Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 18, 1909, Image 1

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*4**44**444 ♦ ♦
son, If they pay the iioiinl-'iiaiKii
charge, but. unless there in a eptxMly
agri elrx-ut, construction of th« Clear
laik« rut-utvolr will uul be iairled
forward and the m - c «> ik I unit of tlx-
projuet will remain undeveloped.
Meantime, Engineer Murphy, In
charge of the Klnmath projwtt, baa
been called to Washington and will
be succeeded by W W Hlecht.
F. W. ilunna, aiiollit-r reclamation
etiultx-er, baa b««-n »out to r-autnu
the preliminary work of th«- Malheur
project, und. If the Klu-nath contro
verny In not adjust« <1, work may b«'
concentrated at Malheur, provided
tliv sot Ilers under Hist project are
able to rix'i't requirements.
l>rouH«<«'d to Beati of tin- IV< hah al
lh |H>rtincut of Hervite.
NO. 47
Ike Wright withdrew his former
plea of not guilty and today entered Ackley Brother* Install Ncccasary
Ms« hiuery for New industry.
a pl«-a of guilty to tbe «barge of tbe
The lid Is on tight in Klamath Falls violation of the Ixxal Option law
Ackley Bros, have received ths
today, Nothing doing in tbe drink This was the case which was recently
line, You even have to show your tried and In wbli h the Jury failed to new machinery which Is to become
credentials to get a glaa* of soda agree. The Court imposed a fine of an addition to their mil! and which
water or one per cent. A former sa­ $500 and costs, which wah paid b> is to be used in the manufacture of
box lumber. Tbe machinery is from
loon man made tbe statement that Mr. Wright.
On motion of th«- Prosecuting At- tbe well known Racine iron Works,
there warn’! u drink to be obtained
over tb«- bar In the city for love or ' torney the indh tment against Mr of Itaeine. Wisconsin, one of the
nxmey The bar rooms have been 1 Wright on a charge of perjury wan largest manufacturers of saw mill
machinery in Wisconsin. Tbo big
cleaned out and whatever nock may dismissed.
The jury was selected this, morn­ band saw received by Ackleys Is
have b« - o on hand has been storwl
ing In the suit of K E. Cantrall vs. said to be one of the best that this
There is to be no let up on tb>- J i>. Carroll, whh-h grew out of the firm turns put.
The machinery is now being in­
offendirs of tbe Local Option mw.|payment of a note given jointly by
according to a statement made in Mr. Carroll and Mr. Cantrall, which stalled by H. M Ackley and A. F.
Court Wedix-ada) by Judgtr Noland - Mr Cantrall contends was for tbe Stankey, and It Is planned to have
It was at th«» conclusion of an ar- benefit of the former. Mr. Carroll the plant ready to begin operations
Kumeat relative to setting the dates' enters a counter claim for grain fur- by the first of March. Ackleys have
a quantity of dry lumber in the yards
tor the trial of a number of civil cas­ nisbed and work.
which will be resawed for box lum­
es, that the Judge announced about
ber, and by the time this supply Is
ji by i>is agreed .
as follows
exhausted It is expected that the mill
"There is liable to b- another
Grand Jury summoned before th«-
The jury in the <as<- of Cantrail will be sawing logs.
The product of the plant la to be
end of this term of Court
It may vs Carroll failed to agree and were
be nec«enary to hav«- another Grand dlscargid la«t Tuesday night by Judge shipped to San Francisco and Loa
The jury could not agree Angeles. There is a first class mar-
Jury to investigate these liquor cas­ Noland
es again One man whom 1 let off on the amount of damages to be al­ ket In California for Oregon pirn box
on hl» promise to quit busineMi Is low. d Mr. Cantrall. Two of the jur- lumber, and it L- a great money mak­
»pii at the old place, and 1 have :ors wanted lo allow the entire amount er for tbe saw mill men who can thus
been informed they are doing busl-, a-ikr-d for, while ten w i«h< d to allow dispose of their excess stock of com-
ne»n tbe »ame as ever. The jail is I a compromise between the amount mon lumber.
This section is destined to become
begintiiiii. to get empty and it might asked for and the amount Carroll bad
a great box manufacturing center,
be well to fill it up again "
. - to make settlement on.
Attorney Stone, of the plaintiff, Ackley Bros, are the second flrin to
It had kind of been taken for
granted that th«- liquor cases had this morning asked that the case be engage In tbe business, the Long
been Ltushid. at least until another <■ t for retrial In the n- ar future. The Lake mill being the pioneers in this
term of Court, and the announce­ case was pa-xed for the present, but county. It is predicted that before
ment by Judge Noland created quite ludge Noland Intimat-d that it might many years there will be many more
a sensation
Tlie Court has been be laid over until the June term, as large factories' established here to
very firm In dealing with the offend­ he was of the opinion that another engage in the manufacture of fruit
ers of tbe 1-ocal Option law. yet it trial, at this time, with a special ve­ and other boxes. The market for
is con« edod that he has been very nire which would have to be gath- most of this product will be In Cal­
fair In ail cases
Those who haiep-red from this vicinity, would not ifornia.
come (orward and entered a plea of • stand a much better chance of agree-
guilty and promised to quit have inent than tbe first one. An effort Kl.A.MATH FALLS CREÛAMEKY.
been let off with a very -eaM.natde will be made by the attorneys, how­
fine, aud those who have shown a ever. to have the trial set for this
Klamath Falls is at last to hava a
disposition to fight their cases have term.
creamery, The machinery arrived
reeelv««! heavier fines. Carl Reed,
last Friday and is now being in­
the first to admit the charge, was
stalled in the Snyder building, next
fio«4 $20«'; C D. Willson was given
to Sanderson's Natatorium.
a fib»' of $250: A! Lyons. $300; J !
in tbe Coburn case ren- proprietors ut the new concern are
• »
— -
« «s n r
a •
.*« i of not guilty about C F.. Coodrteh ot ¿hi« city and J. A.
Judge Nolaud has made j10 30 p m Thursday. This is the s <- Holcome, recently 6f Washington.
ond trial of Jowepti Coburn on a The flrm will be known as Goodrich
tu-cond offense
charge of stealing a eow from J. G. & Holcome. Besides these two gen­
Wight over two years ago. The firs* tlemen there are other local buaE-
I’l K< ti ase : ROAD MACHINERY. jury disagreed, standing ten for ac­ n«*ss men interested In the new is­
quittal and two for conviction
■ ■- — -
Mr. Holcome is a practical cream-
The County Commisuloners have,
ery man He spent 15 years in tbe
placed an order with A. L. Young ft . THE IJSKEY TRIAL STARTS.
business in tbe best dairy section of
Company, of Sun Framieco. for a
Tbe first of tbe horse stealing cases J tbe state of Washington, He wiU
rock crusher, traction engine and a
20 ton steam roller, to be uæd in was taken up in the Circuit Court ' have active charge of the manage-
building and improving the roads ' of, Wcdm-sda) ,that of the State vs.Chas. nx-ut of the plant.
■ s. county. T».>
«hin. '[ Liskey.
The state
alate wax
exnt-cted t that the creamery
The outfit ia
Is «n
to h»
be ship-
was reiiresented
represented ' ! Il
1; is expected
ped May 1. and will «-«»«t about $7500 by Prosecuting Attorney Kuykendall, will be ready to begin operations by
including the freight. The machinery and Judge '1 ho* Drake, an«! the de- March 1. They have already been
is guaranteed and the company will fendant by Attorn«-)’ F. II Mills. . promised a large quantity of milk
st nd a man here to install the plant Eight jurors were accepted out of from the farmers in the valley below
and put it in working order before it the regular panel and a special venire the city. The plant will be able to
had to be summoned this afternoon handle the milk from 1000 cows.
1« accepted
Th«. Cumnilssioncrs plan extensive, Tbe remaining jurors will probably Besides butter and other by-products,
improvements In the roads ot the be selected Thursday forenoon. The the creamery will manufacture ice
county this year. It is probable that ¡trial of Alt. Wallis will follow that of cream for wholesale trade.
The Company also expects to put
the steatu roller will be used on tbe Liskey.
milk wagons to furnish sterilized
toads between bere and Bonanza and
Merrill just as tbe ground is dr-tng out of the regular panel: Cha». W milk to the p«-ople of Klamath Falls
in the spring. This will put the I.« « Is. W. P. Rhodes. E. W. Smith, both morning and evening. The e9-
roads in good condition for the sum-: F. M. Bennett. H E. Pointer, James tablishment of this industry here will
mer. Work will then comemnce with B. Cole, W. T. Sbive and J. W. Sie­ be a great thing for the farmers and
people of this vicinity, as the land
the rock crusher and each year as men.
I under the first unit of the irrigation
large a section of macadamized road
project is fast beiug cut up in small
as possible will be constructed. Af­ MILLIE MITCHELL
I NDEKG4IES OPERATION. tracts and most of the new farmers
ter tbe main thoroughfares are built,
who are locating in the valley will
other roads leading to them are to
Horace Mitchell returned on Mon-1 keep from eight to ten dairy cows,
be built so that there will gradually
grow up a syst«-ni of good roads that day from San Francisco for a few and this will give them an opportsw-
will reach every section and corner days. He staled that Willie Is still Ity to make a very handsome profit
very sick. He Is now at Ivane's hos- from this source alone.
of Klamath County.
Judge Griffith is a farmer himself, pltal and attended by the best spe-
and naturally ne appreciates the clallsts in the city. He only bad two
ne«.-ds of the farmer. One of the most slight hemorrhages since being tak-
Important and beneficial of these is en below, but it was uecessary to per-
Between four and five hundred
a system of good roads so that tbe form an operation.
school children participated In the
Mr. Mitchell received a telegram parade Friday afternoon and marched
man living on a ranch willnot be is-
dated like he Is at the present time. ' from San Francisco stating his son to the Opera House where the Lin­
It eventually means that the rich * had withstood the operation and was coln ceremonies were held. During
Klamath country Is to become a vast getting along In fine shape with every the parade the Klamath Falls Mil­
settlement of beautiful homes, in­ indication of recovery.
itary Band played, and at the Opera
stead ot a scattering of ranch houses.
House the High School orchestra,
Evory encouragement should be glv-
A large number of Klamath people led by Prof. Wirts, furnished the
to the land owners to Improve their left Friday morning for Portland as music.
. . .
buildings and grounds so that home witnesses before the Grand Jury in
The hall was beautifully decorated
life on the farms In this county will the Barclay murder case. Among and the stage and walls were draped
be more attractive than In the towns those who left were: H. G. Wilson, with bunting and flags. In the cen­
and cltli-e.
Or. Hemenway. J. O. Hamaker, L. D. ter above the stage a large picture
Judge Griffith states that In the Burk, George Orr, Jeff Riddle, John of Lincoln was hung and appropriate­
building and Improvement of bridges Little John and wife, and Illa Hard- ly draped.
he will favor permanent structures Ing.
It is estimated that fully one thous­
which will be lasting as he believes
and people were crowded into the
them far cheaper In the end. Cement
E. R. Rcames left on Wednesday hall to witness the program. Eve v
abuttments and piers will he used for Hollister, California, where ho available space was taken and r t.-r-v
and the larger bridges will probably will confer with C. N. Hawkins and were' unable to gain admittance
bo constructed of steel.
W. K. Brown as to the plans of tho
The program was carried ou* as
Klamath Falls I«and ft Transporta- arranged, with the exception of the
Tlic Washington state live game tlon Company for this summer, it speaker of the day. In the ahnem---
exhibit at th« Alaskn-Ynkon-Paclflc Is probable that ext«-nsive Improve­ of H. L. Berson, who has not return­
exposition will show all the wild game I meats will bo undertaken by the ed from Salem, Rev. J. W. Price <!e-
llvrred tbe sddr«-««
of the region.
company on their property hero.
H-lievetl to Have Taken an Over<l«>«e Litige
I mui L uiuiii --- Hud
111 ink log Heavily.
Wiiil«' It 1» ponslbi«! that an order
ms) b«- recelv«-d to resume work on
the Klamath I'rojot, It Is nut believ­
ed that th<>e Is an) possible show
to get an At«-ision of time or any
relief <m th«- p«)m«-nts for water
right« H«-< retary Garth-Id In strong
ly npp«’ d to an) ehung- tw Ing mad«
In the uiaunor of pa'tnrtit as is
shown b the following «ILpateh flnui
A comprehensive review of the
work of the It--« lamntlon Rervlee of
the Interior Department was given to
the House «immlttee ->n irrigation b>
Hetri'tary GartV Id
Mr Garfield »aid that In the eon-
ntructlon of th«- big Irrigation pluntn
every att«-mpt hail tx'en made so to
Th«- members of th« Bridge Club
construct them that th«- cost of re­ «Ith tb«ir husband« were entertain­ I Atcording to Asai'snor J. P Lee.
pair from year to >«<ar will b« as ed at a valentine party at th«- borne who returned last Friday from Sa­
«mall a« poe«ible
Tbe Hem-tar) of M rs C II Underwood Saturday lem, where a conference was held
dwelt upon the Importance of th«- evening I »In tier «a» served at 6:30, lH-tw«-«'ti tbe county asM-ssors and tbe
««o-operatlnn of the states and the and was followed by th«- gamo of state board, un effort will be made
Federal (hivernmeut In th«- develop­ whist. Much merriment wan caused to compel , all the counties of
stale to make their a«s«-M> menta on
ment of arid lunds
He gave th«- |,j (Pp unlqu«- place cards, which were
committee Mime sugga-stlon« as to tbe comic valentln«’». The home was u cash basin
■»wwmi'nt Is
future control of the Irrigated landa prettily d«-corate«i with hearts and I Klauiatb County's
per cent of
"There should be no relaxation of carnatitins, i»1nk being th«- prvd<mil-
ou 33
the requirement that the m<iney ex­ natlng color. Mrs George Noland
pended on thoae lands must b«- re­ wan winner of th«- Indy's prlic. It | |»-r cent, and other counties on a
turned to the government, and there being a b«-iiu11fuI heart-shaped cut haul» all tbe way from 60 to 75 per
should be no permission granted for glans nappy. Th«- gentleman's prize «•■ut. »bile Multnomah County Is as­
the postponement of the fir«t pay­ 'wxi a sttrllng silver match safe and sessed on a cash valuation.
ment," he said ‘‘The time ha» er­ was w<«n by C. F. Stone Th«- con­ I Under th«- prenont system Multno­
rived for the first iiaymvnts to be solation prizes were won by Mr and mah County pays nearly one-half of
I the stat«* taxes and other counties, on
made on some of the projects, yet Mrs. II St Geo. Bishop.
in<n-ount of the lack of uniformity In
many requests for an eiternden of
: ussensment. it is probable that a
time have been made, If payments ,<X»N"I IM F 1<> BIY
bill will be passed by the Legislature
are to b«' poalponed or payments
providing for the annual meeting of
tireiy abandoned, there 1
the assessors ut the same time the
be a reclamation fund."
Ranchers at Bly Eave purchased
The Secri-tary approved In unqual­ <>f Emerson Muys, representing Me- tax commission meets In Salem. This
ified terms the water nners associa­ Laughlin Bros., A nx«'ilea's leading will enable them to devise a unl­
tions, saying that they are absolute­ horse importers, th« full biood Itn- form and better system of assess
ly necessary In the succ«-«sful man­ i ported i’ercheron stalllon. Chamfold mvnt for the counties of the state.
agement of an Irrigation plant. He The price paid for C hi m fold wa«
favored the small-sized farm unit In $4000, and th«* company «insists of
Irrigated sections.
James Hell, Albo-t Walker, Tom Gar­
The tax roll of Klamath County
rett, L. Leonard and Bloomingcamp
WASHINGTON, Feb. 11,—Direc­ Bros. This 1« tbe third stallion sold was turned over on Tuesday to
tor Newell, of the Reclamation Ser­ by Mci^iuglln Bro«, in the nast few the sheriff's office and taxes for the
vice, stated today that orders had months,two being purchased through year 1908 are now du«- and payable.
boon Issued to shut down work on Mr. Biggerstaff, their agent, which The total tax to be collected In this
the Klamath Irrigation project, pend­ are own«-d by a combination of prom­ county according to the assessment
ing adjustment of differences between inent ranchero and brooders of Bo- roll Is $152,372.21. This is over
$10,000 greater than that of last
the government and the settlers. This iinnxa and Merrill.
year. The taxes are divided as fol-
announcement follows a decision by
-- -- ■ —
« ■
Secretary Garfield that settlers must
Amount of state, county, school
pay the annual maintenance charge
Modoc County went I'dry" Satur- and other tax, $106,609.35; amount
of 75 cents per sere, beginning May
1 nest, and munt make ten annual da at the election held to decide the of special school tax, $11,961.72;
payments of $3 each per acre for the question of saloon or no saloon. amount of road tax, $21,782.20;
water right, the first water payment Elghteeu of tho nineteen precincts amount of city tax In Klamath Falls
I Involved voted for prohibition by and Bonanza, $12,010.04.
falling due May 1. 1910.
Man/settlers have announced that • 51 to 2.19.
they cannot pay $30 per acre for wa­
The exception was Fort Bidwell.
ter, but, ns this Is the actual propor­ Alturiut Is an incorporated city nnd
The following were successful In
tionate cost of building the project, did not come under the election call
tho Secretary cannot accept less. He of the County Board of Supervisors. the teachers' examination last week
There was great rejoicing at Ced­ In securing grades for county pa­
requested tho Water Users Associa­
tion to Inform him what It Is willing arville Saturday night and Sunday pers: R. H. tlunbar, A. E. Elder,
to do under tho circumstances, but over the result at tho polls. The ag­ W. A. Boudlnot, B. E. Lee, Ernest
ns It has not made reply, he felt ob­ itation started In that town, which Burnham, B. I’. Alexander, Archye
Kirkendall, Cora Griffith, Veda Mul­
liged to i top further construction un­ wan the center of tho fight.
The election passed off quietly key, Alice Lytle, Jane Given, Rachael
til sntlsfnctor agreement Is reached.
Applegilt*. Ida Grimes and Ruby
Tho settlers, under the first unit of throughout the county.
Nichols There were 1 I passed out
the project, which Is completed, will
be furnished water thia coming sea
See Ady for marsh lards.
If of IS who took the examination.
* ♦
♦ *
Mike Gallagher, a contractor, who
han been In Klamath County since
early last summer, died Monday*
ut th«- Klamath House Mr Gallag­
her was about f>0 years of age und
worked for Maney Bros, and later
had a sub-contract under W H. Ma-
non on the government dlt«h He Is
said to have been an experienced
railroad and ditch contractor.
Dr. Hamilton attended the man
just before bls death, and states that
<l--ath was due to opium poison,
probably from taking an overdose of
Mr. Gallagher, who was
an expert workman, bad one great
It Is reporto«) that nt a small gath 'fault, drink He had saved up about
«ring of the farmers at Merrill Tues­ a thousand dollars during tbe sum­
day, It wan determined thut 8>*cre- mer. but for a numlK-r of weeks has
tary Garfield did not know any I tbing 1» en drinking heavily and squander­
about the dl»«onthiiia'ic« of the ed n-arly all of bin savings. He had
work on the Klamath Project, , and the delirium tremens n number of
that .Mr Murphy was tlx man who times, and Suuday h«- re«|ix-st«-d
alone was to blame It wus just a I the attendant to give him some laud­
bluff on bl». part to stare tbe pcopl«- anum mi that he c«xtld go to sleep,
and get them to »top finding no much which wan refused
It 1» bell<tved
fault. Thl» conclusion was arrived that he feared another attack, and
at, It I» »airi. In u general discussion muni have persuaded Mime «me to
<>f the n . tt«-r In o >e of the
th<- stores get the laudanum for him. No bottle
The land owners weie > also gr.-atly or oilier evlih nc«- was found, nnd al­
al o< ki'd by the anuounr < ■ UK nt by one though a dillg- nt Inquiry was uiad<-,
of the number, that he • had been Iti­ no knowledge was gal til’d a* to when-
formed by a friend of bi» who had the Opiate wa» well red
heard that President I
also denied knowing at
lilt. St M FOB M HG<»L.
the matter
Klamath County Is very generous
In the »uppott it give« io tbe s< hools.
An examination of the ax roils which
Workmen bate been busy the past w «re I turn-'d over to tlx- iheriff yes-
«••■ k Iran* >i inline the second floor terday shown that n-arly one-third
of tlx White r -ddeui • Into surgical of the entire tax Is for school pur­
and obstetrical departments for the poses, while the tax for county ex-
use of tbe new hospital. which Is to panne« const It utes a uille over one-
be known as the Klamath Hospital fourth of th«- entlr«- tax Thc Ilegu-
it I» to have an up-to-date, thor­ lar and Special tax for schools is
oughly .quippe«! surgery, the appar­ $45.436 64.
atu« for which wftl arrive In lyhout
The division of the taxes is as fol-
two weeks
Slate, $14.554 32. County,
While In this temporary locai Ion, $43.r,C2 94; County School, »T5.47«.-
the number of bed* will be IH-crumr- •I; High tji bool. $*.004 67; Library,
ily limited The present location of $362.65; N- w Court Hous* Fund,
th«- hoNpftal is only temporary, how- $14,554 $4. Special School Tux, $11,-
»ver. ami as soon an a sultabl«' lo­ »61.72. Road. $2 1.762.20; City Tax,
cation I» secured, a modern structure $12,910.04
Total, $152.372.21.
la to lx* erected and equipped.
For the pant aeveral days II bus
been persistently rumored that Pro­
ject Engineer 11. W. Murphy was go­
ing to leave this project and enter an­
other branch of the lleclamatlou Her
vice This rumor Mr. Murphy has
now <onllrii)<-d 11« In to become head
of the technical department of the
Itevlamatlon Hervlce, with headquar­
ters in Washington. D. C. When lx
will leave In unknown, us hw is to re­
main until hla successor arrives and
familiarises himself with the work
bare. Who his successor la to be has
not yet been made public, but that
he baa been decided u|ain la quite
likely, aa Mr. Murphy'» promotion
was mails some time ago
It la nearly three years since Mr.
Murphy assumed charge of the Klam­
ath Project and during that time has
worked ludefatigably In Ita Interesta.
That much of hla labors were unap­
preciated la quite well known to hla
friends, lie baa been assailed on all
aides by many who were unfamiliar
with what he had to contend, but this
criticism caused him to lone none of
his enthusiasm for th«- Klamutb Pro
Je t
If much of the uuwrllt« n his­
tory of Ilii» project ever b««<om«-< pub
lie, It will result In maklug tho*. who
have <>p|H>n<-d him, hl» staumto-sl
The change will bring to
Mr Murphy's mauy friends la.lh re
gret and pleasure regret that he
leaves h« re and pleasure that his
ability Is so full) rocognlked that It
has brought him thia well earned pro­
Noland Hliow*
B uo I im - mi .