpening Easy to Operate Will Last a Lifetime All Parts Tinned Guaranteed and Interchangeable ♦ J D Bolton and wife, of Lake- View are registered at the Lakeside < > I Inn. Broadsword. the hardwaru merchsnt of Bonauxa. »k» in the city Wednesday. C. P. Gregory was quite sick Sat urday at his home with acute stom ach trouble. Jessie B. Duuttu. of Bonanza, was •< > < » in the city Saturday stopping at the Ixtkeslde Inn. ROBERTS & HANKS Phone 173 ♦ i t STAR DRUG STORE “They Have It” ____________________ W. C. Dalton is in the city with bi> family from Tule l.ake. Mr Dal ton i« here as a wltn.vs in the horse stealing cases. I « I : % Heating Stoves, Household Utensils.'Guns and Ammunition, Cutlery—in fact every thing in Good Hardware—No shoddy or shelf-worn goods. Agents celebrated Ell wood Fences— and everything the farmer needs. F. H. Groh« and wife came down from Bonanza Sunday accompanied by Mlaa Bessie Bimmett, a niece of Mr«. Groh«, who t« on her way to her borne in Miaeourl. Engineer C. R. Rankin and a party of twenty-five surveyors, came in last Saturday from tbe northern part of the county, where they have been surveying for tbe extension of tbe Southern Pacific line GEO. R. HORN,1118 Hardware Man C.E. President Ahefrartinp AUbUdLlIllÇ / E. M. BUBB, Vice President and Treasurer In our removal sale we have accumu lated a lot of odds and ends, which we had no time to dispose of in our old location. Consequently we will open our new store with offerings of all odds and ends at cost Why work for a small salary when you can get a large one by using your spare time In study, See the ICS man at tbe new Portland Store. For h few days only. 13 Map«, Ptaae, Bhse Prints. Bli. Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc. LO8T—310 reward for the return of one neck fur lost on stage road be tween Fort Klamath and Klamath Falls. Return to lakeside Inn 2t* Surveying and Irrigation Engineering K. SUGARMAN KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON T I The feeling I want to exist between yon and me. I am trying to make my name and satisfaction synonymous. You can help me. Don’t holler and cuss if I have worked for you and it’s not been satisfactory, but bring it back and give me a chance to make my word of guarantee good. One receives a certain arnout of satisfaction in buying goods and feeling they have their dollar’s worth. 'Those are the very kind of goods I carry and are all made by the most reliable firms. I would like to have your business. 1 have been told that 1 am on the WRONG side of the street nevertheless you are not treating your self RIGHT unless you see my stock before you buy. MCHATTAN i Now in Postoffice Block Prudent Stockmen Are Prepared SATISFACTION FOR emergencies by having Kimball'« Stock Rem «dies in their stable«. They are guaran teed satisfactory or money re funded. What I« especially recom- mended for Cough«, Distamper. Mange, Ix>ss of Appetite, Vel low Water, ete., la Kimball's Condition Powder, It I« pre- pared from the cream of al) condition powders. Kimball'« Colic. Remedy will In nearly every instance bring quick relief. It is well to bave it at hand. For slick coats and blood pur ifier, use Kimball'« Stock Food — for horses, cattle, sheep and hogs- and save doctor bill« Chitwood Drug Co. PHONE 221. Phone 261 Our New Store’s First Offering 8. P. Nelson, a prominent rancher near Keno, had quite a bad accident onto an ax and cut his knee very bad- on an ax and cut bl« knee very bad ly. Dr. Hamilton was called to at tend him. BERT K. WITHROW, Secretary DOB J. ZUMWALT, Geo. T. Baldwin J C. Mitchell, the cattle man. left Monday for bis home at Gait'll*. Mr. Mitchel! baa started 350 head of I beef cattle from the Merrill country to the California market. Dependable Hardware J I. D Applegate, who has bt < n quite sl<k for tbe past week. Is Im proving ant! Is expected t > be out In a few days. Di. C. H. D«.w«> an! wife a::!v*d .Friday uiaUt from Bruaaln», Mots- ( tana, and have gone to Merrill to vis- ill .Ur. Dewey'* paientr. I Alex Mi Ha» of t the Hi stern Tim- i ber Company, who has been T»«-re 1 for severai weeks on timber business. ' left Sunday for Rhinelander Wis consin 1 . * WAGCNS, BUGGIES and CARRIAGES Mrs. W W Smith, who has been 'here on a visit with her mother. Mrs [ Wells, left Saturday for ber boni<- at Bly. Rural Free Delivery We want you to realise the value of buying your things mall. If there is anything in tbe drug line that you want. Just a postal card addressed to us, a word spoken to tbe carrier telling him to come here and we will Bend them on his return trip. Beats hitching up and driving to town In thia cold weather We have best Condition Powder« ever fed to a horse .and all kinds of stock remed tea and foods Spring Shoes STUDEBAKER Fred V. Bobbin. tbe spotter iu 1 the Local Option caees. left Wvdnes , day for Portland W.H. Clark, foreman tor the Light A Water Company, is quite sick at his home on California avenue. Hardware Dealers Just Arrived: Our New I Jne of 4* 4 X 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4 4* 4- 4* 4* 4* 4* 4 4» 4*4* 4 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4 4* 4 4 4» 4 * 4* 4 4* »I* 4» 4* 4* 4* 4* £ E T. Shortt returned Wednesday from a trip to Ran Francisco and Hol I lister, California 4 I T he BRICK STORE CO ;:l >\w. J ♦ 4 4 F f t 4» f t ♦ f ! Does away with the Chopping Knife and Bowl Entirely 1 X 444444444444444 1*4444444444444444444444 X t Iron J. Zumwalt left on Tuesday for Worden where he will finish xur- j veylng and platting the townsite. John Jones I ters formerly j «ide Bar and I choice line of ha« fitted up the quar- occupled by the Lake- has opened up with a cl gras. r Your Last Chance I I II. V. Mitchell -left Wednesday ’ < ’ on his return to Han Francisco. Yea« I < , ! terday Mr. Mitchel) received a tele- j ’ ’ i gram stating that Willie wan getting '‘ along fine, and that hlx condition af- <> ter the operation war very proml«lng. “ Al Lyons pleaded guilty Tuesday | night to* a charge of violation of the Ixtca) Option law and was fined 3300. J. V. HouHton also pleaded guilty and was fined 3326. The indictment« against Tom Calloway and Jack Mil i ler were dismissed. I There was a big time at the A. O. U.W. lodge Tuesday night at which time Edmund Gowen waa Initiated Into the lodge. From report« today Edmund got all the good things that the lodge had to offer. A largo num ber of young mon has joined the Workmen lately and the boya aro hav ing a good time. There la something doing every lodge night. After the initiation a banquet was served to tbe members. Only a few more days left of the great Removal Sale. Some rare bargains left In Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Silverware, Cut Glass, Hand-Painted China, Musical Ins- • •• • truments, etc. :: :: :: WINTERS’ JEWELRY STORE PIONEER JEWELRY HOUSE OF KLAMATH CO. W. J. Moore arrived last Friday from Anhland where ho haa been visit Ing hta family who are spending the winter there, lie loft Saturday morning for bis home In Lakeview. MONEY TO LOAN; We have from 31000.00 to 32000.00 belonging Io one party; 3950.00 belonging to an other, and 3500.00 to another; nil for loan on cultivated land. MASON & SLOUGH 2-4tf FOR SALK: A fine stock ranch of 3000 acre« with abundance of water and enough timber for the rnneh. Twelve mile« from Klamath Fall«. About 600 acre« fine plow land; the balance meadow and pas ture. The ranch cintrols 3000 aerea of open range, and many thousand acres more are availablo. Price 313,000.00. Term« easy. MASON A BLOUGH.