Trade at the K k K Store uood, reliable merchandise, honest prices Spring and Summer Stocks are beginning to arrive New Shoes for targe and small, Dry Goods, Clothing, Muslin Underwear, Shirt Waists hi fact everything to he found in an up-to-date store And it's no trouble to show merchandise KLAMATH REPUBLICAN KKK STOKE < ru bici EFs. J. R Elliott, of Kia ninth Agency. ' A day or two ago as I was walk ' Ing through the crowded avomies a tu­ »as in th«c < Ity Tu«Mday long the throngs of women gaily pic J II. ihao-ia camo down turesque in their charming winter fnitu Fort r.«t:Mth toilettes. It struck me forcibly that Miss GriaiX, who hits been visiting * , more than one wutneu there was with .Miss Lula Htruw. left Tuesday wearing quite unconsciously some bit ' for Iter holin' at .Montagu«' TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE I of history—sordid, tragic, heroic as Have E. W. Muller add an attach­ : | tbe case might be emblazoned on ment te yeur phonograph se you may All communications submitted for publication in the eolutnns of this '¡her slwve, writes Edouard LaFon- paper will be inserted only over the name of the writer. No non de plume talne in the February Deitueator. ■njey the n«»- 4 minute Amberol rec­ article» will be published. u-17 It wasn't alone tho Directoire and ords. Singer, Wheeler £ Wilson Sew Ing Empire periods “And who was Di I roctoire'f’’ I heard a woman asking Machine Agency, cor. Hth and Main DEPARTMENT REIT SFS CONTEST I the other day. quite as If she were for needles and oil. Machines for' President-elect Taft In speaking of Inquiring into the antecedents of the rent. C. C. Brower, attorney for E L. W Forker, Las just received notice of the tho Panama Canal at Hattiesburg. Elixabdthan ruff or th«« Marie An J M McIntire han disp»»« .1 of hi« tolnette fichu but the whole M •yen interest In th«« Oregon it California division of the Secretary of the in­ i Mi ssisstppl, said : “The Panama Canal Is going to be J Ago and tho Renaissance that had TransiMirtation Company to Roht.1 terior in tl.e case In which R. C. Fos­ ter, of Lake County, tried to bring built, and what I want you to do and come to life again j Garrett. Tho idea rather caught my fancy a contest against the homestead of what I want every American citizen FOR SALE A fine ranch of «00 to do is to stand by the men who are . au less swaye«l th«« fat«« of nations by th«« 10-3» M ASON 4 SLOUGH/ °» their gowns or the coquetry denying Foster the privilege of bring­ giving Sip their strength and eneigy Cant J. 1' Lee returned last Frl-, and enterprise to put that great work 1 of an ®U*°* sleeve In days gone by, ing such contest. «lay from Salem where he wus at­ 1 “w lal>« a’a’Hy Marguerite of This decision will be good news to through. When you have agents who tending the conference of county • the friends of Mr. Forker and is also are doing your work, you must stand ' alols in groseille the new shade .».-ww-ssors »Illi Hie Tax Commission rw* that is as old as the goose- of general Interest as it appears to ¡behind them If you don't you can-’ .Mr. and Mrs. Looter Klrkpalrick be along unusual lines in protecting ' not get vour work done The men *,orrjr ^rom which it takes its name lour work are entitled entitle.! to tn ** Her carefully buttoned li ft Wednesday for Medford, where , who do your er sleeves were homesteaders from useless expense ¡who your help and confidence and you along the outside down the entire ' they will make tbelr home, Mr. Kirk- i and an advance of contests. Mr. Forker made final five year ought not to allow yourselves to be length with gold buttons that should I Patrick having accepted a position In , proof upon his homestead in the fall led a tray by buncombe speeches In have borne the arms of Valois and • that city. of 1907 and received bis final cer­ the House of Representatives or by j Orleans. Perhaps they 41'1, but I lost | The quarters of the Fire Depart-1 headlines iu sensational newspaiers I 1 her at the entrance of the Rita before ment are being papered, painted and tificate for tbe same. Improvs'«! As soon as this Is In tbe spring of ISOS Mr. Foster and go back on the men that are do­ II hail a chance to ascertain 1 reread tbe dark, sinister history i pleted the fire bova will hate a made an ordinary contest affidavit, ing your work "I don't care whether you are Deni-| of Beatrice Cencl in the scallops of 1 comfortable home which was forwarded by the land of­ ocrats or Republicans, you want th» another sleeve below a laughing hol­ fice to tbe Commissioner, as is re­ Engineer E It llatikln. of th«' iday face on Its way to the skating quired in such cases, for an order al­ work done, had when the Army en- Southern Pacific Company, and wife.1 I rink. I passed Anne of Brittany Ini gineers who are doing this work are lowing the contest to be brought. her favorite Beauvais blue with a left Wednesday for San Francisco. 1 Mr. Forker learned of this and giving all their time to It, you are i whole »all of Troy castellated on her The greater portion of tho survevlng through his attorney, Mr. Brower, not men to go back on them or to be- We can show jou thi> I sleeves from hor elbow to her wrist . I crew accompanied Mr Rankin. made objections and argument of the lieve every idle story that comes front I saw a famous creole beauty as Cit­ C. J. FergtNon, who has been here . law direct to tbe Commissioner to tbe mouth of some politician who Is oyenne Josephine Bvatiharnals in a as special attorney for th«« Reclama­ prevent the content being brought. seeking to make himself prominent | small-- close sleeve of unpretentious tion Service In looking up land tit­ Mr. Foster's counsel contended, or to give himself the advancement I cut, as Madame B< i:a art»', wife of les, left Saturday morning for Port­ and others agreed with hie view, that of a little unfounded sensational I the First Consul, tn a leg-o'-mutton land.having concluded Ills work here. in Klamath County objections could npt be heard before statement. sleeve that look«»«! quite modern till Engineer T. 11. Humphrey, who “That work Is being dune honest- j | I .saw that It button«'d to the elbow In , has been engag'd on tho Klamath the Commissioner, bui only upon trial of a contest iu the usual way. But ly. I know what I am talkirir "bout. ' true Incroyable fashion; as tbe Em­ Project for the past two year», lefi I «indy , press of France in a email puff sleeve the Acting Com missioni r ruled other­ It will be built, and all tl Tiiu»day morning for Phoenix, Artz. ••• ■ in an evening gown displaytjd iu a Mr. Humphrey has been tranaferr«.'d wise and refused. t,o allow a contest -;>j >Mti. tl at / otn'-s r • : I to be brought, upon the ground that Jesirs to exalt and exploit the man I i shop window. FURNITURE AND HOI St FURNISHINGS to the Salt River Project In Arizona the affidavit of Mr. Foster did not 'who makes himself responsibl«« won’t Mrs > c. Mongold has again tak­ set forth facts sufficient to overcome obstruct it. WHAT IS THE MATTER en charge of her studio and will be “I know what tbe people of •<’..■ the evidence produced by Forker up­ WITH THE PI IH.II St 'HtMIIA? glad to welcome all of her old pat­ on bis final proof, or to justify a con­ United States want in that regard, rons. The studio has been In charge test after final proof bad been made. and insofar as I have the power a« A little whll«« ago. tha Delineator of Mr. und Mrs. Joslin during Mrs. Foster appealed to the Secretary the Executive of this country, f atn i «as a «king the question, “What Is th< and also put in further affidavits, but going to push that work, and I am matter with tho public schools’" .Mongold .« absence last summer In the Department sustained the decis­ going to stand behind the men who I There were a number of guggritlona | Wr: «hingt i. » T' Klnmsth County Hank has re ion of the Acting Commissioner and are doing it. And now, gent!, men j that un as the new The American Jourpal of Ameri­ much for ^our welcome." glaringly. It Is most tersely told in fixtures are In place and the Interior can science last week published for the last report of the United .States of the building finished, the bank tbe first time details of the discovery it’s a will Lave very handsome quarters. A young man who works in a Den- Commissioner of Education MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r by Dr. Randle C. Rosenberger of j ver bank endorsed a check for 1100 simple statement of the salaries that M.'i'ibcrs of the Methodist Church Philadelphia of blood and test meth- | ' for a friend about two mouths ago. American cities pay tbelr school Modern improvements. 73 rooms and suites. an«i tbe friends of Rev. Price, the ods In the cure of consumption. It Is 1 I-ater the check came back protested teachers. Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club BaJd that the discovery enables phy­ and the young bank employee had to And that, ladies and gentlemen of pastor, tendered him a pound social sicians to detect tbe presence of tbe make the amount good. He was very the school boards, is what Is the mat­ at bls home Thursday evening. The Rooms, Etc., Etc. disease germs in tbe blood long be­ much broken up over tbe matter. ter with our public schools. We pay attendance was large and the even­ fore they attack the lungs and be­ “Well,” he said to bis wife, "I’ll have our unskilled street laborers some­ ing was spent In discussing tho wel­ > SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS > fore the disease reaches what is call­ to make up that |100. I won't smoke thing like a dollar or a dollar and fare of the church and In social chat. ed the *“incurable” stage. It is ex­ another cigar until the amount I a quarter a day. We are paying our Klamath County headquarters In pected that the number of tuberculos­ would have spent for tobacco equals school teacheri some lees and some San Francisco Is th«- Hotel Savoy, is victims that can be saved from the tbe amount I have lost hi this trans­ a little more. It is the wages that a corner Van Ness AVe and Ellis 8t grave is incalculable. The test con- action.” He cut smoking out entire­ doll brain and a primitive mind are Walter E. Conner, Prop. Take “Turk ststif' of draw Ln g two spoonfuls of the ly. The other day the father of his worth. In return for such wag«.-s we and Eddy" street cars at Ferry, get ‘ patient’s blood. A salt solution con­ friend paid the |100. Now the young are requiring a service that should off at Van Ness and walk one-half taining a small per cent of citrate of bank employee and his wife are hap­ be entrusted ohly to a mind 2-1 Rtf i and a block north soda is introduced Into the test tube py. He has the $100, he's ahead heart enriched with all that Jltcra- Earl Whitlock left last Thursday and the mixture placed on ice for 24 about $20 on cigar money, and he has ture and art and science can FIRST-CLASS TURNOUTS < contrib- for Portland whore he will be a wlt- hours. The sediment Is spread on no desire to use tobacco any more. ute to a perfect culture, It should neas before the Grand Jury. Mr. glass slides, which are dried over a be only such a personality Into whose Whitlock, as Coroner, Investigated With or Without Driver flame. These are immersed in distill­ training we give the future children tho death of Hid O. Jacobs, who was Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Rabbi of the ed water and the red corpuscles are of tbe nation. Can we get person­ found dead on the Reservation, and removed. The slide is dried and Is Free Synagogue of New York City, alities like that'to serve us in our Is supposed to have bw«n murdered retains an ardent affection for the “staiped” first red, In carbot fuschin, public schools’ Not any longer than by William Barclay. and then blue In what is known as Pacifie Northwest, bis residence for they can help It. Jost so soon as “Pappenheim's solution." The dis­ several years. In commenting on the their force of character and Intelli­ Cock fighting, an ancient Institu­ ease germs remain red and its pres­ prise apples recently sent to Europe­ gence and Initiative enable them' to tion preserved In Snn Antonio, Tex., ence is thus discovered. Where there an rulers and exhibited Iu New York, reach a better paying position, one for ozer two centnrfni through the is one germ, there are hundreds of be writes: "Why Is this fruit sent that will allow them to buy books and Mexican element. Is doomed end will indifferent Oregonians as Ed- thousands, hence early precautions to such . ...... . ... . , . ,, _ . hear music and have tho other good soon be a thing of the past, The d Is­ can be taken and in many leases a things of life that their larger natures trlct attorney has rendered an opln- lleres? If you really want Oregon cure effected. crave, they go after It. Ion to the effect that cock flghtlng apples to count, don’t waste them on Until we realize with a conviction Is a species of gambling and action Fish cooked in a hundred different European monarchs, but get them in­ that reaches our pocketbooks that the will be taken by tho sheriff and con­ < < > > ways will be served In the Alaska to the systems of Oregonians who school laborer Is worthy of her hire, stable to abolish the sport. Only a i > building at the Seattle Exposition love and treasure everything Oregon­ we aren’t going to keep the best few cock pits survived the wave of WE KEEP IN STOt'K A ( «»MPI,ETE LINE OF IIAKNKH8 next year. This will be done ian from little Mount Hood -to big school laborers in the public employ. reform that swept over that city four SADDLEH, LEATHER GOODS AND GLOVEH. WE PUR- to demonstrate the value of Alaska Hood River apples. But the apples And there will continue to be Hornn- or live years ago. A day or two < HASE FROM THE MOST RELIABLItl WHOLESALE HOCH- wouldn’t be kept long on exhibition thlng the matter with the fish sa a food produeb public since ono of the most famous of these I S, AT THE IXIWEST HATES OBTAINABLE, AND DIH- in our homes here—they would van­ schools. COl'ST ALL BILLS BEFORE DUE. WE ABE ABLE TO pits on Laredo street was raided bv Some of the fipesl French tapestry ish as tho m’st hovering over tho OFFER, THEREFORE, GOODS OF BEST QUALITY AT the police and the famous old cock < < > > Is manufactured so «lowly that an summit of Mount Hood before the The Alaska-Yukon-I’aclfic Exposl- fighter who conducts it was arrested < • THE LOWEST 1‘Rlt'ES. WE MANUFACTURE HIGH CLASS artist can not -produce more than a morning sun.” tlon Is called “the fair that wl 11 bo and fined. Three years ago tho sport < < > > GOODS AND MAKE OLD GOODH NEW. quarter ot a'square yard in a year. ready." CALL AND SEE IF WÉ CAN “MAKE GOOD." of roping cattle for prixeu was abol­ < i > > — *- - In the Alaska exhibit at tho Alas- ished by an act. of tho legislature. < > Those wj»io dance must pay tbe ka-Yukon-PacIfic exposition Is a col­ The all-around man tries to bo That too was a typical Texas Institu­ fiddler, whjclr Is but another way of lection of Indian baskets valued at square with the world. tion, bqt was held, to be cruel and saying that «very man must reap Lis 115,000. It consists of 1800 pieces J. O. LEININGER, Manager Ö Nothing sticks closer to Its ft ub Joet accordingly abolished. The Texas of own wild'oats harvest. naadt by tho Thllnglt Indians. nowadays than the directoire gown. today Is nothing, If not inw-abldlng ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ E. J. MURRAY, Editor LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON you think of it that you pass more time in your sleeping cham­ ber than in any other part of the house, you want the place as comfortable as possible, Let us start you out with a handsome new bedroom suite or, at least, one of those ele gant metal bedsteads, fitted with soft mattress and gent We are ly-yielding springs offering some special induce ments just now. GILLETTE Best Ranchers’ Range VIRQI1 & SON Lakeside Inn MIDWAY STABLE CHAS. R. BALDWIN, Proprietor Oregon Harness Co • :: Opposite Baldwin’s Hardware Store, Klamath Falls ; I